Grant Thornton DRAFT Audit Findings - Slough Council 2021
Grant Thornton DRAFT Audit Findings - Slough Council 2021
Grant Thornton DRAFT Audit Findings - Slough Council 2021
9 May 2021
© 2021 Grant Thornton UK LLP | Audit Findings Report for Slough Borough Council | 2018/19
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Section Page
Tina James
Audit Manager
T: 020 7728 3307
E: [email protected]
The contents of this report relate only to those matters which came to our attention during the conduct of our normal audit procedures which are designed for the purpose of expressing
our opinion on the financial statements. Our audit is not designed to test all internal controls or identify all areas of control weakness. However, where, as part of our testing, we identify
control weaknesses, we will report these to you. In consequence, our work cannot be relied upon to disclose all defalcations or other irregularities, or to include all possible improvements
in internal control that a more extensive special examination might identify. This report has been prepared solely for your benefit and should not be quoted in whole or in part without our
prior written consent. We do not accept any responsibility for any loss occasioned to any third party acting, or refraining from acting on the basis of the content of this report, as this report
was not prepared for, nor intended for, any other purpose.
Grant Thornton UK LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales: No.OC307742. Registered office: 30 Finsbury Square, London, EC2A 1AG. A list of members
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Status of the audit and key headlines
This table summarises the key findings and other matters arising from the statutory audit of Slough Borough Council (‘the Council’) and the preparation of the Council's financial
statements for the year ended 31 March 2019 for those charged with governance.
Key headlines
Our findings are summarised on pages 6 to 24. As previously reported, our audit work has identified a number
of adjustments to the financial statements. Audit adjustments confirmed to date are detailed in Appendix C.
We have also raised a number of recommendations for management as a result of our audit work in Appendix
A. We have concluded that the other information to be published with the financial statements is consistent
with our knowledge of your organisation and the financial statements we have audited.
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This table summarises the key findings and other matters arising from the statutory audit of Slough Borough Council (‘the Council’) and the preparation of the Council's financial
statements for the year ended 31 March 2019 for those charged with governance.
Value for Money Under the National Audit Office (NAO) Code We have completed our risk based review of the Council’s value for money arrangements. On the basis of our
arrangements of Audit Practice ('the Code'), we are work, having regard to the guidance on the specified criterion issued by the Comptroller and Auditor General in
required to report if, in our opinion, the November 2017, because of the significance of the matters described below and later in our report, we are not
Council has made proper arrangements to satisfied that, in all significant respects Slough Borough Council put in place proper arrangements for securing
secure economy, efficiency and economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources for the year ended 31 March 2019, this is due to:
effectiveness in its use of resources ('the • Inadequate arrangements in place to understand and use appropriate and reliable financial and performance
value for money (VFM) conclusion’). information to support informed decision making and performance management in relation to Slough
Children's Services Trust
• Significant weaknesses in processes for preparing both the 2017-18 financial statements (which took place
during 2018-19), and ongoing weaknesses in the arrangements to prepare the 2018-19 financial statements
resulting in a number of material adjustments and disclosure corrections.
• Since our last report, in light of the impact of Covid 19 on the future financial position of the Council, coupled
with the impact of a recent business rate appeal and the ongoing discussions with Department for Education
on the recoverability of financial support to Slough Children’s Trust, the Council has recently sought further
financial support through MHCLG and is awaiting final conclusions from this request. This coupled with
further adjustments required to the Council’s reserves arising from the audit, gives indication that general
fund reserve levels (both earmarked and unearmarked) are at unsustainably low levels requiring action from
the Council. We therefore anticipate issuing an adverse qualified value for money conclusion. Our findings
are summarised on pages 27 to 35.
Statutory duties The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 As a result of the significant challenges experienced to prepare Code compliant accounts for 2018-19, coupled
(‘the Act’) also requires us to: with the wider findings of the audit and increasingly challenging financial position for the Council, we have
• report to you if we have applied any of concluded that it is appropriate for us to use our powers to make written recommendations under section 24 of
the additional powers and duties ascribed the Act.
to us under the Act; and This is due to inadequate arrangements and insufficient skills and capacity at the Council to prepare reliable
• To certify the closure of the audit. financial statements and supporting working papers. In addition, we identify concerns regarding the Council’s
financial sustainability and levels of reserves and weaknesses in the Council’s financial governance, monitoring
and controls in relation to its Group entities.
Further details of these recommendations are set out in a separate accompanying report to the Council.
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Materiality for the financial statements 5,980,000 5,982,000 This has been calculated based upon 1.5% of your prior year
gross expenditure
Performance materiality 3,588,000 3,589,000 This has been calculated as 60% of headline materiality, based
upon our assessment of the likelihood of a material misstatement
in the financial statements
Trivial matters 299,000 299,000 This has been calculated based upon 5% of headline materiality.
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• evaluate the rationale for any changes in accounting policies, estimates or significant unusual
Our testing has not identified any issues in relation to this risk.
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We have made a recommendation in relation to this risk. Further details can be found on page 42.
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We have made a recommendation in relation to this risk. Further details can be found on page 42.
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We have made a number of recommendations in relation to this risk. Further details can be found in the action plan in
Appendix A.
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We disagree with the estimation process or judgements that underpin the estimate and consider the estimate to be potentially materially misstated
We consider the estimate is unlikely to be materially misstated however management’s estimation process contains assumptions we consider optimistic
We consider the estimate is unlikely to be materially misstated however management’s estimation process contains assumptions we consider cautious
We consider management’s process is appropriate and key assumptions are neither optimistic or cautious
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• Completeness and accuracy of the underlying information used to determine the estimate
• Reasonableness of increase/decrease in estimate
• Adequacy of disclosure of estimate in the financial statements
We have now received our assurances from the auditor of the Berkshire Pension Fund, to
enable us to conclude our work in this area.
We disagree with the estimation process or judgements that underpin the estimate and consider the estimate to be potentially materially misstated
We consider the estimate is unlikely to be materially misstated however management’s estimation process contains assumptions we consider optimistic
We consider the estimate is unlikely to be materially misstated however management’s estimation process contains assumptions we consider cautious
We consider management’s process is appropriate and key assumptions are neither optimistic or cautious
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The legal ruling around age discrimination (McCloud - Court of Appeal) has implications
not just for pension funds but also for other pension schemes where they have
implemented transitional arrangements on changing benefits.
The Council requested an updated net pension liability calculation from its actuary to
include the impact of the McCloud ruling. This has been updated in the liability reflected in
the final financial statements.
Accounting for pooled investment The new accounting standard, IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, was implemented from 1 Auditor view
funds April 2018. This required the Council to review the classifications and accounting Following an internal review by our
treatment of its investments. technical team and discussions with
The Council used its external advisor to provide support during this process. management and their investment
The review has resulted in the classification of pooled investment funds under IFRS 9 as advisors, it was agreed that the initial
‘fair value through other comprehensive income’. classification would be amended to
FVPL and the required adjustments
In our opinion IFRS 9 does not permit for these type of investments to be designated made to the accounts. These
under this classification. adjustments impact the Comprehensive
Income and Expenditure Statement
however due to the available statutory
override these do not impact the General
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Our view is that where overspends arise against Dedicated Schools Grant and are to be • We also requested that management enhance
carried forward as a call against the schools budget in future years, these should form part the disclosure of the accounting treatment
of the un-earmarked general fund. within their draft financial statements.
• We have discussed with management a
number of disclosure adjustments to reflect
the nature of the balance within reserves
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Issue Commentary
Matters in relation to fraud We have previously discussed the risk of fraud with the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee. We have not been made aware
of any other incidents affecting the financial statements in the period and no other issues have been identified during the course of our
audit procedures.
Matters in relation to related We are not aware of any related parties or related party transactions which have not been disclosed
Matters in relation to laws and You have not made us aware of any significant incidences of non-compliance with relevant laws and regulations and we have not
regulations identified any incidences from our audit work.
Written representations A letter of representation will be requested from the Council, at the conclusion of our work
Specific representations will be sought requested from management in respect of the following:
Confirmation of accuracy and completeness of group relationships
Assumptions for key PPE valuation estimates
Assumptions for Pension valuation estimates
Recoverability of debtors
Confirmation requests from We requested from management permission to send confirmation requests to investment fund managers and the Council’s banks and
third parties institutions they have borrowings from. This permission was granted and the requests were sent. All requests were returned with
positive confirmation.
Audit evidence and Based on work carried out to date, all information and explanations requested from management has been provided.
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Issue Commentary
Disclosures Our review identified a number of adjustments which were required. These included:
Group disclosures were amended to provide additional clarity to a reader of the accounts
Capital Commitments disclosures included in the accounts are not in line with the Code requirements and we requested disclosure to this
extent to be added to the accounts
In Note 30, the interim Director of Place & Development has received remuneration exceeding £150k but initially wasn’t named as required by
the Code
A third balance sheet and related disclosures was required to reflect the prior period adjustment for property, plant and equipment
the group notes for PPE did not agree to the Group balance sheet due to the omission of the consolidated values
The disclosures in relation to the fair value of surplus assets were not sufficient to meet the requirements of the Code
IFRS 15 disclosures were not adequately included in the financial statements
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Other information We are required to give an opinion on whether the other information published together with the audited financial statements
(including the Annual Governance Statement and Narrative Report), is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our
knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.
No inconsistencies have been identified. We plan to issue an unmodified opinion in this respect.
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In this context, in writing our 2018-19 Audit Plan we needed to bring a specific issue to those charged with governance attention. Gray’s Inn Trading (GIT) Ltd is a group of companies
based in the Slough area. A separate special purpose vehicle, Ground Rent Estates (GRE) 5 Ltd, held by GIT Ltd, was acquired by Slough Borough Council on 8 March 2018. At the
time of purchase, Grant Thornton were responsible for the audit and tax services for GIT Ltd. Audit and tax compliance services had been provided by Grant Thornton during the
2016-17 financial year, including tax compliance work which commenced in January 2018, nearly three months prior to the 8 March 2018 acquisition date. In addition to the tax
compliance work, GT provided tax advice relating to the GRE 5 Ltd company transfer. No work was performed in respect of the 2017-18 year - the firm proposed to continue as the
auditor of GRE5 Ltd for 2017/18 but, in view of the acquisition by the Council of GRE5 Ltd, the firm ceased its tax and accounts preparation services for audit year 2017/18. There is
therefore no ongoing threat to independence as the firm will not be undertaking accounts preparation or tax work in future years.
For the 2016-17 audit, all fees relating to the audit and tax computation work for the group (including that for GRE 5 Ltd) have been and will continue to be billed to the GIT Group. No
fees were billed to either GRE 5 Ltd or Slough Borough Council. The work is inconsequential to the Council (and is not consolidated within the financial statements of the Council)
and Grant Thornton had substantially completed, and billed, the majority of the work before Slough Borough Council acquired GRE 5 Ltd in March 2018. The only element of work
outstanding at the date of acquisition was the final sign off procedures, including the filing of year end accounts.
No members of the Slough Borough Council audit team had any involvement with the GIT Ltd or GRE 5 Ltd audit and tax services.
Following the subsequent discussions with our Head of Ethics, it has been agreed that there is no ongoing conflict of interest and there is no impact upon our independence and
objectivity of the audit of either the Council or the company as the firm ceased its tax and accounts preparation services for the audit year 2017-18. There is therefore no ongoing
threat to independence as Grant Thornton will not be undertaking accounts preparation or tax work in 2018-19 or in future years. Grant Thornton has fully reported the circumstances
to Slough Borough Council and consulted with PSAA on 12 July 2018. PSAA has confirmed that they support this conclusion.
We are reporting this matter to those charged with governance as required under the Financial Reporting Council Ethical Standard to ensure that they are fully appraised of the
We confirm that we have implemented policies and procedures to meet the requirements of the Financial Reporting Council’s Ethical Standard and we as a firm, and each covered
person, confirm that we are independent and are able to express an objective opinion on the financial statements.
Further, we have complied with the requirements of the National Audit Office’s Auditor Guidance Note 01 issued in December 2017 which sets out supplementary guidance on ethical
requirements for auditors of local public bodies.
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Housing Benefit Subsidy 95,000 Self-interest This engagement is for the provision of a report of factual findings in respect of the local authority's form
certification work Self-review MPF720A. There is no direct impact on the Housing Benefit income and expenditure figures in the financial
statements and there is a very low risk of the work leading to any need for future restatement of the accounts.
The Housing Benefit subsidy engagement does not impact on our independence, objectivity or integrity in
respect of the audit of the financial statements of the local authority.
Non Audit
CFO insights subscription 10,000 Self interest We have provided subscription services only; any decisions are made independently by the Council. The work is
undertaken by a team independent to the audit team.
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Value for
Working Sustainable
with partners resource
& other third deployment
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Appendix A DRAFT
Action plan
We have identified recommendations for the Council’s as a result of issues identified during the course of our audit. We have agreed our recommendations with management and we will
report on progress on these recommendations during the course of the 2020/21 audit. The matters reported here are limited to those issues that we have identified during the course of
our audit and that we have concluded are of sufficient importance to merit being reported to you in accordance with auditing standards.
Management response
The Council has recently undertaken a number of actions that will address this and related issues
The Council has amended its officer Strategic Finance Board (SFB) chaired by the Chief Executive to ensure that the
Executive Board is fully aware of all pertinent financial matters within the Council and gains a holistic understanding of
the Council’s finances. This Board is receiving papers on financial standards, the accounts, the budgets and other
As part of this the Council has:
• Revised its revenue business case and process to ensure that the business case focuses on the case for change,
value for money and affordability before moving into the technicalities of procurement etc. Thus assisting in
ensuring that the Council’s base budget is as robust as it can be and hence helping to provide a more informed
base from which to generate any necessary savings
• Related to savings, the Council has a separate business case for savings which has been supplemented by a
Saving Action Plan to assist in the verification and tracking of saving plans going forward
• The finance service is leading the process for the budget and will in the short term be working with service
colleagues to review and challenge all budgeted and future savings, monitor delivery, identify pressures and seek
from colleagues mitigations as necessary. It has also revised the equality impact documentation. Going forward a
further revised process will be established that will bring into the assessment of savings plans colleagues from other
disciplines such as legal, HR, ICT etc – all working closely with service officers
• Supplementing this the Council is revising its officer budget process to accelerate the timeline for production of the
budget to allow for full engagement and scrutiny by Members in all their roles and likewise for full consultation and
communication with other stakeholders
High – Significant effect on control system
Medium – Effect on control system
Low – Best practice
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Appendix A DRAFT
Action plan
We have identified recommendations for the Council’s as a result of issues identified during the course of our audit. We have agreed our recommendations with management and we will
report on progress on these recommendations during the course of the 2020/21 audit. The matters reported here are limited to those issues that we have identified during the course of
our audit and that we have concluded are of sufficient importance to merit being reported to you in accordance with auditing standards.
Management response
The preparation of future AGS is under review and will be considered at a future meeting of the SFB. This will
enhance the preparation and use of the AGS. The Chief Executive has also instigated a review of
Governance across the Council which will see further enhancements to our Governance arrangements. The
outcome of this work will incorporate these recommendations.
The Council consolidates a number of group To facilitate a smooth and efficient group accounts preparation, the Council should work with its group entities
entities into its financial statements, however to align all accounting year ends to 31 March.
the accounting year ends are not all Management response
consistent with the Council, being 31 March,
which adds additional complexity and This work will commence in June 2021.
consolidation adjustments for the Group
financial statements.
High – Significant effect on control system
Medium – Effect on control system
Low – Best practice
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Appendix A DRAFT
Action plan
Assessment Issue and risk Recommendations
Effective governance arrangements are not Cabinet and scrutiny should be regularly updated on the performance of their key services and be able to
in place to ensure those charge with challenge this performance and have the opportunity to make informed decisions in formal committee
governance are able to make decisions in an meetings.
open and transparent way Management response
Agreed. We have recently begun the preparation of holistic financial briefings for Officers and Members and
these will be further developed in the future. We have also as noted above revised the budget timeline which
will allow for more informed Member consideration of the budget and have introduced quality guidance for
finance and other officers on the production of budget monitoring reports and financial implications in reports.
We will ensure that key service financial and performance information is included as a regular agenda item
for Cabinet, Scrutiny and the Audit and Governance Committee.
Effective contract management The Council should consider and ensure effective arrangements are in place in the following areas:
arrangements are not in place to effectively • Role of elected members, including Members of the Board, as possible shareholder committees or
manage statutory services that are delivered monitoring committees such as the Commercial Sub-Committee, as well as the role of scrutiny committees
by third parties. • Elected members who are Board Directors of the SCST need to understand their responsibilities
and duties to SCST and ensure they effectively manage any conflicts of interest. All company
directors have a duty to act in the best interests of the company rather than in the best interests of
the body that has appointed the Director to the company (eg the Council)
• Elected members committee functions, this should include those charged with governance who
would have oversight of the effectiveness of the SCST Board in line with Council’s strategic
objectives and statutory duties as well as scrutiny.
• The Council would benefit from applying consistent arrangements across the Council for dealing
with all its third-party companies and ensure the role of the Commercial Sub-Committee is
effective and understood
• Those charged with Governance should receive updates and reports on a regular basis (quarterly as a
minimum) to enable informed decision making.
Management response
The Council has begun reviews of its management of third-party organisations and will be implementing a
series of changes which will include among other matters appointing appropriate Senior Responsible Officers
to ensure that companies meet their objectives, put in place new arrangements for holding companies to
account, reviewing how the companies meet the Council’s objectives, a review of the work undertaken by the
companies, developing a clear approach to testing value for money etc.
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Appendix A DRAFT
Action plan
Assessment Issue and risk Recommendations
Effective governance arrangements are not • The Council should introduce contract management to ensure services are delivered as planned and any
in place to effectively manage statutory mitigating actions can be taken in a timely manner.
services that are delivered by third parties. • The Council should consider using its internal audit service to gain assurance that its contract procedures
are being effectively applied across all Directorates.
Management response
The first recommendation is being dealt with as noted above. In respect of gaining assurance this will be
undertaken in two ways – through internal audit as described and through reviews by the Finance and
Commercial team. The S151 officer is liaising with internal audit to ensure that this requirement is picked up
in their 2021/22 and onwards planning and will co-ordinate the work of those undertaking these reviews
Quality of working papers and clarity of We recommend that the Council:
the audit trail
• Review the process used to produce the year end accounts and identify areas where further improvement
As noted on page 13, the audit process was needs to be made
hampered by issues with the clarity of the
audit trail including: • Ensure that all disclosure have supporting working papers and there is a clear mapping between the
general ledger and the financial statements
- insufficient audit trail to support the
movements in the cashflow statement
Management response
- Lack of supporting audit trail for key
notes in the accounts such as analysis of The Council has begun a review of the process and will be introducing:
the income and expenditure by nature • a comprehensive accounts plan which will be linked to the auditors required by client schedule. This plan
will include a comprehensive training plan, a communications plan and a resource plan
• a three stage quality assurance process will be implemented covering financial standards papers and
accounts templates and covering 1) preparation, 2) technical review and 3) sign off review
• a whole team approach will be instigated through the involvement of the whole finance service to bring
greater resilience and resource to this key requirement.
• improved communication through the project plan which will include regular and early communication to
all stakeholders.
• comprehensive training and development for finance staff which will include how to prepare, and also
regular reviews of, working papers that include evidence of the transactions in the ledger, an enhanced
checklist of requirements, quality assurance review, links between the working papers and clear mapping
to the ledger.
• Quarterly reports to Strategic Finance Board, the Audit Committee and Cabinet starting in October 2021
on progress and issues identified.
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Appendix A DRAFT
Action plan
Assessment Issue and risk Recommendations
Review of financial statements We recommend that the Council:
A number of inconsistencies and disclosure omissions Develop a year end timetable for the production of the accounts which include sufficient time
were identified during our review of the financial for management review
statements. This indicated a lack of internal critical
review prior to the financial statements being presented Utilises the CIPFA checklist to ensure that disclosures are complete and produced in line with
for audit. code requirements
Management response
This will be fully covered as noted above.
Group Accounts The Council should ensure it prepares a clear and comprehensive group consolidation schedule
The basis of preparation of the Council’s Group to support the preparation of its group accounts.
accounts was unclear and the working papers did not
provide a comprehensive group consolidation schedule Management response
setting out how the group accounts and consolidation
adjustments had been determined. This will form part of the much revised and enhanced accounts plan as noted above.
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Appendix A DRAFT
Action plan
Assessment Issue and risk Recommendations
Accounting treatments We recommend that the Council
The loans made to JEH had not been accounted for in line with establish a process for significant transactions such as investments and loans, to be
the Code requirements resulting in amendments to the formally considered against the requirements of the Code and the consideration
valuation and disclosure in the final accounts. documented and reviewed before being applied..
This was a new transaction in 2017/18 although it was not a
material balance in the prior year and the accounting treatment Management response
had not been documented against Code requirements before
inclusion in the financial statements. All transactions that require review will be considered against the requirements of the
Code to ensure that the accounts going forward are fully Code compliant.
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Appendix A DRAFT
Action plan
Assessment Issue and risk Recommendations
Income and Debtors We recommend that the Council
There is no review process over invoices issued before they Review the internal processes over invoice raising to ensure there is sufficient review
were sent out to clients. The Council relies on customers to of invoices before they are sent to clients
identify and inform them of any errors noted. However there is
risk that if the invoice is undercharged and the customers may
not raise error, and the Council may suffer a loss from Management response
undercharging. This is in the Council’s financial action plan and will be begun in June and will be
undertaken monthly thereafter once any issues have been resolved.
The Council will look to implement a process by July 2021 to ensure that any interim staff
or those recruited through contracting companies are required to complete a declaration
of interests form and where appropriate complete their Directorate gifts and hospitality
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Appendix A DRAFT
Action plan
Assessment Issue and risk Recommendations
Fixed asset register We recommend that the Council:
The client informed us of a number of properties establish a process to perform and annual review of assets to ensure that all disposals and
which had not been removed / reclassified in the reclassifications are amended
fixed asset register prior to the production of the
year end financial statements. establish an in-year process for capital movements to be notified on a timely basis to the finance
team to ensure the fixed asset register is maintained accurately. This should be reconciled to the
We also identified material assets which had been accounts as part of the year end closed own procedures.
fully depreciated and were held at net nil valued in
the fixed asset register and accounts.
Management response
The Council be moving to a quarterly closedown process once it has undertaken a through review of
all accounts and budgets which will pick up the above on a much more timely basis.
HRA valuation records The Council should ensure that a regular reconciliation process is carried out between its Capita
Our testing identified inconsistencies in the Housing Rents system and the Council’s fixed asset register to ensure records are consistent and
accounting records between the categorisation of provide an accurate basis to inform the valuation of its HRA properties in the financial statements
HRA properties held on the Capita Housing Rents
system and the Council’s fixed asset register. It is Management response
important that these two systems are reconciled on
a regular basis to inform the Council’s HRA All reconciliations across the whole of the Council’s finances are being reviewed including this, bank
valuation. accounts and debtor and creditor reconciliations accounts as noted above and will begin in June and
be undertaken monthly thereafter once any issues have been resolved.
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Appendix B DRAFT
Audit Adjustments
We are required to report all non trivial misstatements to those charged with governance, whether or not the accounts have been adjusted by management.
Impact on total
Comprehensive Income and net expenditure
Detail Expenditure Statement £‘000 Balance Sheet £’ 000 £’000
1 Plant, property and equipment: Grossing up of the opening cost and depreciation of assets with nil
net book value. This has nil impact on the value in the Balance Sheet and is made in the disclosure
note for Plant, Property and Equipment.
2 Plant, property and equipment: Asset additions and disposals were adjusted following review of the
fixed asset register. This also resulted in amendments to the depreciation and revaluation
movements following the adjustment to asset holdings
3 Investment property: an asset had been included in as an addition in the current prior year on the
basis of the staged payments being made for the purchase whereas it should have been
recognised in full in the prior year with a corresponding creditor. These adjustments impact the
current year and prior year.
DR Investment property additions 16,139
CR Investment property valuation movement (8,536)
DR CIES – valuation movement 8,536 8,536
CR Creditors (16,139)
DR Investment property valuation movement 9,130
CR Investment property additions (8,069)
DR Creditors 8,069
CR CIES – valuation movement (9,130) (9,130)
Overall impact
© 2021 Grant Thornton UK LLP | Audit Findings Report for Slough Borough Council | 2018/19 44
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Appendix B DRAFT
Audit Adjustments
We are required to report all non trivial misstatements to those charged with governance, whether or not the accounts have been adjusted by management.
Impact on total
Comprehensive Income and net expenditure
Detail Expenditure Statement £‘000 Balance Sheet £’ 000 £’000
4 The loan to JEH was accounted for as fair value equity investments when they were soft loans.
Adjustment was required to the valuation which impacts the SOFP and valuation movements in the
5 Adjustments to debtors, creditors and bank balances for amounts identified as unsupported
following an internal review
DR Creditors 1,969
DR Cash at Bank 338
DR Debtors (181)
CR Long term debtors (5)
CR Inventory (2,088)
CR Cost of services (53) (53)
DR Reserves 4,366
CR Debtors (4,366)
7 It was identified that the Collection Fund debtor and adjustment had been double counted
DR Debtor 1,536
CR Cash at Bank (1,536)
Overall impact
© 2021 Grant Thornton UK LLP | Audit Findings Report for Slough Borough Council | 2018/19 45
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Appendix B DRAFT
Audit Adjustments
We are required to report all non trivial misstatements to those charged with governance, whether or not the accounts have been adjusted by management.
Impact on total
Comprehensive Income and net expenditure
Detail Expenditure Statement £‘000 Balance Sheet £’ 000 £’000
DR Debtors 19,199
CR Creditors (19,199)
9 Amendments to net pension liability and associated movements due to revised actuary report
DR Long term liabilities (16,870) (16,870)
CR Remeasurement of net benefit liability 2,674 2,674
CR Cost of services (13) (13)
CR Financing and investment income and expenditure
10 Adjustments to initial draft accounts to incorporate the adjustments for miscoding and adjustment
for income not reflected in Note 8
DR Creditors 2,411
DR Financing and investment income and expenditure 15,370 15,370
CR Cost of Services (9,260) (9,260)
CR Other operating expenditure (1,166) (1,166)
CR Taxation and non-specific grant income (389) (389)
CR Other comprehensive income and expenditure (2,144) (2,144)
11 The CCLA Property Fund was initially disclosed as FVOCI but the investment does not meet the
definition of equity due to being puttable and so this designation is inappropriate. It was agreed
that this would be reclassified as FVPL and then the statutory override applied to remove the
impact upon the general fund.
Overall impact
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Appendix B DRAFT
Audit Adjustments
Impact of unadjusted misstatements
Impact on total
Comprehensive Income and net expenditure
Detail Expenditure Statement £‘000 Balance Sheet £’ 000 £’000
1 Adjustments made to debtors and creditors in 2019/20 which related to 2018/19 following internal
review of unsupported balances
DR Cash 579
DR Creditors 1,255
CR Debtors (795)
CR Inventory (5)
CR CIES (1,035) (1,035)
Overall impact
In addition, at the conclusion of our work, we will need to assess the impact of any unadjusted misstatements arising from the previous year’s audit for the 2018-18 financial year
undertaken by BDO, where these have a continuing impact on our audit for 2018-19.
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Appendix B DRAFT
Audit Adjustments
Misclassification and disclosure changes
The table below provides details of misclassification and disclosure changes identified during the audit which have been made in the final set of financial statements.
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Appendix D DRAFT
We confirm below our final fees charged for the audit and provision of non-audit services.
Audit Fees
Scale fee Final fee
In addition to those listed below which have been billed in 2018/19, we have performed the following work:.
Fees for other services £
Non Audit
CFO insights subscription 10,000
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© 2021 Grant Thornton UK LLP | Audit Findings Report for Slough Borough Council | 2018/19