This Is NASA

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nasa's mission
((Aeronautical and space science and
technology and the application thereof
to the conduct of peacefuL activities
within and outside the atmosphere . .. )}
The quotation, from the National Aero·
nautics and Space Act of 1958, describes the
areas of NASA ' s mission .
What are the goals and objectives?
NASA's program activity for the remainder
of this decade will increase our scientific knowl·
edge of the universe, will advance our space
technology , and will support the application
of this endeavor to ' operational systems.
In science, interests center on the proper-
ties of the earth , on earth -sun relationships,
on the moon, on the space environ ment , on
the physical nature of the universe and on the
possibilities of life in space .
In technology , NASA is concerned with pro-
viding knowledge pertinent to spacecraft and
launch vehicles , aircraft, propulsion, space
power , human factors and electronics. Ex-
ploration wi" concentrate on the moon and
the planets . In the applications area, work
continues in support of meteorology and com-
munications systems; NASA wi" assist in the
development of V / STOL (vertical and short
take off and landing aircraft) , and other air-
craft, including the supersonic transport.
The U . S . aeronautics and space program
has been NASA ' s mission since 1958. The
National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958
became law on July 29 of that year , stating, as
U.S . policy that "activities in space should be
devoted to peaceful purposes for the benefit
of a" mankind ." The National Aeronautics
and Space Administration was organized and
declared ready to function on October 1 .
Immediately transferred to NASA were the
personnel of the National Advisory Committee
for Aeronautics (NACA), and Its five labora-
tories, which became NASA field facilities :
Langley Research Center at Hampton , Va .;
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif.;
Lewis Research Center , Cleveland , Ohio ; the
Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif. ; and
Wallops Station , Wallops Island, Va .
Also transferred to NASA were various
space activities from the Department of De-
fense, including the Naval Research Labora-
tory ' s Project Vanguard ; the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory (JPL) managed by the California
I nstitute of Tech nology (Army contractor for
rocket and space missions) ; and the George
C. Marsha" Space Flight Center (Operations


r----------, I I

Man in Space
! '
Division of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency)
at Huntsville, Ala .
The Goddard Space Flight Center was or·
ganized and located in new quarters at
Greenbelt, Md . A NASA Launch Operations
Center was established at Cape Canaveral-
its name was later changed to John F .
Kennedy Space Center at Cape Kennedy.
The Manned Spacecraft Center - first orga-
nized as the Space Task Group for Project
Mercury at Langley-was established at Hous-
ton, Te x as . Later, an Electronics Research
Center was established in Ca mbridge , Mass.
While these organizations and reorganiza-
tions were being accomplished , NASA ' s pro-
gram was carried forward.

manned space llight

PROJECT MERCURY-In Project Mercury,
six manned space flights were accomplished
as planned , while the whole world watched and
shared both the tense moments and the
triumphant recoveries at sea of the astronauts.
Alan B. Shepard, Jr. , was the first U . S .
astronaut to be rocketed into space , in a 15-
minute flight on May 5 , 1961. A second
sub -orbital space flight was accomplished on
July 21 , 1961, by Virgil I. Grissom. On Feb-
ruary 20, 1962 , John H . Glenn , Jr. , became
the first American to orbit the earth - com -
pleting three circuits in five hours . M. Scott
Carpenter flew three orbits on May 24, 1962,
Walter M. Shirra , Jr., flew 6 on October 3,
1962 and L. Gordon Cooper, Jr. , completed
the flight phase of Project Mercury with a 22-
orbit , 34-hour earth-orbiting space flight on
May 15 and 16, 1963 .
Project Mercury not only put the first
Americans into space but laid a sound founda -
tion for the technology of future manned space
flight . It demonstrated the effects of space
on man and proved that man could increase
the reliability of spacecraft controls .

PROJECT GEMINI -- The second step of

NASA ' s manned space effort is Project
Gemini , using a two-man spacecraft system to
conduct long-duration, earth-orbital flights
and to develop new techniques. Gemini 's
program includes orbital rendezvous , docking
(joining) two spacecraft, maneuvering the
joined spacecraft as a unit, astronaut activity
outside of an orbiting spacecraft, and a series
of scientific experiments.
In Gemini ' s planned rendezvous procedure
an Atlas launch vehicle places a fully fueled
Agena vehicle into a circular orbit, and a Titan

Orbiting Geophysical Observatory (OGO)
launch vehicle sends Gemini into an elliptical
orbit which intersects the path of Agena . As
the astronauts near Agena , they reduce the
difference in speed between the t w o craft to
about 1 % miles per hour . They steer Gemini
so that its nose touches the matching slot of
Agena . Coupling is automatic . The astro -
nauts can then use Agena ' s propulsion system
as well as Gemin i' s for further orbital
maneuvers .

PROJ ECT APOLLO - Apollo , designed to

land American explorers on the moon and
bring them back safely , will have a three-part
spacecraft : The Command Module is the op -
erati onal and living area for three astronauts .
The Service Module houses the rocket engines
and fuel supplies which will enable the astro-
nauts to propel their craft into and out of
lunar orbit and to change their course in
space. The Lunar E x cursion Module (LEM)
will separate from the others for the lunar
landing . LEM will have rockets for s l owing
the landing on the moon , launching from the
moon and maneuvering in lunar orbit .
The journey to the moon will begin when a
three-stage Saturn V vehicle launches Apollo
and the Saturn V third stage into earth orbit.
At the proper moment , the third stage will re-
fire to put the spacecraft into a lunar trajec-
tory _ When reaching the moon's vicinity,
Apollo will be directed into a circular orbit
about 100 miles above the moon. Two of the
astronauts will enter the LEM, detach it and
land on the moon while the third crewman will
continue to orbit the moon in the Command
The two astronauts will take turns e x ploring
the moon ' s surface near their landing site ,
collect samples and conduct scientific e x peri-
ments . Then they will board LEM , launch it
to rendezvous w ith the parent craft, enter the
Command Module and jettison LEM .
Firing a rocket in the Service Module will
boost the Command and Service Modules out
of lunar orbit toward the earth. The Service
Module will be jettisoned just before re-entry
into the earth ' s atmosphere . Three para-
chutes will slow down the Command Module
for landing.

aeronaulical research
NASA conducts aeronautical research to
develop and define new knowledge and capa -
bilities of aircraft .
Best known example of NASA aeronautics
work is the X-15 airplane , a flying laboratory

Mariner IV
which carries out space and aerona utics re-
search in the air and nearby space. Con-
ceived by NACA in 1954, the X-15 was built
as a joint project of the Air Force, Navy and
NACA and operated under NASA management
at Flight Research Center .
Launched at 45,000 feet from a 8-52 air-
craft, the X-15 ' s 57,OOO-pound thrust rocket
engine operates for less than two minutes; the
aircraft then soars upward on a long ballistic
flight and glides to land on a dry lake bed with -
in ten to thirteen minutes . In the thin upper
atmosphere , the pilot controls the X-15 by
small jets in the wings and nose . The X-15
pioneered the control system used in the Mer-
cury and Gemini spacecraft .
Three X-15 aircraft made more than 130
flights in less than si x years , set two official
world altitude records, exceeded 354,000 feet
altitude and speed of 4,100 miles per hour,
and amassed a large amount of flight experi-
ence at supersonic and hypersonic speeds.
NASA research with the supersonic com -
mercial transport, originated in 1956, is con -
tinuing in all phases of aerodynamics,
propulsion , structures and materials , and
operational factors such as the sonic boom
(explosive sound transmitted to the ground).
V / STOL stands for Vertical and Short Take-
off and Landing, and the research program in
this area seeks means of providing improved
capability for aircraft to rise and descend ver-
tically or with short takeoff and landing runs.
Aeronautical studies are carried out in flight
research and wind tunnels, simulators and
other ground facilities in cooperation with
other agencies, including industry, universities,
the Departmnt of Defense , and the Federal
Aviation Agency .

unmanned satellites and

sounding rockets
The unmanned scientific satellites gather
data while in orbit around the earth . Sound-
ing rockets explore the upper atmosphere
(they do not orbit) .
Scientific satellites have made it possible
for scientists to recognize the existence of the
Van Allen Radiation Region in the space
around the earth, to learn that the earth is
very slightly "pear-shaped," to find that sun -
light e x erts pressure, and to study the effects
of tiny bits of matter in space (micromete -
oroids), among other scientific investigations.
Other satellites are used as orbiting solar,
astronomical and geophysical observatories.

- i

B i osatell ites are b ei n g d evel 0 ped to ca rry
into space a variety of plants and animals to
determine the effects of weightlessness and
radiation on living things.

unmanned lunar and inter·

Planetary spacecraft
E x ploration of the moon and planets has
begun with unmanned, instrumented space-
PIONEER is a series of long distance space
probes to investigate interplanetary environ-
ment and to monitor solar radiation and inter-
planetary magnetic fields as far away as 50
million miles.
RANGER spacecraft have gathered data
about the moon and tested space technology
required for future lunar and interplanetary
missions. Ranger IV, launched April 23,
1962, was the first U.S. spacecraft to land on
the moon. Later Rangers obtained television
pictures which distinguish features as small as
three feet across on the lunar surface .
Ranger VII, on July 31, 1964, transmitted
more than 4 , 000 photographs of the moon ' s
surface. Ranger VIII, on February 20, 1965,
sent more than 7,000, covering another area .
Ranger IX. on March 24. 1965, returned an-
other 5,000 pictures of a crater area, some of
which were viewed on ho me television as they
were radioed back to earth.
SURVEYOR will make "soft landings" on
the moon, as contrasted with the crashing
impacts of Ranger. It will decelerate from a
lunar approach velocity of 9,000 feet per sec-
ond to a touchdown speed of less than 15 feet
per second. Having landed, Surveyor will
take pictures and make measurements to
check suitability of sites for manned landings .
It will also aid in the design of protective
shielding for spacecraft and astronaut space-
LUNAR ORBITER spacecraft will be sent
into orbit around the moon to obtain photo-
graphs of the surface which will help in the
selection of landing sites. Lunar Orbiter also
will obtain information about the moon's
characteristics and gravitational pull.
MARINER spacecraft have the mission of
flying to the vicinity of Venus and Mars to
gather scientific information. Mariner II flew
past Venus at a distance of 21,648 miles on
December 14, 1962 and transmitted informa-
tion of great significance to astronomers.

Gemini -Titan launch
Mariner IV was launched towards Mars on
November 28, 1964 on a path, to fly past the
red planet on July 14, 1965 .

apPlication satellites
Practical satellite systems are being de·
veloped to aid in everyday weather forecasting
and global communication .
first communications satellite , ECHO I , ot"·
bited in 1960, proved that communication
between distant areas is possible by bouncing
radio signals off a passive satellite from one
point on earth to another. Echo II was put
into orbit in January, 1964.
Project RELAY was undertaken to test inter·
continental transmission of telephone, tele·
vision, teleprint and facsimile radio signals
from medium altitude (about 1 , 000 to 5 ,000
miles in the case of Relay : medium altitude
could be up to about 12 , 000 miles). It is an
active repeater satellite , i .e ., it receives , am-
plifies and retransmits signals .
SYNCOM , an experimental global commu ·
nications system , employs active repeater
satellites which travel around the world in the
same time it takes the earth to rotate around
its axis, hence, have no motion east or west
relative to the earth's surface . "Synchronous
altitude " is 22,300 miles; at this height three
Syncoms can provide global coverage.
TELSTAR, similar to Relay in purpose,
differs in important structural and technical
features. These differences afford compari·
sons for development of operational equip·
ment . Telstar was developed by the American
Telephone & Telegraph Co . and launched by
The Communications Satellite Corporation
(Comsat), equally owned by communications
companies and the public , has been estab·
lished for operation of a world·wide commer·
cial communications satellite system. The
corporation has entered into an agreement
with NASA to launch its satellites, and to pro·
vide related support servi ces; the first Comsat
satellite , "Early Bird, " was launched April 7,
1965 .
satellites have television cameras to take cloud
pictures and infrared sensors to measure heat
radiated from the earth. (TI ROS is an
acronym for Television and Infrared Observa ·
tion Satellite) . These meteorological satel ·
lites have been used for day· to·day weather
observation and for tracking hurricanes .


Saturn I
Early models of TI ROS orbited the earth
from west to east and had attitudes which
were fi x ed in space-they could ta k e pictures
only part of the time , when the flat base , and
hence the cameras, pointed towards the
ground. TIROS IX, launched into a polar
orbit in January of 1965 " rolls " through its
orbit like a cartwheel; two cameras take pic-
tures of the earth's surface from the rim of the
wheel, as each camera in turn points towards
the earth . This arrangement permits pic-
tures of the ent i re earth to be taken daily .
NIMBUS is an advanced , experimental
weather satellite with improved equipment
both for picture taking and for observations of
the earth's heat radiation with infrared
sensors. The first Nimbus was launched i n
August , 1964.
The letters TOS stand for TI ROS Oper-
ational Satellites , planned as working satel-
lites based upon the TIROS and Nimbus
e x periments .

launch vehicles
A launch vehicle propels and guides a space-
craft into space , providing the rocket power
(thrust) which carries the spacecraft i nto orbit
around the earth, or accelerates it to escape
velocity so it can overcome the earth's gravi-
tational field and move out into deep space.
U.S . launch vehicles have been developed
so that the right type will be available for each
specialized job. These rockets vary in many
respects. They range in size from the slender
Scout to the huge Saturn V . They vary in the
a mount of weight they can place at specified
distances , and in the types of engines , fuels
and number of operating stages .
SCOUT is a re latively inexpensive four-stage
vehicle for launching small satellites and high
altitude probes . A solid-propellant carrier ,
Scout can be launched from many sites . It
can place a 240-pound satellite into a 300-mile
orbit .
DELTA has completed a long list of mis-
sions with meteorological , communications
a nd scientific satellites . 0 ne of the most
reliable U . S . launch vehicles, Delta has about
three times the payload capacity of Scout . It
was Delta which successfully launched Echo,
Relay , Telstar , Syncom , TI ROS , a nu mber of
the Explorers , OSO , and Ariel .
THOR-AGENA is a two-stage vehicle that
can send 1 , 600 pounds into earth orb it of 300
miles or 600 pounds into a 1 , 200-mile orbit .

-- --~

It has la u nched such sp acecraft as Echo II,

Alouette and Nimbus.
ATLAS-AGENA is a two-stage vehicle which
has launched Ranger, Mariner and the Orbiting
Geophysical Observatory.
CENTAUR was this country's first launch
vehicle to use liquid hydrogen fuel which pro -
vides great thrust with less weight. It has
been launched as the second stage of an Atlas-
Centaur combination , with a " mass-model" of
the Surveyor spacecraft .
The TITAN launch vehicle for Project
Gemini, is an adaptation of the military
Titan II. It uses a liquid propellant that can
be stored in its fuel tank indefinitely . Unlike
other liquid propellants , this fuel need not be
d rai ned if a fl ight is postponed.
Three SATURN launch vehicles are in devel -
opment for the progressive phases of the
Apollo project . They are Saturn I , for
launches of engineering and test models of
Apollo ; Saturn IB which is designed to launch
the complete Apollo Command , Service and
LEM modules into earth orbit ; and Saturn V
which is the launch vehicle for manned lunar
flight. (The Saturns also will be assigned to
other space progra ms).
Saturn V is the most powerful launch ve-
hicle under development by the United States .
Its first stage will consist of five engines gen-
erating a total thrust of 7 . 5 million pounds .
Upper stages will have 200,OOO-pound-thrust
rocket engines fueled by liquid hydrogen and
liquid oxygen. Five of these will make up the
second stage of Saturn V , one the third .
Saturn V will have the capability of launching
a 45-ton spacecraft to the moon , 30 tons to
Mars or Venus, o r 120 tons into orbit around
the earth .

tracking and dala acquisilion

To monitor spacecraft in space , rece i ve the
data they send back, and issue "commands"
to the spacecraft to control their maneuvers
and activities , NASA ma i ntains three world -
wide tracking and data acquisition networks.
STADAN (for Space Tracking and Data Acqui -
sition Network) services scientific , communica -
tions and meteorological satellites . DSN (for
Deep Space Network) tracks and commun i-
cates with lunar and interplanetary spacecraft
such as Ranger and Mari ner. The Manned
Space Flight Network tracks and communi -
cates with manned spacecraft .


international activities
Cooperative arrangements are maintained
with more than 60 other countries in a variety
of space e x ploration projects . Included are
the tracking networks (above), cooperative
satellite projects , flights in NASA spacecraft
of experiments prepared by foreign scientists,
sounding rocket projects, and personnel
e x changes .

scopeollhe space ellort

NASA conducts a program of research on a
wide front of tasks ranging from bas i c studies
of matter to advanced hardware systems for
current aeronautical and space missions , and
for future missions which appear to hold
promise of results . Many thousands of such
tasks are carried out, largely through the five
NASA Research Centers , and these in turn con-
duct and manage projects by contract w i th
industry and universities , as well as in their
own laboratories and flight tests.
The NASA system of management has
efficiently mobilized for research and develop-
ment in aeronautics and space some 400 , 000
men and women and is utilizing some 20 , 000
industrial companies under prime and sub-
contract arrangements.
New processes and techniques developed in
the space program have already stimulated
new industrial methods and products . For
example , techniques devised to make space,
craft instruments light in weight and small in
size are used to produce other compact and
streamlined equipment. Development of new
and better computers is spurred by space re-
search . And these are merely representative
of many collateral results of the space
program .

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For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Wash ington., D.C., 20402 - Price 15 cenh
opment of spacecraft for unrpanned lunar and GEORGE C. MARSHAll ~ACE FLIGHT CENTER,
planetary e x ploration (Ranger, f':'1arine ~, Surveyor)
and the operation of a world-wide deep space
tracking and control network. There is a broad - Launch vehicles essential to Apollo and other
scale program of supporting research . major space missions are designed and developed
by the scientists and engineers of the Marshall
JOHN F. KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. Space Flight Center . Named for General George
C. Marshall, the Center is presently concerned with
Manned and unmanned spacecraft are launched launch vehicles of the Saturn class , as well as
at the John F . Kennedy Space Center on Cape studying rendezvous operations, launch systems ,
Kennedy. Formerly known as the Launch Oper- feasibility, and other requirements.
ations Center at Cape Canaveral, "The Cape" is Michoud Operations at Michoud , La . has been
the site from which the astronauts of Projects established to manufacture Saturn and other large
Mercury and Gemini were rocketed into space. launch vehicle stages.
Facilities are under construction at the Merritt The Mississippi Test Facility , located in a
Island Launch Area for launching the huge Saturn sparsely settled area about 50 miles east of New
V. Functions of the Kennedy Space Center Orleans , is a facility for static tests of launch
include complete planning, designing , develop - vehicles.
ment and utilization of launching facilities.
Oldest of the NASA Centers , Langley has the This facility, located at Jackass Flats , near Las
task of providing technology for manned and un- Vegas, Nev. , is managed by the Space Nuclear
manned exploration of space and for improvement Propulsion Office, a joint operation of NASA and
and extension of performance and utility of aircraft. the Atomic Energy Commission . This major
The major technical areas of Langley are theo- facility contains the laboratories , test stands and
retical and experimental dynamics of flight through equipment for development of reactor technology
the entire speed range , flight mechanics, materials and the nuclear engine and rocket stage for the
and structu res , space mecha nics, i nstru menta - nuclear rocket . The Station is the scene of many
tion, solid rocket technology, and advanced ramjet tests for the nuclear rocket program, which is in
engine research. The Center conceives, develops the advanced phases of research for missions to
and operates simulators for the supersonic trans- follow after the Apollo lunar landing project.
port and lunar landing and the Gemini project, and
conducts an extensive program of V / STOL flight
The NASA Pacific Launch Operations Office
LEWIS RESEARCH CENTER, CLEVELAND, OHIO provides administrative, logistic , and technical sup-
port for NASA programs and projects at the
The mission of this Center is propulsion and Western Test Range .
space power generation . Fields of investigation
are materials and metallurgy, problems concerned
with the use of extremely high and low tempera- WALLOPS STATION, WALLOPS ISLAND, VA.
ture materials, combustion and direct energy con - The rocket-borne experi ments flown from the
version, chemical , nuclear and electric rocket Wallops Island Range are conceived, designed and
propulsion systems , advanced turbojet power built, by scientists and engineers in laboratories
plants , fuels and lubricants, plasmas and magneto- and research centers throughout the U . S . and in
hydrodynamics. Lewis has technical management many of the countries of the world . Functions of
of a number of chemical , solid and liquid rocket Wallops Station are payload checkout, vehicle
projects including the Agena and Centaur. preparation and launching , instrumentation and
Plum Brook Station at Sandusky , Ohio, with data acquisition, processing and reduction of data ,
facilities for propulsion research and development, and tracking of vehicles .
is operated as an arm of Lewis.

The Western Operations Office is a branch of
The Manned Spacecraft Center is a new NASA
NASA Headquarters serving all operational inter-
facility located 20 miles southeast of Houston, Tex .
ests of the agency in the Western states . Primary
on the edge of Clear Lake . It has the responsibil -
mission of the Office is contract negotiation and
ity for the design , development, and testing of
management of research and development con -
manned spacecraft and associated systems, for
tracts with Western aerospace industry .
the selection and training of astronauts , and for
operation of manned space flights. Mission
Control for manned space flights , formerly at Cape
Kennedy , now is based at the Manned Spacecraft
The scientists and engineers who make up the
technical staff of the Manned Spacecraft Center ISSUED BY OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS,
were responsible for placing the first American
astronauts in space. Valuable experience gained EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND SERVICES OFFICE,
in Project Mercury now is being utilized in Projects _ • • NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION
Gemini and Apollo .
NASA HEADQUARTERS .. .. . . . ... ... . .. ... ... . • . ... . .... .... .
GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER .. . .••.. . . • .. .. . . . . ... . •..•..
LANGLEY RESEARCH CENTER ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . 3
WALLOPS STATION .. . .. .... .. . ... . . . . .• . . .. •. .. ..• . ... .. . .. 4
JOHN F. KENNEDY SPACE CENTER . ... .. ................ •. . . . .
MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER ........ . ..•.... .. . . ...•.••. .
MICHOUD OPERATIONS . .. . . . . ..... . ... .. . . ...•..... . .... . •..
MISSISSIPPI TEST OPERATIONS . . . ...• . .....•........... .. .• ..
MANNED SPACECRAFT CENTER .......... . ..•....••...•. .. .. . ..
LEWIS RESEARCH CENTER ...... . . .. ..... ..•..•...... .. 10
PLUM BROOK STATION ........... . .... . ..... . ... .. .... . .. . .. 11
FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER ....... .. ... . ... . . .. ............... 12
AMES RESEARCH CENTER ......... . ........................ . . 13
NUCLEAR ROCKET DEVELOPMENT STATION . . . . .. . .... . .. . . . ..... 14
JET PROPULSION LABORATORy . .. .. . . .. .. . . . ... . ............. 15
PACIFIC LAUNCH OPERATIONS OFFiCE. ..... . .. ..• .. ... .... . .. 16
ELECTRON ICS RESEARCH CENTER ... . .... . ... . .. . .. ...... 18

nasa facilities


NASA Headquarters formulates policy and The F l ight Research Cente r is concerned w ith
coo r dinates the activities of the space flight centers , manned flight within and outs ide the atmosphere ,
res e arch centers , and other installations which i ncluding low-speed , supersonic , hypersonic and
comprise the Nationa l Aeronautics and Space r eentry flight , and a i r operations and safety p r o b·
Administration. l ems . Major programs include aeronautics
p r o j ects such as the X-1S , superson i c transport
AMES RESEARCH CENTER, MOFFETT FIELD, CALIF. and paraglider; space vehicle p r ograms a r e typified
The work of the Ames Research Center is con · b y stud i es such as flight behavior of lifting bodies .
cer n ed with laboratory and flight research in I n b iotechno l ogy , man - machine integration pro b -
unmanned space flight projects and in aeronautics . lems are stUdied .
The fields of interest include fundamental physics ,
ma t erials , guidance and control, chemistry and GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER, GREENBELT, MD.
life sciences . Ames aeronautical projects include The Goddard Space Flight Center , named fo r
the supersonic transport, V / STOL aircraft and the rocket pionee r, Dr . Robert H . Goddard , is
operations research. The space flight projects responsible for the development and management
invo lve management of scientific probes and satel· of a broad variety of unmanned earth-orbiti ng sate l-
l ite s, and payloads for flight e x periments . lite and sounding rocket projects . Scientific ,
communications and meteorological satellites are
ELECTRONICS RESEARCH CENTER, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. included . (Orbiting Observatories , E x p lorers ,
T his Center was established to stimulate re - TI ROS , Nimbus , Relay , Syncom and others) .
sea r ch and advanced development in electronics Goddard also i s the nerve center for the wor l d -
and related fields for application in space and wide tracking and communications network for
aeronautics . The Center organizes, sponsors and both manned and unmanned satellites.
conducts programs in the basic disciplines of
guidance, control , navigation, communications, JET PROPULSION LABORATORY, PASADENA, CALIF.
data processing, electronic components , micro- The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is operated unde r
wa v e and elect r omagnetic technology , and contract to NASA by the California Institute of
reli a bility . Technology. Its primary missions are the devel -

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