National Service Training Program1: Ms - Viray (Module 3 - IT1&HRS1)
National Service Training Program1: Ms - Viray (Module 3 - IT1&HRS1)
National Service Training Program1: Ms - Viray (Module 3 - IT1&HRS1)
Ms.Viray (Module 3 – IT1&HRS1)
To Basic Values of the Filipino People
We can be good citizens of the Republic if we are to adhere to the basic values
enshrined and stipulated in Preamble of our 1987 Philippine Constitution. These are unity,
patriotism, faith in Almighty God, respect for life, respect for law and Government, work,
truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, peace, promotion of the common, concern for the
environment, and order. These values serve as the guiding principles in our life as a nation
and provide the underlying framework for all the provisions of the Constitution.
For an adult, his basic values can be seen in his outward manifestations as well as
in decision-making. There is always a consistency in what he thinks and feels and what
he says.
Every Filipino child needs to be helped to form his own values consistent with basic
Filipino values, if he is to grow into a citizen who is “maka-Diyos, maka-tao, maka-bayan,
and maka-kalikasan.”
Answer the following questions:
1. Define a Constitution.
3. What are the different citizenship values contained in the Preamble of the
Philippine Constitution?