Facebook & Whatsapp Case Study FINAL PDF
Facebook & Whatsapp Case Study FINAL PDF
Facebook & Whatsapp Case Study FINAL PDF
Strengths Weaknesses
There are a considerable The reliance on advertising is
number of active users. excellent.
Excellent and highly Poor website personalization
adaptable user experience Profits have not been generated
Excellent profitability through technological skills.
Have a strong cash flow and Users' information is not
a high company value. adequately protected, and there
Allow people to engage with are privacy flaws.
celebrities. Slow entry into the cloud
Layouts were often altered. computing market Excessive
Opportunities Threats
Expansion of its operations The Chinese government has
to the international market withdrawn Facebook from the
increased revenue source Chinese market.
diversity The rise of online advertising is
Growing demand in the sluggish.
mobile internet sector Future user growth is expected
Customers' increased use of to be limited.
social networks, Other major IT or technology
Possibilities of offering firms have segmented functions
possibilities for digital that overlap.
clients to conduct business Advertisers' Uncertainties
The critical takeaway from the SWOT analysis is that Facebook is now
quite powerful, but it has relatively restricted product lines, which
contradicts its future business plan of diversity and differentiation (Hill,
1997). Furthermore, cloud computing and mobile internet will be the
primary profit generators in the IT sector in the future. As a result,
Facebook bought WhatsApp to meet the current worldwide trend and
obtain a competitive edge in the mobile internet industry.
Q1. What strategic motives were perhaps fueling Facebook's
interest in acquiring WhatsApp?
There are three main motives for Facebook to acquire WhatsApp are the
This procurement, as one can imagine, could raise some serious issues
soon. When HP (HPQ) purchased Autonomy for $11 billion in 2011, it
was truly newsworthy. It took HPQ a year to realize that Autonomy and
HPQ were having significant issues, and HPQ had to record an $8.8
billion loss because of a highly inflated charge, and it likewise
commenced an investigation by the Department of Justice. If WhatsApp
doesn't start proving its value soon, Facebook's stock could suffer a
similar fate. While WhatsApp's altruism will be evaluated annually,
Facebook has pledged to squeeze the app to make itself more