Arms and Armor Honor Intrigue

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Honor + Intrigue Arms and Armor

Weapon Damage Notes
Backsword 1d6 +1 Damage with Quick Cut (after halving)
Broadsword 1d6+1 Requires 2 hands if Might is 0 or lower, +1 Beat
Epee 1d6 +1 Parry
Greatsword 1d6+2 -1 Parry, +1 Moulinet
Small Sword 1d3+1 +1 Parry, +1 Quick Draw, Able to Split Actions singly
1d3+3 Damage to resist Sword Break

Black Powder Weapons

Weapon Damage Notes
Blunderbuss 1d6+6 10’ range inc., range penalties apply to damage instead of attack
roll, 3 Minor Actions to load, Misfire 2-3, Hits 1d6 tightly-
grouped targets
Arquebus 2d6 50’ range inc., 5 Minor Actions to load, Misfire 2-4
Musket, Flintlock 2d6 50’ range inc., 4 Minor Actions to load, Misfire 2-3
Musket, Wheel-Lock 2d6 50’ range inc., 3 Minor Actions to load, Misfire 2
Pistol, Matchlock 1d6+1 10’ range inc., 4 Minor Actions to load, Misfire 2-4
Pistol, Flintlock 1d6+1 10’ range inc., 3 Minor Actions to load, Misfire 2-3
Pistol, Wheel-Lock 1d6+1 10’ range inc., 2 Minor Actions to load, Misfire 2
Pole-Brace N/A 1 Minor Action to set, +10’ to Musket range increment
Grenade 4d6 -1d6 Damage (highest remaining) per 5’ from the blast origin,
1 Minor Action to light, 1 Major Action to throw, 10’ Range inc.

Other Weapons
Weapon Damage Notes
Axe 1d6 10’ range increment when thrown, -1 Parry, +1 Bind
“”Two-Handed 1d6+2 -2 Parry, +1 Bind
Bayonet 1d6+2 1 Minor Action to affix to a musket, -1 Parry when affixed,
1d3+1 damage when wielded in hand (un-affixed)
Bow 1d6 60’ range increment, 1 Minor Action to knock arrow
“” Longbow 1d6+2 100’ range increment, 1 Minor Action to knock arrow
Buckler 1d6-1 +1 to Parry (stacks with other Parry bonuses)
Cloak N/A +1 to Feint, Bind; usable with Cloak Parry
Club 1d6-1 10’ range increment when thrown
“” Two-Handed 1d6+1 -1 Parry
Crossbow 1d6+1 80’ range increment, +1 with Called Shots,
2 Minor Actions to Load
“” Arbalest 1d6+3 100’ range increment, +1 with Called Shots,
3 Minor Actions to Load with “goat’s foot” or Might 2 or more;
otherwise 4 Minor Actions
“” Grenade See Grenade 30’ range increment, 3 Minor Actions to load
“” Hand 1d3 20’ range increment, +1 with Called Shots,
1 Minor Action to load

Mia-Luna Falls (Order #21376337)

Dagger 1d3+1 5’ range increment when thrown, +1 with Called Shots
“” Stiletto 1d3+1 Ignores 2 Protection, +1 with Called Shots
“” Throwing Knife 1d3+1 10’ range increment when thrown, +1 with Called Shots, +1
Quick-Draw, -1 Melee
Garrote Choke +2 +2 attack and damage with Choke,
1d2 dmg for purposes of breakage
Hook Hand 1d3+1 +1 Bind
Main Gauche 1d6-1 +1 Bind, Disarm, Sword Break
Parrying Dagger 1d3 +1 Bind, 1d6+1 Damage with Sword Break
Spear 1d6 20’ range increment when thrown, +1d3 Damage in a charge, or
receiving a charge
“” Lance 1d6+2 1-Handed when wielded from horseback, -1 Parry
“” Pole-Arm 1d6+2 Always 2-Handed; often secondary use (Halberd can be used as
an Axe for example), -1 Parry
“” Harpoon 1d6+1 10’ range increment when thrown,
+1d6 Damage per round (for 1d6 rounds) to large marine
creatures, -1 Melee
Staff 1d6-1 +1 to Parry
Unarmed 1d2 1d3 Damage with gauntlet or basket hilt, Kick does 1d3 Damage
with -1 to hit
Whip 1d3-1 Victims have penalty die to Parry whip attacks,
Whip Crack: Flair + Melee -1 vs. Daring, enemy loses 1
Composure if successful, +1 Bind, Disarm
Improvised Weapon Special -1 Damage and half the range compared to the weapon it most
closely resembles; May substitute Flair for Daring with
Bladework or Savvy with Ranged

Type Protection Notes
Light 1d3 1 less Advantage without Armor Familiarity, -1 to stealth,
acrobatics, Initiative; -2 to swimming
Heavy 1d6 Cannot Yield Advantage without Armor Familiarity, 1 less
Advantage with Armor Familiarity, -1 and Penalty Die to stealth,
acrobatics, Initiative; Swimming is impossible; Quick removal
requires 2 consecutive Hard (-2) Savvy + Soldier task rolls.
Helmet +1 Adds to existing Protection (otherwise, gives Protection of 1).
Grants 1d6 Protection to attacks on the head. -1 Savvy to notice.
Gauntlet N/A Grants 1d6 Protection to attacks on the hand
Heavy Glove N/A Grants 1d3 Protection to attacks on the hand

Weapon Damage Notes
Swivel Gun 2d6+4 50’ range increment, 10 Minor Actions to load between 2 crew
Penalty Die vs. individual target. Vs. Pawns hits 1d6+1
Cannon GM decides 300’ range increment, 20 Minor Actions to load between 4 crew
Artillery GM decides 600’ range increment, 40 Minor Actions to load between 6 crew,
Cannot be moved from mounting

Mia-Luna Falls (Order #21376337)

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