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Principles of Logistics - CW 1 QP - Fall - 2021

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Principles of Logistics BUSS- B- 2001 – Fall - 2021 – CW 1 (Assignment) – QP


Module Code: BUSS-B- 2001 Module Name: Principles of Logistics

Level: 2 Max. Marks: 100

Instructions to Student
 Answer all questions.
 Deadline of submission: Week 6 (16th November, 23:59)
 The marks received on the assignment will be scaled down to the actual weightage
of the assignment which is 35% marks
 Formative feedback on the complete assignment draft will be provided if the draft is
submitted at least 10 days before the final submission date.
 Feedback after final evaluation will be provided by Week 8
 Maximum word limit: 2000 words.

Module Learning Outcomes

The following LOs are achieved by the student by completing the assignment successfully

1) Develop the knowledge of state of art logistic principles

2) Apply basic logistic knowledge in practical situations

Assignment Objective
This exercise requires you to use your improvisation and analytical capabilities. You have to work and
discuss the steps that you will take to arrive at a good solution for the exercise.

Assignment Tasks

1) Task 1 - Submit a work proposal for this assignment on or before Week 3 (23:59) which must
include: (4+4+2 = 10 Marks)

 Understanding of deliverables – a detail description of deliverables.

 General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of solution to task2.
 Timeline for completion of the given tasks.
The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.

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Principles of Logistics BUSS- B- 2001 – Fall - 2021 – CW 1 (Assignment) – QP

2) Task 2 : Case Study (Ex 1,2 and 3) (80 Marks)

Exercise 1. Logistics in the supply chains for medicines (20 Marks)

Logistics in the supply chains for medicines

On the basis of the understanding of the information given in various scenarios and related topics
covered in the lectures, answer the questions that follows

Scenario 1.
In the article first of all there is an explanation of the current position of a pharmacy in a hospital.
It then goes on to describe a situation where a hub is added to the supply chain.

Hospital pharmacy: From multi-dose to patient-specific therapy

Healthcare is changing. What the future will bring nobody can say for sure, but robotisation and
computerisation will definitely play a more dominant role. That also applies for hospital
pharmacies. Muscat Pharmacy and Stores LLC, a specialist in logistical solutions, recently invited
hospitals and other target groups where logistics are a major operational activity, to attend the
Muscat Pharmacy and Stores LLC Inspiration Days for some brainstorming about innovative
solutions. Naturally, the logistical specialist got the ball rolling with a few ideas of its own.

Mr. Hamid, Muscat Pharmacy and Stores LLC, Area Director Sales, described the current position
of a pharmacy in a hospital, but also provided some insight into developments that are currently
taking place. “At this point in time there are lots of different suppliers making deliveries to the
back entrance of the hospital pharmacy. In Muscat, Oman, Muscat Pharmacy and Stores LLC
recently automated two ‘hubs’, which are distribution centers that are shared by several hospitals.
The suppliers deliver the medicines to the distribution center, and from there the medicines are
split up into patient-specific packages and distributed to the various hospitals. The advantage for
a hospital is that they only have one supplier making deliveries to the back entrance.” This extra
hub, according to Mr. Hamid, is in line with another development that is taking place, namely
hospitals are now looking to organize collective purchasing and distribution of medicines, and thus
benefit from the advantages of scale.

Another trend is the tightening up of laws and regulations, which not only affects the suppliers of
medicines and the distributors, but the hospitals as well. All the continuous changes have made
the situation much more complex. “Track & Trace of medicines is becoming more and more
important. The client, the hospital, wants to know exactly where the medicines are coming from
and where they are going to.” To keep the storage of medicines as compact as possible, especially
in the case of refrigerated medicines, one needs to have much more automation. Finally, hospitals
want medicines to be delivered quicker, and in smaller series, which will only be possible when
the systems have become more automated.

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Question 1 (10+10=20 Marks)

a) Draw a diagram that shows the new supply chain for medicines as described in scenario 1.
- A producer should be indicated with a square, a stock holding location with a
triangle (pointing downwards), the flow of goods with an arrow, and the flow of
information with a ‘dotted’ arrow.
- Remember that there are several ’suppliers and pharmacies’ and indicate them in
the diagram!
- Clearly indicate the information flows and the direction they go in!
- The consumers can be indicated with a “c” or a stick man.

b) Find out, using Google, which suppliers/manufacturers are part of the supply chain. Name
3 suppliers and 5 manufacturers. Make sure you state the source of the information!

Exercise 2: Market and Logistics

This exercise requires you to use your improvisation and analytical capabilities. You will have to
work together and discuss the steps that will have to be taken and allocate the different roles in
order to arrive at a good solution for the exercise.
You have to start by choosing 4 products that are essentially different from each other. To make
the choice of products easier, you can choose one product from each of the following 4 groups.
A. Non-durables 1: Foodstuffs: Ben & Jerry's, Mars Bar, or cheese
2: Cosmetics: Suntan lotion, Rituals, or nail varnish

B. Durables 1: ICT sector: PlayStation, laptop, or TomTom

2: Automotive sector: Car, E-bike, or scooter
Question 2 (30 Marks)

1) The 4 products are in different categories. Use sources to determine which category the
products are in. (14 Marks)
a. State whether they are mass-produced products or products made for individual customers.
b. State whether a push system or a pull system is used to drive the flow of goods.
c. State the target groups the products are aimed at.
d. Describe the breadth and depth of the assortment.

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2) Work out the marketing mix for the four areas below and use graphics and sources for this.
(16 Marks)
a. The product.
b. The pricing.
c. The place.
d. The promotion.
Exercise 3: Hospital Logistics (30 Marks)

This exercise will use example of the KINS Oman hospital. This hospital has a capacity of 1200
beds and is one of the largest hospitals in the Oman. A total of 2000 people work at the hospital,
of which 1200 are nursing staff and physicians. The split between men and women in this hospital
is 50% male and 50% female. All types of different medical care products are used to treat the
patients in this hospital. That is why there are medicine cabinets spread throughout the hospital.
These cabinets contain basic items such as iodine, painkillers, plasters, and bandages. Bandages
are used to treat many different types of injuries, from severe wounds to sprained ankles. Plasters
are used for minor injuries. Because bandages and plasters are used in so many different places in
a hospital, they have to be available at all times.

This exercise will look at the logistics for bandages and plasters.

The hospital in Muscat has 3400 rooms, divided equally between 20 wards. Each room has a
medicine cabinet with basic items, including four rolls of bandages and two boxes of plasters.

There are also medicine cabinets in the corridors of each ward in case of accidents. In total there
are 17 medicine cabinets in the corridors of each ward, which each have four rolls of bandages and
two boxes of plasters. Every week, the nurses have to check stock levels in the medicine cabinets
and fill in a form to indicate how many boxes of plasters and rolls of bandages need to be ordered
for each ward. It takes a total of 2 hours per ward to check these cabinets and fill in the forms. The
forms are sent to the Supplies department, which processes the forms and then orders the items.
The ordered items are received by the Supplies department two days later, which it then distributes
to the 20 different wards. Delivering the right quantities of plasters and bandages to the wards
takes 0.5 hour per ward. The supplies then have to be put into all the medicine cabinets in each
ward by a nurse, which takes around four hours per week.

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Due to the growth in the number of patients, the workload has increased in the wards. As a result,
some administrative processes are being deferred or not carried out at all. This means the Supplies
department is not getting the orders on time and not enough items are being supplied. The nurses
on the wards are not happy because they don't have the right bandages and plasters when they need
them. The nurses have therefore decided to set up an additional stock of bandages and plasters in
the wards. When a stock audit is carried out, there are found to be 140 extra rolls of bandages and
50 extra boxes of plasters in each ward. It takes the Supplies department an average of two man
hours per ward per week to process the orders. The forms are received from the wards at different
times and on different days. For example, the Urology ward usually sends the forms on Monday,
while the Thorax ward only gets round to sending the forms on Thursday. The Supplies department
wants to make sure that it always has boxes of plasters and rolls of bandages in stock. This
department therefore always has a stock of 900 rolls of bandages and 800 boxes of plasters. On
average, orders are placed 3 times per week. It costs 150 OMR to place an order. Furthermore,
each roll of bandages costs 5 OMR and each box of plasters costs 7.50 OMR.

The cost of a worker in the Supplies department is 40 OMR per hour, while the cost of a hospital
nurse is 60 OMR per hour. The workers in the Supplies department also work an average of 10
hours’ overtime per week, which involves additional labor costs. This is because overtime is paid
at 200% of the normal wage.

Question 3

a) How many rolls of bandages and boxes of plasters are there in the hospital on an average
day, and how much has the hospital invested in them? (5 + 5 + 5 = 15 Marks)
b) What is the total cost per week of the ordering process and the supplying of the rolls of
bandages and boxes of plasters? This does not include the actual cost of the plasters and
bandages. (15 Marks)

 Formatting, references, adherence to word limit and student’s declaration for course

(10 Marks)

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Rules & Regulations:

 All resources should be cited using the APA style of referencing (APA 7th Edition). Minimum 5
 The final assignment must have a Title page, Table of Contents, References/ bibliography using
APA style of referencing and page numbers.
 Title Page must have Assignment Name, Module name, Session, your name, ID, and the name of
the faculty.
 Softcopy in word format is to be submitted through Turnitin link on Moodle.
 Viva will be conducted after the assignment submission as per the dates informed earlier.


 Assignment must be computer typed.

 Font - Times New Roman
 Font – Style - Regular
 Font - Size - 12
 Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Capital and Underline.

 Explain with suitable diagrams wherever required. Diagrams must be drawn using suitable
software or by pencil.
 Each student has to do the assignment individually
 You can refer books in E-Library or use internet resource. But you should not cut and paste
material from internet nor provide photocopied material from books. The assignment answers
should be in your own words after understanding the matter from the above resources.

Assessment Evaluation Criteria

Knowledge and
Classification Understanding / Technical / Practical Reflection and critical General / Transferable
And % Range Application of Theory / Skills analysis skills*
Evidence of Reading
 Outstanding  Tasks completed with  Outstanding skills for  Outstanding ability to
knowledge and depth very high accuracy. critical analysis, use learning resources
of understanding of  Outstanding skills in evaluation and  Outstanding
principles and interpretation of results synthesizing. presentation, logically
concepts. / and accomplishing  Outstanding reflective structured, using
Outstanding  Outstanding ability to practical tasks. practices, accurate grammar and
First Class

apply the theoretical  Demonstrates high demonstrating spelling.

94 -100 concepts by degree of autonomy in outstanding personal  Mostly correct cross-
considering of completing tasks learning and growth, referencing and links to
information insight into required supporting evidence
systematically. professional values and  Outstanding ability to
 Evidence of reading a principles and communicate the
wide range of professional information verbally
educational development planning. and in writing.

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literature/research and  Original Findings  Outstanding ability to

where applicable presented with work in groups and to
workplace strategies, conviction and justified manage teams.
policies and very well  Outstanding ability to
procedures. learn autonomously.
 Very accurate
referencing and
bibliography using
appropriate referencing
 Outstanding problem
solving skills and
outstanding decision-
making skills.
 Excellent knowledge  Tasks completed with  Excellent skills for  Excellent ability to use
and depth of high accuracy. critical analysis, learning resources
understanding of  Excellent skills in evaluation and
principles and interpretation of results synthesizing.  Excellent presentation,
concepts. / and accomplishing  Excellent reflective logically structured,
 Excellent ability to practical tasks. practices, using accurate
apply the theoretical demonstrating grammar and spelling.
concepts by excellent personal  Mostly correct cross-
considering of learning and growth, referencing and links to
information insight into required supporting evidence
systematically. professional values and  Excellent ability to
Excellent  Evidence of beyond the principles and communicate the
minimum expected professional information verbally
84 – 93.99 range of of educational development planning. and in writing.
literature/research and  Findings presented  Excellent ability to
where applicable with conviction and work in groups and to
workplace strategies, justified well manage teams.
policies and  Excellent ability to
procedures. learn autonomously.
 Accurate referencing
and bibliography using
appropriate referencing
 Excellent problem
solving skills for
decision-making skills.

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 Very good knowledge  Tasks completed with  Very good skills for  Very good ability to
and depth of very good accuracy. critical analysis, use learning resources
understanding of  Very good skills in evaluation and  Very good
principles and interpretation of results synthesizing. presentation, logically
concepts. / and accomplishing  Very good reflective structured, using
 Very good ability to practical tasks. practices, accurate grammar and
apply the theoretical demonstrating very spelling.
concepts by Good personal learning  Mostly correct cross-
considering of and growth, insight into referencing and links to
Second Class, Upper Division

information required professional supporting evidence

systematically. values and principles  Very good ability to
Very Good  Evidence of reading a and professional communicate the
very good number of development planning. information verbally
77 – 83.99 educational  Findings presented and in writing.
literature/research and with conviction with  Very good ability to
where applicable very good justification work in groups and to
workplace strategies, manage teams.
policies and  Very good ability to
procedures. learn autonomously.
 Precise referencing and
bibliography using
appropriate referencing
 Very good problem
solving skills decision-
making skills.
 Good knowledge and  Tasks completed with  Good skills for critical  Good ability to use
depth of understanding good accuracy. analysis, evaluation learning resources
of principles and  Good skills in and synthesizing.  Good presentation,
concepts. interpretation of results  Good reflective logically structured,
 Good ability to apply / and accomplishing practices, using accurate
the theoretical concepts practical tasks. demonstrating good grammar and spelling.
by considering of personal learning and  correct cross-
information growth, insight into referencing and links to
Second Class, Lower Division

systematically. required professional supporting evidence

 Evidence of reading a values and principles  Good ability to
good number of and professional communicate the
Good educational development planning. information verbally
literature/research and  Findings presented and in writing.
70 – 76.99
where applicable with conviction and  Good ability to work in
workplace strategies, good justification. groups and to manage
policies and teams.
procedures.  Good ability to learn
 Good referencing and
bibliography using
appropriate referencing
 Good problem solving
skills and decision-
making skills.

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 Satisfactory knowledge  Tasks completed with  Satisfactory skills for  Satisfactory

and depth of satisfactory accuracy. critical analysis, presentation, logically
understanding of  Satisfactory skills in evaluation and structured, using
principles and interpretation of results synthesizing. accurate grammar and
concepts. / and accomplishing  Satisfactory reflective spelling.
 Fair application of the practical tasks. practices,  Satisfactory cross-
theoretical concepts by demonstrating fair referencing and links to
considering of personal learning and supporting evidence
information growth, insight into  Satisfactory ability to
systematically. required professional communicate the
 Evidence of reading a values and principles information verbally
fair number of and professional and in writing.
Satisfactory educational development planning.  Satisfactory ability to
literature/research and  Findings presented work in groups and to
60 – 69.99
where applicable with conviction and manage teams.
workplace strategies, satisfactory  Satisfactory ability to
policies and justification. learn autonomously.
procedures.  Satisfactory
referencing and
bibliography using
appropriate referencing
 Satisfactory problem
solving skills and
Third Class

competent for decision-
 Basic knowledge and  Tasks completed with  Basic skills for critical  Acceptable
depth of understanding minimum acceptable analysis, evaluation presentation, logically
of principles and accuracy. and synthesizing. structured, using
concepts.  Acceptable skills in  Basic reflective accurate grammar and
 Basic ability to apply interpretation of results practices, spelling.
the theoretical concepts / and accomplishing demonstrating some  Acceptable cross-
by considering of practical tasks. personal learning and referencing and links to
information growth, insight into supporting evidence
systematically. required professional  Basic ability to
 Evidence of reading a values and principles communicate the
Acceptable and professional
few number of information verbally
/ Pass educational development planning. and in writing.
literature/research and  Findings presented  Basic ability to work in
50 – 59.9 where applicable with conviction and groups and to manage
workplace strategies, acceptable teams.
policies and justification.  Basic ability to learn
procedures. autonomously.
 Basic referencing and
bibliography using
appropriate referencing
 Basic problem solving
skills and decision-
making skills.

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 Inadequate knowledge  Tasks not completed  Poor skills for critical  Poor presentation,
and understanding of  Poor skills in analysis, evaluation logically structured,
principles and interpretation of results and synthesizing. using accurate
concepts. / and accomplishing  Poor reflective grammar and spelling.
 Poor application of the practical tasks. practices,  Inadequate cross-
theoretical concepts demonstrating some referencing and links to
 No evidence of reading personal learning and supporting evidence
educational growth, insight into  Poor ability to
literature/research and required professional communicate the
Fail / Poor where applicable values and principles information verbally
workplace strategies, and professional and in writing.
<50 policies and development planning.  Poor ability to work in
procedures.  Findings presented groups and to manage
unconvincingly with teams.
improper justification.  Poor ability to learn
 Inadequate referencing
and bibliography using
appropriate referencing
 Poor problem solving
skills and decision-
making skills.

3. Academic Policies
3.1. Academic Integrity Violations-
The penalty for the academic integrity violation for a student shall depend on his/her
history of violations and the category of violation as follows.

3.1.1. First Offence of Academic Integrity Violation: Plagiarism
a. If a student is caught first time in an act of academic integrity violation during
his/her course of study in any assignment other than project work and if the type
of violation is plagiarism, then the student will be allowed to re-submit the
assignment once as per the period allowed for re submission However, a penalty
of deduction of 25% of the marks obtained for the resubmitted work will be
b. Period of re-submission: The student will have to re-submit the work within one
week (5 working days) from the date he or she is advised to re-submit.

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c. Re-submission of the work beyond the allowed period of resubmission will not be
accepted and the assessment will be awarded a zero mark.
d. If the re-submitted work (within the allowed period of resubmission) is also found
to be plagiarized, then that assessment component will be awarded a zero mark.
It shall also contribute to the total count of academic integrity violation for that
e. If plagiarism is detected in UG Project work (Project 1, Project Planning and Project
Design and Implementation), the above clauses do not apply, and the work will be
summarily rejected. In these cases the student will be awarded a fail (F) grade and
is required to reregister the module. Malpractice / Ghostwriting / Collusion

If a student is caught first time in an act academic integrity violation during his/her
course of study for an assessment component irrespective of coursework or end
semester and if the type of violation is Malpractice/Ghostwriting/Collusion, then
the student shall fail the module.

3.1.2. Second Offence of Academic Integrity Violation: Plagiarism
a. If any student is caught second time in an act of academic integrity violation during
his/her course of study and if the type of violation is plagiarism, then the student
will not be allowed to resubmit the work, and s/he will directly be awarded zero
for the work in which plagiarism is detected.
b. The student shall also receive a warning of suspension in such cases. Malpractice/Ghostwriting/Collusion
a. If a student is caught a second time in an act academic integrity violation for an
assessment component irrespective of coursework or end semester and if the type
of violation is Malpractice/Ghostwriting/Collusion, then the student shall fail the
b. The student shall also receive a warning of suspension in such cases.

3.1.3. Third Offence of Academic Integrity Violation:

a. If a student is caught a third time in an act of academic integrity violation for an
assessment component irrespective of coursework or end semester then the
student shall fail the module and also shall be suspended for one semester from

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the College, once the academic integrity violation case is confirmed by Institutional
Assessment Review Committee.
b. The student shall be suspended for the immediate subsequent semester and can
register for modules only after having served the suspension period fully. This is
also applicable for semesters offered in block mode.
c. During the suspension period, the student shall have to mandatorily complete a
course on academic integrity/writing before s/he can register for any modules.
d. During the period of suspension, the student shall be allowed to attempt
supplementary examinations if s/he is eligible for the same. S/he shall also be
allowed access to all college facilities permitted for a regular student except for
registering the modules.
3.1.4. Fourth Offence of Academic Integrity Violation:
a. If a student is caught a fourth time in an act of academic integrity violation for an
assessment component irrespective of coursework or end semester, the student
shall fail the module and also shall be expelled from the College, once the case is
confirmed by Institutional Assessment Review Committee.
b. The student shall be expelled from the college and all access to the college facilities
and premises shall cease to exist. The documents shall be released only after
getting the NOC (No Objection Certificate) from Registration Office.
c. `On termination, the student shall not be refunded any fees paid for the academic
semester in which academic integrity violation was observed.
3.1.5. Other cases
If a student commits an act of academic integrity violation as per the definition of
“other cases” mentioned in the previous section or of a different nature, student’s case
shall be forwarded to an Institutional Assessment Review Committee, Chaired by the
Associate Dean, Academic Affairs. The committee shall investigate the case by means
of a viva and/or a hearing of the parties concerned if required and shall take
appropriate decision. The penalty that can be granted to a proven case of academic
integrity violation which falls in this category of “other cases” can be a
warning/component zero/ module fail/suspension/expulsion depending on the nature
and gravity of the offence.

3.1.6. If any form of academic integrity violation is detected in PG Project work, the above
clauses do not apply, and the work will be summarily rejected and the student is required
to exit with a PG Diploma.

3.1.7. Types/Variations of cases of Plagiarism and associated actions

Type 1: In case plagiarism is detected in any component or part submission (submitted
at different times) of one assessment (assignment), the deduction in marks will be
applicable for the whole assessment (assignment), even if only the component or part
submission alone needs to be resubmitted.

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Type 2: In case plagiarism is detected in a group assessment, all students of the group
will be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism irrespective of whether
plagiarism is on account of the act of all or a few or only one member. The policy will
then be applied to all students.
If some students in the group are eligible to re-submit (first offence) and others are not
eligible, only eligible students will be allowed to re-submit within a period of one week
and the penalty will be applied as per the policy for each student according to his / her
history of violations.
Type 3: Combination of Type 1 and Type 2: In case plagiarism is detected in any
component or part submission (submitted at different times) of a group assessment
(assignment), the deduction in marks will be applicable for the whole assessment
(assignment), even if only the component or part submission alone needs to be
resubmitted. All students of the group would be considered as having committed an act
of plagiarism irrespective of whether plagiarism is on account of the act of all or a few or
only one member. The policy will then be applied to all the students of the group.
If some students in the group are eligible to re-submit (first offence) and others are not
eligible, only eligible students will be allowed to re-submit within a period of one week
and the penalty will be applied as per the policy for each student according to his / her
history of violation.
Type 4: Variation of Type 1 and Type 2: In cases where the assessment consists of
components or part submissions that could be a group assessment component (e.g.
group assignment) and an individual assessment component (e.g. individual reflection),
the following will be applicable:
a. If plagiarism is detected in the group assessment component, all students of the
group will be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism, irrespective of
whether plagiarism is on account of the act of all or a few or only one member. The policy
will then be applied to all students of the group. In such cases the group assessment
component will be resubmitted.
If some students in the group are eligible to re-submit (first offence) and others are not
eligible, only eligible students will be allowed to re-submit within a period of one week
and the penalty will be applied for each student according to his / her history of violation.

b. If plagiarism is detected in the individual assessment component, the individual

assessment component will be resubmitted - if the student is eligible for resubmission-.
The policy will then be applied to that student alone.
c. In both cases (a) and/or (b), the deduction in marks will be applicable for the
whole assessment (assignment).

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3.1.8. Types/Variation of Cases of Multiple Offences

If student is caught with multiple violations of same or different nature in different
modules of the same semester, they will be considered as one offence and student will
be penalized for each violation according to the type of the offence.
If student is caught with multiple violations of same or different nature in the same
module of the same semester, then they will be considered as different offences and
each will contribute to the overall count of AIV. The student then shall be penalized for
each violation according to the count and type of each offence.
3.2. Viva Regulations:
 Faculty can conduct a viva as per the institutional guidelines to investigate and ascertain
that the work submitted is student’s own work.
 It is expected that the student attends the viva during the first chance itself unless due
to extenuating circumstances.
 If the student is not able to attend the first call for viva as per the date and time notified
by faculty, s/he shall be given one more chance to attempt the viva within a week from
the first call.
• If the student does not attend the viva in spite of being given two chances and fails to
submit valid reasons for the absence in viva within three working days from the last call
for the viva, he/she will be awarded a fail in the module. This shall also be counted as a
case of academic integrity violation.
• If the student fails a module and has a proven case of academic integrity violation in the
module, the student is required to re-register the module. This is also applicable in case
the student fails and has a first or second offence of academic integrity violation of
plagiarism type. The fee for the failed module for the semester in which academic
integrity violation was observed shall not be re-funded.

3.3. Late Submission

As per the Assessment Policy at MEC, late submissions are allowed for one week (5
working days) for all UG modules with a penalty. In such cases, a deduction of 5% of the
marks obtained for the submitted work shall be imposed for each working day following
the last date of submission till the date of actual submission. Assessment documents
submitted beyond a period of one week (5 working days) after the last date of submission
will not be accepted and will be awarded a zero for that assessment. In cases where the
submission has been delayed due to extenuating circumstances, the student may be
permitted to submit the work without imposing the late submission policy stated above.
The extended period of submission will be one week from the original last date of
submission. In such cases, the student is expected to submit the supporting certificates
on or before the original last date of submission of the assessment and the decision of
extension rests with faculty responsible for the assessment .The late submission policy
shall be applied if the student fails to submit the work within one week of the original last
date of submission.
Students may contact their teachers for clarification on specific details of the submission
time if required.

MEC_AMO_TEM_035_02 Page 14 of 14

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