Cowling and Cooling of Light Aircraft Engines J.Thorp
Cowling and Cooling of Light Aircraft Engines J.Thorp
Cowling and Cooling of Light Aircraft Engines J.Thorp
and provides us with a simple index to design or evaluate One of the most streamlined of radial engine cowl-
ings is always to be found on the Spartan "Executive."
a light airplane power plant.
If the sum of all of the open areas between the fins
of an air-cooled cylinder, capable of putting out 25 horse-
power per cylinder, added up to 8.2 sq. in., and we flow
(20x25) 500 cubic feet of air per minute through the fins,
the velocity through the fins will be 144x500=8800 fpm=
100 mph=147 fps.
Most small air-cooled engine cylinders will have about
8.2=.325 sq. in. of fin passage area per horsepower, and
to flow 20 cfm/hp will require approximately ICO mph
through the baffles. If the passages are smaller, the veloc-
ity will need to be higher. If the passages are more gener-
ous, the velocity can be proportionally less.
We now have an index for proportioning all cooling
air-flow passages. For conservation of en3rgy, we would
like to keep the velocity through the syst2m constant at
all points. This is not possible, but at least at 100 mph, all
passages should have an area of approximately .325 sq. in.
hp for most engines that we will be using. This index can
be refined for a specific engine by determining actual
passage areas and later correction factors for inlets and The original Thorp "Sky Skooter" featured an engine
outlets will be discussed. At least, we know that the cowl- cowling which, while conventional in its louvre openings,
ing inlet and outlet for a 100 hp airplane climbing at was exceptionally clean.
100 mph will be approximately 32.5 sq. in. in area, and
climbing at 65 mph they should be more like 50 sq. in.
Knowing the cooling air-flow quantity and velocity,
we can calculate the power required to cool.
If the total dynamic pressure associated with the re-
quired velocity through the fins is dissipated in producing
the required air-flow, a simple calculation shows a sort
of idealized minimum cooling power requirement.
HP = DV where:
D — qA and
q = .00256V2 = Dynamic pressure
A = Passage area in sq. ft.
= .325 = .00226 sq. ft./hp 100 mph
HP = .00226x25.6x100-.016 or 1.6% of total hp
required to cool at 100 mph velocity
through the baffles.
Actually, we never do nearly this woll. In the first
place, the power is put into the airstream by the pro-
peller, which is 50-60 percent efficient in a climb to pos-
sibly 80 percent efficient at high speed. Than we have
the inlet orifice efficiency, upstream duct efficiency, The cowl opening on this Goodrich "Cougar" allows for
(Continued on next page) an adequate flow of air at various angles of attack.
COWLING AND COOLING . . . pipe to the outlet valve, plus the resistance of the outlet
(Continued from preceding page) valve.
baffle efficiency, downstream duct efficiency and outlet The total internal flow drag of the cooling system is
gill efficiency, each a multiplying factor less than unity the inlet drag, plus the upstream passage drag, plus the
to reduce the overall efficiency. baffle drag, plus the downstream passage drag, plus the
We know of some fan-cooled air-cooled engines that outlet drag.
cool for 5 percent to 6 percent of engine output. Some It is obvious that closing any one valve or collapsing
helicopters are fan-cooled for 8 percent to 10 percent of either pipe will completely stop all hydraulic flow. Just
engine output. so with the air.
The best ram-cooled air-cooled engines in fixed-wing Also, it may be seen that the resistance at any part
aircraft that we know of cool for 8 percent to 12 per- of the passage will have an effect on the total flow, and
cent of the total power available. therefore will have an effect on the flow resistance of
If this is the best that can be done, then it takes each of the other parts. This is also true with an air
little imagination to see poorly designed and executed cooling system. If we restrict the outlet, all internal flow
installations taking twice this amount of power to cool. will decrease, and the drag of upstream elements will re-
If external protruberances to the cowling of a 100 hp duce. One of the functions of cowl flaps is that of a valve
airplane add only a half-square foot of drag area, we soak to reduce cooling air-flow, and drag when the speed is
up about 4 percent more power in climb and as much as increased and therefore need for cooling is reduced. If
16 percent at high speed. cooling fins are small, resistance at the baffles will im-
Paradoxically the cleaner we make an airplane de- pede cooling air-flow regardless of inlet or outlet con-
sign, the larger percentage the cooling horsepower ditions. If the inlet is too small, or in an unfavorable flow
becomes. location, nothing done to baffles or outlet will have much
On a 1930 biplane design, it was acceptable to leave effect on cooling.
the cylinders exposed. The Beechcraft "Bonanza" has very The five series resistance system analogy is, of
low cooling drag, but on such a clean airplane, the state course, an over-simplification, but it is a useful concept
of the art in power plant design is not consistent with the in analyzing cooling system problems.
refinement of the rest of the airplane. On some other-
wise clean airplane designs, the power plant drag (cooling POSSIBLE AREAS OF POWER PLANT IMPROVEMENT
and external) may account for 30 percent to 50 percent All refinement of an air-cooled power plant installa-
of the airplane drag and power required. No wonder tion will start with the baffle.
airplane designers frequently miss achieving performance Leaks in the baffle area will mean that the cowl in-
expectations. Refinement of power plant installation on a let and outlet will flow more air with attendant power
clean airplane is worthwhile. Conversely, on a dirty air- consumption, with no improvement in cooling. Non-cooling
plane it may not pay off. If your airplane design is other- air-flow in most power plant installations will nearly
wise already refined, what area of improvement offers equal the legitimate cooling air-flow. Air that does not
such large rewards? flow through fins or a radiator is wasted air-flow for all
WHAT ARE THE ELEMENTS OF A COOLING SYSTEM? practical purposes. Seal up the gaps and make baffles fit
The elements of a conventional direct air cooling tightly against the cylinders, at least at outlets.
system as applied to a small airplane may be generalized NACA L-767, issued originally as advanced restricted
as follows; see Fig. 1. Report 3H16 by Silverstein and Kinghorn, show means of
improving baffle design. These baffles will reduce cool-
EXTERNAL AIR FLOW ing horsepower required for a given level of cooling over
those normally used on light aircraft.
When applied to one bank of a four cylinder engine,
these baffles might look like Fig. 2.
H ianr
pressure rise.
With a long propeller shaft, a single low inlet, which
takes no gain from pressure rise due to blade passage,
and which is outside the influence of pressure reduction
due to propeller shank windage (rotating air mass), is
probably a good choice. However, this is only true if the
extra distance of air travel and extra turns that the air
must make before getting to the cylinders are not ex-
The low opening with up-cooling air-flow, as used
on early "Navions" and "Swifts," would have been more
successful if it had not been for the exhaust stacks which
thoroughly heated cooling air before it got to the cylin-
GEE R w - If yW-
ders. C*tt fly J dhVe it /
THE EJECTOR COOLING SYSTEM Where tractor airplanes equipped with unsuper-
For airplanes that have speeds for best climb which charged air-cooled engines have speeds for best climb of
are too slow to cool with flow induced by ram pressure over 100 mph, ejector cooling systems are not needed and
alone, an alternative to the flared outlet gill as a means therefore not recommended.
of reducing outlet pressure is the ejector pump. In this Tractor airplanes with low climbing airspeed, pusher
system waste exhaust energy is harnessed to augment the airplanes and helicopters can use a properly designed
ram cooling air-flow by reducing pressure on the down- ejector cooling system to good advantage.
stream side of the baffles, thereby increasing flow through In designing an ejector cooling system for an air-
the baffles. plane with an unsupercharged aircooled engine, the fol-
The ejector cooling system is appealing, because it lowing points should be kept in mind:
promises something for nothing. Actually, very few suc- 1. Use the fewest practical number of mixing tubes to
cessful ejector cooling systems have ever been designed get the largest number of exhaust events into each tube
and, except in unique circumstances, the obvious ad- per unit of time.
vantages are overshadowed by the serious technical prob- 2. Consistent with No. 1, use an exhaust system impos-
lems that are involved. ing the least back pressure at the exhaust ports.
The following is a list of some of the ejector cooling 3. Make all components subject to pulsating flow free
system's advantages and disadvantages: from flat surfaces. Pipes should be round.
1. Ejector cooling systems can reduce cooling drag to 4. Provide for engine service accessibility.
zero, and even provide a small amount of thrust in 5. Plan to provide sound deadening treatment for all
climb condition of high power and low speed. surfaces downstream of the exhaust nozzles.
2. Ejector cooling systems are inherently constant tem- Since design data on ejector cooling systems is scarce
perature systems, because both cooling requirements and frequently conflicting, it seems to be advisable to
and pumping action are functions of engine power outline a procedure for the proportioning of such a sys-
output. Without attention or use of controls, engines
keep warm during low power, high speed let-down.
3. Ejector cooling systems are lighter and cheaper than EXHAUST NOZZLE
fan cooling systems for pusher installations or heli- EXHAUST GAS
4. Ejector cooling systems cannot be designed by appli-
cation of classical ejector pump theory, because of the
intermittent flow nature of the exhaust gas.
5. In terms of exhaust gas energy recovery, ejector cool-
ing systems are very inefficient. This is because of in-
termittent flow and because, with a few cylinders and
lack of usable space, ejector cooling systems do not
normally conform to optimum proportions.
6. Engine power with short stacks suitably nozzled for
ejector cooling is frequently less than can be ob-
tained with optimum (tuned) exhaust collectors.
7. Ejector cooling systems tend to be structurally self V.BAFFLE
destroying because of pulsating flow. -CYLINDER
8. Ejector cooling systems are relatively noisy, although
some muffling is possible.
9. Ejector cooling systems frequently complicate service FIGURE 3
accessibility problems.
10 DECEMBER 1963
A new idea was tried by Dan Dudash when he mounted
this cowling on his "Tailwind." It features engine cooling
through augmenter tubes, with the cold air entering
through the carburetor air intake. Cold air is drawn down
past the cylinders into the augmenter tubes, where the
exhaust flow helps to maintain air circulation.
the matter of 1 of a second, makes it nearly impossible
to effectively harness any part of the tremendous energy
We have already estimated exhaust emission at 1.83
The Ford A con- cu. ft./min./hp. Running at 25 hp/cyl. each nozzle is flow-
versions, such as ing exhaust gas at the rate of 1.83 x 25 = 46 cu. ft./min.
on the Russert- A 1.25 in. diameter nozzle has been used on such an en-
Pietenpol, present-
ed quite a bit of
gine without evidence of excessive back pressure or power
drag with both the loss. The area of the 1.25 in. diameter nozzle is .7854 x
engine block and 1.25 sq. in. = 1.22 sq. in. = 1.22 = .0085 sq. ft.
the radiator expos- 144
ed to the a i r -
The average exhaust velocity is 46 = 5400 ft./min.
(Leo J. Kohn Photo) or 5400 = 90 ft./sec. However, the time the exhaust valve
is open is approximately ¥4 the total time, so the
average nozzle velocity is 4 x 90 = 360 ft./sec. The peak
velocities are much higher.
It is obvious that the interchange of exhaust energy
to the cooling air is not going to be efficient.
COWLING AND COOLING . . . It is thought that the best approach is to start with
(Continued from preceding page) an exhaust port size nozzle and, during tests, experiment
short circuiting, the mixing tubes for this system will need with nozzle size reduction, checking cooling performance
to be 540 as long as the single cylinder pipe or against engine performance.
720 Nozzle shapes other than round have been used.
.75 x 5.1 = 3.82 ft. These are most frequently in the form of a cross. These
Actually, the foregoing examples are somewhat over- do provide slightly better velocity interchanges, but for
simplified. The 100 hp four cylinder engine would prob- intermittent flow ejectors, probably are not significantly
ably be driving a fixed pitch propeller designed to absorb better than round.
100 hp at 2750 rpm at maximum speed instead of climb. Conical diffusers on the ends of mixing tubes having
In the climb, the rpm might be more like 2500 and the a slope of sides of 7 to 8 deg., and a length approaching
power closer to 90 hp. The lower power would reduce the that of the mixing tube, will greatly increase the pump-
diameters for 80 mph flow by a factor = V.90 = .95, ing effectiveness of an ejector cooling system. For sta-
but the lengths would need to increase by a factor of tionary installations and helicopters they are highly rec-
2750 = I.I. ommended. Because of drag, they cannot be used on
2500 airplanes.
Further, it is likely that the pipes would be made Using diffusers on the ends of mixing tubes, station-
even smaller in diameter to reduce the cooling air-flow ary air-cooled engines and air-cooled engines in helicop-
and drag at high speed at only a slight loss in cooling in ters have been cooled without fans or any means other
the critical climb condition. than the ejector pump. This system has application pos-
A mixing tube velocity of 100 mph for a climbing sibilities on a variety of ground vehicles as well.
speed of 80 mph is probably a good compromise. This COWL FLAPS
would provide a slight amount of cooling air-flow thrust A means of assisting ram pressure in cooling air-
in the climb, and would introduce negligible cooling drag plane engines in a climb, which is more common than the
at high speed. ejector pump, is the cowl flap. Cowl flaps have many de-
Cooling air expands as it is heated, making the sirable features, but they also introduce complications
theoretical duct sizes slightly larger than shown by these which have kept them off most small airplanes. It is
simplified calculations. The heating of the air theoret- thought that, in the light of the general trend of improve-
ically provides a source of additional thrust, but these ment in cleanliness of modern light airplanes, cowl flaps
refinements are largely of academic interest only, be- deserve a re-appraisal as a means of further improving
cause hardware to take advantage of them would need to performance.
be intricate and precise beyond practical limits. If in climb condition at 80 mph, 10 percent of the en-
Exhaust nozzles for ejector cooling systems are a gine's power is required by the cooling system, at 120
subject for a paper in themselves. mph, the cooling power becomes 15 percent, assuming no
Because many piston engines can tolerate consider- increase in cooling air-flow. Actually, the cooling air-flow
able exhaust back pressure with no significant loss in will increase due to the 225 percent increase in ram pres-
power, there is a feeling that the exhaust should be sure from the 50 percent increase in air speed, unless
nozzled to increase its velocity, thereby reducing the steps are taken to prevent it, further increasing cooling
diameter of the mixing tubes and increasing thrust po- power. This is in face of the fact that less power is re-
tential at a given cooling level. quired to fly level at 120 mph than for maximum climb at
It is true that in the steady state ejector pump, the 80 mph. If the airplane were very clean, it might have a
ratio of nozzle velocity to mixing tube velocity is a major top speed of 160 mph, in which case the power plant
design parameter. Nozzling the exhaust is a way to ad- drag would account for 20 percent of the total engine
just velocity ratios to optimum. However, for the inter- power.
mittent flow ejectors with large velocity fluctuations, it The power required to overcome a fixed drag coef-
seems to be relatively useless to attempt to determine ficient varies as the cube of the speed — this is because
nozzle size for optimum velocity ratios. drag varies as the square of the speed and power required
The very nature of the exhaust flow with super- = DV. Cooling drag does not vary as the square of the
sonic velocities as the exhaust valve opens, to zero 375.
velocity or even a reverse flow as the valve closes, all in (Continued on bottom of next page)
12 DECEMBER 1963
By Charles Lasher, EAA 1419
1430 W. 29th St., Hialeah, Fla.
A MATEUR AIRCRAFT builders should be very cautious
I\- about chromium and cadmium plating. Seeing highly
attractive plated parts on other airplanes, the temptation
is to have similar parts of one's own airplane plated.
But, there's more to it than meets the eye! Non-
structural parts, such as engine rocker arm covers, wheel
hub caps, door handles and so on, can be plated by any
commercial plating shop with no precautions other than
what may be needed to obtain an attractive job.
Structural parts which are to be plated should be
taken only to a shop which specializes in, and is equipped
to do, industrial plating, as opposed to simple decorative
plating. The kind of work coming under the industrial (Leo J. Kohn Photo)
plating classification includes plating done to protect parts An example of a highly decorative effect, which plating
from corrosion, to increase the wear resistance of parts, brings to an aircraft, can be seen in this Druine "Turbu-
to build parts up to certain dimensions, to repair old lent", where all of the landing gear struts are chrome
parts by building up worn spots, and so on. plated, as well as the engine parts.
The higher the grade of steel used for a part, the
more important it is to have such an expert shop do the
plating. Improper chemical content of plating solutions
—and there are many kinds in use — and improper pro-
cedures in doing the plating will often suffuse hydrogen
ions into the steel and make it become brittle. Most of
the hydrogen can be removed by heat treating, hence the
importance of taking the work to a shop which under-
stands such advanced plating processes and is equipped
with ovens of suitable size to heat plated parts to 300
deg. F or more.
In general, don't plate structural parts just to make
them look nice. If you must plate, pick an ethical shop
and make sure they know that they are plating aircraft
parts. Be cautious with steel parts such as chrome moly
and anything harder. Never replate hard steel items such
as streamlined wires, bolts, bearings, AN hardware, rocker (Leo J. Kohn Photo)
arms, etc. If for any reason plating of such items seems Special care should be given to plating of structural
essential, consult real experts first. A parts, such as the "I" struts on this Mong "Sport."
COWLING AND COOLING . . . ram pressure for cooling is not available or is inade-
(Continued from preceding page) quate to cool properly.
speed, because the flow is normally restricted by the in- IV. Cowl flaps can provide worthwhile increases in per-
let, the baffles, and the outlet and cooling power varies formance and can increase engine service life through
only slightly more than directly proportional to speed. better cooling.
If we can reduce the flow as power is reduced and V. Most existing power plant installations can be made
speed is increased, we can further reduce cooling power. more satisfactory by attention to the following detail
If we could vary any or all the cooling air-flow re- items:
sistances, we could control the cooling air-flow. Varying a) Tightening up baffle system. Any air that travels
the inlet or baffles would be difficult. But controlling from the ram pressure side without passing
the outlet with cowl flaps is relatively easy. through cylinder fins or oil cooler passages hurts
While cowl flaps do produce a reduction in outlet cooling two ways.
pressure, when open, thereby augmenting ram pressure 1. By reducing pressure drop across baffles, there-
in producing cooling air-flow at low air speeds, the prin- by reducing potential flow.
cipal justification for cowl flaps is the adjustment of 2. By diverting flow from productive cooling flow
cooling air flow to need at higher speeds. A low-drag paths.
cooling air outlet which is variable can do much to mini- b) Improving structure of baffles and cowling. Th2se
mize the high percentage of cooling air drag of a clean power plant parts take heavy abuse, yet character-
airplane. istically are flimsy. They crack and wear out, caus-
SUMMARY ing serious air leaks. Make the cowling and baffles
I. Real improvement in airplane performance and more structurally as good as the rest of the airplane.
satisfactory engine performance may be had by re- c) Being realistic about engine motion and by provid-
fining virtually any contemporary small plane power ing flexible joints where th3y are required to allow
plant installations now to be seen. normal engine motion in the mount.
II. Technical data for refinement is well documented in d) Providing easy access to servicing points of the
N.A.C.A. Report and Engineering Journals. power plant, so that engine installations will be
III. Ejector cooling systems should only be used where properly inspected and serviced. A