IRS 3949-A American Bankers Association
IRS 3949-A American Bankers Association
IRS 3949-A American Bankers Association
Form 3949 A
(2-2007) Information Referral OMB # 1545-1960
(See instructions on reverse)
1. Taxpayer Name 2. Business Name
American Bankers Association
a. Street Address a. Street Address
1120 Connecticut Ave. NW
b. City/State/ZIP b. City/State/ZIP
Washington, DC 20036
c. Social Security Number (SSN) c. Employer Identification Number
5. Unreported Income and Tax Years (Fill in Tax Years and dollar amount(s), if known, e.g., TY2005 $10,000)
TY 04 $ TY 05 $ TY 06 $ TY 07 $ TY 08 $ TY 09 $
a. Comments (Briefly describe the facts of the alleged violation - Who/What/Where/When/How. Attach another sheet, if needed).
American Bankers Association (ABA) acting with Federation of State,County, Federal Municipal Employees,,
using census Bureau for posting Cusip #'s, a registered trademark of ABA, buying, selling or otherwise
transferring bonds,& other instruments crafted thru fraud for profit as multiply filed/ sold/displayed on D&B, the
ABA and FSCFME each union paying members, using TAX DOLLARS to transfer into for profit securities
investment, each owning separate cusip ( SEC) no#'s for investment purposes, thru embezzlement, fraudulent
conveyance of public funds, personal/ real property thru judiciary , a member of CFR, American Bar Association
in concert crafting instruments for each/ all in concert as organized political & public corruption including sheriff,
state police, judges, all levels of courts, legislation, congress, and lobbyist for the same thru ABA/FSCFME.
Researching, American Banking Association, Federation of State, County, Federal Employees, Federal Prison
Industries, Inc, Del. Corporations Division, SEC Cusip #'s, National Association of Counties, CFR, AIG,et al
4. Check all Tax Violations That Apply to Your Report or Describe in Comments If Not Listed.
5. If your report involves unreported income, indicate the year(s) and the dollar amount(s)
5a. Briefly describe the facts of the alleged violation(s) as you know them. Please attach another sheet, if you need
more room.
5b. Indicate (Yes or No) if books and/or records are available that substantiate your report.
5c. Indicate (Yes or No) if you consider the person to be violent or dangerous and provide an explanation in the
comments section of this form.
5d. List name and address of bank(s) and/or financial institution(s) used by the taxpayer if known.
5e. Briefly explain how you learned of or obtained the information contained in your report. Please attach another
sheet, if you need more room.
6. Enter your name, street address, city, state, zip code and a telephone number where you can be contacted. Indicate
time of day you may be contacted if appropriate. This Information is not Required to Process Your Report.
Please print and send your completed form to the Internal Revenue Service at:
PAPERWORK REDUCTION NOTICE: We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws
of the United States. This report is voluntary and the information requested helps us determine if there has been a
violation of Income Tax Law. We need it to insure that taxpayers are complying with these laws and to allow us to
figure and collect the right amount of tax.
You are not required to provide the information on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the
form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as
long as their contents may become material in the administrations of any Internal Revenue laws. Generally, tax returns
and tax return information are confidential, as required by Code section 6103.
The time required to complete this form will vary depending on individual circumstances. The estimated average time
is 15 minutes.