CHAPTER 2 Revised and References
CHAPTER 2 Revised and References
CHAPTER 2 Revised and References
This chapter covers the review of related literature and studies from theses,
perspective on the present investigation. This study generally focuses on the online
State College. This chapter contains local and foreign literature and readings from
different websites, articles, or other research writings and studies that assist to better
The government decided to suspend classes at all levels in Metro Manila amidst
the pandemic which eventually led to classes in other cities and regions in the
for how many months in different parts of the country. Despite the imposition of health
protocols and safety measures, the death toll continues to rise. Accordingly, there was a
delay in the opening of classes for school-year 2020-2021. Students and teachers shall
Statement last June 8, 2020, mentioned that the department is already preparing for the
updates of their new policies based on their Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan
(BE-LCP) in line with the current situation. It was also stated that teachers are being
trained in providing the lessons through newer platforms (Briones, L, 2020). On June
19, 2020, the Department of Education released the DepEd Order 12, s.2020 with a
title, "Adoption of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan for School Year 2020-
2021", which covers one of the essential things that this order wants to achieve which is
through online learning. The majority of the schools in the Philippines are now using
online curriculum as the mode of learning in the past months, especially tertiary level as
that the sudden change in the educational system's modality has somewhat caused
confusion and a challenge to many students since online learning was not practiced or
imposed in most schools in the country. It cannot be denied that there are different
difficulties the students face regarding the online learning mode (Marcial et al., 2015).
academic institutions that were previously reluctant to change their old teaching
strategies now have no choice but to incorporate online teaching–learning in its entirety
phase out in-person teaching. Learning opportunities will suffer as a result of the current
level of social isolation. Institutions of higher learning are desperate to find solutions to
this difficult situation. Professors are currently offering lecture through a variety of
software, and social media to teach their lectures (Aguilera-Hermida, 2020). Professors
can use online educational platforms like Google Classroom to distribute notes and
multimedia resources related to their courses with students. Using online educational
platforms, students can submit assignments and professors can keep track of their
Among the things that might have influence students’ experiences in online
learning, the following have been found as factors that affect these experiences:
Social Interaction Issue. Mohammad Archi Maulyda (2020) expresses that having
this online learning is a challenge for him as a professor at the University of Mataram.
Together with his students, they are barely interacting with each other online. As a
result, students did not perform well and got low scores on their tests. This is somewhat
the same situation with Fawaz Yaseen Abdullah, a professor from the University of
Mosul (2020). All those students actively engaged in the discussion and still could not
easily understand the topic being discussed. Abdullah added that his online learning
experience is more of a negative experience. Scenarios like these show that online
education is not as easy as we might think it could be. These are considered social
interaction issues in online learning, with factors such as a lack of collaboration between
(Marcial et al., 2015). One main reason students could not perform well in an online
learning class is that some students could not independently work the tasks instructed
than relying on the audio-visual materials given to them online based on her experience.
Students' conditions will vary in the classroom, ranging from those who are engaged in
reacting to the instructor or lecturer to others who are quite passive in teaching and
learning activities (Husaini, 2019). Despite possessing full cognitive capacities, children
intelligence (Haryadi & Aripin, 2015). Communication and the classroom environment
might have an impact on why kids are so passive in class (Al-Mahrooqi, Denman, & Al-
Hasani, 2017).
Access to the Internet and Cost of Material Resource. Aside from the issues
attending online classes, especially those who belong to low-income families. Few
weeks after the start of classes last August 2020 for tertiary level in the Philippines,
many students vented out their frustrations through social media and called for an
"academic freeze" (Ong Ki, 2020). This explains how complex the online learning setup
is for students, even to those who have access to and material resources, and how
much more difficult it is for students who cannot afford to have access to the internet
using their cellphone loads or mobile data, or students who lack the technological or
material resources required. These issues include under the accessibility to the internet
in online learning highlighting the causes like students find it expensive or too expensive
to access the internet and the unavailability of the gadgets needed (Marcial et al., 2015)
or the material resource is inappropriate for the online learning curriculum such as
keypad phones or the old models of cellphones. The insufficiency of resources needed
in the online environment may result in students' poor performance and could eventually
lead to a loss of interest of students to attend online classes (Reyes-Chua et al., 2020).
skills are needed to address the technical problems efficiently, if ever, that the students
and instructors will encounter whether they are doing tasks online or offline. Some
factors of technical skills include the deficiency in software skills, unawareness of how
to use online learning tools, etc. (Muilenburg and Berge, 2005 as cited by Marcial,
2015). The challenge, as mentioned earlier, and factors significantly limit student
development and negatively impacting higher education (Mo, Hsieh, Lin, et al., 2021). In
addition to their research, Mo, Hsieh, Lin, et al. (2021) claimed that a lack of these
abilities would lead to a lack of knowledge about ICT as well as inadequate content
development, all of which have inhibited the mainstream acceptance of online learning.
These factors must be evaluated and improved because they contribute to a desirable
outcome in online learning, such as knowing how to resolve sudden and unexpected
discussions, receiving high quiz scores, and performing well in activities, among other
things. Also, the appropriateness of online learning tools being used in teaching is
essential (Onyima & Daniil, 2017). This will determine whether the instructor is effective
acquired from the Department of Education's study performed in April 2020, roughly 9%
of the over 670,000 teachers polled had had experience with distant learning or online
learning, according to Hootsuite Media Inc. (2020). Mo, Hsieh, Lin, et al. (2021)
teachers' skill shortage. Teachers are under-informed, with some sticking to only one
online learning curriculum in our educational system. Teachers who do not have
experience when it comes to teaching online will spend time learning the tools needed
in giving instructions and guiding the students on how to access and use those tools
convenience now that everything is available online. It is up to the student when and
where this occurs, as long as assignment deadlines are met. In their study, Bczek,
effectiveness with online learning. The convenience with which students may access
study resources is one of the primary reasons why they prefer e-learning. This helps
Material Resource. Blau & Shamir-Inbal (2017) and Blau, Shamir-Inbal, & Avdiel
(2020) stressed in their study that technology can facilitate the creation of new
knowledge through a variety of pedagogical approaches and a diverse set of
learning tools. This can help participants improve social and collaborative skills as
well as personal ties. Furthermore, the use of online classes during the Covid 19
epidemic has been an excellent way to teach and allow students to learn how to use
technology as part of their curriculum for their module, practice, and intervention
Instructional Process. Rather than providing content purely from the teachers'
perspective, online teaching and learning should strive to meet the needs and
expectations of the students (Paudel, P., 2021). According to Duraku and Hoxha
(2020), teachers' attitudes about teaching methods have been proven to influence
technology integration in the classroom. They are also likely to play a crucial role in
education programs are specific. These findings reveal the learning levels that
a result, both in terms of assisting the learning process and quantifying the degree of
and Capsim (2020), which Guangul cited, Suhail et al. (2020). These functions
progress, and transfer. Hence, teachers must be emphatic and considerate in this
in eLearning Industry (2019), pacing lets learners perform well because they can
spend more time focusing on difficult items than having a time limit like in a
memory and enables learners to use their time according to their convenience. It lets
fast learners absorb a lot in a short period while letting slow learners understand
concepts clearly without pressure (Patterson, J., 2015) as cited by Tamm, S.,
(2019). The learner is a social and active person who is actively involved in his or
her own education (Haddiuoi, 2020). They may interact with their professors,
classmates, and study materials from the comfort of their own homes through online
(2000), as referenced by Dunn and Rakes (2010), students who participate in face-
to-face learning do not fare as well academically as those who attend traditional
(Holley, D., 2012, cited in Mothibi, G., 2015). Many school institutions also want to
implement this type of learning modality because it provides an efficient way for
students to learn in a faster way anytime and anywhere. However, this is not the
case in most educational institutions, primarily in the Philippines, because of the said
clear directions from instructors, etc. (Marcial, D et al., 2015). In the teaching and
learning process, students' confidence is vital. It's because it has an indirect impact
school (Hall, 2020). There is still an opportunity gap rather than an achievement gap
considerably every year. A growing number of students throughout the world cannot
imagine their education without the help of modern technology (Bayanova, 2019).
Inadequate internet connections, power supply, and a lack of cellphones and other
(Chatterjee, 2020).
sure to arise (Friedman, 2020). During an online course, technical issues may arise.
These events are frequently unexpected, and both pupils and teachers are
The assessment of student learning is one area that demands specific attention.
This includes how instructors assess both formatively and summatively student
progress, how they distribute graded tasks across an entire course, the problems of
providing meaningful feedback, and the techniques they try to solve these concerns.
Asynchronous technologies like email, discussion boards, blogs, and wikis were
used to communicate among participants in the online classes studied for this study.
The impact of late posting is one issue that arises from the asynchronous nature of
the online conversation. If some students wait until Saturday to begin a debate that
lasts from Monday to Sunday, they may miss out on the opportunity to participate
Mental Health. The impact of using technology is that it affects their social and,
most significantly, their emotional health. Most studies have found negative impacts
on this area of health. This kind of setup may impact student technology in that it
affects their socie and can cause undue stress because some parents cannot
support what is needed outside the classroom setting. This can affect a student's
techno, such as those who expect to have technology tools and internet access but
parents cannot provide for their academic needs (Halupa, C., 2016).
(Martin, A., 2020). Purdue University Global (2017) stated that it is essential for
learners to have discipline because they are in charge of their education. Martin, A.
(2020) added that self-regulation is essential for learners and instructors in online
learning, such as setting deadlines for activities to avoid workloads to pile up. It was
also highlighted that motivation influenced learners' performance positively and on
how they participate in an online class (Giesbers, Rienties, Tempelaar & Gijselaers,
effectiveness of the educational process; it organizes and arranges how to split time
between certain activities. Good time management enables us to work smarter and
get more done in less time, even when time is tight and high pressures. Students
maximize their time management efficiency in online learning, they should prioritize
their tasks wisely, plan, manage distractions, avoid multi-tasking and eliminate half
work (Foltynek, T. and Motycka, A., 2009). Time Management also helps students
assess themselves and how it affects their behavior in managing their time in their
around the world. It offered many benefits in the educational system, especially in terms
they can get and learn online. However, it has drawbacks that hinder many students
from joining online classes and other instructors from providing and conduct certain
learning materials such as having problems accessing the internet, lack of material
the conduct of assessment. In having online classes, it is essential to make sure that
student's learning process will not hinder because of technology. Internet stability and
availability of technological devices are needed online because, in the first place, these
are the ones that enable students and instructors to enter or connect to the online
platform. Online learning also requires students and instructors to be aware and
knowledgeable in using different online tools and software. Thus, making the technical
skills an essential quality needed to be mastered by the students and instructors. As the
current situation in the Philippines is still not subsiding, the Department of Education
faces many challenges when it comes to the different problems of the students and
viability of teaching strategies, but unfortunately, not all students have positive
experiences in online learning. The benefit of flexibility in online courses, on the other
hand, cannot be stressed because it is a significant reason why students are drawn to
online learning. Online learning permits students to work simultaneously and in a place
Dhawan, S. (2020, June). Online Learning: A Panacea in the Time of COVID-19 Crisis -
Shivangi Dhawan, 2020. SAGE Journals.