Course Syllabus: (Eg. ACC 101)

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Course Title: Art History II

Spring 2014
Department: Art/Media submitted: (AAC: 14-23)

Curriculum: Visual Fine Arts

Course Code: (eg. ACC 101) ART*102 Prerequisites:

Course Type: L/D
A: Clinical B: Lab D: Distance Learning
I: Individual/Independent L: Lecture N: Internship None
M: Seminar P: Practicum U: Studio
X: Combined Lecture/Lab Y: Combined Lecture/
Clinical/Lab Z: Combined Lecture/Studio
Elective Type: AH/FA/G/HU/LAS
Course AH: Art History E: English FA: Fine Arts FL: Foreign Language G:
Descriptors: General HI: History HU: Humanities LAS: Liberal Arts & Sciences
Make certain that the M: Math S: Science SS: Social Science
course descriptors are
consistent with Credit Hours: 3 Corequisites:
college and Board of
Trustees policies, and
Developmental: (yes/no) No
the current course Lecture: 3
numbering system.
Clinical: 0
Lab: 0
Contact Hours:
Studio 0
Other: 0
TOTAL: 3 Other Requirements:
Class Maximum: 35
Semesters Offered: S

Catalog An extensive study of art through the major periods in Western Civilization. Medieval, Renaissance,
Course Mannerist, Baroque, Rococo, and Modern painting, sculpture, architecture, and the minor arts are
Description: examined and analyzed according to art principles and the societies from which they emanate. Museum
trips are required.
1. Introduction: Review of Art trends from Ancient through Middle Ages
2. Gothic Sculpture and Painting in Italy, (Part Four) The Renaissanc,
3. The Early Renaissance in Italy
4. The Early Renaissance in Northern Europe
Outline: 5. The High Renaissance in Florence and Rome
List course content in 6. The Mannerist Crisis. High Renaissance and Mannerism in Venice and Northern Italy
outline format.
7. Michelangelo and Later Mannerism in Central Italy. High and Late Renaissance outside Italy
8. Review – Renaissance/Mannerist
9. Mid-Term Exam- 125 points (Part Five) the Baroque, Seventeenth Century in Italy, France
10. The Seventeenth Century in England. Flemish Painting, Dutch Painting, Spanish Painting

Art History II COURSE SYLLABUS — page 2
11. Continental Art in the Eighteenth Century, English Art
12. The Modern World, Neo Classism
13. The Modern World, Romanticism, Realism
14. The Modern World, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism
15. Review Baroque – Modern through Post-Impressionism
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to do the following:
1. acquaint themselves with art terms and basic artistic principles as they relate to style and concept
2. observe these principles at work throughout history
3. become familiar with all aspects of the visual arts as they relate to the underlying social, political,
environmental and humanistic influences of specific historical periods
Describe measurable PROGRAM: (Numbering reflects Program Outcomes as they appear in the college catalog)
skills or knowledge 8. demonstrate and understanding and ability to use art technology
that students should
be able to 10. exhibit a sense of aesthetics and sensitivity toward diverse areas of visual art
demonstrate as
evidence that they GENERAL EDUCATION: (Numbering reflects General Education Outcomes as they appear in the college catalog)
have mastered the
course content.
1. Aesthetic Dimensions - Students will understand the diverse nature, meanings, and functions of creative endeavors through
the study and practice of literature, music, the theatrical and visual arts, and related forms of expression.
Demonstrates: Identifies and describes formal aspects, historical or cultural context, and aesthetic elements of the genre
with clarity and appropriate vocabulary.
Does Not Demonstrate: Unable to clearly identify and describe the formal aspects, historical context, and aesthetic
elements of the genre.

Evaluation: Assessment will be based on the following criteria:

List how the above 1. Completion of all assignments, quizzes, and written assignments
outcomes will be
assessed. 2. Completion of final portfolio of finished artwork

List library (e.g.
books, journals, on-
line resources),
technological (e.g. Required: None
software), and other
Desired: None
resources (e.g.
equipment, supplies,
facilities) required and
desired to teach this

Textbook(s) Refer to current academic year printout.


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