1 Health Promotion An Overview
1 Health Promotion An Overview
1 Health Promotion An Overview
It is the state of balance between illness and wellness .It ranges between potential and
optimum levels. Focus: Health promotion/education & disease prevention
5.Spiritual :ability to put into practice moral, religious or beliefs to achieve peace of
mind .
is a state of well-being. It means engaging in attitudes and behavior that enhance the quality
of life and maximize personal potential.
Health promotion has been defined by the World Health Organization's (WHO)
2005 Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a Globalized World as "the process
of enabling people to increase control over their health . Convened the first
International Conference convened on Health Promotion in Ottawa and adopted the
Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion Jake (1986).
Rehaiblative Promotive
– Disease prevalence
Level of prevention:
*Primary prevention :For example immunization and health education .
Disease protection : involves all efforts to shield the people from illness and
from harmful effects of elements in the environment. E.g.
Health promotion : refers to all activities that maintain , enhance and increase the
community’s level of wellness e.g. recreational facilities in the community,
adequate nutrition, safe water, encourage healthy lifestyle, family planning
Health promotion goals:
1. Promote of physical ,mental ,emotional functional and social well -being .
2. Care and reduce risk and prevention of illness or diseases and health
maintenance .
Ottawa Charter proposed action "to achieve health for all" by the year 2000. It included the
following strategies:
Health education
Health appraisal
Lifestyle modification
Provision of a healthy environment
Development of effective coping skills
Health Orientation
promotion awareness Health
Change Change
behavior attitude
Belief Life
Optimal level
of health