13 03 2019 ChemicalEngineering2014
13 03 2019 ChemicalEngineering2014
13 03 2019 ChemicalEngineering2014
Student must choose three elective courses from Major Elective Courses list.
Year 1 - Semester 1
Course Hours
Course Pre Major
Course Code Course Title
Type requisite GPA
Year 1 - Semester 2
Year 2 - Semester 3
CHENG 213 Applied Physical Chemistry 3 1 3 MR Yes
CHENG 242 Technical Report Writing and Presentation 1 1* 1 MR ENGL 102 Yes
Year 2 - Semester 4
CHENG 290 Junior Project 0 3 1 MR Yes
Year 3 - Semester 5
Year 3 - Semester 6
Training Requirement
Year 4 - Semester 7
Year 4 - Semester 8
* Tutorial hour. Otherwise, “PRAC” refers to lab hours, or lab and Tutorial hours (MR course), or training hour.
Major Elective Coures1
Student must choose three elective courses from Major Elective Courses list..
CHENG 462 Special Topics 3 0 3 ME Yes
Course Description
Course Code: CHENG 111 Course Title: Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Units and dimensions. Process and process variables. Process flowchart. Material balances with and without
chemical reactions including bypass and recycle. Gas laws, compressibility factor. Multiple-phase systems. Forms of
energy. Energy balance for open and closed systems. Combined material and energy balances. *(One tutorial hour)
Course Code: CHENG 213 Course Title: Applied Physical Chemistry
Chemical kinetics: order of reactions, rate of reaction, mechanisms of homogeneous reactions. Surface chemistry:
physical and chemical aspect of solid surface, adsorption theories, catalysis, kinetics of heterogeneous reactions,
Course Code: CHENG 242 Course Title: Technical Report Writing and Presentation
Technical Report Writing and Presentation prepares students to design and compose effective technical documents,
with particular emphasis on technical reports and oral presentation. The lecture hour is dedicated to theories,
techniques and presentations. The tutorial hour is assigned to discuss the writing reports feedbacks. *(One tutorial
Course Code: CHENG 301 Course Title: Properties and Strength of Materials
Type and structure of materials. Mechanical properties and behavior of materials. Strengthening mechanisms.
Chemical and electrical properties of materials. Engineering applications of metals, ceramics and polymers.
Equilibrium of rigid bodies, centers of gravity, moments of inertia, forces in beams. Concepts of stress and strain,
axially loaded bars, torsion of circular shafts and pure bending of beams.
Course Code: CHENG 315 Course Title: Computer Applications in Chemical Engineering
Classification of chemical engineering software. MATLAB: programming and applications, control flow and looping,
functions, script files, symbolic processing, selected toolboxes. SIMULINK. HYSYS: main features of process
simulators. Simulation of selected unit operations and process flowsheets. Applications using other available
software packages.
Course Code: CHENG 316 Course Title: Numerical Analysis
Selected matrix and vector operations. Numerical solution of systems of linear equations: Gauss and Gauss-Siedel.
Numerical solution of nonlinear equations: bisection, Newton-Raphson and Wegstein’s method. Newton’s method
for simultaneous nonlinear equations. Finite difference methods. Interpolation. Numerical differentiation and
integration. Solution of ODE’s: Euler, Runge-Kutta and shooting method. Linear and nonlinear regression. A general
purpose software such as MATLAB and process engineering application examples used throughout the course.
*(One tutorial hour)
Course Code: CHENG 324 Course Title: Process Modeling and Simulation
Classification and uses of mathematical models. A general framework for model development, solution and
validation. Modeling and simulation of the steady-state and dynamic behaviour of several processes. Review of
Laplace transforms. Linearization. Transfer function and state space models. Dynamic response of first-order,
second-order and more complicated processes (high-order, time delays, lead-lag, etc.). Empirical dynamic models.
*(One tutorial hour)
Course Code: CHENG 423 Course Title: Plant Design Project
The course is a comprehensive design problem, preferably of local nature, to be undertaken by students working in
groups and individually. It presents an overall analysis of the major factors involved in process design, with particular
emphasis, on economic, environmental, safety and health considerations. The design project illustrates computer-
aided plant design. Written design reports and oral presentations are required.
Course Code: CHENG 460 Course Title: Quality Assurance and Reliability Engineering Quality assurance,
understanding, commitment, leadership, and organization. The role of quality system, planning, flow charting. How
to maintain plant quality and operation reliability. Causes and consequences of failure. Reliability of series, parallel,
standby, and complex systems. Analytical methods including fault trees. Implementation methods, communication
and training for quality. Guidelines for writing a quality manual.
Course Code: CHENG 461 Course Title: Process Integration
Energy targets for heat exchanger networks and utilities. Composite curves, the heat recovery pinch, the threshold
problems. The problem table algorithm, process constraints. Utility selection, furnaces, combined heat, and power
(co-generation). Integration of heat pump and refrigeration cycles. Heat exchanger: number of units and targets.
Heat exchanger network design, the pinch design method. Heat integration of reactors, use of the grand composite
curve. Heat Integration of distillation columns.
Course Code: CHEMY 220 Course Title: Organic Chemistry for Chemical Engineering
Isomerism; alkanes and cycloalkanes; geometric isomerism; alkenes and alkynes; petroleum; gasoline; and octane
number, aromatic compounds; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Phenols and thiols, ethers and epoxides;
aldehydes and ketones; tautomerism; carboxylic acids and their derivatives. Related practical work.
Course Code: CHEMY 310 Course Title: Analytical Chemistry for Chemical Engineering
Treatment of analytical data; gravimetric and volumetric methods of analysis, acid base equilibria; potentiometric
methods of analysis; ion selective electrodes; spectrophotometric methods of analysis; UV/visible, infrared and
atomic absorption spectrometry; gas and liquid chromatography.
Course Code: EENG 361 Course Title: Circuits and Electronics for Chemical Engineering
Introduction to electrical systems. Current and voltage sources, current and voltage conversions, Ohm’s law, power
and energy. Series and parallel circuits, Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws. Networ theorems, mesh and nodal
analysis. Superposition and Thevenin’s theorem. Maximum power transfer theorem. Inductors, capacitors,
impedances and AC circuits. Complex numbers and related mathematical operations. Mathematical operations with
complex numbers and phasors. Diodes and bipolar junction transistors. Ideal op-amp applications (A/D and D/A
Course Code: MENG 420 Course Title: Engineering Management
Introduction to engineering management. Types and characteristics of production systems. Forecasting methods
and techniques. Product design. Capacity planning. Aggregate planning. Inventory planning and materials
management. Short term scheduling. Quality management and quality control. Job design and work methods.
Project planning and scheduling. *(One tutorial hour)
Course Code: PHYCS 111 Course Title: Fundamentals of Physics for Engineering and Education
Vectors and scalars; straight line and projectile motion; Newton’s laws of motion; work, energy and power,
momentum and impulse; rotational motion; periodic motion; the electric field; Gauss’s law; electric potential;
capacitance and dielectrics; magnetic fields and magnetic forces.
College Requirement Courses Descriptions
Course Code: CHEMY 101 Course Title: General Chemistry I
Significant figures, chemical formulas and equations; mass relations, limiting reactions and theoretical yield; Physical
behavior of gases; electronic structure, periodic table, covalent bonding; Lewis structures, Molecular structures,
hybridization; molecular orbitals, solutions; colligative properties. Related practical work.
Course Code: CSC 103 Course Title: Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers
Introduction to computers, their uses, development, components, hardware, and software. Internal representation
and numbering systems. Algorithmic problem solving principles. Introduction to a modern programming language
(e.g. C++). Input/Output, conditional statements, iteration, files, strings, functions and arrays. Lab assignments to
practice programming.
University Requirements Courses Descriptions
Course Code: ARAB 110 Course Title: Arabic Language Skills
This course focuses on basic Arabic skills including form, function, and meaning. It also helps the student to
appreciate and understand structures and approach them from a critical point of view, through various genres in
Course Code: HIST 122 Course Title: Modern History of Bahrain and Citizenship
Spatial identity of Bahrain: Brief history of Bahrain until the 18th century; the historical roots of the formation of the
national identity of Bahrain since the 18th century; the modern state and evolution of constitutional life in Bahrain;
the Arabic and Islamic dimensions of the identity of Bahrain; the core values of Bahrain’s society and citizenship
rights (legal, political, civil and economic); duties; responsibilities and community participation; economic change
and development in Bahrain; Bahrain’s Gulf, Arab and international relations.