ours before it is carried out. b. Button the child’s coat and blouse.
c. Explain the surgery several days before it is carried out. c. Discourage the child’s choice of clothing.
1. The nurse expects a well-developing 3-month-old infant to be d. Explain the surgery only when you feel like doing it. d. Tell the child when the combination of clothes is not
able to perform which of the following motor skill? * appropriate
a. Bangs objects held in hand 6. A nurse is preparing a 4-year-old boy for surgery. Which
b. Looks and plays with own fingers nursing action is appropriate for preoperative teaching based on 11. The mother of a preschooler reports that her child creates a
c. Begins to grab objects using pincer grasp Erikson’s developmental stages? * scene every night at bedtime. The nurse and the mother decide
d. Grabs objects using a palmar grasp a. Asking the child how he feels about surgery that the best course of action would be to do which of the
b. Allowing the child to listen to music without further following? *
2. A mother complains that her 3-year-old toddler is acting out. instructions a. Encourage active play before bedtime.
She asks the nurse what a good form of discipline would be for c. Allowing the child to make a project related to the surgery b. Allow the child to stay up later one or two nights a week.
her son, to which the nurse replied a “time-out” for the child. d. Having the child put a surgical mask on a doll c. Establish a set bedtime and follow a routine.
Which statement regarding a time-out is most accurate? * d. Give the child a cookie if bedtime is pleasant.
a. Children should not be expected to sit still until they are in 7. Which result should a nurse expect if a 4-year-old child’s
school visual acuity test is normal for the child’s developmental age? * 12.. The mother tells the nurse that her 8-year-old child is
b. The child should sit still for as many minutes as he a. 10/10 continually telling jokes and riddles to the point of driving the
misbehaved b. 20/20 other family members crazy. The nurse should explain this
c. The child should sit still at a time-out for as many minutes as c. 20/40 behavior is a sign of: *
his age in years d. 40/40 a. Excessive television watching
d. The child should be able to read a book during time-out b. Inadequate parental attention.
8. When taking an infant’s blood pressure, the nurse should c. Inappropriate peer influence.
3. To be able to provide tactile stimulation to a 10-month-old consider which of the following points? SELECT ALL THAT d. Mastery of language ambiguities.
child, the nurse should: * APPLY. I. It is best to use an infant cuff on an infant.II. The
a. Swaddle the child at nap time cuff used can be a Doppler ultrasound device.III. The reading of 13. Parents of a 15-year-old state that he is moody and rude.
b. Let the child squash and mash food while sitting in a high the upper arm should be higher than the thigh.IV. The cuff used The nurse should advise his parents to: *
chair should be no more than two-thirds of the length of the upper a. Talk to other parents of adolescents
c. Caress the child while diaper changing arm.V. A similar reading on the arm and the thigh could b. Obtain family counseling
d. Give the child a soft squeeze toy indicate coarctation of the aorta. * c. Restrict his activities
a. I, II, IV, V d. Discuss their feelings with their child
4. A first-time mother asks the clinic nurse when the best time b. I, II, III
their 2-year-old child should be toilet trained. What will be the c. I, II, IV 14. Which actions by the parents of an 8-month-old child would
most appropriate response of the nurse? * d. I, II alarm the nurse that further teaching is needed for prevention of
a. “Children need sphincter control, cognitive understanding of childhood accidents? *
the task, and the ability to delay immediate gratification.” 9. How should a nurse weight a 22-month-old child who can a. Inspecting toys for loose parts.
b. “Children should be placed on the potty chair often so they walk independently? * b. Placing a fire screen in front of the fireplace.
get used to the task and should be rewarded immediately for a. All infants until the age of 2 years should be weighed using c. Placing a car seat in a front-seat, front-facing position.
staying on the potty chair.” an infant scale. d. Placing toxic substances out of reach or in a locked cabinet
c. “Children should be ready to toilet train at about 2 years b. Ask the mother which would be best for the child.
old.” c. A standing scale should be used because the toddler is able MATERNAL HEALTH 1
d. “First put training pants on your child so the child gets used to stand independently.
1. Which client should the postpartum nurse assess first after
to not wearing a diaper.” d. Have the mother weigh herself and then weigh herself
receiving the a.m. shift report? *
holding her child. Then subtract the mother’s weight from the
5. Daniel Joshua is scheduled for surgery to repair a cleft palate. a. The client who is complaining of perineal pain when
combined child and mother’s weight.
The parents ask the nurse manager when they could talk about urinating.
the surgery with Daniel Joshua. Based on the child’s 10. How can a mother promote autonomy in a 4-year-old b. The client who saturated multiple peri-pads during the night.
developmental age, the nurse manager’s best response is: * child? * c. The client who is refusing to have the newborn in the room.
a. Explain the surgery immediately before it is carried out. a. Praise the child’s attempts to dress herself. d. The client who is crying because the baby will not nurse.
2. Which newborn infant would warrant immediate intervention d. Contact Child Protective Services. c. 12 and 16 weeks of pregnancy
by the nursery nurse? * d. 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy
a. The 1-hour-old newborn who has abundant lanugo. 8. Which primigravida client would warrant immediate
b. The 6-hour-old newborn whose respirations are 52. intervention by the nurse? * 3. A nurse is caring for a 30-year-old client whose pregnancy
c. The 12-hour-old newborn who is turning red and crying. a. The 12-week gestation client complaining of nausea and history is as follows: elective termination in 2001, spontaneous
d. The 24-hour-old newborn who has not passed meconium. vomiting. abortion in 2005, term vaginal delivery in 2010, and currently
b. The 24-week gestation client complaining of ankle edema. pregnant again. Which documentation by the nurse of the
3. The nurse working in a women’s health clinic is returning c. The 32-week gestation client reporting of facial edema. client’s gravity and parity is correct? *
telephone calls. Which client should the nurse contact first? * d. The 38-week gestation client reporting urinary frequency. a. G2P1
a. The 16-year-old client who is complaining of severe lower b. G3P1
abdominal cramping. 9. After AM endorsements, the nurse in the labor and delivery c. G4P1
b. The 27-year-old primigravida client who is complaining of unit will prioritize which client? * d. G4P2
blurred vision. a. The client who is 10 cm dilated and 100% effaced.
c. The 48-year-old perimenopausal client who is expelling b. The client who is exhibiting early decelerations on the fetal 4. A client with gravida 3 para 2 (G3P2) at 40 weeks’ gestation
dark-red blood clots. monitor. is admitted with spontaneous contractions. The physician
d. The 68-year-old client who thinks her uterus is falling out of c. The client who is vacillating about whether or not to have an performs an amniotomy to augment her labor. The priority
her vagina. epidural. nursing action is to: *
d. The client who is upset because her obstetrician is on a. position the client in a lithotomy position to administer
4. The postpartum unit nurse should immediately attend to vacation. perineal care.
which client? * b. explain the rationale for the amniotomy to the client.
a. The client whose white blood cell count is 18,000 mm3. 10. The nurse is caring for clients in a women’s health clinic. c. assess fetal heart tones after the amniotomy.
b. The client whose serum creatinine level is 0.8 mg/dL. Which client warrants intervention by the nurse? * d. ambulate the client to strengthen the contraction pattern.
c. The client whose platelet count is 410,000 mm3. a. The pregnant client who has hematocrit and hemoglobin
d. The client whose serum glucose level is 280 mg/dL. levels of 40% and 13 g/dl respectively. 5. A 25-year-old woman asks a clinic nurse when her due date
b. The pregnant client who has a fasting blood glucose level of will be. Her last menstrual period was 3 months ago, which
5. The nursery nurse needs to immediately attend to which 110 mg/dL. began on 11/21. She has a positive urine pregnancy test. Using
newborn infant? * c. The pregnant client who has 3+ proteins in her urine. Naegele’s rule, when is the patient’s expected date of
a. The 3-hour-old newborn who weighs 6 pounds and 2 ounces. d. The pregnant client who has a white blood cell count of confinement (EDC)? *
b. The 4-hour-old newborn delivered at 44 weeks’ gestation. 9,500 mm3 a. 1/28
c. The 6-hour-old newborn who is 22 inches long. b. 8/28
d. The 8-hour-old newborn who was born at 40 weeks’ MATERNAL HEALTH 2 c. 8/15
gestation. d. 1/15
1. A nurse is taking the health history of a new, pregnant client.
6. The nurse instructed the unlicensed assistive personnel Which medical conditions are most likely to be risk factors for 6. A 32-week-pregnant client asks how the nurse will determine
(UAP) to provide a sitz bath to the postpartum client with complications during pregnancy? SELECT ALL THAT if the baby is “really okay.” Based on evidences, which
hemorrhoids. Which priority intervention should the nurse APPLY. i. Controlled chronic hypertension ii. Diabetes iii. assessment during the third trimester should the nurse perform
implement? * Anemia iv. Hemorrhage with a previous pregnancy v. Previous to evaluate adequate growth and viability of the fetus? *
a. Document the sitz bath in the client’s nurse’s notes. pregnancy a. Measure the woman’s abdominal girth
b. Follow-up to ensure the UAP gave the sitz bath. a. II, III, IV b. Complete a third-trimester ultrasound
c. Assess the client’s hemorrhoids every 4 hours. b. II, III, V c. Auscultate maternal heart tones
d. Discuss the importance of not getting constipated c. I, II, III, IV d. Measure fundal height
d. I, II, III, IV, V
7. The 36-week gestational client has just delivered a stillborn 7. When assessing a pregnant woman is at 20 weeks gestation,
infant. Which intervention should the nurse implement? * 2. A pregnant woman asks a nurse, who is teaching a prepared at what level does she expect the client’s uterine height to be? *
a. Call the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) support group. childbirth class, when she should expect to feel fetal movement. a. Two finger-breadths above the symphysis pubis
b. Refer the client to the maternal child case manager. The nurse’s correct response would between: * b. Halfway between the symphysis pubis and the umbilicus
c. Notify the hospital chaplain of the fetal demise. a. 22 and 26 weeks of pregnancy c. At the umbilicus
b. 18 and 20 weeks of pregnancy
d. Two finger-breadths above the umbilicus 13. A G1P0 client shows up at a clinic and states that she is following a class on infection prevention that the woman
anxious regarding her pregnancy, her prenatal care, and her attended. The nurse would recognize that the woman needs
8. A nurse is assessing the fundal height for multiple pregnant labor and birth. What would be then nurse’s priority teaching further instruction when she tells the nurse about which one of
clients. For which client should the nurse conclude that a fundal during the first trimester? * the following measures that she now uses to prevent urinary
height measurement is most accurate? * a. Fetal growth and development tract infections? Select all that apply. i. “I should stop having
a. A pregnant client who is obese b. Sexual relations with her spouse intercourse with my partner since it increases my risk for
b. A pregnant client with polyhydramnios c. Labor and delivery options urinary tract infections.” ii. “I have started wearing panty hose
c. A pregnant client with uterine fibroids d. Completion of preparations for the baby and underpants with a cotton crotch.” iii. “I have yogurt for
d. A pregnant client experiencing fetal movement lunch or as an evening snack.” iv. “I drink about 1 quart of fluid
14. A first-time pregnant client has a jetsetter lifestyle. She a day.” v. “I have stopped using bubble baths and bath oils.” *
9. A client comes in to the clinic to have her first prenatal visit. wishes to travel by airplane during the first 36 weeks of her a. II, III, V
Which universal screenings should a nurse be able to complete pregnancy. The client will be at risk for which primary b. I, III
at this time? Select all that apply. i. Testing the urine for protein condition if she wishes to air travel? * c. I, IV
ii. Taking the blood pressure iii. Screening for domestic a. Preterm labor d. IV
violence iv. Screening for smoking v. Testing the urine for b. Deep vein thrombosis
glucose * c. Spontaneous miscarriage 19. What is the suggested weight gain for a pregnant woman
a. I, II, V d. Nausea and vomiting who had an ideal weight before becoming pregnant? *
b. I,II, III, IV,V a. Less than 15 lb
c. II, IV, V 15. Which among these activities are considered safe for a first- b. 15–25 lb
d. I, III, IV trimester pregnant client? * c. 25–35 lb
a. Sexual activity d. 35–45 lb
10. A pregnant client visits the hospital for her first prenatal b. Sauna use
visit with the following laboratory results. Which among these c. Hair coloring 20. What preconceptal supplement will prevent incidence of
would alert the nurse? * d. Hot tub use neural tube defects? *
a. Pap smear: Negative; human papillomavirus (HPV) changes a. Vitamin B9 supplement
noted 16. A nurse is assessing a pregnant woman during a prenatal b. Iron supplement
b. White blood cells (WBCs): 7,000/mm3 visit. Several presumptive indicators of pregnancy are c. Vitamin C supplement
c. Hematocrit: 36.5% documented. Which of the following are presumptive d. Vitamin B6 supplement
d. Urine pH: 7.4 indicators? Select all that apply. i. Hegar’s sign ii. Amenorrhea
iii. Nausea and vomiting iv. Quickening v. Ballottement vi. MATERNAL HEALTH 3
11. A 16-week-pregnant client shows to you her positive result Palpation of fetal movement by the nurse *
of a quadruple screen for Down’s syndrome. What diagnostic a. I, V 1. When does a nurse consider the fetus head has already
test do you expect to be ordered to confirm the diagnosis? * b. II,III, IV engaged? *
a. Level II ultrasound c. II, III, IV, V a. the biparietal diameter passes the pelvic inlet
b. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) d. I, II, V b. the presenting part moves through the pelvis.
c. Amniocentesis c. the fetal head rotates to pass through the ischial spines.
d. Nuchal translucency testing 17. A woman at 30 weeks of gestation assumes a supine d. the fetal head extends as it passes under the symphysis
position for a fundal measurement and Leopold’s maneuvers. pubis.
12. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of a pregnant She begins to complain about feeling dizzy and nauseated. Her
client. Which among these values is considered abnormal for a skin feels damp and cool. The nurse’s first action would be to: * 2. A mother active phase of labor has a reactive fetal monitor
pregnant woman?Laboratory test (Result) Hemoglobin (10.6 a. elevate the woman’s legs 20 degrees from her hips. strip and has been encouraged to walk. When she returns to bed
g/dL) Indirect Coombs’ test (Negative) 50-gram 1-hour glucose b. assess the woman’s respiratory rate and effort. for a monitor check, she complains of an urge to push. The
test (137) Glycosuria (Negative)Proteinuria (Trace) c. turn the woman on her side. nurse notes rupture of membranes (ROM) and that she can
a. 50-gram 1-hour glucose test d. provide the woman with an emesis basin. visualize the umbilical cord. What would be the appropriate
b. Hemoglobin action of the nurse? *
c. Glycosuria 18. The nurse evaluates a pregnant woman’s knowledge about a. Push down on the uterine fundus.
d. Proteinuria prevention of urinary tract infections at the prenatal visit b. Put the client in a knee-to-chest position.
c. Call the physician or midwife. c. Administer oxygen via facemask at 10 to 12 L/min. d. Cord prolapse
d. Arrange for fetal blood sampling to assess for fetal acidosis d. Document fetal well-being
13. The cervix of a primigravid client in active labor who
3. A client in the 28th week age of gestation (AOG) comes to 8. A laboring client is experiencing dyspnea, diaphoresis, received epidural anesthesia 4 hours ago is now completely
the emergency department thinking she’s in labor. To confirm tachycardia, and hypotension. A nurse suspects aortocaval dilated, and the client is ready to begin pushing. Before the
diagnosis of preterm labor, the nurse would expect the physical compression. How should the nurse position the client client begins to push, the nurse should assess: *
examination to reveal: * immediately? * a. Cervical dilation again.
a. irregular uterine contractions with no cervical dilation. a. Turning the client onto her left side b. Fetal heart rate variability.
b. painful contractions with no cervical dilation. b. Turning the client onto her right side c. Status of membranes.
c. regular uterine contractions with cervical dilation. c. Reverse Trendelenburg’s position d. Bladder status
d. regular uterine contractions with no cervical dilation d. Supine position
14. In response to a pregnant client’s wish to have only minimal
4. Before starting a titrated infusion of oxytocin, the nurse 9. The nurse is managing care of a primigravida at full term interventions for pain relief, the OBGYN recommends a
FIRST: * who is in active labor. What should be included in developing procedure of injecting perineal anesthesia into the pudendal
a. sets the infusion pump for the ordered rate. the plan of care for this client? * plexus for pain relief during the second stage of labor, birth, and
b. initiates I.V. access. a. Anesthesia/pain level assessment every 30 minutes. episiotomy repair. The nurse anticipates which type of
c. checks the label on the infusion bag for proper b. Oxygen saturation monitoring every half hour. anesthesia to be administered? *
concentration. c. Supine positioning on back, if it is comfortable. a. Pudendal block
d. identifies the client. d. Vaginal bleeding, rupture of membrane (ROM) assessment b. Epidural anesthesia
every shift. c. Systemic analgesia
5. A mother experiences rupture of membranes while she was in d. Local infiltration anesthesia
the second stage of labor. The most appropriate nursing action 10. A nurse is caring for a woman who is being evaluated for a
to be done is to: * suspected malpresentation. The fetus’s long axis is lying across 15. A client on 24th week of gestation presents with regular
a. position the client on her left side the maternal abdomen, and the contour of the abdomen is contractions that she describes as strong in intensity. Her
b. assess the client’s vital signs immediately. elongated. Which should be the nurse’s documentation of the lie cervical exam indicates that she is dilated to 3 cm. This
c. administer oxygen through a face mask at 6 to 10 L/minute. of the fetus? * information should suggest to a nurse that the client is
d. observe for a prolapsed cord and monitor fetal heart rate a. Breech experiencing: *
(FHR). b. Transverse a. Lightening
c. Vertex b. Cervical ripening
6. A nurse determines that a gestationally diabetic client in d. Brow c. Early labor
preterm labor has a reactive nonstress test (NST) when which d. False labor
findings are noted? * 11. A full-term client is admitted for induction of labor. The
a. The absence of decelerations in a 20-minute period initial goal is cervical ripening prior to labor induction. Which 16. The nurse is caring for a client in labor and is monitoring
b. Two FHR accelerations of 20 bpm above baseline for at least drug will prepare her cervix for induction and cause the the fetal heart rate patterns. The nurse notes the presence of
20 seconds in a 20-minute period ripening? * episodic accelerations on the electronic fetal monitor tracing.
c. Two fetal heart rate (FHR) accelerations of 15 beats per a. Betamethasone Which action is most appropriate? *
minute (bpm) above baseline for at least 15 seconds in a 20- b. Misoprostol a. Take the mother’s vital signs and tell the mother that bed rest
minute period c. Nalbuphine is required to conserve oxygen
d. A FHR acceleration of 15 bpm above baseline for at least 15 d. Oxytocin b. Reposition the mother and check the monitor for changes in
seconds in a 20-minute period the fetal tracing.
12. A primigravida client has been pushing for 2 hours when the c. Notify the health care provider of the findings.
7. A client is induced with oxytocin. The fetal heart rate is head emerges. The fetus fails to deliver, and the physician notes d. Document the findings and tell the mother that the pattern on
showing accelerations lasting 15 seconds and exceeding the that the turtle sign has occurred. Which should be a nurse’s the monitor indicates fetal well-being.
baseline with fetal movement. What action associated with this interpretation of this information? *
finding should the nurse take? * a. Cephalopelvic disproportion 17. After teaching on true and false labor with a multiparous
a. Notify the health care provider of the situation. b. Persistent occiput posterior position patient, the nurse evaluates that the patient understands the
b. Turn the client to her left side. c. Shoulder dystocia signs of true labor if she says which of the following? *
a. “My contractions will be felt in my abdominal area.” presentation v. Brow presentation vi. Face presentation (with 28. Which finding following an amniotomy should be assessed
b. “My contractions will not be as painful if I walk around.” posterior mentum) * for first? *
c. “My contractions will increase in duration and intensity.” a. I, II, III, V, VI a. Cervical dilation
d. “I won’t be in labor until my baby drops.” b. II, IV, V, VI b. Bladder distention
c. I, II, IV, V, VI c. Fetal heart rate pattern
18. A client on labor has been pushing effectively for an hour d. I, II, III, IV, V, VI d. Maternal blood pressure
already. What is the client’s priority physiologic need at this
time? * 23. A patient on preterm labor is given betamethasone to 29. Approximately 15 minutes after birth of a viable term
a. Ambulation produce which of the following expected outcome? * neonate, a multiparous client has chills. Which of the following
b. Changing positions frequently a. The client will give birth to a neonate without infection. should the nurse do next? *
c. Rest between contractions b. The neonate will be born with mature lungs a. Assess the client's pulse rate.
d. Consuming oral food and fluids c. The client will give birth to a full-term neonate. b. Decrease the rate of intravenous fluids.
d. The contractions will end within 24 hours. c. Provide the client with a warm blanket.
19. A client who is in the second stage of labor for the last 12 d. Assess the amount of blood loss
hours is in the unit. The nurse DOES NOT expect which of the 24. The nurse is reviewing the record of a client in the labor
following cardiovascular change to occur during labor? * room and notes that the health care provider has documented 30. Which of the following signs would indicate to the nurse
a. A decrease in cardiac output that the fetal presenting part is at the –1 station. This that the placenta is about to be delivered? *
b. An increase in peripheral vascular resistance documented finding indicates that the fetal presenting part is a. There is decreased vaginal bleeding.
c. An increase in maternal heart rate located at which area? * b. The uterus cannot be palpated.
d. A decrease in the uterine artery blood flow during a. 1 inch below the iliac crest c. The cord lengthens outside the vagina.
contractions b. 1 inch below the coccyx d. Uterus changes to discoid shape.
c. 1 cm above the ischial spine
20. A nurse has been advised by a laboring client that she wants d. 1 fingerbreadth below the symphysis pubis 31. A nurse notices repetitive late decelerations on the fetal
to avoid an episiotomy if possible. The nurse’s response should heart monitor. The best initial actions by the nurse would be: *
be based on which recommendation related to an episiotomy? * 25. The nurse is monitoring a client in labor. The nurse suspects a. Prepare for birth, reposition patient, and begin pushing.
a. Episiotomies should not be performed in modern clinical umbilical cord compression if which is noted on the external b. Reposition patient, apply oxygen, and increase IV fluids
practice. monitor tracing during a contraction? * c. Perform sterile vaginal exam, increase IV fluids, and apply
b. Routine use of episiotomy reduces prolonged pushing and a. Variability oxygen.
perineal trauma. b. Variable decelerations d. Notify the provider, explain findings to the patient, and
c. Routine episiotomy can prevent pelvic floor damage. c. Accelerations begin pushing.
d. Restricted use of episiotomy is preferred. d. Early decelerations
21. A nurse is about to obtain a fetal heart rate (FHR) of a 26. The primary physician orders an amniocentesis for a
pregnant client for possible labor. When preparing to auscultate primigravid client at 35 weeks' gestation in early labor to 1. A postpartal client looks at the mirror and says, “My stomach
the FHR, she uses which information as basis for correct determine fetal lung maturity. Which of the following is an still looks like I’m pregnant!” The nurse explains that the
placement? * indicator of fetal lung maturity? * abdominal muscles, which separate during pregnancy, will do
a. Presence of contractions a. Barr body determination. which of the following? *
b. Fetal position b. Amount of bilirubin present. a. Regain tone within the first week after birth
c. Position of the placenta c. Lecithin-sphingomyelin (L/S ratio) b. Regain prepregnancy tone with exercise
d. Whether ultrasonic gel should be used d. Presence of red blood cells. c. Remain permanently separated giving the abdomen a slight
22. A night nurse has admitted multiple maternity clients with 27. How should a nurse position a client for cesarean d. Regain tone as the client loses the weight gained during the
various fetal presentations. Which fetal presentations, if delivery? * pregnancy
unchanged, would require the nurse to prepare for cesarean a. Trendelenburg’s position with the legs in stirrups
sections? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. i. Single footling b. Prone position with the legs separated and elevated 2. A postpartum client, who is 24 hours post-vaginal birth and
breech ii. Double footling breech iii. Frank breech iv. Shoulder c. Supine position with a wedge under the right hip breastfeeding, asks a nurse when she can begin exercising to
d. Semi-Fowler’s position with a pillow under the knees regain her prepregnancy body shape. Which response by the
nurse is correct? *
a. “You will need to wait until after your 6-week postpartum d. “Feeding the baby for a half-hour on each side will not make 11. While assessing a postpartum client who is 10 hours post-
checkup.” my breasts sore.” vaginal delivery, a nurse notes a perineal pad that is totally
b. “Once your lochia has stopped you can begin exercising.” saturated with lochia. To determine the significance of this
c. “Simple abdominal and pelvic exercises can begin right 7. While assisting with the delivery of a term newborn, which finding, which question should the nurse ask the client first? *
now.” intervention should a nurse anticipate to prevent postpartum a. “Are you having uterine cramping?”
d. “You should not exercise while you are breastfeeding.” hemorrhage during the third stage of labor? * b. “Are you having any difficulty emptying your bladder?”
a. Application of fundal pressure c. “When was the last time you changed your peri pad?”
3. Immediately after delivery of the placenta, the nurse palpates b. Clamping the umbilical cord before pulsations stop d. “Have you passed any clots?”
the uterine fundus and finds that it is firm and located halfway c. Administration of intravenous oxytocin
between the client’s umbilicus and symphysis pubis. Based on d. Administration of subcutaneous terbutaline sulfate 12. A grand-multiparous client has just given birth to a large-
the findings, what action would the nurse take? * for-gestational-age infant. The nurse determines the client's
a. Monitor the client closely for increased vaginal bleeding 8. The nurse assesses a swollen ecchymosed area to the right of primary risk is for: *
b. Assess for bladder distension an episiotomy on a primiparous client 6 hours after a vaginal a. Fluid volume deficit
c. Immediately begin to massage the uterus birth. The nurse should next * b. Knowledge deficit
d. Document the findings a. Apply an ice pack to the perineal area. c. Acute pain
b. Assess the client's temperature. d. Ineffective breastfeeding
4. It has been 24 hours after a postpartal client had a vaginal c. Have the client take a warm sitz bath.
delivery. She complains not having a bowel movement since d. Contact the physician for prescriptions for an antibiotic. 13. A primiparous client who is beginning to breast-feed her
before the delivery. The nurse would intervene by doing which neonate asks the nurse, “Is it important for my baby to get
of the following? * 9. A postpartum client, who delivered a full-term infant 2 days colostrum?” When instructing the client, the nurse would
a. Assessing the client’s bowel sounds previously, calls a nurse to her room and states that she is explain that colostrum provides the neonate with *
b. Notifying the health-care practitioner immediately concerned because her breasts “seem to be growing.” She a. More fat than breast milk.
c. Administering a laxative that has been ordered on an as reports that the bra she wore during pregnancy is too small. She b. Passive immunity from maternal antibodies
needed basis asks the nurse what is wrong with her. The nurse’s response c. Vitamin K, which the neonate lacks.
d. Documenting the information in the client’s healthcare should be based on which of the following statements? * d. Delayed meconium passage.
records a. Thrombi may form in veins of the breast and cause increased
breast size. 14. A client gave birth vaginally 2 hours ago and has a third-
5. In the process of preparing a client for discharge after b. Breast tissue increases in the early postpartum period as milk degree laceration. There is ice in place on her perineum.
cesarean section, a nurse addresses all of the following areas forms. However, her perineum is slightly edematous, and the client is
during discharge education. Which should be the priority advice c. Enlarging breasts are a symptom of infection. having pain rated 6 on a scale of 1 to 10. Which nursing
for the client? * d. Increasing breast tissue may be a sign of postpartum fluid intervention would be the most appropriate at this time? *
a. Infant care procedures retention. a. Replace ice packs to the perineum.
b. Increased need for rest b. Begin sitz baths.
c. The need to plan for assistance at home 10. A primiparous client, who is bottle feeding her infant, asks a c. Administer pain medication per prescription.
d. How to manage her incision nurse when she can expect to start having her menstrual cycle d. Initiate anesthetic sprays to the perineum
again. Which response by the nurse is most accurate? *
6. A postpartum primiparous client is having difficulty breast- a. “Your period should return a few days after your lochial 15. In response to the nurse's question about how she is feeling,
feeding her infant. The infant latches on to the breast, but the discharge stops.” a postpartum client states that she is fine. She then begins
mother's nipples are extremely sore during and after each b. “You will notice a change in your vaginal discharge from talking to the baby, checking the diaper, and asking infant care
feeding. The client needs further instruction about breast- pink to white; once that happens your period should return questions. The nurse determines the client is in which postpartal
feeding when she states * within a week.” phase of psychological adaptation? *
a. “As long as some of my nipple is in the baby's mouth, the c. “Most women who bottle feed their infants can expect their a. Taking in
baby will receive enough milk.” periods to return within 6 to 10 weeks after birth.” b. Taking on
b. “I can put breast milk on my nipples to heal the sore areas.” d. “Bottle feeding will delay the return of a normal menstrual c. Taking hold
c. “The baby needs to have as much of the nipple and areola in cycle until 6 months post-birth.” d. Letting go
his mouth as possible to prevent sore and cracked nipples.”
1. A client with gestational diabetes entering her third trimester 6. When caring for a multigravid client admitted to the hospital d. Dyspepsia
is learning how to monitor her fetus's movements. After with vaginal bleeding at 38 weeks' gestation, which of the
teaching the client about the kick count, the nurse knows that following would the nurse anticipate administering 11. A 38-year-old pregnant woman has just been told she has
further teaching is needed if the client makes which of the intravenously if the client develops disseminated intravascular hydramnios after undergoing a sonogram for size greater than
following statements? * coagulation (DIC)? * dates. For which conditions, associated with hydramnios,
a. “The baby may not move at times because it is asleep.” a. Warfarin sodium should the nurse assess? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. i.
b. “The baby should be moving less than 10 times in 2 hours.” b. Dextrose 5% Presence of major congenital anomaly ii. Chronic hypertension
c. “The baby may be more active at different times of the day.” c. Lactated Ringer’s solution iii. Infectioiv. Gestational diabetes v. Preeclampsia *
d. “How I feel my baby move is different than my friend.” d. Fresh frozen platelets
2. When teaching a primigravid client with diabetes about 7. Another nurse is caring for a 29-weeks-pregnant woman who a. I, II, IV
common causes of hyperglycemia during pregnancy, which of presents with decreased fetal movement. Her initial blood b. II, IV, V
the following would the nurse include? * pressure (BP) reading is 140/90 mm Hg. She states she “doesn’t c. I, II, III
a. Maternal infection feel well” and her vision is “blurry.” Additional assessment data d. I, III, IV
b. Fetal macrosomia include +3 reflexes, +2 proteinuria, +2 pedal edema, and puffy
c. Obesity prior to conception face and hands. What is the most important information that the 12. A pregnant client presents with vaginal bleeding and
d. Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) nurse should obtain from the client’s prenatal record? * increasing cramping. Her exam reveals that the cervical os is
a. Urine dip stick from last visit open. Which term should the nurse expect to see in the client’s
3. At 38 weeks' gestation, a primigravid client with poorly b. BP at 20 weeks chart notation to most accurately describe the client’s
controlled diabetes and severe preeclampsia is admitted for a c. BP at her first prenatal visit condition? *
cesarean birth. Ceserean section is necessary to prevent which d. Weight gain pattern
complication of the client’s conditions? *
a. Congenital anomalies. 8. A client is attempting to deliver vaginally despite the fact that a. Complete abortion
b. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. her previous delivery was by cesarean birth. Her contractions b. Imminent abortion
c. Stillbirth are 2 to 3 minutes apart, lasting from 75 to 100 seconds. c. Ectopic pregnancy
d. Perinatal asphyxia. Suddenly, the client complains of intense abdominal pain, and d. Incomplete abortion
the fetal monitor stops picking up contractions. The nurse
4. A pregnant client with insulin-dependent diabetes asks about 13. A nurse admits a woman with a diagnosis of placenta
recognizes that which of the following has occurred? *
her insulin needs after giving birth. She said she has plans to previa. Which symptom is the nurse most likely to assess in a
a. Abruptio placentae
breastfeed her child. Which of the following statements about woman with this diagnosis? *
b. Prolapsed cord
postpartal insulin requirements for breastfeeding mothers would a. Painful vaginal bleeding
c. Partial placenta previa
the nurse include in her response? * b. Painless vaginal bleeding
d. Complete uterine rupture
a. They remain the same as during the labor process. c. Contractions
b. They fall significantly in the immediate postpartum period. 9. A woman presents with vaginal bleeding at 7 weeks. What is d. Absence of fetal movement
c. They usually increase in the immediate postpartum period. the primary nursing intervention for a woman who is bleeding
14. A pregnant client (G7P5) presents after being advised she
d. They need constant adjustment during the first 24 hours. during the first trimester? *
has a missed abortion. She tells a nurse that she wants to wait
a. Have oxygen available
5. A nurse is admitting a full-term pregnant client presenting and let the pregnancy pass “naturally.” Which length of time
b. Assess family’s response to the situation
with bright red, vaginal bleeding and intense abdominal pain. should the nurse tell the client is the longest she can wait before
c. Monitor vital signs
Her BP upon admission is 150/96 mm Hg and her pulse is 109 having a dilatation and curettage (D&C) after being diagnosed
d. Prepare equipment for examination
beats per minute. Which problem should the nurse suspect that with a missed abortion? *
the client is likely experiencing? * 10. A client is receiving magnesium sulfate to help suppress a. 4–6 weeks
a. Placenta previa preterm labor. The nurse should watch for which sign of b. 72 hours
b. Abruptio placenta magnesium toxicity? * c. 6–8 weeks
c. Bloody show a. Palpitations d. 24 hours
d. Succenturiate placenta b. Headache
c. Loss of deep tendon reflexes
15. A pregnant client is concerned because she is now 14 days instruction when she says that preeclampsia can lead to which that the client's membranes have ruptured when the paper turns
over her due date. A nurse should monitor the client for which of the following? * which of the following colors? *
most concerning problem for a post-term fetus? * a. Abruptio placentae a. Yellow
a. Meconium-stained amniotic fluid b. Hydrocephalic infant b. Green
b. Birth trauma c. Intrauterine growth retardation c. Blue
c. Fetal demise d. Poor placental transfusion d. Red
d. Macrosomia
21. A 18-year-old client at 32 weeks' gestation with mild 26. A primigravid client at 34 weeks' gestation is experiencing
16. A nurse caring for a 30-weeks-pregnant client is having preeclampsia is treated as an outpatient. The nurse instructs the contractions every 3 to 4 minutes lasting for 35 seconds. Her
contraction every 2 minutes with spontaneous rupture of client to contact the health care provider immediately if she cervix is 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. While the nurse is
membranes about 2 hours ago. Her cervix is dilated at 8cm and experiences which of the following? * assessing the client's vital signs, the client says, “I think my bag
100% effaced. The nurse knows that this is an imminent a. Ankle edema of water just broke.” Which of the following would the nurse do
delivery and should perform which most important action? * b. Increased energy levels first? *
a. Providing teaching information on premature infant care c. Blurred vision a. Check the status of the fetal heart rate.
b. Administering a tocolytic agent d. Mild backache b. Turn the client to her right side.
c. Preparing for a cesarean birth c. Test the leaking fluid with nitrazine paper.
d. Notifying neonatology of the impending birth 22. A primigravid client at 38 weeks' gestation diagnosed with d. Perform a sterile vaginal examination.
severe preeclampsia is prescribed with magnesium sulfate.
17. Which complications should the nurse identify as being Which of the following medications should the nurse have 27. A client in sickle cell crisis was admitted during her
associated with gestational diabetes? SELECT ALL THAT readily available at the client's bedside? * pregnancy. Which statement by the client requires intervention
APPLY. i. Congenital anomalies ii. Seizures iii. Low birth a. Calcium gluconate from the nurse? *
weight infant iv. Preterm labor v. Large for gestational age b. Phenytoin a. “At the earliest signs of a crisis, I need to seek treatment.”
infant * c. Diazepam b. “I have this disease because I don't eat enough food with
a. I, II, IV, V d. Hydralazine iron.”
b. I, V c. “I will need more frequent appointments during the
c. I, IV, V 23. Which of the following should the nurse do FIRST if the remainder of the pregnancy.”
d. I, IV client with sever preeclampsia begins to experience a seizure? * d. “Signs of any type of infection must be reported
a. Insert an airway to improve oxygenation immediately.”
18. A client who is 20 days postpartum calls the perinatal clinic b. Note the time when the seizure begins and ends
nurse to report that she has been having heavy bright red c. Call for immediate assistance 28. The nurse assessed a positive Homan sign in a multiparous
bleeding since leaving the hospital 18 days ago. What should d. Turn the client to her left side client who delivered 24 hours ago. What should the nurse do? *
the nurse instruct the client to do? * a. Ask the client to ambulate around the room.
a. Stop being concerned because this is expected after birth 24. A nurse has been given a report on a postpartum client that b. Place a cold pack on the client's perineal area.
b. Call again next week if the bleeding has not stopped by then includes the information that the client suffered a fourth-degree c. Place the client in semi-Fowler's position.
c. Come to the clinic immediately perineal laceration during her vaginal birth. In response to this d. Notify the client's physician immediately.
d. Decrease physical activity until the bleeding stops information, which intervention should the nurse add to the
client’s plan of care? 29. A postpartum client is diagnosed with cystitis. The nurse
19. A multigravida client with mild preeclampsia should have a. Monitor the uterus for firmness every 2 hours. should plan for which priority nursing action in the care of the
which of the following diets? * b. Instruct the client on a high-fiber diet and administer stool client? *
a. Low-sodium diet softeners. a. Placing ice on the perineum
b. Regular diet c. Limit ambulation to bathroom privileges only. b. Providing sitz baths
c. High-protein diet d. Decrease fluid intake to 1,000 mL every 24 hours. c. Encouraging fluid intake
d. High-residue diet d. Monitoring hemoglobin and hematocrit levels
25. A multigravid client at 34 weeks' gestation visits the
20. After instructing a primigravid client at 38 weeks' gestation hospital because she suspects that her water has broken. After 30. A postpartum client is being discharged to home with a
about how preeclampsia can affect the client and the growing testing the leaking fluid with nitrazine paper, the nurse confirms streptococcal puerperal infection. The client is taking antibiotics
fetus, the nurse realizes that the client needs additional but asks a nurse what precautions she should take at home to
prevent spreading the infection to her husband, newborn, and
toddler. Which is the best response by the nurse? *
a. “No precautions are necessary since you are taking
b. “Your husband should provide all of the care for both
children until your infection is gone.”
c. “You should wear a mask when caring for your newborn and
d. “You need to perform hand hygiene before caring for your
children and after toileting and perineal care.”