IAS 7: Statement of Cash Flow: Single Company
IAS 7: Statement of Cash Flow: Single Company
IAS 7: Statement of Cash Flow: Single Company
Single Company
Uses and Advantages
Statements of cash flows are a useful addition to the financial
statements of companies because it is recognised that accounting
profit is not the only indicator of a company's performance.
Statements of cash flows concentrate on the sources and uses of
cash and are a useful indicator of a company's liquidity and
Uses and Advantages:
(a) Survival of a company depends on its ability to generate cash.
Cash flow accounting directs attention towards this critical issue.
(b) Cash flow is more comprehensive than 'profit' which is dependent
on accounting conventions and concepts.
Uses and Advantages
(c) Creditors (long- and short-term) are more interested in an
entity's ability to repay them than in its profitability. Whereas
'profits' might indicate that cash is likely to be available, cash flow
accounting is more direct with its message.
(d) Cash flow reporting provides a better means of comparing the
results of different companies than traditional profit reporting.
(e) Cash flow reporting satisfies the needs of all users better.
(i) For management. It provides the sort of information on which
decisions should be taken (in management accounting, 'relevant
costs' to a decision are future cash flows). Traditional profit
accounting does not help with decision-making.
(ii) For shareholders and auditors. Cash flow accounting can provide a
satisfactory basis for stewardship accounting.
(iii) For creditors and employees. Their information needs will be
better served by cash flow accounting.
Uses and Advantages
(f) Cash flow forecasts are easier to prepare, as well as more
useful, than profit forecasts.
(g) Cash flow accounts can be audited more easily than accounts
based on the accruals concept.
(h) The accruals concept is confusing, and cash flows are more
easily understood.
(i) Cash flow accounting can be both retrospective, and also
include a forecast for the future. This is of great information value
to all users of accounting information.
(j) Forecasts can subsequently be monitored by the use of variance
statements which compare actual cash flows against the forecast.
Uses and Advantages
Looking at the same question from a different angle, readers of
accounts can be misled by the profit figure.
(a) Shareholders might believe that if a company makes a profit after
tax of, say $100,000 then this is the amount which it could afford to
pay as a dividend. Unless the company has sufficient cash available to
stay in business and also to pay a dividend, the shareholders'
expectations would be wrong.
All types of entity can provide useful information about cash flows
as the need for cash is universal, whatever the nature of their
revenue-producing activities. Therefore all entities are required by
the standard to produce a statement of cash flows
IAS 7: Definitions
Cash comprises cash on hand and demand deposits.
Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are
readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are
subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.
Cash flows are inflows and outflows of cash and cash equivalents.
Operating activities are the principal revenue-producing activities
of the entity and other activities that are not investing or financing
Investing activities are the acquisition and disposal of long-term
assets and other investments not included in cash equivalents.
Financing activities are activities that result in changes in the size
and composition of the equity capital and borrowings of the entity
IAS 7: Presentation of a statement of cash flows
IAS 7 requires statements of cash flows to report cash flows during
the period classified by operating, investing and financing
The manner of presentation of cash flows from operating,
investing and financing activities depends on the nature of the
By classifying cash flows between different activities in this way
users can see the impact on cash and cash equivalents of each one,
and their relationships with each other.
Operating activities
This is perhaps the key part of the statement of cash flows because
it shows whether, and to what extent, companies can generate
cash from their operations.
It is these operating cash flows which must, in the end pay for all
cash outflows relating to other activities, ie paying loan interest,
dividends and so on.
Most of the components of cash flows from operating activities
will be those items which determine the net profit or loss of the
entity, ie they relate to the main revenue-producing activities of
the entity. The standard gives the following as examples of cash
flows from operating activities
Items treated as Operating activities
Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services
Cash receipts from royalties, fees, commissions and other revenue
Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services
Cash payments to and on behalf of employees
Cash payments/refunds of income taxes unless they can be
specifically identified with financing or investing activities
Cash receipts and payments from contracts held for dealing or trading
Certain items may be included in the net profit or loss for the
period which do not relate to operational cash flows, for example
the profit or loss on the sale of a piece of plant will be included in
net profit or loss, but the cash flows will be classed as financing.
Items treated as Investing activities
The cash flows classified under this heading show the extent of
new investment in assets which will generate future profit and
cash flows.
Cash payments to acquire property, plant and equipment, intangibles
and other long-term assets, including those relating to capitalised
development costs and self-constructed property, plant and
Cash receipts from sales of property, plant and equipment,
intangibles and other long-term assets
Cash payments to acquire shares or debentures of other entities
Items treated as Investing activities
Profit before taxation (statement of P/L and other comprehensive income) ***
Add depreciation *
Loss (profit) on sale of non-current assets *
(Increase)/decrease in inventories (*) *
(Increase)/decrease in receivables (*) *
Increase/(decrease) in payables * (*)
Cash generated from operation **
Interest (paid)/received (*) *
Income taxes paid *
cash flows from operating activities **
Basic format of the statement of cash flows
A proforma of such a calculation is as follows:
Particulars Amount (Tk.)