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Introduction to Physical Science

1. Explain that science involves asking questions.
2. Describe the relationship of matter and energy to physical science.
3. Describe the two branches of physical science.
4. Identify three areas of science that use physical science


SCIENCE > Process of gathering knowledge about the world.

Everday Science
 Learning to do everyday actions requires:
= making observations and asking questions, what is science all about.

1. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE > deals with the study of living things ex. Biology, Botany, Zoology,
2. SOCIAL SCIENCE > Study of human behaviour and societies Ex. History, Economics,
Political Science
3. PHYSICAL SCIENCE > deals with the study of non-living things, their composition,
nature, characteristics, the changes they have undergone and the factors affecting these

 Study of matter and energy

 Matter is the “stuff” everything is made of.
 Energy is the ability to do work.


a. Chemistry- the study of “matter”- its composition, properties, structure and the
changes it undergoes.
b. Physics- the science of matter and energy and their interaction with each other.
c. Astronomy- study of the universe and the heavenly bodies.
d. Geology- deals with the composition of Earth materials, Earth structures, and Earth
e. Meteorology- study of the atmosphere and how processes in the atmosphere
determines Earth’s weather and climate.
Learning about matter and energy will help you answer questions such as:
1. Why will paper burn and gold will not?
2. Why is throeing a bowling ball harder than throwing a baseball?
3. How can water turn into steam ans back into water?

In the late 19th century , physical science was separated from philosophy because of
one important factor. It is employed an approach known as the scientific method.

 Is the application of a logical process of reasoning to arrive at a cetain law or
principle that is consistent with experimental results.
 It is a systematized testing of ideas, inference, predictionsn and hypotheses.

Scientific approach in solving a problem

1. State the Problem ( state what you want to find out in question form.)
2. Formulate the Hypothesis ( give your predictions of what you think may happen).
3. Test the Hypothesis ( Plan your experiment. Write a step-by-step procedure which
includes how to control the variables. Carry out your expariment).
4. Gather you Data ( record your observations which may include appearance or behavior
of something).
5. Analyze the Data ( find out any trend or patterns. Your data should support your
conclusion or lead you to another hypothesis).
6. Make a conclusion ( state your conclusion based on your data. This should answer your
problem or lead to a new question).
In scientific investigations, the cyclic pattern is often follows because, oftentimes, a solution to a
given problem creates a new problem and thecycle starts again.

1. Think and work like a scientist. Plan a simple investigation following scientific approach.
2. True or False: “The scientific method is the key to all discoveries and advaces in sciene.”
Support your answer.


1. Describe the following a.Measurements, b. Scientific notation c. Significant figures
2. Identify the SI units of measurenent
3. Differentiates base units from derived units
4. Convert from one unit to another factor- lavel - method


> Collection of quantitative data
> Made by comparing an unknown quantity with a standard unit
Example:The length of a piece of string can be measured by comparing the string against a
meter stick.
Every measurement is composed of a number and a unit.


1. ENGLISH SYSTEM- most commonly used in the US. Disadvantage: units are not
systematically related to each other and require memorization.
2. METRIC (SI)- used by the scientist around the world. Adopted from the French name Le
Systeme Internationale d’ Unite


 Measurement of anything from end to end
 How long an objects is
 The basis of length units for the metric system is the meter.
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters = 25.4 millimeters
1 foot = 30.48 centimeters
1 yard = 0.91 meters 1 mile = 1.6 kilometers 
1 millimeter = 0.04 inches 1 centimeter = .39 inches = 0.0325 feet
1 meter = 3.28 feet
1 kilometer = 0.62 miles 

 Mass and weight are not the same thing. Although we often use the interchangeably,
each one has a specific definition and usage.
 Mass- measure of the amount of matter in an object.The mass of an object is
independent of its location.The basic unit form mass is kilogram (kg) .
 Weight- force of attraction between the object and the earth’s gravity.The weight of an
object can vary from place to place and changes with its location on the Earth.



 Interval between two occurrences.The basic unit for time is second.

• 1 minute (60 seconds) • 1 hour (60 minutes, or 3,600 seconds)
• 1 day (24 hours, or 86,400 seconds) • 1 week (7 days, or 604,800 seconds
• 1 month (28-31 days, or 2,419,200- 2,678.400 seconds)
• 1 year (about 365.25 days, or about 31,557,600 seconds)


Measure of how hot or cold an object is. The basic unit for temperature is Kelvin.

To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit o F= 1.8 (o C) + 32

To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius o C= o F – 32/ 1.8

To convert from Celsius to Kelvin K= o C + 273

To convert from Kelvin to Celsius o C= K - 273 o F= 1.8 (o C) + 32

A conversion factor is a term that converts a quantity in one unit to a quantity in another unit.
Factor-label method > is the process of using conversion factors to convert a quantity in one unit to a
quantity in another unit.


The conversion factor must relate the two quantities in questions. The conversion factor must cancel out
the unwanted unit.

Let’s say we want to convert 130 lb to kilograms.

130 lb X conversion factor= ____ kg Two possible

conversion factors: 2.21 lb or 1 kg__ 1 kg 2.21 lb

130 lb x 1 kg__ = 59 kg 2.21 lb Pound (lb) must be the denominator to cancel the unwanted unit (lb) in
the original quantity.

1. AREA - amount of two-dimensional space taken up by an object

the size of a surface Area of rectangle(A) = length(l) x width(w)
Area of circle (A)= π × r2
This table lists different area units, and values that will help you change units of area measurements:
1 L = 10 Dl , 1 L = 1000 mL , 1 000 L = 1 m3  , 1 dL = 100 mL, 1 mL = 1 cm3 = 1 cc ,
1 cc = .001 L , 1 L= 1 000 cc

Mass per unit volume -- Units: g/cc , g/cm3 , g/mL  Formula:

Sample Problem:
1.Calculating Density A piece of beeswax with a volume of 8.50 cm3 is found to have a mass of 8.06 g.
What is the density of the beeswax?
2.Using Density to find Volume Cobalt is a hard magnetic metal that resembles iron in appearance. It
has a density of 8.90 g/cm3 .What volume would 17.8 g of cobalt have?
3.Using Density to find Mass Mass is the mass of 19.9 cm3 of coal that has a density of 1.50 g/cm3?


Scientific notation is a way of expressingScientific notation is a way of expressing really big numbers or
really smallreally big numbers or really small numbers.numbers.
Scientific Notation always has two parts:
N is the coefficient ( A number between 1 and N is the coefficient ( A number between 1 and
X is an exponent, which can be any positive or X is an exponent, which can be any positive or negative
whole number.negative whole number. N x 10N x 10xx
Writing Scientific Notation

Place the decimal point so that there is one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point.
Count the number of decimal places the decimal point has “moved” from the original number. This will
be the exponent original number. This will be the exponent on the 10.

If the original number was less than 1, then the exponent is negative.
If the original number was greater than 1, then the exponent is positive.

Expressthe following in Scientific Notation

1. 230 2. 14 100 000 3. 0.00026 4. 0.000000698 5. 0.089

Change Scientific Notation back to Standard Form

Simply move the decimal point to the right for positive exponent 10.
Move the decimal point to the left for negative exponent 10. ((Use zeros to fill in places.)
Given: 5.093 x 106
Move: 6 places to the right (positive)  Answer: Answer: 5,093,000

Number of significant digits that implies the accuracy of measurement

Determining the number of significant figures Rules:

1.All nonzero digits are significant.

a. 25 L – 2 significant figures b. 65.2 kg – 3 significant figures
2. Zeros between two nonzero digits are significant.
a. 29.05 g – 4 significant figures b. 1.0087 mL – 5 significant figures
3. Leading zeros are not significant..
a. 0.000000872 miles – 3 significant figures b. 0.03 g – 1 significant figure
4.Trailing zeros in a number containing a decimal point are significant
a. 25.70 lbs – 4 significant figures b. 708.00 km – 5 significant figures
5. The trailing zeros in which decimal point is not given/placed indicated that zero/s is/are not
significant a. 1, 245, 500 m – 5 significant figures b. 5280 ft – 3 significant figures


When adding or subtracting significant figures, the answer should have the same number of
decimal places as the original number with the fewest decimal places.

Example: Baby Zayn weighed 3.6 kg at birth and 10.11 kg on his first birthday. How much
weight did he gain in his first year of life. 10.11 kg - 3.6 kg = 6. 51 kg •The answer can have
only one digit after the decimal point. •Round 6.51 to 6.5 •Baby Zayn gained 6.5 kg during his
first year of life.


When multiplying or dividing significant figures, the answer should have the same number of
significant figures as the original number with the fewest significant figures.

TRY THIS... Solve the following and write you answer in correct significant figure.

1. 8.937 + 8.930=_____ 2. 0.00015 x 54.6= _____ 3. 847.89 ______ 4 . 847.73=________

4. 3.2 / 1.60 = _________ 5. 7.1 x 10=__________


Convert the following; Performed as Indicated

1. 5 meters = _____ centimeters
2. .3 kilometers = ______ meters
3. 400000 centimeters = ______kilometers
4. 16093 meters = __________decameters = ________ hectometers = ________ kilometers
5. 5ft 7 in _________cm

Expressthe following in Scientific Notation

1. 1230 2. .00003574 3. 15000 4. 7520 5. 1546.1

Express in Standard Notation

1. 1.5 x 103 2. 3.4 x 108 3. 6.86 x 10-6 4. 5.822 x 10-5 5. 4.02 x 1010

How many significant figures do each number contain?

1. 34.08 L 2. 0.0054 mm 3. 260.00 g 4. 550 miles 5. 0.008 mL

Module 3

1. Differentiates between scalar and vector quantities
2. Represent vector quantities by using a graph


SCALAR QUANTITY is the quantity that is describe by a magnitude

 40 kg, which describes mass
 30 min, tells time
 5 km, shows distance
 270C , gives the temperature
One characteristics of scalar quantities is that they add up or subtract like an ordinary numbers.

VECTOR QUANTITY is a quantity that is completely describe by both magnitude and direction
 80 km / h E , tells the velocity of a vehicle (the magnitude is 80 km/h and te
direction is East )
 20 N upward , describes a force ( 20 N magnitude and directed upward)
 1m/s2 to the right , expresses the acceleration of a moving object with a magnitude
of 1 m/s2 directed to the right.
Vector quantities are important in the study of physics. If scalar quantities follow arithmetic
rules, vector quabtities do not. This is one important characteristic of vectors.


We often use arrows to represent vectors visually because the length of the arrow can
be related to the magnitude and the arrowhead can indicate the direction. We will talk about
the head, tail and magnitude of a vector when using arrows to represent them. Below is a
diagram showing a vector (the arrow). The magnitude is indicated by the length and the labels
show the the tail and the head of the vector. The direction of the vector is indicated by the
direction in which the arrow is pointing.
When we write the symbol for a physical quantity represented by a vector we draw
an arrow over it to signify that it is a vector. If the arrow is left out then we are referring only to the
magnitude of the vector quantity.
It is easy to draw vectors. You just draw a line to scale to represent the magnitude of the vector
and then draw the arrowhead towrds the direction of the vector.

Another example;

Here, the magnitude of d , is represented by a line 5 cm long. A scale that syas each
centemeter on the line is equivalent to 3 km gives us an idea that the magnitude of d is 15
km .
Finally, the arrowhead is added to the scaled line to indicate the direction of the
To be more specific in representing vectors, they are drawn in the Cartesian coordinate plane
starting from the origin.
On the x-axis are the East and West directions, (+x – axis for East and – x – axis for West) and on
the y-axis are the North and South directions ( +y –axis for North and –y –axis for South).

2 1


4 3

Here are some examples of vectors drawn in the Cartesian coordinate plane.

1. a force of 90 dynes North 400 East

2. an acceleration of 60 m/s2 30 West of North
3. a linear momentum of 50 kg. m/s South
4. a displacement of 80 km 450 South of West

1. Which one is a vector quantity? Scalar quantity?
a. 100 m2
b. 120 km/h East
c. 3000 dynes downward
d. 1 g/cm3
e. 15 mi/s
2. Draw the following vectors in a cartesian plane using your ruler and protractor
a. 40 newtons SE,
b. 15 m/s2 250 SW
c. 120 km E 350 S

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