Jacques Alain Miller Anxiety Constituent and Constituted
Jacques Alain Miller Anxiety Constituent and Constituted
Jacques Alain Miller Anxiety Constituent and Constituted
Feb 2017
In this witticism (“do without it, provided it is put The chapter to be commenced therefore is that of
to use”) lies a paradox which is not without the usage of symptoms. They say “healing”, to
calling to mind the one Kant examined in 1793 in which is added in a recent best seller, it’s hard to
the common expression “that might be correct in hear, “healing without psychoanalysis”- when all
theory, but it is useless in practice”. Should we they can see in the symptom is a dysfunction to
hear, “do without the Name-of-the-Father in be fixed, whereas an analysis, on the contrary,
theory, but make use of it in practice”? There is allows the subject to make use of what remains
something of this in Lacan's witticism. There is incurable in his symptom.
some reference to the inertia opposed by practice
to the ingenuity of theoretical constructs. We Anxiety, by which I mean the anxiety which
know only too well in psychoanalysis how vain messes up and causes mess-ups, must be done
such theoretical constructs can appear with without, but provided that it is made use of. By
regard to the practico-inert of the psychoanalytic making use of the object it produces as an
experience. instrument made to pass over what was keeping
us from doing what we needed to do. The anxiety
Underlying the witticism, and that which it points
which must be done without is - as François
to, is a gap between theory and practice - one
Leguil showed us in the first presentation - the
which we try to narrow by regularly devoting our
development of anxiety, its Entwicklung, its half-
Study-Days to accounts of clinical cases.
baked muddle by which the subject is held captive
Nevertheless, it seems to me that we in
psychoanalysis cannot put up with the “theory- and which inhibits the act. That anxiety is
practice” gap. The practice of theory, as my old certainty refused, anticipation and refusal of the
master Althusser used to say, has no place among certainty which the act would produce.
us. The sole theory that interests us, is the theory
of practice. In the case of the Name-of-the-Father,
doing without it-putting it to use means precisely,
as at least I am suggesting here, to do without
believing in it, while using it like an instrument.
ICLO-NLS, SCRĺOBH 1. Feb 2017
ICLO-NLS, SCRĺOBH 1. Feb 2017
Miller, Jacques-Alain (2017). “Anxiety Constituent and Constituted.” Translated by Kieran O’Meara. Scríobh, 1: 1-3.
subject can assume the analytic act is carved out Report on ICLO-NLS Open Seminar
“Anxiety in Human Life – A
Lacanian Reading” with Alan
Extract of Jacques-Alain Miller’s presentation, at the Rowan
Autumn Study-Days of the ECF, of the 2006 WAP
Congress: Le nom-du-père, s'en passer, s'en servir [The Friday 27 January 2017
Name-of- the-Father, doing without it, putting it to
use]. The first ICLO-NLS Open Seminar for the year
2017 was opened to the above title presented by
Translated from the French by Kieran O’Meara Alan Rowan. An abstract of the seminar theme
previously made available online, accentuated
how the philosophical tradition has reflected for
many ages upon the “particular mystery of the
human being… whereby anxiety both defines us
and takes the form of a most intimate partner”.
The enigma of a life lived with anxiety integral to
it, which privileges the signifier anxiety as
embedded in contemporary discourse, spoke to
many as demonstrated by this well attended