AP Biology Lab Report Rubric Grading Template
AP Biology Lab Report Rubric Grading Template
AP Biology Lab Report Rubric Grading Template
This will be done on a Google Presentation Template that will be given to you to use for doing your
Total Score:
1. (1 pt) Title: The report should have a title page showing your name, the project title and the date.
2. (9 pts) Introduction: The introduction should describe clearly what aspect of biology are you going
to investigate, background information for your purpose statement, and how you are going investigate
to gather information in order to answer your question. This is VERY IMPORTANT!
Exemplary 9 pts. Superior 7-8 Pts. Above Average 6-7 Pts. Below Average 0-5 pts.
The report contains an The report contains a The report contains an The report is lacking or
exceptional explanation clear and concise explanation of the incomplete in 1 or more
of the investigation, explanation of the investigation, with of the following: an
background investigation, some background explanation of the
information explaining background information explaining investigation, with
the investigation, and information explaining the investigation, and some background
an introduction to the the investigation, and an introduction to the information explaining
purpose of the an introduction to the purpose of the the investigation, and
investigation. purpose of the investigation. an introduction to the
investigation. purpose of the
3. (5 pts) Safety: Record the necessary safety information and special hazards of all materials used in
the experiment.
Exemplary 5 pts. Superior 4 Pts. Above Average 3 Pts. Below Average 0-2pts.
The report contains an The report contains a The report contains an The report contains
exceptional explanation clear and concise adequate explanation of little or no explanation
of the safety elements explanation of the the safety elements of of the safety elements
of the investigation safety elements of the the investigation. of the investigation.
4. (5 pts) Hypothesis/Prediction: Write your prediction for your experiment/investigation and your
reasoning behind the hypothesis.
Exemplary 5 pts. Superior 4 Pts. Above Average 3 Pts. Below Average 0-2pts.
The report contains a The report contains a The report contains a The report does not
well thought out well thought out hypothesis with an contains a hypothesis
hypothesis with an hypothesis with a explanation for or has a hypothesis with
exceptional explanation concise explanation for explaining the no explanation..
for explaining the explaining the reasoning behind the
reasoning behind the reasoning behind the hypothesis.
hypothesis. hypothesis.
5. (10 pts) Experimental Design/Procedure: This should be a clear and concise summary of the
procedure(s) of what you did in the lab to investigate your problem with the actual procedure copied
and pasted into the lab report unless otherwise instructed by your instructor.
Exemplary 10 pts. Superior 8-9 Pts. Above Average 7-8 Average 5-6 pts. Below Average 0-
Pts. 4 pts.
The report contains The report contains The report contains The report The report is
an exceptional a clear and concise a good summary contains a lacking or
summary summary explaining the summary incomplete in the
explaining the explaining the procedure for the explaining the summary of the
procedure for the procedure for the investigation along procedure for the procedure for the
investigation along investigation along with a copy of the investigation, investigation.
with a copy of the with a copy of the actual procedure. along with a copy
actual procedure. actual procedure. of the actual
However, the
summary is not
well written in
concise scientific
Data Collection
6. (20 pts) Results. This should be a presentation of the data collected. If a Data and Results handout
is provided to you, you should use it. Otherwise, your data should be presented in a table. The table
should have a title and the rows (and/or columns) should be labeled for clarity. This section may also
contain data graphs. All graphs should have titles indicating what they show, and the graph axes must
be labeled. The tables and graphs should be numbered for ease of reference.
a. Data in table(s).
b. Results shown in graphs when appropriate.
c. Table(s) titled and with appropriate labels.
d. Graph titled and axis labeled
Exemplary 20 pts. Superior 18-19 Pts. Above Average 16- Average 13-15 Below Average 0-
17 Pts. pts. 12 pts.
The data is The data is The data is The data is The data was not
presently neatly in presently neatly in presently neatly in presently neatly in presented in a
appropriate tables appropriate tables appropriate tables appropriate tables table or a graph
and graphs. Tables and graphs. Tables and graphs. Tables and graphs. was missing from
are titled and are titled and are titled and Tables are titled the data/results.
labeled labeled labeled and labeled
appropriately. appropriately. appropriately. appropriately.
Graphs are titled Graphs are titled Graphs are titled Graphs are titled
and axes labeled and axes labeled and axes labeled and axes labeled
appropriately. appropriately, appropriately, appropriately,
except for one except for two except for one or
minor mistake. minor mistakes. two incorrect
7. (20 pts) Data Analysis This section is for the interpretation and discussion of your results. In this
section you demonstrate your understanding of what happened in the project. You are to discuss the
results you obtained and come to whatever conclusions you can.
Exemplary 20 pts. Superior 18-19 Pts. Above Average 16- Average 13-15 Below Average 0-
17 Pts. pts. 12 pts.
The report contains The report contains The report contains The report The report lacks
an exceptional an excellent an analysis contains an an actual
analysis explaining analysis explaining explaining the analysis and interpretation of
the interpretation the interpretation interpretation of attempts to the results with
of the results in of the results in the results and explain the little or no
detail detail demonstrates interpretation of scientific think
demonstrating a demonstrating scientific thinking the results with and reasoning
high level of scientific thinking and reasoning. some scientific displayed.
scientific thinking and reasoning. thought and
and reasoning. reasoning.
Exemplary 10 pts. Superior 8-9 Pts. Above Average 7-8 Average 5-6 pts. Below Average 0-
Pts. 4 pts.
The report contains The report contains The report contains The report The report
a well written, a well written a conclusion with contains a contains a poorly
concise conclusion conclusion with a an explanation of conclusion with written
with an excellent very good how the data little or no an conclusion, an
explanation of how explanation of how supports the explanation of invalid
the data supports the data supports conclusion. how the data conclusion, or no
the conclusion. the conclusion. supports the conclusion at all.
Exemplary 20 pts. Superior 18-19 Pts. Above Average 16- Average 13-15 Below Average 0-
17 Pts. pts. 12 pts.
Write an Evaluate the Discuss the Outline the State the validity
exceptional validity of the validity of the validity of the of the method
evaluation of the method based on method based on method based on based on the
validity of the the outcome of a the outcome of a the outcome of a outcome of a
method based on scientific scientific scientific scientific
the outcome of a investigation. investigation. investigation. investigation.
scientific Explain Describe Outline State
investigation and improvements or improvements or improvements or improvements or
an exceptional extensions to the extensions to the extensions to the extensions to the
explanation method that would method that would method. method.
improvements or benefit the benefit the
extensions to the scientific scientific
method that would investigation. investigation.
benefit the