Optimal Resistance Training-Comparison of DeLorme With Oxford Techniques (Piramides)
Optimal Resistance Training-Comparison of DeLorme With Oxford Techniques (Piramides)
Optimal Resistance Training-Comparison of DeLorme With Oxford Techniques (Piramides)
From the Department of Physical Research Article
Medicine and Rehabilitation, Johns
Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore,
904 Fish et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. ● Vol. 82, No. 12
boot. Side of training was decided by quired more than three attempts in was unable to perform at least eight
a flip of a coin. deriving the true 10RM. The derived repetitions of the new 10RM, the pre-
An isokinetic force vs. velocity true 10RM was used as the maximum vious 10RM was utilized for the re-
curve was obtained using the Kin- resistance weight for the first day of mainder of the week of training. If
Com dynamometer (Chattex, Chatta- training. the subject was able to perform ⬎12
nooga, TN). For testing on the Kin- Subjects trained their quadriceps repetitions of the new 10RM, another
Com, subjects were placed in the muscle with the aid of DeLorme 2.75 kg was added, and an attempt at
sitting position, hips flexed to 90 de- boots while in a seated position. the new 10RM was made. If the sub-
grees to facilitate testing of the quad- Training position was sitting on a ject easily lifted the new 10RM, a de-
riceps muscle. Range of motion for plinth, which allowed participants to cision by the trainer to substantially
testing was from 90 degrees of knee fully extend the knee and flex the increase the weight was made to en-
flexion to 0 degrees (full knee exten- knee to 90 degrees. There was no sure that a true 10RM was used. A
sion), with the force applied to knee backrest, and subjects were con- rest of 3–5 mins was incorporated
extension using the dynamometer in stantly reminded not to lean back- between lifts to prevent fatigue.1 No
the isokinetic mode and concentric/ ward when executing a lift. The more than three tests of the new
eccentric setting. To prevent hip flex- weight was controlled throughout 10RM were done to ensure that fa-
ion with training and testing, a Vel- the upward and downward portion of tigue would not influence the subse-
cro belt was used to stabilize the the lift. A trainer ensured that the quent training.
knee. weight was not dropped, but slowly At the end of 9 wks of training,
Velocity variables of 30, 60, and lowered and did not pass 90 degrees the same muscle performance tests of
90 degrees/sec served as indices to of knee flexion. A metronome was strength were employed to generate a
estimate the starting 1RM and 10RM utilized to ensure a smooth and con- posttraining torque vs. velocity
quadriceps muscle testing and train- trolled lifting motion, which was set curve. A posttraining 1RM and 10RM
ing with the DeLorme boot. Each to the comfort of the individual were done to determine a gain in
subject had three attempts at the subject. strength. The director of both the
1RM for each speed of the Kin-Com On the days of exercise training prestrength and poststrength testing
selected. Two minutes of rest were (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), was blinded to the training group and
used to prevent fatigue between each the subjects performed some light side of training for each participant.
speed and 1 min of rest between each stretching and warm-up exercises We computed a net change score
attempt at the 1RM.13 such as a mild walk for 10 –15 mins. by subtracting the initial 1RM and
The torque vs. velocity curve was The DeLorme group started their 10RM scores from the final 1RM and
used to predict a 1RM with free first set of ten repetitions at 50% of 10RM scores. Mean net change scores
weights. Using 60 degrees/sec, the 10RM, the second set of ten at 75% of between protocol groups were then
free weight 1RM was approximated by 10RM, and the third set of ten at compared by using a Student’s t test.
using 90% of the generated peak 10RM. The Oxford group performed The mean weekly 10RM was followed
torque. The participant had no more their sets in the reverse order of over 9 wks and evaluated by a re-
than three attempts to confirm the 10RM, 75% of 10RM, and 50% of peated measures multivariate analy-
free weight 1RM so that fatigue was 10RM. The subject lifted a weight at a sis of variance using protocol type
prevented. comfortable speed set to a metro- (DeLorme and Oxford) and sex as the
The individual’s isotonic dy- nome so that a constant lift pace was independent variables. Lastly, we
namic initial testing 10RM was ex- kept and each lift was smooth to computed percentage change scores
trapolated from the testing of quad- avoid any ballistic and momentum- for the 1RM and 10RM measures by
riceps strength by using 80% of the based efforts. Each lift was controlled dividing the initial and final scores.
free weight 1RM.14 –17 After a 5-min in both concentric extension and ec- For all parametric analysis, we used
rest, the participant performed a centric flexion of the knee corre- an alpha of 0.05.
10RM to clarify the projected 10RM. sponding to the “tock” and “tick” of
If the subject found this weight too the metronome. There was a 1-min
difficult, by not completing the ten rest between each set.
repetitions, or too easy, by perform- At the beginning of the next We recruited 60 subjects, and at-
ing more than ten repetitions, the week of training, a new 10RM was trition was classified as follows: per-
weight was adjusted to a “true” 10RM established by adding 2.75 kg to the sonal reasons unrelated to the study
by the examiner. Two minutes of rest 10RM.4 A 10RM set was attempted to (n ⫽ 5), failure to complete the post-
was given to each subject during this confirm the subject’s ability to per- training strength testing (n ⫽ 4), and
phase of testing. No participant re- form the new 10RM. If the subject onset of new physical symptoms pos-
sibly related to the protocol (n ⫽ 1). 13.6), respectively, and for the De- cantly different (t ⫽ 2.37, P ⫽ 0.05).
Of the ten subjects who failed to com- Lorme group, 35 yrs (SD ⫽ 8.5), with The mean initial female 10RM was
plete the study, four were from the a range of 23– 44, 175.3 cm (SD ⫽ significantly different (P ⫽ 0.008),
Oxford group and six were from the 5.0), and 83.6 kg (SD ⫽ 10.3), respec- with the DeLorme protocol starting
DeLorme group, suggesting that tively. The only significant difference at 72 kg (SD ⫽ 11) and the Oxford
there was not a selective attrition be- was in the weight of the women (P ⫽ protocol at 95 kg (SD ⫽ 23). For
tween the two protocols. The final 0.04). men, the initial 1RM for the DeLorme
number of participants was 38 All of the participants increased and Oxford groups was 118 kg (SD ⫽
women and 12 men who performed the amount of weight lifted in both 25) and 124 kg (SD ⫽ 32), respec-
either the Oxford (n ⫽ 26, six men) the 1RM and the 10RM testing after 9 tively, which was not significantly dif-
or DeLorme (n ⫽ 24, six men) wks of training. All subjects for both ferent (t ⫽ 0.33, P ⫽ 0.78). The ini-
techniques. protocols were able to complete the tial male 10RM for the DeLorme and
The power analysis revealed that lifting assignments during the train- Oxford group was 100 kg (SD ⫽ 18)
the standard deviation in the current ing sessions, and the compliance for and 107 kg (SD ⫽ 28), respectively,
study averaged 17 and 28 kg for the subject attendance was ⬎95%. At which was not significantly different
DeLorme and Oxford groups, respec- each session of training, each partic- (t ⫽ 0.55, P ⫽ 0.58).
tively. An average standard deviation ipant always reached the 10RM calcu- Although participants were ran-
for the cells would be 22.5. Assuming lated for that week. For the number domly assigned to each of the two
a moderate effect size (0.25) and a of attempts to set the new 10RM, 50% groups, analysis of the 1RM and
power of 0.80, the study would need of subjects required one attempt to 10RM scores revealed group differ-
a cell size of n ⫽ 65 (total of 130 reach the new 10RM, whereas 36% ences. In Figure 1, the initial 1RM of
subjects) for primary data analysis required two attempts and 14% re- the DeLorme group was 94 kg (SD ⫽
comparing the two techniques with quired three attempts. Although par- 23.3), and the Oxford group started at
a repeated measures multivariate ticipants progressed in 10RM lifted 111 kg (SD ⫽ 29.5), which was a
analysis of variance. over the 9 wks, final testing of the significant difference (t ⫽ 2.1, P ⬍
The average age, height, and 10RM was smaller in two individuals, 0.05). The mean 1RM increase in
weight of participants for the women one man and one woman. Final 10RM strength after 9 wks of training (Fig.
in the Oxford group was 38.8 yrs (SD was taken as the higher of 10RM at- 4) was 87 kg (SD ⫽ 50) for the De-
⫽ 10.4), with a range of 24 –55 yrs, tained at week 9 of training or final Lorme group and 74 kg (SD ⫽ 50) for
144.5 cm (SD ⫽ 6.8), and 90.4 kg (SD 10RM testing. the Oxford group, which was not sig-
⫽ 25). The DeLorme group was 42.9 Sex evaluation (Table 1) revealed nificantly different (t ⫽ 0.88; P ⬍
yrs (SD ⫽ 10.1), with a range of that the initial 1RM and 10RM differ- 0.4). The overall percentage change
30 –56 yrs, 140.8 cm (SD ⫽ 5.5), and ences between the two protocols were scores of the 1RM for the DeLorme
70.72 kg (SD ⫽ 16.0). The average mainly due to the female subjects. and Oxford groups were 92% and
age, height, and weight for the men The mean initial 1RM for women in 66.5%, respectively.
in the Oxford group was 37 yrs (SD ⫽ the DeLorme and Oxford groups was In Figure 2, the initial mean
12), with a range of 22–51 yrs, 180.3 88 kg (SD ⫽ 17) and 107 kg (SD ⫽ 10RM weight for the DeLorme and
cm (SD ⫽ 3.0), and 82.6 kg (SD ⫽ 28), respectively, which was signifi- Oxford protocols (Fig. 2) was 79.2 kg
906 Fish et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. ● Vol. 82, No. 12
strength, as demonstrated by the
weekly 1RM and 10RM gains over 9
wks of training. Subjects from each
protocol were able to maintain atten-
dance and compliance with required
lifting assignments.
The percentage change scores for
the 1RM and 10RM show equivalent
increases for both protocols. Al-
though there was no significant dif-
ference between the two protocols, it
should be noted that the DeLorme
group started with significantly lower
1RM and 10RM scores. In addition,
the DeLorme group had larger per-
centage change scores than scores
from the Oxford protocol, but these
Figure 1: Comparison of DeLorme with Oxford one-repetition maximum were not significantly different. No
(1RM) strength after 9 wks of training. There was a significant difference significant sex differences were found
between pre-training mean 1RM for Delorme vs. Oxford. *P ⬍ 0.05. for either protocol in regard to
strength gains over the 9-wk training
(⫾17.3) and 98 kg (⫾25), respec- Repeated measures examination program.
tively, which was significantly differ- using 1RM and 10RM (Fig. 3) data The purpose of the present study
ent (P ⫽ 0.004). The mean 10RM from each of the 9 wks of training was to determine the optimal method
increase after 9 wks of training (Fig. showed no significant difference by of developing muscle strength.
4) was 76 kg (⫾38.5) for the De- protocol (F ⫽ 1.828, P ⫽ 0.183) with Strength development is a goal of
Lorme group and 67.5 kg (⫾38) for the DeLorme and Oxford groups many exercise programs. For patients
the Oxford group, which was not sig- gaining a mean of 127 and 139 kg, whose muscles have atrophied be-
nificantly different (t ⫽ 0.76, P ⬍ respectively. cause of disuse associated with injury
0.65). The overall percentage change and in healthy individuals planning a
DISCUSSION lifelong exercise routine for them-
scores of the 10RM for the DeLorme
and Oxford groups were 96% and Both the DeLorme and Oxford selves, building strength has been
69%, respectively. protocol subjects improved muscle shown to give many important bene-
fits. Poor muscular fitness can be as-
sociated with reduced muscle and
connective tissue strength, reduced
lean body mass, and reduced bone
density. Together, these conditions
increase the risk of falls, injuries, and
low back pain. In the older popula-
tion, age-related muscle atrophy is
the main reason for impaired muscle
function.18,19 Therefore, determining
the best method for building strength
is relevant to individuals of all ages
and health levels.
From the results of the present
study, it seems that both the De-
Lorme and Oxford protocols can de-
velop strength in healthy men and
women. Optimal strength develop-
ment can occur when a muscle con-
Figure 2: Comparison of DeLorme with Oxford mean strength gains after 9 tracts against a degree of resistance
wks of training (P ⬍ 0.05). RM, repetition maximum. high enough to reach maximal or
Both the DeLorme and Oxford
protocols can improve muscle
strength, as demonstrated by the
weekly 10RM and net change in 1RM
and 10RM gains over 9 wks of train-
ing. Because all subjects were able to
complete their lifting assignments
(finish the third set for each session)
and all progressed in weight lifted at
the end of 9 wks, it can be hypothe-
Figure 4: Comparison of DeLorme with Oxford mean ten-repetition maximum sized that both the DeLorme and Ox-
(10RM) per week during 9 wks of training (P ⬍ 0.05). ford protocols can improve strength
908 Fish et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. ● Vol. 82, No. 12
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