Polymeric Corrosion: A Subramania, N T Kalyana Sundaram, R Sathiya Priya, V S Muralidharan and T Vasudevan"
Polymeric Corrosion: A Subramania, N T Kalyana Sundaram, R Sathiya Priya, V S Muralidharan and T Vasudevan"
Polymeric Corrosion: A Subramania, N T Kalyana Sundaram, R Sathiya Priya, V S Muralidharan and T Vasudevan"
O 2004 CECRl
Corrosion occurs due to chemical and electrochemical reactions. Polymeric materials adrorb on the metal
sutjiace and offer inhibition to corrosion. In this overview polymeric materials employed to inhibit the
corrosion of ferrous and non-ferrous materials in acidic and neutral media are presented. Polymers which
act both as antiscalant and inhibitors are also discussed.
SUBRAMANIA et al. - Polymeric corrosion inhibitors - An overview
impure zinc metal to the operation of negative anions of these compounds are involved Inhibitr
short-circuited microcells on the metal surface. in reducing metallic corrosion. Therefore these are medium
Faraday's research (1830-1840) established a very called inorganic anionic inhibitors. When zinc is
important relationship between chemical action Polyme
used instead of sodium, the zinc cation is
and the generation of electric current [6].
beneficial and the compounds may be called Organic
Wagner [7] proposed a mixed potential theory. inorganic mixed charge inhibitors. They are used this be1
This theory proclaims that (i) any electrochemical
in cooling towers. found t
reaction comprises two or more partial oxidation
and reduction reactions (ii) there can be no net Organic anionic inhibitors such a s sodium 1940's a
accumulation of electrical charges during a n sulphonates and sodium mercapto benzotriazole effective
electrochemical reaction and (iii) the potential a t are used in cooling water and antifreeze solutions. 1961 w
the entire surface of an isolated electrode should bond of
Sodium phosphonates fall into this class are used
be same.
in cooling towers.0rganic cationic inhibitors [lo] lead to
The practical methods available for the protection are liquids or wax like solids. consequ
of metals against corrosion are diverse. These may of thesq
be divided into the following groups viz., (a) Their active portions are generally large C-H
selection of metals (b) modification of metal (c) chains or rings with positively charged amine . respond
change in design (d) change in corrosive nitrogen groups a t one end. In acids and water, forward
environment (e) surface coatings (f) change of the the terminal primary secondary and tertiary Proparg
electrode potential of metalfcorrosive medium. The
amine groups take a n additional hydrogen that investigi
most commonly practised methods of control is
changing the environment. This is accomplished by gives them a net positive or cationic charge. The spectroa
a method known a s corrosion inhibition. polar amine groups are adsorbed on the metal and polymed
the hydrocarbon portion forms a n oily water mechad
Corrosion inhibitors repellant surface film. The molecular shape
An inhibitor is a chemical compound that
effectively reduces the corrosion rate of a metal
(disymmetry) helps these materials act as
surfactants and can stabilize emulsions of oil and
under 8
when added in small conceqtration to a n mildly water. Organic corrosion inhbitors [lo-111 may
aggressive medium or environment [8]. This acts function by (1) chemisorption of the molecule on
by changing the surface or both depending on the
a metallic surface (2) Complexing of the molecule
individual system. Electrochemical corrosion
involves two partial reactions, one a t the anode with the metal ion which remains in a solid state
and the another a t the cathode. (3) Neutralising the corrodent and (4) adsorbing
the corrodent.
On that basis, a n inhbitor is defined a s a
chemical compound that effectively reduces the It is universally accepted that the organic
rate of either or both of these reactions. molecules adsorb a t the metalfsolution interface.
Accordingly they are classified a s anodic, cathodic These modes of adsorption are dependent upon: (a)
or mixed inhibitors. They are broadly classified a s
the chemical structure of the molecule (b) the
inorganic or organic, anionic and cationic
inhibitors [9]. chemical composition of the solution (c) the nature
of the metal surface (d) the electrochemical
Inorganic inhibitors are usually crystalline salts a s
potential a t the metalfsolution interface. There are
sodium chromate, sodium silicate, sodium
phosphate or molybdate. In aqueous solution, they three principal types of adsorption associated with
separate to form the negatively charged anions organic inhibitors. (i) n bond orbital adsorption (ii)
like C~O;-, S~O;-, PO:- and molybdate. Only the electrostatic adsorption and (iii) chemisorption.
SUBRAMANLA et al. - Polymeric corrosion inhibitors - An overview
Organic molecules with unsaturated carbon exhlbit This formalism implies that the polarisation of the
this behaviour. The molecule with -C& bond triple bond can be stabilized first by a non-
found to be effective inhibitor. In the middle classical carbonium ion and further by a
1940's acetylenic compounds were discovered to be a-keto-double bond configuration which is known
effective inhibitors [12]. A postulation came in to complex strongly with transition metal ions. It
1961 which described the affinity of the triple is noted that the OH group has to be located not
bond of these alcohols for the metals 'd' electrons only in a- position but on a secondary carbon atom
lead to the chemisorption a t anodic sites with a for strong inhibition to result. This is to be
consequent sharing of electrons. After adsorption expected since H+ ions are much more optimum
these species, polymerisation ensures which is to form non classical carbonium ions than CH,
responsible for the corrosion inhibition was put groups. If the terminal proton on the triple bond
is substituted with a strong electrophilic group,
ropargyl alcohols and other alkynols were the polarisation of the triple bond becomes strong
vestigated in detail by IR- reflectance enough to involve the above indicated
tautomerism.One can rationalise that a compound
spectroscopy which confirmed the formation of
with a non-terminal triple bond experiences some
olymers on the metal surface [14-151. The
steric hindrance in the formation of complexes
mechanism of ethyl cyclohexanol polymerisation
with transition metal ions. The effect was due to
was studied using iron powder in 2 M H,SO,,
steric hindrance rather than a kinetic effect
under nitrogen atmosphere 1161.
concerning the intra-molecular sh&s necessary for
From the analysis of volatile intermediates and complex formation. The substituted propargyl
roducts, the ethynol cyclohexanol was reduced on alcohols became more effective as the alkyl chain
the iron and it subsequently dehydrated to form increased. This effect most likely has to do with
hydrocarbon polymer. A similar mechanism was the nature of the "adsorbed layer" in that
tulated for 3 butyne 2-01. A completely different increasing length of the alkyl chain imparts
ea was suggested that the acid solution itself greater hydrophobicity to the interfacial layer thus
may interact with the acetylenic species to squeezing out water molecules from the interface.
utomerise or form vinylic cations which can
Alkynols have been successfully tried to inhibit
drate, undergo metathesis or polymerize.
corrosion of steels in acidic solutions and
cetylenic alcohols were investigated In detail with mechanism of inhibition was discussed [17-181.
gard to the position of OH- and the position of The adsorbed alkynols first hydrogenated a t the
e triple bond. It appears that the OH group has - C S to form a secondary olefinic alcohol.
be in a- position to the acetylenic function and Oligomerisation through the terminal -CrC- can
optimum efficiency was obtained if the ensure to yield the highly branched structure.
tylenic function was terminal. These two effects Further hydrogenation saturated some of the
internal saturated -CzC- bonds.
SUBRAMANIA et al. - Polymeric corrosion inhibitors - An overview
SUBRAMANIA e t . al. - Polymeric corrosion inhibitors - An overview
which are thermally stable and [65]. They inhibited calcium scales in the optimum
provide corrosion protection for the heat exchanger molar ratlo of AN HAPS 92.517.5.
surfaces are employed [62].
Sulphonated acrylate polymer (SAP), phosphmo
Polymeric scale inhibitors may contain catlonic, sulphonated acrylate polymer (PSAP), maleic ter
anionic, non ionic or ampholytic groups. The
TABLE 11: Scale components and inhibitos for water systems
SUBRAMANIA et al. -- Polymeric corrosion inhibitors - An overview
polymer (MTP) were tried as scale inhibitors [66]. found to be an antiscalant and inhibitor in
MTP was proved to be an excellent CaCO, desalination operations [73]. The inhibiting action
inhibitor. Sulphonation of a n acrylate backbone of 3-(trimethoxy silyl) propane thol-1 (TMSPT)
provided good calcium phosphate inhibition and polymer film on steel corrosion in 3% NaCl
particulate dispersancy. The phosphino group solutions were studied. It acted as a passivating
provided enhanced inhibition properties to CaCO,, cathodic and anodic inhibitors. The formation of a
Ca,(P0J2 in SAP. The sulphonated polymers and chemisorbed methoxy silane compound which
MTP provided zinc stabilisation properties. modified the surface shifted the free corrosion
Recently it was found that meth acrylic acid - potentials to nobler values [74].
acrylamide copolymer with thio acetic acid end
group has performed well as an antiscalent [67].
6. Fan
Polymeric inhibitors for non-ferrous I 7. C W
materials in neutral media 8. J I
Polymeric inhibitors for ferrous materials in
neutral media 3-mercapto propyl trimethoxy silane(MPS) has 9. RH
In cooling water systems various cationic and been used as a copper corrosion inhibitor in 0.1 M bakc
anionic polymers were studied. Polyethylene oxide KC1 solution [75]. In presence of oxygen i t acted 89 (
SUBRAMANIA et al. - ,Polymeric corrosion inhibitors - A n overview
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