Bahria University Islamabad Campus: (Department of Computer Science)

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Bahria University Islamabad Campus

(Department of Computer Science)

Degree Program: BS CS
Course Title: Database Management Systems
Course Code: CSC-220
Instructor: Syed Hassan Tanvir

1. HEC approved Curriculum

Basic database concepts, Database approach vs file based system, database architecture, three level schema architecture, data
independence, relational data model, attributes, schemas, tuples, domains, relation instances, keys of relations, integrity
constraints, relational algebra, selection, projection, Cartesian product, types of joins, normalization, functional
dependencies, normal forms, entity relationship model, entity sets, attributes, relationship, entity-relationship diagrams,
Structured Query Language (SQL), Joins and sub-queries in SQL, Grouping and aggregation in SQL, concurrency control,
database backup and recovery, indexes, NoSQL systems.
2. Lecture Plan

Course Code/number CSC-220

Course Title/Name Database Management Systems
Credit Hours/Contact hours 3/ 3
Degree Program BSCS
Prerequisites or Corequisites None

Assessment Methods and Quizzes 10

Weightage Assignments/Projects 20
Mid-Term Examination 20
Final Examination 50
Textbook (or Laboratory 1. Fundamentals of database systems Ramez elmasri 7th edition.
Manual for Laboratory
Reference Material 1. Database Management Systems pdf (2nd edition)
2. Lecture notes pdf by Werner Nutt.
3. Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management, 6th Edition by Thomas
Connolly and Carolyn Begg .
4. Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition by Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke

Web Resources/ Medium •

Used •
Instructor Name/Cluster Instructor Name: Syed Hassan Tanvir
Head/Subject Expert Designation: Lecturer Status □ Regular
Cluster Head Name: Dr Sumaira Kausar

Course Aims The aim of the course is to understand the concept of database management architecture, functional
dependencies, schemas, views, sequences, normalization.

Course Objectives Following are the objectives of this course:

1. To study the Characteristics of DBMS Architecture

2. To knowledge about Database Users
3. To be able to Minimal Redundancy
4. To provide Multiple User Interfaces
5. To introduce basic and advance schemas architecture
6. To make ER, EER Model
7. Understanding of latest DBMS Tools/ software
8. Implementation of SQL on several platforms
9. To briefly discuss about views, triggers
10. To maintain the recovery of Database

Course Outcomes After completing this course, the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:

1. Understand, appreciate and effectively explain the underlying concepts of database technologies
2. Design and implement a database schema for a given problem-domain
3. Normalize a database
4. Draw different models
5. Understanding of New database designs and architectures
6. Hands on Experience on Latest DB’s i.e. Mongo DB and fire base.

Description/Catalogue DBMS Architecture, History of Data Models, Normalization, Relations of ER Model, Constraints. SQL queries
Week # and Lecture Topic to be covered Reference Text
Date /Hour #

1 1 An overview of Database Systems Book: Ch. 1.1-1.7

Types & database application
Typical DBMS functionality

2 Characteristics of DBMS Architecture Book: Ch. 2.3

Database Users

3 Advantages of Using dB approach Book: Ch. 2.3

Introduction to SQL Environment

2 1. DB Concepts and Architecture Book: Chapter 2

Data Models & their categories
Schema, Instances and States

2. Three-Schema Architecture Data Book: Chapter 2

DBMS languages & Interfaces

3. DB system utilities and Tools Book: Chapter 2


3 1. Centralized & Client-Server Book: Chapter 2

Two tier architecture

2. Three tier architecture Book: Chapter 2

Classification of DBMS Variation of
3. History of Data Models Book: Chapter 2

4 1. Data Modeling Basic Concepts Book: Chapter 3

Entity Relationship (ER) Model
Entities, Attributes
2. Types of Attributes Book: Chapter 3
Entity set, Relationships ER Diagram

3. Recursive Relationship Type Book: Chapter 3


5 1 Week Entity Types Book: Chapter 3

Constraints of Relationships
Participation Constraints

2 Cardinality Ratio Book: Chapter 3

Attributes of Relationship Type
Notation of Constraints

3 Alternative (min, max) notations Book: Chapter 3

UML class diagrams
Data Modeling Tools

6 1 Enhanced ER Model Book: Chapter 3

2 Relations of ER Model Book: Chapter 3

3 DML: DELETE Book: Chapter 4

7 1. Relational Model Book: Chapter 4

2. Constraints Book: Chapter 4

3. DML: DELETE Book: Chapter 4

8 1 Relational Algebra Book: Chapter 4

2. DDL Introduction Book: Chapter 4

3. Review of course before Mid term

9 Mid-Semester Exam
10 1 ER and EER to Relational Mapping

2 Practice questions for ER and EER


11 1. Normalization

3. Practice questions about Joins
12 1. Functional Dependencies, 1NF, 2NF, 3NF

2. Trivial, non-trivial Functional



2 Multivalued Dependencies



2. Triggers
3. Set Operators

15 1 4NF

3 QUERIES Examples
16 1 Mongo DB Practical

2 Database rollback and recovery Practical

3 Revision

17 Final Exam
3. Course Assessment

Please provide Assignments/Course Project statement here.

Assignment 1: Students has to Generate the ER Diagram of the Given Case Study

Assignment 2: Student has to Implement the given case study and apply DDL and DML commands. Moreover, they will generate the system

generated ER diagram as proposed solution.

Assignment 3: In this assignment they have to write the short report which explains the importance of the Database Management Systems and

why they are important now a day. They have to take a case study of your choice and map the few questions accordingly.

Assignment 4: In this assignment students have to answer the few questions in light of Lecture 8 Types of Databases.

Assignment 5: In this assignment students have to designed the Nescafe Basement Database Management System bearing in mind the ‘user-

expectations’, your system should be able to answer few business questions.

Assignment 6: In this last assignment students have to implement the Assignment 5 in C# and create the user-friendly GUI for the database.
4. Assessment Timeline
Due to COVID-19 the Assessments were given to student on weekly basis the below time line was not followed

Week # Assignment Quiz No. Project Title Assignment/Project Result Date of

Assignments/ Projects and No. Quiz Date Assignment/Project/
quizzes Plan Quiz

3 Assignment 1

4 Quiz-1 Quiz-1

5 Assignment 2 Course Project Assignment 1 Quiz-1

6 Quiz-2 Quiz-2, Assignment 1

7 Course Project Assignment 2 Quiz-2

8 Assignment 2

10 Assignment 3

11 Quiz-3 Quiz-3

12 Assignment 3 Quiz-3

13 Quiz-4 Course Project Viva Assignment 3

14 Quiz-4 Quiz-4



REVISION HISTORY Updated by: Syed Hassan Tanvir Date: 17-Jun-2020

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