Reliable Os
Reliable Os
Reliable Os
It has been well established that most operating system For many computer users, the biggest perceived problem
crashes are due to bugs in device drivers. Because drivers are with using computers is that they are so unreliable. Com-
normally linked into the kernel address space, a buggy driver puter science researchers are used to computers crashing reg-
can wipe out kernel tables and bring the system crashing to ularly and installing software patches every few months, and
a halt. We have greatly mitigated this problem by reduc- may find this normal. The vast majority of users, however,
ing the kernel to an absolute minimum and running each consider this lack of reliability unacceptable. Their mental
driver as a separate, unprivileged process in user space. In model of how an electronic device should work is based on
addition, we implemented a POSIX-conformant operating their experience with TV sets and video recorders: you buy
system as multiple user-mode processes. In this design, all it, plug it in, and it works perfectly for the next 10 years.
that is left in kernel mode is a tiny kernel of under 3800 lines No crashes, no semiannual software updates, no newspaper
of executable code for catching interrupts, starting and stop- stories about the most recent in an endless string of viruses
ping processes, and doing IPC. By moving nearly the entire lurking out there somewhere. To make computers more like
operating system to multiple, protected user-mode processes TV sets, the goal of our research is to improve the reliability
we reduce the consequences of faults, since a driver failure no of computer systems, starting with operating systems.
longer is fatal and does not require rebooting the computer.
In fact, our system incorporates a reincarnation server that 1.1 Why do Systems Crash?
is designed to deal with such errors and often allows for full The underlying reason that operating systems crash can be
recovery, transparent to the application and without loss of traced back to two fundamental design flaws they all share:
data. To achieve maximum reliability, our design was guided too many privileges and lack of adequate fault isolation. Vir-
by simplicity, modularity, least authorization, and fault tol- tually all operating systems consist of many modules linked
erance. This paper discusses our lightweight approach and together in one address space to form a single binary pro-
reports on its performance and reliability. It also compares gram that runs in kernel mode. A bug in any module can
our design to other proposals for protecting drivers using easily trash critical data structures in an unrelated module
kernel wrapping and virtual machines. and bring the system down in an instant. The reason for
linking all the modules together in a single address space,
Categories and Subject Descriptors with no protection between the modules, is that designers
D.4.7 [Operating Systems]: Organization and Design; have made a Faustian bargain: better performance at the
D.4.5 [Operating Systems]: Reliability; cost of more system crashes. We will quantitatively examine
D.4.8 [Operating Systems]: Performance the price of this trade-off below.
General Terms A closely related issue is why crashes occur in the first
Design, Experimentation, Reliability, Performance place. After all, if every module were perfect, there would
be no need for fault isolation between the modules because
there would be no faults to propagate. We assert that most
faults are due to programming errors (bugs) and are largely
the consequence of too much complexity and the use of for-
eign code. Studies have shown that software averages 1-16
bugs per 1000 lines of code [27, 22, 2] and this range is
surely an underestimate because only bugs that were ulti-
‘Perfection is not achieved when there is nothing left to mately found were counted. The obvious conclusion of these
add, but when there is nothing left to take away.’ studies is: more code means more bugs. As software devel-
ops, each new release tends to acquire more features (and
– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry [9] thus more code) and is often less reliable than its predeces-
sor. Studies [22] have shown that the number of bugs per
thousand lines of code tends to stabilize after many releases
and does not go asymptotically to zero.
Some of these bugs are exploited by attackers to allow greatly reduces the number of bugs it is likely to contain.
viruses and worms to infect and damage systems. Thus The small size also reduces its complexity and makes it eas-
some alleged ‘security’ problems have nothing to do with the ier to understand, which also helps the reliability. Hence,
security measures in principle (e.g., flawed cryptography or we followed Saint-Exupéry’s dictum and made the kernel as
broken authorization protocols), but are simply due to code small as humanly possible: under 3800 lines of code.
bugs (e.g., buffer overruns that allow execution of injected
code). In this paper, when we talk about ‘reliability,’ we also One objection that has always been raised about such
mean what is often referred to as ‘security’—unauthorized minimal kernel designs is that they are slow due to the ad-
access as a result of a bug in the code. ditional context switches and data copies required when dif-
ferent modules in user space need to communicate with one
The second problem is introducing foreign code into the another. This fear is mostly due to historical reasons and
operating system. Most sophisticated users would never al- we argue that these reasons to a large extent no longer hold.
low a third party to insert unknown code into the heart of First, new research insights has proven that minimal ker-
their operating system, yet when they buy a new peripheral nel design do not necessarily cripple the performance [3, 23,
device and install the driver, this is precisely what they are 15]. Smaller kernels and clever multiserver protocols help to
doing. Device drivers are usually written by programmers limit the performance penalty. Second, the vast increase in
working for the peripheral manufacturer, which typically has computer power in the past decade has greatly reduced the
less quality control than the operating system vendor. When absolute performance penalty incurred by a modular design.
the driver is an open-source effort, it is often authored by a Third, we believe the time has come when most users would
well-meaning but not necessarily experienced volunteer and gladly sacrifice some performance for better reliability.
with even less quality control. In Linux, for example, the er-
ror rate on device drivers is three to seven times higher than We provide a detailed discussion of the performance of
in the rest of the kernel [7]. Even Microsoft, which has the our system in Sec. 5. However, we briefly mention three
motivation and resources to apply tighter quality controls, preliminary performance measurements to support our case
does not do any better: 85% of all Windows XP crashes are that minimal kernel systems need not be slow. First, the
due to code bugs in device drivers [25]. measured time for the simplest system call, getpid, is 1.01 µs
on a 2.2 GHz Athlon. This means that a program execut-
Recently, related efforts have been reported on isolating ing 10,000 system calls/sec wastes only 1% of the CPU on
device drivers using the MMU hardware [26] and virtual context switching overhead, and few programs make 10,000
machines [19]. These techniques are focused on handling system calls/sec. Second, our system is able to do a build
problems in legacy operating systems; we will discuss them of itself, including the kernel and the required user-mode
in Sec. 6. Our approach, in contrast, achieves reliability parts, compiling 123 files and doing 11 links, within 4 sec-
through a new, lightweight operating system design. onds. Third, the boot time, as measured between exiting
the multiboot monitor and getting the login prompt, is less
1.2 The Solution: Proper Fault Isolation than 5 seconds. At that point, a full POSIX-conformant
operating system is ready to use.
For decades, the proven technique for handling untrusted
code has been to put it in a separate process and run it
in user mode. One of the key observations of the research 1.3 The Contribution of This Paper
reported in this paper is that a powerful technique for in- The research reported in this paper is trying to answer the
creasing operating system reliability is to run each device question: How do you prevent a serious bug (e.g., a bad
driver as a separate user-mode process with only the mini- pointer or infinite loop) in a device driver such as a printer
mal privileges required. In this way, faulty code is isolated, driver from crashing or hanging the entire operating system?
so a bug in say, the printer driver, may cause printing to
cease, but it cannot write garbage all over key kernel data Our approach was to design a reliable, multiserver oper-
structures and bring the system down. ating system on top of a tiny kernel that does not contain
any foreign, untrusted code. To isolate faults properly each
In this paper, we will carefully distinguish between an server and driver runs as a separate, unprivileged user-mode
operating system collapse, which requires rebooting the com- process. In addition, we added mechanisms to recover from
puter, and a server or driver failure or crash, which in our common failures. We describe the reliability features in de-
system, does not. In many cases, a faulty user-mode driver tail and explain why they are absent in traditional mono-
can be killed and replaced without restarting other parts of lithic operating systems. We also discuss measurements we
the (user-mode) operating system. made of its performance and show that the reliability fea-
tures slow the system down by about 5-10%, but make it
We do not believe that bug-free code is likely to appear able to withstand bad pointers, infinite loops, and other bugs
soon, certainly not in operating systems, which are usually that would crash or hang traditional operating systems.
written in C or C++. Unfortunately, programs written in
these languages make heavy use of pointers, a rich source While none of these individual aspects, such as small
of bugs. Our approach is therefore based on the ideas of kernels, user-mode device drivers, or multiserver systems is
modularity and fault isolation. By breaking the system into new, no one before has put all the pieces together to build a
many self-contained modules, each running in a separate small, flexible, modular, UNIX clone that is far more fault-
user-space process, we were able to reduce the part that tolerant than normal UNIX systems, while the performance
runs in kernel mode to a bare minimum and to keep faults loss is only 5% to 10% compared to our base system with
in other modules from spreading. Making the kernel small drivers in the kernel.
Separate processes
Furthermore, our approach is fundamentally different
from related efforts as we do not focus on commodity oper- User
ating systems. Instead, we obtain reliability through a new, mode Shell Compiler User
lightweight design. Rather than adding additional reliabil-
ity code to patch unreliable systems, we split the operating Network Memory File
system into small components and achieve reliability by ex- Kernel Driver Driver Driver Operating
ploiting the system’s modularity. While our techniques can- mode system
not be applied to legacy operating systems, we believe they Interrupts, MMU, scheduling, IPC
make future operating systems more reliable.
We start out by describing how our design compares to Figure 1: Structure of a monolithic system. The
other operating system structures (Sec. 2) followed by an entire operating system runs in kernel mode without
extensive discussion of the reliability features of our system proper fault isolation.
(Sec. 3). Then we analyze the system’s reliability (Sec. 4)
and performance (Sec. 5) based on actual measurements.
Finally, we examine related work (Sec. 6) and present our follows from the observation that the majority of operating
conclusions (Sec. 7). system crashes are caused by device drivers [7, 25]. Yet
another problem is that the immense size of monolithic ker-
2. OPERATING SYSTEM DESIGN nels makes them very complex and hard to fully understand.
Without a global understanding of the kernel even the most
This project is about building a more reliable operating sys-
experienced programmers can easily introduce faults by not
tem. Before describing our design in detail we will briefly
being aware of some peculiar side-effect of their actions.
discuss how the choice of an operating system structure can
immediately affect its reliability. For our purposes, we dis-
tinguish between two operating system structures: mono- 2.2 Minimal Kernel Systems
lithic systems and minimal kernel systems. In addition there At the other extreme is the minimal kernel, which contains
are other types of operating systems, such as exokernels [10] only the barest mechanism, but no policy. A minimal ker-
and virtual machines [24]. They are not directly relevant to nel provides interrupt handlers, a mechanism for starting
this paper, but we will revisit them in Sec. 6. and stopping processes (by loading the MMU and CPU reg-
isters), a scheduler, and interprocess communication, but
2.1 Problems with Monolithic Systems ideally nothing else. Standard operating system functional-
In a standard monolithic system, the kernel contains the ity that is present in a monolithic kernel is moved to user
entire operating system linked in a single address space and space, and no longer runs at the highest privilege level.
running in kernel mode, as shown in Fig. 1. The kernel may
be structured into components or modules, as indicated by Different operating system organizations are possible on
the dashed rectangular boxes, but there are no protection top of a minimal kernel. One option is to run the entire
boundaries around the components. In contrast, the solid operating system in a single user-mode server, but in such
rounded rectangles indicate separate user-mode processes, a design the same problems as in a monolithic system ex-
each of which runs in a separate address space protected by ist, and bugs can still crash the entire user-mode operating
the MMU hardware. system. In Sec. 6, we will discuss some work in this area.
Monolithic operating systems have a number of prob- A better design is to run each untrusted module as a sep-
lems that are inherent to their design. While some of these arate user-mode process that is isolated from the others. We
problems were already mentioned in the introduction, we took this idea to the extreme and fully compartmentalized
summarize them here: our system, as shown in Fig. 2. All operating system func-
tionality, such as device drivers, the file system, the network
1. No proper isolation of faults. server and high-level memory management, runs as a sepa-
2. All code runs at the highest privilege level. rate user process that is encapsulated in a private address
3. Huge amount of code implying many bugs. space. This model can be characterized as a multiserver
4. Untrusted, third-party code in the kernel. operating system.
5. Hard to maintain due to complexity.
Logically, our user processes can be structured into three
This list of properties questions the reliability of monolithic layers, although from the kernel’s point of view, they are all
systems. It is important to realize that these properties just processes. The lowest level of user-mode processes are
are not due to a bad implementation, but are fundamental the device drivers, each one controlling some device. We
problems that stem from the operating system design. have implemented drivers for IDE, floppy, and RAM disks,
keyboards, displays, audio, printers, and various Ethernet
The kernel is assumed to be correct, while its size alone cards. Above the driver layer are the server processes. These
means that it must contain numerous bugs [27, 22, 2]. More- include the file server, process server, network server, in-
over, with all operating system code running at the highest formation server, reincarnation server, and others. On top
privilege level and no proper fault containment, any bug of the servers come the ordinary user processes, including
might be fatal. A malfunctioning third-party device driver, shells, compilers, utilities, and application programs. With
for example, can easily destroy key data structures and take a small number of minor exceptions, the servers and drivers
down the entire system. That this scenario is a serious threat are normal user processes.
Separate processes
If the file server has the requested data in its buffer
cache, it makes a kernel call asking the kernel to copy it
Shell Compiler User to the user’s buffer. If the file server does not have the data,
Network Memory File it sends a message to the disk driver requesting the necessary
block. The disk driver then commands the disk to read the
Driver Driver Driver Operating block directly to the address within the file server’s buffer
cache. When the disk transfer is complete, the disk driver
mode Interrupts, MMU, scheduling, IPC sends a reply message back to the file server giving it the
status of the request (success or the reason for failure). The
file server then makes a kernel call asking the kernel to copy
Figure 2: Structure of our system. The operating the block to the user’s address space.
system runs as a collection of isolated user-mode
processes on top of a tiny kernel. This scheme is simple and elegant and separates the
servers and drivers from the kernel so they can be replaced
easily, making for a modular system. Although up to four
messages are required here, these are very fast (under 500 ns
To avoid any ambiguity, we note again that each server
each, depending on the CPU). When both the sender and
and driver runs as a separate user process with its own ad-
receiver are ready, the kernel copies the message directly
dress space completely disjoint from the address spaces of
from the sender’s buffer to the receiver without first putting
the kernel and other servers, drivers, and user processes. In
it into its own address space. Furthermore, the number
our design, processes do not share any virtual address space
of times the data are copied is precisely the same as in a
and can only communicate with each other using the IPC
monolithic system: the disk puts the data directly in the
mechanisms that are provided by the kernel. This point is
file server’s buffer cache and there is one copy from there to
crucial to the reliability as it prevents faults in one server or
the user process.
driver from spreading to a different one, in exactly the same
way that a bug in a compilation going on in one process
cannot affect what a browser in a different process is doing. 2.3 Design Principles
Before we move on to a detailed treatment of the reliability
In user mode, the operating system processes are re- features of our system we will now briefly discuss the design
stricted in what they can do. Therefore, to support the principles that guided our quest for reliability:
servers and drivers in performing their tasks, the kernel ex-
ports a number of kernel calls that authorized processes can 1. Simplicity.
make. Device drivers, for example, no longer have privileges 2. Modularity.
to perform I/O directly, but can request the kernel to do the 3. Least authorization.
work on their behalf. In addition, servers and drivers can 4. Fault tolerance.
request services from each other. All such IPC is done by
exchanging small, fixed-size messages. This message passing First, we have kept our system as simple as possible so
is implemented as traps to the kernel, which checks the call that it is easy to understand and thus more likely to be
being requested to see if the caller is authorized to make it. correct. This concerns both the high-level design and im-
plementation. Our design structurally avoids known prob-
Now let us consider a typical kernel call. An operating lems such as resource exhaustion. If needed we explicitly
system component running as a user-mode process may need trade resources and performance for reliability. The kernel,
to copy data to/from another address space, but cannot be for example, statically declares all data structures instead
trusted to be given access to raw memory. Instead, kernel of dynamically allocating memory when needed. While this
calls are provided to copy to/from valid virtual addresses may waste some memory, it is much simpler to manage and
within the data segment of a target process. This is a far can never fail. As another example, we have deliberately not
weaker call than giving it the ability to write to any word implemented multithreading. This may (or may not) cost
in memory, but it still has considerable power, so its use some performance, but not having to care about potential
is restricted to operating system processes that need to do race conditions and thread synchronization makes life much
interaddress space block copies. Ordinary user processes are easier for the programmer.
prohibited from using it.
Second, we have split our system into a collection of
Given this structure, we can now explain how user pro- small, independent modules. Exploiting modularity proper-
cesses obtain the operating system services defined by the ties, such as fault containment, is a crucial element of the
POSIX standard. A user process wanting to make, say, a design of our system. By fully compartmentalizing the oper-
READ call builds a message giving the system call number ating system we can establish ‘firewalls’ across which errors
and (pointers to) the parameters and executes the kernel cannot propagate, thus resulting in a more robust system.
trap to send the little request message to the file server, an- To prevent failures in one module from indirectly affecting
other user process. The kernel makes sure that the caller is another module, we structurally reduced interdependencies
blocked until the request has been served by the file server. as much as possible. When this was not possible due to the
By default all communication between processes is denied nature of the modules we employed additional safety mea-
for security reasons, but this request succeeds because com- sures. The file system, for example, depends on the device
munication with the file server is explicitly allowed to ordi- drivers, but is designed in such a way that it is prepared to
nary user processes. handle a driver failure.
Third, we enforce the principle of least authorization. reliability. Kernel code has complete access to everything
While isolation of faults helps to keep faults from spread- the machine can do. Kernel bugs can accidentally trigger
ing, a fault in a powerful module still might cause substan- I/O or do the wrong I/O or interfere with the memory map
tial damage. Therefore, we have reduced the privileges of all or many other things that unprivileged user-mode programs
user processes, including the servers and drivers, as far as we cannot do.
could. The kernel maintains several bit maps and lists that
govern who can do what. These include, for example, the Thus we are not arguing that moving most of the op-
allowed kernel call map and the list of permitted message erating system to user mode reduces the total number of
destinations. This information is centralized in each pro- bugs present. We are arguing that when a bug is triggered,
cess’ process table entry, so it can be tightly controlled and the effects will be less devastating by converting it from a
managed easily. It is initialized at boot time largely from kernel-mode bug to a user-mode bug. For example, a user-
configuration tables created by the system administrator. mode sound driver that tries to dereference a bad pointer is
killed by the process server, causing the sound to stop, but
Fourth, we have explicitly designed our system to with- leaving the rest of the system unaffected.
stand certain failures. All servers and drivers are managed
and monitored by a special server known as the reincarna- In contrast, consider a bug in a kernel-mode sound driver
tion server that can handle two kinds of problems. If a sys- that inadvertently overwrites the stacked return address of
tem process unexpectedly exits this is immediately detected its procedure and then makes a wild jump when it returns
and the process will be restarted directly. In addition, the in a monolithic design. It might land on the memory man-
status of each system process is periodically checked to see agement code and start corrupting key data structures such
if it is still functioning properly. If not, the malfunctioning as page tables and memory-hole lists. Monolithic systems
server or driver is killed and restarted. This is how fault are very brittle in this respect and tend to collapse when a
tolerance works: a fault is detected, the faulty component is bug is triggered.
replaced, but the system continues running the entire time.
3.3 Recovering from Failures
3. RELIABILITY FEATURES Servers and drivers are started and guarded by a system
We believe that our design improves system reliability over process called the reincarnation server. If a guarded process
all current operating systems in three important ways: unexpectedly exits or crashes this is immediately detected—
because the process server notifies the reincarnation server
1. It reduces the number of critical faults. whenever a server or driver terminates—and the process
2. It limits the damage each bug can do. is automatically restarted. Furthermore, the reincarnation
3. It can recover from common failures. server periodically polls all servers and drivers for their sta-
tus. If one does not respond correctly within a specified
In the following subsections we will explain why. We will time interval, the reincarnation server kills and restarts the
also compare how certain classes of bugs affect our system misbehaving server or driver. Since most I/O bugs tend to
versus how they affect monolithic systems such as Windows, be transient, due to rare timing, deadlocks, and the like, in
Linux, and BSD. In Sec. 6, we will compare our approach many cases just restarting the driver will cure the problem.
to reliability to other ideas proposed in the literature.
A driver failure also has consequences for the file sys-
tem. Outstanding I/O requests might be lost, and in some
3.1 Reducing the Number of Kernel Bugs cases an I/O error must be reported back to the application.
Our first line of defense is a very small kernel. It is well In many cases, full recovery is possible, though. A more de-
understood that more code means more bugs, so having a tailed discussion of the reincarnation server and application-
small kernel means fewer kernel bugs. Using an estimate of 6 level reliability is given in Sec. 4.
bugs per 1000 lines of executable code as the lower limit [27],
with 3800 lines of executable code are probably at least 22 Monolithic systems do not usually have have the ability
bugs in the kernel. Furthermore, 3800 lines of code (under to detect faulty drivers on the fly like this, although some
100 pages of listing, including headers and comments) is recent work in this area has been reported [25]. Neverthe-
sufficiently small that a single person can understand all of less, replacing a kernel driver on the fly is tricky since it can
it, greatly enhancing the chance that in the course of time hold kernel locks or be in a critical section at the time of
all the bugs can be found. replacement.
As an aside, we avoid buffer overruns in our IPC by Although the deadlock avoidance protocol is enforced by
restricting all communication to short fixed-length messages. the send mask mechanism discussed above, we also imple-
The message is a union of several typed message formats, mented deadlock detection in the kernel. If a process unex-
so the size is automatically chosen by the compiler as the pectedly were to cause a deadlock, the offending is denied
largest of the valid message types, which depends on the and an error message is returned to the caller.
size of integers and pointers. All requests and replies use
this message passing mechanism.
3.8 Unifying Interrupts and Messages
The basic IPC mechanism is rendezvous message passing,
3.6 Restricting IPC but asynchronous messages are also needed, for example, for
IPC is a powerful mechanism that must be tightly con- reporting interrupts, a potential source of bugs in operating
trolled. Since our rendezvous message passing mechanism systems. We have greatly reduced the chance of errors here
is synchronous, a process performing IPC is blocked until by unifying asynchronous signaling and messages. Normally
both parties are ready. User process could easily misuse when a process sends a message to another process and the
this property to hang system processes by sending a request receiver is not ready, the sender is blocked. This scheme
and not waiting for the response. Therefore, another IPC does not work for interrupts because the interrupt handler
primitive, SENDREC, exists, which combines a SEND and cannot afford to block. Instead the asynchronous notifica-
a RECEIVE in a single call. It blocks the caller until the tion mechanism is used, in which a handler issues a NOTIFY
reply to a request has been received. To protect the oper- call to a driver. If the driver is waiting for a message, the
ating system, this is the only primitive that can be used by notification is directly delivered. If it is not waiting, the no-
ordinary users. In fact, the kernel maintains a bit map per tification is saved in a bitmap until the driver subsequently
process to restrict the IPC primitives each is allowed to use. blocks on a RECEIVE call.
3.9 Restricting Driver Functionality 3.11 Parameter Checking
The kernel exports a limited set of functions that can be Since all kernel calls are traps to the kernel, it is possible
called. This kernel API is the only way a driver can interact for the kernel to do a limited amount of parameter valida-
with the kernel. However, not every driver is allowed to tion before dispatching the call. This validation includes
use every kernel call. The kernel maintains a bit map per both sanity and permission checks. For example, if a driver
driver (in the process table), telling which kernel calls that asks the kernel to write a block of data using physical ad-
driver may make. The granularity of kernel calls is quite dressing, the call may be denied because not all drivers have
fine. There is no multiplexing of calls onto the same function permission to do so. Using virtual addressing, the kernel can
number. Each call is individually protected with its own bit probably not tell if this is the right address to write, but it
in the bit map. Internally, several calls may be handled by can at least check that the address is, in fact, a valid address
the same kernel function, though. This technique allows a within the user’s data or stack segments, and not in the text
fine grain of control. segment or some random invalid address.
For example, some drivers need to read and write user While such sanity checks are coarse, they are better than
address spaces to move data in and out, but the calls for nothing. In a monolithic system, nothing prevents a driver
reading and writing user address spaces are different. Thus from writing to addresses that should not be written to un-
we do not multiplex read and write onto the same call with der any conditions, such as the kernel’s text segment.
a ’direction’ parameter. Accordingly, it is possible to give
a printer driver, for example, the ability to make the kernel
3.12 Catching Bad Pointers
call to read from user processes but not the ability to write
C and C++ programs use pointers a great deal and tend to
to them. As a consequence, a bug in a driver with read-only
suffer from bad pointer errors all the time. Dereferencing a
permission cannot accidentally corrupt user address spaces.
bad pointer often leads to a segmentation fault detected by
the hardware. In our design, a server or driver dereferencing
Contrast this situation with a device driver in a mono-
a bad pointer will be killed and given a core dump for future
lithic kernel. A bug in the code could cause it to write to
debugging, just like any other user process. If a bad pointer
the address space in a user process instead of reading from
is caught in a part of the user-mode operating system, the
it, destroying the process. In addition, a kernel driver can
reincarnation server will immediately notice the failure and
call any function in the entire kernel, including functions no
replace the killed process with a fresh copy.
driver should ever call. Since there is no intrakernel protec-
tion, it is virtually impossible to prevent this. In our design,
no driver can ever call a kernel function that has not been 3.13 Taming Infinite Loops
explicitly exported as part of the kernel-driver interface. When a driver gets stuck in an infinite loop, it threatens
to consume endless CPU time. The scheduler notices this
behavior and gradually drops the offending process’ prior-
3.10 Denying Access to I/O Ports ity until it becomes the idle process. Other processes can
continue to run normally however. After a predetermined
For each driver, the kernel maintains a list of which I/O
time the reincarnation server will notice that the driver is
ports it may read and which ones it may write. Read and
not responding and will kill and restart it.
write access are protected separately, so a process that has
read-only permission to some I/O port cannot write to it.
In contrast, when a kernel driver gets into an infinite
Any attempt to violate these rules will result in an error
loop, it consumes all CPU time and effectively hangs the
code returned to the caller. In this way, a printer driver can
entire system.
be restricted to the I/O ports for the printer, a sound driver
can be restricted to the I/O ports for the sound card, etc.
3.14 DMA Checking
In contrast, there is no way in monolithic systems to One thing that we cannot do is prevent bad DMA from
restrict an in-kernel driver to only a handful of I/O ports. wreaking havoc on the system. Hardware protection is re-
A kernel driver can accidentally write to any I/O port and quired to prevent a driver from overwriting any part of real
cause substantial damage memory. However, we can catch some DMA errors as fol-
lows. DMA is normally started by writing the DMA address
In some cases the actual I/O device registers can be to some I/O port. We can give the library procedure that
mapped into the driver’s address space to avoid any interac- is called to write to an I/O port a (device-specific) way to
tion with the kernel when doing I/O. However, since not all decode I/O port writes to find the DMA addresses that are
architectures allow to map I/O registers into user processes used and check them for validity. A malicious driver could
in a fine-grained protected way, we have chosen for a model bypass this checking, but for catching programming errors
in which only the kernel performs actual I/O operations. (as opposed to hostile drivers), it is a cost-efficient way to
This design decision is yet another example of how we have weed out at least some bugs.
opted for reliability over performance.
Depending on the hardware we can do even better. If
While the tables with allowed I/O ports are currently the peripheral bus has an I/O MMU we might be able to
initialized from a configuration file, we plan to implement a precisely restrict memory access on a per-driver basis [16].
PCI bus server to do this automatically. The PCI bus server For systems with a PCI-X bus we intend to make our PCI
can obtain the I/O ports required by each driver from the bus server responsible for initializing the tables of the I/O
BIOS and use this information to initialize the kernel tables. MMU. This is part of our future work.
4. RELIABILITY ANALYSIS the driver failed. At this point different actions may be
To test the reliability of the system, we manually injected taken. A distinction must be made between block devices
some carefully selected faults into some of our servers and and character devices, because I/O for the former is buffered
drivers to see what would happen. As described in Sec. 3.3, in the file systems’s buffer cache. Fig. 3 gives an overview
our system is designed to detect and correct many failures, of different recovery scenarios at the application level.
and this is precisely what we observed. If a component failed
for whichever reason this was detected by the reincarnation Driver Type Recovery How
server, which took all needed measures to revive the failing Hard disk Block Full Flush FS cache
component. This is described in more detail below. RAM disk Block Full Flush FS cache
Floppy Block Full Flush FS cache
To appreciate the working of our design, two classes of Printer Character Partial Reissue print job
errors have to be distinguished. First, logical errors mean Ethernet Character Full Transport layer
that a server or driver adheres to the intermodule protocol Sound Character Partial Jitter
and normally responds to requests as if it successfully did
the work, while, in fact, it did not. An example is a printer Figure 3: Different application-level recovery sce-
driver that prints garbage but returns normally. It is very narios for various types of failing device drivers.
hard if not impossible for any system to catch this kind of
errors. Logical errors are outside the scope of this research. A crash of a block device driver allows for full recov-
ery transparent to the application and without loss of data.
A second class of errors are protocol errors where the When the failure is detected, the reincarnation server starts
rules determining how the servers and drivers should behave a fresh copy of the sick driver and flushes the file system’s
are violated. In our system, servers and drivers, for exam- cache to synchronize. The buffer cache thus not only im-
ple, are required to respond to the periodic status requests proves performance, but is also crucial for reliability.
from the reincarnation server. If they do not obey this rule,
corrective action will be taken. Our system is designed to When a character device driver fails transparent recov-
deal with protocol errors. ery is sometimes possible. Since the I/O request is not
buffered in the file system’s block cache, an I/O error must
4.1 The Reincarnation Server be reported to the application. If the application is not able
The reincarnation server is the central server that manages to recover, the user will be notified about the problem. Ef-
all servers and drivers of the operating system. It greatly fectively, driver failures are pushed up, which leads to differ-
enhances the reliability by offering: ent recovery scenarios. For example, if an Ethernet driver
fails the networking server will notice the missing packets
1. Immediate crash detection. and recover transparently when the application uses a reli-
2. Periodic status monitoring. able transport protocol, such as TCP. On the other hand, if
a printer driver fails, the user will no doubt notice that his
It thus helps to catch two common failures: dead or misbe- printout failed and reissue the print command.
having system processes, and immediately tackles the worst
problem. Whenever a system process exits, the reincarna- In many cases, our system thus can provide full recovery
tion server is directly notified and checks its tables to see at the application level. In the remaining cases, the I/O
if the service should be restarted. This mechanism, for ex- failure is pushed back to the user. It might be possible to
ample, ensures that a driver that is killed because of a bad alleviate this nuisance by using a shadow driver to recover
pointer is replaced instantaneously. In addition, periodic applications that were using a faulty driver when it crashed,
status monitoring helps to discipline misbehaving system by applying the same techniques as demonstrated in [25].
services. A driver that, for example, winds up in an infi- Lack of manpower prevented us from doing this.
nite loop and fails to respond to a status request from the
reincarnation server will be killed and restarted. 4.3 Reliability Test Results
To verify the reliability of our system we manually injected
Replacing a device driver is a tightly controlled sequence faults in some of our drivers to test specific kinds of errors
of events. First, the reincarnation server spawns a new pro- and observed what happened. In the simplest case, we killed
cess, which is inhibited from running because its privileges a driver with a SIGKILL signal. More severe test cases caused
are not yet assigned. The reincarnation server then tells the drivers to dereference a bad pointer or loop forever. In all
file system about the new driver and, finally, assigns the re- cases, the reincarnation server detected the problem and
quired privileges. When all of these steps have succeeded, replaced the malfunctioning driver with a fresh copy. The
the new process starts running and executes the driver’s test results are shown in Fig. 4.
binary from the file system. As an extra precaution, the
binary of certain drivers can be shadowed in RAM, so that, While testing the reliability we learned several lessons
for example, the driver for the root file system disk can be that are important for the design of our system. First, since
reloaded without requiring disk I/O. the reincarnation server restarts bad servers and drivers, it
is required that they remain stateless so that they can prop-
4.2 Application-Level Reliability erly reinitialize when they are brought up again. Stateful
A failing driver might have implications for the file system components, such as the file system and the process server,
and applications doing I/O. If the file system had an out- cannot be cured this way because they loose too much state
standing I/O request, an error will be returned telling that on a restart. There are limits to what we can do.
Cause Effect Action Recovery of optimization performed, system maturity, and many other
Bad pointer Killed Restart OK factors that would completely overshadow everything else.
Infinite loop Hung Kill & Restart OK
Panic Exit Restart OK The test system was a 2.2 GHz Athlon (specifically, an
Kill signal Killed Restart OK AMD64 3200+) with 1 GB of RAM and a 40-GB IDE disk.
None of the drivers have been optimized for user-mode op-
Figure 4: Test results for serious failures in device eration yet. For example, on the Pentium, we expect to
drivers. If the reincarnation server detects a prob- be able to give drivers direct access to the I/O ports they
lem it automatically takes corrective measures. need in a protected way, thus eliminating many kernel calls.
To maintain portability the interface will not be changed,
though. Also, the drivers currently use programmed I/O,
Another insight is that some drivers were implemented which is much slower than using DMA. We expect sub-
such that initialization only happened on the first OPEN stantial improvement when these optimizations are imple-
call. However, for transparent application-level recovery mented. Nevertheless, even with the current system, the
from a driver failure an application should not be required to performance penalty turns out to be very reasonable.
call OPEN again. Instead, issuing a READ or WRITE call
to a revived driver should trigger the driver to reinitialize. 5.1 System Call Test Results
The first batch of tests contained pure POSIX system call
Furthermore, while we anticipated dependencies between tests. A user program was programmed to record the real
the file system and the drivers, our tests revealed some other time in units of clock ticks (at 60 Hz), then make a system
interdependencies. Our information server that displays de- call millions of times, then record the real time again. The
bugging dumps when a function key is pressed, for example, system call time was computed as the difference between the
lost its key mappings after a restart. As a general rule, de- end and start time divided by the number of calls, minus the
pendencies must be prevented and all components should be loop overhead, which was measured separately. The number
prepared to deal with unexpected failures. of loop iterations was different for each test because testing
getpid 100 million times was reasonable but reading a 64-MB
Finally, user-space applications should be changed as file 100 million times would have taken too long. All tests
well to further enhance the reliability. For historical reasons, were made on an idle system. For these tests, both the CPU
most applications assume that a driver failure is fatal and cache hit rate and the file server buffer cache hit rate were
immediately give up, while recovery sometimes is possible. presumably 100%. The results are shown in Fig. 5.
Printing is example where application-level recovery is pos-
sible. If a line printer daemon is notified about a temporary Call Kernel User ∆ Ratio
driver failure, it can automatically reissue the print com- getpid 0.831 1.011 0.180 1.22
mand without user intervention. Further experimentation lseek 0.721 0.797 0.076 1.11
with application-level recovery is part of our future work. open+close 3.048 3.315 0.267 1.09
read 64k+lseek 81.207 87.999 6.792 1.08
5. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS write 64k+lseek 80.165 86.832 6.667 1.08
The issue that has haunted minimal kernels for decades is creat+wr+del 12.465 13.465 1.000 1.08
performance. Therefore, the question immediately arises: fork 10.499 12.399 1.900 1.18
how much do the changes discussed above cost? To find fork+exec 38.832 43.365 4.533 1.12
out, we built a prototype consisting of a small kernel be- mkdir+rmdir 13.357 14.265 0.908 1.07
neath a collection of user-mode device drivers and servers. rename 5.852 6.812 0.960 1.16
As a base for the prototype, we started with the MINIX 2 Average 1.12
system due to its very small size and long history. The code
has been studied by many tens of thousands of students at Figure 5: System call times for kernel-mode versus
hundreds of universities for a period of 18 years with almost user-mode drivers. All times are in microseconds.
no bug reports concerning the kernel in the last 10 years,
presumably due to its small size and thus lack of bugs. We Let us briefly examine the results of these tests. The
then heavily modified the code, removing the device drivers getpid system call takes 0.831 µs with kernel mode drivers
from the kernel and adding the reliability features discussed and 1.011 µs with user-mode drivers. This call consists of a
in Sec. 3. In this way, we arrived at what is effectively a simple message from the user process to the memory man-
new system, called MINIX 3, without having to write large ager and an immediate answer. It is slower with user drivers
amounts of code not relevant to this project such as drivers due to the increased checking of who is allowed to send to
and the file system. whom. With such a simple call, even a few additional lines
of code slows it down measureably. While the percent dif-
Since we are interested in isolating the cost of the changes ference is 22%, we are only talking about 180 ns per call,
discussed in this paper, we compare our system with the base so even with 10,000 calls/sec the loss is only 2.2 ms/second,
system in which the device drivers are part of the kernel by well under 1%. The lseek call has more work to do, so the
running the same tests on both of them. This is a much relative overhead drops to 11%. For opening and closing a
purer test than comparing the system to Linux or Windows, file, the user-driver version is 9% worse.
which would be like comparing apples to pineapples. Such
comparisons would be plagued by differences in compiler Reading and writing of 64-KB data chunks takes just
quality, memory management strategy, file systems, amount under 90 µs and has a performance penalty of 8%. Creating
a file, writing 1 KB to it, and then deleting it takes 13.465 5.3 Application Test Results
µs with user-mode drivers. Due to the file server’s buffer The next set of tests were actual programs rather than pure
cache, none of these tests involve driver calls, so we can measures of system call times. The results are given in
conclude that the other nondriver-related changes slow the Fig. 8. The first test consisted of building a boot image, in a
system down by about 12%. loop containing system(”make image”) to run the build many
times. The C compiler was called 123 times, the assembler 4
5.2 Disk I/O Test Results times, and the linker 11 times. Building the kernel, drivers,
For the second batch of tests, we read and wrote a file in servers and the init program, and assembling the boot image
units of 1 KB to 64 MB. The tests were run many times, took 3.878 seconds. The mean compilation time was under
so the file being read was in the file server’s 12-MB cache 32 ms per file.
except for the 64-MB case, when it did not fit. That is why
there is such a large jump from 4 MB (reading from and Program 2.0.4 3.0.1 ∆ Ratio
writing to the cache) and 64 MB, where the file did not fit. Build image 3.630 3.878 0.248 1.07
The disk controller’s internal cache was not disabled. The Build POSIX tests 1.455 1.577 0.122 1.08
results are shown in Fig. 6. Sort 99.2 103.4 4.2 1.04
Sed 17.7 18.8 1.1 1.06
File reads 2.0.4 3.0.1 ∆ Ratio Grep 13.7 13.9 0.2 1.01
1 KB 2.619 2.904 0.285 1.11 Prep 145.6 159.3 13.7 1.09
16 KB 18.891 20.728 1.837 1.10 Uuencode 19.6 21.2 1.6 1.08
256 KB 325.507 351.636 26.129 1.08 Average 1.06
4 MB 6962.240 7363.498 401.258 1.06
64 MB 16.907 17.749 0.841 1.05 Figure 8: Run times in seconds for various test pro-
Average 1.08 grams. The first two test were repeatedly run a loop,
while the others were run only once to exclude ef-
File writes 2.0.4 3.0.1 ∆ Ratio fects from the file system’s cache.
1 KB 2.547 3.004 0.457 1.18
16 KB 18.593 20.609 2.016 1.11 The second test consisted of a loop compiling the POSIX-
256 KB 320.960 345.696 24.736 1.08 conformance test suite repeatedly. The suite of 42 test pro-
4 MB 8376.329 8747.723 371.394 1.04 grams compiled in 1.577 seconds, or about 37 ms per test
64 MB 18.789 19.294 0.505 1.03 file. The third through seventh tests consisted of sorting,
Average 1.09 sedding, grepping, prepping, and uuencoding a 64-MB file,
respectively. These tests mix computation with disk I/O in
Figure 6: Times to read and write chunks of a large varying amounts. Each test was run only once, so the file
file. Times are in microseconds except for the 64 server’s cache was effectively useless; every block came from
MB operations, where they are in seconds. the disk. The average performance hit here was 6%, similar
to the final lines in Figs. 6 and 7.
The result is that we see a performance hit ranging from
If we average the last column of the 22 tests reported in
3% to 18% with an average of 8.4%. However, note that
Figs. 6 through 8, we get 1.08. In other words the version
the worst performance is for 1-KB writes, but the absolute
with user-mode drivers is about 8% slower than with kernel-
time increase is only 457 ns. The ratio decreases when more
mode drivers for operations involving disk I/O.
I/O is done because the relative overhead decreases. On the
three 64-MB tests in Figs. 6 and 7, it is only 3% to 5%.
5.4 Networking Performance
Another test reads the raw block device corresponding We also tested the networking performance of user-mode
to the hard disk. Writing to the raw device would destroy drivers. The test was done with the Intel Pro/100 card as
its contents, so that test was not performed. The results are we did not have a driver for the Intel Pro/1000 card. We
shown in Fig. 7. These tests bypass the file system’s buffer were able to drive the Ethernet at full speed. In addition
cache and just test moving bits from the disk. Here we see we ran loopback tests, with the sender and receiver on the
an average overhead of just 9%. same machine and observed a throughput of 1.7 Gbps. Since
this is equivalent to using a network connection to send at
Raw reads 2.0.4 3.0.1 ∆ Ratio 1.7 Gbps and receive at 1.7 Gbps at the same time, we are
1 KB 2.602 2.965 0.363 1.14 confident that handling gigabit Ethernet with a single uni-
16 KB 17.907 19.968 2.061 1.12 directional stream at 1 Gbps should pose no problem with
256 KB 303.749 332.246 28.497 1.09 a user-mode driver.
4 MB 6184.568 6625.107 440.539 1.07
64 MB 16.729 17.599 0.870 1.05 5.5 Code Size
Average 1.09 Speed is not the only metric of interest; the number of bugs
is also very important. Unfortunately, we were not able to
Figure 7: Times to read the raw disk block device. enumerate all the bugs directly, but the number of lines of
Times are in microseconds except for the 64 MB code is probably a reasonable proxy for the number of bugs.
operations, where they are in seconds. Remember: the more code, the more bugs.
Counting lines of code is not as straightforward as it 6.1 Wrapping Drivers in Software
might at first appear. First, blank lines and comments do One important research project that attempts to build a
not add to the code complexity so we omitted them. Second, reliable system in the presence of unreliable device drivers is
#define and other definitions in header files do not add to the Nooks [26]. The goal of Nooks is to improve the reliability of
code complexity, so we omitted the header files as well. Line current operating systems. In the words of the authors: “we
counting was done by the Perl script available on the target existing extensions for commodity operating systems
Internet. The results for the kernel, four servers (file system, rather than propose a new extention architecture. We want
process server, reincarnation server, information server), five today’s extensions to execute on today’s platforms without
drivers (hard disk, floppy disk, RAM disk, terminal, log de- change if possible.” The idea is to be backward compatible
vice), and the init program are given in Fig. 9. with existing systems, but small changes are permitted.
Part # C Asm ; Binary The Nooks approach is to keep device drivers in the ker-
Init 1 327 0 193 7088 nel but to enclose them in a kind of lightweight protective
File 25 4648 0 2698 43,056 wrapper so that driver bugs cannot propagate to other parts
Process 13 2242 0 1308 20,208 of the operating system. Nooks works by transparently in-
Reinc. 28 519 0 278 6368 terposing a reliability layer between the device driver being
Info 6 783 0 457 13,808 wrapped and the rest of the operating system. All control
and data traffic between the driver and the rest of the ker-
Hard disk 1 1192 0 653 24,384
nel is inspected by the reliability layer. When the driver is
Floppy 1 770 0 435 10,448
started, the reliability layer modifies the kernel’s page map
RAM disk 1 237 0 116 4992
to turn off write access to pages that are not part of the
Terminal 19 5161 120 2120 26,352
driver, thus preventing it from directly modifying them. To
Log device 4 430 0 235 6048 support legitimate write access to kernel data structures,
Kernel 45 2947 778 1729 21,312 Nooks copies needed data into the driver, and copies them
Total 127 18,009 898 10,363 173,844 back after modification.
Figure 9: MINIX 3 code size statistics. For each Our goal is completely different than that of Nooks. We
part the number of files, the number of lines of C are not attempting to make legacy operating systems more
and assembler code, the number of semicolons, and reliable. As researchers, we ask the question: How should
the binary size of the text segment in bytes is given. future operating systems be designed to prevent the prob-
lem in the first place? We do believe the right design for
From the figure it can be seen that the kernel consists of future systems is to build a multiserver operating system
2947 lines of C and 778 lines of assembler (for low-level func- and run untrustworthy code in independent user-mode pro-
tionality, such as catching interrupts and saving the CPU cesses, where it can do far less damage, as discussed in Sec. 3.
registers on a process switch). The total is 3725 lines of
code. This is the only code that runs in kernel mode. An- Despite different goals there are also technical points
other way to measure code size for C programs is to count on which the systems can be compared. Consider just a
the number of semicolons, since many C statements are ter- few examples. Nooks cannot handle byzantine faults such
minated by a semicolon. The number of semicolons present as a driver inadvertently changing the page map; in our
in the code for the kernel is 1729. Finally, the compiled size system, drivers have no access to the page map. Nooks
of the kernel is 21,312 bytes. This number is just the code cannot handle infinite loops; we can because when a driver
(i.e., text segment) size. Initialized data (3800 bytes) and fails to respond correctly to the reincarnation server, it is
stack are not included in this number. killed and a fresh copy started. While in practice Nooks can
handle wild stores into kernel data structures most of the
Interestingly, the code size statistics shown in Fig. 9 rep- time, in our design, such stores are structurally impossible.
resent a minimal yet functional operating system. The total Nooks cannot handle a printer driver that accidentally tries
size for both the kernel part and the user-mode part, is just to write to the I/O ports that control the disk; we catch
over 18,000 lines of code, remarkably small for a POSIX- 100% of such attempts. Also worth mentioning is the code
conformant operating system. We will compare these num- size. Nooks is 22,000 lines of code, almost six times the size
bers to other systems in Sec. 6. of our entire kernel and larger than a minimal configuration
of our complete operating system. It is difficult to get away
6. RELATED WORK from this fundamental truth: more code means more bugs.
Thus, statistically, Nooks itself probably contains five times
We are not the first researchers trying to prevent buggy de-
vice drivers from causing system crashes. Nor are we the first as many bugs as our entire kernel.
to examine minimal kernels as a possible solution. We are
not even the first to implement user-space device drivers. 6.2 Wrapping Drivers with Virtual Machines
Nevertheless, we believe we are the first to build a fully Another project that encapsulates drivers does this using
POSIX-conformant multiserver operating system with ex- the concept of a virtual machine to isolate them from the
cellent fault isolation properties on top of a 3800-line mini- rest of the system [19, 18]. When a driver is called, it is run
mal kernel with each driver running as a separate user-mode on a different virtual machine than the main system so that
process and the OS itself running as multiple separate user- a crash or other fault does not pollute the main system. Like
mode processes. In this section we will discuss work by other Nooks, this approach is entirely focused on running legacy
research groups that is similar in part to what we have done. drivers for legacy operating systems. The authors make no
claim that for new designs it is a good idea to put untrusted efficiency. However, neither approach solves the problem
code in the kernel and then protect each driver by running posed at the beginning of Sec. 1.3: how do you prevent a
it on a separate virtual machine. bug in a driver from crashing the operating system.
While this approach does accomplish what it was de- 6.5 User-Mode Drivers on Monolithic Kernel
signed for, it does have some problems. First, there are An early project with user-mode drivers was Mach 3.0 [11].
issues with how much the main system and the driver’s vir- It consisted of the Mach microkernel on top of which ran
tual machine trust each other. Second, running a driver Berkeley UNIX as a user-mode process along with device
on a virtual machine raises timing and locking issues be- drivers, also as user-mode processes. Unfortunately, if a
cause all the virtual machines are timeshared, and a kernel driver crashed, Berkeley UNIX had to be restarted, so little
driver that was designed to run to completion without in- was gained by isolating the drivers. A multiserver operating
terruption may be unexpectedly timesliced with unintended system that would run on Mach was planned but never fully
consequences. Third, some resources, such as the PCI bus implemented.
configuration space, may need to be shared among multiple
virtual machines. Fourth, the virtual machine machinery A similar project at the University of New South Wales
consumes extra resources, although the amount is compara- implemented Linux drivers in user mode for the hard disk
ble to what our scheme costs: 3% to 8%. While solutions and gigabit Ethernet [8]. Disk performance was noticeably
have been proposed to these problems, the approach is at better for the kernel driver for block sizes under 32 KB, but
best cumbersome and mainly suited for protecting legacy identical for block sizes of 32 KB or more. The Ethernet
drivers in legacy operating systems rather than being used test exhibited so many anomalies, probably related to buffer
in new designs, which is the problem we are addressing. management, that it was difficult to draw any conclusions.
The OKE allows the foreign module to interact inten- Starting in the early 1990s, the late Jochen Liedtke wrote
sively with the rest of the kernel, e.g., by sharing kernel a minimal kernel called L4 in assembly code for the x86 ar-
memory. The runtime makes sure of crucial safety mea- chitecture. It quickly became clear that it was not portable
sures, such as that data is always garbage collected and no and hard to maintain, so he rewrote it in C [20]. It has con-
dereferencing of pointers to freed memory can ever happen. tinued to evolve since then. There are currently two main
Moreover, the OKE is able to enforce strict control over all branches: L4/Fiasco, maintained at the Technical Univer-
of the foreign kernel modules resource’s: CPU time, heap, sity of Dresden and L4Ka::Pistachio, maintained at the Uni-
stack, entry points, etc. versity of Karlsruhe and the University of New South Wales.
These are written in C++.
The OKE was developed with an eye on writing de-
vice drivers and kernel extensions. However, because of the The key ideas in L4 are address spaces, threads, and IPC
strict access control procedures and the complex measures between threads in different address spaces. A user-mode
required to make programming in the Linux kernel safe, it resource manager brought up when the system is booted
was fairly difficult to use. According to the authors, the controls system resources and distributes them among user
main cause is the organization of Linux that is simply not processes. L4 is one of the few other true minimal ker-
designed to allow for safe extension. nels in existence, with device drivers running in user mode.
However, there is no implementation with each driver in a
6.4 Virtual Machines and Exokernels separate address space and its API is quite different from
Classical virtual machines [24] are a powerful tool for run- ours, so we have not run any tests on it.
ning multiple operating systems at the same time. Exoker-
nels [10] are similar to virtual machines, but partition the However, it was straightforward to run the line count
resources rather than replicating them, leading to greater script on the current L4Ka::Pistachio kernel. The results are
shown in Fig. 10 and can be compared to the ‘Kernel’ line in 7. CONCLUSIONS
Fig. 9. The source code is about twice the size of our kernel The primary achievement of the work reported here is that
and the memory footprint of the code is six times larger, but we have built a POSIX-conformant operating system based
its functionality is different, so it is hard to conclude much on a minimal kernel whose complete source is under 3800
except that it is considerably bigger. lines of executable code. This code represents the total
amount of code that runs in kernel mode. To the best of
Part Files C++ Asm ; Binary our knowledge, this is by far the smallest minimal kernel
Kernel 57 6881 420 3053 114 KB in existence that supports a fully POSIX-conformant multi-
server operating system in user mode. It is also the only one
Figure 10: Code size statistics for L4Ka::Pistachio. that has each device driver running as a separate user-mode
process, with many encapsulation facilities, and the ability
6.7 Single-Server Operating Systems to reincarnate dead or misbehaving drivers on the fly with-
One of the ways that minimal kernels have been used is out rebooting the operating system. We make no claim that
to provide a platform on top of which an entire operating we can catch every bug, but we greatly improve the oper-
system is run as a single server, possibly in user mode. To ating system’s reliability by structurally eliminating many
obtain system services, user programs request them from the different classes of bugs.
operating system process. This design has similar properties
to monolithic systems, as discussed in 2. A bug in a driver To achieve maximum reliability our design was guided by
can still bring down the entire operating system and, as a simplicity, modularity, the principle of least authorization,
result, all the application programs. Thus in terms of fault and fault tolerance. An understandable and minimal kernel
isolation, running the entire operating system in a single user means fewer kernel bugs and thus fewer crashes. Our kernel
process is no better than running it in kernel mode. The only code, for example, is not subject to the buffer overruns that
real gain is that rebooting the user-mode operating system plague other software, because it statically declares all data
server and all the applications after a crash is faster than instead of using dynamic memory allocation. Furthermore,
rebooting the computer. by moving most of the code (and thus most of the bugs) to
unprivileged user-mode processes and restricting the pow-
One example of this technology is Berkeley UNIX on top ers of each one, we gain proper fault isolation and limit the
of Mach (renamed Darwin by Apple), which is the core of damage bugs can do. Moreover, most servers and all device
the Apple Mac OS X system [28]. However in this system, drivers of the operating system are monitored and automat-
UNIX runs in the kernel, which makes it simply a differently- ically revived if a problem is detected. For this reduction in
structured monolithic kernel. A second example is MkLinux, operating system crashes, we pay a performance penalty of
in which Linux is run as a single user process on top of Mach. 5% to 10%. We consider this price well worth paying.
A third example is L4-Linux, in which full Linux is run on
top of L4 [15]. In the latter system, user processes obtain op- Of course, drivers, file systems, and other components
erating system services by making remote procedure calls to are not magically rendered bug-free by our design. However,
the Linux server using L4’s IPC mechanism. Measurements with a stable minimal kernel in place, the worst case scenario
show the performance penalty over native Linux to be 5% changes from requiring a computer reboot to restarting the
to 10%, quite similar to what we have observed. However, operating system in user mode. At the very least, this re-
a single line of faulty code in a Linux driver can crash the covery is much faster. In the best case, if, say, a wild store in
entire operating system, so the only gain of this design from the printer driver causes it to crash, the reincarnation server
a reliability point of view is a faster reboot. automatically starts a fresh copy of the printer driver. The
current print job will have to be redone, but other programs
6.8 Multiserver Operating Systems running at the time of the driver crash will not be affected.
For block devices the situation is even better. If a disk driver
A more sophisticated approach is to split the operating sys-
tem into pieces and run each one in its own protection do- failure is detected, the system can fully recover by transpar-
ently replacing the driver and rewriting the blocks from the
main. One such project was SawMill Linux [12]. However,
file system’s buffer cache.
this project was abruptly terminated in 2001 when many of
the principals left IBM.
Concluding, we have demonstrated how operating sys-
tem reliability can be increased with an elegant, lightweight
Another multiserver system is DROPS, which is also
approach. Our system can currently withstand most mal-
built on top of the L4/Fiasco minimal kernel [14]. It is
targeted toward multimedia applications. However, most of functions caused by bugs. Malicious or hostile servers and
drivers pose new challenges, though. Therefore, our research
the device drivers still run as part of a big L4-Linux server
process, with only the multimedia subsystem running sepa- in this area is continuing.
rately. After some tuning, the performance penalty dropped
to the 2% to 4% range.