Determinants of The Use of E-Wallet For Transaction Payment Among College Students
Determinants of The Use of E-Wallet For Transaction Payment Among College Students
Determinants of The Use of E-Wallet For Transaction Payment Among College Students
Alwan Sri Kustono 1*, Ardhya Yudistira Adi Nanggala 2, Imam Mas’ud
Jember University, Jember, East Java, Indonesia
Abdurachman Saleh University, Situbondo, East Java, Indonesia
Alwan Sri Kustono: Determinants of the Use of E-Wallet for Transaction Payment among College Students
in the small value for money. Sellers sometimes billion transactions, with a transaction value of
neglect the buyer's right to get change. The change around IDR 47.19 trillion. In January 2020, digital
is sometimes replaced with goods that have the payments reached more than 457 million
same price (Chen, 2018). Third, there are many transactions with a transaction value of around IDR
counterfeit bills in circulation that are very similar to 15.87 trillion (Rizal, 2019).
the originals, which can deceive ordinary people. It is interesting to examine the causes of the
The benefits provided to consumers, both rapid growth of the use of e-wallet. One way to
community and industry, trigger an increase in predict one's attitude in accepting and using
online payment transactions. The advantages of technology is by using the Technological Acceptance
using online payments are the perceived ease of use Model (TAM). This model explains and predicts
(PEU), speed, and security for the wider community how users accept and use technology. TAM is a
(Wasiaturrahma et al., 2019). The use of electronic model designed to describe how users understand
money increases efficiency. For Bank Indonesia, the and apply information systems (Davis et al., 1989).
use of electronic money can save operational costs, TAM shows that technology acceptance is
especially in producing money, both banknotes, and influenced by attitude toward using (ATU). ATU
coins. The use of non-cash payments can also itself is influenced by perceived ease of use (PEU)
prevent money from getting damaged or getting and perceived usefulness (PU). Several studies
wet. Therefore, the need to replace new money is argue that PU is related to the relevance of
relatively low. application quality (AQ) used. According to
E-money is different from debit cards and credit Sakdiyah et al. (2019), application quality's relevance
cards. These cards are access products, not prepaid is closely related to the ability to be applied, the
products. Debit cards or credit cards require ability as a tool, the conformity to needs, and the
multiple authentications to guarantee the deposit of degree of usefulness.
money in a user's account. E-money or e-wallet is This study aims to determine the factors that
more practical than cash because users do not need influence the acceptance and use of e-wallets for
authentication. The money used is the amount that transactions. Researchers focus on the acceptance
the user previously stored in the e-money card. E- and use of e-wallets using TAM-based variables.
wallet users do not need to connect to the server, This study uses a previous research framework
make a signature, and make a PIN. Besides, the price related to TAM, including payments using mobile
is lower because there is no need for communication banking (Leiva et al., 2017), electronic tickets
costs, such as credit cards do (Nanggala, 2020). (Amoroso & Magnier-Watanabe, 2012), and e-
Physically, there are two types of an e-wallet: chip- commerce (Gbongli, et al., 2019). Some of the
based and digital application. Chip-based consists of variables tested are PU, PEU, ATU, and AQ
BCA Flazz, BNI Tap Cash, BRI Brizzi, and Mandiri (Pishchenko & Myriounis, 2016; Santika & Yadnya,
E-money. Digital e-wallet consists of Bank Mandiri 2017).
E-cash, Dana, Link Aja, Go-Pay, and OVO Previous studies show that there are variables
(Hidranto, 2020). that affect the acceptance of the use of internet-based
Digital e-wallet is an online payment technology. A review of the studies raises the
application installed on devices like IOS and conclusion that PEU, PU, and BIU influence the use
android smartphones. The use of e-wallet services is of technology. The system quality variable is an
increasingly growing along with the increasing antecedent variable that influences the use of e-
public awareness and needs to conduct electronic- wallet. The purpose of this study is to examine and
based transactions. Year to year, the use of e-wallet analyze the effect of application quality (AQ) on
applications develop significantly. The development perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use
of e-wallets has influenced the increasing number of (PEU) on perceived usefulness (PU) and attitudes
offline merchants who collaborate with e-wallets. towards using (ATU), perceived usefulness (PU) on
Electronic wallets in Indonesia start with T-cash attitudes towards using (ATU) and behavioral
issued by Telkomsel. Bank Indonesia data reveals intentions to use (BIU), and attitudes towards use
that in 2020 there are 38 e-wallets that have received (ATU) on behavioral intentions to use e-wallets
official licenses. Bank Indonesia data show that (BIU) for transaction payment among college
during 2019 electronic money and digital wallet students in Jember Regency.
transactions reached 5.22 billion transactions,
representing around IDR 145.16 trillion. The number
increased compared to 2018, which reached 2.9
Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 23, No. 1, April – July 2020, pages 85 – 95
2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND HY- The actions or behavior begin when consumers
POTHESES are in need and desires. Consumers try to obtain the
E-wallet is different from electronic money. products they want and consume. In the end, the
Electronic money is a non-cash payment instrument consumers have post-purchase actions, either
issued based on the value of money deposited to the satisfied or not satisfied. The process is influenced
issuer first. To understand how e-wallet is used, it by ATU factors, beliefs, past experiences, and
can be seen from the theory of consumer behavior. awareness to achieve goals and organize values.
Consumer behavior is the behavior that consumers Consumer behavior theory is complemented by
display in searching for, purchasing, using, an explanation given by the TAM theory. TAM
evaluating, and disposing of products, services, and explains the factors that influence the acceptance of
ideas (Galalae & Voicu, 2013). This theory states that the use of a technology product. Several factors are
all activities, actions, and psychological processes indicated to influence users' decisions about how
related to the decision-making process to obtain and and when they use new technology ( (Adhiputra,
use goods or financial services and the environment 2015; Alambaigi & Ahangari, 2016; Olushola &
can influence the process. In other words, consumer Abiola, 2017). TAM provides a basis for tracking the
behavior is the action taken by consumers to achieve impact of external factors to achieve goals. Several
and meet their needs, either to use, consume, and cognitive determinants are indicated to influence the
spend goods and services. acceptance of the technology. The framework of
TAM is as follows:
Attitude Behavioral
Toward Using Intention to Use
Ease of Use
The user's PEU and PU determine BIU. PU is success model proposed by Delon & McLean (2003).
defined as an individual's confidence that using AQ is the characteristic of the quality expected from
technology is free from physical and mental effort. the application of information systems along with
In other words, PU is a person's belief that his the quality of product information. In this case, e-
performance is increasing by using an application. wallet application quality (AQ) is closely related to
In 2008, Venkatesh & Bala (2008) modified TAM by its system performance or user interface. The
adding variables, such as adjustment and anchor indicators of AQ are security, system availability,
groups, related to the PEU and usefulness variable transaction processing speed, system reliability,
(Lai, 2017). Besides, they also added the variable of adaptabilities, usability features, and information
quality of the system. The quality of the system is quality.
expected to affect PU. Good quality technology is related to how easy
it is to understand and use. The higher the quality of
Effect of Application Quality (AQ) on Perceived the system, the higher the level of user satisfaction.
Usefulness (PU) The results of research conducted by Sakdiyah et al.
AQ affects PU. Quality is the characteristic of (2019) and Yuwana & Kustono (2017) show that AQ
essential information about the system itself, while affects PU. The results are in line with the results of
AQ is the output produced by the information studies conducted by Bach, Čeljo, & Zoroja (2016)
system used. AQ refers to the information system and Ho, Ho, & Chung (2019), that AQ influences the
Alwan Sri Kustono: Determinants of the Use of E-Wallet for Transaction Payment among College Students
use of new technology. The higher the quality H2: Perceived ease of use (PEU) has a positive effect
produced by the e-wallet provider, the greater the on perceived usefulness (PU) in using e-wallet
usefulness provided to users. Thus, there will be application;
more useful information obtained by users. Finally,
users will use the product more frequently. H3: Perceived ease of use (PEU) has a positive effect
on attitude toward using (ATU) in using e-
H1: Application quality (AQ) has a positive effect wallet application.
on perceived usefulness (PU) in using an e-
wallet application Effect of Perceived Usefulness (PU) on Attitude
toward Using (ATU) and Behavioral Intention to
Effect of Perceived Ease of Use (PEU) on Perceived Use (BIU)
Usefulness (PU) and Attitude towards Using According to Davis et al. (1989), PU is a belief in
(ATU) efficacy. In this condition, users believe that using
Previous studies state that the quality of accounting technology or application will improve their
information systems affects perceived usefulness. performance at work (Olushola & Abiola, 2017). PU
According to Biswas (2016) and Aggorowati et al. is a belief about the decision making process.
(2012), the quality of information or system output According to Lai (2017), previous studies conducted
affects technology acceptance. PEU in a transaction by Davis et al. (1989), Igbaria & Iivari (1995), and
is a factor assumed influencing the repeated use of Leiva et al. (2017) show that PU constructs have a
e-wallet application services. In this case, PEU is positive and significant influence on the use of e-
defined as PEU in transactions and PEU in using wallet information. The results of previous studies
application service features. The more PEU in a have provided evidence of the effect of PU on BIU.
transaction, the more often consumers use the PU drives the majority of BIU.
application service. This is in line with the research The e-wallet payment service system is deemed
results of Wang et al. (2005) and Liao et al. (2018), to provide much more usefulness than cash
stating that if a person has additional features on his payments, such as paying a real nominal amount
smartphone application, the person is increasingly and quickness of payment to complete a transaction.
using his smartphone. PEU in transactions using e- The usefulness provided by e-wallet services
wallet applications is described as the simplicity of includes assisting users in making transactions and
using the application. Application service users can transfers. Therefore, the higher the perception, the
easily transact using existing features (Kumar et al., higher the interest in using e-wallet services.
2017). PEU in transactions can be seen from how PU has a direct effect on BIU beyond its
easy it is for consumers to use the services offered by influence through ATU. This indicates the
e-wallet. PEU explains how users believe that using possibility that perceived usefulness directly
certain e-wallets is free from additional physical and influences interest without being mediated by ATU.
mental effort (George, 2018). PEU covers This statement is supported by the results of
installation, operation, and control. The more previous studies that PU has a positive effect on BIU.
natural the technology used, the higher the The results also show that PU can have a direct
usefulness expected from the technology associated influence on BIU without going through ATU.
with improved performance. PEU is related to the
performance impact of using an e-wallet. Besides, H4: Perceived usefulness (PU) has a positive effect
PEU includes some characteristics, such as easy to on attitude toward using (ATU) in using e-
learn, controllable, clear and understandable, wallet application;
flexible, and easy to become skillful. Behavioral
intention to use (BIU) for the use and interaction H5: Perceived usefulness (PU) has a positive effect
between users and e-wallets can also demonstrate on behavioral intention to use (BIU) in using e-
the user's PEU (Hutami & Septyarini, 2018; Wong & wallet applications.
Mo, 2019).
Perceived Usefulness (PU) affects attitude Effect of Attitude towards Using (ATU) on
toward using an e-wallet (ATU). If someone believes Behavior Intention to Use (BIU)
that e-wallet is easy to use, he will use it. However, ATU, which is identified as the cause of BIU, is a
if someone does not believe that e-wallet is easy to form of positive or negative beliefs in transacting
use, he will not use it. Several studies have shown using e-wallet constructed from ATU towards
that PU has a positive effect on ATU e-wallet. objects and behaviors (Harsanto & Jatnika, 2017;
Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 23, No. 1, April – July 2020, pages 85 – 95
Application H1 Perceived
Information H5
Quality Usefulness
quality (AQ) (PU) H4
Reliability Attitude H6 Behavioral
Adaptability Toward Intention
Usability Using to Use
Ease of Use
Alwan Sri Kustono: Determinants of the Use of E-Wallet for Transaction Payment among College Students
generalize the results of their research. The to students in universities, such as in Jember
population in this study is students of the faculties University (100 copies), Jember Muhammadiyah
of economics and business in the Jember Regency. University (50 copies), IAIN Jember (50 copies), State
The sample is a reflection of the population. Polytechnic Jember (25 copies), and STE Mandala
The sampling technique used is multistage random (25 copies). The number of returned questionnaires
sampling. The sample is chosen randomly by taking that can be used is 180 copies. The response rate is
into account the following criteria: (1) the around 72%.
respondent is an active e-wallet user, and (2) the
respondent is a college student in Jember. Instrument Testing
The validity test that is declared valid can be known
Variable and Measurement by looking at the t-value indicated by the loading
The dependent variable used in this study is BIU. factor of each indicator. The value is more than the
Respondents are asked to perceive the BIU. In this critical value at a significance level of 0.05, and the
instrument, respondents are asked to measure their probability value must be smaller than α (0.05).
perception of the success of e-wallet. The scale used Constructive validity testing is performed using
is from 1 to 7: scale 1 - 2 shows low performance, product-moment correlation techniques.
scale 3 - 5 shows average performance, and scale 6 - Theoretically, this technique shows the correlation
7 shows high performance. The independent of each statement with the total score. The r table value
variables used are PU, ATU, PEU, and AQ. These for n = 100 samples is 0.195, with a significance level
variables are measured using a questionnaire of 5%. Statements that do not meet the value are not
adapted from previous studies. included in the study. From the test results, it can be
seen that the whole questionnaire items used as a
4. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION measure of constructs/variables meet the validity
The total number of questionnaires distributed is 250 requirements. In other words, questionnaires are
copies. The distribution is carried out by spreading appropriate for measuring variables.
Reliability testing is done using internal can be accepted if the variable indicators have only a
consistency with Cronbach's alpha technique. The few items (e.g., two or three).
instrument is considered reliable if the alpha value is Table 2 shows that Cronbach's alpha scores for
greater than 0.60 (Ghozali, 2011). The measure of each variable/contract are above 0.60. Therefore, the
Cronbach’s Alpha is very susceptible to the number instrument is considered to meet the reliability
of items, which means that lower Cronbach’s Alpha requirements.
Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 23, No. 1, April – July 2020, pages 85 – 95
There are 180 data collected after the observation. maximum likelihood. Hypothesis testing is done
Data analysis is conducted using the assumption of using structural equation modeling (SEM). The test
causality so that the input variable used is the results are shown in Table 3.
covariance between variables. The method used is
Table 3 shows P-value for each variable. It can be accepted. The fifth hypothesis (H5) states that PU
concluded that not all hypotheses regarding the influences BIU. Table 3 shows that PU has a positive
causality relationship described in the model can be effect on BIU at p = 0.000, which means that the fifth
accepted. The first hypothesis (H1) states that AQ hypothesis is accepted. The sixth hypothesis (H6)
affects PU. Table 3 shows that AQ has an effect on PU states that ATU affects BIU. Table 3 shows that ATU
at p = 0.151, which means that the first hypothesis is has an effect on BIU at p = 0.000, which means that
rejected. The second hypothesis (H2) states that PEU the hypothesis is accepted.
affects PU. Table 3 shows that PEU has an effect on
PU at p = 0.000, which means that the second Direct and Indirect Effect
hypothesis is accepted. The third hypothesis (H3) The direct effect is the coefficients of all the coefficient
states that PEU affects ATU. Table 3 shows that PEU lines with one end arrow. Indirect effects are effects
has a positive effect on ATU at p = 0.910, which means that arise through an intermediate variable. PU
that the third hypothesis is rejected. The fourth (0.816) and ATU (1.678) have a direct effect on BIU,
hypothesis (H4) states that PU affects ATU. Table 3 which means that when PU and ATU variables
shows that PU has a positive effect on ATU at p = increase, the variable of BIU will also increase.
0.004, which means that the fourth hypothesis is
Alwan Sri Kustono: Determinants of the Use of E-Wallet for Transaction Payment among College Students
Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 23, No. 1, April – July 2020, pages 85 – 95
Alwan Sri Kustono: Determinants of the Use of E-Wallet for Transaction Payment among College Students
Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 23, No. 1, April – July 2020, pages 85 – 95
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