MSC 305 Outline

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Marketing and Supply Chain Management
MSC 305 (Section 002), Supply Chain Management
Spring 2005

Professor: Dr. Alex Rodrigues Classroom: 134 Akers Hall

Office: N301 North Business Complex Time: M W 10:20 am – 12:10 pm
Phone: 432-5535 (extension 230) Office Hours: Tue 9:00 AM – 12 Noon
email: [email protected] Other times by appointment

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Supply Chain Management builds on the concepts introduced in

MSC 303 and offers more detail regarding supply chain strategies, operating practices, and
principles. Key topics include customer service, quality management, supply chain
infrastructures, transactions, inventory and manufacturing strategies, and procurement
management. These topics are a prerequisite for 400 level supply chain management courses.

The course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the design, implementation,
and broad management of the effective and efficient Integrated Supply Chain System.

PREREQUISITE: MSC 303. Students are responsible for assuring they have completed the
required prerequisites prior to registering and attending the class.

REQUIRED READINGS: There are two primary sources for the class:

1. The customized text, MSC 305 Supply Chain Management, Michigan State University,
(New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., Primus Custom Publishing, 2004). This is a
new, expanded and updated version of the MSC 305 textbook. Past versions of the textbook
will not be accepted – do not ask!!!

2. Your textbook from MSC 303. This is the customized text, Operations Management for
MSC 303 - Introduction to Supply Chain Management, taught by Dr. Doug Stewart,
Michigan State University, (New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc/Irwin, Copyright
2003). Students were instructed by their MSC 303 professor to keep the book and use it in
MSC 305. There are two copies of this MSC 303 textbook on reserve under Dr. Ross, and Dr.
Rodrigues in the Business Library.

You must read and study the material covered in the readings before the class in which the
material is covered to achieve a satisfactory grade for the course.

CLASS RULES: No food or smoking in class.

COURSE ORGANIZATION: The course consists of lectures/discussions supplemented by

required readings, guest speakers, and on-campus facility tours. Each student is required to have
completed the required readings before the start of each class. Students will be required to
participate in teamwork and class discussions. Good preparation is therefore critical for student
performance and evaluation. Each class builds on material introduced in prior
lectures/discussions. Examination questions will come from lectures, classroom discussions,

reading materials, and guest speakers. Each student is responsible for all announcements made
in class.


Dr. Rodrigues will make overheads and additional class material available on the home page for
MSC 305. Some material will be handed out during class. NOTE: You are responsible for
monitoring the home page on a regular basis (suggest daily) for information about the
class, the reports, and other appropriate areas. The home page address will be given out in
the first class.

ITEM Points
Exam 1 100
Exam 2 100
Final Exam 100
Participation/attendance 25
Final SCM Report 75
Total 400

The final grade allocation is:

4.0 90-100%
3.5 85-89.99%
3.0 80-84.99%
2.5 75-79.99%
2.0 70-74.99%
1.5 65-69.99%
1.0 60-64.99%
0.0 00-59.99%

If you have a discrepancy with a grade, you must address the issue in person with the professor.
No grading issues will be discussed over the phone or email. No grade changes will be made
unless a calculation error has been made.

EXAM FORMAT: Primarily multiple choice, problem solving and discussion questions.
Exam questions will come from material covered in class, tours, speakers, assignments, and
directly from the textbook readings. Please see the class web site for an example of the
questions that have been used on previous exams.

Makeup exams for exams missed by a student will not be administered unless prior approval by
the professor is given, and the excuse must be accompanied by a Student Services-documented
medical or personal reason. All makeup exams may be 100% essay exams and may not be
identical to exams taken by the class during regularly scheduled exam periods. The professor
reserves the option of assigning the student a 100% comprehensive final exam to take the place
of any missed exam/makeup exam. Unexcused test absences will result in a failing grade for the
course. Each student is responsible for attending each examination at the appointed time. All
students who missed an exam must get together and determine a time for a makeup exam to be
administered. Only one makeup exam time per primary exam will be scheduled. Any student
missing a makeup exam will receive a zero for that exam and will have no further chance for
another makeup. It is the student’s responsibility to adhere to these instructions.
Examples of acceptable reasons for missing an exam:
• Death in the family
• Unforeseen documented medical emergency (documentation required)
• Valid and scheduled university event (documentation required)

Examples of unacceptable reasons for missing an exam:

• Placement interviews
• Social events
• Schedule conflicts with other classes
• Forgetfulness
Finally, regarding questions and challenges to grades given on exams, you have only one week
from the time that the results are given back to the class to challenge your grade. All challenges
must be presented in written form. Any challenges filed after the deadline will not be reviewed.
HONESTY: It is policy not to tolerate any behavior in exams that results in the asking for
assistance or the giving of assistance. Anyone identified in such activity will receive, at
minimum, a failing grade for the exam. No exceptions. Participants in the activity will be
reported to the Chairperson of the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management.

CLASS PARTICIPATION/ATTENDANCE: Students are responsible for material discussed

during all class periods. Formal attendance may be taken at any unannounced time and it is
highly suggested that you attend class daily. Should you find it necessary to miss a class, it is
recommended that you notify the instructor of your reasoning prior to the class. Also it is
recommended that you borrow notes from other class members. The professor’s notes will not
be available to students for this purpose.

IN-CLASS AND OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNEMENTS: Assignments and quizzes pertaining

to course material may be announced at any time. These assignments and quizzes may require
in-class or out-of-class work. The assignments and quizzes may be in the form of problems,
cases, quizzes, papers, article summaries, or other forms. Objectives of the assignments and
quizzes include helping students better understand course material and preparation for
quantitative exam problems.

WRITTEN REPORTS: Groups of between 3 to 5 students will be responsible for preparing a

written report on a relevant “leading edge” supply chain management topic. The specific
requirements for the assignment will be discussed in the first week of class. It will be also
posted to the home page for this class. The written reports will be worth 75 points. Please note
that a 20% point penalty will be assessed for each day the final paper is late. All papers
submitted to the professor later than 3 days will receive zero points for the project.



M Jan 10 Introduction
W Jan 12 MSC 303 Text Foundations of Value
M Jan 17 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
W Jan 19 MSC 303 Text Supply Chain Structure and Strategy
M Jan 24 MSC 305 Text Supply Chain Structure and Strategy
W Jan 26 MSC 305 Text Foundations of Process Management
M Jan 31 MSC 305 Text Process Mapping
W Feb 2 MSC 305 Text Capacity Management
M Feb 7 MSC 305 Text Capacity Management
W Feb 9 MSC 305 Text Inventory Management
M Feb 14 MSC 305 Text Inventory Management
W Feb 16 EXAM 1 Exam 1 (Please bring calculators and #2 pencils, NO CELL
M Feb 21 MSC305 Text Transportation
W Feb 23 MSC305 Text Transportation
M Feb 28 MSC 305 Text Warehousing
W Mar 2 MSC 305 Text Warehousing
M Mar 7 Spring Break
W Mar 9 HAVE FUN!!!
M Mar 14 Handout Global Logistics
W Mar 16 Guest Speaker Dr. Diane Twede
Emerging Issues in Logistics: The Importance of Product Packaging
M Mar 21 MSC 305 Text Demand Management and Demand Forecasting
W Mar 23 MSC 305 Text Demand Management and Demand Forecasting
M Mar 28 EXAM 2 Exam 2 (Please bring calculators and #2 pencils, NO CELL
W Mar 30 MSC 305 Text Lean / JIT Systems
M Apr 4 MSC 305 Text Lean Systems Tools and Procedures
W Apr 6 MSC 305 Text Lean Systems Tools and Procedures
M Apr 11 MSC 305 Text Quality Improvement Tools and Techniques
W Apr 13 MSC 305 Text Quality Improvement Tools and Techniques
M Apr 18 MSC 305 Text Purchasing and Supplier Management
W Apr 20 MSC 305 Text Purchasing and Supplier Management
M Apr 25 Catch-up Day / Review SCM Report
W Apr 27 SCM Report Due
TUESDAY FINAL FINAL EXAM (MSC305, Section 002, exam time= 10:00AM - 12:00
MAY 3 EXAM NOON, same room as regularly scheduled class throughout the

The contents of this syllabus are subject to change only at the

discretion of the professor as the course evolves.

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