EEE 458 - Expt 2 (MCB Tripping Characteristics)

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Stamford University Bangladesh

Course Title: Power System Protection Laboratory

Course Code: EEE 458

Experiment No. 2
Experiment Name: Determination of the tripping characteristics for an MCB
1.1 Background
Discussed in Expt. 1 and included in that lab sheet.
1.2 Safety, setup and measurements

1. Make sure the Test Set (variac, transformer, stop watch, clamp meter, MCB) is
securely placed on a table.
2. Make sure the ground connection from the SDB to the ground terminal of the socket
3. Ensure that the voltage regulation knob is turned fully counter clockwise (CCW) of
the Variac.
4. Connect the wire from the Variac to the transformer. From the transformer the
connection will be set with the MCB.

a) CCW knob of Variac b) Transformer connection

c) Variac connection d) Total connection

Stamford University Bangladesh
Course Title: Power System Protection Laboratory
Course Code: EEE 458

5. Connect the main cable of the Variac to the 3 pin socket.

6. Make sure you DO NOT touch the wire at any point of the experiments.
7. Before the experiment will be started set the MCB in its operating condition. Take a
Stop watch to measure the timing of tripping. Set a Clamp meter with the connecting
wire of MCB for measuring the current flow through the MCB.
8. Turn the voltage regulation knob CW slowly and follow the current rating from clamp
meter. At a time start the stop watch to measure the time of tripping.
9. Increase the current to 1.2 times that of the MCB rating. For 6 A the nominal rating
should be 7.2 A. Check if the MCB trips.
10. Increase the current level beyond the nominal current level but below 30 A. For each
current injection carefully observe the tripping time accurately. Record the tripping
time and corresponding current value.
11. Reset the MCB lever to close position to repeat the experiments for different current
values. Take at least 3 sets of data using different values of MCB.
12. Note the safe operating current level and tripping current in the MCB.
13. Increase the voltage regulation instantly to a higher values such between 225V to
250V to observe how fast the MCB trips. In this case current will increase instantly to
30A. Make a table with the current injection level and time taken for the MCB to trip.

1.2 Report

1. For the MCB experiment, make a table with the following columns:

a. Number of readings

b. Safe operating current level in the MCB

c. Tripping currents

d. Time taken for the MCB to trip

2. Draw a plot of the tripping currents vs. the tripping time in graph paper.

1.3 Self-study questions

1. During the MCB experiment, which mechanism (thermal overload release or magnetic
short-circuit release) do you think worked during tripping at various current levels?

Stamford University Bangladesh
Course Title: Power System Protection Laboratory
Course Code: EEE 458

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