The Hubble Space Telescope

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The document discusses the European Space Agency (ESA) and provides details about the Hubble Space Telescope, its scientific missions and discoveries, and the countries involved in the project.

The Hubble Space Telescope is a space telescope that was launched into low Earth orbit in 1990 and remains in operation. It was built by NASA, with contributions from the European Space Agency, and is operated by the Space Telescope Science Institute.

Some of Hubble's major scientific accomplishments discussed include discovering the age of the universe, detecting the presence of black holes, observing the formation and death of stars, and detecting the first objects in the young universe.

HUBBLE Space Telescope


European Space Agency

Agence spatiale europèene
The European Space Agency (ESA) was formed on 31 May 1975. It currently has 15 Member States:
About ESA Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain,
Sweden Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Canada is also a partner in some of the ESA programmes.

The ESA Science Programme has launched a series of innovative and

successful missions. Highlights of the programme include:

a four-spacecraft mission to investigate the interaction between the Sun and the Earth's
magnetosphere in unprecedented detail.

took the first close-up pictures of a comet nucleus (Halley) and completed flybys of
comets Halley and Grigg-Skjellerup.comets Halley and Grigg-Skjellerup.

fixed the positions of the stars far more accurately than ever before and
changed astronomers' ideas about the scale of the Universe.astronomer's
ideas about the scale of the Universe.

Hubble Space Telescope,

a collaboration with NASA, the world’s most important and
successful orbital observatory.

a probe to land on the mysterious surface of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan,
in 2004. Part of the international Cassini mission.

studied cool gas clouds and planetary atmospheres, finding water in surprising
abundance everywhere it looked.

the first space observatory ever launched, marking the real beginning of
ultraviolet astronomy.

providing new views of the Sun’s atmosphere and interior, revealing solar
tornadoes and the probable cause of the supersonic solar wind.

the first spacecraft to fly over the Sun’s poles.

solving many cosmic mysteries of the violent X–ray Universe with its sophisticated
mirrors, from enigmatic black holes to the formation of the galaxies.

Text by: Lars Lindberg Christensen Editor: Bruce Battrick

Published by: ESA Publications Division Design, illustrations and layout: Martin Kornmesser
ESTEC, PO BOX 299 Copyright: © 2002 European Space Agency
2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands
Space Telescope
The Universe As Seen By Hubble

Introduction 4-5

Planetary Visions 6-7

Stars — A Matter of Life and Death 8-9

Our Neighbourhood Galaxies 10-11

Heavenly Vistas 12-13 3

The Expanding Universe 14-15

Seeing the Invisible — Ultraviolet observations 16-17

Journeys Into the Infrared Universe 18-19

Hubble's History 20-21

Hubble and Europe 22-23

Hubble Facts 24-25

Hubble's Instruments and Systems 26-27

Hubble Space Telescope


The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope

is one of the most successful scientific projects of all
time, based on a collaboration between the Ameri-
can space agency, NASA (85%) and the European
Space Agency, ESA (15%), a collaboration that
extends across country boundaries and between
different scientific and engineering communities.

Hubble is an upgradeable, space-based telescope flying

almost 600 km above most of our image-distorting atmo-
sphere. It is designed to take high-resolution images and
accurate spectra by concentrating starlight into sharper
images than is possible from the ground, where the atmo-
spheric ‘twinkling' of the stars limits the clarity of the images.
Despite its relatively modest size, 2.4 metres, Hubble is more
than able to compete with ground-based telescopes that
have light-collecting (mirror) areas that are as much as 10 or
20 times larger.

Hubble's second huge advantage is its ability to collect near-

infrared and ultraviolet light, which is otherwise filtered
away by the atmosphere before it can reach ground-based

This brochure presents some of Hubble's magnificent results

and tells the story of the project.
Hubble in Space
Orbiting 600 km above the face of our blue planet,
the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has an
unhindered view of the heavens. Hubble is one of the
most successful scientific missions ever.

Hubble Space Telescope

Planetary Visions

Impact on Jupiter!
In 1994 astronomers had front row seats at one of
the most astounding spectacles nature has to offer:
the impact of a comet on a planet. The villain was
comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and the victim Jupiter.
Hubble was watching the scene of the crime and
used its high-resolution cameras to provide clues to
the nature of the unexpected phenomena observed
during the impact.

Aurorae on Jupiter
This eerie glow on Jupiter is an aurora, similar to those seen
above the Earth's polar regions and also known as northern
and southern lights. This lightshow is a result of a violent
exchange of energy as a stream of energetic particles from
the Sun hammers into atoms and molecules in Jupiter's atmo-
sphere. The display can change noticeably on timescales of
less than an hour.
Apart from the main auroral oval this ultraviolet Hubble
image shows the interesting ‘magnetic footprints' of three of
the largest of Jupiter's moons, Io (along left-hand limb), Gany-
mede (near the centre, just below the reference oval) and
Europa (just below and to the right of the Ganymede foot-
The planets of our Solar System have captured the
imagination and interest of scientists and thinkers
from the earliest times. Almost all of the nine planets
have had extensive visits from space probes.
Although these robotic pioneers have explored the
planets in detail, Hubble has used its steady eye and
acute vision to make an important impact in the area
of planetary astronomy.

Scientists have been able to use Hubble to monitor the

planets over more than a decade, looking at surface features
at regular intervals, or at short notice when especially inter-
esting events come up. Hubble has observed cyclonic storms
on Mars, the changing seasons on Saturn and the progress
of Jupiter's Great Red Spot.

Cloud bands on Jupiter Cyclone on Mars Rings of Saturn

The planet Jupiter is a gas giant. Its gaseous surface Although Mars' atmosphere is much thinner than the Saturn's equator is tilted relative to its orbit around
is in constant motion and the cloud bands and vorti- Earth's – its pressure being less than 1% of the air pres- the Sun by 27 degrees, similar to the 23-degree tilt
ces change both on short and longer timescales. sure on Earth – a new area of science has emerged: of the Earth. As Saturn moves along its orbit the
Here the moon Io is seen high above Jupiter's clouds, Martian meteorology. Here a cyclonic storm cloud seasons change, just as the changing orientation of
its shadow painted on the clouds far below. (upper left) is imaged by Hubble. Also seen are early the Earth's tilt causes seasons here. Saturn's ring
morning clouds along the left limb of the planet. system consists mostly of chunks of water ice. Scien-
tists study Saturn and ist ring system to gain insight
into the birth of our solar system.

Hubble Space Telescope

Stars — A Matter of Life and Death

Thackeray's Globules
These strange dark clouds are dense dust clouds
floating in a busy star-forming region. The clouds are
called globules and astronomers know very little
about their origin and nature. It is likely that globules
like these are associated closely with starbirth and
may, at a later stage, actively take part in the birth
of a star. The red light in this image comes from
glowing hydrogen energised by the intense ultravio-
let radiation from young, hot stars.
Stars are remarkable objects. They are huge
glowing balls of gas varying greatly in size and
mass and produce nearly all the light we observe in
the Universe. Many generations of the heaviest stars
have lived and died since the Universe was created
in the Big Bang, whereas the first generation of the
lightest stars has barely reached puberty.

A star continually reprocesses lighter elements to heavier

ones. When stars die they expel the heavy elements and
leave this heritage of processed material floating between
the stars. The enriched gas and dust often ends up in new
generations of stars when these are born in the giant clouds
in space.

Hubble's investigations of the stellar life cycle have shown

intricate and unexpected details of star nurseries and grave- 9
yards. It has imaged the brightest and the feeblest stars in
star clusters near and far, as well as compared stars in our
own Milky Way with stars in many other galaxies.

The Globular Cluster Messier 22

Globular clusters are spherical swarms of stars
containing many stars – up to 100 000 or even 1
million. Messier 22 is a very bright globular and is
treasured by amateur astronomers. Hubble can look
into the very heart of a globular cluster and, despite
the multitude of stars, detect even the faintest individ-
ual stars there.

Hubble Space Telescope

Our Neighbourhood Galaxies

Stars are social objects. They like to hang out

together – in star clusters, or as large islands of stars
each containing hundreds of billions of stars called
galaxies. Galaxies are found in many different
shapes: elliptical, almost featureless blobs, spirals
with more or less tightly wound arms and irregulars
with curious curls and twirls.

We still do not know exactly how galaxies are created, but

we do know that spiral galaxies with their hot, blue stars and
dust are still actively creating stars, and that in elliptical
galaxies, with their populations of predominantly old red
stars, no new stars are being born. We also know that violent
encounters between galaxies spark flurries of starbirth activ-
ity and that the great diversity in the shapes of galaxies is
often caused by these intergalactic collisions.

Hubble is famous for its highly detailed studies of the galax-

ies in our neighbourhood. Its sharp vision can discern indi-
vidual stars hundreds of millions of light-years away, and by
studying actively star-forming galaxies in ultraviolet light the
hottest and most exciting regions of nearby galaxies have
been revealed.

NGC 7673 – a Hyperactive Galaxy

Telltale patches of blue light are signs of the formation
of millions of new stars in the tangled spiral galaxy
NGC 7673. Each of the bluish areas in this image
consists of immense star clusters containing thousands
of young stars.

Starbirth Pinwheel
All the available clues point towards a collision with
a high-speed interloping galaxy as the origin of this
beautiful wheel of newborn stars. The image only
depicts the central parts of NGC 1512. The ring of
new stars is likely to have been created when the
incoming galaxy sped through and left a ring-like
shockwave pulsing through the gas and dust in Central part of the Whirlpool
NGC 1512. As can be seen in this example, The Whirlpool Galaxy has one of the most classical
violence in space often sparks the birth of new stars spiral patterns known. Star clusters and red hydro-
as shocks compress gas. gen nebulae are interspaced along its spiral arms,
blending with dark dust lanes. This celestial beauty
has already been studied extensively with many
different telescopes, but Hubble's image shows
unprecedented detail.

Hubble Space Telescope

Heavenly Vistas

“What does the Universe really look like?”

is a question asked by many people. Hubble was
originally designed as a super-high quality imaging
machine and so should be able to show astronomers
and the public the ‘real' image of space. But what is
the ‘real' image like?

Human eyes see only what we call ‘visible light'. Hubble's

capabilities go far beyond this region, as it is also sensitive
to near-infrared and ultraviolet light, both of which are invisi-
ble to humans.

The colour images from Hubble are combined from single

images exposed through filters. These can be broad filters
letting through a whole colour, like green, or they can be
very narrow filters singling out the light from one atomic
process in the object under scrutiny. Astronomers can there-
fore use Hubble to uncover the physics that takes place in the
nooks and crannies of the Universe.

Images from Hubble do not show the Universe as it would

look if we could observe it with our own eyes through
Hubble. They certainly reveal a true story, although it is a
slightly different version of reality from the one that we are
used to.

The Ring Nebula

One of Hubble's favourite targets has been stellar
deaths: glowing gases expelled from Sun-like stars
as planetary nebulae. Ground-based images sugge-
sted that many of these objects had simple shapes,
but Hubble has revealed that the reality is much
more complex.
The Keyhole Nebula
This magnificent vista portrays the innermost parts of
the Eta Carina Nebula - a mysterious, complex struc-
ture. The colour image was composed from exposu-
res taken through six different colour filters.


The Nebula N44C

This region of glowing hydrogen gas surrounds an
association of young stars in the Large Magellanic
Cloud, a nearby, small companion galaxy to the
Milky Way. Powerful ‘winds' from newly born stars
in the nebula create the nebulous filaments seen.

Hubble Space Telescope

The Expanding Universe

Some of the most profound and fascinating

discoveries in recent years have been made in the
field of cosmology – the area of astronomy that deals
with the largest topic of all: the beginning and end of
the Universe. Telescopes all over the globe have
been collaborating with Hubble to reveal that the
Universe not only expands, but accelerates in its
expansion. This means that the expansion may
continue forever, leaving the Universe to a boring,
desolate future in some hundred billion years with
immense spaces between the galaxies and very little

The Tadpole Galaxy – a Deep Look Back in Time

This picture was taken by Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys
and shows around "6000 galaxies" in the background of the
Tadpole Galaxy. This gallery of galaxies is a sample of galaxy types
that stretches all the way back to the earliest times. They represent an
incredible fossil record of the Universe's 13-14 billion year evolution.
The distorted shape of the Tadpole itself was caused by a collision
with a small ‘hit and run' galaxy.
Small, Distant Galaxy Behind Abell 2218
The bright yellow galaxies in the image below belong to a galaxy
cluster called Abell 2218, and the gravitational tug from their huge
mass distorts and amplifies light from more distant galaxies behind
the cluster. In this curious way nature itself has helped astronomers to
detect one of the most remote and smallest galaxies ever. In fact, the
small red galaxy (seen as two spots due to the uneven distribution of
mass in the cluster) is thought to be a 13 billion year old so-called
galaxy building block. This is probably similar to one of the galaxy
building blocks that have coalesced and created the galaxies we
have around us today.


The reason for this eternal expansion is expansion (instead of accelerating) in the first
thought to be the existence of a mysterious few billion years after the Big Bang. This is a
form of ‘dark energy' that pervades the natural thing to expect, since the mutual gravi-
Universe. A source of energy found in the ty from all objects in the Universe should mani-
emptiness of space itself working as a kind of fest itself in exactly such a deceleration of the
repulsive gravity. expansion. But the observations show that the
Another cosmological surprise came in 2001, ‘dark energy' ‘kicked in' at some point, for so
when a supernova - an exploding star - was far unexplained reasons, and started the acce-
found by Hubble at the tremendous distance leration that we observe at later times in the
of 10 billion light-years from Earth. Astrono- Universe. The following years of observations
mers believe that this one object shows that will show if this theory holds, or if the Universe
the Universe actually slowed down in its has even more surprises in store for us.

Hubble Space Telescope

Seeing the Invisible —
Ultraviolet observations
Hubble is above the distorting effects of the
Earth's atmosphere in its 600 km high orbit, but it
also flies above the protection that the atmosphere
provides. The air protects us, among other things,
from X-rays and ultraviolet rays from the Sun and
other more distant objects.

Aurora on Saturn
In 1994 Hubble took the first images of
the ultraviolet aurora on Saturn.

Ultraviolet Galaxies
Astronomers have used these three ultraviolet Hubble telescope images of nearby galaxies to
help tackle the question of why their distant relatives have such odd shapes, appearing
markedly different from the typical elliptical and spiral galaxies seen in the nearby Universe.

Hubble is designed to observe the

ultraviolet radiation from hot
young stars, from cores of gala-
xies and from the planets in our
Solar System.

Hubble's ultraviolet investigations

have opened new windows on
energetic and violent parts of the
Universe that had barely been
explored before.
Close-up of a Star
This is the first direct image of a star other than the
Sun and was made with Hubble's Faint Object Came-
ra, built by the European Space Agency. The image
shows the surface of the star Betelgeuse and was
taken in ultraviolet light.


Unmasking a Black Hole

Hubble used the European Faint Object Camera to
look into the heart of a galaxy and found hot gas
swirling around a suspected massive black hole. The
gas is so hot that it mainly emits ultraviolet light.

Hot Blue Stars in M32

The Hubble Space Telescope's exquisite resolution
has allowed astronomers to resolve hot blue stars
deep inside an elliptical galaxy for the first time. The
observations confirm that the ultraviolet light comes
from a population of extremely hot helium-burning
stars at a late stage in their lives.

Hubble Space Telescope

Journeys into the Infrared Universe

A large fraction of the infrared light that comes

from space is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere
and is therefore difficult to observe from the ground.

Covering the Full Range

These seven images of the
galaxy NGC 1512 have
been taken through specially
designed filters and cover
nearly the entire range of
light that Hubble can see.
From the ultraviolet (on the
left) to the infrared (on the
A full-colour composite image
(seen to the left) made by
combining the seven individ-
ual images.

Infrared light holds the key to the exploration of four differ-

ent and interesting types of astronomical objects:

! Cold objects — aging stars, star-forming clouds and


! Dusty objects — centres of galaxies, star-forming

regions and planetary nebulae

! Distant objects — galaxies whose light is redshifted

as a result of the expansion of the Universe ?

! Objects containing large and complex molecules —

comets containing crystals or stardust among the

Exploration of the infrared, or at least the near-infrared,

part of the spectrum has been an important task for
Hubble's near-infrared camera, NICMOS.
The Heart of the Orion Nebula
Some objects found in star-forming regions have failed to
gather enough material from the surrounding cloud to start
to shine. These objects are called brown dwarfs and,
because of the surrounding dust cloud and their low
temperature, are very difficult to see in visible light (Hubble
image in visible light, left). NICMOS, Hubble's near-
infrared camera, has uncovered a swarm of newly-born
brown dwarfs throughout the Trapezium cluster in the
Orion Nebula, about 1500 light-years from Earth (right).

Discs around Young Stars

Near-infrared images of young stars have shown them
as surrounded by dust-filled discs, dark regions where
planetary systems are likely to form. In visible light the
glare from the central stars is often too bright for the
discs to be visible and so near-infrared observations
are ideal to find these objects.


Spying the Centre of Galaxy M82

By studying the 'star-bursting' galaxy Messier 82 in near-
infrared light it was possible to look through its dust lanes
and discover one hundred super-star clusters.

Hubble Space Telescope

Hubbles History

The first idea of a space telescope was first propo-

sed in 1923 by the German space pioneer Herman
Oberth, but it took 67 years before Oberth's dream
became reality with the launch of the NASA/ESA
Hubble Space Telescope.

The Hubble Space Telescope is named after one of

the great pioneers of modern astronomy, the Ameri-
can astronomer Edwin Powell Hubble (1889-1953).
One of Edwin Hubble's many contributions to astro-
nomy was the discovery that the Universe is expan-
ding – one of the intellectual triumphs of the 20th

The Hubble Space Telescope was

launched into orbit by NASA's
Space Shuttle in 1990 and went
through three turbulent initial years
due to problems with the primary
mirror. A faulty measurement proce-
dure meant that the mirror, although
perfectly figured, was originally just
the wrong thickness at the edge, an
error of a mere 2 microns, roughly
equal to one-fiftieth the thickness of
a human hair. The mirror was able
to collect and focus light, but not in
Edwin Hubble
The man who was first able to show that the universe the right place, a phenomenon very
is expanding, and is considered by many to be the
father of modern cosmology.
similar to human short-sightedness
In 1993 Servicing Mission 1 began
the revival of Hubble. The mission
brought new instruments to the tele-
scope including corrective optics,
known as COSTAR, to fix Hubble's
myopic vision.
tuae, et homocircumferens
mortalitem suam, circumferens

In 1997 Servicing Mission 2
brought two additional instruments
to Hubble that significantly
enhanced its infrared and ultraviolet


In 1999 Servicing Mission 3A
concentrated on upgrades to
several of Hubble's support systems
including computers and gyro-

or myopia. Just as myopia can be The Cats Eye Nebula

Credits: ESA Bla Bla
corrected by spectacles, so could
Hubble's optics be corrected by in-
serting a suitable arrangement of
mirrors. The First Servicing Mission
in 1993 installed such corrective op-
tics, known as COSTAR. On subse- SM3B
Servicing Mission 3B gave Hubble
quent Servicing Missions Hubble another scientific boost by the installa-
has undergone extensive upgrades tion of a more powerful camera and
also a cooling unit for NICMOS, its
of instruments and systems, and thus near-infrared instrument.
continues to be at the forefront of sci-
entific discovery.

Hubble Space Telescope

Hubble and Europe

No single nation could undertake such an enor-

mous project alone. From an early stage Hubble has
been a collaboration between NASA, the American
space agency, and ESA, the European Space Agency.


Hubble has been of paramount importance to European astrono-

my. European astronomers are guaranteed 15% of the observing
time with Hubble, resulting in several thousand scientific publica-
tions over the years.

Two groups of European specialists work with Hubble. There

are 15 people from the European Space Agency (ESA) currently
working at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in the
USA and in Munich, Germany, 22 people form the Space Teles-
cope-European Coordinating Facility (ST-ECF).

ESA's main hardware contribution to Hubble has been two sets of

flexible, high-power solar arrays and the Faint Object Camera

Hubble Space Telescope

Hubble Facts

A few of the lesser known facts about Hubble

are: it has orbited the Earth almost 65 000 times and
travelled a total of 3 billion kilometres – more than
20 times the distance to the Sun. It has made 450
000 exposures of 17 000 different astronomical
targets, producing 12 Terabytes of data that have
resulted in about 15 000 scientific papers – a very
high number even given the considerable outlay on
the project.
Artist's impression
at the Hubble Space Telescope


Different objects observed:

Orbital altitude:
593 km
Orbital time: Data:
97 minutes

Wavelength range:

Mission lifetime:
Distance travelled:
20 years

Number of scientific papers:

Angular resolution:

Launch Date:
24 April, 1990, 12:33:51 UT

11 110 kg

400 000 25
2.4 m

12 000

more than 12 GB downloaded to Earth

Pointing stability:
Hubble moves less than
0.007 arc-seconds for 24 hours
110 – 2400 nm (from ultraviolet to near-infrared)

65 000 times around the Earth

(a total of 3 billion kilometres – Costs:
more than 20 times the distance to the Sun) ESA's financial contribution over
20 years is 593 million Euros
approx. 15 000

0.05 arc-seconds

15.9 x 3.1 x 4.2 metres
approx. 400 000

Hubble Space Telescope

Hubble's Instruments and Systems

Support Systems
Containing essential support systems such as
computers, batteries, gyroscopes, reaction wheels
and electronics.


Hubble has three Fine Guidance Sensors on
board. Two of them are needed to point and lock
the telescope on the target and the third can be
used for position measurements — also known as


The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS)
is a versatile multi-purpose instrument taking full
advantage of modern technology. It combines a
camera with a spectrograph and covers a wide
range of wavelengths from the near–infrared
region into the ultraviolet.


The Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spec-
trometer (NICMOS) is an instrument for near-
infrared imaging and spectroscopic observations
of astronomical targets. NICMOS detects light with
wavelengths between 8000 to 25000 Angstroms.


ACS is a so-called third generation Hubble instru-
ment. Its wide field of view is nearly twice that of
Hubble's previous workhorse camera, WFPC2.
The name, Advanced Camera for Surveys, comes
from its particular ability to map relatively large
areas of the sky in great detail.
Communication antennae
Once Hubble observes a celestial object, its
onboard computers convert the image or spectrum
into long strings of numbers that — via one of
Hubble's two antennae — are sent to one of the
two satellites that form the Tracking and Data
Relay Satellite System (TDRSS).

Aperture door
Hubble's aperture door can be closed if Hubble is
in danger of letting light from the Sun, Earth or
Moon into the telescope.

Secondary mirror
Like the primary mirror, Hubble's secondary mirror
is made of special glass coated with aluminium
and a special compound to reflect ultraviolet light.
It is 1/3 metre in diameter and reflects the light
back through a hole in the primary mirror and into
the instruments.


Solar Panels
Hubble's third set of solar arrays produces enough
power to enable all the science instruments oper-
ate simultaneously, thereby making Hubble even
more efficient. The panels are rigid and unlike
earlier versions of the solar panels, do not vibrate,
making it possible to perform stable, sharp
pinpoint observations.

Primary mirror
Hubble's primary mirror is made of a special glass
coated with aluminium and a special compound
that reflects ultraviolet light. It is 2.4 metres in diam-
eter and collects the light from stars and galaxies
and reflects it to the secondary mirror.

WFPC2 was Hubble's workhorse camera up to the installation of
ACS. It records excellent quality images through a selection of 48
colour filters covering a spectral range from far-ultraviolet to visible
and near-infrared wavelengths. WFPC2 has produced most of the
stunning pictures that have been released as public outreach images
over the years.mortalitem suam, circumferens testimonium.

COSTAR is not really a science instrument: it is the
corrective optics package that displaced the High
Speed Photometer (HSP) during the first servicing
mission. COSTAR was designed to correct the
effects of the primary mirror's aberration.

Hubble Space Telescope

European Space Agency
Agence spatiale europèene
Contact: ESA Publications Division
c/o ESTEC, PO Box 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Tel. (31) 71 565 3400 - Fax (31) 71 565 5433

Webpages for Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre
Webpages for ESA Science

Cover picture:
The cover shows a 3D rendering of Hubble in front The Hubble images in this brochure are all courtesy
of the Cone Nebula. The Cone Nebula is a pillar of of ESA, NASA and the respective scientists unless
gas and dust found in a turbulent star–forming otherwise noted. More information about individual
region. The picture was taken by Hubble’s Advanced images can be found at
Camera for Surveys (ACS).

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