Arduino (Atmega 328P)
Arduino (Atmega 328P)
Arduino (Atmega 328P)
I/O Pins: 23
Q Touch capability
Voltage Regulator
Arduino Reset
We can reset wer Arduino board, i.e., start wer program from
the beginning. We can reset the UNO board in two ways.
First, by using the reset button (17) on the board. Second, we
can connect an external reset button to the Arduino pin
labelled RESET (5).
Analog pins
We have learnt in rectifier circuits about converting a
sinusoidal ac voltage into its corresponding pulsating dc.
Apart from the dc component, this pulsating dc voltage will
have unwanted ac components like the components of its
supply frequency along with its harmonics (together called
ripples). These ripples will be the highest for a single-phase
half wave rectifier and will reduce further for a single-phase
full wave rectifier. The ripples will be minimum for 3-phase
rectifier circuits. Such supply is not useful for driving
complex electronic circuits. For most supply purposes
constant dc voltage is required than the pulsating output of the
rectifier. For most applications the supply from a rectifier will
make the operation of the circuit poor. If the rectifier output is
smoothened and steady and then passed on as the supply
voltage, then the overall operation of the circuit becomes
better. Thus, the output of the rectifier has to be passed though
a filter circuit to filter the ac components. The filter is a
device that allows passing the dc component of the load and
blocks the ac component of the rectifier output. Thus the
output of the filter circuit will be a steady dc voltage. The
filter circuit can be constructed by the combination of
components like capacitors, resistors, and inductors. Inductor
is used for its property that it allows only dc components to
pass and blocks ac signals. Capacitor is used so as to block the
dc and allows ac to pass. All the combinations and their
working are explained in detail below. Series Inductor Filter
The circuit diagram of a full wave rectifier with a series
inductor filter is given below. As the name of the filter circuit
suggests, the Inductor L is connected in series between the
rectifier circuit and the load. The inductor carries the property
of opposing the change in current that flows through it. In
other words, the inductor offers high impedance to the ripples
and no impedance to the desired dc components. Thus the
ripple components will be eliminated. When the rectifier
output current increases above a certain value, energy is
stored in it in the form of a magnetic field and this energy is
given up when the output current falls below the average
value. Thus all the sudden changes in current that occurs in
the circuit will be smoothened by placing the inductor in
series between the rectifier and the load. The waveform below
shows the use of inductor in the circuit. From the circuit, for
zero frequency dc voltage, the choke resistance Ri in series
with the load resistance RL forms a voltage divider circuit,
and thus the dc voltage across the load is Vdc = RL/(Ri + RL)
Vdc is the output from a full wave rectifier. In this case, the
value of Ri is negligibly small when compared to RL. The
effect of higher harmonic voltages can be easily neglected as
better filtering for the higher harmonic components take
place. This is because of the fact that with the increase in
frequency, the reactance of the inductor also increases. It
should be noted that a decrease in the value of load resistance
or an increase in the value of load current will decrease the
amount of ripples in the circuit. So, the series inductor filter is
mostly used in cases of high load current or small load
resistance. A simple series inductor filter may not be properly
used. It is always better to use a shunt capacitor (C) with
series inductor (L) to form an LC Filter. Shunt Capacitor
Filter As the name suggests, a capacitor is used as the filter
and this high value capacitor is shunted or placed across the
load impedance. This capacitor, when placed across a rectifier
gets charged and stores the charged energy during the
conduction period. When the rectifier is not conducting, this
energy charged by the capacitor is delivered back to the load.
Through this energy storage and delivery process, the time
duration during which the current flows through the load
resistor gets increased and the ripples are decreased by a great
amount. Thus for the ripple component with a frequency of ‘f’
megahertz, the capacitor ‘C’ will offer a very low impedance.
The value of this impedance can be written as: Shunt
Capacitor Impedance = 1/2 fC Thus the dc components of the
input signal along with the few residual ripple components, is
only allowed to go through the load resistance RLoad. The
high amount of ripple components of current gets bypassed
through the capacitor C. Now let us look at the working of
Half-wave rectifier and Full-wave rectifier with Capacitor
filters, their output filtered waveform, ripple factor, merits and
demerits in detail.
Writing Sketches
NB: Versions of the IDE prior to 1.0 saved sketches with the
extension pde It is possible to open these files with version
1.0, you will be prompted to save the sketch with the .ino
extension on save.
'''Beginning with version 1.0, files are saved with a .ino file
extension. Previous versions use the .pde extension. You may
still open .pde named files in version 1.0 and later, the
software will automatically rename the extension to .ino.
Allows you to manage sketches with more than one file (each
of which appears in its own tab). These can be normal
Arduino code files (no extension), C files (.c extension), C++
files (.cpp), or header files (.h).
Once you've selected the correct serial port and board, press
the upload button in the toolbar or select the Upload item
from the File menu. Current Arduino boards will reset
automatically and begin the upload. With older boards (pre-
Diecimila) that lack auto-reset, you'll need to press the reset
button on the board just before starting the upload. On most
boards, you'll see the RX and TX LEDs blink as the sketch is
uploaded. The Arduino environment will display a message
when the upload is complete, or show an error.
The Uno contains a trace that can be cut to disable the auto-
reset. The pads on either side of the trace can be soldered
together to re-enable it. It's labeled "RESET-EN". You may
also be able to disable the auto-reset by connecting a 110 ohm
resistor from 5V to the reset line; see this forum thread for
RS=1…Data register
5 R/W Read/Write
6 EN Enable
7-14 DB0-DB7 Bi-directional Data Bus.
Data Transfer is performed
once, through DB0-
DB7,incase of interface
data length is 8-bits;and
twice, thru DB4-DB7 in the
case of interface data length
is 4-bits.Upper four bits first
then lower four bits.
Basically, a 25V Voltage Sensor, like the one used here, has 5
pins in total. Two of them are on the two-pin screw terminal
and three are male header pins.
The Screw Terminal pins are marked as VCC and GND and
they must be connected to the external source of voltage i.e.
the voltage that needs to be measured.