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The document discusses an interactive journal called the Tome of Strahd that provides insights into the mysterious land of Barovia and its ruler, Strahd von Zarovich, through a series of adventures.

The Tome of Strahd is an ancient text penned by Strahd von Zarovich over many centuries that can be used to gain insights into Barovian history and lore as well as magical abilities.

Attuning to the Tome provides benefits like advantage on history/lore checks about Barovia, AC and save bonus against Strahd's magic, and the ability to cast rituals from the Tome.


The Interactive Tome of Strahd

The Interactive Tome of Strahd
Much of the truth surrounding the dread land of Barovia's past has been lost to its mysterious mists. Adventure through the pages
of Lord Strahd von Zarovich's personal journal and see the past through his eyes.

A series of adventures exploring the echoes of Barovian history for characters of 5th to
15th level.

By The Aciduous Adventurer

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The Tome of Strahd

his hand-assembled, aged, leather book hangs Rules of the Tome
on weighted, steel hinges. Though many pages
are brittle and damaged, it is clear that it was Once the attuned creature has decided to investigate a
penned by Strahd von Zarovich, the Lord of chapter–if it is successfully decoded–they are forcefully
Barovia himself, over the course of the many absorbed into the pages of the book along with any other
centuries of his life. A brief, intimate creature within 30 feet.
introduction gives you the impression that the The first chapter has already been decoded by Rudolph
pages may reveal deep secrets of his long life, though they are van Richten and will absorb the readers instantly when it
mostly written in a near incompressible cipher. is opened for the first time after it has been attuned to.
If the creature attuned to the Tome dies, a creature
What is Contained Here? friendly to them may attune to it and refer to their
companion's shorthand to resume the translation.
The Tome of Strahd is an ancient text penned by a terribly Time moves differently inside the pages of the Tome.
powerful, immortal wizard. This guide turns the legends of Exploring a single chapter takes 1 hour of time in addition
Strahd's history into a series of short adventures. to the 4 hours spent on research and deciphering the text.
The following adventures are scaled for an adventuring While inside of the Tome, doors not connected to rooms
party of 4-5 characters that discover the Tome at level 4 and relevant to the current events open to the Mists of
levels to 5 upon its discovery. While the party may explore the Ravenloft.
chapters at their own pace, these adventures are set to scale Non-magical items found in a chapter can be brought back
in difficulty at the rate of approximately 1.5 chapters per level. to the present. Magical items taken from the memories of
the Tome lose any magical properties if returned to the
Tome of Strahd (Item) present. (See the Fortunes and Futures sidebar below
for a possible exception for this rule).
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a Any damage taken while in a chapter is sustained when a
spellcaster) creature leaves. If a creature dies within the chapter, their
While attuned to the Tome you gain the following benefits: body must be carried to the end of the chapter's events or
it is lost to the pages of history.
You have advantage on any skill checks made to recall Any creatures exploring the chapters are referred to by
information about Barovian history or lore. their names, but illusory visages relevant to the events in
You gain a +1 to your AC and to any saving throws when that chapter mask their appearance so that they blend in.
defending against Strahd von Zarovich’s magic. See each chapter for the related illusions. These illusions
While attuned to the Tome you may spend 4 hours cannot be dispelled.
attempting to decipher new sections of the Tome in order to Events are recorded on the pages as they occur. The
gain further insight into the life of Strahd and the land of attuned creature–and any creatures friendly to them–may
Barovia. read the documented events again but cannot re-enter a
Deciphering a chapter requires an Intelligence previously decoded chapter.
(Investigation) or Intelligence (Arcana) check and at least The written version of the events unfold precisely as they
4 hours of dedicated research time. Another creature may occurred in the adventure but are written from Strahd’s
assist you in the attempt and grant advantage on the check if perspective. Although creatures exploring the memories
they help. Attempting to decipher the book or offering your are referred to by name, their names are altered in the
help in deciphering it reduces your passive perception by 5 written version of the events that reflect the true moment.
for the duration of the 4 hours. This way, any choices made in “the past” are always the
The Tome also appears to contain esoteric, magical correct version of history.
knowledge akin to spells inscribed within a wizard's
spellbook. As the secrets and magic contained within are Fortunes and Futures
revealed to you, you may cast any spells recorded in the Tome The Tome of Strahd is only one of three important
as a ritual. If a spell found in the Tome does not have the artifacts at the heart of Curse of Strahd. It's
ritual tag, it is nonetheless a ritual spell for you when cast possible that the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind and
from the Tome. Once a spell is cast in this way, it cannot be the Sunsword were lost somewhere in Strahd’s
cast from the Tome again until the following dusk. past, and the party must find them there.
If the spell is of a higher level than you are able to cast, you Before you conduct Madam Eva’s Tarokka card
must succeed on a DC10 + the spell's level Intelligence reading, you may conceal the Holy Symbol and the
(Arcana) check. If you fail, the spell's use for the day is still Sunsword within the Tome’s chapters. See
expended. Appendix A for suggestions about where and when
to hide them as well as readings to accompany
their new locations.

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Table of Contents Your vision fades, and from the blackness now surrounding
Though the Tome itself does not have a formal table of you, a hungry fog rolls along the ground.
contents or distinct chapters, the age and decay of the pages
indicate two distinct eras. Strahd’s entries in the Tome are You shout, and there is nothing. The mist chokes closer. A
divided into two distinct periods: Life and Death. This man clad in a black cloak and a regal, red tunic looks at you
module also includes a series of appendices for your through the cloud with a stern face and piercing eyes. He
reference. steps toward you with the grace of a king. Your eyes meet his
cold glare as it bears down on you, he speaks.
Prologue | Youth ........................................................................4
Chapter 1 | The Battle of Argynvostholt................................5 Anyone present immediately begins to experience the
Chapter 2 | The Rise of Ravenloft...........................................7 Prologue. Strahd speaks the bolded text below before the
Chapter 3 | Brothers in Arms..................................................9 mists change.
Chapter 4 | Tatyana.................................................................11
Chapter 5 | The Unholy Communion..................................13
Chapter 6 | Wedding Bells ....................................................16
Prologue: Youth
“I am the Ancient. I am the Land. My beginnings are lost
Death in the darkness of the past…”
Chapter 7 | The Corruption of Yester Hill..........................19 This chapter details Strahd's childhood. It establishes his
Chapter 8 | The Heart of the Old Gods...............................21 relationships with his father King Barov, his mother Queen
Chapter 9 | The March of the Dawn....................................24 Ravenovia, Rahadin, and Sergei. It also allows the party to
Chapter 10 | The Legacy of Vasili von Holtz......................28 meet the boy who will go on to become the Devil.
Chapter 11 | The Final Dusk.................................................34
Chapter 12 | A Soul's Return................................................37 The visage of the man disperses into a black and red cloud
Epilogue | A Lord's Rest.........................................................41 before reforming into a young boy no older than 12, with a
small sword at his side and tears streaming down his cheeks.
Appendices The mist recedes further, revealing a well-adorned, sunlit
Appendix A | Fortunes & Futures.........................................42 castle courtyard.
Appendix B | Dramatis Personae.........................................45
Appendix C | Reward List......................................................47 The low buzz of insects and humidity add weight to the
Appendix D | Maps..................................................................47 summer air. Hanging on the ramparts overhead are red
Appendix E | Handouts...........................................................47 banners depicting the same raven iconography cast in metal
on the cover of the Tome.
The Interior The boy that stood before you moments ago now sits atop a
With a successful DC13 Intelligence (Arcana) check, a small set of stairs leading to a wooden door. From beyond it,
character can recognize a dispelled Glyph of Warding on the you can hear distant but boisterous laughter.
clasp that once secured the front cover. This was removed by
Rudolph van Richten.
When a character opens the Tome for the first time after The Party's Involvement
they have attuned to it, read:
The party is in a faraway land. A kingdom that stood long
You leaf through the pages, some torn or flooded. Some before the country of Barovia was founded. This is Strahd's
branded with unknowable symbols, and others still artfully
childhood home, just after the young prince has completed a
training session with his father's advisor, Rahadin. They have
scribed with a murky, black ink. The tale is long and written in
some quiet time to meet the future lord under the guise of
a series of foreign scripts, save the first page which transforms being his imaginary friends.
before your eyes into Common:
The Courtyard
"I, Strahd, Lord of Barovia, well aware certain events of my reign The courtyard is walled-in on four sides by 30 foot tall stone
have been desperately misunderstood by those who are better at walls. There are 10 foot tall wooden double doors set on the
garbling history than recording it, hereby set down an exact east, south, and west walls.
record of those events, that the truth may, at last, be known." The boy seated on the stairs is a young Strahd von
Zarovich, taking a short rest from his sword training with
The pages flutter open to the book's center, and mist begins Rahadin. His father's attendant has bested him and is
to pour from the binding. You feel lightheaded. currently reporting back to King Barov.

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The attuned creature may now begin to study the book and
attempt to read further chapters.

Setting the Difficulty

The DC for decoding each chapter will vary from
party to party. I suggest beginning with a DC15
Intelligence (Arcana) check for the first chapter and
increasing the DC by 1 per chapter, but you may
choose to make it easier or more difficult
depending on your party's makeup.

Chapter 1: The Battle of

"I was the warrior, I was good and just. I thundered
across the land like the wrath of a just god..."
When Strahd's armies marched on the cold, forested lands
The Door nestled between Mount Ghakis and the Baratok Mountain
Just beyond the northern door is a small office chamber range that would go on to become the kingdom of Barovia,
where Barov is drunkenly boasting of his excitement for his they had little knowledge of the valiant Order of the Silver
soon-to-be-born son Sergei and the immense pride he has for Dragon.
Strahd, his heir. As the von Zarovich forces closed in on the final holdout of
Any character listening at the door that succeeds on a DC the previous kingdom, they climbed the steep mountain roads
14 Wisdom (Perception) check can hear Barov request that into the center of the countryside. It is here they planned
Rahadin pushes Strahd harder. Barov wants him to be a their final approach to claim the land once and for all and
great, powerful ruler one day. They also hear Rahadin where Strahd incurred an unpayable debt to the mysterious
respond, in turn, informing King Barov that the prince is still Vistani.
far too young to lead and that he is brash, foolish, and The party will assume the role of soldiers during the siege
overzealous. of the castle.
The Boy
The young Dark Lord will speak freely about himself and his The Village of Zmei
family so long as the party is not hostile. This iteration of Barovia includes Zmei, a small
Anyone speaking to the boy in a kind manner can learn the village at the base of the hill that leads to
following: Argynvostholt. It is no longer standing by the start
of the adventure, but its ruins may be easily added
His name is Strahd von Zarovich. to contemporary Barovia.
He is meant to become lord of this castle, and his mother
thinks he'll make a great lord. His father, King Barov,
believes he might, but he also says that he has a lot of The Party's Involvement
work to do.
He is nervous about living up to his father's expectations. The party now finds themselves standing at a table with
His father's advisor, Rahadin, is his teacher. He's a difficult Strahd and two of his closest advisors—Rahadin and
teacher, and he pushes really hard. Aleksandra Gwilym. The two are mounting an offensive to
His mother is pregnant with a boy, Sergei, and she says remove the Order of the Silver Dragon from the land. The
it'll be his job to teach Sergei everything he knows. party appears alongside them as lieutenants in Strahd’s army.
After the party has spoken to young Strahd, listened at the They are wearing illusory suits of plate armor emblazoned
door for some time, or attacked the boy, Rahadin steps with the von Zarovich crest.
outside and draws his blade, announcing that he and Strahd As the army marches on, the party can elect which
will return to training at once. commander they would like to report to and ultimately the
role they will play in the battle ahead.
Chapter Close
"...yet that past now is filled only with regret."
Treasure The attuned creature may now cast Illusory Script
as a ritual spell once per dusk. By combining the shorthand
used to inscribe this spell into the book, the text from this
chapter, and the scrawlings along the diary's margins, a
pattern begins to emerge in the swirling, mysterious symbols
on the following pages.

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The War Tent The conversational chatter of the camp builds to a roar. You
As the mists gather once more, read: blink and are now standing amid a quaint farming village, many
of its buildings wreathed in flame. Dozens of soldiers adorned
The mist coalesces into the dusk elf you saw in the previous
with ravens are locked in combat against knights in silver and
chapter, not aged a day. The chatter of voices and the clanking
blue armor.
of metal sing from outside the walls of an enormous tent. Its
primary occupant is a colossal, rectangular table atop which is Strahd sits atop a stocky, black mare, points his blade forward,
carved an intricate, scale map of the lands of Barovia. and shouts 'Advance!' As he does so, a javelin strikes his side
and he is knocked to the ground. Ahead of you, you see
The model mountains climb nearly five feet high, and valleys
Rahadin and Alek galloping off toward their posts, unaware
sink deep into the tabletop. You see a man to your right, who
that their lord has fallen.
does not appear dissimilar to a young boy you met at his
home one summer afternoon. He now stands clad in scarlet
armor adorned with angelic feathers etched in gold leaf.

He gestures across the table. 'Commander Gwilym, the

table is yours.'

Alek will walk the party through the information below,

taking questions about the plan as she goes.
The tent has a 20-foot radius and is 12 feet tall at its center.
The enormous table depicting the geography of Barovia
occupies a 10 foot by 8-foot rectangle at the center.
Any character who spends time to review the table and
succeeds on a DC16 Intelligence (History) check can
discern the location of Argynvostholt and the village of Berez
to later add to their own map.
If the party inquires further about the plan of attack, the
commanders will detail the assault and refer to each of the
characters as "Lieutenant" for the duration of the
The Plan of Attack
Lord Strahd, Commander Gwilym, and Commander Rahadin
will share the following information if asked:
The Order of the Silver Dragon is proud and plans to fight
rather than be starved out of their castle.
The castle itself sits high on a cliff overlooking a valley,
and the knights will have nowhere to go but down toward
the village.
The people of Zmei are commoners who will not stand in
the way, and we will do what we can to protect them.
The Lord General Strahd will hold the rear of the forces
from the village of Zmei.
Commander Rahadin will hold the base of the hill and
monitor the treeline to ensure we are not routed.
Commander Gwilym will ride up the hill to the castle to
challenge the remaining forces directly.
The party may elect to defend Strahd at the backline or
follow either Rahadin or Aleksandra into battle as the army
marches the following day.
The Battlefield
When the party has decided how they wish to proceed and
have done all they wish to do in the War Tent read:

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Strahd and The Village A river of blood flows down the enemy's silvered sword lying
If the party decides to remain in the village and assist Strahd, idly in the mud. A divine cacophony of thunderous booms
they are attacked by a Paladin of Argynvost (a Life Priest) beats on your eardrums. The swell of sound is followed by a
wielding a silvered longsword and three Infantrymen. cold shiver that runs the length of your spine. The cold seems
Strahd is injured and bleeding. Two of the Infantrymen will to emanate from the mansion high on the hill.
fight past the party to strike Strahd while he's down.
If he is successfully defended for 1d4 turns, three Vistani A blood-curdling roar rips through the air, silencing the
arrive to help nurse him back to health. They provide him a battlefield, and your attention is drawn southward. The sun
healing potion and help him walk to one of their wagons. above reflects harshly off of a pair of glinting silver wings and
Treasure The paladin is wielding a silvered longsword claws that crest the turrets of the castle, and you gaze, in full
Rahadin and The Woods view of Argynvost. The Silver Dragon.
If the party moves to the treeline with Rahadin they initially
find silence. The trees are quiet, and the battle is now distant.
A successful DC14 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a Chapter Close
series of snare traps laid in the grass. A character that rushes "...but the war years and the killing years wore down my
into the bushes triggers the snare and must make a DC14 soul as the wind wears stone into sand."
Dexterity saving throw or they are grappled and suspended Treasure The attuned creature may now cast Unseen
10 feet in the air by their ankles. Servant as a ritual spell once per dusk.
They may release themselves through a successful DC13
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or by
spending 1 minute of time struggling to remove the snare. A Chapter 2: The Rise of
companion may also help take them down. If they remove the
snare themself, they take 1d6 bludgeoning damage as they Ravenloft
fall back to the ground. "My army settled in the valley, renamed for my father as
A successful DC16 Wisdom (Survival) check reveals the we took power over the people in the name of a just god,
familiar signs of foot traffic in the area. but with none of a god’s grace or justice."
A character that fails to notice the telltale signs of the With the final resistance of the Order of the Silver Dragon
enemy forces are surprised as an ambush party comprised of suppressed, the bountiful countryside was claimed in the
a Paladin of Argynvost (a Life Priest) wielding a silvered name of the late, great King Barov.
longsword and three Infantrymen attack from the trees. Too many years of Strahd's life were spent campaigning
Treasure The paladin is wielding a silvered longsword. across the country with a sword in his hand and an army at
his back. These long years isolated him from his family, and
Aleksandra and The Castle in his time away, he lost both his father and his dear mother.
If the party charges through the frontline with Aleksandra (a
Master-at-arms) they are met with some resistance from the The Party's Involvement
Order's defensive forces. The battle rages around them;
Strahd's soldiers are locked blade to blade with knights in In this chapter, the party has the opportunity to meet with
silver and blue, and the terrain disadvantage quickly becomes members of Strahd's court, including Leo Dilisnya and the
evident. Dawnmaster Gabriel Andral, witness Strahd's pledge to the
Argynvost's forces begin to roll large stones downhill land, and take some time to explore the Lord's private study
toward the party as they climb. 2d4, 10-foot-diameter stone in Castle Ravenloft.
spheres begin to crash down the hill toward the army. (Refer The war party has climbed the high hills of Barovia and
to the Dungeon Master's Guide's section on traps for arrived for the first time at the threshold of the soon-to-be-
information on rolling sphere traps.) christened Castle Ravenloft. When the party appears they are
When the party overcomes the boulders and reaches the wearing the same von Zarovich plate armor from the
top, they encounter a powerful general, and Commander Alek previous chapter. In the study, they are invisible forces free to
Gwilym's brother, Sir Godfrey Gwilym (as he is currently explore and manipulate the study while Strahd is away.
human, he is without his revenant abilities, undead status, When the mists clear, the party is marching toward the
and undead resistances) wielding a silver shortsword. The castle after crossing the drawbridge. Read:
hilt is sculpted to resemble silver dragon wings and a The Castle Courtyard
pommel shaped like a silver dragon’s head clutching a black
opal between its teeth. Three Guards responsible for You stand just beyond the front gates of a curtain wall, so
leveraging the boulders down the hill accompany him into colossal that the largest of giantkind could pass through with
battle. ease. The wall is nearly fifty feet in height, interrupted by
Treasure Godfrey Gwilym is wielding a decorated silver squared-off turrets that rise even higher.
The Dragon Rises
Regardless of the path the party chooses to follow, once
combat has been resolved, and they have had a brief second
to catch their breath, read:

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*The wall is further dwarfed by the rounded towers of the What feeble light burns in the dimming fireplace is enough to
keep overhead, the tallest of which soars three times the fill the room with rolling waves of red and amber light,
height of the gates. Weighted hooves clop across the wood of illuminating rows and rows of ancient books—their leather
a seemingly infinite bridge behind you. covers well-oiled and preserved through careful use—large
gaps span segments of the shelves, likely left to fill in more
Rahadin, Aleksandra Gwilym, Leo Dilisnya, and Gabriel
Andral all follow behind the party. Strahd has gone ahead of A stone floor is concealed beneath a thick, luxurious rug. In
the rest through the castle doors with a few men to see the the center of the room is a large, low table, waxed and
inside and will return shortly. The party may take this time to polished to a mirrored finish. Even the poker in its stand next
explore the courtyard (area K1) and speak with his advisors. to the blazing fireplace is polished.
What the advisors know:
The lands here now belong to Lord Strahd. A sturdy, carved desk houses several scrolls of parchment,
Their own stories (see Appendix B). open books, and candles burned nearly to the wick. In one of
Rahadin and Alek are aware that there is an assassin– two chairs crafted of burgundy-colored wood with padded
hidden amongst the forces–that hopes to eliminate leather seats that face the hearth, is Lord Strahd von Zarovich;
Strahd. his head rests sorrowfully in his left hand, a letter is gripped
They captured and executed a man who was in possession tightly in his other.
of a dagger commonly carried by the mystical Ba'al Verzi
assassin's guild, but they do not believe he was the actual
assassin. Strahd has just received word that his mother, Queen
I Am the Ancient, I Am the Land
Ravenovia, has passed. She was never able to see her
namesake. Gabriel Andral stands off to the side in the
After the party has explored the courtyard, Strahd emerges doorway. He has delivered the news to Strahd personally, and
from the entrance of the castle (area K7). If any character is he hopes to provide some comfort to his Lord by offering
mid-conversation, any of Strahd's forces request they fall condolences on behalf of the Morninglord.
silent. Read: Strahd tolerates the Morninglord's presence in the land
and recognizes the power of the church but is not devout
The unnerving silence is interrupted by the cold ring of a blade himself and believes the Dawnmaster's words are nonsense.
being unsheathed. Strahd clutches tightly to a red, black, and The party only witnesses this conversation, and any
gold dagger. Its finely crafted hilt leads to a sinister, curved character paying particular attention and succeeds on a
blade. He kneels and wrenches his left hand into the soil, DC15 Intelligence (Insight) check can sense a clear tension
returning to his feet with dirt crumbling from between his
between the two.
Strahd eventually accepts an offer from Gabriel to take a
walk down to the chapel and leaves the party to explore the
He points the tip of the dagger briefly to the north, east, room.
south, and west before plunging it into his mud-caked palm. A
Any character navigating the chamber can access the
mixture of dirt and blood drip as he squeezes. ‘I am Strahd, I
secret door leading to the False Treasury (area K38).
Strahd's desk contains a variety of spell components (none
am the Land.’ He repeats the mantra three more times, once in
worth more than 10gp), some high-quality spellbook
each cardinal direction before looking to the clouds and parchment, and a small lockbox.
speaking: ‘Draw near and witness. I, Strahd, am the land.’ The chair he was seated in also contains a letter from his
family's attendant informing him of the queen's passing. Refer
Blood and magic meet the soil, and the sky is swallowed. to the handout in Appendix E for a copy of the letter.
The courtyard vanishes.

The Castle’s Artwork

Strahd's Study As this chapter occurs before Strahd’s introduction
"All goodness slipped from my life. I found my youth and to Tatyana, the portrait detailed in the module is
strength gone, and all I had left was death..." not above the fireplace. Instead, there is a portrait
The party emerges from the void and finds themselves in of King Barov and Queen Ravenovia. Alternatively,
Strahd's study (area K37). Read: if your players are raring for a fight, you may
include Strahd's Guardian Portrait.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
After the party has had time to explore the space, Strahd This chapter introduces the party to the exuberant,
returns to the room and pauses. He looks around knowingly charismatic, and beautiful man that is Sergei and how starkly
as if he recognizes that someone was here. Once the party is contrasted he is to Strahd. Sergei is also an acolyte of the
sufficiently unnerved, he snuffs the fire (if it has not been church who has pledged his life to the Morninglord.
already), and pulls the poker, stepping through the secret
door to area K38. The embers sputter out, the darkness The Party's Involvement
overtakes the study, and the world goes black. The party has the opportunity to partake in a welcome party
Treasure. Any books found in Strahd's growing collection of sorts. Strahd celebrates his brother's homecoming as only
are worth 1gp-100gp each. a warrior may know how: with an exhibition tournament. The
The lockbox on the tabletop contains 37sp and 162gp as characters appear as assorted Barovian nobles.
well as 1d4 gothic trinkets.
The Audience Hall
Chapter Close It seems that all of Barovia has gathered to greet the
"Escape from the isolation of death was impossible. In incoming von Zarovich family. When the chapter begins, the
my many years, I learned that the brightest days cast the party finds themselves standing in the Audience Hall (K25) of
darkest of shadows." Castle Ravenloft. Read:
You stand on either side of a high-back, wooden throne atop a
The attuned creature may now cast Gentle Repose as a ritual
spell once per dusk. marble dais. Strahd is beside you, donning a scarlet red tunic
with glimmering gold clasps and a black cape flowing over his

Chapter 3: Brothers in shoulders. A hall extends thirty feet ahead. Various guards and
well-adorned nobility form an aisle, and the crowd is abuzz
Arms with hushed voices, and the attending crowd is illuminated by
a towering, stained-glass window in the far corner depicting a
"At my advisors’ behest, I called for my remaining family, cerulean and gold sunrise.
long unseated from their ancient thrones, and brought
them here to settle in the castle I built for them. From
this plea came a younger brother of mine, Sergei, nearly While it is clear that the audience is gathered for some
grown. I had never known him." remarkable event, it has also clearly not yet begun.
With the von Zarovich line bequeathed to him, Strahd sent Characters asking around the room learn the following:
word to bring his family to their new seat of power. The man
that responded to the summons was none other than Sergei The people gathered here are assorted Barovian noble
von Zarovich. families.
They have come to greet Lord Strahd's family.
Any character inspecting the stained glass can identify the
abstract sun painted on the window as the symbol of the
Morninglord with a successful DC12 Wisdom (Religion)
check. Anyone devoted to the Morninglord can recognize the
symbol immediately, no check required. Once the party has
had sufficient time to explore the space, read:
The murmurs of the hall are quieted by the groan of heavy
wooden doors parting. A procession of marching footsteps
and the fanfare of trumpets precede a beautiful man with wavy
black hair, kind eyes, and a warming smile strutting into the

He approaches boldly, draped in the familiar robes of the

Morninglord. A gilded, radiant sword rests at his hip. The hilt
of the weapon is so finely crafted that you would not be
faulted for believing it was made of pure light. He drops to a
knee before the throne.

Sergei does not have much regard for formality or processes.

He is young and excitable and has long been an only child.
Even now, in his late twenties, he is driven by a vibrant
enthusiasm and warm spirit that Strahd lacks.

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With Sergei's approach, Rahadin stands next to Strahd and The party may also sit and converse with any of the members
announces the arrival: of Strahd's court, look around the grounds, or investigate the
Overlook (area K6).
’Welcome Sergei von Zarovich, second son of King Barov and
Queen Ravenovia, Awakened son of the Morninglord, to our
From Chivalry to Calvary
Castle Ravenloft. The keep’s splendors and comforts are
If your party is not particularly interested in hand-
yours.’ Sergei rises to his feet. Strahd rises in turn and steps
to-hand combat or you want a change of pace from
down the marble stairs, standing half a foot taller than his traditional combat encounters, you might consider
younger brother. adding a jousting lane near the Ravenloft carriage
house (area K4). Here is a great set of jousting
He reaches to shake his guest’s hand, but as their forearms rules that are easy to run and make for a great rock,
meet, Sergei pulls his brother in for a hug. Strahd steps back paper, scissors approach to a mini-game.
and pronounces, loud enough for the room to hear: ‘It is good
to have you, brother. Come, let us celebrate.’
Participating in the Exhibition
After a short break, Rahadin announces that a new round of
Anyone observing this interaction can recognize, with a fights will begin soon.
successful DC11 Wisdom (Insight) check, that Strahd is Challengers may select their opponent, and Strahd's guests
made visibly uncomfortable by the hug. are all far too proud to turn down a challenge. A character
The room erupts into applause, and the stained glass may select any of the following to challenge in the ring:
window shines like the rising sun. Powerful rays of light
overtake the scene. Strahd von Zarovich (a Warlord)
Sergei von Zarovich (a War Priest)
The Chapel Garden Rahadin (without his Deathly Choir ability)
The festivities have shifted and an exhibition tournament has Aleksandra Gwilym (a Master-at-arms)
been set up behind the castle in the Chapel Garden (area K5). Gabriel Andral (a War Priest)
When the party arrives, read: Leo Dilisnya (a Zealot Barbarian with 14 Intelligence)
Lady Ilona Darovnya (a Mastermind Rogue that can cast
You feel a gentle breeze brush your cheek. The earthy smell of
Healing Word 3/day)
Any Barovian noble in the audience
fresh grass brings spring and summer warmth. The sun
Each other
embraces you, but the serenity is broken by raucous cheering.
The exhibition matches are not intended to be deadly, they
Three sets of tiered benches have been constructed around are meant to be entertaining, but those in attendance are all
a ring of dirt, and two guests currently stand at its center in capable warriors in their own right. When a match begins,
studded armor with weapons drawn. Forty feet ahead of you the competitors roll initiative and conduct combat as normal.
are two wrought iron gates that lead to an overlook. Even from Each fight is conducted until either one fighter earns five
this distance, you can see the snowcaps of far off mountain
points (restraining themselves on each hit and striking for
one point of damage).
ranges to the east.
Alternatively, you may host a more aggressive tournament
in which combatants fight until one fighter falls below 10 Hit
Two young participants exit the ring, and Rahadin notes the Points.
victor. He is currently presiding over the event, and if anyone
wishes to participate in the festivities, they can speak to him.

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It was not until he met Tatyana, a Barovian commoner that
A Brotherly Brawl Sergei had come to admire, that he surrendered to a deep,
After every character (or as many characters wish to partake) relentless, and unhealthy obsession for another person. This
has taken their turns in the demonstration, Sergei rises from meeting, courtesy of Sergei, spelled the beginning of Strahd's
his seat to challenge Strahd, and the roar from the crowd end.
overtakes the scene. The party reappears in seats around the
pit, and Strahd and Sergei are locked in a duel. The Party's Involvement
In this chapter, the party attends an intimate dinner with
Sergei’s sword flies down, nearly chopping Strahd in two, but Strahd, Patrina Velikovna, Sergei, Tatyana, Ilona Darovnya,
the Lord raises his sword in time to leave an inch’s gap and Rahadin. Though they are not the guests of honor, they
between steel and skull. Sergei dips back, narrowly avoiding appear to be wearing the well-to-do garb of Barovian nobility
his brother’s parrying dagger. He props himself up, tossing his and have the freedom at the table to drive some discussion
own parrying dagger into a reverse grip and tilting his short and ask questions of their host and other guests.
sword, not like a noble in a duel but a teenager in a street
Once the dinner is over, they are whisked through a series
of Strahd’s favorite memories with Tatyana, memories that,
fight. Strahd scans Sergei’s sloppy stance, and in a flurry of
in Strahd’s mind, meant that she loved him. In these
black cloth, he leads with a feint before swiping low with his moments the characters are merely observers.
red, black, and gold dagger.

The younger von Zarovich is caught off guard but manages Being a good host
to catch his brother’s arm, batting the dagger away just as the
It is important to distinguish the events of this
point scratches his armor. Sergei hastily brings his blade chapter from a present-day dinner with Strahd. The
around in a broad sweep and spins frantically toward his target. castle halls should feel alive and resplendent in
Strahd parries the obvious attack with ease, but the Dervish ways that they no longer can in Barovia.
twirls mask the dagger that nearly finds the elder’s throat.
Also, in order to mediate the number of NPCs
that you have to run concurrently, I would suggest
Strahd weaves into Sergei’s whirling blades like a dancer
letting the party or Strahd drive the conversation.
For especially large parties, you may instead have
twirling with their partner, pulling his neck back enough to the players play the other guests at the table. If you
avoid the fine steel edge, and forcing his brother to overstep. choose to do so, give them the relevant bulleted
He stands swiftly upright, his blade held straight, the point lists on the following page.
pressed gently to the base of Sergei’s skull. They lower their Lastly, this moment may be an enormous reveal
for the players. If, up to this point, they have not
weapons and bow.
learned of Tatyana and the nature of her soul's
The crowd erupts. The brothers look out over the people.
reincarnation, emphasize that the auburn-haired
woman is the spitting image of Ireena Kolyana.
Sergei waves enthusiastically, an enormous smile is plastered
on his exuberant face, and hardly a drop of sweat breaks on his
forehead. Strahd, drenched in sweat, blots his face with a black
The Dining Hall
kerchief, and waves out of obligation. His penetrating eyes
The party is seated around the table in Castle Ravenloft's
snap briefly in his brother’s direction, cutting more harshly Dining Hall (area K10) in formal dinner wear. When they
than his longsword ever could. arrive, read:
Three enormous crystal chandeliers brilliantly illuminate a
Chapter Close magnificent feast hall. Pillars of stone stand against dull white
"He was handsome and youthful. I hated him for both." marble walls supporting the ceiling. At the center of the far
Treasure west wall, between floor-to-ceiling mirrors, brass pipes climb

The attuned creature may now cast Mage Armor as a ritual the stone-like grapevines. They extend upward from the
spell once per dusk. wooden base of an expansive pipe organ. The grand fireplace
set into the southern wall blankets the room in a homey

Chapter 4: Tatyana warmth.

“Then, all my disparaging thoughts fell away like dead You are seated in the center of the room at a chestnut
leaves. She was, without doubt, the most beautiful person refectory table draped with a white satin tablecloth. The table
I'd ever seen.” is laden with an assortment of delectable foods: roasted beast
Tatyana and her subsequent reincarnations are the heart of basted in a savory sauce, roots and herbs from distant lands,
Strahd's eternal curse. He viewed love–and even physical and sweet fruits and fresh vegetables of all sizes and colors.
relationships–as distracting or dangerous for many years.

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Sergei excuses himself and Tatyana because he must
Places are set for each of you and six other guests with
return her to the village down the hill.
delicate porcelain and silver. Set near each plate is a crystal Strahd insists that she remain in the castle as a guest, and
goblet filled with an amber liquid emanating a delicate, he will have a room drawn up for her immediately.
tantalizing fragrance. Tatyana remains humble and initially refuses.
Sergei respects whatever she wishes.
Patrina wishes she would go.
Guests and their Goals Rahadin insists she stay to spite Patrina.
This dinner is not a particularly pleasant meal as each guest Ultimately, she stays, but even as she accepts Strahd's
will be vying for attention and their place at the table. Their offer, she stares longingly at Sergei, and Strahd's face falls
respective motivations and goals are listed below. somber.
Strahd “It was as if the sun that had favored me had been all
along hidden by a cloud. Its brilliant glory now shone in
Learn as much as he can about Tatyana. full upon him… and him alone.”
Sabotage his brother in any way that he can, including
casually making the point that as a member of the church, The Courting of the Count
Sergei does have to take a vow of non-marriage. Strahd does everything in his power as Lord of Barovia and
He will pay no mind to Patrina even though he is ruler of Castle Ravenloft to impress Tatyana. When those
technically her escort for this evening. gestures of affection fail time and time again, he falls back to
his growing magical abilities.
Patrina In his research, he has learned that love is an elusive
Attempt to regain Strahd's attention any way she can. energy, and long-term effects on emotions are nearly
Avoid Rahadin's judgments. impossible to maintain, but that does not prevent him from
trying. As Strahd's voice echoes and dinner closes, read:
The Chapel Courtyard (K5)
Engage all of the guests at the table in conversation.
He is entirely oblivious to Strahd's advances on Tatyana. You are whisked away to the castle courtyard where Strahd
Believes his older brother's insults are merely jokes and walks alongside Tatyana in the soft dusk light. He asks her how
smoothly brush them away or twist them into positives. she finds her new quarters here and of her satisfaction with
Keep the table in high spirits and abate any tension that the amenities of castle life. ‘Everything is wonderful, Old One.’
he notices. Strahd’s eyes momentarily grow wide as if a knife has pierced
Tatyana his chest. The sound of a gentle harp strums over the quiet
courtyard, and the mists blind you.
Do everything in her power to fit in with the noble crowd.
Light up any time that Sergei speaks.
Kindly acknowledge Strahd’s comments and compliment Dining Hall of the Count (area K36)
him in return.
Be extremely kind to Patrina and remain entirely unaware Tatyana giggles behind you, but you are no longer behind the
that Patrina is jealous of her. castle. She sits on a stool in a grandiose, paneled music room.
Ilona Her hair has grown several inches, and her homely vestments
have been replaced by a simple but beautiful summer dress.
Bask in the chaos of the meal. Stunning harp music drifts through the air, and you see Strahd
Speak to any guests that seem to have any religious
iconography on their person about their god or the plucking at the instrument's strings, entirely at peace, and
Morninglord. enraptured by Tatyana’s joy.
Remind Strahd that this young woman is a commoner,
and he’s being foolish but… subtly. Almost frozen in time, the two begin to sing. Until a door
clicks and Sergei enters. She stands, bows to him, and he
Rahadin hurries toward her, hugging her so tightly that she rises from
Keep the peace as best he can. the ground. He spins her around and around the fading room.
Aggressively aid Strahd in conversation and tout his
accomplishments. A successful DC11 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that she
Keep decorum at dinner at all costs. If one of the is confused as he lifts her. Not to a point of dislike, but she
characters is actively aggressive toward another guest, feels uneasy. If a character succeeds by 5 or more, they
Rahadin will escort them out or kill them if they attempt recognize a sense of guilt on her face after her eyes flicker in
to attack. Strahd’s direction.
Mock or otherwise demean Patrina.
When dinner winds down, enough blows have been struck,
and the party has asked their fair share of questions, the
following scene plays out:

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A Song in His Heart
Chapter 5: The Unholy
Elsa’s Song by The Amazing Devil is a fitting song Communion
for Strahd and Tatyana to perform together.
Consider playing it to set the scene if you have the "I began dealing with something far beyond my
opportunity! Thank you, u/StevenV for sharing it experience in magic and needed no wise teacher to tell
with the community. me it was deadly..."
If meeting Tatyana was the beginning of Strahd's eternal
end, his pledge to Vampyr was the final nail in his coffin. His
Return to the Dining Hall (area K10) voracious hunger for magic–the same hunger he believed
would grant him Tatyana's love and remove his brother from
Tatyana continues to spin and her already stunning dress his path–drove him mad and opened his soul to the terrible
morphs into a blossoming red gown with a large petticoat. She powers housed in the heart of the Balinok Mountains.
now dances in a ballroom, the same hall where you sat for
dinner, now cleared for a crowd. She whirls to the tune of the
The Party's Involvement
now lively pipe organ and a small band. It is in this chapter that Strahd succumbs to the draw of
undeath, and the party is given the chance to help or hinder
Her outstretched hand clasps with Sergei’s as he forms his quest through the Amber Temple to Vampyr’s resting
from the mist, and they are entwined, twirling and floating place. The party returns to Strahd's study on the night he
through a crowd of nobles all doing the same. All but Lord discovered the dark magic that dwells in the ancient Amber
Strahd Von Zarovich who sits starkly below a deathly still
Temple. They then accompany Strahd and Aleksandra on
their warpath through the temple. Here their visage is that of
portrait of his own likeness.
Alek Gwilym’s most loyal guards.
He calls for a toast to the people of Barovia and his
Strahd's Study
incredible guest, staring deeply into Tatyana's eyes. He steps
The Study (area K37) has changed in the years between this
forward from his throne and presents Tatyana and Sergei with chapter and the day that Strahd learned of his mother's
goblets. death. When the party arrives, read:
You settle into a familiar room: Strahd's study. Unlike your
A character that succeeds on a Wisdom (Perception) check
contested by Strahd's Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check previous visit, however, the hearth lies cold. The room is near
(+3) notices Strahd remove a small vial from his pocket and pitch dark and lit by a few scattered candles. Their flickering
poured a bubbling pink liquid (a Philter of Love) into light casts long shadows on shelves fit to bursting with tomes.
Tatyana's drink. Books new and old, that even at a glance, you presume contain
If the party intervenes, Tatyana spills some of her drink, hundreds of spells and incantations.
curtseys, and excuses herself. Sergei follows after her.
If Tatyana drinks the Philter she turns toward Sergei at the The portrait above the mantle no longer resembles the
end of the toast and immediately steals him away for a dance members of the von Zarovich family. Instead, it is a lifelike oil
with impassioned fervor. rendering of Tatyana. In the far corner of the room, looking
over the space is Strahd, enveloped by his black cloak,
Chapter Close muttering under his breath and weaving arcane gestures in the
“One would think the ritual for casting a love spell or air. When his hand lowers wood shifts and creaks in the
creating a love philter would be more common, but my
books were bereft of such things, except for a single short otherwise empty room.
treatise on the subject. The writer's conclusion that love
was a force that could not be successfully reproduced by
magical methods struck me as being inanely smug.” The party appears as Strahd is attempting to cast Animate
Objects, practicing the proper verbal and somatic
Treasure components on the two leather armchairs.
The attuned creature learns how to craft a Philter of Love Whispers in the Dark
using the rules from The Alchemy Almanac. When prepared
using Strahd’s notes here, the philter may be brewed on any During this time, Strahd believes the characters to be voices
night, and is no longer limited to the “must be brewed on a of spirits that have been plaguing him in recent days. The
new moon” requirement. voices are getting louder, more aggressive, and more
The relevant bases and reagents can easily be purchased inquisitive.
from Jeny Greenteeth–should you use her shop in your Strahd is willing to disclose the following as he is losing
campaign–found around Barovia, and even more easily his mind:
discovered lining the shelves and pockets of spellcasters
found across the country.

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He is bothered that Sergei and Tatyana will not leave each
other’s side. The growing number of voices pierce your mind and the wind
He no longer trusts any member of his court–except that claimed the candles whips against your cloak. Your vision
Rahadin and Alek–because he feels everyone would returns, and you stand in a blizzard on a mountainside before
support Sergei taking over his rule. six, carved amber statues, towering over forty feet tall.
He grows even more suspicious that other nobles are
seeking to eliminate him. Each figure stands deep in prayer with hoods draped over
He feels himself growing older. Slower. their faces, looming over an enormous stone door of a temple.
He grows desperate in his pursuit of Tatyana. Two other figures–standing your height–lie ahead of you:
He has grown from a warlord and tactician to a capable Strahd von Zarovich and Aleksandra Gwilym, clad in snow-
spellcaster. (He is currently a 9th-level spellcaster.) coated armor and trekking over the white field toward the
After several minutes of conversation, there is a knock. temple.
Strahd's focus on his spell is shattered, and before he offers
permission to enter, the door swings open.
Fueled by inhuman rage, Strahd tears through this sacred
The Announcement place, and the party must succeed on a Skill Challenge in
The door opens to reveal Sergei and Tatyana, hand in hand, order to keep pace. Should they succeed on three skill
grinning from ear to ear. They have come to announce their checks before failing three, they keep pace with Strahd.
betrothal, and they wish to host the ceremony in Castle Should they fail, they automatically earn one failure for the
Ravenloft's chapel in one moon's time. following skill challenge in the Amber Vault.
The party may whisper in Strahd's ear to temper or stoke
his anger, and he will glance around as if seeking their input You approach the entrance hewn into the face of the
on allowing the couple to marry. Tatyana's pleas overtake all mountain. Torchlight is losing a fight against the darkening
else, however, and eventually, the couple takes their leave.
Strahd turns to the character that spoke last and speaks. sky, and in the fading firelight, you see the silhouette of Strahd
"She calls me ‘elder.’ ‘Old one.’ Yet she has fallen for glide effortlessly across the fallen snow, and paint the powder
that gullible, faithless boy." red with the blood of a person that–a moment ago–stood
He returns to his desk and begins fervently leafing through guard at the temple’s door.
a decrepit-looking spellbook. Read:
You hear a voice rasp from somewhere unseen. Dozens of The Amber Temple (Interior)
voices echo in reply. Tatyana, Rahadin, Alek, Sergei, you even You may use the map from the current Amber Temple to
recognize the voices of your fellow party members: ‘You guide the party while they attempt to keep up with Strahd as
cannot find what you seek in a book.’ Strahd whips around in
he charges into the temple’s depths. The massacre proceeds
through the following rooms as Strahd follows Vampyr's
terror, and the book folds itself to a close, page by page. The
whispers through the temple to the Amber Vault (area X42).
minimal comfort of the library vanishes, and the candles are
snuffed by an arctic breeze. A howling winter wind whispers Temple Run
‘Come to me.’
Overlook (area X4)
A black marble balcony overlooks a sprawling temple chamber
The Amber Temple (Exterior) carved entirely of smooth amber. A forty-foot-tall-robed statue
The exterior of the temple is a magnificent facade, even in the
unbearable cold. The temple currently houses an enclave of stands watchfully over the room. Two steep staircases
powerful mages and the monks of the Order of the Guardians descend from the balcony to the temple center below. Strahd
Monastery. They curate its expansive library and protect the darts westward toward a set of double doors on this floor and
long-sealed tombs of unfathomable old gods, ensuring they bursts into the adjacent room.
remain locked away here.
Strahd has mounted an expedition here alongside his most
trusted commander (Rahadin remained back to monitor the
castle). He fully intends to kill anyone that stands between
himself and the voice beckoning him here. The party can
work to help or hinder Strahd as he unearths Vampyr.

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Reading Annex (area X15) Shrine (area X24)
The doors crash open to reveal a reading room, set with low The amber door slides aside to reveal a rectangular room
shelves and uncomfortable wooden chairs. A man and a stretching westward. Ornate candelabras line alcoves along
woman in non-descript monk robes turn in terror. Strahd the walls. Set into the end of the hallway is a diminutive
reaches for the hilt of his sword. version of the robed statue that looks over the main chamber.

The party may choose to intervene and save the monks from The statue draws the attention of everyone that enters the
Strahd. Some potential checks include Charisma chamber. Any living creature that enters this room must
(Intimidation) or Charisma (Persuasion) to convince them succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be drawn to
to bow down to Strahd or using a spell to get them to safety. the statue as though affected by the sympathy effect of an
If they fail, Strahd kills them both and continues moving. antipathy/sympathy spell. In order to succeed on the skill
check in this room, more than half of the party must succeed
Hallway (area X17) on the saving throw against the spell.
With a snarl, Strahd turns to his right toward another set of Secret Alcove (area X26)
doors and thrusts them open. A long hallway lined with doors
and lit by sconces stretches northward. 'Alek, ahead.' Strahd Strahd surveys the room, and for the first time, it appears you
commands as Alek runs into the hall, blade drawn. have come to a dead end. The hissing voice that danced on
the wind when you arrived on the mountainside rasps: 'Knock.'
Strahd closes his eyes, and with an intense, focused breath,
When the party enters the hall, some of the guardians of the traces the tip of his sword along a hidden, seamless door
temple creak open the doors to the Potion Storage (area frame in the glimmering wall.
X19) and the Architect's Room (area X20) and begin to lob
Fire Bolts at the party. Strahd retaliates, but the party may
attempt checks like Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) to close the Strahd enters the alcove and presses onward through the
doors or Intelligence (Arcana) to identify gaps in the volley following secret door as well. The skull trap that is present in
when they can safely pass. If they fail, everyone takes 2d10 the modern-day Amber Temple is not here, and the group can
fire damage. easily follow behind.
Banquet Room (area X22) Wizard's Chamber (area X27)
Slamming the door at the end of the hall behind you, you The wall gives way to a fully furnished bed-chamber set with all
arrive in a dining hall set with a dozen simple wooden place manner of ancient books, spell components, and finely-crafted
settings. The gem-carved doors rattle behind you as you hear a side tables and dressers. Standing in the center of the room is
monk shout 'We shall be rid of you and your companions yet, an elderly man with gaunt features and a red robe that sweeps
Devil!' the amber floor. 'It appears my fears were correct. Welcome,
my lord.' It appears Strahd is distracted by the figure

The guardians receive some backup and attempt to break momentarily. What do you do?
down the doors. A character may attempt checks like a
Strength (Athletics) to hold the doors or an Intelligence The robed man is Exethanter before he became a lich. At this
(Investigation) check to find something to block it with. If point in his life, he has met Strahd several times before but
they fail, the monks break in. Everyone takes another 2d10 has never explicitly told him of the temple or its location. He
fire damage from their attack. knew the time would eventually come that Strahd would find
Northwest Balcony (area X23) this place.
They may exchange some formal conversation, and
A corner set balcony looks over the grand hall of the temple. Exenthanter will express his disappointment in Strahd, but
Ten feet from the banister, the head of the robed statue in the he refuses to do battle with the Dark Lord as he knows that
central chamber looms in silence. A group of monks, forty feet
he will lose.
A character may attempt checks such as a Wisdom
below on the ground level, flee into a hall on the east side of
(Perception) check to locate the room to the next chamber
the building. The eldest at the back of the group looks up and get ahead of Strahd and Alek, a Dexterity (Stealth)
toward you – his face painted with fear and regret. check to sneak through the next door, or a Wisdom (Insight)
check to gain a clearer understanding of what Strahd is doing
here from Exethanter's speech.
There is not a check in this location, and Strahd will quickly
burst forward toward the next room. Give the party a moment
to reflect on the situation. If they rest too long, let them know
that Strahd is still moving quickly.

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Library (area X30)
The Dark Lord presses through another hidden door toward a
domed library carved of immaculate black and white marble.
Its shelves house hundreds of books. A gold marble staircase
curves around the north wall and spirals down into a black pit
of shadow. Without hesitation, Strahd leaps over the railing
and falls into the depths below.

The party, at this point, will have succeeded or failed on its

challenge. Failing earns them an automatic failure on the
upcoming challenge. They can choose to chase Strahd
immediately or search the library for answers. If they succeed
on a DC15 Intelligence (Investigation) they can uncover
some hidden knowledge and gain advantage on their first
check to stop or aid in the ritual in the following section.
The Amber Vault (area X42)
When Strahd has completed his devastation of the temple,
the characters find themselves alongside him and Alek in the
vault. It is here that Strahd bonds his soul to Vampyr, and the
party has the opportunity to help or hinder the process. When
they arrive, read:
You follow Strahd, covered in blood, into a deep, underground
sepulchre. ‘I am here! What do you require of me? You are
Death, no? Have you come for me? If so, then take me and be

A legion of voices rattle the bedrock: ‘I have come on your

behalf. You have fed me well, and you are due your reward. Lay
your hand on my tomb. You hunger for your lost youth, Strahd The amber tomb illuminates, and you see Strahd’s hand brace
von Zarovich. I shall remove the rival from your path, and you against its surface. In its hazy, yellowish glow, you can see
shall age not one day more…’ where the light from the torches has been drawn: a
phantasmal shadow erupts from the surface of the stone
Aleksandra, hearing these voices for the first time, grips
coffin and forms into a humanoid shape with winglike
firmly to her weapon. Strahd steps toward an imposing amber
appendages draping from its forearms like the sleeves of a
sarcophagus. He drops his sword to the ground, but it makes
mystical robe. The wings envelop Strahd and shadows follow
no sound. All falls silent, and with each of Strahd’s footfalls,
in sequence and consume the room.
the torches shift from orange to green to blue to black before
the light is swallowed. From the depths, red eyes emerge and turn to where Alek
stood moments before. The light slowly refills the crypt, and
Strahd collapses in supplication at the stone vault. ‘Do you
When Strahd approaches the amber sarcophagus, let the
players know that they now have a choice to aid him in the wish to live?’ The voices hiss. Strahd nods, exhausted. ‘Then
ritual or work to prevent it. Regardless of their decision, they feed.’
must succeed on five skill checks before failing three skill
checks. Some potential checks include: An echo of dense, heavy steel bounds around you as if the
sound of Strahd’s sword meeting the stone returned from
Intelligence (Arcana) to study and understand his another time. Strahd seizes Alek by the throat. Her weapon
incantations. falls to her feet. The choking ends quickly, only to be replaced
Wisdom (Religion) to help maintain the seal of the by the blood steadily dripping down her front. The liquid pools
Charisma (Persuasion) to make Alek understand that on the stone as the body hangs from Strahd’s claw.
what Strahd is doing is dangerous and wrong. His pupils appear narrow like a predator on the prowl. His
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) to steal Strahd's spell
components. mouth is drenched in his advisor’s blood. Color leaves the
Wisdom (Medicine) to help him remain conscious. world; even the vivid reds fade to grey, and the mists consume
the ancient catacomb.
If the party succeeds in aiding Strahd in the ritual:

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
If the party succeeds in preventing Strahd's ritual, he faints,
collapsing to the stone, and the sarcophagus glows. Read:
Ease of Access
A terrible phantasm of shadow erupts from the surface of the This chapter adds a door on the northeastern
stone coffin and forms into a humanoid shape with winglike
corner of the Chapel (area K15) connecting it
directly to the Chapel Courtyard (area K5). If you do
appendages draping from its forearms like the sleeves of a make this adjustment consider whether this door
mystical robe. The form rises the height of the chamber, is still an entrance that is available to your players
towering over you. Ruby eyes shine like beacons on Strahd’s in the present day.
unconscious form. ‘You are worth more to me in death than
you ever could be in life.’
The Chapel Courtyard
The eyes seem to lock with each of yours simultaneously. Royalty and common folk from across Barovia and beyond
‘You, however, will not live to see the light of another sunrise.’ join together in the spring sun for some light conversation in
The shadow swallows the room, and Alek cries in the dark. area K5. When the party arrives at the party, read:
Steel clangs reverberate off of the stone walls. Torches spark
on around the room, and Strahd kneels over the body of his A joyous melody sings from the pipes of Castle Ravenloft’s
advisor, indulging in geysers of her blood. His pupils are grand organ and wakes you from a deep, restful slumber. The
sharpened to cat-like slits. jubilance of a verdant spring afternoon energizes your skin.
Dozens of guests are gathered with wine in hand conversing
with people of a wide range of races and decorated in
If the party is present when Vampyr assaults Alek, they all spectacular tunics and dresses of fine silks.
take 4d10 necrotic damage as his shroud consumes them.
With the bong of a bell, they all draw their attention toward
Chapter Close a beautiful stained glass window depicting a white knight and
"There it was. The parley, the bargaining, the trade. What red-haired bride who seem almost alive in the sunshine. The
did they want of me? What could they possibly want from
me...” gathered guests begin to walk toward a single doorway leading
into the castle.
The attuned creature may now cast Commune as a ritual
spell once per dusk though their message is relayed directly The party has the opportunity to speak with an assortment of
to Vampyr. Barovian (and non-Barovian) citizens about the wedding
today. Rumor has it that Strahd had this new window
commissioned for his brother and Tatyana. He didn't. Strahd
Chapter 6: Wedding Bells did allow the construction, but it was Lady Darovnya's idea.
" 'I wish you had someone like Tatyana,' he enthused at This scene should feel spectacularly light-hearted and
me. 'Oh, but I will...' I thought.” joyful. Everyone is full of love and anticipation.
The dawn of Strahd's final day. His pact was initiated in the The Chapel
vaults of the Amber Temple, but his eternal soul was sealed
by drinking his brother's blood. The chapel is currently radiant and colorful, decorated floor
On the day of Sergei and Tatyana's wedding, Strahd's to ceiling for the most elaborate wedding anyone has ever
twisted jealousy boiled over into an unrelenting rage. As seen. If the party follows anyone inside, read:
Sergei bled and Tatyana fell to her death, another key
member of Strahd's court seized the opportunity to
overthrow the Lord of Barovia.
Leo Dilisnya's forces plotted for months to turn the
wedding day red, and Strahd's transformation only fueled
their vindication.
The Party's Involvement
The party is present for the wedding ceremony as guests of
Tatyana’s. The ceremony itself includes the deaths of Sergei
and Tatyana as well as Strahd's battle against the traitorous
forces led by Leo Dilisnya. After Tatyana’s death, the party
fades into the mist and watches as Strahd reflects on Leo’s

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
If a character takes notice, any further inspection reveals
You enter a cathedral-like chapel capped by a ninety-foot-tall
they are not wearing any von Zarovich sigils. These are six
domed ceiling, raised by towering archways. The white marble Dilisnya family guards), preparing to lock the doors as the
walls are wreathed by strings of flowers and vines, and the ceremony begins.
decadent smell of a feast wafts down the hall, blending with When Tatyana enters (with or without her escort), the
the fresh air and a symphony of flowers from the gardens. chapel doors are closed and locked behind her. She will join
Sergei, Ilona, and Strahd next to the altar at the front of the
Guests filter into rows of chairs set to face the ceremony room. When Lady Ilona begins the ceremony, however, at the
along the east wall. Standing at the front of the room as you back of the room a crossbow is nocked.
pass, next to an altar carved with bas-reliefs of angelic figures A successful Wisdom (Perception) check contested by
entwined with grapevines, is Sergei in a white coat, decorated the assailant's Dexterity (Stealth) check (+4) alerts the
with golden tassels and a priestly pendant on a cerulean ribbon character to someone drawing their weapon and the groan of
hanging from his neck.
someone who has been quietly stabbed.
At his waist is his sword, dazzling in the chromatic The crowd is hushed, but the stillness of the moment is
fragments of sunlight gleaming through the painted glass. On broken by the snap of a string and the whistle of a crossbow
his right is Lady Ilona Darovnya in blue and gold priestly robes, bolt that embeds itself beneath Strahd's left pauldron.
standing poised to officiate. To his left, Strahd stands proudly
Another fires off from the back of the room toward Tatyana
in his red armor with golden angel wings and a heavy, black
but is stopped by Sergei, lunging forward to knock her from
cape. He watches as you enter.
harm's way. The bolt instead embeds itself into his shoulder
and a flower of blood stains his white shirt.
As the party explores the room or tries to find seats, a servant
approaches on behalf of Tatyana requesting that they come to Strahd's pupils thin when the scent of the wound finds him,
see her before the ceremony begins. They are escorted to the and in his frenzy, he appears more beast than man. Amidst the
Hall of Faith (area K14) to speak with her. chaos, you hear the dozens of voices from the Amber Temple
echo: ‘Remove your obstacle.’ There is no hesitation. A pool of
scarlet forms on the breast of Sergei’s pristine coat.
The Blushing Bride
If Ireena is set to marry anyone in the present, this He tries to fight his older brother off, but Strahd’s fangs find
scene offers a chance to create a direct parallel. his throat. And Sergei's sword, drawn to protect his love,
Regardless of which body she is in, her soul may drops to the floor. Its blade falls loose from the hilt into the
process her emotions about this day the same.
rapidly spreading pool of blood, though both pieces continue
to dazzle in brilliant color from beneath the gore.
Tatyana will primarily keep the conversation centered on
these topics: Many of the guests, including Tatyana, fight at the doors in a
I’m nervous. I love Sergei, but I don’t feel I have anything scramble to leave. More of the Dilisnya forces are littered
to offer him. throughout the crowd and begin to kill those in attendance
I’ve never seen the castle this busy, and it is quite once by one. Eventually, a few attendees and Tatyana flee to
intimidating. the garden. Strahd is locked feeding on Sergei.
I’ve been living in the castle, but still feel entirely out of The Escape
place here.
"Elder" (Strahd) has seemed distant lately. Cold even. If the party follows Tatyana into the courtyard, read:
More so than usual. I’m worried that he does not approve
of the union. The castle halls and grounds are bathed in blood and drowned
in desperate screams. The courtyard is greying. The sun is
When the party has concluded their conversation with
Tatyana or settled her nerves, she sends them off to their gone. The spring afternoon is now choked by a deep mist that
seats in the chapel and asks that one of them walk her down claws its way over the castle walls.
the aisle, if they would be so kind.
The Attack Tatyana is in a terrible state. If approached, she has nothing
If the party returns to the chapel, they find enough open but questions:
chairs for all of them in the front row. The organ music from Who betrayed us?
further in the castle falls mute, and the large doors to the I saw Strahd change, I think. Did the traitors do
chapel are opened wide. A character that makes a successful something to him?
DC18 Wisdom (Perception) check notices that the Was Sergei hit? I couldn’t see. Is he alright?
attendants opening the doors and standing at the garden exit Did I see Strahd lunge at him?
are wearing armor beneath their robes.

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Several members of the Dilisnya forces eventually arrive in
the courtyard in pursuit of Tatyana. A bolt cuts through the mist and plunges into Strahd’s back.
Then another. And another. But he does not fall. Instead, his
already pale skin fades to a pallid, deathless white. His eyes
Evening the Odds flood scarlet and fangs extend from his gums. At every angle,
An assortment of NPC soldiers can be used in this bolts protrude from his body. Then, they begin to fall from his
encounter including a few Sergeants, Knights,
wounds like raindrops. Though his tunic is torn, there is no
Gladiators, or some even War Chiefs depending on
how challenging of a fight you're looking for. blood. Leo Dilisnya steps through the encroaching mists,
helming a militia of over two dozen soldiers.

On initiative count 20, in the third round of combat, Strahd

arrives, covered in blood. Three crossbow bolts protrude from Chapter Close
his armor, and his sword is drawn. Rahadin, Petyr Wachter, "The blackness returned, covering me, covering the
his young daughter Lovina Wachter (Fiona Wachter's world. Never to lift. It weighed upon me, heavier than the
ancestor), and several nobles follow him out. mountain, smothering and crushing me into something
He points them northward toward the carriage house. less than dust, but I was looking at dead men.
Rahadin leads them on that way. Strahd will slay any Before another hour passed, I’d send them wailing on
remaining Dilisnya guards before rushing toward Tatyana. their way to rotting hell. All of them. All except the traitor
behind them."
Strahd limps toward Tatyana. ‘Betrayal…Tatyana, the Dilisnya’s
have betrayed us.’
The attuned creature may now cast Ceremony as a ritual
’Elder, you’re frightening me, what has happened to you? spell once per dusk.
Where is Sergei?’

Strahd stops in his tracks as the mists seem to advance

Chapter 7: The Corruption
toward him. ‘He is gone! I am here for you now. I will protect of Yester Hill
“In my youthful folly, I believed I was the land. But time
His new monstrous features are only amplified by his revealed powers beyond the mortal mind still maintained
stained, worn armor, and Tatyana retreats. They continue in a
their hold here.”
dance. He limps forward and she steps back. Strahd shifts.
Strahd's possession of the land was finalized when he
desecrated the Fanes of Barovia. His first step toward
Dragging himself faster toward her, and the mists grow
eliminating them began with sacrificing undead hordes to the
denser. It is not until you and Strahd hear the creak of iron that once-sacred Gulthias Tree.
you realize you have reached the castle’s overlook. The Huntress of the Mountain Fane was once revered
here. The most sacred and blessed members of the Forest
’Tatyana!’ In her daze, she reaches the railing and tumbles.
Folk had their bodies committed to the holy tree, but by
The mist parts beneath her. You rush to the ledge to watch her perverting death and interring the walking dead to a place
in her white dress soar through the air like a spirit toward dedicated to eternal rest, Strahd corrupted the earth itself.
jagged rocks below, their spires peering over the low-hanging
clouds. But she is not dashed across them. There is no impact.
There is no blood. Thousands of feet below, the white dress
The Desecration of the Fanes
simply fades into the mist. For more information on the desecration (and
possible reconsecration) of the Fanes, please
check out DragnaCarta’s Curse of Strahd: Reloaded
and MandyMod’s Fleshing Out Series for their
Strahd rests broken, grieving. Tears of blood stream down his incredible histories for the locations. This chapter–
face, and he will speak to the characters as if they are his as well as the following chapter–draw heavily from
imaginary childhood friends. their lore.
He will truthfully answer any questions about his life up to
this point. Once the characters have spoken with him for
some time, his final moments of humanity fade with the Servants of the Morninglord, including Gabriel Andral and
arrival of Leo Dislisnya. Read: Sorina Markovia, fought tirelessly to stop Strahd, but his
cursed immortality meant that his success was inevitable.
The fall of the Mountain Fane at Yeser Hill marked both the
beginning of the end for the Forest Folk and a new beginning
for Strahd von Zarovich.

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The Party's Involvement
The party stands alongside Strahd as the Faithless–Forest The Student, the Master, and the
Folk deserters that have bowed to their new lord. They are Dark Lord
wearing robes decorated with leaves and branches and stand For many years, Gabriel Andral supported Strahd
against soldiers of the Morninglord who resist Strahd’s reign. and his rule, accepting that Strahd was simply not a
The Forest Folk must ensure that the resurrected bodies of man of faith. Sorina Markovia, however, regularly
their fallen druidic rivals are consumed by their sacred tree. advised her mentor that Strahd was a violent
This act will finalize Strahd's corrupting ritual. warlord and that the church must be careful of a
Andral and Markovia fought back against Strahd’s forces, powerful man with no regard for the religion of the
but by slaying the druids, they played right into his hands. people.
Andral remained Strahd's friend and counsel
They provided the victims for his unholy rite. If the Gulthias even after the pact with Vampyr was struck. In
Tree is desecrated here, Strahd also takes its blood for the some ways, he approved of the removal of the
creation of the Heart of Sorrow. paganistic druids. He soon learned that Strahd
would not stop with their expulsion, and it was
The Grove of the Gulthias Tree only a matter of time before the Morninglord was
The grove around the once beautiful tree (area Y4) is stripped from Barovia as well. (These histories have
beginning to rot and fester due to Strahd's influence. When been adapted from this amazing guide by u/Tygrus:
they arrive on the hill, read: St. Andral and St. Markovia - Reimagined.)

Rays of divine light fight to pierce the heavy cloud of Barovian

mist above; a sun engraved on an ornate, gilded pauldron ’Strahd, you’re better than this. There’s no need for this to go
radiates, shining brighter than the muted sunlight masked by on.’
clouds. Gabriel Andral shakily props himself up on his
warhammer. Blood dripping from a gash on his forehead is You see Lord von Zarovich clutching a still-beating heart in
mirrored by the gore splattered on his weapon. his claw. Five figures, their bodies wrapped in fibrous robes
woven of natural materials and their faces obscured by heavy
Next to him is a young woman shouldering a mountain of
hoods, lie scattered about his feet. He crushes the heart and
gilded plate armor; gripped tightly in her gauntlets is a brutal
dark tendrils of energy writhe from it, wrapping around the
morningstar in the shape of the Morninglord's sun.
bodies and rooting them to the soil. They rise to their feet,
You stand just on the edge of a wilting grove, high on a hill, stoic, still. A series of cracks, snaps, and rumbles follows.
facing a colossal, blossoming tree. Behind you, a small army of skeletal warriors clad in decrepit,
tattered leather pry themselves from long-sealed cairns atop
the burial mound.

Gabriel Andral, a War Priest with a warhammer, and Sorina

Markovia, a War Priest with a morningstar, stand between
the characters, Strahd (with Wall of Fire and Danse Macabre
prepared), and his allies (5 Simplified Strahd Zombies
(courtesy of u/Gerglie) and 2d12 Skeletons), and the Gulthias
Strahd casts Danse Macabre using a 5th-level spell slot to
revive the druids. He orders the skeletons and the party to
protect the zombies as they march toward the tree, who take
the Dash action on each of their turns to reach it as quickly as
possible. They then fall into a mouth-shaped hole in the
trunk, no action required. Strahd is successful in desecrating
the Fane if at least three of the five zombies sacrifice
themself to the tree.

Death for the Undead

If the zombies begin the encounter at staggered
distances, the last should be able to reach the tree
by the end of the fifth round of combat, at which
point the encounter is over.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The party may also choose to ignore Strahd's order and In the months and years that followed the desecration of
instead defend the tree. If they do this, he commands the the Mountain Fane at Yester Hill, Strahd learned more about
skeletons to deal with them as well. the sacred sites that remained within the ethereal Barovian
If Andral and Markovia are left standing by the end of the borders.
encounter, or if the players side with them and successfully The two remaining sites dedicated to the Forest Fane in
destroy all of the undead, Strahd uses a 4th-level spell slot to the Svalich Wood—near where Old Bonegrinder now stands
cast Wall of Fire and surround anyone that opposes him. —and the Swamp Fane at the edge of the river village of
If Strahd successfully sends at least three zombies into the Berez, required careful observation and research in order to
growing maw of the Gulthias Tree, read: permanently render them impotent.
With the aid of his nursemaid, Lysaga, and several hags,
The wood splinters again, parting to welcome what it believes including a young Morgantha, Strahd was able to complete
to be the remains of a revered warrior, but the ghastly, his domination of Barovia.
shambling husk of its druidic protector commits itself to the
By severing and claiming the Rozana's connection to the
land itself, he gained total control of Barovia; by combining
maw. Bark peels from the trunk of the tree like decaying flesh
their now perverted sacred essences, he was also able to
falling from a rotting corpse. grant unholy life to a living heart that beats from within the
walls of Castle Ravenloft, a heart that protects him from any
Globs of amber tree sap morph into thick droplets of blood,
possible danger.
and the dew-like twinkle on the green leaves evaporates as
boughs crash down by the dozens. The holy site lies in ruin. The Party's Involvement
Strahd vanishes in a swirl of his cloak and reappears next to
At Berez, the party may observe the desecration ritual,
the tree with a vial. He drags the glass along the trunk and fills
inspect the stones, and listen in on Lysaga and Strahd's
it with bloody sap before fading into the mists that surround conversation. Strahd and Baba view the party as Faithless
the hill. Forest Folk druids who are aiding in the maintenance of the
desecration site. Each character appears wearing dark, moss-
covered robes decorated with plant matter.
If Andral and Markovia, with or without the help of the party, At Old Bonegrinder, they play a more active role as hags
prevent Strahd's ritual, read: working with Strahd to prepare raven pies–pies made of both
Barovian ravens and Wereravens–that are to be fed to nearby
The cold isolation of the mist-choked hilltop becomes residents.
scorching hot as arcane flames rise in the grotto. 'Your
betrayal is noted, Gabriel. You've allowed Sorina to whisper in
The Standing Stones of Berez
The party arrives in the midst of the Fane’s desecration.
your ear for too long. You of all people should know that this
When the book’s mists fade, read:
was inevitable. All those years ago, you requested I remove the
Ancient Ones from this place, did you not?
Humidity swells, and damp air sticks to your skin. The stench
It is of no consequence to me. Your Morninglord cannot of putrid water swirling with rotting plants floods your nostrils,
reach you, cannot save you, cannot support you. He is gone, and your feet sink into soft peat. A dozen moss-covered
and this site–as well as the others–will fall in time.' In a whirl of menhirs form a near-perfect circle in the spongy earth. These
black cloth, Strahd fades from view and into the clouds weathered stones range in height from fifteen to eighteen
encircling Yester Hill. feet, and four to the north, south, east, and west rise above
twenty. Each of the cardinal stones has a figure bound to it
with rope.
Chapter Close
“I set to raze and salt the earth to purify it. Neither the A wild-looking woman with sticks and mud plastered to her
ancient spirits of the druids nor the gods of the old world greying hair stands at the northernmost stone, and in the
would rule above me. I am the ancient. I am the land.” center of the circle is Strahd von Zarovich, levitating inches
above the muddy soil.
The attuned creature may now cast Hallow as a ritual spell
once per dusk. Baba Lysaga
Baba Lysaga attains much of her immense power by aiding
Chapter 8: The Heart of Strahd in his effort to corrupt the land. As the ritual is not yet
complete, Lysaga has the stats of a Barovian Witch.
the Old Gods Baba is currently lashing at a priest of the Rozana that has
“I wrenched superstition and tradition from the claws of been bound and chained to the northern stone. She is
the few who clung to their old ways. The souls trapped demanding that they renounce their faith.
here were to succumb or suffer.” She has already cut the hearts out of the priests that are
bound to the stones at the south and east, but this one is
holding out and refuses to renounce the Ladies.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The priest bound to the western stone is barely alive but
If approached, Lysaga asks the character for some assistance clinging to consciousness. Their eyes have been gouged out.
with torturing the priest. She will otherwise not reveal any Without their sight, they assume that anyone approaching is
substantial information and gets aggravated if a character Lysaga. If the characters speak to them and make it clear that
asks too many questions because she supposes that they they are not hostile, the priest willingly reveals the
should already know everything about what is going on here. information below in Sylvan. The party hears Sylvan but can
She does, however, revel in her work and will be grateful and understand them even if they don't speak it.
kind to anyone that helps her to torture the priests. They were kidnapped from their tribe.
The Stones They’ve been here for a month. The witch has been
feeding them just enough of something to keep them alive.
Any character investigating the eight, non-cardinal standing Every day they are lashed, and during their torture, the
stones can recognize depictions of a bear, elk, hawk, goat, witch demands they renounce the Rozana as false gods
owl, panther, raven, and wolf carved into their surfaces. and recognize Strahd as their only master.
At the foot of each stone is also a ruined carcass of the
creature etched on the stone. After the characters have investigated the area, read:
A successful DC13 Wisdom (Medicine) or Wisdom
(Survival) check reveals that these animals were butchered A shriek ripples across the swamp, silencing the chirping and
within the last day and with precision and intent. buzzing in the air. The old woman steps away from the
A successful DC15 Intelligence (Religion) check reveals colossal northern stone, with her bony fingers caged around a
that nature deities often revere and protect creatures of the still-beating heart. She motions to Strahd with her open hand,
world and that these bodies have been strewn to intentionally
and ritually disrespect whatever deity is (or was) worshipped and he drifts toward her. The lord removes a glass vial from his
here. Just as rituals can be performed to honor the gods, coat and slides it delicately through a mound of soil at the
some may be performed to curse them. stone’s base.
The taller stones to the north, south, east, and west have
priests of the Rozana bound to them. Any character that The heart gushes and squirms as if trying to escape, and the
approaches the southern or eastern stones sees the mutilated woman squeezes what blood remains into the vial to mingle
corpse of a priest, their body scarred and covered in cuts and with the bog soil. Strahd seals the glass with a cork, kisses the
lashes, and their hearts ripped from their chests. A successful woman tenderly on the forehead, and vanishes in a quickly
DC16 Wisdom (Medicine) check reveals that they were dissipating cloud, leaving her with a wide, motherly grin
starved and the wounds are both pre- and post-mortem. cracking her aging face.

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The Monoliths of the Forest ‘Someone will surely have to taste this…blasphemous meal.’
The stones of the Seeker sit just outside of the walls of a
hags’ hut on the top of a gloomy hill. The party arrives inside Strahd claps his hands and a man with slicked black hair, harsh
of this makeshift, wood-and-mud hut. eyes, and a dreadful if regal air steps across the threshold of
the hut—a man identical to Strahd in every way. The seated
The harsh smell of swampy decay withers, but the warmth Strahd invites his double inside, and the clone marches up to
remains. The thick, heavy air is replaced with a dry heat, and the freshly plated dish.
the mists coalesce into ramshackle walls made of twigs and
logs, dense wooden furniture, and all of the trimmings of a
If the party succeeds in preparing and plating the dish:
kitchen. Scents of seasoned meat pies linger in the air.

At the center of this small hutch is an iron kiln. Horrid- The lookalike stands upright and nods. ‘These will serve
looking hags with blue-green skin, wiry hair, and wretched nicely.’ The original Strahd nods in return and bids the taster
fingers that creep like spiders’ legs huddle around it. You now to leave before kneeling and filling a glass vial with viscera,
see your own skin is a blueish-green hue, and your hands are bird bones, and black feathers. He then blends into a cloud of
tipped with claw-like fingernails. vapor and phases through the silty walls of the hut.

Strahd stands with you, no more than a few feet away in the
tightly crowded shack, pressed against a heavy table set with a If the party fails to prepare the dish:
butcher’s knife and a wide array of diced vegetables and spice
jars. A raven is restrained in his hand, fluttering feverishly to fly The lookalike collapses and vomits violently on the floor.
away, but he snaps its neck and passes it to a young girl. Strahd surveys the room, eyeing each of you with terrible
‘Another for the cutting board, Morgantha. Feather it as you distrust. ‘Potent, but I thought that we had discussed our goal
would like.’ With that, she places it on the chopping block and and were in agreement. Which of you was in charge here?’
lops the bird’s off before sloppily plucking its feathers.

If a character steps forward, they are hit by Strahd’s

While the young Morgantha plucks the raven, Strahd exits Unarmed Strike attack. If none volunteer, he will
the hut and returns with a new raven every thirty seconds or systematically approach them until someone admits to being
so. The party is free to explore the rather sparse hut (area O5, the leader, at which point, he will strike that character.
see Appendix D) while the young Morgantha feathers and
chops. Strahd returns to his seat beside the charnel, and with a flick
Once the party has taken some time to look around, Strahd of his wrist, conjures a spectral hand. The hand firmly grasps a
speaks up, wondering why they are taking so long to begin raven’s neck and begins to squeeze. The pressure wrings
cooking. Morgantha will take a break from chopping to help blood from the bird onto the pile of feathered corpses, and
them prepare a recipe. Strahd furnishes a small glass tube. He holds the container
beneath the steady drip, all the while whispering an
Make Sure Their Goose is Cooked incantation.
I recommend using these rules from Cecilia With the addition of one of the black feathers to the vial, he
D’Anastasio to run a skill challenge wherein the
corks it and returns to you. ‘I expect a proper dish upon my
party chooses which dish they wish to prepare
based on their inspection of the room and their next visit. Get to work.’ His petrifying stare holds intently to
own interests—maybe they’ll discover an amazing you before he evaporates into a cloud, blending with the
recipe for raven pudding or the first iced-raven dish shadows that consume the muck-coated hut around you.
instead of baking pies!

The Heart of Sorrow

While the party works to prepare (DC16), cook (DC18), and The party arrives near the top of the Spires of Ravenloft, on
plate (DC12) their new raven-based dish, Strahd continues to the landing immediately next to the Heart of Sorrow (area
snap neck after neck from the pile of raven carcasses. When K20) and the Bridge (area K58). Read:
the dish is complete, read:

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A wailing wind brushes away the mists around you, revealing The Party's Involvement
the cracking, ancient stone of Castle Ravenloft’s walls. The
The characters serve as Strahd’s champions of Castle
exterior is illuminated by a muted vermillion glow. A low Ravenloft during the battle. The party dons sets of pitch-black
thrumming rises and falls, and the light pulsates in unison. von Zarovich plate armor. Strahd's decimation of the enemy
forces begins when the drawbridge leading to the castle is
The source of the light appears to be a ten-foot-tall, ruby- dropped by a small covert force. As he descends upon the
red gemstone in the shape of a human heart, wrapped firmly in front line to show them the wrath of their new god, his
golden bands, and floating over the depthless, hollow center generals—the party and Rahadin—may drive back the forces
of the tower spire. The doorway into the tower and the source in the castle or join him on the field.
of the glow are suddenly eclipsed by a cloaked figure—Strahd
has climbed the stairs of the tower’s interior and now stands
Prepare for Battle
The party stands proudly on the ramparts of Castle Ravenloft
between you and the crystal.
(area K46) alongside Lord Strahd and Rahadin. When the
With a nonchalant wave, his black leather boots rise from
mists of the tome disperse, read:
the staircase landing, and he glides through the air toward the
Looking across the grand chasm that descends thousands of
heart. He touches his hand to it and retrieves three glass vials
feet below the drawbridge, the mists and rain in the distance
filled to the brim with murky admixtures. He pours the first
part as a crowd of hundreds marches toward the edge of the
over the top of the gemstone. ‘I am the Ancient. I am the
ravine. Leading the charge is a blinding, radiant light burning
Land.’ The second, repeating the chant. And as he repeats the
through the watery veil like a small sun.
motion a third time, with the final vial, the thrum turns to a
pounding. A trumpet sounds from the army, thundering through the
valley, and grinding, heavy metal gears and chains groan below
The ruby flashes in sync with the sound again, and the
you, almost in response. A series of clanks and clangs screech
crystalline structure fractures. Shards of the heart crumble and
from the gatehouses, and the heavy chains of the drawbridge
fall into the depths below, and layered beneath the gemstone
fall, unrestricted. The castle’s bridge crashes down, bowing
are bits of flesh. Thump thump. Thump thump. The rest of the
and nearly snapping as it slams into position, spanning the
shell shatters and a ten-foot-tall human heart now hangs,
vast canyon.
aglow in the night.

Chapter Close
When the drawbridge drops, Strahd, for the first time in
decades, is genuinely excited. He turns to Rahadin and the
“This was not mere iconoclasm. My faith was in myself. I party and nods. Rahadin turns southward to take his leave
had none to spare for the gods” and attend to their guests at the front door.
The attuned creature may now cast Magic Jar as a ritual spell ‘Rahadin, hold. Generals, I trust your judgment. Would you like
once per dusk. to join me for a welcoming party, or would you prefer to tend
to our dinner guests with Rahadin?’

Chapter 9: The March of

the Dawn Once the party reaches a decision, Strahd opens his cloak
and sends his familiar, a bat (or vampire parrot) named
“In life, the Morninglord’s light never reached me. In Bartholemew, to accompany Rahadin. Their connection
death, its presence was as an eternal plague.” allows Strahd to be fully queued into and aware of the events
Nearly two decades of terror passed after Strahd's bond that unfold should the party stays behind in the castle.
with the land was complete. Gabriel Andral was killed
protecting the people of Vallaki from an onslaught of undead, In a black plume, Strahd’s form dives over the battlement like
sacrificing himself to sate their hunger. a bird of prey. A rising cloud of steam precedes a deep orange
Five years after his death, Sorina Markovia amassed a glow that rises to meet your eyes.
small army of the faithful–including mercenaries, hunters,
farmers, priests, and druids loyal to the old ways–from across Strahd reappears, mounted nobly on a flaming, black steed.
Barovia. They marched on Castle Ravenloft to destroy Strahd Its body is dense with muscle, but its face is skeletal and
once and for all. vicious; its bony jaw and hollow eyes spew ash and embers
While ultimately unsuccessful, the resistance mounted by into the night sky.
the March of the Dawn was the closest that Strahd had been
to true death in years, and Markovia's martyrdom secured her
sainthood within the Morninglord's domain, even if her
remains were never recovered.

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The Ravenloft Welcoming Committee On initiative count 20, in the fourth round of combat,
If the party chooses to follow Rahadin downstairs, read: Strahd casts Maddening Darkness on the battlefield,
gatehouse towers, and the western half of the bridge. Before
casting his spell, Strahd severs his connection to the Heart of
The elf leads you around the edge of the castle’s walls to a Sorrow, and, in a fit of rage, includes both himself and Sorina
steep spiral staircase that snakes through the center of Markovia in the spell's radius. Characters inside of the castle
Ravenloft, down a narrow hall on the ground floor, and into an hear all noise outside fall silent.
archer’s post along the perimeter. Through slits in the stone,
you have full view of the courtyard, but Rahadin presses his ear
to the eastern wall.

Rahadin guides the party from the castle walls (area K46) to
the spiral Guards’ Stair (area K64) and out to the South
Archer’s Post (area K11). He is pressed up against the secret
door leading to the Dining Hall (area K10), and the pipe
organ has been pushed aside so that the door can be used.
An adventuring party that has found themselves trapped in
Barovia is coordinating with Markovia in the invasion against
Strahd. They feared he would come for them soon, so with
the aid of the church they cast Teleport to gain access to the
castle and lower the drawbridge for the invading army.
A Barovian noble that supported their cause stole a utensil
from the dining hall to give them an anchor for the Teleport
spell, but Strahd’s servants discovered that it was missing,
and he was able to prepare for their arrival.
The party is made up of a Guerilla Scout or Swashbuckler
Rogue, Diviner Wizard, and a Holy Redeemer Paladin.
When the party opens the secret door to the Dining Hall,
The stone passage slides open in conjunction with a grunt and
the clang of steel. The luxurious dining hall of Ravenloft is
devoid of its typical glamor, though it continues to serve its
purpose. The castle’s guests–a knight in glimmering mail and a
slender figure enshrouded in an aura of silver magic–have
found their way here without their host’s assistance. They now
stand over what remains of five vampires.

The Wizard has cast Mage Armor on themself and has

expended 1 spell slot of every level but 8th in order to secure
their access to this chamber.
On their initiative, in the second round of combat, the
party’s Rogue returns from lowering the bridge at the Gate
Towers in the Front Courtyard (area K1) and joins the fray.
On initiative count 20, in the second round of combat, the
characters hear a massive explosion muffled by the stone
walls, and dirt is shaken from the ceiling. Strahd falls from
the sky as Beucephalus is hit by a blast of radiant light and
vanishes in a cloud of smoke.
On initiative count 20, in the third round of combat,
Strahd's pained scream carries over the valley and through
the walls of the castle. The pouring rain outside turns warm
and red. The blood rain forces any rebels to succeed on a
DC18 Wisdom Saving Throw or their morale leaves them.
They are frightened and turn to flee from the fight.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The pearl crumbles to dust in his palm; the silver reflection of
Turning the Tide moonlight carried on the rolling mist turns crimson. The moon
At this point, if they have not already, the invasion above, now fighting through a gathering storm is blood red,
party should be doing their best to retreat. and on the ground below, the grass wilts.
Consider having them vocalize their surrender or
execute some retreat strategy. Alternatively, you Waves of festering, necrotic energy ripple from a single
may provide Rahadin with a powerful magical
patch of soil, the plague grows, the tendrils of vile magic lurch
object that he can use to either restrain or kill
them outright. hungrily outward, and in an instant, they swallow a sixty-foot
dome. Nearly a quarter of the armed men and women fighting
to enter the castle drop dead in an instant.
Once the party has dispatched or otherwise ended their
encounter with the invading adventurers, the mists flow ‘Enjoy your feast, generals.’
around them, the castle walls melt away, and they arrive on
the battlefield alongside Strahd.
Strahd casts Circle of Death on 4d10 commoners that came
The People's Revolution here believing that their numbers would give them strength
If the party chooses to go with Strahd to the front lines, read: (and that the Morninglord would help protect them).
Unfortunately for them, neither was true.
With an arcane gesture and a wave of a black feather, you feel
Battle for the Drawbridge
lighter. Your feet rise from the floor. ‘Follow me.’ Strahd whips
Should anyone stop to fight on the bridge, Strahd snaps his
the reins of his horse and gallops, full speed through the air finger and ends his Fly spell as they touch down before
toward the oncoming horde. ‘Ride, Beucephalus!.’ continuing his own flight atop Beucephalus.
The party comes face to face with three waves of Barovian
soldiers fighting their way toward Castle Ravenloft. The
Strahd casts Fly on as many as may need it and dashes off waves advance as follows, arriving each round.
into battle. When the party jumps off of the wall, read:
1. 2d4 Guard minions with 1 Hit Point each, AC14 (no
The lord and his horse soar at a nightmarish speed and tear shields), and equipped with crossbows and makeshift
ahead of you through the sky. The two swoop down, level with
2. 1 Banneret Fighter and 1d4 Guard minions
the drawbridge that is now flooded with commoners storming
3. 1 Eldritch Knight and 1d4 Guard minions
the front gates. The vampire lord extends his hand again and
snaps his fingers. An invisible force erupts from the center of On initiative count 20, in the second round of combat, the
the path, sending nearly a dozen invaders plummeting over party sees Strahd fall from the sky as Beucephalus is hit by a
the unguarded sides of the precarious bridge.
ray of radiant light and vanishes in a cloud of dust.
On initiative count 20, in the third round of combat,
Strahd's pained scream carries over the valley, and the
If any party chooses to descend here and fight the forces back pouring rain turns warm and red. The blood rain forces any
from the bridge, Strahd will warn them that he will not rebels to succeed on a DC18 Wisdom Saving Throw or
maintain their Fly spell much longer, and they will need to their morale leaves them. They are frightened and turn to flee
touch down or risk following their guests to the depths. from the fight.
Otherwise, they may continue to follow him to the other On initiative count 20, in the fourth round of combat,
side, descend, and flank the army. When the party has made Strahd casts Maddening Darkness on the battlefield,
their decision, read: gatehouse towers, and the western half of the bridge. Before
casting his spell, Strahd severs his connection to the Heart of
Sorrow, and, in a fit of rage, includes both himself and Sorina
Strahd sails over the guard towers and leaps from Markovia in the spell's radius.
Beucephalus’ saddle. Fletching feathers etch the arc of dozens
of arrows through the clouds, and after narrowly avoiding their The Last of the Forest Folk
volley, Strahd plucks a black pearl from his coat sleeve. If any characters continue to the battlefield alongside Strahd
to witness his Circle of Death up close, he ends his Fly spell
‘Was it naivety or foolishness that allowed you to believe after it is cast, dropping the party on top of the bodies lying in
that you could enter, without invitation, into the lair of a Dark the 60-foot radius clearing left in the wake of his attack.
Lord and escape without retribution? All of Barovia will suffer Beucephalus catches Strahd, and he rides toward the army,
for your hubris, Dawnmaster. All will know, that while your taking part in the fight from directly above the party.
flock lives, there will be only darkness.’

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Dozens more commoners turn to flee the scene in terror, but The Devil's Wrath
the raiding party knew this would not be an easy fight, and If the party is in the field and they have not yet defeated the
are not yet deterred enough to leave. They continue their invaders, any that remain outside of the sphere of Maddening
march, hoping to reach Markovia who is rallying her troops Darkness now flee. When the party has had their fill of
and attempting to knock Strahd from the air. A unit breaks combat, all of the rebels escape, or all of the remaining rebels
from the cluster beneath him and turns its attention to the are killed, read:
New segments of advancing soldiers will join the fray in
waves. The waves advance as follows, arriving each round. An oppressive, white-hot column of light descends from the
heavens, crashing into the dome of shadow like a heavy stone-
1. 2d4 Tribal Warrior minions with 1 Hit Point each and 2d4 shattering glass. The sky's blood dries to your face, the rain
Commoners ceases, and before you, in a ray of pure sunlight stands Strahd,
2. 1 Ancestral Inheritor Barbarian and 2d4 Tribal Warrior
minions face to face with Sorina Markovia—much older than when you
3. 1 Arch Shepherd and 2d4 Tribal Warrior minions saw her during the unholy ritual at Yester Hill—clad in gold
and blue armor.
On initiative count 20, in the second round of combat, the
party sees Strahd fall from the sky as Beucephalus is hit by a The land's Dark Lord and its Dawnmaster are both on the
ray of radiant light and vanishes in a cloud of dust. verge of collapse. The ground at their feet is scorched, the
On initiative count 20, in the third round of combat, scattered dead lie incinerated. With a savage swing of
Strahd's pained scream carries over the valley, and the Markovia’s morningstar, sparks fly from a previously unseen,
pouring rain turns warm and red. The blood rain forces any arcane shield guarding Strahd's face.
rebels to succeed on a DC18 Wisdom Saving Throw or
their morale leaves them. They are frightened and turn to flee The mystical deflection catapults her weapon from her
from the fight. hand, sending sliding across the razed earth. Without a
On initiative count 20, in the fourth round of combat, moment's hesitation, she lunges, drawing a stake from
Strahd casts Maddening Darkness on the battlefield,
gatehouse towers, and the western half of the bridge. Before beneath her breastplate. The spike pierces Strahd's doublet
casting his spell, Strahd severs his connection to the Heart of but is halted, frozen in place as the wood meets flesh. Strahd
Sorrow, and, in a fit of rage, includes both himself and Sorina grasps the air as if he were holding the Dawnmaster’s collar
Markovia in the spell's radius. and magically lifts her from her feet as she gasps for breath.

'I am a just ruler, Sorina. Do you not believe I have earned

my place as Lord of Barovia? This land's laws are my laws.
Breaking those laws means betraying me. And do you know
what happens to those who betray me? I would not suppose
you would. There are none left to speak of it.'

Occult glyphs materialize between them that reform into a

skeletal hand. Its pointer finger hovers above the
Dawnmaster’s heart and taps her chest. Sorina Markovia's
pained, violent scream is choked by a grotesque gurgling; she
vomits bubbling, blackened blood, and her body slouches in
the air, still strung up by Strahd's magic like a twisted

The magic is dismissed, and Strahd falls to his knees

exhausted alongside the lifeless shell that clatters onto the
ash-coated battlefield. With the light of the Morninglord
extinguished, the vampire dissolves in a cloud and drifts
across the bridge. His gaseous form mingles with the mists
enveloping Castle Ravenloft.

The body of Sorina Markovia rises sloppily to its feet, its

right leg bent backward at the knee, and it limps toward its
new master and eternal servitude.

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Chapter Close
“The best way to rid the world of a plague is to begin with A Passing Familiarity
the rats.” The following description presumes that the party
has met both Vasili von Holtz and Fiona Wachter
Treasure and that they have been inside of the Wachterhaus
The attuned creature may now cast Find Greater Steed as a parlor. If this is not the case, consider rephrasing.
ritual spell once per dusk. When the spell is cast in this way,
the creature instead summons a Nightmare.
When the mists clear, read:
Chapter 10: The Legacy of A stone fireplace pops and crackles in a familiar, ebony-
Vasili von Holtz paneled parlor. Three elegant suede couches surround a table
made of obsidian and set with a stunningly crafted, gold-plated
“I finally took it upon myself to visit the new head of the
Wachter family. Lovina Wachter was no longer the fragile- ceramic tea set.
looking child I'd seen all those years before, but a ruler. Two figures glimmer in the fire's glow, lightly masked by
She extended her hand and greeted me warmly: steaming tea: a woman in a red and black lace dress with
‘Welcome, Lord Vasili.’ strange familiarity to her aging face and a handsome man with
Though Strahd was able to successfully silence and punish
those involved in the March of the Dawn, his words to the kind eyes and an irresistible smile. A smile you recognize all
now canonized St. Markovia were a lie. There was a single too well. The smile of Vasili von Holtz.
traitor who had escaped paying for their crimes against him:
Leo Dilisnya.
Fifty years after the night of death and destruction that A servant arrives to pour tea for Lovina and her guests. The
punctuated the end of Strahd's natural life, Lovina Wachter— lady of the house tells Vasili and the party more about the
a guest that lost her family at Sergei and Tatyana's wedding reason for their invitation, her experience with Leo at the
due to Leo's coup—discovered the location of her lord's most festival, and as much as she knows about the monastery. Her
elusive prey and her family's nemesis. knowledge includes:
Leo Dilisnya had taken up the nom de plume Henrik Knowledge of Leo
Steinman and hidden away in a monastery high upon Mt.
Baratok. Believing his long exile had provided enough cover, Leo Dilisnya is a traitor that murdered my family.
he returned to the village of Vallaki for a festival while He has been hiding for the last 50 years.
wearing his signature lion pendant. He still wears his signature necklace around his neck: a
Under the guise of Vasili von Holtz, Strahd followed shining, golden lion.
Lovina's instructions, located Leo, and damned him to a slow, Lovina recognized his medallion immediately when she
painful death by starvation. saw him just one week ago during the Festival of White
Sun, a local celebration for the Morninglord.
She imagines he should be about 90, but he seemed
Spoiler Warning strangely youthful. He couldn't have looked older than 50.
A link to a magical item found later in this chapter He is a sick old man who deserves to suffer for the rest of
– in the Auditorium (area M3g) – contains minor his days.
spoilers for the Fifth Edition module Tomb of He is operating under the name Henrik Steinman.
Knowledge of the monastery
The monks that live in the mountains belong to an order
The Party's Involvement known as the Order of the Guardians.
The party joins Vasili von Holtz for tea and an information The order is devoted to gathering and maintaining
session at the home of Lady Lovina Wachter. They are restricted and ancient knowledge.
operating as a group of mercenaries and spies hired by The monks have all taken vows of silence.
Strahd for a covert mission: hunting the traitor Leo Dilisnya. She has visited twice before as a dignitary and has a
After learning of Leo’s whereabouts from Lovina, the group vague memory of the layout though she was not permitted
sets out toward the Order of the Guardians Monastery– beyond the Grand Hall (area M3b).
resting high on the cliffs of Mt. Baratok–to aid Strahd in his Once the party feels as though their questions have been
quiet hunt. sufficiently answered or Lovina shares all of her knowledge,
she unveils a map and shows them the precise location of the
Wachterhaus monastery on the mountainside overlooking Lake Baratok.
The party is seated on the couches in the parlor of
Wachterhaus (area N4i) with Vasili von Holtz and Lovina

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M2. The Mountain Pass M2a. Mountainside Stairs
When the party decides to leave, read: When Strahd leaves his mist form and descends to the
landing outside the first of the buildings, read:
The sleek, ebony walls of Wachterhaus warp and bow. Mist
leaks through the cracks in the panels and images of the night Precariously secured rotting planks jut from the sediment
sky clouded with ravens rise from the wood grain. The boards layers of mountain stone. Hanging between segments of the
now frame the interior of a carriage. Gusts knock at your staircase are facades of buildings mounted to the rock.
windows, and the wagon bounces along a rough gravel road.
Even the regal posture of Vasili von Holtz buckles slightly on a
When Strahd takes his first step onto the stairs, read:
particularly large bump on the path.

The clop of horse hooves and clatter of wooden wheels A violent determination possesses Strahd's face, but as his
slows to a stop. Vasili looks through the window and surveys leather boot presses to the first plank, he recoils as if he
the craggy vista, and with a deep inhale his vest darkens and a touched a hot iron. The black cloak billows behind him like
cloak drapes from his shoulders. A pallid undeath washes over wings, and he retreats, gazing scornfully over the mountain
his face. The kind eyes sink into his skull. The lord of Barovia complex.
opens the door of his carriage and steps down its stairs to
meet the fresh mountain air and dirt of his land.
The monastery's religious rites protect this place from Strahd
His illusion dismissed, Strahd’s physical form melds with and other undead as if under the effects of a Forbiddance
the air, and you drift alongside him into the skies, climbing
spell. The monks of a bygone age further warded the Orator's
Chambers, Auditorium, and Scribe's Library so that these
above hundreds upon hundreds of feet of switchbacks and
spaces could be used to protect and safely study ancient, dark
dangerous mountain paths woven into the peaks as they rise artifacts. The effect is identical to an antimagic field centered
well above the clouds. on the rooms.
Strahd is infuriated by this realization and informs the
party that he must remain at a distance. He then asks them to
The Black Carriage comes to a stop at the base of a hill north locate Leo on his behalf, summon him, and once they locate
of Lake Baratok and just south of hundreds of stairs that hug him, he will bear the pain in order to claim his prey. In the
the cliff face and lead to the entrance of the Order of the meantime, he will observe the exploration from a distance.
Guardians Monastery (area M2).
M2b. Acolytes’ Quarters
The Order of the Guardians Monastery For the next 100 feet up the winding stairs, two two-story
This monastery was founded by members of the order that domiciles are set into the mountain alongside the path. If the
maintained the Amber Temple as both an escape from the party chooses to enter either building, read:
confines of the temple when its dark energies became
overwhelming and as a secure location from which they A small, quiet room with little more than a washbasin, a barrel,
could study and meditate in quiet. and a worn, splintering table is nestled into the mountain. A
Monks' Knowledge rickety ladder leading to a second floor is propped up through
Most of the monks of the Order of the Guardians Monastery a small square cut into the ceiling.
know and are willing to share the following if the party is not
hostile and request written directions or information:
These buildings each house two young acolytes. They are
The monks do not recognize the name Leo Dilisnya, but if currently asleep upstairs and have no interest in fighting any
they are asked about the location of Henrik Steinman, intruders.
they nod, and gesture further up the mountain path. If roused, they will maintain their vows of silence but are
Henrik Steinman is the Orator, the only monk in the order accommodating to strangers and offer what little resources
that is allowed to speak. they can. They live an ascetic life and besides the washbasin
He maintains all of the knowledge of the Order through and minimal rations, they have no material possessions.
verbal traditions and curates other information in the
library. M2c. Monks’ Quarters
The members of the order are housed in ascending order The path reaches a natural outcropping before coming to a
up the mountain beginning with the Acolytes and rope ladder that climbs 15 feet to another wooden path.
continuing on to the Observers, the Binders, the Keepers, Three more two-story buildings are built into the
and the Readers. mountainside directly ahead.
Beyond the Readers' residence, the other buildings
include the Overlook, the Sanctum, and the Orator’s
Any rooms belonging to the Scribe and the Orator are off-
limits to other members of the Order and outsiders.
The order builds all of their structures with wood.

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If the party chooses to enter any of the structures, read: M3. The Order of the Guardians
Monastery - Inner Sanctum
Woody incense burning in caged censers fill a barren living
chamber with a welcoming smell. Wisps of smoke mix with A wall, nearly twice the width and — by the numbers of chips,
the cold air and rise through a hole leading to a floor above. cracks, and wear — twice the age, of the other buildings,
extends from a recession in the mountainside.

Each building, from left to right, houses 1d4 ascetic monks.

The first houses the Observers and the Binders, the second This building is the longest-standing piece of the Order's
the Keepers, and the third the Readers. They are currently mountain complex. It houses their communal spaces as well
asleep upstairs and have no interest in fighting any intruders. as the places they hold most sacred.
If roused, they will maintain their vows of silence but are When the party arrives this evening, the hall is nearly
accommodating to strangers and offer what little resources empty except for the Scribe, Anya Alexeev, and Leo Dilisnya.
they can. They live an ascetic life and have no material Anya is asleep in her study (area M3c). She left the braziers in
possessions. the Grand Hall (area M3b) and the Dining Hall (area M3a)
burning. Leo is currently in the Auditorium (area M3g).
M2d. Overlook
The easternmost building of the monastery complex is a M3a. Dining Hall
meditative chamber that the Order of the Guardians uses as If the party opens the Inner Sanctum from the eastern door
both a facility to watch over the forests and lake below and as on the path, read:
a sacred place for the Readers, Scribe, and Orator to engage
with their sacred texts and histories. A smooth, hand-carved table surrounded by matching chairs
It also serves as a connecting point for the living quarters extends the length of a thirty-foot long hall. Shelves on the
below and the sanctum above.
When the party approaches the Overlook, read: north end of the room are stocked with rations and utensils. A
door set in the west wall hangs ajar.

The exterior of this building stands apart from the facades of

the others. A tower-like structure stands inverted, its domed The rations are salted fermented fish. The western door
roof is embedded in the ground, and its foundation clings leads to the Grand Hall (area M3b).
firmly to Mt. Baratok like a stalactite. Directly ahead is an open
door frame A door once hung from rusting hinges bolted to M3b. Grand Hall
the stone and wood but has long since worn away. When the party opens the door from the Dining Hall, read:
Braziers hang from the edge of a banister overhead and give
If the party decides to enter, read: light to a cavernous chamber. A staircase is tucked against the
north wall and snakes around to a second story. A symbol is
The cleanly swept floors of this room sit empty. A ladder to branded to the floorboards and covers most of the room, and
the immediate left is propped up through to the second story. resting over its furthest edge is a woven meditation mat.
The northern wall seems carved rather than paneled, and fitted
in the stone, spanning the entire eastern wall, is a sliding door.
The open space in the middle of the room is used by the
monks for silent meditation practice. Anya left her mat here
Beyond the sliding door is a balcony that runs the width of and intended to pack it away before bed.
the building and freely hangs out over the valley below. A The stairs lead to the Second Floor Landing (area M3e).
character looking out across the valley can see the distant Two doors on the far western wall lead to the Scribe’s
lights of Vallaki through the mist with a successful DC16 Study (area M3c) and a ladder (area M3d).
Wisdom (Perception) check.
Any character who climbs to the second floor finds a M3c. Scribe’s Study
slightly larger room with a desk and heavy, carved wooden The Scribe, Anya, is currently asleep at her desk in this room.
doors. When a character enters, read:
The doors are locked, and the key can be found in the
Auditorium (area M3g). A character can also pick the lock A nondescript desk with a nearly extinguished candle melted
using thieves’ tools and a successful DC14 Dexterity check. down to its wick takes up most of the far wall. A robed figure
Through these doors is a larger meditation balcony, nearly is hunched over a pile of papers on the tabletop.
identical to the one below, and a heavy iron chest. The chest
contains several scrolls detailing an incomplete and largely
incorrect history of Barovia. A tall chest of drawers is propped up along the south wall
On the southern wall is a door frame that opens to the that contains all of the individual pieces of a Priest's Pack
Mountainside Stairs (area M2a) leading toward the Inner and all of the individual pieces of a Scholar's Pack.
Sanctum (area M3).

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A character can also locate a key hidden in the drawers with Any character that stops to read through the materials
a successful DC16 Intelligence (Investigation) check that finds that this library contains hundreds of years of Barovian
opens the Scribe's Library (area M3f) and the Auditorium history, much of it dating back before Strahd's rule, creating a
(area M3g). rich tapestry of knowledge about the land once known as
A rack on top of the drawers carries 50 gp worth of fine Cerunnos, the Fanes, the religious rites of Forest Folk and
parchment paper rolled into scrolls. Mountain Folk, and the rule of King Dorian of the Tergs.
The last fifty years have been thoroughly catalogued as
The Scribe well, but all of the information about Strahd himself is
The figure at the desk is Anya Alexeev, the Scribe. She has dramatized and largely incorrect. They read like ghost stories
been working on recording recent Barovian events in the of a terrible monster. The March of the Dawn is recounted,
Scribe's Library (area M3f) and came here to finish but Strahd is described to be a twelve-foot-tall demon with
organizing her space for the following day but fell asleep in hulking wings who breathes fire and can kill a man with his
the process. red eyes alone.
If she is disturbed, Anya is disoriented and flustered as the
Scribe's Study is off-limits to anyone not of proper ranking M3g. Auditorium
within the order. The door to this room is the only door in the monastery made
She maintains her vow of silence but will actively try to with reinforced iron bars. It is currently locked and can be
remove the party from the premises, leading them to the opened with the key found in the Scribe's Study (area M3c). A
Readers' quarters and communicating to the other monks character can also pick the lock using thieves’ tools and a
that the outsiders must leave. successful DC20 Dexterity check or break the door down
In addition to the information in the Monks' Knowledge with a successful DC22 Strength check.
section, Anya also knows the following that she will only If the party opens the door, read:
share if forced, manipulated, or threatened into sharing:
She last saw Henrik Steinman in the Auditorium before Candlelight paints monstrous shapes on the walls of this small
she fell asleep here. He usually stays there fairly late. room. A marble podium stands in the corner. Leaning over the
If the Orator is not in the Auditorium, he will be in his dais is an aging man with tightly cropped, greying hair, and a
bedroom. dense, fraying beard. Around his neck, weighing heavily against
Their most recent work from today was documenting the his thick, wool robes, is an ostentatious golden lion head.
Festival of the White Sun that occurred in Vallaki.
Treasure. 50 gp worth of fine parchment paper and a key to
areas M3f and M3g.
M3d. Ladder
The ladder in this chamber climbs out of the Inner Sanctum
and into the Acolyte’s Tunnel (area M3i) that leads to the
Orator's House (area M4).
M3e. Second Floor Landing
The staircase winds around to a balcony that lines the south
wall. A door to the east leads to the Scribe's Library (area
M3f) and a door to the west, at the far end of the balcony,
leads to the Prayer Chamber (area M3h).
M3f. Scribe's Library
The door to this room is locked and can be opened with the
key found in the Scribe's Study. A character can also pick the
lock using thieves’ tools and a successful DC17 Dexterity
If the party enters this room, read:
Crumbling, aged scrolls, rolled and bound by leather ties, pile
from floor to ceiling. Nested alongside the neatly ordered
bundles of parchment are hand-bound tomes in color-coded

A door on the northern wall leads directly to the Auditorium

(area M3g).

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Leo Dilisnya In his research, he has learned what Strahd has become.
Leo Dilisnya has mysteriously survived for fifty years in He acts as if he is superior to and smarter than Strahd for
Barovia after betraying Strahd. This is due to a combination having outmaneuvered him all those years ago, but in truth,
of his vigilant paranoia and several layers of magical he fears Strahd’s retribution above all else and will bargain
protection. He has sealed areas of the monastery with iron with the party to spare his life and betray Strahd.
doors (even though the monks have exclusively used wood in If the party stops to speak with him, he will get more
their construction for centuries), added running water to his desperate the longer the conversation goes on and change
own quarters, removed the windows from his chambers and persuasion tactics as follows:
the auditorium, takes regular hikes down to Vallaki for vials
of holy water used in protection rituals, and has killed dozens He will begin by attempting to convince the party of
of people to sate the anger and fury within the golden ring on Strahd’s evil.
his left hand. If they are not won over by the prospect of an alliance or
In a desperate effort to remain undetectable, Leo claimed they attempt to threaten him, he will offer them the 1,000
an object from the Amber Temple nearly thirty years ago, and gp (the remainder of his family’s fortune) that is stored in
it is driving him mad. The Ring of Winter is a dark artifact the chest in his room (area M4c) to lie to Strahd and say
crafted by Delban, the Star of Ice and Hate and was long that he is not here. He will give them the key to his room
guarded by the monks of the order. and send them on their way.
If the party still disagrees with him, Leo–a High Priest
wielding the Ring of Winter–will use all of the powers at
Artifacts & Anti-Magic his disposal to flee and lock himself in his room.
The ring's abilities are unaffected by the protective, If the party calls for Strahd:
anti-magic area of this room due to its nature as a
dark artifact. Leo will use all of the powers at his disposal to kill his
opponents and will wait for Strahd's arrival here to
restrain him before fleeing to his quarters.
Roleplaying Leo On initiative count 20, on the second turn after combat
Leo has been expecting (and preparing for) Strahd’s arrival begins, Strahd bursts through the wall and pushing
for decades, and while he hoped that the Forbiddance spell through his desperate pain, lunges at Leo. He attempts to
protecting the monastery would keep the forces of the cast a Fireball centered on Leo.
undead away until his own quiet death (he believes the ring is If no one warns Strahd, the antimagic field dissipates his
slowing his aging, not preventing it), he has also built other spell. Leo attempts to stake him.
contingencies into the room. He will not go gentle into that After casting the spell, he will realize his error in judgment
good night. and focus on dealing non-lethal damage.
If Strahd is warned of the anti-magic field, he will instead
take Leo’s mace and attempt to knock him unconscious.

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Once Leo has been knocked out, Strahd will slough his When the party approaches the exterior, read:
body over his shoulder and leap from the hole in the wall,
falling until he can cast Fly on himself. Reinforced iron secures the doorway of the structure at the
If the party sides with Leo or otherwise convince him that end of the path. A cascade of water rushes down the mountain
they are here to help him, he will tell them on his plan: behind the building, raining down into the haze hundreds of

1. Lure Strahd into this protected room, assuming his hubris feet below.
will draw him into the anti-magic trap.
2. The pain brought on by the Forbiddance spell will prevent Leo Dilisnya has replaced the door to the Orator's House
Strahd and his forces from reaching him, and if they do with an alloy of iron and silver and created a makeshift
arrive they will be badly weakened. waterfall to reinforce his defenses against the undead after
3. He will use the power of the Ring of Winter's Flesh to Ice learning that iron and running water may protect against
ability to freeze Strahd solid. vampires.
4. He will also use the Ring of Winter to decrease the The door is currently locked and can be opened with the
temperature of the room down to -30 degrees Fahrenheit. key found on Leo's person in the Auditorium (area M3g). A
5. With the temperature cooled and Strahd frozen, he will character can also pick the lock using thieves’ tools and a
shatter Strahd's body. successful DC22 Dexterity check or break the door down
6. Strahd will be forced into a mist-like state and will try to with a successful DC25 Strength check.
find a resting place that would have to be nearby, likely at
the base of the mountain. M4a. Living Room
7. Leo will try to reach Strahd’s place of rest and drive a
stake into the vampire's reincorporated body. When the party opens the door to the house, read:
Unfortunately for Leo, even a vengeful and prideful Strahd The scent of pine and a trickle of water fill the room with a
is an intelligent and adept tactician and soldier. sense of natural comfort. Aside from those features, however,
1. If Leo attempts to freeze Strahd, he will turn to mist as this room is gaudy and overflowing with abundance. An
soon as the ice begins to form around him. extravagant lion's pelt is sprawled at the foot of a fireplace.
2. Strahd will return to his physical form outside of the
monastery's walls and cast Fly on himself. A gilded chandelier is hoisted overhead by rope and hangs
3. If he has fallen below half of his health he will flee, above the headrest of a leather lounge chair. Along the
pledging that he will find Leo eventually. northern wall, a set of stairs climbs to a second floor.

M3h. Prayer Chamber

If the players enter this room, read: M4b. Second Floor Landing
Leo has done his best to keep warm, even with the cold
The low groan of a shifting foundation cuts through the embrace of the Ring of Winter closing in on his mind and
silence. A hooded figure looms silently in the corner, its limbs body. As such, he has tried to lay exquisite, Vistani rugs down
drawn beneath a cloak. across the floorboards and light the torches of his home with
magical fire. These efforts, however, are not helping.
The second floor of this building is where Leo spends most
This room is used exclusively by the Scribe and the Orator as of his time, and the ring's presence has left a painful chill
a place of quiet meditation and prayer. Any other monks that here.
need to climb to the Orator's House (area M4) must climb the A stream cascading from the north wall and into the
ladder and exit through the Acolyte's Tunnel (area M3i). southwest corner of the room still runs, but large chunks of
The statue here is dedicated to the Order's founder who ice occasionally impede its smooth flow.
led the construction of the monastery on the mountainside in
order to keep a watchful eye on (and a respectful distance
from) the Amber Temple. An engraving at the base of the The temperature on this floor reaches extreme
statue simply reads: "The Guardian." temperatures. Characters who don’t have heat
sources, cold weather gear, or magic to protect
M3i. Acolyte's Tunnel them are subject to the effects of extreme cold, as
described in the “Weather” section in chapter 5,
This tunnel is a man-made cavern carved into the mountain “Adventure Environments,” of the Dungeon
to allow Acolytes to cross through the Sanctum and bring the Master’s Guide.
Orator food and drink when necessary.
M4. The Order of the Guardians
M4c. Indoor River
Monastery - The Orator's House
The Order strictly adheres to its hierarchy. No other monks In another attempt at staving off Strahd, Leo has dug through
are permitted to enter the Orator's House. As such, Leo has the mountain walls to an underground river and diverted its
continued to live as luxurious of a lifestyle as his family's flow through the building, forming a protective barrier of
remaining fortune has permitted without the order’s running water.

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The barrier is not perfect and will not actually keep a vampire Treasure The chest at the foot of the bed contains 700 gp
from entering Leo's Quarters (area M4d). He has, however, worth of assorted gemstones, 300 gp in gold coins, assorted
hidden a Light Crossbow and 20 silvered crossbow bolts jewelry worth 50 gp, and a Manual of Clay Golems.
under the water. The Iron Golem in the corner wields a silvered greatsword.
Treasure A light crossbow and 20 silvered bolts.
A Gift for a Friend
M4d. Leo's Quarters When Leo is knocked unconscious or killed, Strahd flees, or
When the party enters this room, read: the party has otherwise completed their mission on the
mountain, read:
Opulent violet bedding drapes over the edges of a bed built
for a king. At its foot rests a banded iron chest, thrice locked Fog blurs the ancient buildings and stone of Mt. Baratok.
and secured to the floorboards. Standing stalwart over the Walking alongside you in the cloud is Vasili von Holtz, his
bed-chamber is a ten-foot-tall suit of armor clutching tightly to mouth soaked red with blood and the body of Leo Dilisnya
a greatsword. slouched over his shoulder. The haze condenses and turns to a
cold stone.

The suit of armor is a medium-sized Iron Golem wielding a The young noble lowers the man's body into a coffin set
silvered greatsword that Leo has enchanted to protect him into the wall of a mausoleum and seals the grave shut. Vasili
from any intruders. If someone enters the room without steps across the chamber and climbs into his own velvet-lined
speaking the command word, "Dilisnya", within 1 minute of black coffin.
entry, the golem will spring to life and follow its order: "kill
anyone who you do not recognize." The mists erase the coffin from view, and Vasili stands
The lead-lined chest at the foot of the bed is currently before you once more. Clean. Rested. Heavy granite doors
locked and can be opened with the key found on Leo's person scrape open from a staircase not far behind you, and the
in the Auditorium (area M3g). A character can also pick the measured, steady click of boot heels follows. Lovina Wachter
lock using thieves’ tools and a successful DC25 Dexterity greets her guest with a bow. ‘Well, where is he?’
Inside is a bag of assorted coins and gems worth a total of Vasili gestures to the carefully placed tablet that now seals
1,000 gp, several patches and brooches depicting the Dilisnya Leo Dilisnya's grave.
house sigil, and a smaller coffer.
The coffer is locked and sealed with an Arcane Lock spell. 'What, then, is left to be done? I'd rather hang him from the
Leo has disposed of the key, and it can only be opened using gates than simply watch his corpse rot.' Her words are almost
thieves' tools and a successful DC35 Dexterity check. The interrupted by a panicked scream from within the walls of the
chest protects a Manual of Clay Golems that Leo obtained in
case his Iron Golem is ever lost or destroyed. tomb, wailing desperately for aid. Lovina presses her ear to the
surface and a look of devilish glee possesses her somber
visage. 'Will he die?'

Vasili grins. 'Eventually.' Lovina Wachter finds a seat on a

nearby sarcophagus. The lace of her dress dusts the
mausoleum's floor, and as she comes to rest, she bids Vasili
take his leave while her full attention remains drawn to the
final, tormented resting place of Leo Dilisnya.

Chapter Close
“At that, Lord Vasili smiled and bowed low, his promise
The attuned creature may now cast Forbiddance as a ritual
spell once per dusk.
Chapter 11: The Final
"My curse is to know no happiness. No love. At every turn
this accursed place turns hope to ash, slipping from my

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Strahd, even after almost a century, continued to believe that
Tatyana was rightfully his true love, but for some time before The tops of pine trees pepper your periphery. Fading light far
meeting her–and in the time after her death–he maintained beyond the clouds grows distant, and you recognize that it is
something close to what a normal person would call a nearly sundown here in Barovia. You linger around a circle of
relationship with the dusk elf Patrina Velikovna. figures clad in dark cloaks and leather armor. Many of their
Patrina, of course, never held a candle to Tatyana in faces are obscured, but the few that are visible have distinctly
Strahd's eyes. Regardless, he does not enjoy others taking elven features. At their feet is an unmoving humanoid shape.
things he believes to be his. The dusk elf tribe killed Patrina
after they presumed she was in league with Strahd, and their A muffled but forceful shockwave of energy erupts from the
decision incited the wrath of the devil himself. crowd. Their hoods are blown back, and one of the elves
One of Strahd's Vistani spies rushed to the castle to inform lunges at you, their eyes burning with death and hatred.
him that the tribe had turned against Patrina, but the Dark
Lord arrived too late. He could not save her, but he could 'Traitor!' They shout, locking eyes with the Rahadin, who
enact swift and terrible vengeance on the dusk elves and stands unmoving at your side. The now unhooded elf spits
ensure that they could not continue their lineage. forcefully, but their projectile meets an invisible wall and drips
through the air.
The Party's Involvement
The party arrives along with Strahd and Rahadin at the dusk The elf that attempted to spit at Rahadin is Kasimir Velikov,
elf and Vistani encampment on the outskirts of Vallaki. They the current leader of the dusk elves and Patrina's sibling.
wear dark, hooded cloaks clasped with the von Zarovich crest
as they lurk through the area around the hill. They have come The boom of energy was a Forcecage spell that Strahd has
with Strahd to round up dusk elves for their treason. cast to seal in the perpetrators of Patrina's murder and
prevent them from aiding the other elves. The cage is 20 feet
on a side and is made from 1/2-inch diameter bars spaced
A Revised History of the Dusk Elves 1/2 inch apart. Strahd is slowly climbing the hill toward the
The module indicates that Rahadin was sent by
Strahd to commit this atrocity all his own. This Before he arrives on the scene, the party may choose to
chapter supposes that Strahd, in both his boredom briefly investigate their surroundings or speak with Rahadin.
and fury, would want to be present for the event. If If the party chooses to speak with Rahadin he will willingly
you do not feel Strahd would attend directly, you (even with a tinge of frustration) explain why they are here,
may wish to skip this chapter. You could also have but he will not share any information about his own past or
his familiar, a bat (or vampire parrot) named his relationship with the tribe.
Bartholemew, accompany Rahadin and deliver
Strahd’s lines as Rahadin. The Caged Elves
You may also consider revising the history of the Trapped inside of Strahd's magical cage are thirteen dusk
dusk elves in Barovia using pieces of elves, including Kasimir Velikov and the body of Patrina
u/TheAmuzingMu's "Much Ado About Dusk Elves."
These changes include:
If approached, the elves are initially hostile to the party but
Kasimir and Patrina are the prince and princess will share the following information if asked:
that Rahadin betrayed for King Barov because
he disapproved of their “weak” leadership. Strahd corrupted Patrina and her mind. They killed her to
All of the male dusk elves are killed in this event prevent her from becoming a terrible monster like him.
instead of the female elves. Rahadin is a traitor to his people, and it is his fault that
Kasimir is a transsexual male elf and is not killed there are so few of us left here.
alongside the other male elves.
If a character asks what they can do to help the elves in any
This chapter will allow for either history to be way, they must first succeed on a DC22 Dexterity (Stealth)
useful largely by changing the pronouns used, so check to speak quietly enough that Rahadin does not hear
keep the alterations in mind if you're interested! them. If they are noticed by Rahadin, he will actively pull the
traitor away and question their loyalty to Strahd. If they defy
him or otherwise deny their fealty to Strahd, he will attack.
The Dusk Elf Camp If they are successfully able to whisper to the caged elves, a
The party stands at the top of the hill of the Vistani Camp character can convince the dusk elves to trust them with a
(area N9). The key difference this evening is that the Vistani successful DC18 Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma
wagons are nowhere to be seen, instead a gruesome murder (Deception) check. The elves will share the following:
lies before them. When they arrive, read: The remainder of the tribe may not yet know that Strahd
is here, and they must be warned that they are in danger.
Help protect the children. The devil will not hesitate to kill
There are some hovels just beyond in the woods, you may
be able to hide them there.

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After a minute or so has passed, read: Mission Accomplished
The party must round up at least twelve of the elves or
Strahd's cloaked silhouette rises from beyond the edge of the disappoint Strahd. If they are unable to locate the elves, he
hill, and his demonic eyes fall on the body. A look of righteous will cast Thunderwave at 5th-level when the party is together
fury and a hint of pain, masked beyond the rage, flickers in his at the top of the hill, knocking them back and forcing them to
eyes. 'Find the rest so that we may never be plagued by their make a DC15 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked down
ilk again.'
the hill and take 3d10 bludgeoning damage on a failed save,
or half as much damage on a successful one.
Rahadin unsheathes a sword and marches across the grass Regardless of the party's performance, Rahadin returns
toward a smokestack climbing into the sky no more than a with a group of 10 elves bound together with rope by the end
hundred feet away.
of the hour.
Snuffed Out
With the party and elves gathered atop the hill, many
The Hunt unconscious or otherwise injured, read:
The party is tasked with locating the remaining dusk elves in
the camp and returning them to the top of the hill so that Strahd closes his hand and magical force releases a shockwave
Strahd can finish them off. around the newly captured elves. The subtle thud
There are currently 3d10 dusk elves unaccounted for on
the hilltop that are still within the area of the camp. A small accompanying the magical cage is punctuated by a shout.
portion of the remaining population is currently off in other Rahadin's voice draws Strahd's eyes to Kasimir Velikov,
areas of Barovia and will be killed in the days and weeks that reforming from an ethereal cloud of glimmering vapor after
follow as Strahd ensures his vengeance is carried out in full. slipping through the conjured cell.
Any elves they free here may find refuge elsewhere in
Barovia. Arcane flakes of snow and ice flurry around the mage’s
The 3d10 dusk elves in the area of the camp are hidden hand, and an avalanche pours out toward the vampire lord.
around the hill in their hovels and along the edge of the With an irreverent wave and a 'Halt,' the ice storm is reduced
forest. Any character searching inside of a home can find 1d4 to a puddle.
dusk elves inside with a successful Wisdom (Survival)
check contested by the elves' Dexterity (Stealth) check. Rahadin rushes to his master’s aid and shoves the enfeebled
Any character searching the woods can track 1d4 dusk wizard to their knees. With a single cut, the chamberlain lops
elves through the foliage with a successful Wisdom off Kasimir’s ear. 'You may keep the other for now so that you
(Survival) check contested by the elves' Dexterity (Stealth) might hear their screams as they burn. Your sister was better
check. Any elves hiding in the forest have advantage on this than you could ever hope to be. You're a failure and a disgrace
skill check.
Any elves found in the search will plead with the party to to our people.'
keep them safe, insisting that they did nothing wrong. If any Strahd stares at the faces of the gathered prisoners. Flames
character inquires about what is going on, they will share the spark beneath a bound elf, and in a flash, they are consumed
following information: by a raging bonfire. 'One...' And the Dark Lord points to the
Patrina, Kasimir, and some of the others have practiced next.
magic for ages, but she was beginning to explore the
darker sides of the arcane.
Patrina has regularly been the tribe's liaison with the Chapter Close
castle. "If Tatyana's beauty was as a river in a spring flood,
Kasimir and the others believed that Patrina was too close Patrina's was a brushfire smoldering in a dying forest.
to Strahd and that she had become a danger to the tribe. With her flame extinguished, I ensured her murderers
If any character directly requests that the elves come with joined me in the cold night."
them or the party attempts to remove any of those in hiding Treasure
by force, the elves will bargain for their safety by offering:
The attuned creature may now cast Forcecage as a ritual
Up to 5 gp per person–their life savings. spell once per dusk.
A protective prayer from an old Elven deity.
An individual may volunteer themselves and request that
the rest of their family be spared and allowed to flee.
A promise that they will disappear from this place and
Strahd will never find them.
They do not believe that they can actually escape Strahd,
but they will try to make a case for it. Any character trying to
discern the elves' intent can easily recognize genuine fear. A
successful DC12 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that these
people are honestly offering all they have.

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The Gossip of Berez
Chapter 12: A Soul's Anyone the party interacts with in the village knows the
Return following:
Concerning the Village
"The girl's auburn hair was braided high, and her clothes
more closely resembled rags, but it was her. The same The village square is bustling during the day, but Berez
Tatyana I'd known all those years ago..." goes dark after sundown to hide from Baba Lysaga and
Strahd believed for decades that he was doomed to never her hut.
see Tatyana's face again. That his curse was to lose his love Baba Lysaga is a terrible spirit of a wood witch that was
for eternity. It was not until he met a young servant girl by the killed here.
name of Marina in the village of Berez did he realize that Taltos' Trading Post has supplies if you're headed on a
Tatyana's soul could find new life. He could try again. journey. Their prices are quite reasonable.
In an attempt to succeed where had failed decades before, River's End doesn't receive a lot of visitors, but their
Strahd hoped desperately to charm Marina and turn her into accommodations are just fine.
a vampire to rule by his side. Over the course of the three The Church of St. Ecaterina and the graveyard behind it
days after their meeting, Strahd watched over Marina's every are maintained by Father Grigor.
move, and each night he would return to her home, charm Concerning the Burgomaster
her, speak with her, savor their time together, and ultimately
feed on her. Unfortunately for him, Marina's adoptive father, Lazlo Ulrich is the burgomaster of Berez.
Lazlo Ulrich—the burgomaster of Berez—and the local priest He's fat and lazy but mostly stays out of the village's way.
recognized her symptoms as the telltale signs of a vampiric Marina Ulrich was adopted by the burgomaster when she
corruption. was young.
Though it pained him to do so, Lazlo decapitated Marina Rumor has it, he actually wants to undo the adoption and
before Strahd could complete the bride ceremony that would marry her.
make her undead transformation permanent and helped Concerning Marina
Strahd to realize the full pain of his curse.
She was found unconscious along the river by Father
Grigor as a young woman.
The Bride Ceremony She does not remember where she came from before
Vampires can create new undead fairly easily, but arriving here.
creating a new vampire bride is not a simple She is a kind woman that offers her help to those in need.
process. The important information to keep in
mind for the events here is that the “first step is A Day (or Three) About Town
that a vampire feeds on a mortal, nearly to the In the early days of Strahd's rule, the village of Berez
point of death, on three separate occasions. Once continued to prosper for a limited time. While the party
the vampire is done with the third feeding, they explores the village, they have the opportunity to meet a
immediately cut themselves open and press their
intended's mouth to the bleeding wound so that
number of Berez's inhabitants and take a brief respite to pick
they drink vampiric blood.” You can read all about
up some supplies. Many of the village’s people are Barovian
the full ceremony in this amazing write-up by souls that the party has encountered on their journey that
u/guildsbounty. found new bodies to inhabit centuries later.

Reduce, Resoul, Recycle

Every ounce of obsessive passion that Strahd had (and still
has) for Tatyana boiled over when Marina was killed, and he Reincarnated Barovian souls physically resemble
rained hell upon the settlement for robbing him of his true their past lives, but their personalities may be
wildly different. Use this to toy with your players’
love, turning the quiet, riverside village into the decaying expectations for the citizens of Berez.
swamp that it is today. If the players wouldn't recognize any of the
citizens listed here, feel free to swap them with
The Party's Involvement NPCs that they’re more familiar with.
The party has the opportunity to visit the bustling village of
Berez, two days before its destruction. On the first day, they
arrive in the village as travelers accompanying Vasili von The cottages (area U1), the church (area U4), and the village
Holtz on a visit to the burgomaster–a man who has come into square (which stands in the open space between the cottages
possession of several books of old magic that have piqued and area U3 in the present day) are all busy and bustling. The
Strahd’s interest. village square also includes a general store and an inn: Taltos
Vasili bids his companions leave as he lays eyes on Marina, Trading Post and the River’s End.
and the party can explore the village while they wait for their
lord to finish conducting his business. As Strahd lays waste
to the village on the third night, the characters once again
become passive observers of Strahd’s history.

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Outside Tural Taltos (Vargas Vallakovich)
The village is busy with trade, conversation, and work during A person who has few joys left in life.
the afternoon. If any characters choose to spend time He cares deeply for his wife.
wandering around outside without entering a specific He is easily offended if anyone disrespects the store or
location, they may encounter one or both of the following complains about the merchandise.
people: Day 1: He is cleaning and restocking shelves.
Darzin (Bildrath Cantemir) Day 2: He is trying to do some accounting work and some
of the numbers appear to be off.
A local turnip farmer with a passion for his crops. Day 3: He is upset with Kala about her side business.
He is chipper and excited about the upcoming harvest. Kala Taltos (Fiona Wachter)
He's close friends with Tural Taltos.
Day 1: He is wandering around the village square talking A frighteningly melodramatic woman. There is a flair
to people. about her that most Barovians simply do not have.
Day 2: He is in his yard, harvesting turnips. She makes all of her own clothes.
Day 3: He is in the village square with a stall, selling his She manages all of the finances for the trading post.
vegetables at a farmer's market. She is lying to Tural about how successful the business is
Grilsha (Gertruda) at the moment and has been doing work around the
village to keep them afloat.
A young woman who spends most of her days taking care Day 1: She is cleaning and restocking shelves.
of her father. Day 2: She is walking around behind the building, hoping
Every so often she has the opportunity to spend the to sneak away to do some farming work.
afternoon wandering near the river. Day 3: She is fighting with Tural and then marches off to
She is a devout follower of the Morninglord and wears a River's End for a drink.
pendant made of twine and stone around her neck.
Day 1: She is leaving her home for a walk around the River’s End
village. River's End is Berez's inn and tavern. On Day 1 and Day 2 the
Day 2: She is leaving the church and headed home. inn is empty. On Day 3, Kala Taltos can be found at the bar.
Day 3: She is buying some turnips from Darzin. There are casks of all three wines from the Wizard of
Wines Winery here. A pint of Purple Grapemash No. 3 is 3
Taltos Trading Post cp, a pint of Red Dragon Crush is 1 sp, and a pint of
Taltos Trading Post is Berez's general store. The owners, Champagne du le Stomp is 3 sp.
Tural and Kala, sell items from the Adventuring Gear table in
the Player's Handbook that have a price of 25 gp or less.

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Miruna (Anna Krezkov) The Burgomaster's Mansion
A woman with a bored and flippant demeanor and The burgomaster's mansion of Berez has the same layout as
indifference to new customers. those of Barovia and Vallaki. Lazlo hosts Vasili and the party
She inherited the inn from her family, but she's been jaded in the mansion's equivalent to the parlor (area N3b).
by the fact that no one ever visits Berez except for the Vasili will request that his escorts leave the parlor after he
occasional Vallakian or Vistani merchant. lays eyes on Marina, but he will be too focused on her if they
She spends most of her days recording bits of gossip she decide to stay against his wishes.
hears in a journal and will actively share any ongoing Vasili von Holtz
information about other people in the village.
Day 1: She is actively writing down notes about what she He has come to Berez to gather some powerful magical
saw other people doing in the village square. tomes in his pursuit of esoteric knowledge.
Day 2: She is spying on the party from the top floor and Upon seeing Marina, his focus turns to learning
comes downstairs when they enter. everything he can about her.
Day 3: She is rolling an empty cask of Red Dragon Crush He spends his days here learning as much as he can about
out of the front door. her.
Day 1: He will spend the day asking the burgomaster
St. Ecaterina's Church questions about Marina as she darts in and out of the
St. Ecaterina's Church has the same layout as the churches of room.
Barovia and Vallaki, without the undercroft. It was named Day 2: He demands that he have some time alone with
after Fatima Ecaterina, a priest of the Morninglord that the Marina.
people of Berez believed fought back Lysaga and her wood Day 3: He helps a nursemaid take care of Marina as she
witches. appears to be on death's door.
The story is untrue. Lysaga is alive and well and has
become the hag-like creature she is in the present day. Marina Ulrich (Ireena Kolyana/Tatyana)
Ecaterina did, however, successfully chase the witches from A sheepish but physically strong girl who has grown up in
the land and consecrate the church grounds. the burgomaster's mansion as more a servant than an
Father Grigor (Izek Strazni) adoptive daughter.
She vaguely remembers being found by the river as a
A fanatical priest of the Morninglord with zealous but kind child.
energy. He truly wants what is best for the village, even if She has had strange dreams of living in a castle all her
he is a bit aggressive about it. life.
He firmly believes that the Morninglord is the only way She spends almost all of her time inside the mansion.
that anyone can be saved from undeath or the torture of Lazlo does not like her to leave often.
Baba Lysaga. She loves to read.
He fears that anyone walking around outside after dark is Day 1: She serves the house's guests and will step in and
a monster. out of the parlor with food and drink.
He is well-read and knows how to kill vampires and Day 2: She is a bit under the weather but spends her day
prevent the dead from being raised. with Vasili in the parlor.
He has stopped burying bodies and started burning them Day 3: She is bedridden with an intense fever, has been
without anyone’s knowledge even though it is against his vomiting blood all morning, and appears paler than the
belief as a priest. Barovian mist. She is on the verge of a total vampiric
He has dug up most of the cemetery and has been transformation.
systematically burning the bodies in secret.
He cares deeply for Marina Ulrich and regrets not taking Lazlo Ulrich
her under his wing himself. A pompous, self-absorbed man that was once a great,
Day 1: He is giving a sermon and blessing a handful of charismatic leader. He now uses his age as an excuse to
orphans that help around the church. binge on food and drink.
Day 2: He is digging a new grave in the cemetery, but it is He has tried to grow his own wine grapes here in the
for show. He has actually been digging up old ones to village. He will brag about them, but they are rotting, and
make sure they have not been bitten. He has gotten word the wine is practically undrinkable.
from the burgomaster about Marina’s sudden illness and He secretly wants to marry Marina. She would be his
suspects that she may be turning. fourth wife.
Day 3: He is preparing a kit including holy water, a stake, He contacted Strahd to offer up some old books that he
garlic, a symbol of the Morninglord, and a mirror to take found in the attic after Rahadin visited the village a few
with him to the burgomaster's mansion just before days ago on the lord’s behalf, requesting that everyone
sundown. The burgomaster arrives at the end of the conduct a thorough search of their family heirlooms and
conversation to talk to Grigor about the plan for later that shelves.
day. Day 1: He is as gracious a host as he can be to Mr. von
Holtz and his guests.
Day 2: He is binge drinking and ranting to one of his
servants in his suite about how he's been put out in his
own home by an assistant to a lord that doesn't exist.
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Day 3: He takes an early morning trip to the church to tell Night Three: A Flood
Father Grigor of Marina's sickness. Grigor immediately When the third day ends, read:
recognizes the symptoms, and the two meet in secret at
the church in the afternoon to discuss killing Marina if it is
too late to save her. White light of the moon melds with the deep crimson pooling
beneath a ghostly nightgown. Marina Ulrich's body lies still
with a stake embedded in her chest. The Dark Lord of Barovia
Time to Move On weeps, and he leaps, without thought, toward her. But before
A day in Berez ends after the party has taken the he can hold her cold hand, her pale skin greys, and she
time to speak to at least two villagers or have dissolves into vapor. Marina is gone.
otherwise spent sufficient time investigating the
village. The moonlight filling the bedchamber is dulled. Storm
You may also choose to give them more or less
clouds coalesce overhead, thunder cracks, and lightning
time to explore as the core story of Berez's
destruction is documented through Strahd's strikes. The storm buckles Lazlo Ulrich and Father Grigor, both
relationship with Marina after the sun has set. cowering in the corner, to their knees, prostrate before their
dread lord.

Grigor draws something from his robes and lunges with all
Visits in the Night
At the end of each of the three days in Berez, the party his weight toward Strahd. His claw catches the priest’s wrist
observes Strahd's visits with Marina (and her gradual and snaps his arm in two. Lightning paints the sky outside, and
transformation) firsthand. in its revealing flash, the burgomaster is bathed in a red mist
bursting from what was, only moments ago, Grigor.
Night One: A Reunion
When the first day ends, read: The corpulent coward is dragged to his feet. His pleas for
forgiveness are suppressed by the shattering of glass, and with
Marina Ulrich rests peacefully in her bed. From the shadow in a point, Strahd catapults Lazlo’s flailing body through the
the corner of the room, Strahd von Zarovich rises as if window into the storm.
separating himself from the night and shifts into a beacon of
Hurricane winds batter the exposed room and lift you into
the skies. The already murky clouds of Barovia deepen in their
He stares at Marina with a kindness not seen in his eyes for sorrow. The torrential, horizontal rain and outraged winds
centuries. 'Tatyana... Tatyana...' The young woman sits up in her emulate their lord’s fury. Lightning bolts seize into a cage of
bed, a haze swirls in her eyes, and she returns his longing electricity that surges through the soil.
An inky darkness obscures Strahd, forming a devilish shape
cast against the streaks of lightning in the storm. ‘I once
Strahd sits with Marina through the night, covering his believed that I had but one lifetime to suffer. I now recognize
presence with his vampiric charm, and reminding her, in it is not only my lot to live eternally but to suffer eternally as
excruciating detail, of his version of her past life. A life they well. I will grant you no such honor. Your death will be eternal,
shared. He ends the conversation by sinking his teeth into her but dying will be painful. I will be certain of that.’
neck and laying her to rest just before sunrise.
The burgomaster’s boots cannot find purchase in the bog.
Night Two: A Promise Watery vortexes surge around him. A roar, harsher than the
When the second day ends, read: thunderous clouds rises from the ground.

Silver spears of light reflect off of beads of sweat gathering on Walls of water climb hundreds of feet into the air,
a young woman's pale skin. Marina wheezes. She rises to meet condensing the power of the storm and the maelstrom of the
her love, Strahd, but a hacking cough knocks her to the floor. Luna River into tidal waves that lay waste to the village of
Her weakness is not reflected in the fervor with which she Berez. The shifting river’s current, now littered with wreckage,
rises to her feet, and they embrace. ebbs. Strahd remains airborne, peering over the decimation
left in his wake.
His breath meets her neck. Pearled fangs protrude from his
gums, extending past his lips, and they find their mark on her
throat. A geyser of blood paints the sickly hues of their skin. Chapter Close
Marina exhales a groan of pain and ecstasy so intense that she
"Nearly half a century had passed, and I'd grown
trembles and collapses into Strahd's arms. 'Soon, my love. You accustomed to the pain of mourning. Then to have her
and I will share our eternity together. As we were always meant return—to have a glimpse of the paradise that lay before
to.' us—and then to lose her again... It was too much.
Despairing, I wallowed in the mud and gave in to the

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The attuned creature may now cast Tsunami as a ritual spell
once per dusk.
Epilogue: A Lord's Rest
When the party is ejected from the end of Chapter 12 and
returns to the present day, the text of the chapter is recorded
as usual, but the ink continues to fill in on the following page
as if it is being written before their eyes.
If a character follows along with the writing, you can either
read the following or share the handout in Appendix E.
'How many times over the centuries had I met you? How
many times had I lost you? I could not say. You ever wore the
same face, but under a different name, sometimes a wholly
different personality, though somehow I'd always found a way
to touch those hidden memories in your heart.

'And somehow, we always lose. Throughout the generations,

we have lost over and over again, forever trading joy for grief.

'If I could just once break the pattern, break whatever curse
that keeps us apart. In doing that, I might find freedom for us

'But year after year flies by; they pile into decades, mass into

'How many lay before me? And are they all to be as lonely as
those I've already had? Unable to answer, unwilling to guess, I
sit and stare at your portrait and feel another night slipping
away into the irretrievable past.

`If I could just rest. Sleep. Sleep for more than just a single
day, sleep away all my sorrows and lose myself in… I am
unsure. To drift, dreamless and serene. To forget. To… rest.'

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Chapter 1: The Battle of Argynvostholt
Appendix A: Fortunes and The ancient relics of the land of Barovia may have been
Futures raised in its defense once before. They now must pass to a
new era of champions.
The Fortunes of Ravenloft are the keys to defeating Strahd
von Zarovich. The powers of the Sunsword and the Holy Treasure Locations
Symbol of Ravenkind are unmatched in the final battle for
Barovia. With that in mind, if you choose to hide the 2 of Swords–Paladin
treasures within the Tome, you may consider altering the The treasure was used to protect the land once before. Look
Tome’s rules or otherwise making their hiding places more toward the past to the day Barovia and its conqueror fell.
obvious so that the party does not overlook them. Here are a
few suggestions:
When the party nears the treasure, it hums, and The treasure is being carried by the paladin in the Strahd
whichever member you feel is its most likely wielder can and The Village section.
hear it calling.
If the party does not find the treasure while venturing Master of Swords–Warrior
through its chapter, the treasure is ejected with the party
and appears on the floor near them when the chapter Look to the hill that climbs to the dragon’s keep. In
concludes. centuries past, the silver champion defended the castle from
If the party does not find the treasure, they may re-enter the devil’s invasion. He holds your treasure.
that chapter to claim it. The treasure hums from within
the pages, calling to whichever member you feel is its
most likely wielder. The treasure is being wielded by Sir Godfrey Gwilym in the
If the treasure is being held by a prominent individual of Aleksandra and The Castle section.
Strahd’s past, refer to Appendix B for their histories and
motivations or to Appendix D in the module directly. Chapter 2: The Rise of Ravenloft
Strahd’s most loyal retainers are well-traveled and
respectable warriors in their own right. They may not know,
Madam Eva’s Sight but they once held onto sacred objects.
The original Fortunes of Ravenloft Tarokka readings
are not meant to hide treasures in the past. If you Treasure Locations
are interested in using these fortunes at your table,
consider altering Madam Eva’s note about the 9 of Glyphs–Traitor
Tome to read:
This card tells of history. The secrets of your I see a haughty lion returning from a successful hunt. Turn
enemy’s past hold the key to your future. to the day that the devil claimed his castle. You will find your
treasure there.

Prologue: Youth
Perhaps the treasures have been tied to Strahd longer than The treasure is being carried by Leo Dilisnya as the parties
he could have known. Fate’s cruelty knows no bounds. cross the bridge into the courtyard.
Treasure Locations 8 of Glyphs–Bishop

8 of Swords–Dictator A holy man, devoted to his cause, supports the devil’s reign.
The day the devil claimed the land, they spoke. What you seek
A devil is molded, not born. The treasure you seek is held by
lies in that moment.
a king of a faraway land.

The treasure is in King Barov’s possession. The treasure is with Gabriel Andral when he tells Strahd
about Ravenovia. He places it on Strahd’s side table as a
gesture of comfort.
7 of Swords–Hooded One
Chapter 3: Brothers in Arms
I see a loyal servant training a young boy. Look to the lord’s
The treasures are relics of Barovia’s past, handed down
past to find his mentor. through generations

The treasure is with Rahadin; he kept them as trinkets taken

from the dusk elves he killed.

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Treasure Locations Treasure Locations
2 of Coins–Philanthropist 9 of Stars–Conjurer

There is a champion of light who brings joy to this land. Search the place where death whispered in the devil’s ear. A
Look to the day he arrived here. Speak with him to claim your magical collection amassed by greed houses the treasure you
treasure. seek.

The treasure was brought back to Barovia by Sergei von The treasure is on the bookshelf in Strahd’s study as he is
Zarovich. Even if this card is not drawn, he will still be enraptured by the voice whispering through the room.
carrying the hilt of the sunsword when he arrives in the
audience hall. If a character asks for the treasure, he will 8 of Stars–Necromancer
request a formal challenge in either the ring or the jousting
lane. Look to the wizard who guards forbidden knowledge. The
night he surrendered was the night the treasure was lost.
8 of Coins–Tax Collector

What you seek belongs to one with a heavy purse and a The treasure is with Exethanter. He will offer it to the party
silver spoon. Where a royal guest arrives, this treasure may be as Strahd leaves the room so that they can do what he and
found. the other members of the Order of the Guardians could not.
Chapter 6: Wedding Bells
The treasure is with one of the Barovian nobles who is Tatyana and Sergei’s wedding day should have been one of
visiting as part of the celebration. joy and love. Instead, Strahd’s narcissism and cruelty turned
the dream into a nightmare. The treasures were lost in the
Chapter 4: Tatyana chaos of the massacre.
Nothing, not even the treasures of Ravenloft, could disrupt
the joy Strahd felt during Tatyana’s stay in Castle Ravenloft. Treasure Locations
The night they met, however, the treasures floated right 2 of Glyphs–Missionary
under his nose.
A brother of light, devoted to love. The treasure you seek
Treasure Locations
was with him on his darkest day.
6 of Stars–Evoker

An elven woman scorned, yearning for the devil’s attention. The treasure is with Sergei during the ceremony.
The night she was first neglected holds the key.
4 of Stars–Abjurer

The treasure is held by Patrina Velikovna. What you seek is guarded by a beacon of love and hope.
Look to the day her wedding bells rang.
3 of Glyphs–Healer

I see a priestess, pledged to the Morninglord but shrouded The treasure is with Tatyana as she readies herself for the
by the night. Her warnings fell on deaf ears the night the ceremony.
treasure vanished.
Chapter 7: The Corruption of Yesterhill
The desecration of the Fanes began with Strahd’s sacrifices
The treasure is in Ilona Darovnya’s possession. to the Gulthias Tree. Champions of the Morninglord fought
desperately to prevent the inevitable.
Chapter 5: The Unholy Communion Whether they wielded the artifacts of Strahd’s demise or
The night Strahd pledged his soul to undeath was clouded in they were carried by the slain Forest People, Strahd’s
unbridled rage. In the twilight of his mortal life, however, he singular focus on the tree meant that he overlooked the
ignored treasures that would one day be instrumental to his treasures nearby.

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Treasure Locations Treasure Locations
5 of Glyphs–Druid Master of Stars–Wizard

I see those who dwell in the forests, twisted to believe the There were warriors who came centuries ago. The treasure
devil and the land are one and the same. They carried the you seek was carried into battle the night they failed.
treasure you seek to their undying grave.

The treasure is being carried by the wizard leading the Castle

The treasure is with one of the Forest Folk resurrected by Ravenloft invasion party.
Strahd who carries it to the Gulthias Tree.
4 of Swords–Mercenary
1 of Swords–Avenger
I see a grand army marching to their doom. The night they
A sacred tree withers and rots. The night the Devil claimed fell they clung to the treasure you seek.
the roots for his own, a warrior of the sun held the treasure
you seek.
The treasure is with the soldiers marching along the bridge
toward Castle Ravenloft.
The treasure is held by Sorina Markovia as she defends the Chapter 10: The Legacy of Vasili von
tree from Strahd.
Chapter 8: The Heart of the Old Gods Strahd von Zarovich is a Dark Lord of purpose and law. Even
The hags and witches of Barovia are largely loyal to Strahd. a half-century after Leo Dilisnya’s attempted coup, Strahd
Unfortunately for him, as they focused intently on aiding his was blinded by a desire for revenge. So blinded he
corruption of the land, they overlooked other powerful overlooked dangerous, magical treasures.
artifacts in their possession.
Treasure Locations
Treasure Locations
1 of Glyphs–Monk
9 of Swords–Torturer
I see a monastery, high in the mountains and long lost to
Go to where the last of the faithful were sacrificed by the time. Find the one who kept Barovia’s history the night the
other mother. That night they clung to the treasure as they Devil came. The treasure is with her.
clung to their faith.

The treasure is with Anya Alexeev in the Scribe’s Study (area

The treasure is with the priest of the Rozana bound to the M3c).
western standing stone.
7 of Glyphs–Charlatan
7 of Stars–Illusionist
What you seek was taken by a traitor. An iron warrior guards
Search the hutch where the woad witches culled the flock. the treasure at his request. Look to the night the Devil enacted
The treasure lies a murder of corpses. his revenge.

The treasure is in the hags’ pantry behind a few ingredients. The treasure is in Leo’s Quarters (area M4d).
Chapter 9: The March of the Dawn Chapter 11: The Final Dusk
The March of the Dawn marked the first and only major The death of Patrina Velikovna sparked a violent fury in
attempt at overthrowing Strahd’s rule in the last several Strahd, one that manifested in the butchering of the men,
centuries. The brave soldiers raised the treasures against the women, and children of the dusk elves. His singular focus on
Dark Lord in their rebellion. this genocide meant overlooking the treasures.

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Treasure Locations Rahadin
Rahadin is Strahd’s oldest mentor, advisor, and servant all in
6 of Coins–Beggar
one. He slaughtered his own people at King Barov’s behest
What you seek was guarded by the dusk elves before the
because he felt they were weak. In the aftermath of this
genocide, he was tasked with training a young Strahd von
Vistani came. They hid the treasure in their home the night the
Zarovich in the ways of battle.
Devil descended upon them. You will find it there.
Rahadin is cunning, sadistic, and perhaps even more
mysterious than the Dark Lord himself. While neither would
The treasure is hidden in a dusk elf hovel. ever acknowledge this fact, Rahadin was often more of a
father to Strahd than the conqueror Barov ever was.
5 of Stars–Elementalist Leo Dilisnya
The Dilisnya family was one of the wealthiest banners
A dusk elf who led his people through their darkest night
pledged to the von Zarovich cause. They served under Barov
stood against his Lord. The night he was consumed by grief, for decades, and Leo’s brother Reinhold took up that pledge
he held your prize. after their father passed. Leo, however, thinks that Strahd is a
cruel, senseless warlord and a danger to his people.
Leo is boisterous and cocky, and even in the heat of a fight
The treasure is with Kasimir Velikov. will not be found without colorful robes and a gaudy, golden
lion head necklace that he had commissioned.
Chapter 12: A Soul's Return
Nothing and no one, living nor dead, can capture Strahd’s Sergei von Zarovich
attention like Tatyana Federovna. His obsession with her Sergei is Strahd’s younger, bolder, and more charismatic
damned Barovia. It is only sensible that her first brother. He is a little over a decade younger than Strahd, and
reincarnation would mean overlooking the treasures just he was raised within the safe walls of their parents’ castle.
around the corner. Sergei has never seen war and was brought up under the
Treasure Locations
watchful eye of the church.
While still youthful and rebellious, he has prepared his
Master of Glyphs–Priest entire life to be a representative of the Morninglord. Above all
else, Sergei is naive, kind to a fault, and always thinks the
There is a church that suffered a terrible fate. The day it was best of people–especially his elder brother.
drowned, its priest found the treasure on the grounds.
Tatyana is an auburn-haired woman from the small village of
The treasure is with Father Grigor at St. Ecaterina’s church. Barovia. She is giving and selfless, and even though she has
farmland to maintain, she spends the majority of her days
3 of Coins–Trader
helping others, especially the elderly, around the village.
Tatyana met Sergei on his journey into the village–as both
I see a merchant, lost in a great flood. The day the Devil an envoy of his lord brother and the church–and fell in love
arrived, the treasure came to their store.
with him. Similar to Sergei, Tatyana is optimistic, helpful, and
sees the best in everyone.
Though she enjoys the time she spends at Castle
The treasure is in Taltos Trading Post. Ravenloft, she feels like a farm girl out of place in a royal
Appendix B: Dramatis Ilona Darovnya
Ilona Darovnya is a Dawnlord (the third-highest rank within
Personae the Church of the Morninlord) though is still often referred to
The following descriptions provide insight into the as “priestess.” She traveled alongside Strahd throughout his
motivations and behaviors of some of the prominent figures several-year-long campaign to claim Barovia and serves as a
of Strahd’s past They are listed here in the order in which spiritual advisor, tactician, and occasionally, healer.
they appear. Ilona has a calm demeanor, a keen mind, and a sharp wit.
The only thing sharper is her tongue. She is not afraid of
Aleksandra ‘Alek’ Gwilym Strahd; she knows the Morninglord guides her.
Aleksandra is the older sister of Sir Godfrey Gwilym and
Strahd’s second-in-command. Although Rahadin remains his
most loyal retainer and mentor, Alek is the closest thing
Strahd has ever had to a friend.
She is loyal to Strahd to a fault, but unlike Rahadin, she
also has no qualms about talking back to Strahd. In battle,
she is aggressive but precise and will not be felled easily.

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Gabriel Andral Kasimir Velikov
Gabriel Andral is a Dawnmaster (the highest rank a mortal Kasimir Velikov is the prince of the dusk elves. He shares his
can reach within the Church of the Morninglord). In the sister’s hatred of Rahadin and Strahd. Unlike his sister, he
aftermath of Strahd’s victory in the valley, Gabriel takes on never believed Strahd was any better than his father and
the role of the head of the churches of Barovia. would give anything to see his sister returned and Strahd
To Strahd, Gabriel is a tool that can be leveraged in order defeated. Present-day Kasimir has given up all hope. The
to keep the villages of Barovia placated. To the ancient Forest night his sister was killed, Kasimir was blinded by vengeance,
Folk, Gabriel Andral is a crusading zealot that wants to recklessness, and grief.
separate them (and their Ladies) from their ancestral homes.
Gabriel is devout, committed to his convictions, and
initially believes Strahd’s victory is a service to the
Sorina Markovia
Sorina Markovia, at the time of Strahd’s conquering, is a
young assistant to Gabriel Andral. In the years following
Strahd’s death she grows to become High Dawnlord (the
second-highest rank within the Church of the Morninglord),
and after the death of Gabriel Andral, Dawnmaster.
Sorina is insightful, adaptable, and dedicated to helping
others over all else.
Patrina Velikovna
Patrina is the princess of the dusk elves and sister to Kasimir
Velikov. She harbors a deep-seated resentment for Rahadin
after he betrayed their people, and she holds nearly as much
hatred for Strahd because of his family’s role in the genocide.
In the early days of Strahd’s rule, she genuinely came to
care for him after forgiving him for his father’s sins.
In undeath, she only saw him as an easily misled tyrant and
an opportunity to grow her own powers and enact revenge.
Patrina is manipulative, self-centered, and a master of deceit.
Vasili von Holtz
Vasili is Strahd’s alter ego. He is courteous and, due to his
illusory nature, can easily mask Strahd’s distaste for playing
the part of the servant with respect for those he interacts
Vasili knows the intricacies of high society and can
seamlessly blend in when necessary, but Strahd’s monstrous
nature drives his intentions.
Lovina Wachter
Lovina Wachter is a distant ancestor of Fiona Wachter and
became the matriarch of the Wachter family in the wake of
her family’s deaths during Sergei and Tatyana’s wedding. She
was only five years old at the time of the coup and was hidden
by her father during the slaughter.
She has repressed much of the evening, but nearly her
entire life she has been motivated by hatred for the Dilisnyas.
Lovina is vindictive, self-assured, and cruel.
Monastery Monks
The monks of the Order of the Guardians monastery are
solitary academics. They have vowed to protect and maintain
the knowledge of the order from those who would abuse it.
While reclusive, they are welcoming hosts and want to
spread goodness through the world where possible. They
remain bound by the tenants of their order, however, and
require guests to respect their rules. The monks are content,
generous, and well-read.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Appendix C: Reward List
Chapter Reward
Prologue: Youth Illusory Script
Chapter 1: The Battle of Argynvostholt Unseen Servant
Chapter 2: The Rise of Ravenloft Gentle Repose
Chapter 3: Brothers in Arms Mage Armor
Chapter 4: Tatyana Philter of Love (Recipe)
Chapter 5: The Unholy Communion Commune (with Vampyr)
Chapter 6: Wedding Bells Ceremony
Chapter 7: The Corruptionof Yesterhill Hallow
Chapter 8: The Heart of the Old Gods Magic Jar
Chapter 9: The March of the Dawn Find Greater Steed (Nightmare)
Chapter 10: The Legacy of Vasili von Holtz Forbiddance
Chapter 11: The Final Dusk Force Cage
Chapter 12: A Soul's Return Tsunami

Bookshelf from the Darkest Dungeon team

Appendix D: Maps Drowned Village by William Höglund Mayer
von Zarovich Crest illustrated by u/Wickedwyk and
Many of the maps referenced here are found within the Curse colored by me
of Strahd module itself. For original maps designed for these
adventures, see below: Inspirations and other content credits:
Elrod, P.N. I, Strahd: The Memoirs of a Vampire. 1993.
1. The Hag's Hut (Area O5) Umbramy's Interactive Tome
2. The Order of the Guardians Monastery FartBot_9000's expanded Tome
u/DragnaCarta's Curse of Strahd: Reloaded and their new
Appendix E: Handouts Patreon page
1. Item Card MandyMod's Fleshing Out Curse of Strahd series plus
2. Letter announcing Ravenovia’s death their new, beautiful DMsGuild listings
3. Epilogue: A Lord’s Rest - Final Page Homebew Homunculus' jousting rules
4. Cover Art William Rotor's Outclassed NPC Compendium
Elsa's Song by the Amazing Devil as recommended by
Credits Steven V
Cecila D'Anastasio's How to Cook
Written and edited by: TheAmazingMu's Much Ado About Dusk Elves
The Aciduous Adventurer. If you have questions, you can guildsbounty's vampire bride ceremony
also reach me directly on Discord @Aciduous#2711!
Style template: GMBinder
Page stains: u/flamableconcrete's watercolor page stains
Map assets: Forgotten Adventures
Cover Art by Ludovico Tellatin aka Sapphyra
Interior artwork represented with artist permission:
Castle Courtyard by Max Bowman
Soipra by Antonello Venditti
Castle Ravenloft, Amber Temple, Ravenloft Dining Hall,
and Vistani Camp by James' RPG Art
The Last Knight, based on Master of the Getty Lalaing
(Flemish, active about 1530 Jacques de Lalaing Fighting
the Lord of Espiry at the Passage of Arms of the Fountain
of Tears (Ms. 114, fol. 123), ca. 1530. Belgium.
Giant in the Cloud by Mist XG
Morninglord Brooch by DoodleLily
Ace of Clubs by Jonas Åkerlund
Standing Stones by Glenn Porter
Dracula Untold by Gus Hunter

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The True
History of
Thank you to the incredible r/CurseofStrahd
subreddit and the official r/CurseofStrahd
Discord community for the constant stream of
incredible resources.

This project and my campaign would never have

been completed without the help of this
magnificent group of people.

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