Experimental Analysis of Property Variation in Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Filmcbsx30 Eh During Storage
Experimental Analysis of Property Variation in Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Filmcbsx30 Eh During Storage
Experimental Analysis of Property Variation in Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Filmcbsx30 Eh During Storage
An Indian Journal
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MSAIJ, 14(1), 2016 [001-008]
It has been observed as potential problem by many of the polymer BOPP;
manufactures that the polymer films like Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Frictional coefficient;
(BOPP) experience degradation in their properties during storage. Usually, Gloss;
if not complete stock of films, than at least 10-20% of the complete stock Haze;
experiences properties degradation. The present study is conducted for Tensile strength.
finding out the extant of variation of film properties like frictional
coefficient, haze, gloss, and tensile strength. BOPP film is analyzed after
subjecting it to aging and aging in sunlight/artificial light that cause
accelerated aging. It was concluded that the storage condition affect the
properties of BOPP Film. The film experiences maximum degradation if
subjected to artificial light and least degradation when kept in dark. The
remedies against degradation are also suggested.
2016 Trade Science Inc. - INDIA
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well as from the film surface. Often spherulitic mor- Chemically active sites on surface of BOPP film are
phologies (sphere like semi-crystalline regions in formed by corona discharge. The active genus formed
an un-branched linear polymer) are one of the sources in air was used to form graft copolymerization of
of bulk scattering in semi-crystalline polymers. The Acrylic Amide. The extent of grafting or electron
interior or bulk scattering is also originated by fluc- spectroscopy characterized the surface formation,
tuations in refractive index of polymers which oc- hydrophilicity and adhesion of the grafted BOPP film.
cur on the length scale of the wavelength of visible Ho et al[4] have studied the effect of alteration of
light (400–700 nm). Normally, surface roughness, antioxidant by ultra violate (UV) treatment on di-
surface defects and micro-structural variations at the electric strength of BOPP capacitor film. Improve-
surface causes light scattering at an air-film inter- ment in breakdown strength was observed and it was
face. It is now generally recognized for oriented also found that an electric field can cause dissocia-
Polyolefin films that the loss of transparency is pri- tion and ionization of molecules, which results in
marily caused by surface scattering rather than by formation of free molecules. Arvanitoyannis et al[5]
interior scattering. have conducted an experiment in which PP was photo
In accordance with the surface roughness of oxidized under polychromatic light (ë 300 nm) at
Polyolefin films, and hence transparency of poly- different intensities of the incident light. The varia-
mer films depends on the molecular weight of poly- tions of intensity were obtained without changing
mer, presence of nucleation agents, polymer melt the relative spectral distribution of the source or the
elasticity, frost line height, speed of extrusion and temperature at the surface of the exposed samples.
cooling during film manufacturing as established in[1] Philippart et al[6] exposed PP samples to artificially
. In order to reduce the crystalline haze one can accelerated photo ageing in various conditions of
lower the crystal size which can be achieved by add- light intensity. The aged samples were analyzed by
ing suitable nucleation agents. In addition, crystal- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
line haze can also be lowered by lowering the frost techniques coupled with chemical derivatization to
line height. determine the degradation structures resulting from
Gotzen et al[1] have investigated thermal proper- UV exposure. Chemical titrations of the Hydro Per-
ties and effect of aging in three layered BOPP film, oxides and determinations of the oxygen consump-
they also compared the differences in measurement tion were carried out to quantify the formation of the
with a Wollaston wire probe versus the nano scale oxidation photoproducts. Results showed that modi-
probe in nano-TA. Nano-TA was found more sensi- fying the exposure parameters induced notable
tive in measuring onset temperature and showed more changes in the reaction kinetics. These changes also
distinct differences in transition temperature for fresh led to some modifications of the relative concentra-
and annealed BOPP film compared to micro-TA. tions of the various oxidation photoproducts, par-
Galic et al[2] have conducted study on high speed ticularly those of the carbonylated products includ-
overwrapping film with shrink tightening properties, ing Esters and Carboxylic acids. Yang et al[7] ex-
co-extruded on both sides with heat sealable posed photo chemically unstabilised PP films in re-
Polyolefin copolymers. They have got excellent spar- actors equipped with a fluorescent lamp at different
kling appearance, balanced shrinkage, enhanced temperatures and proposed a way for developing a
machine performance, excellent moisture and fla- lifetime model for the photo oxidation of PP films.
vor barrier, differential slip properties for tight Jarus et al[8] studied the evidence from chemilumi-
wraps, and resistant to solvent attack. They also nescence analysis by the heterogeneous model. The
found that in high speed wrapping, slip should be film was re-examined and it was concluded that het-
low profile and film should be kept below 30 °C erogeneous model yielded better result than homo-
before being employed. Oliveira et al[3] have stud- geneous kinetic model. Kata et al[9] studied surface
ied surface configuration and adhesive properties morphology of thin films of Isotactic Polypropylene
of BOPP film with the help of corona discharge. (iPP) and compared the thermal and mechanical
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MSAIJ, 14(1) 2016 S.J.Pawar et al. 3
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properties of iPP films irradiated by gamma ray in of carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and air through
an acetylene atmosphere after uniaxial expansion. commercial polymers based on PE, BOPP, and PA
The changes in morphology, crystallinity and tensile used for food packaging. The influence of tempera-
parameters (yield stress, rupture stress and elonga- ture (from 10 to 60 °C) and crease stress cycles (30,
tion strain) of the PP with irradiation were investi- 50, 70, and 110) on gas permeance was also ana-
gated. The results showed some evidences of gel lyzed. The highest variation in gas permeance changes
formation due to cross linking and/or long chain with increased stress cycles were observed with
branching induced by radiation. Chu et al[10] studied films having a metalized layer in the structure, namely
the changes occurring in the super molecular struc- BOPP coex. Lin et al[17] studied the effect of thermal
ture of PP film when pigments were introduced. It history on the transparency of BOPP films. The
has been established that pigments cause changes in clearest films were obtained from compression
the dimensions within the volume of the crystallites molded sheets with the most homogeneous texture
as well as in density and optical birefringence. The and by orienting it at the lowest temperature. As dis-
internal orientation, characterized by the value of cussed by Mathlouthi[22] for blown Polyethylene
infrared dichroism, is also essentially changed. films, there are two fundamentally different sources
Lekaye et al[11] proposed a method for the measure- of surface roughness. First, a very low melt elastic-
ment of the degree of orientation of crystalline seg- ity and second a very high melt elasticity. The former
ments in PP films using results of IR polarization assists in the formation of spherulitic-like superstruc-
spectra. Xiaoqing et al[12] found that the pressure tures in polymer films at or near the surface. How-
expansion can be used to improve the piezoelectric ever, later causes a fine-scale surface roughness
d33-coefficients of customary cellular PP films. Chen owing to instabilities in an elastic melt. It was also
et al[13] found grafting reactivity of electron beam reported that the choice of a proper resin with a
pre irradiated PP film by grafting of Acrylic Acid proper melt elasticity and molecular weight can mini-
(AAc) and Acrylamide (AAm) repeatedly or inter- mize the surface haze.
mittently. An interpenetrating polymer networks BOPP thermal films lose their properties under
(IPN) with both temperature and pH sensitive prop- storage. The probable reasons are effect of high tem-
erties were obtained by two times grafting of AAm perature, UV exposure, aging, and shrink tightening
and AAc onto preirradiated PP film. Benkhenafou et due to high speed of manufacturing, surface struc-
al[14] studied an aging of polymers resulted from ture, adhesive properties, permeability due to expo-
structural modifications at the molecular level and sure to specific gases, moisture, handling, self
influence of structural factors on the fracture prop- weight, and friction coefficient. Polymer loses their
erties of PP. Balas et al[15] studied the influence of properties as free radicals are formed in polymer
annealing temperature on the fracture properties of which further accelerates degradation when exposed
iPP films. The fracture behavior is studied by means to UV radiation.
of the Essential Work of Fracture (EWF) procedure,
and was complemented by the study of the effect of EXPERIMENTATION
thermal treatment on tensile properties and micro-
structure, using differential scanning calorimeter The experiments are conducted by simulating the
(DSC) and wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS). It storage conditions with the actual storage conditions
was shown that the initial meta-stable phase of in the firms and following the standard ASTM Pro-
quenched iPP films transforms gradually into the cedures[18-21]. The samples are taken from Jumbo coil
monoclinic form as the annealing temperature is in- in the required dimension as mentioned in the stan-
creased, resulting in an important improvement of dard for associated test. Every reading is an aver-
the tensile properties, whereas the fracture param- age value obtained after testing three samples. The
eters have different evolutions depending on the Eth- films are examined for six months at different inter-
ylene content. Mrkic et al[16] studied the permeance vals and variations in properties are recorded/ ob-
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4 Experimental analysis of property variation
. in biaxially oriented polypropylene film MSAIJ, 14(1) 2016
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tained. Coefficient of friction (Cof), haze, gloss, and gms).
tensile strength are considered for study in this work Haze is measured following ASTM D1003. For
as they are most crucial properties in the applica- every single reading, three specimens free from
tions like packaging and lamination. Testing is done wrinkle, ripple, dust or any type of physical defects
based on the specific duration causing significant each from left, center and right of around 100 x 100
change in property (variation more than 0.2 % of mm2 area were taken. Gloss was tested following
property value) associated during that period. The ASTM D2457 using gloss meter of 45° angle geom-
tensile strength & elongation of film are tested as etry. Specimens are prepared following same pro-
per ASTM D-882. Samples of 25x25 mm2 are pre- cedure as for measurement of haze. The effect of UV
pared by cutting the test specimen from the Jumbo rays is measured using artificially designed set up[6]
coil in such a way that the test specimen from all the and also by exposure of film to sunlight (Temp. 32
three sides (left, centre, and right) are obtained, both °C and 55 % humidity (Average Value)).
in machine direction and transverse direction. Three
specimens from each side and both direction are RESULT AND DISCUSSION
tested. The average values are calculated and re-
ported here. Cof was tested at a regular interval, The results are given for film subjected to nor-
after one day interval for first 15 days and then after mal storage condition in TABLES 1-3, however,
two days interval for the remaining period, using TABLE 4 shows results for film subjected to con-
ASTM D1894-14. Samples are taken by the similar trolled storage conditions (sunlight, artificial light,
procedure as in tensile testing. During the test, and dark). TABLE 1 shows the variations of Cof,
samples are held on the test bed by means of the both for film to film and film to metal. It shows ir-
vacuum channel and magnet strip so that the film regular variation of Cof, however a downtrend is
surface remains flat, smooth, and unstretched. Then observed over the test period. It is also observed
the sled is drawn by drive mechanism at constant that film to metal Cof is lower than film to film Cof
speed required by the test standard in use i.e. (150 and significantly large downtrend in Cof of film to
mm/min.). The static and dynamic friction coeffi- film is observed than Cof of film to metal. The higher
cient are calculated using equation 1 and subse- values of Cof that are observed intermittently which
quently displayed digitally, causes irregular variation may be due to variation
Cof = A/W (1) in the samples that are taken from Jumbo coil which
Where A = force in gram and W = sled weight (200 was aged for stated period. Such variation of Cof is
TABLE 1 : Time dependent variation of coefficient of friction (Cof)
Day (no.) Cof (film to metal) Cof (film to film)
1 0.24 0.42
3 0.23 0.30
5 0.20 0.28
7 0.22 0.31
9 0.22 0.27
11 0.21 0.26
13 0.20 0.28
15 0.22 0.27
18 0.21 0.26
21 0.20 0.26
24 0.20 0.24
27 0.19 0.25
30 0.19 0.22
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TABLE 2 : Time dependent variation of haze and gloss
S. No. Day (no) Haze Gloss (%)
1 1.3 90
4 1.2 91
8 1.1 90
11 1.6 92
15 1.2 92
19 1.2 90
23 1.1 91
27 1.1 90
30 1.1 90
caused due to aging and available storage condi- valued packaging applications. The value of Gloss
tions. It is also pertinent to note that Cof of film to does not change as much over the test period how-
film shows greater downtrend owing to the aging of ever similar to Cof and haze it also shows a higher
both films. Lesser Cof is undesirable for applica- value at intermittent time. Dust, dirt, and pollution
tions like lamination. free storage is required for maintaining gloss to ac-
TABLE 2 shows the variation of haze and gloss ceptable value. The intermittent rise in the Cof, haze,
for 30 days. It shows that the value of haze become and gloss may need further detailed and long term
almost constant after twenty days from the polymer investigations to be supported by polymer degrada-
film manufacturing. It is also found that lesser value tion kinetics.
of haze than the initial value of haze is settled after The variation of tensile strength and elongation
initial settlement period. The highest value of haze is presented in TABLE 3. It shows that the tensile
that is observed intermittently (at 11th day) may be strength decreases in both MD and TD. The per-
due to variation in the samples that are taken from centage elongation before fracture also decreases.
Jumbo coil that was aged for stated period. How- Such variation of tensile strength is caused due to
ever similar intermediate variations are also ob- aging and available storage conditions. It is impor-
served in Cof as well. Such variation of haze is tant to note that the tensile load on polymers pro-
caused due to aging and available storage condi- duces initial deformation as a result of alignment of
tions. Lesser value of haze is undesirable for most molecules (Bond-strengthening and bond-lengthen-
of the application of BOPP like lamination and pack- ing). However, a permanent deformation in polymer
aging. The steady value obtained after thirty days is occurs as a result of slip between adjacent molecules
acceptable for most of the applications except in high due to weaker attractive forces between them. Lesser
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. in biaxially oriented polypropylene film MSAIJ, 14(1) 2016
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TABLE 4 : Effect of UV exposure on properties after 15 days
Property BOPP Film (New) Dark Artificial source Sun-light
CoF (film to metal) 0.24 0.22 0.18 0.20
CoF (film to film) 0.40 0.32 0.28 0.29
Gloss 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1
Haze 90 88 83 86
Tensile strength (TD) 110 102 89 98
Tensile strength (MD) 220 207 192 200
Percent elongation (TD) 200 190 182 194
Percent reduction (MD) 50 48 44 47
value of strength is undesirable for the application by 8.9% when kept in artificial light. Gloss decreases
like lamination and packaging. by 8.9% on 35th day when kept in dark and 16.7%
TABLES 4 and 5 shows the collective effect of when exposed to artificial light. However it follows
UV rays and aging on the selected properties. The the general trend as it has maximum value when less
effect is measured after subjecting the film to direct aged and stored in dark or in normal storage condi-
sunlight, artificial light[6], and also when film is kept tion then it is having a lesser value when subjected
in dark to sunlight and it is least (16.7% less) on 35th day
The results are reported for 0th, 15th and 35th and when subjected to artificial light. Reduction in
day as the preliminary tests indicate that above pe- Gloss by 16.7% as compared to the initial value is
riod shows significant variation in most of the prop- acceptable for most of the applications. Haze de-
erties. Considering Cof values on 0th day as a bench- grades by 2.8% on 15th day when kept in dark, 4.5%
mark, result specifies that the film kept in dark for when subjected to sunlight and 8.8% if subjected to
15 days have about 9.3% less Cof (film to metal) artificial source of light. The result reported indi-
and 20.2% less Cof (film to film). On the other hand, cates 4.1%, 4.8%, and 12% reduction in haze is ob-
after 35 days, it has around 17.1% lesser Cof (film served when kept in dark, subjected to sunlight and
to metal) and 39.8% lesser Cof (film to film). It artificial light sequentially on 35th day. Tensile
clearly indicates that Cof strongly depends on the strength decreases by 8% in TD, 6% in MD direc-
number of storage days. It is worth mentioning that tion on 15th day when film is kept in dark, 19% (TD),
Cof on 0th and 15th day have almost same values as 13% (MD) when subjected to artificial light. How-
that were obtained when the film was kept in nor- ever, when subjected to sunlight, it has intermediate
mal storage and the Cof degrade most when sub- value. Whereas on 35th day tensile strength decreases
jected to artificial light and aging collectively. Value by 6.9% in MD and 8.9% in TD, when kept in dark.
of gloss remains same as the initial value on 15th It decreases around 11.5% (MD) and 11.9% (TD)
day when film is kept in dark however it deceases when subjected to sunlight. A further reduction in
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tensile strength was noted when film was exposed Thus, any light source giving yellow light can have
to source of artificial light. It decreases by 15.9% detrimental effect on the film, hence the use of bulb
(MD) and 14.5% (TD). Overall the film stored in should be avoided and CFL may be used in the stor-
dark shows the better properties then film exposed age room, additionally it is recommended that the
to sunlight and artificial light. safe storage time may be limited to 15 days at the
Film properties have intermediate value when storage.
subjected to sunlight as compared to dark and artifi-
cial light. It is also worth mentioning that properties ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
when it was kept in dark were quite close to the
values in normal storage condition (closed room) The research was supported by the Invertis Uni-
except in few cases as the storage may be having versity, Bareilly and Max Speciality Limited,
little exposure to sunlight. The reason for same is Chandigarh.
quite obvious that artificial light sources emit higher
UV intensity than sunlight, however the dark storage REFERENCES
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