CVE 601 Struct 1
CVE 601 Struct 1
CVE 601 Struct 1
HROUGHOUT THE HISTORY of tall for the residential high-rise, the design of Tower Palace III
buildings, structural engineers have in- revealed a new structural solution for the supertall residen-
vented the means to go higher. In the tial tower.
1970s Fazlur R. Khan’s tube concept Tower Palace III was originally designed at more
was a dramatic shift from the tra- than 90 stories, its height supported by a Y-shaped
ditional portal frame system used floor plan. Because its architectural design called for
on such structures as the Empire elevators within the oval floor plate of each wing,
State Building. Later develop- SOM engineers opted to connect the elevators via
ments, including the core plus outrigger system, a central cluster of cores (parts a and b of figure 3).
also provided architects with the tools to design In doing so, the “hub” became the primary lateral
taller, more efficient buildings. However, the re- system of the building. At the two upper me-
sulting growth was gradual, each innovation chanical floors, the perimeter columns also were
marking a point on the progressive scale of the engaged to assist in resisting lateral loads by
tall building. means of virtual outriggers (floor plates above
The buttressed core is a different species. and below in conjunction with a perimeter belt
Permitting a dramatic increase in height, its wall). While not as effective as direct connec-
design employs conventional materi- tions, these virtual outriggers spared the
als and construction techniques and builders the numerous connection
was not precipitated by a change and construction problems typi-
in materials or construc- cally associated with direct
tion technology. The es- outriggers (see figure 4).
sence of the system Throughout the
is a tripod-shaped design process, the
structure in which building exhibit-
a strong central F IGURE 1 ed very good struc-
core anchors three F IGURE 2 tural behavior and
building wings. It performed well in
is an inherently stable the wind tunnel, and it
system in that each wing is became obvious to the engi-
buttressed by the other two. neering team that the struc-
The central core provides the ture could go much higher.
torsional resistance for the However, because of zoning is-
building, while the wings pro- sues, the design of the tower’s
vide the shear resistance and tallest wing was cut from 93
[60] C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g O C T O B E R 2 0 1 2
Khalifa, the engineering team immediately tested the tower’s above sat on the cross-walls of the tier below, yielding great
initial geometry in the wind tunnel, only to discover that it benefits for both tower strength and economy. Engineers also
had large movements and base moments. employed a series of “rules” to simplify load paths and
Upon further analysis, it was discovered that the re- F IGURE 6 construction. These included a rigorous 9 m module
sults were more closely related to the geometry and a philosophy of no transfers (figure 7).
and orientation of the tower than to the struc- Several rounds of high-frequency force bal-
tural system. Therefore, the dynamic proper- ance tests were undertaken in the wind tun-
ties of the structure were manipulated in or- nel as the geometry of the tower evolved
der to minimize the harmonics with the and as the tower was refined architectur-
wind forces. Engineers were able to ac- ally, the setbacks in the three wings fol-
complish this by essentially “tuning” lowing a clockwise pattern (in contrast
the building as if it were a musical to the counterclockwise pattern in
instrument in order to avoid the the original scheme). After each
aerodynamic harmonics that are round of wind tunnel testing,
residual in the wind. the data were analyzed and
A key component of the the building was reshaped
Burj Khalifa’s structural to minimize the wind ef-
design was “managing fects and accommodate
gravity.” This meant unrelated changes in
moving the gravity the client’s program.
loads to where they In general, the num-
would be most use- ber and spacing of the
ful in resisting the lat- setbacks changed, as did
eral loads. Structural en- the shape of the wings.
gineers manipulated the The designers also noticed
tower’s setbacks in such a that the force spectra for cer-
way that the nose of the tier tain wind directions showed
[62] C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g O C T O B E R 2 0 1 2
on setbacks. The stair core also provides for a large amount of of the Tower Palace III, Burj Khalifa, and Las Vegas Tower
structure placed near the end of each wing, thereby signifi- paradigm and is derived from an optimized structural form
cantly increasing the tower’s moment of inertia. However, for strength and wind performance (see figure 11). Referred
the system is similar to the Burj Khalifa in that it employs to as the stayed buttressed core, this structural system was de-
direct outriggers connecting the perimeter columns to the veloped from an extensive analysis of the construction history
interior core walls at each mechanical floor. (The project was of its predecessors and of the methods that were employed.
ultimately never built.) SOM proposed two schemes for this tower, one with col-
In 2009 SOM embarked on a design competition for what umns and one without. The scheme with columns is similar
is set to be the next world’s tallest building, Kingdom Tower, to that used for the Burj Khalifa: columns of the perimeter
in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. At more than 1,000 m, the mixed- blade type located in line with interior transverse core wall
use tower’s elongated, triangular shape is a direct descendant elements. Like their predecessors, these columns required
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A rigorous study was conducted to determine the optimum wall geometry with
respect to system efficiency and stiffness. Thus, the column-free scheme was born.
linkage to the core via direct outriggers, although distributed ties per square meter as in the Burj Khalifa, which is already
link beams also were considered. Early in the design process, very efficient. This new structural system also eliminates the
it was realized that there was an opportunity to create the need for outriggers and perimeter columns and is easily
next generation of the buttressed core and to elimi- constructed within a standardized formwork system,
nate these columns and, with them, the outriggers, thus greatly simplifying and accelerating construc-
thereby facilitating construction and increasing ef- tion. Tapering as they rise, the symmetrical internal
ficiency. A rigorous study was conducted to deter- core elements are sized to maximize their footprint
mine the optimum wall geometry with respect to and allow the building to move loads efficiently
system efficiency and stiffness (see figure 12). Thus, to the ground while shortening the construction
the column-free scheme was born. Like the system schedule through the elimination of perimeter col-
considered in 2003 for the Burj Khalifa, this system umns, complex outrigger trusses, and similar trans-
used a central structural core with short transverse fer elements.
walls that continue into each of the three wings, The evolution of the buttressed core traces the
supporting cantilevered floors and a column-free development of a simple yet powerful structur-
perimeter (figure 13). Stairs with surrounding al idea. This idea was developed into an appro-
walls are located at the end of each wing and priate and successful system for each of the
scale back a nominal amount at each level buildings described here. With each build-
to establish the building’s taper, there- ing, this system was further refined, re-
by eliminating any setbacks. The flecting both its flexibility and its
tripartite floor geometry, in potential. The buttressed core
combination with a shal- has evolved into a system
© J I L L PA I D E R , B A K E R ’ S P H O T O ; © S O M , A L L R E M A I N I N G
ing virtually the same concrete quanti- Baker Pawlikowski ate director of the firm.