CP3 Assignment1
CP3 Assignment1
CP3 Assignment1
1. Read the following “Reading Materials”. These materials are all available on the internet and are
all downloadable.
a. Evangelium Vitae
b. Donum Vitae
c. Dignitatis Personae
d. Humanae Vitae
e. Declaration on Procured Abortion
f. Declaration on Euthanasia
g. New Charter for Health Care Workers
2. Choose five (5) from the following list of bioethical issues
a. Abortion
b. Surrogacy
c. Whole Genome Diagnosis
d. Cloning
e. Stem Cell
f. Eugenics
g. Genetically Modified Organisms
h. Euthanasia
i. Organ Donation
j. Organ Transplant
k. Cryonics
l. Bone Conduction
m. Artificial Exoskeleton
n. Contraception
o. In Vitro Fertilization
p. Other bioethical issues you wish to study
3. Guidelines
a. Divide yourselves in groups (5 per group). This means that there will be seven (7) groups
in all.
b. Do a Research Study on the five (5) bioethical issues chosen by the group.
c. Among others, please make sure not to forget to include the following:
i. The morality of each of the bioethical issue. Support your answer by citing from
the “Reading Materials” mentioned in guideline no. 1. Please acknowledge your
ii. A summary of your study using a diagram, chart, or any other creative way to
summarize your Study.
iii. Present your Research Study in a recorded audiovisual presentation (AVP).
d. Organize an online exhibit and present the research made. Invite an audience to your
exhibit and compile their comments.
e. This Research Study will cover the CP3 classes for the whole of September and a portion
of October. If there are any concerns while working on your research, please feel free to
email me. I will meet the groups separately on the following schedule:
i. Group 1: September 6
ii. Group 2: September 13
iii. Group 3: September 20
iv. Group 4: September 27
v. Group 5: October 4
vi. Group 6: October 11
vii. Group 7: October 18
f. Submission of the Research Study will be on October 25, 2021. Send your Research
Study to my email: [email protected]. Write under “Subject”: CP3 Research.
g. Exhibit Dates: please inform me when the class plans to hold the exhibit.