FS1 Le2 Johnlloyd Delarosa
FS1 Le2 Johnlloyd Delarosa
FS1 Le2 Johnlloyd Delarosa
This learning Episode provides an opportunity to examine how classrooms are structured or designed to
allow everyone’s maximum participation for effective learning. You should be able to examine how classroom
management practices effect learning. This Episode enhances the application of the theories learned in the
following professional subject such as Facilitating Learner-centered Teaching and the Child Adolescent
Learners and Learning Principles.
Group Output
Use the observation guide and matrices provided for you to document your observations.
1. As you observe the online class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their ages.
As I observe the online class/virtual class that I am assigned into I come to know that all of the
students are of the same age which is 12 to 13 years old. Somehow each time that an online
class is held through an online platform some students are not really in their best condition to
participate, some are distracted with the internet connection, some are with games and other
factors affecting students within the online environment. Now looking upon their characteristics
towards their subject related online classes, I observed that they are somehow eager to learn
especially when the topic being discussed is new to them, some are interested and eager in
answering the worksheets given to them by the teacher during the online class, some are good in
recitation and some are average in their educational career, of course all of them still have a lot
of room for improvement since they are still in their 7th grade.
3. Focus on their behavior. Are they able to manage their own behavior?
Yes, at their age they can manage their own behavior most especially when they monitor their
own behavior to meet the standards as a student. Some of the students seemed matured and
some appeared to be at the right age.
Group Output
Group Output
1. How did the classroom organization and routines in the online class affect the learners’ behavior?
In today's new normal, organized learning environment happens to impact every student. Set rules
like being on time is one of the factors that keep an organized classroom in the sense that
learners can do and know their responsibility. They become more obedient in following class
routines by simply doing things that the teacher should no longer ask. These are just some
manifestations that even in an online class, there are still rules that students should follow and
routines that should be practiced. Therefore, having an organized classroom and routines can
make students become or have good behavior and create a positive learning environment.
2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom organization and
routines in the context of an online class? What theories and principles should you have in mind?
A good classroom management requires a teacher to have precise rules and regulations to follow,
diversity of approaches to carry out and demonstrate moral characteristics. How well the teacher
manages the classroom organization and routines is the primary determinant of how well the
student learns. In conducting online classes, attentions span of learners are too short that's why
teachers need to be flexible all the times. In establishing classroom routines and organization in
the context of an online class, the teachers must guide students in understanding that working
hard/accomplishing their activities and being obedient during virtual classes is worth it and will
have a positive influence on their lives. Teachers can achieve this through developing positive
relationships with students and creating active, relevant learning experiences that enable
students to demonstrate mastery and success especially in this kind of virtual learning
environment in which discipline is a must. The online classroom should therefore be a
needs-satisfying place for students wherein students are able to “connect, feel a sense of
competence and power, have some freedom, and enjoy themselves in a safe, secure
environment,” according to Funderstanding.
3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners in the context
of an online class? In motivating students? Why were they effective?
Classroom management during in-person instruction is challenging; with distance learning, the
management of student online behavior and emotions is even tougher that is why different
behavioral strategies for online class are being considered by the teachers. We are dealing with
a diverse student that is why the strategies that sometimes being proposed were not applicable to
the others. However, in my own observation, one effective strategies in managing the behavior
of students in an online setting is using a similar lesson format for each session. Students thrive
on consistency and predictability. Use a similar lesson format for each session in order to allow
students to focus on your instruction rather than putting cognitive energy into transitioning to
unexpected activities or delivery methods. The second one is using engagement strategies
throughout the session to encourage on-task behavior. Students that are engaged in learning are
more likely to demonstrate the expected behavior. Providing students with opportunities to
respond is an easy and effective method for encouraging engagement. While the effective
motivations are: Greet each student as they enter the virtual classroom by name and providing
behavior-specific praise during the session (i.e., “Wonderful job using the chat box when you
had a question! This allowed me to answer when I was done explaining the concept” or “You
demonstrated good effort on completing all of the pre-learning work. Praises like those will help
the mental as well as boost the self-confidence allowing them to feel excited when it is already
time for your class. They were effective because first before the implementation of the said
strategies, they have been observing or proposed by many and there are present theories or
explanations that will backed them up and second is that these strategies target the mental and
emotional well-being of the students
Group Output
1. Imagine yourself organizing your online classroom in the future. In what grade year level do
you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level?Why?
If given the chance to teach, as a group we think that it will be exciting to teach in high school.
The routines and procedures we would like to consider when teaching in this level are praying,
greetings, remembering of online class rules, having an energizer and motivation, knowing
unfamiliar words, proper discussion, application, generalization and closing remarks. First is
praying because we believe that if you ask guidance from God everything will be put into its
right places. Second would be greetings for each other to start nicely. Greetings for each other in
an online class means you welcome them or you are happy or great for the opportunity of being
together even only through virtual meeting. Third, remembering of online class rules. The fact
that we are not physically together must be the reason to be stricter in handling our class. As we
all know virtual learning is a difficult way of acquiring knowledge because of poor internet
connection and the limit of mobile data that we could use. If students will be impolite, it will
take longer time to input to them the knowledge or lessons that they need. Remember that every
second, matters for a limited class. Fourth is having an energizer and motivation. Even college
students sometimes feels like they already have low energy, what more for high school students
who easily get bored. For this situation you must give them activities to activate their attention.
You can give them games or watch videos that is still connected to the lesson you are discussing.
Fifth, knowing unfamiliar words. This procedure takes a special role specially if you are about to
discuss a lesson that is full of words that students might not encounter yet before. In this case
you should give them the meaning of these words for you to have a good flow of discussion
because if students ask for the meaning of these words while discussing it might cause
disturbance and the whole lesson will be a mess. Sixth and the most important of all is the
proper discussion. At this point you will make things clear to your students. You will talk about
the details of the lessons. You must feed their curiosity that is why you must tell them or make
them realize the things that they really need to know. Seventh, Application of the acquired
knowledge. Application is when you will let students apply or experience what they have
learned in discussion for further understanding. As according to Kolb’s theory “with each new
experience, the learner is able to integrate new observations with their current understanding.”
After application is the generalization of the discussion. This is also an important part because it
where you will summarize the thoughts for the lesson to make it simple and easy to remember.
Lastly, closing remarks, before calling it a day you must also plant an excitement to the students
for next meeting by telling your appreciation to their effort in joining the discussion and
showing how happy you are for their active participation in the class despite of the obstacles that
you encountered during the discussion.
2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level? Why would you choose these
Individual Output
Paste pieces of evidence of classroom rules that work in an online class. You may also put pictures of the
physical space and learning stations which contribute to the effective implementation of classroom
Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 2- Creating an Appropriate Learning Environment
Learning Outcome: Plan on how to manage time, space, and resources. Provide a learning
environment appropriate to the learners and conducive to learning.
Analysis All questions were All questions were All questions were Four (4) or more
answered answered not answered observation
completely; answers completely; answers completely; questions were not
are are clearly answers are not answered; answers
with depth and are connected to clearly connected not connected to
thoroughly theories; to theories; one (1) theories; more than
grounded on the grammar and to three (3) four (4)
theories; spelling are free grammatical/ grammatical /
grammar and from errors. spelling errors. spelling errors
spelling are
free from error.
Reflection Profound and clear, Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and shallow;
supported by what depth; supported by shallow; somewhat rarely supported by
were what were observed supported by what what were
observed and and analyzed were observed observed and
analyzed and analyzed analyzed
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
deadline. deadline after the dead- days after the
line deadline
___________________________________ ______________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date
Group meeting for the discussion about the group activities. 10/13/2021