13 03 2019 ChemicalEngineering2014

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in Chemical Engineering 2014

Program Components Major Training
Support 1% 8%
Course Type CRD 15%

University Requirement (UR) 11

College Requirement (CR) 31 College
Major Requirement (MR) 63 Elective Requirement
7% 23%
Major Elective (ME) 9
Major Support Requirement (MSR) 21
Minor Requirements (Minor) ------ Major
MR- Industrial Training 2 46%

Total Credit (CRD) 137

Student must choose three elective courses from Major Elective Courses list.

Teaching Language: English

Detailed Study Plan

Year 1 - Semester 1

Course Hours
Course Pre Major
Course Code Course Title
Type requisite GPA

CHEMY 101 General Chemistry I 3 3 4 CR ------ No

Computer Programming for Scientists
CSC 103 3 2 3 CR ------ No
and Engineers
ENGL 101 Communication Skills I 3 0 3 CR ------ No

MATHS 101 Calculus I 3 0 3 CR ------ No

PHYCS 111 Fundamentals of Physics 3 3 4 MSR ------ No

Year 1 - Semester 2

Course Hours Course Pre Major

Course Code Course Title
LEC PRAC CRD Type requisite GPA

CHEMY 102 General Chemistry II 3 3 4 MSR CHEMY 101 No

CHENG 111 Introduction to Chemical Engineering 4 1* 4 MR CHEMY 101 Yes

ENGL 102 Composition and Reading II 3 0 3 CR ENGL 101 No

ISLM 101 Islamic Culture 3 0 3 UR ------ No

MATHS 102 Calculus II 3 0 3 CR MATHS 101 No

HRLC 107 Human Rights 2 0 2 UR ------ No

Year 2 - Semester 3

Course Hours Course Pre Major

Course Code Course Title
LEC PRAC CRD Type requisite GPA
Organic Chemistry for Chemical
CHEMY 220 2 3 3 MSR CHEMY 102 No

CHENG 211 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I 3 1* 3 MR CHENG 111 Yes

CHENG 213 Applied Physical Chemistry 3 1 3 MR Yes

CHENG 242 Technical Report Writing and Presentation 1 1* 1 MR ENGL 102 Yes

MATHS 203 Calculus III 3 0 3 CR MATHS 102 No

STAT 273 Probability and Statistics 3 0 3 CR MATHS 101 No

Year 2 - Semester 4

Course Hours Course Pre Major

Course Code Course Title
LEC PRAC CRD Type requisite GPA

ARAB 110 Arabic Language Skills 3 0 3 UR ------ No

Analytical Chemistry for Chemical
CHEMY 310 2 3 3 MSR CHEMY 102 No

CHENG 212 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II 3 1* 3 MR CHENG 211 Yes

CHENG 214 Fluid Mechanics 3 1* 3 MR CHENG 211 Yes

CHENG 290 Junior Project 0 3 1 MR Yes

MATHS 205 Differential Equations 3 0 3 CR MATHS 102 No

Year 3 - Semester 5

Course Hours Course Pre Major

Course Code Course Title
LEC PRAC CRD Type requisite GPA

CHENG 312 Separation Processes I 3 1* 3 MR CHENG 212 Yes

CHENG 314 Heat Transfer 3 1* 3 MR CHENG 214 Yes

Computer Applications in Chemical CHENG 211&
CHENG 315 0 6 2 MR Yes
Engineering CSC 103

CHENG 316 Numerical Analysis 3 1* 3 MR MATHS 205 Yes

EENG 361 Circuits and Electronics 3 2 4 MSR ------ No

HIST 122 Modern History of Bahrain and Citizenship 3 0 3 UR ------ No

Year 3 - Semester 6

Course Hours Course Pre Major

Course Code Course Title
LEC PRAC CRD Type requisite GPA

CHENG 301 Properties and Strength of Materials 3 1 3 MR PHYCS 111 Yes

CHENG 313 Separation Process II 3 1* 3 MR CHENG 312 Yes

CHENG 323 Chemical Reactor Design 3 1* 3 MR & CHENG Yes
CHENG 324 Process Modeling and Simulation 3 1* 3 MR & MATHS Yes
CHENG 325 Chemical Engineering Laboratory I 0 6 2 MR & CHENG Yes
MENG 300 Engineering Economics 3 1* 3 CR No
of 60 credits

Training Requirement

Course Hours Course Pre Major

Course Code Course Title
LEC PRAC CRD Type requisite GPA
MR- Completion
CHENG 390 Industrial Training 0 6 2 Yes
Training of 85 credits

Year 4 - Semester 7

Course Hours Course Pre Major

Course Code Course Title
LEC PRAC CRD Type requisite GPA

CHENG 415 Process Control 3 1* 3 MR CHENG 324 Yes

CHENG 421 Process Equipment Design 3 1* 3 MR & CHENG Yes
CHENG 422 Chemical Plant Design 3 1* 3 MR & Yes
of 85 credits
CHENG 490 Senior Project 0 9 3 MR Yes

CHENG 4xx Elective I 3 0 3 ME See ME List Yes

MENG 420 Engineering Management 3 1* 3 MSR MENG 300 No

Year 4 - Semester 8

Course Hours Course Pre Major

Course Code Course Title
LEC PRAC CRD Type requisite GPA
CHENG 400 Engineering Ethics 2 0 2 MR Yes
of 85 credits

CHENG 423 Plant Design Project 0 9 3 MR CHENG 422 Yes

CHENG 425 Chemical Engineering Laboratory II 0 6 2 MR CHENG 323& Yes
CHENG 325&
CHENG 491 Seminar 0 2 1 MR Yes
of 85 credits

CHENG 4xx Elective II 3 0 3 ME See ME List Yes

CHENG 4xx Elective III 3 0 3 ME See ME List Yes

* Tutorial hour. Otherwise, “PRAC” refers to lab hours, or lab and Tutorial hours (MR course), or training hour.

Major Elective Coures1
Student must choose three elective courses from Major Elective Courses list..

Course Hours Course Pre Major

Course Code Course Title
LEC PRAC CRD Type requisite GPA

CHENG 443 Petroleum Refinery Engineering 3 0 3 ME CHENG 313 Yes

CHENG 445 Petrochemical Processing 3 0 3 ME & CHENG Yes

CHENG 447 Petroleum Engineering 3 0 3 ME CHENG 212 Yes

CHENG 457 Corrosion Engineering 3 0 3 ME & CHENG Yes
Quality Assurance and Reliability MENG 300 &
CHENG 460 3 0 3 ME Yes
Engineering STAT 273

CHENG 461 Process Integration 3 0 3 ME CHENG 314 Yes

CHENG 462 Special Topics 3 0 3 ME Yes

CHENG 463 Fundamentals of Water Desalination 3 0 3 ME CHENG 313 Yes

CHENG 464 Environmental Engineering 3 0 3 ME CHENG 312 Yes

CHENG 465 Process Safety 3 0 3 ME CHENG 325 Yes

Course Description
Course Code: CHENG 111 Course Title: Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Units and dimensions. Process and process variables. Process flowchart. Material balances with and without
chemical reactions including bypass and recycle. Gas laws, compressibility factor. Multiple-phase systems. Forms of
energy. Energy balance for open and closed systems. Combined material and energy balances. *(One tutorial hour)

Course Code: CHENG 211 Course Title: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I

Thermodynamic quantities and definitions. Forms of energy and energy transfer. First law of thermodynamics.
Equations of state and PVT properties of pure substances. Applications of the first law to closed, steady-flow, and
unsteady flow systems. The second law of thermodynamics, heat engines and heat pumps, reversible and
irreversible processes, and Carnot cycle. Entropy, entropy change of pure substances, and entropy relations.
Applications of the second law to steady-flow devices, vapor power cycles, and vapor-compression refrigeration
cycles. *(One tutorial hour)

Course Code: CHENG 212 Course Title: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II

Review of laws of thermodynamics, energy and entropy balances, equations of state and PVT relationships.
Maxwell's equations and relationships of thermodynamic properties, their estimation and representations.
Thermodynamic properties of fluids. Introduction to vapor-liquid equilibrium. Solution thermodynamics theory and
applications. Chemical reaction equilibria. *(One tutorial hour)

Course Code: CHENG 213 Course Title: Applied Physical Chemistry
Chemical kinetics: order of reactions, rate of reaction, mechanisms of homogeneous reactions. Surface chemistry:
physical and chemical aspect of solid surface, adsorption theories, catalysis, kinetics of heterogeneous reactions,

Course Code: CHENG 214 Course Title: Fluid Mechanics

Classification of fluids. Fluid statics. Flow of fluids in closed conduits. Friction factor. The mechanical energy balance.
Bernoulli’s equation and fluid flow measurements. Characteristics of pumps. Compressible flow. Momentum
balance. Navier-Stokes equations. Dimensional analysis. Laminar boundary layer. Universal velocity distribution.
Flow past regular bodies, flow through packed beds, fluidization. *(One tutorial hour)

Course Code: CHENG 242 Course Title: Technical Report Writing and Presentation
Technical Report Writing and Presentation prepares students to design and compose effective technical documents,
with particular emphasis on technical reports and oral presentation. The lecture hour is dedicated to theories,
techniques and presentations. The tutorial hour is assigned to discuss the writing reports feedbacks. *(One tutorial

Course Code: CHENG 290 Course Title: Junior Project

The course is meant to develop creative design skills in the students by exposing them to some ongoing important
projects in the country and requiring them to submit report on a chosen project highlighting various design
components. Field trips may be arranged in coordination with the industry. The project will emphasize independent
learning and teamwork. The lectures will include introduction to chemical engineering profession, description of
various areas of specialization, professional report writing techniques and the role of chemical engineers in the

Course Code: CHENG 301 Course Title: Properties and Strength of Materials
Type and structure of materials. Mechanical properties and behavior of materials. Strengthening mechanisms.
Chemical and electrical properties of materials. Engineering applications of metals, ceramics and polymers.
Equilibrium of rigid bodies, centers of gravity, moments of inertia, forces in beams. Concepts of stress and strain,
axially loaded bars, torsion of circular shafts and pure bending of beams.

Course Code: CHENG 312 Course Title: Separation Processes I

Mass transfer fundamentals. Diffusion coefficients. Mass transfer coefficients, definition of the mass transfer
coefficient, theoretical models for mass transfer, overall mass transfer coefficients. Analogies between mass,
momentum, and heat transfer, mass transfer correlations. Applications of rate based method for packed columns:
gas-liquid absorption, distillation, and cooling towers. Membrane separation, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis. *(One
tutorial hour)

Course Code: CHENG 313 Course Title: Separation Processes II

Single equilibrium stages and flash calculations. Continuous distillation: McCabe-Thiele and Ponchon-Savarit
methods. Liquid-liquid extraction for ternary systems. Batch distillation with reflux. Plate efficiency. Approximate
methods for multi-component separations. Degrees of freedom and specifications for countercurrent cascades
stream variables. Equilibrium-based methods for multi-component absorption: stripping, distillation, and extraction.
Drying of solids, adsorption and adsorption isotherms. *(One tutorial hour)

Course Code: CHENG 314 Course Title: Heat Transfer

Modes of heat transfer. Mechanism of conduction in gases, liquids and solids. Steady-state heat conduction in one
and two dimensions, transient heat conduction. Convection, equations of momentum and heat transport.
Dimensionless correlations for free and forced convection.Heat transfer with phase change: boiling, condensation,
and evaporation. Thermal radiation. Heat exchangers. *(One tutorial hour)

Course Code: CHENG 315 Course Title: Computer Applications in Chemical Engineering
Classification of chemical engineering software. MATLAB: programming and applications, control flow and looping,
functions, script files, symbolic processing, selected toolboxes. SIMULINK. HYSYS: main features of process
simulators. Simulation of selected unit operations and process flowsheets. Applications using other available
software packages.

Course Code: CHENG 316 Course Title: Numerical Analysis
Selected matrix and vector operations. Numerical solution of systems of linear equations: Gauss and Gauss-Siedel.
Numerical solution of nonlinear equations: bisection, Newton-Raphson and Wegstein’s method. Newton’s method
for simultaneous nonlinear equations. Finite difference methods. Interpolation. Numerical differentiation and
integration. Solution of ODE’s: Euler, Runge-Kutta and shooting method. Linear and nonlinear regression. A general
purpose software such as MATLAB and process engineering application examples used throughout the course.
*(One tutorial hour)

Course Code: CHENG 323 Course Title: Chemical Reactor Design

The mole balance. Ideal reactors: isothermal reactor design of constant and variable density systems. Pressure drop
in reactors. Non-isothermal reactor design. Multiple reactions and design of reactors for multiple reactions. Catalysis
and kinetics of heterogeneous reactions. Heterogeneous reactors. Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous
reactors. *(One tutorial hour)

Course Code: CHENG 324 Course Title: Process Modeling and Simulation
Classification and uses of mathematical models. A general framework for model development, solution and
validation. Modeling and simulation of the steady-state and dynamic behaviour of several processes. Review of
Laplace transforms. Linearization. Transfer function and state space models. Dynamic response of first-order,
second-order and more complicated processes (high-order, time delays, lead-lag, etc.). Empirical dynamic models.
*(One tutorial hour)

Course Code: CHENG 325 Course Title: Chemical Engineering Laboratory I

Developing awareness of laboratory safety. Laboratory work in thermodynamics and unit operations involving heat
and momentum transfer. Error analysis and interpretation of experimental data. Improving team work, technical
report writing and oral presentation skills. At least one experiment should demonstrate on-line measurement and
data acquisition.

Course Code: CHENG 390 Course Title: Industrial Training

In this training course all students in the program must participate in an approved training program in the relevant
industry. At the completion of 300 hours of supervised training each student must submit a formal report and
conduct an oral presentation.

Course Code: CHENG 400 Course Title: Engineering Ethics

Scope of engineering ethics. Moral reasoning and resolving ethical dilemmas. Codes of ethics. Engineering as
experimentation, engineers as responsible experimenters. Commitment to safety: safety and risk. Teamwork:
definition, types of teams and groups. Confidentiality and conflict interest. Conflict management. Honesty,
environmental ethics, global issues. Engineering and technological progress: optimism, pessimism and realism,
shared responsibility, moral leadership.

Course Code: CHENG 415 Course Title: Process Control

Elements of a feedback control loop. P&I Diagrams. PID controller. Control system instrumentation. Block diagrams.
Transient behavior of closed-loop control systems. Stability analysis. Controller tuning. Controller design: direct
synthesis and frequency response methods. Feedforward, cascade, ratio, override and selective control. Time delay
compensation. Multi-loop control. Introduction to intelligent and model predictive control. Interaction between
process design and process control. *(One tutorial hour)

Course Code: CHENG 421 Course Title: Process Equipment Design

Fluid flow and fluid handling, head loss calculations, economic pipe size, design of pumping systems. Mixing and
agitation of liquids. Estimation of individual, overall and fouling heat transfer coefficients. Design of shell-and-tube
heat exchangers, and fired heaters. Mass transfer operations, shortcut design methods, tray hydraulics and
efficiencies. Process vessels design. *(One tutorial hour)

Course Code: CHENG 422 Course Title: Chemical Plant Design

Methodology of approaching open-ended design problems. Engineering method of design, hierarchy of decisions,
structures of process flow sheets and evolution of process design. Economic methods of estimating capital and
production costs, profitability analysis. Safety and environmental impacts of chemical processes. *(One tutorial

Course Code: CHENG 423 Course Title: Plant Design Project
The course is a comprehensive design problem, preferably of local nature, to be undertaken by students working in
groups and individually. It presents an overall analysis of the major factors involved in process design, with particular
emphasis, on economic, environmental, safety and health considerations. The design project illustrates computer-
aided plant design. Written design reports and oral presentations are required.

Course Code: CHENG 425 Course Title: Chemical Engineering Laboratory II

Laboratory safety awareness. Experiments in reaction engineering, process control and unit operations involving
mass transfer. Error analysis and interpretation of experimental data. Team work and communication skills.
Designing and conducting at least one experiment. Applications of virtual reality experiments.

Course Code: CHENG 490 Course Title: Senior Project

Students are to undertake an independent project in chemical engineering, which may be of experimental or
theoretical nature. It should demonstrate the ability of the student to define a proposition, to develop it logically
and accurately and draw conclusions from the study. Upon completion of the study, written and oral presentations
are required.

Course Code: CHENG 491 Course Title: Seminar

The course is intended to enhance students’ capability to use available resources, like library and internet, to
prepare seminars on selected topics in order to develop skills and apprise them of lifelong learning and
contemporary issues. The students will work in teams on the assigned seminar topics and give oral presentations.
The invited guest speakers will give talks on topics related to engineering profession. The students’ attendance is
compulsory and they will be required to submit summary of the lecture giving important salient features, which will
be evaluated.

Course Code: CHENG 443 Course Title: Petroleum Refinery Engineering

Refinery organization. Refinery feed stock and products. Oil characterization using a software. Production details of
light, intermediate and heavy cuts. Chemical conversion processes like cracking, reforming, alkylation and
polymerization. Finishing processes. Products testing and quality control. Typical design calculations of processes
and important equipment should be emphasized at every stage.

Course Code: CHENG 445 Course Title: Petrochemical Processing

Overview of the petrochemical industry. Raw materials for the petrochemical industry. Production of the basic
petrochemical feed stocks. Petrochemical derivatives based on methane, ethylene, propylene, C4’s, benzene,
toluene, and xylene. Production of ammonia, methanol and urea and the various alternatives for technology
suppliers, key process equipment, operating conditions.

Course Code: CHENG 447 Course Title: Petroleum Engineering

Origin of petroleum hydrocarbons. Driving and trapping mechanisms. Geophysical methods. Chemical composition
of petroleum hydrocarbons. Rock properties. Properties of liquid petroleum and natural gas. Volumetric calculations
of oil and gas in place. Material balance methods. Oil-well drilling techniques. Oil-well completion methods. Well log
analysis. Oil and gas production operations. Decline-curve analysis.

Course Code: CHENG 457 Course Title: Corrosion Engineering

Corrosion mechanisms. Forms of corrosion. Corrosion testing and inspection methods. Important process variables
in corrosion severity. Prevention of corrosion: physical, chemical, and electrical methods. Design considerations and
material selection. Case studies.

Course Code: CHENG 460 Course Title: Quality Assurance and Reliability Engineering Quality assurance,
understanding, commitment, leadership, and organization. The role of quality system, planning, flow charting. How
to maintain plant quality and operation reliability. Causes and consequences of failure. Reliability of series, parallel,
standby, and complex systems. Analytical methods including fault trees. Implementation methods, communication
and training for quality. Guidelines for writing a quality manual.

Course Code: CHENG 461 Course Title: Process Integration
Energy targets for heat exchanger networks and utilities. Composite curves, the heat recovery pinch, the threshold
problems. The problem table algorithm, process constraints. Utility selection, furnaces, combined heat, and power
(co-generation). Integration of heat pump and refrigeration cycles. Heat exchanger: number of units and targets.
Heat exchanger network design, the pinch design method. Heat integration of reactors, use of the grand composite
curve. Heat Integration of distillation columns.

Course Code: CHENG 462 Course Title: Special Topics

Any important, relevant topic that is not covered in the given elective list. Topics may be varied subject to students’
interest and availability of staff.

Course Code: CHENG 463 Course Title: Fundamentals of Water Desalination

Drinking and industrial water qualities. Compositions of sea water and ground water. Classification of desalination
processes. Water pre-treatment. Fouling in thermal and membrane processes. MSF, MED and VC thermal
desalination processes. RO desalination processes. Water post-treatment. Economics of desalinated water.

Course Code: CHENG 464 Course Title: Environmental Engineering

Impact of industries on environment and global effects. Air pollution: major constituents, greenhouse gases,
ecological effects, and pollution monitoring and pollution control. Water pollution: wastewater standards,
wastewater specifications, wastewater causes. Wastewater treatment: physical methods, chemical methods, and
biological methods. Marine pollution. Thermal pollution. Solid waste: treatment, handling, land filling, incineration,
composting. Environmental standards and legislation.

Course Code: CHENG 465 Course Title: Process Safety

Safety awareness. Learning from disasters. Hazard, accident and risk. Types of hazards and hazard identification;
HAZOP. Dispersion models. Flammability characteristics and industrial process explosions. Inherently safer pre-
design. Risk assessment and management.

Course Code: CHEMY 102 Course Title: General Chemistry II

Gaseous equilibrium (equilibrium constant, Kc and Kp); acids and bases (water dissociation, pH, weak acids and
bases, salts); acid-base and precipitation equilibria (buffers, indicators, titrations, pH curves); thermochemistry
(calorimetry, enthalpy, thermochemical equations, heats of formation, first law of thermodynamics); rate of
reaction, rate and concentration, concentration and time, activation energy, rate and temperature, catalysis,
mechanisms; electrochemistry; voltaic cells; cell voltages. Organic chemistry (alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, isomerism,
nomenclature, arenas, functional groups, reaction). Related practical work.

Course Code: CHEMY 220 Course Title: Organic Chemistry for Chemical Engineering
Isomerism; alkanes and cycloalkanes; geometric isomerism; alkenes and alkynes; petroleum; gasoline; and octane
number, aromatic compounds; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Phenols and thiols, ethers and epoxides;
aldehydes and ketones; tautomerism; carboxylic acids and their derivatives. Related practical work.

Course Code: CHEMY 310 Course Title: Analytical Chemistry for Chemical Engineering
Treatment of analytical data; gravimetric and volumetric methods of analysis, acid base equilibria; potentiometric
methods of analysis; ion selective electrodes; spectrophotometric methods of analysis; UV/visible, infrared and
atomic absorption spectrometry; gas and liquid chromatography.

Course Code: EENG 361 Course Title: Circuits and Electronics for Chemical Engineering
Introduction to electrical systems. Current and voltage sources, current and voltage conversions, Ohm’s law, power
and energy. Series and parallel circuits, Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws. Networ theorems, mesh and nodal
analysis. Superposition and Thevenin’s theorem. Maximum power transfer theorem. Inductors, capacitors,
impedances and AC circuits. Complex numbers and related mathematical operations. Mathematical operations with
complex numbers and phasors. Diodes and bipolar junction transistors. Ideal op-amp applications (A/D and D/A

Course Code: MENG 420 Course Title: Engineering Management
Introduction to engineering management. Types and characteristics of production systems. Forecasting methods
and techniques. Product design. Capacity planning. Aggregate planning. Inventory planning and materials
management. Short term scheduling. Quality management and quality control. Job design and work methods.
Project planning and scheduling. *(One tutorial hour)

Course Code: PHYCS 111 Course Title: Fundamentals of Physics for Engineering and Education
Vectors and scalars; straight line and projectile motion; Newton’s laws of motion; work, energy and power,
momentum and impulse; rotational motion; periodic motion; the electric field; Gauss’s law; electric potential;
capacitance and dielectrics; magnetic fields and magnetic forces.

College Requirement Courses Descriptions
Course Code: CHEMY 101 Course Title: General Chemistry I
Significant figures, chemical formulas and equations; mass relations, limiting reactions and theoretical yield; Physical
behavior of gases; electronic structure, periodic table, covalent bonding; Lewis structures, Molecular structures,
hybridization; molecular orbitals, solutions; colligative properties. Related practical work.

Course Code: CSC 103 Course Title: Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers
Introduction to computers, their uses, development, components, hardware, and software. Internal representation
and numbering systems. Algorithmic problem solving principles. Introduction to a modern programming language
(e.g. C++). Input/Output, conditional statements, iteration, files, strings, functions and arrays. Lab assignments to
practice programming.

Course Code: ENGL 101 Course Title: Communication Skills I

This course focuses on reading skills and strategies and language development. The reading section concentrates on
high-interest contemporary topics and encourages students to increase speed and efficiency. The writing
component, integrated to the reading materials, reviews grammatical structures, develops language accuracy and
introduces paragraph writing. Students are required to upgrade their grammar, reading, and listening skills on the

Course Code: ENGL 102 Course Title: Composition and Reading II

A continuation of English 101 which further develops the students' skills in reading and writing. The course exposes
students to wider range of reading material aimed at developing their understanding of different styles of English.

Course Code: MATHS 101 Course Title: Calculus I

Algebra. Functions and graphs. Trigonometry. Conic sections. Limits and continuity. Derivatives and integrals.
Applications of derivatives which include mean value theorem, extrema of functions and optimization. Definite
integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

Course Code: MATHS 102 Course Title: Calculus II

Applications of definite integrals, including areas, volumes and surface areas of solids of revolution, arc length and
centroids. Transcendental functions, indeterminate form and L’Hopital’s Rule. Techniques of integration and
improper integrals. Infinite series, power series. Maclaurin and Taylor Theorem.

Course Code: MATHS 203 Course Title: Calculus III

Parametric equations and polar coordinates. Vectors and surfaces. Limits, derivatives, and integrals of vector-valued
functions. Partial differentiation. Multiple and line integrals and their applications. Green’s and Stokes’ Theorems.

Course Code: MATHS 205 Course Title: Differential Equations

Differential equations of first order and their solution. Separable and exact equations. Equations convertible to
separable type. Higher order linear equations with constant coefficients (homogeneous and non-homogeneous).
Power series method for second order linear equations. Variation of parameters. Laplace transform technique.
Applications of differential equations.

Course Code: MENG 300 Course Title: Engineering Economics

Introduction to engineering economics. Principles of money time relationships. Present worth analysis. Annual
worth analysis. Rate of return analysis. Benefit/cost analysis. Breakeven analysis and payback period. Capital
rationing among independent proposals. Replacement and retention analysis. Cost estimation and indirect cost
allocation. Depreciation and depletion. Inflation and deflation. Decision making under risk. Case studies. *(One
tutorial hour)

Course Code: STAT 273 Course Title: Probability and Statistics

Descriptive statistics, Introduction to probability and probability distributions. Some of probability Densities,
Sampling distributions. Central limit theorem. t and F distributions. Estimation. Tests of hypotheses. Goodness of fit
tests. Regression and correlation.

University Requirements Courses Descriptions
Course Code: ARAB 110 Course Title: Arabic Language Skills
This course focuses on basic Arabic skills including form, function, and meaning. It also helps the student to
appreciate and understand structures and approach them from a critical point of view, through various genres in

Course Code: HIST 122 Course Title: Modern History of Bahrain and Citizenship
Spatial identity of Bahrain: Brief history of Bahrain until the 18th century; the historical roots of the formation of the
national identity of Bahrain since the 18th century; the modern state and evolution of constitutional life in Bahrain;
the Arabic and Islamic dimensions of the identity of Bahrain; the core values of Bahrain’s society and citizenship
rights (legal, political, civil and economic); duties; responsibilities and community participation; economic change
and development in Bahrain; Bahrain’s Gulf, Arab and international relations.

Course Code: HRLC 107 Course Title: Human Rights

This course deals with the principles of human rights in terms of the definition of human rights, scope, sources with
a focus on the International Bill of Human Rights; The Charter of the United Nations; Universal Declaration of Human
Rights; The International Covenant on Economics, Social and Culture rights; Convention against Torture and other
Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; Mechanics and the Constitutional Protection of Rights and
Public Freedoms in Kingdom of Bahrain.

Course Code: ISLM 101 Course Title: Islamic Culture

An introduction to the general outline and principles of Islamic culture, its general characteristics, its relationships
with other cultures, general principles of Islam in beliefs, worship, legislation and ethics.


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