Task Skenario Past Medical Respiratory System

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Name : Bening Afri Dalilah

NIM : 205070209111019
Class : SAP SMT 3
Subject : English 2


Nurse : Good Morning

Patient : Good Morning Nurse
Nurse : Hello. My Name is Bening and I will your nurse. What is your name?
Patient : Hello Nurse, My name is Bian
Nurse : Okay, how old are you?
Patient : I am 25 years old, I was born in Magetan, 9th July 1996
Nurse : Okay Bian, can you tell me your addres?
Patient : Kalpataru Street 4 Magetan Nurse
Nurse : how are you today? Are you okay?
Patient : I feel horrible. I am afraid with my condition
Nurse : Okay, what seems to be the problem?
Patient : I have a really bad cough and also got a sweating at night
Nurse : How about you’re cough?
Patient : My Cough is doesn’t stop and yesterday I cough with blood
Nurse : How long have you been having all these symptoms?
Patient : I have them about two weeks now, but since yesterday it becomes a lot
Nurse : Do you have something that decrease your cough?
Patient : I think no, oh yeah i just remembered, i also lost 2 kg in 2 weeks
Nurse : Okay, have you had any problems relates to de pain?
Patient : Yes Nurse, There are times I can hardly breath work.
Nurse : How often occur?
Patient : When I make some effort, when I climb stairs, and I do the housework.
Nurse : are you doing something that decrease the problem?
Patient : Yes, sometimes I rest 2 or until I felt better with my condition.
Nurse : Okay, now I will ask you some question about your lifestyle and your house.
First, you told me that your house is located in the city sure?
Patient : Yes nurse, I live in a densely populated housing and my house has minimal
air circulation.
Nurse : Do you live alone?
Patient : No, I live with my big family.
Nurse : Is there a family at home who suffers from TB?
Name : Bening Afri Dalilah
NIM : 205070209111019
Class : SAP SMT 3
Subject : English 2

Patient : Emm don't know, we all never checked it.

Nurse : Does anyone have the same condition as you now?
Patient : No nurse
Nurse : Do you smoke?
Patient : Yes Nurse, I I smoke 1 pack every day
Nurse : Okay, look for your refer symptoms, bloody cough for 2 weeks, got a
sweating at night, drastic weight loss, difficulty breathing and risk factors such
as live in a densely populated housing and my house has minimal air
circulation, and smoke everyday, I think you may have a respiratory disease
and leads to TB disease, but to be sure we have to do x-rays and sputum
Patient : Oh My God, Seriously nurse? I worried with my condition.
Nurse : Keep calm and take a deep breath, this is just an estimate.
Patient : can you tell me about the TB disease nurse?
Nurse : Okay, the causes of TB is infection with the bacterium mycobacterium
tuberculosis. There are many factors that can increase your risk of developing
this disease, from an unhealthy lifestyle to having a weak immune system. TB
treatment takes at least 6 months to fully recover. Without regular and proper
treatment, it will be much more difficult for sufferers to recover
Patient : what should I do Nurse?
Nurse : first, you must check your x ray and sputum examination. Avoid the cigarette
smoke and always use mask.
Patient : Okay Nurse, Thank you for your information. I will check my x ray and
sputum examination
Nurse : I will schedule your xray examination and sputum examination, I will contact
you regarding the test schedule. Any question?
Patient : No, I think enough, thank you Nurse
Nurse : Your Welcome. Get well soon

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