Egg Processing Guide Book
Egg Processing Guide Book
Egg Processing Guide Book
Complete Guidebook
on How to Process Eggs
Breaking, Separation, Pasteurization,
Concentration, Drying, and Boiling
At SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP we are dedicating our
experience and knowledge in egg processing to turn your
eggs into a valuable business. This is the only complete
handbook on egg processing which serves as a guide for
all egg processors around the world.
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Egg Processing
One of the most versatile ingredients used in today’s
food production is eggs. By breaking and separating
the egg, you can turn your consumer eggs into highly
valuable pasteurized liquids and/or dried egg products DE-PALLETIZING LOADING WASHING BREAKING ENZYMES TANKS MIXING
suitable for an endless number of industrial uses.
6 1
10 5
11 9
12 20
14 8 18
1 Fresh Egg Storage 6 Pasteurizing Room 12 Dryer for Egg White 17 Egg Shell Centrifuge and Drying
All the eggs are stored at 10-15°C before breaking. The eggs can The raw products are stored in cooling tanks at a temperature The liquid egg white is turned into egg white powder by a spray The eggs shells are conveyed from the breaking machine to a centrifuge
be received by trucks (off-line) or in-line directly from the barns. <4.0°C. The products are pasteurized to inactivate all the Pathogens drying process evaporating the water content of the product. where liquid egg white is removed and the volume is reduced. The shells
and extend the shelf life. are then dried and inactivated in the Egg Shell Dryer.
2 De-Palletizing and Loading 13 Dryer for Egg Yolk and Whole Egg
A robot automatically de-palletizes all the egg trays and loads 7 Product Tanks The liquid yolk and/or whole egg is turned into yolk and whole
the eggs on rollers for transfer to the breaking room. The products from the pasteurizer are stored in Ultra-Clean tanks to egg powder by a spray drying process evaporating the water
ensure long shelf life of the final products. content of the product. Boiling, Cooling, and Peeling (Page 50-53)
3 Full Automatic Washing of Trays, Pallets and Dividers.
8 Liquid Filling Room 14 Packing Room
4 Storage of Clean Trays, Dividers & Pallets The pasteurized products are filled in various types of packaging. Automatic packing of spray dried products.
18 Boiling, Cooling, Peeling of Eggs and Packing of Eggs
5 Breaking Room 9 Standardization and Enzymes 15 Hot Room
All the eggs are gently broken, creating either only whole egg Standardization of egg products before pasteurization and further Dry pasteurization of egg white powder by hot air. 19 Hard-Boiled Egg Storage Room
or separated yolk and egg white (with a small amount of whole processing. Stored at 4-6°C.
egg). Product from the breaker is collected in small tanks or 16 Powder Storage Room
pumped continuously. Any small shell particles are removed Hydrolyzation of egg products before pasteurization, to Powder is stored at room temperatures or in a cold storage.
from the product by filtration. The filtered products are cooled improve functional properties, and enable higher pasteurization
down to a temperature <4.0° C. temperatures.
Plant Automation (Page 54-57)
10 CIP
An automatic cleaning and disinfecting system designed to reduce
manual operations.
20 Process Automation Control
11 Fermentation Room Complete customized supervision and control system (SCADA) based on PC/
De-sugaring and optionally concentration of the egg white by UF or PLC for the monitoring, process control, logging of all operational parameters.
RO technique.
6 7
Shell eggs are a high-value raw material which, when handled carefully and
processed optimally, will form the basis of a profitable business.
The first step in every egg processing plant is to obtain as much as possible of the
liquids within the eggs, separate the yolk from the white,
and discard the shells. This is also the part of the plant that determines
the kinds of products and the quality which you will be able to produce.
These steps form the basis of any liquid egg processing plant.
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Full Automatic Unloading of Egg Stacks
Four tray stacks at a time are picked up and then loaded onto a
conveyor. If necessary, the tray stacks are synchronized with the
loader inlet conveyor, depending on the loader brand. The full Gently unloads 216,000 eggs/hour (600 cases/hour)
pallet accumulation chain conveyor can be customized in order Advanced vision system
to reduce the time spent on loading full egg pallets and make
Conveyor can be customized
the system as self-sufficient as possible. The standard
Stainless steel
De-Palletizer system has been developed to minimize stops
even if it is necessary to extract or insert interlayers or pallets. Washable
Power Lift
Egg Stack and Tray Lifting Device
Handling, Robotic Automation, and Loading The Power Lifter is an ergonomic way of loading eggs to a high
capacity processing or grading line. The Power Lifter is designed
to handle stacks of 30 egg tray by using an ergonomic balancer
that has the capacity for lifting up to 75 kg. It can easily handle
four stacks of six trays each in one movement.
Traditionally, eggs delivered to the processing plant are either supplied on pallets (off-line
production) or delivered directly from the hen houses (in-line production).
Productivity and operator health and safety were key areas
of focus when designing the Power Lifter, and naturally it
Off-line production lines require pallets of eggs to be unpacked and loaded onto the line, while in- complies with EU article 5 of Legislative Decree No. 626/1994
line production, eggs enter directly from the house via a conveyor. regarding manual load handling standards. The fork is placed
manually under the tray stack, after which the force balancer
Lifting up to 75 kg.
In off-line productions it is absolutely vital to have an efficient and stable unpacking and loading of is activated by the push of one button. The arm allows the
the eggs as this will determine the overall productivity of the plant. operator to gently lift the trays on to the conveyor system Four stacks of six trays each in one movement
where the trays are released by deactivation of force balancing. 626/1994 regarding manual load handling standards
Gently lift the trays on to the conveyor system
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39,600 eggs/hour 48,600 eggs/hour 54,000 eggs/hour 144,000 eggs/hour 201,600 eggs/hour
(110 cases/hour) (135 cases/hour) (150 cases/hour) (400 cases/hour) (560 cases/hour)
With the pulp or plastic tray stacks placed on the infeed conveyor, each individual egg must be
Feeding with: Single Tray Stacks Stacks Stacks Stacks
transferred to the rollers. This is a delicate and vital operation in the processing plant, as this will
determine the efficiency of the line. Delivering eggs in: 5 or 6 rows 5 or 6 rows 6 rows 12 rows 18 rows
Based on many years of experience, the loaders have been The loaders are easily adapted into any existing production plant Cleaning: Manual Manual CIP CIP CIP
designed to operate optimally for all kinds of trays and due to the small footprint. In addition, the loaders are very flexible
qualities of eggs. This is true whichever paper amd plastic trays and can be supplied in numerous layouts according to your layout
are used – or even a combination of the two. This is possible as requirements.
all OptiLoaders use self-adjusting, servo-controlled motors, which
also makes the system reliable and easy to maintain. The loaders are available for capacities up to 201,600 eggs/hour
(560 cases/hour).
FlexLoader OptiLoader
The FlexLoader 5-6 is a robust and highly flexible egg loader with a The OptiLoader will always secure the highest possible yield stacked to a preset number of trays, and trays with stuck eggs
capacity from 40 to 135 cases/hour. With the focus on hygiene and for you due to the very gentle handling and the rotary design, are transported to the operator.
easy cleaning, the loader is optimal for wet working environments. The that rreduce speed and travel distance of the individual egg
by up to 50%. In addition, the controlled acceleration of all With the large touch screen, you will have full control of all
loader is able to handle both paper and plastic trays without change or
movements reduces the risk of losing eggs to a minimum. functions and data access.
adjustment of tools.
In the receiving area, the tray stacks are accurately positioned The OptiLoader can be delivered with full CIP cleaning which
For higher capacities the FlexLoader is available with a destacker. with the help from infeed sensors, enabling the grippers to lift reduces labor costs and the requirements for water and
the trays optimally. chemicals considerably. CIP cleaning also has the added
benefit of uniform cleaning every time
The unique loader head design provides a uniform lift of all
eggs – even if they are cracked and broken. At the same time, With its compact design the OptiLoader is easily installed in
all suction heads are continuously cleaned during operation almost all existing buildings.
by the two-step, blow-back system. The empty trays are
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Washing the trays and pallets immediately after usage gives the best and most trouble-free cleaning. No additional stacking for
transport to the tray washer and destacking prior to washing is required.
Tray Washing
The STW 6500 Egg Tray Washer combines high output with first-class washing performance, at a low cost. Food safety and hygiene are
our design focus with unsurpassed washing, drying and sanitation performance that cannot be matched by any competitive machine.
The STW 6500 has a washing and drying capacity up to 6,500 trays/hour.
Egg Washing
Gentle and Efficient Double-Action Washing System
The Modular Egg Washers are designed to comply with the most
restrictive requirements for cleaning of eggs in the world, while at
the same time optimizing the yield. This is possible due to the gentle
and efficient double-action washing system combining both soft
brushes and spraying in the cleaning process.
The Modular Egg Washers are available in 6 to 8 row and 12 to16 row
cabinets and with a combination of short and long modules, any
washing time is achievable. The egg washers can be installed with
any egg breaker in the industry and are available with capacities
from 10,800 (30 cases) up to 180,000 (500 cases) eggs per hour.
Number of rows 6 6 8 12 16
Available washer length (meter) 1 2.2 - 4.4 - 6.3 - 8.4 2.2 - 4.2 - 6.3 - 8.4 2.2 - 4.2 - 6.3 - 8.4 2.2 - 4.2 - 6.3 - 8.4
Egg-shaped static Combination of mowing Combination of mowing Combination of mowing Combination of mowing
Wash system brushes with water brush and water jet brush and water jet brush and water jet brush and water jet
sprays. modules modules modules modules
Direct steam
Flexibility and Optimal Filling of Every Single Track Candling Option Option Option Option Option
The accumulating tables provide the flexibility when changes Moving guides are easily removable for cleaning. Sanitizer Option Option Option Option
to the number of tracks throughout the line are needed. The An enhanced moving mechanism is provided for the guides. CIP Option Option Option Option
Accumulators are designed to secure an even distribution to all There is an option for CIP cleaning of the belts. Self-powered drive system* Option Option Option Option Option
lanes for optimal feeding rate and minimum amount of double The capacity is up to 216,000 eggs/hour (600 cases/hour).
eggs on the rollers. This is possible due to the automatic speed The pre-accumulator belt is available in different lengths. *The washer can operate as a single machine witout being integrated in a breaking line.
Clean albumen and dry yolk with a low bacteria count are the basic Automatic Cleaning System
ingredients for producing premium value-added products. This is
The OptiBreaker is the only breaking machine originally developed for CIP cleaning. All
true whether you are pasteurizing or spray drying your standard or internal parts of the OptiBreakers are cleaned by a large number of CIP nozzles, ensuring a
specialized products. perfect cleaning each time, and reduces the costs for water, chemicals and labor.
Quality of Separation
The OptiBreaker is equipped with a separation cup, which is unique in its shape and material.
The albumen and yolk slide gently down into the separation cup, ensuring that the fragile
yolk remains intact. This gives a high-quality and clean product.
Eggs / hour 72,000 90,000 144,000 192,000 216,000 21,600 39,600 48,600 21,600 66,600 90,000 135,000
Cases / hour 200 250 400 533 600 60 110 135 60 185 250 375
Eggs / hour 54,000 90,000 144,000 192,000 201,600 Operator 39,600 48,600 Operator 66,600 90,000 135,000
Cases / hour 150 250 400 533 560 dependent 110 135 dependent 185 250 375
Therefore, it is extremely important that every detail of a liquid egg processing plant is carefully designed
in order to produce safe and good products. Any human intervention should be reduced to the minimum
to avoid mistakes and undesirable operations.
An egg processing plant must be carefully designed to ensure both an efficient and flexible production with a
minimum of downtime spent on cleaning and changing of product.
The concepts that are driving the engineers with the design of an efficient egg processing factory are:
In all egg processing plants the liquid egg product must undergo the following processes:
• Filtering
• Cooling
• Storage and standardization (enzymes and ingredients)
• Pasteurization
• Final product storage
• Filling
• Packaging
• CIP for the entire lines
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01 02 03
In all cases SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP carefully evaluates the
process and consults our customers for the best solution.
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Water content/dry matter differences in raw material, production speed, etc. a standardized
average needs to be set which could be 44% dry matter. The
level is adjusted with either whole egg, egg white, or yolk with a
different dry matter.
Whole Egg
The challenge is that the raw material differs in origin, quality, and Whole egg must be standardized to a specific dry matter content,
composition and that the proportion of yolk to egg white changes in order to maintain the correct ratio between proteins and fat
from batch to batch. coming from yolk and egg white. The adjustment must be done
with yolk or egg white.
Egg white, egg yolk, and whole egg have different compositions
when it comes to the above parameters. In an industrial The dry matter level is adjusted with either whole egg, egg white,
production, egg white or egg yolk will never be 100% pure while or yolk with a different dry matter.
the composition of whole egg will depend on the ratio between
yolk and egg white. For industrial production the parameters of
the final products must be defined and strictly controlled, and that
is why standardization after breaking and separation is required.
Egg White Enzymes are used in the egg industry as processing aids, and to improve the functionality of egg
Egg white must be as pure as possible as contamination with yolk products, depending on the end application. Most common processes are production of heat
has a negative influence on the functional properties. So here, stable egg yolk in liquid or powdered form, de-sugaring of egg products before spray drying, or
separation is the most important factor.
hydrolyzation of different egg proteins for different purposes.
Maxapal A2: Improves emulsification of yolk and whole SANOVO PROCESS SOLUTIONS supplies this range of products
egg, and improves the foaming performance of egg white. along with the technical know-how and equipment needed for
Maxapal GO4: Removes glucose from egg products the implementation in the production process. We also assist in
before spray drying to prevent browning of the egg teaching your technical staff or sales people in promoting the
powders, and to maintain protein solubility. benefits you get from improving the different functionalities in the
egg products you produce.
Maxapal C10: Removes hydrogen peroxide. To be used for
cold pasteurization.
Maxipro NPU: For nice tasting high pasteurized egg white Along with our partner DSM Food Specialties, we can solve the
drinks and egg white powders that are easy to dissolve. challenges you have in your production regarding functionality
Also for liquid egg yolk that can be frozen and thawed of your product or if you have special ideas for new products or
without the addition of salt or sugar. processes.
Wave Technology 5
4 3.3 log
3.1 log 80%
SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP’S patented Wave Technology product very near to the coagulation point without damaging the 3 74%
is a system that applies a high frequency / high voltage electrical proteins. 59%
3 Killing Rate
field to the liquid egg. The heat is generated by the electrical
current that creates interactions between the moving particles and It is a stand-alone unit that can be combined with every 2.3 log 2.3 log
2 50% 40%
the ions that the product is composed of. This stresses the bacteria configuration of pasteurizers. It does not influence or change the
without compromising the functional properties of the product pre-existing process.
The Wave Technology instantaneously transfers a huge quantity With Wave Technology, a processor can achieve ten times more
of energy in a fraction of a second. The energy is transferred to the bacterial inactivation compared to any other pasteurizers, with 0%
entire product mass ensuring a uniform heating. As the product extremely low impact on functional properties.
RAW 65° 66° 67° 68° 69° 70° WAVE
is heated directly by the kinetic energy, it is possible to heat up the
The killing rates of bacteria in pasteurization of liquid egg products depend on the nature of the product, its dry
matter, PH, and presence of additives. In general, the higher the temperature, the higher the killing rate (black
curve) is, and the lower the protein efficiency (yellow curve) is. The Wave Technology is giving the highest killing
Salmonella Pseudomonas Bacillus Enterobacteriacea Listeria
Enteritidis spp. Cereus spp. spp. monocytogenes rate while preserving the properties of the products.
The use of the Wave Technology increases about 1.0 log the killing rate in liquid egg product.
Optimally, the pasteurized egg product should be filled directly into the final packaging or, alternatively,
stored in tanks.
In any situation it is essential to cool the pasteurized product Depending on the requirements we supply different types of
as quickly as possible below 4.0° C and keep the lines as clean filling systems:
as possible. In-line filling is preferred for the production of ESL
products. In case intermediate storage is required, the tanks Completely or partialy open environment
should be constructed to avoid contaminations using aseptic or Basic Ultraclean
ultraclean tanks. Advanced Ultraclean
Ultraclean Option Option Option Option
Aseptic Option Option Option
The choice of the right filling machine is fundamental in an egg processing plant. It must be decided based on: market requirements, type of
products, and shelf life required.
Robotic Automation
Today, robotic automation plays an important role in turning of the production such as Palletizing, De-Palletizing, Case
your eggs into a valuable business. Packing, and Display Loading.
At SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP, R&D and innovation are Our robotic automation program offers a number of efficient
among our cornerstones, and we can help you introduce a and flexible robots that are a vital part of any modern
fully automated logistics system to maximize your profits. egg handling and processing factory. However, robotic
automation is not only a question of reducing labor. It relates
In a modern egg factory, you can almost avoid manual just as much to increasing biosecurity, the product quality,
operations by automating the time-consuming elements and maximizing the yield.
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SANOMINI CIP (Automatic or Manual) SANOMIDI CIP (Automatic) SANOMAXI CIP (Automatic)
Suitable for SMALL/MEDIUM plants where the Suitable for MEDIUM/LARGE plants with a limit in Suitable for all plants. In case of renewing of the cleaning plant, the CIP
Monophase cleaning is used. the dimension of the CIP tanks (max 2,000). frame can be supplied separately to be connected to existing tanks.
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All-Inclusive Integrated Liquid Egg Pasteurization Plant The StreamLine is available in three configurations:
Built-in CIP
The egg white can be concentrated prior to the fermentation 50%, thus reducing the total energy consumption significantly
process, increasing the dry matter content from 10-12% up to and/or increasing the plant capacity.
20-22%. This process will reduce the load on the dryer up to
The raw egg white is collected from the breaking machines and Fermentation is a delicate process requiring product know-how,
stored at 4.0° C with a pH of 8.5-9.0. The pH will be adjusted to 7.5 by as well as biological insight. Prior to drying, the glucose (sugar)
adding citric acid (optimal for desugaring process). The tanks are contents of the albumen must be removed to avoid a Maillard UF/RO 1500 UF/RO 3000 UF /RO 6000
equipped with a cooling mantle, ensuring efficient and high thermal reaction during the drying process and powder pasteurization,
Flow rate l/h 1,500 3,000 6,000
cooling of the product. resulting in discoloring of the powder and poor solubility.
Enzymes, (MAXAPAL® GO4), yeast, or lactic acid bacteria can be used Solid inlet % 10-12 10-12 10-12
for the desugaring process. Solid outlet % 20-22 20-22 20-22
2. HEATING / SEPARATION Preheater Option Option Option
Prior to the desugaring process, the egg white is heated up to 30-37°
C, which is the optimal temperature for the desugaring process. To
4. COOLING Clarifier Option Option Option
As soon as the egg white is de-sugared, the fermentation process
ensure a high quality, heating is carried out gently by a Plate Heat
is stopped by cooling the liquid to approx. 4.0° C. Cooling of the
product is done by pumping it through a plate heat exchanger and
into the spray dryer feed tank.
If the egg white needs to be concentrated, the product is filtered
using a specifically designed centrifugal separator. This is necessary
to remove egg shell fragments and other impurities that could Ultra Filtration (UF)
damage or clog the concentration membranes. For concentration, 5. SPRAY DRYING
see below. The fermented egg white is stored at 4.0° C prior to drying.
UF is a physical separation with the intention of increasing the dry matter
content of the albumen prior to drying. The albumen flows toward a
membrane, allowing only water and some salt and sugar to pass. The
UF process requires a relatively low working pressure of 3.0-4.0 barg.
which means that less energy consumption and a smaller investment in
equipment are necessary compared to reverse osmosis.
Powder Processing
The Spray Dryer Technology Combines High
Performance with Gentle Air Drying for Your Benefit.
The Gentle Air Spray Dryer is developed and designed for drying of egg liquids and produces
high quality egg powders with the lowest energy consumption.
The Gentle Air Spray Dryer is available in different sizes and, as the only European supplier
of box dyers, we comply with the industrial standards such as CE, ATEX, EN.
42 43
The Gentle Air Spray Dryer is designed for the production of high quality powders with the
lowest energy consumption.
The Gently Air Spray Dryer Technology combines high performance operation, and a long running time between cleanings.
with gentle air drying. For your benefit the spray dryer is developed
and designed for drying of egg liquids. Everything is in a box - The The Spray Dryers are available in different sizes and, as the only
Gently Air Spray Dryer Technology produces high quality egg European supplier of box dyers, SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP
powders with the lowest energy consumption. The technology is complies with the industrial standards such as CE, ATEX, EN.
characterized by an improved insulation, hygienic design, simple
Easy Start-Up and Shut Down Minimum Powder Loss Low Heat Loss with Superior Drying Condition
with Automatic Nozzle Control Integrated Bag Filter Sandwich Panels by Unique Designed Plenum
Automatic nozzle control for start-up / shut down and No external powder conveying ducts as the bag filter, The drying chamber is constructed in a rigid seamless Process air is distributed through a unique designed plenum for
supervision during operation can be supplied. Nozzles separating the powder from the drying air is integrated in stainless steel sandwich construction with 80 mm / 3.2-inch constant air flow over the individual spray nozzles.
stems are easy accessible, and CIP cleaned in a closed the drying chamber. This minimizes the loss of product and injected polyurethane foam insulating two times better than
loop and can individually be changed/cleaned without complies with global environmental standards for emissions. mineral wool reducing the heat loss. Wall (orifice plate) between the plenum and drying chamber is
interrupting the operation of the dryer. cooled with temperate air to minimize scorched (discoloring)
The drying chamber construction is only fastened to the particles and solubility or sediment problems.
base construction in one end, making the drying chamber
a sliding construction which facilitates heat expansion and
avoids heat stress.
SANOx Indirect Heating Optimized Nozzle Geometry Heat Recovery ATEX Compliant
with Gas or Oil Optimized air flow in the drying chamber ensures a minimum Significant saving in the energy consumption is obtained by Egg powder is explosive! All Sanovo dryers are designed and
powder build-up on walls. pre-heating of the intake air by the hot exhaust air from the built according the latest ATEX regulations ensuring your
Drying air is completely separated from the combustion drying chamber in the highly efficient tube heat exchanger. staff’s safe working conditions and protecting your properties
air in a specially designed combustion chamber. With heat against damage.
efficiency of 98%, the energy consumption is equal to direct
heating without mixing the combustion air with the drying.
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Less Cleaning and More Uptime For smaller dryers with a limited powder output, manual packing can be the solution.
For medium-sized dryers, semiautomatic packing with automatic powder dosing and
The need for cleaning is less as the powder is kept under sanitary conditions in the box manual closing of the packages can be the solution. For larger powder amounts, a
with minimum risk for bacterial growth as there are no powder conveying ducts, and the
drying chamber is fully insulated by PU sandwich panels. fully automatic system including filling, erecting, and closing of packing material and
palletizing could be a labor-saving solution.
Due to the horizontal design, the drying chamber is easy accessible for manual cleaning,
when required, or for a change of product. CIP cleaning is optional.
The hot rooms are insulated rooms with racks for storage of the powder packed in bags
or cartons and placed on pallets. Hot air is circulated in the room in order to ensure an
even heat treatment of the powder. The humidity in the room can be controlled to avoid
further drying up of the powder.
Reduced Energy Consumption
The SANOVO Gentle Air Box Dryer is provided with a highly efficient air-heating system, heat
recovery unit, and a drying chamber constructed of pre-insulated PU-sandwich panels for
minimal heat loss. The reduction in energy consumption makes the Gentle Air Spray Dryer a
more environmentally friendly solution.
Differential residence time in the drying chamber for different powder particle sizes gives an
uniform drying of the product.
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Eggshell Processing
Reduce your Cost of Waste Treatment
The egg shells from the egg breaking machines containing a minimum of liquid egg
are normally considered a waste product that must be paid for, for disposal.
With the right treatment of the egg shells, the cost for disposal can be avoided.
From the breaking machine the empty egg shells are conveyed to a centrifuge,
separating the remaining egg liquid from the shells and
reducing the size of the shells, and thereby the volume.
The recovered liquid can be used for animal feed, but also the shells can be used as fertilizer
or animal feed, if they undergo a drying process for decimating of the bacteria amount
and extending the possible storage time.
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Drying of Eggshells
Drying of eggshells makes it possible to use the shells as a calcium fertilizer THE RANGE:
or as an ingredient in animal feed.
The Eggshell Dryers are available in various
sizes from 500 to 3,200 kg of shells / hour.
Ambient air is heated up to drying temperature by a direct-fired gas
air-heater built directly into the duct system. In the drying chamber the
eggshells are brought in good contact with the drying air, ensuring an even
Direct gas heating
and efficient drying. After passing the drying chamber, the egg shells are
efficiently separated in cyclones. Great span of capacites
Minimum maintenance by cyclones
Compact design
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When boiling and peeling eggs, the focus will be on the appearance of the eggs
for the consumer and the shelf life of the boiled eggs.
The eggs must be peeled with a minimum scratching in the egg white surface, no egg
shell fragments in the egg white, and the yolk placed in the center of the egg.
All of this is taken care of in the SEPS Hard-Boiled Egg Systems.
Different measures can be taken to achieve long shelf life. One important factor is rapid cooling to
low core temperatures. Using glycol in the ice water allows the reaching of temperatures
close to 0° C in the cooling water. Additional measures can be taken like
UV light disinfection of the cooling water. Also, the packing conditions have an important
impact on the shelf life. Of course, superior hygienic conditions are a must.
The most common packaging methods are packing in buckets or sealed plastic bags in a brine or
packing in thermoformed plastic packings in a controlled atmosphere.
Typically, larger amounts (ten eggs and up) are packed in buckets or plastic bags,
and smaller amounts in thermofoil packings.
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A Semi-Automatic HandLoader or a FlexLoader 5-6 loads the eggs In order to obtain a long shelf life of the final boiled eggs, they
on the roller table of the boiler unit. The boiler unit working with must be sufficiently cooled immediately after being boiled and
indirect steam heated water is equipped with a unique rotation packed in a sanitary way. Using ice water with glycol, the coolers are
system that ensures that the egg is cooked with the yolk in the dimensioned with excessive cooling power, providing the possibility
center. to use cooling water in the cooler close to the freezing point. With FEATURES OPTIONS
this low temperature the core of the egg will be as cool as possible The Hard-Boiled Egg System automatically boils, cools, and peels up to 20,000 eggs/hour. SPS 24,000 C/W system for automatic
After boiling, the egg continues to the chilling unit, which ensures prior to peeling. For special occasions an additional cooler can be Up to 98.5% yield rate on both white and brown eggs on the boliling unit is achieved. counting and/or weighing of deshelled eggs
a rapid chilling of the eggs. The chilling unit works with indirect ice installed after the peeler. Up to 98% yield rate on the peeling unit is standard. Eggshell transport system for transportation
of shells
water cooling by a plate heat exchanger, and is equipped with a It peels both brown and white eggs.
pump producing a high pressure jet of water, ensuring a high filling The eggs are normally packed in pails or plastic bags with a brine or Extra set of pendulums for handling of
The peeling technique has reduced the shell impact to nearly zero.
brown eggs
rate at the conveyor bringing the eggs into the peeling unit. After in thermos-foil packages with an inert gas. The brine often contains Optimized control and encapsulation decrease energy consumption.
Optimal loading by the FlexLoader
cooling, the eggs continue towards the inspection conveyor prior to acid to extent the shelf life and provide the eggs with the texture There is a cooling capacity of up to 10° C yolk core temperature.
packaging. and taste preferred by the end users. The inert gas is a mixture of There is a yolk centering system.
nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
Minimal space requirements for installation are due to the rotation design.
The quality of the hard-boiled eggs depends, first of all, on the
Easy access to equipment reduces the cleaning time.
quality of the eggs used, but other factors like cooling and the
packing method also affect the finished product.
Plant Automation
Supervision System for Your Operation
We offer a complete customer-designed PLC and PC-based supervision system (SCADA) for the
monitoring, process control, and registration of operational parameters.
The supervision system offers many advantages, such as data logging and troubleshooting. The
system stores the manual for each machine, including part lists and electrical drawings.
Each automated plant is equipped with sensors and controllers to At the very top level of an automatic plant, there is the SCADA
ensure a safe production, automatic control of all the functions and (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) a PC-based software
process parameters, giving detailed production reports to certify the developed and customized for each customer to provide the
quality of the final product. complete control of the plant.
The SCADA system, designed and developed for an automatic plant, is not just a
matter of saving labor, but it offers many important advantages:
Consistency of procedures and recipes User-friendly interface Fewer man-hours required Reduced water consumption
Repeatability Preventive maintenance Lower consumption of utilities Reduced energy consumption
Prevention of operator error Fewer maintenance stops Less waste and off-spec product Reduced product loss and waste
Decreased risk of contamination Lower maintenance costs Increased plant flexibility
Independence from operators Easier troubleshooting Less downtime
Reduced waste and recalls Real-time monitoring Availability of data for ERP for better planning
Compliance with norms Remote service access
Possibility of tracking and traceability
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The complexity of today’s modern egg processing, grading, and robotic automation installations is very
great, and it requires expertise and knowledge to create a successful integration.
Every step of the way - from the initial request and discussion on finding the best solution, drawing of Your project involves the entire organization of SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP. When an agreement has been entered into, an experienced team of
the layout, manufacturing of equipment to install at the plant, and operator training, our experienced technicians and project and service managers will ensure that your order will be fulfilled in the best way possible.
project and service managers will be at your service.
At SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP we know that your experience that most failures can be avoided with regular
equipment is a critical part of your business, and equipment maintenance.
downtime can be one of the most costly consequences Our vision at SANOVO Service is to give you the tools to
of an equipment failure. protect your investment. This includes training and
education of your operators and maintenance personnel.
In our many years of business experience, we have
discovered the strategy which many of our customers We know that it is not possible to hand over years of
have: ”If it breaks, I will call you, and you will come and knowledge and experience, so in cases of more complex
fix it. problems, we recommend a long-term and secure
strategy that includes a customized SANOVO Service
We always do our utmost to help with your issues, and we Contract.
are ready to provide service on demand. It is our