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Worksheet 10 - 16 17 - SA 2

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Gregorios School
Sec-11, Dwarka
Subject: Computer
Class: - X

1.) SA-1 Syllabus: - Chapters 1,2,3,4 and 5 and SA-2 Syllabus:- Chapters 6,7,8,9 and 10.
2.) This is a solved worksheet based on chapters 1 to 10 (Questions and Answers).
3.) Students are also suggested to go through the back exercises of the chapters
mentioned in the syllabus.

Q1) In the URL, http://www.discoveryadventures.com/trips/classic-costa-rica/CRCRD/2011/ , what is

i) Http component?
The first part is a protocol.
ii) www.discoveryadventures component?
The second part identifies the host followed by a domain name.
iii) .com component?
This is the extension of the website which is monitored and regulated by ICANN.
iv) Trips/classic-costa-rica/CRCRD/2011/component?
This is the path which tells the browser that what file is to be used from the domain directory.

Q2) Anushka wants to create a website without using any readymade software. Which language will you
recommend her for the same?
HTML language will be used.

Q3) Suraj has an internet connection but does not know how to view the websites. Kindly advise him the
software that he should use.
He should use web browser.

Q4) It takes Prachi a lot of time to connect to the internet through dial-up connection. Which mode of
connection will you recommend to Prachi?
Wi-Fi connection should be used.

Q5) Shriya wants a broadband connection for accessing her mails and staying informed about the latest
happenings in the field of medicine. Can you suggest her any two Internet Service Providers of India
to be approached for the same?
Airtel, VSNL
Q6) Ishaan is confused between the terms web page and home page and tomorrow he has his computer
exam. As a friend help him in understanding the above concepts.
A home page for a website is the very first page whereas web page is an individual
page of a website.

Q7) Briefly define the term internet.

The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet
protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link billions of devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists
of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope,
linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies.

Q8) What is the role of ARPANET in the development of internet?

ARPANET was the network that became the basis for the Internet. Based on a concept first
published in 1967, ARPANET was developed under the direction of the U.S. Advanced Research
Projects Agency (ARPA). In 1969, the idea became a modest reality with the interconnection of four
university computers. The initial purpose was to communicate with and share computer resources
among mainly scientific users at the connected institutions. ARPANET took advantage of the new
idea of sending information in small units called packets that could be routed on different paths and
reconstructed at their destination. The development of the TCP/IP protocols in the 1970s made it
possible to expand the size of the network, which now had become a network of networks.

Q9) What is the role of IETF in Internet?

The IETF mission is as follows:

• To identify operational and technical problems in the Internet and propose solutions to them.

• To specify the development and use of protocols and internet architecture and find solutions to
technical problems.

• To allow smooth transfer of technology from the IRTF to the international Internet community.

• Creating a platform for the exchange of crucial information between users, researchers,
vendors, operators, agency contractors and network managers.

Q10) Who controls the World Wide Web Consortium?

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member
organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards. Led by Web
inventor Tim Berners-Lee and CEO Jeffrey Jaffe, W3C's mission is to lead the Web to its full
Q11) What are Wi-Fi Hotspots?

Wireless (or Wi-Fi) hotspots are essentially wireless access points providing network and/or
Internet access to mobile devices like your laptop or smartphone, typically in public locations. To
put it more simply, they're places where you can take your laptop or other mobile device and
wirelessly connect to the Internet. Typical Wi-Fi hotspot venues include cafes, libraries, airports,
and hotels. Though many are free, some hotspots require a subscription or service with a particular
mobile provider.

Q12) Define the terms

i) Hypertext- Hypertext is text which contains links to other texts. The term was coined by Ted
Nelson around 1965.
ii) Hyperlink- A hyperlink is a word, phrase, or image that you can click on to jump to a new
document or a new section within the current document.

Q13) Differentiate between the www and internet.

The World Wide Web (WWW) is one set of software services running on the Internet.
The Internet itself is a global, interconnected network of computing devices. This network
supports a wide variety of interactions and communications between its devices. The World
Wide Web is a subset of these interactions and supports websites and URIs.

Comparison chart (Internet versus World Wide Web comparison chart)

Internet World Wide Web

Estimated year of 1969, though opening of the network to 1993

Origin commercial interests began only in 1988

Name of the first ARPANET NSFnet


Comprises Network of Computers, copper wires, fibre- Files, folders & documents
optic cables & wireless networks stored in various computers

Governed by Internet Protocol Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

Dependency This is the base, independent of the World It depends on Internet to work
Wide Web

Nature Hardware Software

Q14) Which volunteer organization is responsible for providing the IP address to each computer?

Q15) Differentiate between internet and Intranet.

The Internet is an open, public space, while an intranet is designed to be a private space. An
intranet may be accessible from the Internet, but it is protected by a password and accessible
only to authorized users.

Q16)Explain the advantages of Internet

1) Information on almost every subject imaginable.
2) Powerful search engines
3) Ability to do research from your home versus research libraries.
4) Information at various levels of study. Everything from scholarly articles to ones directed
at children.
5) Message boards where people can discuss ideas on any topic. Ability to get wide range of
opinions. People can find others that have a similar interest in whatever they are interested
6) The internet provides the ability of emails. Free mail service to anyone in the country.
7) Platform for products like SKYPE, which allow for holding a video conference with anyone
in the world who also has access.
8) Friendships have been made over the internet by people involved in over similar interests.
9) Things such as Yahoo Answers and other sites where kids can have help readily available
for homework.
10) News, of all kinds is available . Commentary, on that news, from every conceivable
viewpoint is also available.

Q17) Briefly explain the history of internet

The history of the Internet began with the development of electronic computers in the
1950s. The public was first introduced to the concepts that would lead to the Internet when a
message was sent over the Arpanet from computer science Professor Leonard Kleinrock's
laboratory at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), after the second piece of network
equipment was installed at Stanford Research Institute (SRI). Packet switched networks such
as ARPANET, Mark I at NPL in the UK, CYCLADES, Merit Network, Tymnet, and Telenet, were
developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s using a variety of protocols. The ARPANET in
particular led to the development of protocols for internetworking, in which multiple
separate networks could be joined together into a network of networks.

In 1982, the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) was standardized, and consequently, the
concept of a world-wide network of interconnected TCP/IP networks, called the Internet, was
introduced. Access to the ARPANET was expanded in 1981 when the National Science
Foundation (NSF) developed the Computer Science Network (CSNET) and again in 1986 when
NSFNET provided access to supercomputer sites in the United States from research and
education organizations. Commercial Internet service providers (ISPs) began to emerge in the
late 1980s and early 1990s. The ARPANET was decommissioned in 1990. The Internet was
commercialized in 1995 when NSFNET was decommissioned, removing the last restrictions
on the use of the Internet to carry commercial traffic.

Since the mid-1990s, the Internet has had a revolutionary impact on culture and commerce,
including the rise of near-instant communication by electronic mail, instant messaging, Voice
over Internet Protocol (VoIP) "phone calls", two-way interactive video calls, and the World
Wide Web with its discussion forums, blogs, social networking, and online shopping sites. The
research and education community continues to develop and use advanced networks such as
NSF's very high speed Backbone Network Service (VBNS), Internet2, and National Lambda

Q18) We all know that internet is extremely useful tool today, yet we are cautioned against its
misuse. Can you explain giving some reasons in support of this statement.
1) There is a lot of wrong information on the internet. Anyone can post anything, and much
of it is garbage.
2) There are predators that hang out on the internet waiting to get unsuspecting people in
dangerous situations.
3) Some people are getting addicted to the internet and thus causing problems with their
interactions of friends and loved ones.
4) Pornography that can get in the hands of young children too easily.
5) Easy to waste a lot of time on the internet. You can start surfing, and then realize far more
time has passed than you realized. Internet and television together of added to the more
sedentary lifestyles of people which further exacerbate the obesity problem.
6) Internet has a lot of "cheater" sites. People can buy essays and pass them off as their own
far more easily than they used to be able to do.
7) There are a lot of unscrupulous businesses that have sprung up on the internet to take
advantage of people.
8) Hackers can create viruses that can get into your personal computer and ruin valuable
9) Hackers can use the internet for identity theft.
10) It can be quite depressing to be on the internet and realize just how uneducated so many
people have become in today's society.

Q19) Explain any four features of the www.

The amount of information available on the Internet has become so large that it is
difficult to search for specific information. The World Wide Web (WWW) makes
retrieval easy and quick.
The WWW is a search tool that helps you find and retrieve information from a Web
site using links to other sites and documents. The WWW was built on the technology
called Hypertext. This technology increases accessibility to linked documents on the
Internet and helps user to navigate between documents very easily.
Hypertext is identified by underlined text and a different color usually. Some places
will refer to this types of technique as Jump-Off Points. Hypertext can make links
within the same document or to other documents.
WWW lets you search, traverse, and use many types of information at numerous sites
and in multiple forms. This interface is called a browser. Some people refer to a
browser as a 'web browser' Often these terms are used interchangeably.
The WWW is intended to help people share information resources, and services with
the widest possible community of users. Thus a user can access the WWW on Apple,
UNIX, Macintosh, DOS, Windows, and other operating systems.
Just like the Internet, the WWW has a protocol, which is known as HyperText Transfer
Protocol (HTTP). HTTP acts as an interface between a Web Client Software, such
Netscape Navigator.
A major advantage of the WWW is that it also supports TCP/IP services, such as
Gopher, FTP, and Archie in addition to HTTP.

Q20) Explain the features of a web server.

• Create one or more websites. (No I don't mean build a set of web pages. What I mean
is, set up the website in the web server, so that the website can be viewed via HTTP)
• Configure log file settings, including where the log files are saved, what data to include
on the log files etc. (Log files can be used to analyse traffic etc)
• Configure website/directory security. For example, which user accounts are/aren't
allowed to view the website, which IP addresses are/aren't allowed to view the website etc.
• Create an FTP site. An FTP site allows users to transfer files to and from the site.
• Create virtual directories, and map them to physical directories
• Configure/nominate custom error pages. This allows you to build and display user
friendly error messages on your website. For example, you can specify which page is displayed
when a user tries to access a page that doesn't exist (i.e. a "404 error").
• Specify default documents. Default documents are those that are displayed when no file
name is specified. For example, if you open "http://localhost", which file should be displayed?
This is typically "index.html" or similar but it doesn't need to be. You could nominate
"index.cfm" if your website is using ColdFusion. You could also nominate a 2nd choice (in case
there is no index.cfm file), and a 3rd choice, and so on.

Q21) Discuss the client and server architecture of internet.

Client/server architecture is a computing model in which the server hosts, delivers and
manages most of the resources and services to be consumed by the client. This type of
architecture has one or more client computers connected to a central server over a network
or Internet connection. This system shares computing resources.
Client/server architecture may also be referred to as a networking computing model because
all the requests and services are delivered over a network.
Q22) What is URL.
URL is uniform resource locator. It denotes the global address of the web documents and the
web resource.
Q23)Discuss any two ways to connect to the internet using wired broadband.
Dial-up connection
Q24) Discuss any two ways to connect to the internet using wireless broadband.
Q25) Discuss the volunteer bodies that govern the internet.

1. Internet Activities Board (IAB) - It is comprised of Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and
Internet Research Task Force (IRTF). It is a technical body that oversees the development of
the Internet suite of protocols.

2. Internet Network Information Center (InterNic) - It provides various registry services needed
for the Internet to operate effectively.

3. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - It is a joint initiative between MIT, CERN and INRIA to
develop standards for the evolution of the web.

Internet Activities Board (IAB) - The technical body that oversees the development of the Internet
suite of protocols. It has two task forces, the IETF and IRTF, which are charged with
investigating a particular area.

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) - Develops and maintains the Internet’s communication
protocols. Addresses problems and coordinates new services. Appoints working groups to
define standards, coordinate services between providers and performs the real work.

Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) - Look into long-term research problems that could be
critical in five or ten years.

In addition to the three volunteer groups referenced above, the following projects and
organizations have been formed to assist with the development of the Internet.

Internet Network Information Center (InterNic) - project sponsored by the NSF is conducted by
AT&T and Network Solutions. The purpose is to provide the various registry services needed
for the Internet to operate effectively.

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - managed by the laboratory for Computer Science at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is a joint initiative between MIT, CERN, and INRIA to
develop standards for the evolution of the Web.

Internet Services

Q1) What is a search engine? Give two examples.

Search engines are programs that search documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the
documents where the keywords were found. It is a web-based tool that enables users to locate
information on the World Wide Web.

Examples-Google, Bing and Yahoo! Search enable users to search for documents on the World Wide

Q2) Define the term “number of hits” in the search process.

A hit is a request to a web server for a file, like a web page, image, JavaScript, or Cascading Style
Sheet. When a web page is downloaded from a server the number of "hits" or "page hits" is equal to
the number of files requested.

Q3) How does FTP work.

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used to transfer files between two computers over a network and
Internet. Auto FTP Manager is an advanced FTP client that automates file transfers between your
computer and the FTP server.

When files are transferred through FTP, one of two actions is happening – uploading or
downloading. Uploading involves transferring files from a personal computer to a server.
Downloading involves transferring a file from a server to a personal computer. FTP uses TCP/IP
(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) to transfer your files. TCP/IP is basically the
language that the Internet uses to carry out commands. One way to use FTP is to go through an FTP
client. FTP clients may make it safer for your computer to download/upload files and help you avoid
malware and viruses.

Q4) What is the difference between IMAP and POP?


The IMAP protocol, by default, allows the user The POP protocol, by default, is set
to keep all messages on the server. It to download all the messages from the e-
constantly synchronizes the e-mail program mail server onto your computer. This means
with the server and displays what messages that all the actions performed on the
are currently present. All the actions messages (reading, moving, deleting...) will
performed on the messages (reading, be performed on one's computer.
moving, deleting...) will be done directly on Because everything is kept on the user’s
the server. computer, the user will not be able to reopen
messages from any location other than the
computer where the messages have been

Because everything is kept on the server the Once e-mail is downloaded it can be
user will be able to access the e-mail in the accessed only using the same computer.
inbox from any computer in the world
connected to the Internet and can will always
find the same settings in their e-mail account.

Q5) List out the advantages of video conferencing.

Advantages of Video Conferencing

Cost savings – money, time and space

The same as with traditional conference calling, video conferencing removes the cost and hassle of
having to travel to meetings. Cutting company fuel bills and allowing increased productivity from the
time saved, video conferencing gives a tangible return on investment. Participants can be based
anywhere in the world and, time differences permitting, meetings can be arranged simply and easily
at the drop of a hat, with no need for large meeting room facilities. The reduction in travel is also an
environmental win.

Remote working

Video conferencing is a particular advantage for geographically diverse work teams. Impromptu
meetings are able to be set up and held immediately, making it easy for people to come together to
discuss ideas. Being able to take control of a shared screen, participants are able to work through
documents together as if they were in the same room. This kind of collaboration ability enables
remote working to become an effective and realistic option, with people that choose this work style
no longer being put at a disadvantage. For a company, the ability to offer effective remote access
working is a particularly important asset during the current economic climate, where companies
may be less able to use monetary incentives to attract employees.

Spot the difference

There will always be situations where a face-to-face meeting is required. However, in most cases,
video conferencing is as good as the real thing. Being able to see the people you are talking with
means that you are better able to read responses through body language. This makes debates easier
and, coupled with the ability to share and review data together in real-time, increases productivity.

Common concerns

Perhaps due to the vast benefits that it can bring, a common misconception is that video
conferencing technology must be expensive, complicated or unreliable. This is simply not the case
anymore. This commonplace technology no longer requires additional training or the need to
employ anyone to set it up. There is no need for expensive or specifically compatible equipment for
call participants and the technology used is as now as reliable as a standard telephone call.

Disadvantages of video conferencing

1. Lack of personal interaction: Some meetings require a personal touch to be successful. Video
conferencing can be less personal than meeting face to face, and it can be possible to miss out on
vital body language when you’re struggling with a pixel related image or stuttering video.
2.Technical problems: The major disadvantages are the technical difficulties associated with smooth
transmissions that could result from software, hardware or network failure. Remote connections are
sometimes known to be hampered by environmental changes. On some occasions, the absence of
technical support personnel creates difficulty for participants who are unfamiliar with the
videoconferencing technological concepts.
3. International time zones: One of the very real disadvantages of using video conferencing is that if
you communicate regularly with people in other countries you will be available at different times to
them. Unfortunately without the skills of a time lord there’s not really a practical way to overcome
4. High cost of setup: Setting up video conferencing in an office can be a bit expensive for small-
sized companies. Simple features can fit into the budget, but if advanced features are required, then
a substantial amount of expenditure must be done.
Q6) What do you understand by chat rooms?

A chat room is a designated virtual channel where users communicate with each other through the
Internet, traditionally in plain text only. More recent developments in Web technology now allow
the transmission of images and emoticons in a chat room as well. The term can mean online
chatting, instant messaging and online forums using either synchronous or asynchronous
conferencing. Some chat rooms require a username and password combination in order to log in or
join a conversation, allowing for privacy among the users.

Q7) What is e-shopping? Give two examples of online shopping websites.

Online shopping (sometimes known as e-tail from "electronic retail" or e-shopping) is a form
of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over
the Internet using a web browser. Alternative names are: e-web-store, e-shop, e-store, Internet
shop, web-shop, web-store, online store, online storefront and virtual store. Mobile commerce
(or m-commerce) describes purchasing from an online retailer's mobile optimized online site.

An online shop evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-
mortar retailer or shopping center; the process is called business-to-consumer (B2C) online
shopping. In the case where a business buys from another business, the process is called business-
to-business (B2B) online shopping. The largest of these online retailing corporations
are Alibaba,Amazon.com, and eBay

Q8) Explain the concept of E-groups.

A group (often termed as a community, e-group or club) is a feature in many social network services
which allows users to create, post, comment to and read from their own interest- and niche-specific
forums, often within the realm of virtual communities.

Q9) Explain the functioning of social networking website.

Abbreviated as SNS a social networking site is the phrase used to describe any Web site that
enables users to create public profiles within that Web site and form relationships with other users
of the same Web site who access their profile. Social networking sites can be used to describe
community-based Web sites, online discussions forums, chat rooms and other social spaces online.

A social networking service (also social networking site, SNS or social media) is a
platform to build social networks or social relations among people who share similar personal
and career interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections.[1] The variety of stand-alone
and built-in social networking services currently available in the online space introduces
challenges of definition, but there are some common features: (1) social networking services are
Web 2.0 internet-based applications, (2) user-generated content (UGC) is the lifeblood of SNS
organisms, (3) users create service-specific profiles for the site or app that are designed and
maintained by the SNS organization and (4) social networking services facilitate the
development of online social networks by connecting a user's profile with those of other
individuals and/or groups. Most social network services are web-based and provide means for
users to interact over the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Social network sites
are varied and they incorporate new information and communication tools such as mobile
connectivity, photo/video/sharing and blogging. Online community services are sometimes
considered a social network service, though in a broader sense, social network service usually
means an individual-centered service whereas online community services are group-centered.
Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, pictures, posts, activities, events, and
interests with people in their network. While social networking has gone on almost as long as
societies themselves have existed, the unparalleled potential of the Web to facilitate such
connections is only now being fully recognized and exploited, through Web-based groups
established for that purpose. Depending on the social media platform, members may be able to
contact any other member. In other cases, members can contact anyone they have a connection
to, and subsequently anyone that contact has a connection to, and so on. Some services require
members to have a preexisting connection to contact other members.

The main types of social networking services are those that contain category places (such as
former school year or classmates), means to connect with friends (usually with self-description
pages), and a recommendation system linked to trust.

Introduction to databases

Q1) What do you understand by data summarizing?

Data Summarization summarizes evaluational data included both primitive and derived data, in
order to create a derived evaluational data that is general in nature. Since the data in the data
warehouse is of very high volume, there needs to be a mechanism in order to get only the relevant
and meaningful information in a less messy format. Data summarization provides the capacity to
give data consumers generalize view of disparate bulks of data. It is used to get the synopsis of the
data on the basis of some criteria

Q2) How does a DBMS provide Data Security?

DBMS performs authorization checks and enforces selective access to users.

Many layers and types of information security control are appropriate to databases, including:
• Access control
• Auditing
• Authentication
• Encryption
• Integrity controls
• Backups
• Application security

Q3) Write any two advantages of a DBMS.

A database management system (DBMS) is a collection of programs that manages the database
structure and controls access to the data stored in the database.
The Main advantages of DBMS are described below.

• Controlling Data Redundancy -In non-database systems each application program has its own
private files. In this case, the duplicated copies of the same data is created in many places. In
DBMS, all data of an organization is integrated into a single database file. The data is recorded in
only one place in the database and it is not duplicated.

• Sharing of Data-In DBMS, data can be shared by authorized users of the organization. The
database administrator manages the data and gives rights to users to access the data. Many users
can be authorized to access the same piece of information simultaneously. The remote users can
also share same data. Similarly, the data of same database can be shared between different
application programs.

• Data Consistency -By controlling the data redundancy, the data consistency is obtained. If a data
item appears only once, any update to its value has to be performed only once and the updated
value is immediately available to all users. If the DBMS has controlled redundancy, the database
system enforces consistency.

• Integration of Data-In Database management system, data in database is stored in tables. A single
database contains multiple tables and relationships can be created between tables (or associated
data entities). This makes easy to retrieve and update data.

• Integration Constraints-Integrity constraints or consistency rules can be applied to database so

that the correct data can be entered into database. The constraints may be applied to data item
within a single record or they may be applied to relationships between records.

• Data Security-Form is very important object of DBMS. You can create forms very easily and quickly
in DBMS. Once a form is created, it can be used many times and it can be modified very easily. The
created forms are also saved along with database and behave like a software component. A form
provides very easy way (user-friendly) to enter data into database, edit data and display data from
database. The non-technical users can also perform various operations on database through forms
without going into technical details of a database.
• Report Writers-Most of the DBMSs provide the report writer tools used to create reports. The
users can create very easily and quickly. Once a report is created, it can be used may times and it
can be modified very easily. The created reports are also saved along with database and behave
like a software component.

• Control Over Concurrency -In a computer file-based system, if two users are allowed to access
data simultaneously, it is possible that they will interfere with each other. For example, if both
users attempt to perform update operation on the same record, then one may overwrite the
values recorded by the other. Most database management systems have sub-systems to control
the concurrency so that transactions are always recorded with accuracy.

• Backup and Recovery Procedures -In a computer file-based system, the user creates the backup of
data regularly to protect the valuable data from damage due to failures to the computer system or
application program. It is very time consuming method, if amount of data is large. Most of the
DBMSs provide the 'backup and recovery' sub-systems that automatically create the backup of
data and restore data if required.

• Data Independence -The separation of data structure of database from the application program
that uses the data is called data independence. In DBMS, you can easily change the structure of
database without modifying the application program

The Main disadvantages of DBMS are

1. It is bit complex. Since it supports multiple functionality to give the user the best, the underlying
software has become complex. The designers and developers should have thorough knowledge
about the software to get the most out of it.

2. Because of its complexity and functionality, it uses large amount of memory. It also needs large
memory to run efficiently.

3. DBMS system works on the centralized system, i.e.; all the users from all over the world access
this database. Hence any failure of the DBMS, will impact all the users.

4. DBMS is generalized software, i.e.; it is written work on the entire systems rather specific one.
Hence some of the application will run slow.

Q4) Differentiate between forms and queries.

Queries are the real workhorses in a database, and can perform many different functions. Their
most common function is to retrieve specific data from the tables. The data you want to see is
usually spread across several tables, and queries allow you to view it in a single datasheet.
In a database context, a form is a window or screen that contains numerous fields, or spaces to
enter data. Each field holds a field label so that any user who views the form gets an idea of its
contents. A form is more user friendly than generating queries to create tables and insert data into

Q5) List the features of RDBMS.

RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. It organizes data into related rows and


- It stores data in tables.

- Tables have rows and column.
- These tables are created using SQL.
- And data from these tables are also retrieved using SQL.

RDBMS is a database management system based on relational model defined by E.F.Codd. Data is
stored in the form of rows and columns. The relations among tables are also stored in the form of
the table.


- Provides data to be stored in tables

- Persists data in the form of rows and columns
- Provides facility primary key, to uniquely identify the rows
- Creates indexes for quicker data retrieval
- Provides a virtual table creation in which sensitive data can be stored and simplified query can be
- Sharing a common column in two or more tables(primary key and foreign key)
- Provides multi user accessibility that can be controlled by individual users.

Relational Database Characteristics

Data in the relational database must be represented in tables, with values in columns
within rows.

Data within a column must be accessible by specifying the table name, the column
name, and the value of the primary key of the row.

The DBMS must support missing and inapplicable information in a systematic way,
distinct from regular values and independent of data type.

The DBMS must support an active on-line catalogue.

The DBMS must support at least one language that can be used independently and from
within programs, and supports data definition operations, data manipulation, constraints,
and transaction management.
Views must be updatable by the system.

The DBMS must support insert, update, and delete operations on sets.

The DBMS must support logical data independence.

The DBMS must support physical data independence.

Integrity constraints must be stored within the catalogue, separate from the application.

The DBMS must support distribution independence. The existing application should run
when the existing data is redistributed or when the DBMS is redistributed.

If the DBMS provides a low level interface (row at a time), that interface cannot bypass
the integrity constraints.

Working With Tables

Q1) Describe the term advanced filter.

It is similar to multilevel sorting .It helps to narrow down the records based on a criteria.

Q2) What is the difference between freezing and hiding columns?

Freezing a column means making the selected column appear at the leftmost side in a table and
make them visible at all times irrespective of the direction the page is scrolled.

Hiding a column means not to show the column on the screen or to hide the display of the
selected columns.

Q3) How is sorting data different from filtering data?

Sorting is arranging the records in ascending or descending order whereas filtering means to
show selected records based on certain criteria.

Q4) Write short notes on the following:-

i) Validation text- it is used to set the rule for entering data in the field. If a value is
entered in a field is entered against the rule then a message is displayed.

ii) Caption property-it specifies a string to be displayed as the column heading

whenever the field is displayed in Datasheet View.
iii) Input mask –used to specify a set format for data entry in a field by using characters
and symbols.

iv) Field property-used to select any pertinent property for the field from the bottom

Query in Ms Access

Q1) What is a query. Explain the two panes of query window.

A query is a database object that creates a datasheet of specified records from one or more tables.
One of the reasons you store related data in tables is to analyze it from different perspectives. To do
this, you use a query to view only the fields with the required information.

The lower pane of the Design View is where you define the query. To define a query, specify the
database field names to include and the criteria for displaying the fields. To rearrange the columns
in the lower pane of the Design View, drag a column header to a new location, or select the column
and press Ctrl+arrow key.

In the top of the query Design View window, the icons of the Query Design Bar and the Design bar
are displayed.

Q2)What does design grid contain?

Design grid contains
Field, table, show, sort, criteria and or operator.
Q3) Differentiate between primary key and foreign key.
Difference between Primary Key & Foreign Key

Primary Key
Primary key uniquely identify a record in the table. Primary Key can't accept null values.
By default, Primary key is clustered index and data in the database table is physically organized in
the sequence of clustered index. We can have only one Primary key in a table.

Foreign Key

Foreign key is a field in the table that is primary key in another table. Foreign key can accept
multiple null values. Foreign key do not automatically create an index, clustered or non-clustered.
You can manually create an index on foreign key. We can have more than one foreign key in a
Q4) What do you understand by criteria?
By adding criteria to the query, the user can focus on information that has key text, dates, region, or
even add wildcards to cover a wider range of data.

Criteria provide a definition for the data pulled during the query. When the query is executed, all
data that does not include the defined criteria will be excluded from the results.

Understanding HTML

Q1) What do you understand by a tag?

A command inserted in a document that specifies how the document, or a portion of the document,
should be formatted. Tags are used by all format specifications that store documents as text files.

Q2) What is a hypertext?

Hypertext is text which contains links to other texts. The term was coined by Ted Nelson around
1965 (see History ). Hype Media is a term used for hypertext which is not constrained to be text: it
can include graphics, video and sound.

Q3) Define the term hyperlink.

A hyperlink, or simply a link, is a reference to data that the reader can directly follow either by
clicking, tapping, or hovering. A hyperlink points to a whole document or to a specific element
within a document.

Q4) Define <BODY> tag in HTML.

The <body> tag defines the document's body. The <body> element contains all the contents of an
HTML document, such as text, hyperlinks, images, tables, lists, etc.

Q5)How many heading levels can be defined in HTML?

There are 6 heading levels.

Q6)Name the tag that is used to draw a horizontal line across the web page.
<HR> tag.

Q7) Write two examples of empty and container elements.

Empty- <IMG SRC>, <BR>
Container- <Html>, <Center>

Q8) What is the difference between:-

i) BGCOLOR and background attributes of body tag
Bgcolor is used directly as an attribute of any tag in html. Whereas background is a
method to include an image as a back drop.

ii) <B> and <BR> tag

The <b> tag makes a text bold whereas the <BR> tag inserts a single line break.
Whereas the <br> tag is an empty tag which means that it has no end tag.

Using List and Images

Q1) How can you start a list with a specific number?

We can start a list with a specific number using start attribute of the list tags

Q2) Which attribute allows you to change the style of numbers in as ordered list?
Type attribute allows you to change the style of numbers in as ordered list.

Q3) What do you understand by Alternate text?

Alt text (alternative text) is a word or phrase that can be inserted as an attribute in an HTML
(Hypertext Markup Language) document to tell Web site viewers the nature or contents of an
image. The alt text appears in a blank box that would normally contain the image. Alt text is useful
when an image link is not available because of a broken or changed URL or some other issue.

Q4) What is the use of height and width attribute?

The height and width attributes are used to change the size of the image to required number of

Q5) Differentiate between ordered and unordered list.

The ul element means a bulleted list, and the ol element means a numbered list.

Q6) What do you mean by nesting of list.

A list item can contain another entire list — this is known as "nesting" a list. It is useful for things
like tables of contents, such as the one at the start of this article:

1. Chapter One
1. Section One
2. Section Two
3. Section Three
2. Chapter Two
3. Chapter Three

The key to nesting lists is to remember that the nested list should relate to one specific list item

Q7) What is the function of definition list

A definition list is a list of terms and corresponding definitions. Definition lists are typically
formatted with the term on the left with the definition following on the right or on the next line. The
definition text is typically indented with respect to the term.
<DT>Term 1<dd>This is the definition of the first term.
<DT>Term 2<dd>This is the definition of the second term.

Links ,Anchors And Tables in HTML

Q1) Write the ways in which <A> tag can be used.

The two ways are:-
i) The text or the image that is clicked to activate the link
ii) The address that will be opened using the definition link.

Q2) What are the points to be kept in mind while using Name attribute.
i) The name chosen in the href attribute should match the case in the name attribute.
ii) With the named anchor when you click on the link the section where you place the name
command will appear at the top of the browser screen.
iii) The value of the href attribute should be enclosed within quotation marks otherwise the link
will not work.
iv) Anchors cannot be nested.

Q3) Write the difference between cell spacing and cell padding.
Cell spacing is the amount of space in between the individual table cells. Cell spacing and margin is
the space between cells. Cell padding is space inside cells, between the cell border (even if
invisible) and the cell content.

Q4) What is the difference between border and border color attribute of the <TABLE> tag?
BORDER is an attribute of the table element which specifies how wide a table border shall be.
BORDER="0" specifies no border at all. The default value for the BORDER attribute is 1, so if you
code BORDER and do not specify a value, the border will be one pixel wide
Whereas the bordercolor attribute colors all of the borders of the table including the cell borders

Q5) What do you understand by row span and cols pan.

COLSPAN, is an attribute of the <TABLE> tag but is also an attribute of the <TH> and the <TD> tags
,tells the browser when you want to have a particular table cell span or cross over more than one
column whereas The ROWSPAN attribute of the TABLE element is used to stretch a column vertically
across two or more rows of a table when coding HTML for Web pages. The value of this attribute
indicates the number of rows the column will stretch across. If ROWSPAN="2" it will only stretch a
column vertically across two rows.

Q6) What is the use of align attribute in <table> and <tr> tag?
The ALIGN attribute of the table element element defines the horizontal alignment of the table
element (in relationship to the next outer "container", usually the body "container", but a table may
be made inside another table. Example: ALIGN="center" would center a table inside the next outer

Q1) What is DTD and schema ?

A document type definition (DTD) is a set of markup declarations that define a document type
for an SGML-family markup language (SGML, XML, HTML). A Document Type Definition (DTD)
defines the legal building blocks of an XML document. It defines the document structure with a list
of legal elements and attributes.
An XML Schema describes the structure of an XML document, just like a DTD.
An XML document with correct syntax is called "Well Formed".
An XML document validated against an XML Schema is both "Well Formed" and "Valid".

Q2) What is the difference between well formed and valid XML document
A valid XML document is defined in the XML specification as a well-formed XML document which
also conforms to the rules of a Document Type Definition (DTD). According to JavaCommerce.com
XML tutorial, "Well formed XML documents simply markup pages with descriptive tags
A well-formed document in XML is a document that adheres to the syntax rules specified
by the XML 1.0 specification in that it must satisfy both physical and logical structures."
At its base level well-formed documents require that:

• Content be defined.
• Content be delimited with a beginning and end tag
• Content be properly nested (parents within roots, children within parents)

To be a well-formed document, rules must be established about the declaration and treatment
of entities. Tags are case sensitive, with attributes delimited with quotation marks. Empty
elements have rules established. Overlapping tags invalidate a document. Ideally, a well-
formed document conforms to the design goals of XML

Q3) How are elements and attributes related to each other.

An element describes the data that it contains. Elements can also contain other elements and
attributes. An attribute is a named simple-type definition that cannot contain other elements.
Attributes can also be assigned an optional default value and they must appear at the bottom of
complex-type definitions. Additionally, if multiple attributes are declared, they may occur in any

Elements are used to encapsulate pieces of data, and attributes are generally used to provide
accompanying information about an element, rather than to encapsulate raw data itself.
Whether you actually use an element or an attribute is up to the needs of your application.

Use attributes if your information requires data of a simple type and:

• Your information requires a default or fixed value.

• Your information requires data that is metadata for an existing element
• If the size of your XML file is an issue, attributes tend to take up fewer bytes than elements

The following list describes the key differences between elements and attributes from a
schema perspective:

• A schema can define whether the ordering of elements is significant, but attributes can occur
in any order.
• Elements can be nested with the <choice> tag, which means one and only one of the listed
elements can appear.
• Elements can occur more than once, but attributes cannot.

Societal Impacts Of IT

Q1) What is the main difference between computer worm and a Trojan?

The main difference between virus and Trojan horse is that the former can’t replicate itself. Trojan
virus comprises of malicious codes that when it is triggered it often result in theft or loss of data.
Trojan horse spreads only when one invites this program onto a system. It can spread instantly if
you download running files from internet or open email attachment.Worm on the other hand is: A
kind of program that can easily replicate itself easily from one system to another without any aid of
a host file. This is a sharp contrast to the feature of virus as it needs an infected swarm file to spread
properly. Often worms exist within other files. Usually worm discharge document that already has
worm macro inside it.

Q2) How is online backup different from offline backup?

Offline backup, according to Whatis.com, also called "cold backup," is a database backup
performed when the database is disconnected from the network -- in other words, offline -- and
thus not accessible for updating. This is the safest way to back up because it avoids the risk of
copying data that may be in the process of being updated. However, a cold backup involves
downtime because users cannot use the database while it is being backed up.
In contrast, online backup is a method of offsite data storage in which files, folders, or the entire
contents of a hard drive are regularly backed up on a remote server or computer with a network
connection. A number of companies provide online backup services for subscribers whose
computers are connected to the Internet, automatically copying selected files to backup storage at
the service provider's location. This is sometimes called Web-based backup

Q3) Compare hackers and crackers.

A hacker is a person intensely interested in the arcane and recondite workings of any computer
operating system. Hackers are most often programmers. As such, hackers obtain advanced
knowledge of operating systems and programming languages. They might discover holes within
systems and the reasons for such holes. Hackers constantly seek further knowledge, freely share
what they have discovered, and never intentionally damage data.
A cracker is one who breaks into or otherwise violates the system integrity of remote machines with
malicious intent. Having gained unauthorized access, crackers destroy vital data, deny legitimate
users service, or cause problems for their targets. Crackers can easily be identified because their
actions are malicious.

Q4) What do you understand by computer recovery techniques?

In computing, data recovery is a process of salvaging inaccessible, corrupted or
damaged data from secondary storage, removable media or files, when the data they store
cannot be accessed in a normal way. The data is most often salvaged from storage media
such as internal or external hard disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), USB flash
drives, magnetic tapes, CDs, DVDs, RAID subsystems, and other electronic devices.
Recovery may be required due to physical damage to the storage device or logical damage to
the file system that prevents it from being mounted by the host operating system (OS).
The most common data recovery scenario involves an operating system failure, malfunction
of a storage device, accidental damage or deletion, etc. (typically, on a single-drive, single-
partition, single-OS system), in which case the goal is simply to copy all wanted files to
another drive.

Q5) What are the benefits of ICT in healthcare.

• Increasing quality in the patient assistance. One of the most important flaws of this sector is
the fragmentation of the health care and the difficulties for efficiently transmitting the
information. ICT can help improve patient safety through the direct access to the medical case
story, checking the treatments online, keeping track of the patients’ progress and anticipating
possible medical errors. In general terms, they are regarded as generally positive tools among
professionals and users. Since they provide a way to increase the patient safety, their use is
being promoted in many countries.
• Cutting down the medical spending. Using ICT and Serious Games for Health help reduce these
costs by reducing the time required to process data and manage paperwork. The system for
image transmission and storage is essential to promote the development of the electronic
medical case story and telemedicine since it speeds up the tests and the gathering of results.
• Reducing administrative cost. Invoicing brings about many possibilities of saving due to the use
of ICT and the new remote devices. Although the evidence of these data, electronic invoicing is
not widely used in most of the countries yet.
• Possibility to carry on brand new health models. ICT have been defined as technology with a
high transformative potential, since it introduces new ways to carry out medicine and develop
health care. They are definitely essential to renew primary health care since they contribute to a
personalized following of chronic diseases; they improve the access to health care in rural
populations; and they contribute to the optimizing data measuring and supervision.

Q6) What are the various security provisions in E-Commerce?

Following are the essential requirements for safe e-payments/transactions −

• Confidential − InformaVon should not be accessible to unauthorized person. It should not be

intercepted during transmission.
• Integrity − InformaVon should not be altered during its transmission over the network.
• Availability − InformaVon should be available wherever and whenever requirement within Vme
limit specified.
• Authenticity − There should be a mechanism to authenVcate user before giving him/her access
to required information.
• Non-Repudiabiity − It is protecVon against denial of order or denial of payment. Once a sender
sends a message, the sender should not able to deny sending the message. Similarly the
recipient of message should not be able to deny receipt.
• Encryption − InformaVon should be encrypted and decrypted only by authorized user.
• Audit ability − Data should be recorded in such a way that it can be audited for integrity

Measures to ensure Security

Major security measures are following −

• Encryption − It is a very effecVve and pracVcal way to safeguard the data being transmiXed over
the network. Sender of the information encrypts the data using a secret code and specified
receiver only can decrypt the data using the same or different secret code.
• Digital Signature − Digital signature ensures the authenVcity of the informaVon. A digital
signature is an e-signature authentic authenticated through encryption and password.
• Security Certificates − Security cerVficate is unique digital id used to verify identity of an
individual website or user.

Q7) What is a boot virus?

A boot sector virus is a computer virus that infects a storage device's master boot record (MBR).
It is not mandatory that a boot sector virus successfully boot the victim's PC to infect it. As a result,
even non-bootable media can trigger the spread of boot sector viruses. These viruses copy their
infected code either to the floppy disks boot sector or to the hard disk's partition table. During start-
up, the virus gets loaded to the computer's memory. As soon as the virus is saved to the memory, it
infects the non-infected disks used by the system.

Q8) What are the various techniques of data backup?

1. Full Backups
A full backup store a copy of all files and typically occurs automatically according to a pre-set
schedule. Files are usually compressed to save space, however, even when compressed full backups
may consume a lot of storage. Additionally, full backups cause heavy access to the backup disk,
which shorten disk life and consume network bandwidth.
The advantage of full backups is the ease of restoration. Restoring a file requires only the file name,
location, and date from which to restore the data. Restoration is relatively straightforward as long as
the backup files from that date or time are available.
Although full backups are certainly comprehensive, they may be more robust than many businesses
require. It is important to consider that only a small percentage of files change from one backup to
another. Consequently, performing full backups will yield multiple identical copies of files and
consume valuable storage space on the backup medium.
2. Incremental Backups
Incremental backups save space by backing up only the files that have been created or changed
since the last backup. The advantage of incremental backups is that the volume of data backed up at
each iteration is much smaller, which in turn saves space on the backup medium and uses less
network bandwidth.
However, incremental backups increase computing overhead, because each source file must be
compared with the last full backup as well as the incremental iterations to determine whether data
is new or changed. Additionally, it is more complex to locate a specific file to restore as it may
require searching several iterations. To completely restore all files requires merging all iterations
while taking care to keep only the most recent version of each file.
Many enterprise backup strategies include a combination of full backups and incremental backups.
For example, running a full backup once per week—on weekends when network and computing
resource demands are lower—and scheduling incremental backups on weekdays. Backing up files
with this combination enables a restoration that does not require looking through or merging more
than a week’s worth of iterations.
Some strategies limit the impact on disk backup storage by copying older full backups from disk to
tapes, which are then stored off-site. Although this approach is more secure than storing both the
file system and backup media at the same location, the manual work to change tapes, label them
and transport them is time-consuming. Additionally, it creates a difference between the finished
backups that are stored off-site and the current state of the live file system. In the event of a
disaster, any data changes that occurred since copying the last full backup to tape may be lost.
3. Differential Backups
Differential backups are similar to incremental backups, except that each backup operation stores
the new and updated files since the last full backup. For example, if a full backup was performed on
Sunday and a file changed on Monday, that file will be part of every differential backup until the
next full backup is run.
Using differential backups simplifies recovery because only the last full backup and the last
differential backup is needed to create a complete restoration. As with incremental backups,
differential backups need to compare current and already-backed-up files to identify any changes.
However, differential backups require more space and network bandwidth compared with
incremental backups.
4. Virtual Full Backups
Virtual full backups use a database to track and manage backed-up data, which helps avoid some of
the pitfalls of other backup methods. A full copy, or replica, is taken only once and does not need to
be taken again as long as the storage medium—typically a network-attached storage location—
remains unchanged. The virtual full backup periodically synchronizes backup data to the database.
Virtual full backups are generally performed automatically by backup software. The user experience
appears the same as that of a full backup. Restoring one file or an entire disk is a matter of choosing
a preferred recovery point and the file or files to recover

Q9)Explain the impact of ICT on society.

With these developments immense scopes have come to the surface to impart learning in a
much more efficient and interactive way. Multimedia technology and internet networks have
revolutionized the whole philosophy of learning and distance learning and provided us with the
opportunity for close interaction between teachers and learners with improved standard of learning
materials compared to what was existing only with the printed media. As we mentioned earlier it
has gone to such an extent to create a virtual class room where teachers and students are scattered
all over the world.
We could be able to work on jobs being thousands of miles away through electromagnetic wave.
That way the problem of skills shortage in some countries could be reduced and efficient people
would be available to do the job.
Quick dispatch of information globally has facilitated the commercial expansion to an extremely high
level with a small firm being able to sell its products to another part of the world very easily as they
can communicate to each other in no time and fix up the deal. Development of electronic commerce
has made it very convenient for individual buyer to select the product online and make payment
Virtual reality, probably much more advanced and more seamlessly integrated devices (e.g. one
could think of a device projecting images (perhaps from glasses) directly onto the lens of a human’s
eye), allowing people to disregard their surroundings. This will allow people to travel virtually, e.g.
one could go on holidays just by playing a certain program, relax there, walk around, and take it
These days one can attend business meetings without having to be there physically. The business
partners in such a virtual meeting are able to see and hear each other as if they are real. Mobility
may be very important these days
Treating untreatable disease like cancer would be much easier as the DNA structure could be
defined accurately to guide the kind of cell-based treatment required for a particular patient.


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