Soft Servo Glossary: For Servoworks CNC Products and SMP Series General Motion Control Products
Soft Servo Glossary: For Servoworks CNC Products and SMP Series General Motion Control Products
Soft Servo Glossary: For Servoworks CNC Products and SMP Series General Motion Control Products
Revision 1.2
append a command that allows adding a line of Axes Status Window a window that displays the
instructions to a part program after the current line ON/OFF status of the servo drive, and the
HIGH/LOW status of voltage for the home switch,
application programming interface (API) a set of positive and negative limit switches, amp alarms, etc.
routines, protocols and tools for building software
applications – APIs are the building blocks of axis overtravel limit switch a switch that trips
programming before an axis is moved outside its allowable limits;
if this switch is tripped, the machine automatically
approximate real values one of three ways of enters an Emergency Stop mode, and needs to be
programming the coordinate system preset block. resynched
(The other two ways are "same imaginary values"
and "real values.") The programmer uses Axis Selection Switch a rotary dial switch on the
approximate tool lengths for all the tools: round HW-100 handwheel that you use to select the axis to
numbers that are very close to the real values; be operated, or to turn the handwheel off
consequently, the tool offsets are not so large
arc a circular motion of tool travel in either B axis 1) B axis absolute or incremental coordinate
clockwise or counterclockwise direction in one of the value designation 2) machine axis that provides
plane pairs: XY, XZ, or YZ rotary motion of a part around the Y axis; commonly
assigned to the rotating head on the machining center
arc center displacement the incremental distance
from the arc start point to the arc center backlash lost motion after reversing direction, due
to the gap between the threads of the leadscrew and
arc clockwise/arc counterclockwise an arc the gear
generated by a simultaneous tool motion on two axes
that is initialized by the preparatory codes when backlash
cutting a clockwise or counterclockwise arc
axes/axis 1) one of the references lines of a backlash value an NC/machine axis parameter
coordinate system; or 2) a principal direction of the specifying the axis leadscrew backlash compensation
machine (linear or rotary device driven by a value (which should be provided by the leadscrew
servomotor) along which the movement of the tool, manufacturer)
component or workpiece occurs
barrier chuck barriers and tailstock barriers that
Axes Position Window a window that displays the prevent collision with the chuck and the tailstock due
position of each axis in the Soft Servo system to programming errors
basic PLC commands byte level commands such as canned cycle a preprogrammed sequence of events
AND and OR that are used in PLC sequence initiated by a single command. Its purpose is to
programs reduce the amount of programming blocks needed to
accomplish a particular task. This allows single-line
binary a system of numbers having 2 as its base and programming of such common operations as
using 0 and 1 for its notation threading, roughing, finish cutting, drilling, boring
and tapping.
binary coded decimal a binary-coded notation in
which each of the decimal digits is expressed as a Cartesian coordinate system a rectangular
binary numeral; for example, in binary-coded coordinate system used to define distances from the
decimal notation, “12” is “0001 0010,” as opposed to origin in respect to the axes. This system, which is
“1100” in pure binary related to absolute programming, is created by
perpendicular lines that intersect at the point of
Block Buffer Mode a control mode where you put origin. The axes are X, Y and Z. It is created by
one or more blocks of code (commands) into a block perpendicular lines that intersect at the point of origin
buffer, to be executed consecutively
CCW see “counterclockwise”
block/block of code a set of words, characters, or
digits handled as a unit on one line in a G code part channel electrical output signal from an encoder
program or motion program. Each block of code is a
separate, complete command (instruction) to the character 1) one of a set of symbols, or 2) a coded
motion parser. Blocks are separated by the end of representation of symbols
block code character.
chatter vibrations caused by drilling or boring; may
block delete code synonym for “Optional Skip reduce tool life, can make it hard to obtain a good
Code” surface finish
boring improves the surface finish and cuts the parts chuck a mechanism that holds a part in place in
to size – the tool follows its own path, fixing any some machines, usually on a lathe; can be open or
deviation done by drilling closed (also known as a “jaw”)
breakout box a device with screw or lead terminals circular interpolation in G code part programming,
and a cable connector that allows the interface of two a mode of contouring control in which tools travel
cables in lieu of one cable properly configured with with simultaneous motion along two axes. It
the correct pin assignments on each end. In a Soft produces an arc of a circle, or a full circle
Servo system, there are three such possible
components: the TB36A, TB36B, and TB37AD. clamp a mechanism that holds the part in some
machines, usually on a mill
Button Display a part of the screen in a ServoWorks
CNC program for which you can change the color of clockwise (CW) clockwise rotation of a spindle or
the background (for operation buttons and sub tool magazine
buttons), and “ON” status
closed-loop control system a control that returns
process variables to the input side and forms a closed
C loop. In this type of control system, electronic
movement pulses are sent from the control to the
C axis 1) C axis absolute or incremental coordinate servomotor, enabling the motor to rotate with each
value designation 2) the spindle axis with closed- pulse. The movements are detected and counted by a
loop control, whose position can be controlled by transducer, which sends a signal back to the control,
interpolation with other axes which compares the current position of the driven
axis with the programmed position.
CAM see “Computer-Assisted Manufacturing”
CNC see “computer numerical control”
CNC Engine see “ServoWorks CNC Engine” computer numerical control (CNC) numerical
control performed under computer supervision. CNC
CNC file a file containing a part program (G code motion can achieve sub-micron accuracy
blocks of information). The typical extension for a
CNC file in a Soft Servo system is .dat Computer-Assisted Manufacturing (CAM) a
process in which a programmer uses a computer to
CNC programming format a specific set of rules define a manufacturing process, most often CNC
for CNC syntax, and for entering, receiving and programming
outputting data to control the tool movements for the
operations of a machining process. ServoWorks Configuration Mode/Configure Mode an
CNC products use the G code programming format operational mode that displays parameter settings for
motor parameters, servo parameters, NC parameters,
cnts see “counts” color settings and many other types of parameters.
You can also set and apply new settings in this
coding in PLC sequence programming, converting operational mode.
program specifications presented in a PLC ladder
diagram into PLC commands constant surface speed (CSS) a cutting speed
generated by the speed control unit, which changes
collet a casing or socket for holding a workpiece in a according to the part diameter being cut; the smaller
spindle (a small chuck) the diameter, the more RPM is required; the bigger
the diameter, the less RPM is required. The
command point a destination point of tool travel controller increases or decreases the spindle rotation
rate in order to produce the specified constant surface
command position synonym for “position speed appropriate for the spindle diameter
command” or “program position”
CONTINUE button a button which becomes
comment statements in G code part programming, available whenever a motion is interrupted with the
optional statements that can be included at the end of STOP button. Clicking on the CONTINUE button
a part program block by enclosing the comment resumes motion in whatever mode and with whatever
within parentheses; its purpose is to provide parameters were in place when motion was
information to anyone reading the part program; interrupted
comment statements are usually displayed as motion
is executed. NOTE: you may make an entire block of continuous path an operation performed under
code a message by enclosing it within parentheses continuous numerical control without an interruption
in reading data
comparator part of a servo amplifier that consists of
a comparison function (which compares reference contouring/continuous path programming a
input with a feedback signal and generates a different cutting operation that results from simultaneous
signal) and a control function (which amplifies and control of two or more axes. During this operation,
transforms the differential signal) the tool is in constant contact with the part. While
contouring, the tool moves by the programmed
compensation mode see “tool compensation mode” feedrate.
compensation cancel see “tool compensation control the process of causing a system variable to
cancel” conform to some desired value
component controls controls that govern the control loop a servo loop that is started by an
individual parts of the machine tool including: outside signal (interrupt) generated by an adapter
spindle, coolant, conveyor belt, chuck or clamp, and board in the PC
control modes there are two basic control modes:
automatic/memory mode (continuous execution of
motion or part programs) and manual mode
(controlling a machine one manual command at a cutting fluid fluid applied when metal is being
time) machined, to reduce the heat caused by the friction
between the tool and the part, and to increase tool life
control values variables whose integer values are (since heat can quickly change the properties of the
defined with certain meanings and that accompany cutting tool material and dull the cutting edges)
PLC functional commands in PLC sequence
programs. For example, the control value “RST” can cutting speed the rotational speed of the cutting tool
be set to either 0 (no reset) or 1 (reset). (on mills) or part (on lathes); the speed at which a
point of the edge of the cutting tool travels in relation
controllers there are two basic types of controllers: to the part being machined (either the tool is moving
motion controllers and logic controllers (PLC) past the part, or the part is moving past the tool.) It
can be stated as constant revolutions per minute
conveyor belt the belt that runs at the bottom of the (RPM) or constant surface feet per minute (SFM).
machine tool to carry away the chips
CW see “clockwise”
coolant the liquid that is used to cool the part and
provide lubrication to the cutting tools during the cycle a repeating sequence of operations (usually,
machining operation (can be operated manually or the act of running a part program on a machine tool)
controlled by the part program)
CYCLE START button a button which initiates
coordinate system preset a block of code that motion in whatever mode and with whatever
establishes the program origin for each tool parameters are currently specified
Coordinates Mode a sub mode that displays CYCLE STOP button a button which interrupts the
workpiece coordinate parameter settings. You can current cycle, but does not shut down the servo drives
also set and apply new settings in this sub mode
cycle time the time required for one machining
counterclockwise (CCW) counterclockwise rotation operation to be completed
of a spindle or tool magazine
Cycle Time Indicator the part of the Status
counterboring after a hole is drilled, a larger Indicator Area that displays the time a G code part
diameter is drilled to open the beginning of the hole program has been running
for the head of a bolt
CRC see “cutter radius compensation” D code activates the radius offset for the current tool
CSS see “constant surface speed” daisy chain a configuration in which devices are
connected to each other in sequence, like a chain of
cutter radius compensation (CRC) a system that daisies
uses geometry tool offsets to affect the part size using
the same tool diameter, to make it easier to set up Data Display a part of the screen for which the color
tools of a different diameter from the original, and to of the background and foreground can be changed
achieve the roughing and finishing cuts using the
same programmed data. Synonym for "tool radius Data Sample Load Window a window used to
compensation" either save test data that was sampled, or open an
existing test data file
Data Sample Window a window used for setting one phase to lead the other by 90 degrees; reversing
the parameters for sampling test data. You use this the direction will cause the other phase to lead. The
window to specify the data type to sample, the axes frequency of the output is proportional to the
to sample, and how long to sample (in milliseconds, rotational speed of the shaft.
dipswitch a toggle switch built onto a circuit board,
datum synonym for "part origin" which has only two possible positions
DC-120 a four-axis servo interface module with direct spindle speed spindle speed measured in
digital and analog input/output capabilities that is a revolutions per minute [as opposed to constant
required hardware component of the VersioBus surface speed]
interface system
direction refers to the forward or reverse direction
deceleration distance the minimum distance of motion on an axis
required for the cutting tool to stop the motion
Display Mode a sub mode that allows a choice of
deep hole any hole whose depth is three times which information to display in the Main Display
greater than the hole diameter Area
default mode in G code part programming, the distance per encoder revolution a servo control
mode in a modal group that is automatically activated parameter measured in µm for 1) the linear
if no other mode from that modal group is movement (distance) produced by the actuator’s final
programmed in the code output upon one complete revolution of the encoder
2) the linear movement (distance) produced by the
default parameters factory-set parameters to be actuator’s final output when the number of encoder
used automatically in the absence of user-specified pulses received is equal to encoder resolution. This
parameters parameter is required for converting encoder counts
to distance.
delta the incremental distance of a job movement
distance to go the distance that the axis has been
depth of cut the thickness of material removed in commanded to travel, relative to its current position.
one pass of the tool This position type is really only relevant in Auto
Mode or Position Mode.
desired position synonym for “program position”
distributed control system a system in which one
DI digital input created by the servo drives or controller controls several machines
general devices of the machine
diameter speed synonym for "constant surface
speed" DLL dynamic link library
differential encoder/differential rotary encoder an DO digital output that is sent to the servo drives or
encoder that tracks the direction the shaft is being general devices of the machine
turned and how fast the shaft is being turned, but not
where the shaft is positioned. Differential encoders drilling a metal-cutting operation in which the lips
have two outputs called phases that each output a of a drill cut metal and produce chips
square wave. Turning the shaft one direction causes
drilling depth a dimension from one reference Edit function a function of memory mode used to
surface to the end of the straight hole wall. (If a drill save any changes or alterations entered in the
with a point angle is used, the programmer must add program
the tool tip height to the blueprint size)
Edit Mode 1) a sub mode for editing the text of G
drilling with dwell drilling which dwells the motion code part programs 2) for ServoWorks S-100T, a sub
when the drilling depth is reached, to get a better mode that facilitates graphically editing or creating G
finish on the hole bottom and a more accurate depth code part programs. G codes are selectable with a
dimension drop down menu. All possible parameters appear for
that G code, so all you have to do is either click or
drive system/drive mechanism a system which type the input
connects an actuator (such as a servomotor) to a
controlled system and serves as a mechanical control electronic gearing a method simulating mechanical
component that transmits torque to the controlled gears by electrically synchronizing one closed loop
system, orients the controlled system, and converts axis to a second axis (open- or closed-loop) through a
motion from rotation to linear motion and vice versa variable ratio. All of Soft Servo’s products use
electronic gearing with one gearing ratio per axis.
dry cutting cutting of materials that preclude using
cutting fluid; if cooling is needed, compressed air is Emergency Stop Button a button required by U. S.
used to cool the cutting tool law to be on every machine tool, which
instantaneously shuts down the servo drives, thereby
dry run a way of program proving in which the part stopping all the motors, disabling the axes and the
is removed from the machine (or the tool away from spindle (if there is a spindle). There may be
the part), and the tools move at the specified feedrate emergency stop buttons on the operator’s panel, on
set by the parameter, even when rapid traverse is the machine tool itself, and/or on a handwheel.
programmed (also known as "cutting the air")
encoder the part of a motor that detects the position
Dry Run switch a switch that, when activated, or speed in a servo system. There are three types:
means that CNC G code will be executed as a dry run incremental, serial and absolute – each senses
(the part program is run with the part away from the mechanical motion and translates the information
machine, or the tool away from the part). This is (velocity, position, acceleration) into useful electrical
helpful for part program debugging data.
DSP digital signal processor encoder count a number that measures the pulse rate
of electrical signals sent from the encoder to the
duplex refers to the transmission of data in two servo drive (feedback); this number has a direct
directions simultaneously correspondence to the revolution of the motor, but
has no direct correspondence to any specific physical
dwell a programmed delay in program execution position of an axis
without quadrature, 1 encoder pulse = 1 encoder F data input signals (whose signal names begin with
count “F”) from the ServoWorks CNC Engine or the SMP
Motion Engine to the LadderWorks PLC Engine.
encoder resolution a motor and drive parameter These signals are included in PLC sequence
measured in pulses per revolution that is the number programs.
of encoder pulses per motor shaft revolution
feed override the adjusting of the specified feedrate
end of block code (EOB) a special character that as a percentage of that feedrate. Feed override is
separates the blocks of information in a CNC supported for 0 to 254% of the rapid feedrate (as long
program. It is represented by the (;) character in the as that doesn’t produce a velocity higher than that
ISO code set axis’ prespecified maximum velocity). This is most
useful in Auto Mode, for overriding feedrates set by
end of block mode a mode which, when turned on, part programs; in manual mode, it’s just as easy to set
compels the machine tool to enter a stop at the end of the feedrate you want initially, rather than to set a
every block (line) of the part program feedrate and then override it
end of program a miscellaneous function that stops feed per minute feedrate measured in terms of feed
the spindle, coolant, and feeding per minute [as opposed to feed per rotation]
EOB see “End of Block code” feed per revolution feedrate measured in terms of
feed per revolution [as opposed to feed per minute]
external chucking a form of workholding where the
part is clamped from the outside (pushing inwards) feedrate the rate at which the tools move in relation
to the part (can be specified in inches or millimeters
external vibrations vibrations caused by electric per minute, inches or millimeters per revolution, or
motors, compressors and other machines working encoder counts per minute)
nearby, as well as the forces on the particular
machine tool as a product of some machine parts, Feedrate Indicator the part of the Status Indicator
such as spindle bearings or gears, being worn out Area that displays the coordinated feedrate at which
the axes are moving, in mm/min
external zero offset the offset value of the external
workpiece coordinate system used for shifting the feedback the process of measuring a controlled
machine origin: variable, comparing the actual value to the desired
value, and using that information to influence the
value of the controlled variable
Coordinate feedback control see “closed-loop control system”
System #1
feedforward the process of using calculations to
G54 anticipate the likely value of a controlled variable at
some point in the immediate future, comparing the
calculated value to the desired value, and using that
Origin of external workpiece coordinate information to influence the value of the controlled
system variable
Machine Origin (0.0000, 0.0000) Z
feed hold a command that stops axes motion until
the operator presses the START button to resume
F/A factory automation program execution
F code an address in part programming used to feet per minute (FPM) unit of measurement
specify a feedrate amount; sets the modal feedrate for indicating the speed of the tool on the part
cutting moves
fiber-optic cable cable that consists of a bundle of FPM feet per minute
glass threads, each of which is capable of
transmitting messages modulated onto light waves. free spindle spindle is not rotating, but is not locked,
Fiber-optic cable is a prime component of VersioBus so it can be manually rotated by the operator
frequency a parameter in Test Mode that is
fiber-optics a technology that uses glass (or plastic) measured in Hz and that specifies how quickly the
threads (fibers) to transmit data. Fiber optics has voltage will alternate between its positive value and
several advantages over twisted-pair wire cables: 1) its negative value. [If you specify 10 millivolts at 4
fiber-optic cables have a much greater bandwidth Hz, for instance, the voltage will vary between +10
than conventional cables, so they can carry more mV and –10 mV 4 times per second.]
data. 2) fiber-optic cables are less susceptible than
wire cables to interference. 3) fiber-optic cables are full zero shifting synonym for "floating zero"
much thinner and lighter than wire cables.
function keys keys used to input commands in the
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) an ServoWorks CNC programs. There are two types of
integrated circuit with volatile memory on the FP-60 function keys: soft function keys, which are toolbar
or FP-75 that is automatically configured each time buttons on the bottom and right sides of the screen;
the PC is booted, by loading data from an on-board and hard function keys, which are actual keys on the
PROM logic component; the FPGA contains all the SSP-140 panel PC that you can press to select the
motor-specific information required by the Soft corresponding soft button key.
Servo system to control the motors and to interface
with the encoders functional command register a memory register
that holds the results of the PLC functional
FireWire see “IEEE 1394 FireWire” commands during PLC sequence program execution
fixed canned cycles these cycles allow functional PLC commands complex commands
programming three or four successive tool that are used for programming the complex controls
movements in a single block of machinery (also known as “machine commands”)
hardware travel limits boundaries defined by the Home Status Indicator the part of the Status
position of the axes overtravel limit switches; Indicator Area that indicates whether or not each axis
establishes maximum travel for each axis is at its home position
helical interpolation a feature that allows circular home switch a circuit that is triggered when the axis
interpolation on two axes simultaneously, while position arrives at the "home position" of the machine
providing linear cutting on a third axis
home timeout an NC/machine axis parameter that is
Help Mode a sub mode displaying helpful hints and the time out limit during a home operation. If this
on-line documentation limit is reached, the home operation is aborted.
high-speed peck drilling the tool feeds in to the home type an NC/machine axis parameter
peck distance or depth of cut, then retracts a small specifying which method of finding the home
pre-determined distance (which is the chip-breaking position will be used for a home operation. [0 = find
process), and then feeds to the next peck, taking the the nearest grid, and 1 = rapid positioning until
tool deeper reaching the home switch, then find the nearest grid.]
in position width a servo control parameter indexable inserts tool inserts that have more than
measured in µm – the half width of a window one cutting edge (so more than one edge can be used
centered at the command position. When the actual before the insert is no longer usable)
position falls into this window, it is in position
indexing using the spindle as an axis whose position
Command can be controlled with a closed loop, but whose
Position position cannot be interpolated with other axes
initiating a run starting a production run by setting
up and executing a part program
In Position In Position
Width Width
Input/Output Window a window that displays
digital and analog I/O for the FP-60, FP-75, IM-
Window within which the actual position 200(s), DC-120(s), or any other I/O module, and can
would be considered to be in position. be used for setting the digital output signals or the
analog output/command
inches per minute (IPM, in/min) unit of
measurement for the speed of the tool along its insert the part of the tool that comes in contact with
cutting path (i.e. feedrate, usually on mills) the part being machined (can be replaced when worn
or broken); can also refer to a replaceable machining
inches per revolution (IPR, in/rev) unit of surface on some tools
measurement for the speed of the tool along its
cutting path (i.e. feedrate per spindle revolution, integrated circuit a tiny complex of electronic
usually on lathes) components and their connections that is produced in
or on a small silicon wafer
incremental dimensions for rotary axes
dimensions that specify the angle (in specified integrator the person or company responsible for
number of degrees) in the programmed dimension setting up the software, hardware and machine
(using positive or negative degrees) that the tool must
move during each block (relative to where the tool Interface Display a part of the screen for which the
starts) color of the background, foreground, and on status
can be changed
incremental encoder a pulse generator that
generates a certain number of pulses per revolution. Interlock switch a switch that, when activated,
Incremental encoders have output signals that repeat means that the program moves with only the axes that
over the full range of motion. However, it does not are not locked. (Note: an axis can be locked in one
detect an absolute position because each mechanical direction but not both directions.) Output commands
position is not uniquely defined – when the are disabled for any commands that would cause
incremental encoder is turned on, the position of an movement in a direction that is locked. The position
incremental encoder is not known since the output and plot information that appears on screen is the
signals are not unique to any single position.
actual, not simulated, information. This is helpful for operated, one axis at a time, by specifying a feedrate
part program debugging. and a direction (forward or backwards) for a
specified axis
internal chucking a form of workholding where the
chuck pushes outwards; the part is held from inside
internal vibrations vibrations caused by the
instability of the cutting tool and workpiece as a ladder diagram a graphical representation of PLC
system (common during boring operations) program commands for a sequence program
interpolation the ability of a control to generate a LadderWorks a soft PLC product for industry-
simultaneous movement of two or more axes in order standard ladder logic control with axis modules
to produce a defined geometric pattern, such as a (independent and individual positioning of PLC
linear, circular, or helical pattern axes); includes the LadderWorks Console and the
LadderWorks PLC Engine
inverse time feed feed that is carried out in inverse
time mode LadderWorks Console a graphical PLC ladder
diagram and instruction list editor, monitor and
inverse time mode in this mode, the F value (modal debugger for Windows that includes PLC utility tools
feedrate set by F code) represents 1/(minutes of cut)
[this is instead of a direct feedrate measured in IPM, LadderWorks PLC Engine a driver that operates in
IPR, etc.] To determine the inverse time F value, use the real-time sub space, this real-time soft PLC
the equation Inverse Time F value = application executes sequence programs. The PLC
Feedrate/Distance of move Engine is seamlessly integrated with the SMP Motion
Engine or the ServoWorks CNC Engine.
IPM inches per minute
lathe 1) a machine in which the part/workpiece is
IPR inches per revolution rotated about a horizontal axis and shaped by a fixed
tool 2) one of two basic types of machines (the other
being the mill)
leading edge programming synonym for
jog/jogging method of manually moving an axis "imaginary tool tip programming"
without writing a part/motion program (performed by
the operator) leading zero suppression a programming format
that eliminates the need for programming zeros to the
Jog Continuous Mode the most basic control mode, left of the first significant digit in a coordinate word
where the individual axes of the machine can be
manually operated, one axis at a time, by specifying a leadscrew backlash compensation correcting for
feedrate and a direction (forward or backwards) for a backlash by adding the estimated amount of lost
specified axis motion upon each reversal of direction due to axial
free motion between the ball nut and the ball screw:
jog feedrate an NC/machine axis parameter
measured in millimeters per second that is the axis
feedrate to be used in Jog Mode backlash
leadscrew pitch error compensation see “pitch locked spindle a spindle that is locked and cannot
error compensation” be manually rotated by the operator
least input increment the minimum unit of linear Locks Mode a sub mode that allows you to set
movement (distance) that the actuator can be machine lock and machine interlock switches
commanded to move
loop command a command used to specify looping.
LED see “light emitting diode” The beginning of the loop is designed by (lsn) where
"ls" indicates "loop start" and "n" indicates the
light emitting diode (LED) an indicator light in the number of times the controller should loop; the end
Soft Servo system that is either OFF or ON (either of the loop is designed by (lf) where "lf" indicates
red or green when lit up). There are LEDs on the "loop finish"
VersioBus hardware components, and there are LEDs
in the software window displays. looping the ability of a control to repeat a specified
instruction or section of code a specified number of
limit switch a circuit that is triggered when the axis times
position arrives at either the forward or the reverse
overtravel limit
linear feedrate the vector sum of speed of all active
axes when motion is occurring with linear M codes codes used to perform miscellaneous
interpolation – the coordinated speed of multiple functions such as turning on the spindle, turning on
axes, the speed that corresponds to the actual coolant, specifying a program stop, or an end of
direction of motion. Linear feedrate is a type of program These codes work like an on/off switch
vector speed.
machine generic term for a control system,
linear interpolation the ability of a control to positioning system or machine tool
generate a simultaneous movement of two or more
axes to produce a linear (straight-line) path machine absolute distance the tool distance from
the part origin to any new position
linear motion at feed straight line motion at a
specified feedrate machine coordinate position synonym for
“machine origin”
linear motion at rapid straight line motion at the
maximum velocity set by the machine builder for that machine envelope the boundaries established by the
axis axis overtravel switches
linear scale on an NC/machine axis parameter Machine Lock switch a switch that, when activated,
specifying whether or not customized linear scale means that the program runs in simulation mode.
feedback functions are turned on or off. [0 = Output commands are disabled, so all axes remain
customized linear scale feedback functions off, and 1 still, but the program appears to run on the screen –
= customized linear scale feedback functions on.] simulated position and plot information appears, and
every format error results in an alarm message. This
local general I/O general I/O where the signals is helpful for part program debugging.
originate from the operator’s panel, and are
connected directly to a port on the industrial PC in machine position/machine origin/machine
the Soft Servo system coordinate position/reference position/machine
sync 1) the command position measured from the
Lock Status Indicator the part of the Status machine origin 2) the origin point (although not
Indicator Area displaying the lock status of the X and necessarily coordinates 0.0, 0.0) of the machine
Z axes in both the forward and backward directions coordinate system 3) a fixed point set by the
machine tool builder (usually, it cannot be changed)
4) position where all axes position at the end of a
sync cycle 5) establishes the coordinates from which Main Mode a mode that controls all other modes. It
all machine coordinates are measured 6) all axes are is the mode entered when you open a program, and
in their "home position" the mode from which the program is exited.
machine relative distance the tool distance from the manual data input (MDI) a means of inserting data
machine origin to any new position manually into the CNC control using a machine
keyboard and switches
machine sync synonym for "machine origin"
manual feed override (MFO) the adjusting of the
machine tool generic term for lathe, turning modal feedrate (specified by the part program or
machines, mill, machining centers, etc. – machines motion program) as a percentage of that feedrate.
that produce a part by either cutting, bending, Manual feed override is supported for 0 to 254% of
punching, forming, etc, or machines that measure a the rapid feedrate.
manual mode any mode used for manual operations.
machine unit a servo control parameter measured in In the Soft Servo system, manual modes include Test
µm for the least input increment – the minimum unit Mode, Jog Mode, Jog Incremental Mode, Block
of linear movement (distance) that the actuator can be Buffer Mode, MDI Mode, Rapid Mode, Position
commanded to move Mode, Home Mode and HandWheel Mode
machine zero point synonym for "machine origin" manual operation operation of a machine tool by
when the origin is at coordinates (0.0, 0.0) manual data input instead of automatic part program
(G code) execution
machining center 1) a CNC machine tool capable
of performing multiple operations in one setup. It is manual programming a means of programming a
normally equipped with an automatic tool changer. CNC machine using manual calculations and
2) an advanced mill designing the program without part programming
programming/variable programming a series of mapping tables information tables used for PLC
instructions that can be executed repeatedly. While sequence programming that name each physical input
repetition is in progress, a macro program repeats one and output device, and map the signal from that
or more programmed values (parameters) . A macro device to a specific memory location. The binary
program repeats simple or complex operations, but it value of that memory location (“0” or “1”)
can change one or more programmed values while corresponds to the logical state or value of the device.
the repetition is in progress. Dimensional
information can be specified in either incremental or master tool the tool used to establish the home
absolute mode. position (usually the longest tool, so the home
position is set in such a way that all of the tools are
magazine a supply chamber for storing tools that clear from the part and the machine)
makes the tools available for use in a machine tool
Mbps mega (million) bits per second
magnitude a parameter in Test Mode that is
measured in mV or encoder counts. With Voltage MCC switch master control coil switch
Frequency/Step Test Mode, magnitude relates to the
output voltage of the DC-120(s) in mV. With MC-Quad Soft Servo Systems’ 4-axis general CNC
Position Frequency/Step Test Mode, magnitude application that has a simple, yet powerful, full-
relates to the reference position of the axis/axes in screen user interface
encoder counts.
MCU microcomputer unit
Main Display Area an area of the screen that
displays the axes’ positions, plots of tool trajectory, MDI see “manual data input”
status of I/O signals, etc.
MDI Mode a control mode in which you can minus stroke an NC/machine axis parameter
manually program one G-code command at a time, measured in µm – the soft limit (software stroke
for G codes 00 through 03, as well as S, M, T and F limit) for negative axis travel
MMPM millimeters per minute (mm/min)
MECHATROLINK digital servo communications
from YASKAWA Electric Corporation – there are MMPR millimeters per revolution (mm/rev)
two speeds: MECHATROLINK™ I (4 Mbps) and
MECHATROLINK™ II (10 Mbps) modal code a code that sets a mode in G code part
programming. That mode stays in effect until it is
MECHATROLINK interface system A total cancelled by another code from the same modal
control system comprised of MECHATROLINK group.
servo and I/O communications paired with either
ServoWorks CNC technology or SMP general modal command 1) in G code part programming, a
motion technology. This platform works with the command that is retained by the system and stays in
YASKAWA family of digital servo systems (Sigma effect until another command from the same group is
I, II or III series servo drives), inverters and I/O, as programmed (to cancel or replace the previous modal
well as any MECHATROLINK-compatible devices command) 2) a programmed command remembered
produced by other companies. Users connect exactly by the controller until it is canceled by another
the number of drives they need, and can choose to programmed command from the same modal group
include YASKAWA’s I/O modules in their Soft
Servo system, or take advantage of Soft Servo modal group a group of two or more related modes
System’s optional and affordable fiber-optic in G code part programming – only one mode in a
VersioBus I/O network. modal group can be active at a time
Memory Mode a control mode for loading, editing, mode in G code part programming, a mode is a
proving and executing G code programs particular functioning arrangement or condition
metal removal rate the rate at which material is Mode Display Area an area of the screen that
removed from the part (determined by cutting speed, displays the current control mode and the parameters
feedrate, and depth of cut) and settings for that mode
MFO see “manual feed override” moment of inertia a motor parameter provided by
the motor manufacturer
mill 1) a machine tool on which work usually of
metal secured to a carriage is shaped by rotating motion control a type of feedback control in which
milling cutters 2) one of two basic types of the process variables are axes positions. Actual
machines (the other being the lathe) positions (from encoder feedback) are compared to
programmed positions, and commands are sent from
millimeters per minute (MMPM) unit of the controller to the actuator to slow down, speed up,
measurement for feedrate etc.
millimeters per revolution (MMPR) unit of Motion and Logic APIs (MAPI) a set of APIs
measurement for feedrate provided by Soft Servo Systems for creating
customized user interfaces that take full advantage of
milling a process of removing metal using SMP technology. Motion and Logic APIs are
multipoint tools. It is both a roughing and a finishing functions that you can use design and program your
process that produces precise contours and shapes. own interface. Extensive APIs are provided for such
There are two categories: side milling (straight or functions as system initialization, manual mode and
contour milling) and milling multiple surfaces (three- auto mode motion control, I/O control, PLC control,
dimensional profile milling, cutting a keyway, thread etc.
Motion Development Kit (MDK) see “SMP handwheel dial would cause a movement of 200.0
Motion Development Kit” mm.
Motion Engine see “SMP Motion Engine” multipoint tools cutting tools that have multiple
cutting edges, such as those used for milling, drilling,
Motion Parser see “SMP Motion Parser” reaming, counterboring and countersinking
motion program a set of coded instructions for
creating programming machine motion multiquadrant circular interpolation cutting an
arc in more than one quadrant
motion status the status of motion for your machine
tool – the two options for motion status are “RUN” multithreading executing different parts of a
(if the machine is moving) or “STOP” if there is no program, called threads, simultaneously without the
motion threads interfering with each other. Usually refers to
an ability of an operating system.
MotionLite Soft Servo Systems’ utility program for
setup, configuring, testing and servo tuning of an
MC-Quad, S-100M, S-120M or S-140M system. It N
can also be used for simple motion control to verify a
ServoWorks CNC system. N Codes in G code part programming, a block or
sequence number which may be up to 9 digits. These
motor direction a motor parameter for the direction numbers are not used by the controller; they are for
of motor movement. There are two possible settings part programmers to use to sequence the order of the
for motor direction: “1” for positive, and “-1” for part program. They are not required.
NC see “numerical control or numerical controller”
motor polarity a motor and drive parameter
specifying how the analog command to the NC no connection (for a particular pin number in a
servomotor drive is sent. [1 = normal analog connector)
command to the servo drive, and -1 = reversed analog
command to the servo drive.] nesting calling a subroutine from within a
subroutine (in macro programming)
MPG manual pulse generator – see also
“handwheel” noise an electrical disturbance that can degrade
multiple repetitive canned cycles these cycles allow
repeating any number of passes to cut material in nonmodal code code that remains in effect only for
repeating sequences until the specified profile is the block programmed in G code part programming
number of IM-200s an NC/machine axis parameter
Multiplier Selection Switch a switch on the HW- which specifies the number of general I/O modules
100 handwheel that you use to select one of four (IM-200s) used in the Soft Servo system
multipliers to apply to a base increment (the base
increment is specified in the ServoWorks CNC or numerical control (NC) any machining process in
SMP application). The four levels of axis speed are which the operations are performed automatically in
“X1,” which applies a multiplier of “1;” “X10,” sequences as specified by a program that contains
which applies a multiplier of “10;” “X100,” which information for tool movements
applies a multiplier of “100;” and “X1000,” which
applies a multiplier of “1000.” For instance, if the numerical controller (NC) any machine in which
base increment is 0.2 mm, specifying “X1” would operations are performed automatically in sequences
mean that each click of the handwheel dial would as specified by a program that contains information
cause a movement of 0.2 mm; and specifying for tool movements
“X1000” would mean that each click of the
operation buttons toolbar buttons that indicate Optional Stop switch a switch that, when activated,
options to select an operational mode, or to make means that CNC G code execution will stop when it
choices within an operational mode reaches the M01 optional stop code. This is helpful
for part program debugging.
operational mode a control mode that can be
entered only from Main Mode. Operational modes opto-isolation a type of electrical isolation
include manual NC modes such as Jog Mode, Rapid
Mode, Position Mode, Home Mode and Handwheel orientation see “plot orientation”
Mode; and Auto Mode; and I/O Mode.
origin a zero reference point of the coordinate
Operation Window a window that serves as the system. There are three origins: the part origin, the
interface for controlling motion or testing and tuning machine origin, and the program origin.
the system
over position error limit – moving a servo control
operator's panel a panel on the machine tool that parameter measured in µm – the position error limit
allows the operator another way to control the for an axis at which the emergency stop will be
machine tool; at a minimum, it must contain an triggered while that axis is moving
Emergency Stop button; it may also contain Cycle
over position error limit – stopped a servo control center table, as well as to machine long or short parts
parameter measured in µm – the position error limit on a lathe)
for an axis at which the emergency stop will be
triggered while that axis is stopped part program a set of coded instructions for
creating a part using a machine; made up of blocks,
override controls allow the operator to manually usually in a G-code language
adjust feedrate, spindle speed, rapid rate and jog rate
as a percentage of the programmed value part zero point synonym for "part origin"
overshoot oppression the control looks ahead long PC see “personal computer”
enough to decelerate enough when needed to prevent
overshooting the programmed path (provided by Soft peak torque a motor parameter specified by the
Servo’s 3D-DLACC) motor manufacturer
overtravel the condition whereby the tool tries to peak velocity a motor and drive parameter measured
move beyond the limits set by the forward, reverse in RPM – the maximum allowable motor rotational
and stroke overtravel limits speed (as specified by the motor manufacturer)
Parameters Mode a sub mode that displays accepts PI see “proportional-integral control”
input for parameter settings for motor parameters,
servo parameters, NC parameters, tool offsets, work PID command process the feedback process of
point coordinates, color settings and general settings generating an interrupt, reading and digitizing
such as unit of measurement. position data, and generating an analog velocity
command at predetermined intervals (usually 1
Parameters Window this window is used for setting millisecond or 500 µsec) using PID control
up and checking the servo and motor parameters
PID control see “proportional integral derivative
part the product being created or produced by control”
machine tool operations
pin 1) a lead on a device that plugs into a socket to
part counter a counter which tracks the part number connect the device to a system. 2) a small metal
of the part currently being produced and the lot size prong at the end of a connector that fits into a hole in
of the production being run a port
part origin/part zero point/zero shift/work pin assignments the assignment of an I/O signal to
shift/floating zero/datum the origin of the absolute each pin in a wire cable/connection
coordinate system, from which absolute coordinates
are measured; can be set to any point inside the pitch error compensation calibration compensation
machine's electronic grid system limits; must be using pitch intervals to correct for imperfections in
established for each new setup (enables the operator the ballscrew of the feed motor
to set the part where it is desired on the machining
pitch error compensation enable an NC/machine which axes to plot them, and for which time range
axis parameter specifying whether or not pitch error (period) in the sample to plot
compensation is enabled. [0 = pitch error
compensation disabled, and 1 = pitch error plus stroke an NC/machine axis parameter
compensation enabled.] measured in µm – the soft limit (software stroke
limit) for positive axis travel
pitch interval an NC/machine axis parameter
measured in µm that is the interval distance between point synonym for “signal” or “pin” in twisted-
the two points where the pitch error is measured: wire cables
One pitch interval usually equals point-to-point programming positioning of the tool
the distance between threads in a from one point to another when programming such
leadscrew = one rotation.
operations as drilling, tapping, boring, and reaming.
During this process, the tool is not in constant contact
with the part, and when changing locations, the tool
is moved by rapid traverse rate.
PLC Engine see “LadderWorks PLC Engine” Position Frequency/Step mode a Test Mode for
testing rapid positioning of the system
Plot Display a part of the screen for which the color
of the background, foreground, and part outline can position loop gain a servo control parameter
be changed measured in Hz that is shown as Kp in the following
Plot Mode a control mode that allows you to view a
plot, change the orientation of a plot, change the scale
of a plot, move a plot, etc.
Position Position
Command Loop Gain Velocity
plot orientation the orientation of a plot in terms of Input + Command
which motion axis will be plotted on the vertical 2π·Kp (rad/s)
coordinates, and which will be plotted on the -
horizontal coordinates
Actual Position Feedback
Plot Sample Window a window where sample test
data is plotted. The parameters for plotting in this
position loop integral control enable a servo
window are selected, such as which items to plot, for
control parameter specifying whether or not position
loop integral control is enabled or disabled. [0 =
position loop integral control disabled (proportional program origin the tool start point in the program;
control only), and 1 = position loop integral control distance from the tool tip to the part origin when the
enabled (proportional-integral control).] tool is at the tool change position
position loop integral saturation a servo control program position the position specified by the
parameter measured in µm which specifies the program that should have been generated by the
maximum value for position error integration. command to the servo drive, if there were no position
Beyond this value, position error due to integration is error. Sometimes also referred to as “command
disregarded. position”, “position command” or “desired position.”
This position is with respect to the workpiece
position loop integral time constant a servo control coordinate system
parameter measured in milliseconds that determines
the response of position loop integral control, shown program proving a two-step process for checking a
in the following diagram (where Ti is the position G code part program: 1) the program is checked for
loop integral time constant, and Kp is the position errors in coding, positioning, and so on. 2) the
loop gain): performance is proven on the machine
Position Mode a control mode where multiple axes programmed dwell delay in program execution for
are operated manually in a coordinated manner by a programmed length of time
specifying either a “Position to Reach” (an absolute
position) or a “Distance to Go” (a position relative to programming on diameter lathe programming in
the current axis location) a feed mode, a smoothing which the dimensions are given in diameter
function, and either a feedrate or rapid override
percentage programming on radius lathe programming in
which the dimensions are given in radii
position to reach an absolute position which can be
specified in terms of encoder counts, millimeters or proportional-integral control (PI) feedback control
inches. If it is specified in millimeters or inches, the that combines proportional control with integral
position is relative to the machine origin. control, and that provides more accurate position or
speed control than proportional control. (The integral
positioning synonym for “point-to-point control improves steady-state error properties of the
programming” system)
positioning speed the speed for moving an axes to a proportional control constant-gain control in which
specified position, with no cutting the feedback control signal is made to be linearly
proportional to the error in the measured output
power amplifier part of a servo amplifier that runs
the servomotor at a speed or torque proportional to proportional integral derivative control (PID
the output of the comparator control) control which combines proportional,
integral and derivative control and which constitutes
presetting the register programming the coordinate a heuristic approach to controller design. The
system preset block for each tool (the location of the derivative term looks at the rate of change of the
tool in reference to the part origin) input and adjusts the output based on the rate of
change, which increases the damping and improves rapid positioning/rapid transverse a programmed
the stability of the system. movement that occurs at the machine's maximum
proving see “program proving”
rated output a motor parameter provided by the
pulse synonym for “encoder pulse” motor manufacturer
rapid feedrate an NC/machine axis parameter real-time operating system (RTOS) the part of the
measured in millimeters per second that is the operating system created by the real-time kernel
maximum allowable axis feed rate on the machine.
This is the speed that will be used for rapid real-time subspace (RTSS) the part of the operating
positioning (G00). system created by VenturCom’s RTX RealTime
rapid function a function of manual mode used to
move the machine slides from one position to another real values one of three ways of programming the
during such manual operations as the setup of tools coordinate system preset block. (The other two ways
are “same imaginary values” and “approximate real
Rapid Mode a control mode where one axis is values.”) The programmer uses the tools' real
operated manually by specifying the axis, the distances from the part origin; consequently, the tool
direction (forward or backwards), a rapid override offsets are zero.
percentage (a percentage of the maximum velocity
set by the machine builder for that axis), and reaming a process that improves the surface finish
coordinates for the axis to reach and cuts the part to size; it is like boring, except that
the tool does not follow its own path: the reamer will
repeat any deviation done by drill
reference position synonym for "machine position" run mode mode for automatic operation of the
machine tool (allows an operator to execute a part
reference zero cycle synonym for "sync cycle" program)
relative distance synonym for "machine distance" run time the length of time that the ServoWorks
application has been running
relative position this position type is for your
convenience. You can specify an arbitrary position
by clearing the relative positions. From then on, the S
relative position is measured from the last cleared
position S code programs the spindle speed
relay an electromagnetic device for remote or S-100M an industrial PC-based CNC controller for
automatic control that is actuated by variation in mills and machining centers that controls 4 axes: 3
conditions of an electric circuit and that operates in coordinated CNC axes plus a spindle
turn other devices (as switches) in the same or a
different circuit S-100T an industrial PC-based CNC controller for
lathes and turning machines that provides 2-axis
remote general I/O general I/O where the signals motion control with a spindle, or 3-axis motion
originate from the machine tool, rather than the control including a C axis
operator’s panel, and are connected to either the I/O
connectors of the DC-120(s), the IM-200(s) or S-120M an industrial PC-based CNC controller for
another I/O module mills and machining centers that controls 7 axes plus
a spindle: 4 coordinated CNC axes, and three axes
Reset Button a button that appears when the that can be used for PLC axes, synchronous control,
Emergency Stop button is pressed, and which is used or linear scale feedback
for resetting the system to allow motion again
S-140M an industrial PC-based CNC controller for
resolution the smallest amount of movement along mills and machining centers that controls 7 axes plus
an axis that a CNC machine can perform a spindle: 5 coordinated CNC axes, and two axes that
can be used for PLC axes, synchronous control, or
Restart Button a button that restarts a part program linear scale feedback
from the first line of code, resets the default modal
codes, cancels the local coordinate system and resets same imaginary values one of three ways of
the cycle time to 0:00:00 programming the coordinate system preset block.
(The other two ways are "real values" and
result history register a stack register where a PLC "approximate real values.") The programmer uses
sequence program stores intermediate results during imaginary numbers suitable for several machines;
program execution consequently, the tool offsets are large. (It is
recommended to NOT use this method for the
revolutions per minute (RPM) unit of coordinate system preset block.)
measurement for spindle speed
sample size the size of the test data sample, in this
rms root mean square (applies to current) case how long motion data was recorded
RPM revolutions per minute sampling test data recording or capturing sample
(test) motion data to plot and analyze for the purposes
RTOS synonym for “real-time operating system” of tuning the system
RTSS synonym for “real-time subspace” SBC single board computer (motherboard)
Screen Mode a sub mode that allows a choice of Servo Drive Rated Velocity
which information to display in the Main Display Velocity =
Area Sensitivity Positive Analog Input Range
sequential tool selection the tools on the tool servo lag the difference between the machine
changer must be loaded in the exact order in which position and the actual (feedback) position
they are called for in the program, because the next
tool will be automatically selected, whether or not it servo loop synonym for "control loop"
is the correct tool. When it is necessary to use a tool
twice, the operator must load another tool with the Servo Loop Status Indicator the part of the Status
same purpose. Indicator Area that displays whether the selected axes
are moving in a certain mode (“START” or “RUN”)
serial encoder a feedback device that generates a or are immobile (“STOP” or “PAUSE”)
pulse train
servo loop update rate the speed at which a single
servo normally, a synonym for "servo mechanism," control loop is executed. From this update rate, the
but may also refer to an integral part of a servo number of loops executed per second can be
mechanism (such as servomotor or servo amplifier) calculated.
servo amplifier a servomotor and amplifier pair servo mechanism 1) a mechanism that moves at a
required to operate an AC servomotor. Consists of a specified speed, and locates an object in a specified
comparator and a power amplifier. Synonym for position 2) a control mechanism that monitors
"servo drive" physical quantities such as specified positions, and
uses the position, direction, or orientation of an
servo control system synonym for "servo object as a process variable to control a system to
mechanism" which places the focus on system follow any changes in a target value (set point)
servo control system/servo system an automatic
servo drive synonym for “servo amplifier” control system that detects the machine control value
(output data), feeds back the data to the input side,
servo drive mode one of two modes for servo drive compares it with the specified control value (input
control: velocity control or torque control data), and moves the machine by the difference
between the compared data. In other words, a system
servo drive velocity sensitivity a motor and drive to control the output data to match the specified input
parameter measured in RPM/V – the input/output data. [The control value could be position, speed,
sensitivity of the velocity mode servo drive force (torque), electric current, orientation (angle),
water pressure, or voltage.] The system includes a
servo amplifier, a servomotor, and a controlled
machine. (Feedback control is normally performed
by a servo mechanism.)
servo network a network of servo drives connected ServoWorks technology Soft Servo Systems’
to an adapter board in the PC for communication (for innovative, PC-based soft CNC technology, which
the VersioBus interface system, up to four servo has a unique and open architecture
interface modules, daisy-chained, for up to 16 axes;
for the IEEE 1394 and MECHATROLINK interface ServoWorksCNC Soft Servo Systems’ softCNC
systems, daisy-chained servo drives connected technology
directly to the adapter board in the PC)
ServoWorksPLC a PLC application suite which
servomotor the motors that power the axes, the tool includes the PLC Engine, a PLC compiler, a PLC
changers, and the spindle ladder monitor/debugger, and miscellaneous PLC
utility tools
ServoWorks APIs (SWAPI) a set of APIs provided
by Soft Servo Systems for creating customized user Settings Mode a sub mode for setting workpiece
interfaces that take full advantage of ServoWorks coordinate offsets and tool offset compensation
technology. ServoWorks APIs are functions that you values (tool length geometry offset, tool length wear
can use design and program your own interface. offset, tool diameter geometry offset and tool
Extensive APIs are provided for such functions as diameter wear offset)
system initialization, manual mode and auto mode
motion control, I/O control, PLC control, etc. setup preparation of a machine for the machining
process by means of loading tools and fixtures,
ServoWorks CNC Engine a ServoWorks driver that establishing the origin points, and producing the first
operates in the real-time sub space and which quality part according to specifications
controls the real-time multi-axis, high-performance
servo loops and performs all servo control including SFM surface feet per minute
NC path generation, interpolation, compensation,
accelerations/decelerations, etc. signal an impulse or fluctuating electric quantity,
such as voltage, current, or electric field strength,
ServoWorks Development Kit (SDK) Soft Servo whose variations represent coded information
Systems’ programming package that enables a
programmer to develop customized user interface significant digit a digit that must be kept to preserve
applications for ServoWorks CNC technology on the accuracy of the quantity
Windows NT/2000/XP/XPe. The SDK includes the
ServoWorks APIs, the definition header files for the simulation software software in which motion
APIs, and the DLL files for the APIs. It also includes control and hardware are simulated in without
reference manuals for these APIs (separate manuals requiring an adapter board for the host PC, or
for C/C++, Visual Basic, Java and Delphi) and hardware or motors
programming manuals
single-point tools used primarily in turning and
ServoWorks G-Code Parser a ServoWorks driver boring operations on turning centers, or boring on
that operates in the real-time sub space and reads G- machining centers – typically use indexable carbide
code data from the hard disk, transforms it to binary inserts
code, then sends it to the ServoWorks CNC Engine
Single Block switch a switch that, when activated,
ServoWorks Simulator Package a ServoWorks means that CNC G code will be executed in single
CNC system in which motion control and hardware block operational mode – only one block of CNC
are simulated in without requiring an adapter board data will be executed at a time. After each block of
for the host PC. Users can “play” with the software data is executed, you will need to press the “START”
without hardware or motors connected to a PC. For or “CONTINUE” button to get the next block to
instance, users can “jog” an axis that doesn’t exist, execute. This is helpful for part program debugging.
and see that “movement” reflected in the display of
position data, the plot display, etc. Useful for single-ended encoder a feedback device with single
software development or training new users of output
ServoWorks CNC software.
slash code synonym for “block delete” or “optional MDK includes SMP Motion and I/O APIs, the
skip code” definition header files for the APIs, and the DLL files
for the APIs. It also includes reference manuals for
slowdown travel limits limits set by the machine these APIs (separate manuals for C/C++, Visual
integrator, located inside the software travel limits; Basic, Java and Delphi) and programming manuals
when an axes moves past a software travel limit, the
controller slows movement down to a limit SMP Motion Engine an SMP driver that operates in
established by the machine integrator the real-time subspace and which controls the real-
time multi-axis, high-performance servo loops and
smoothing/smoothing function a way of specifying performs all servo control including NC path
a velocity profile for servo motion to follow, since generation, interpolation, compensation,
response to a command to move at a certain feedrate accelerations/decelerations, etc.
is not instant. Velocity profiles can be specified as
linear, bell shaped or exponential. SMP Motion Parser an SMP driver that operates in
the real-time sub space and reads motion data from
smoothing constant see “smoothing time” the hard disk, transforms it to binary code, then
sends it to the SMP Motion Engine
smoothing mode the setting for the velocity profile
to be used to smooth motion (linear, bell shaped or SMP Simulator Package an SMP general motion
exponential) control system in which motion control and hardware
are simulated in without requiring an adapter board
smoothing time an servo control parameter for the host PC. Users can “play” with the software
measured in milliseconds that specifies the motion without hardware or motors connected to a PC. For
profile smoothing filter time instance, users can “jog” an axis that doesn’t exist,
and see that “movement” reflected in the display of
SMP400 a 4-axis general motion controller with soft position data, the plot display, etc. Useful for
PLC software development or training new users of SMP
SMP450 a 4-axis general motion controller with soft
PLC and memory mode operation with G-code like SMP technology Soft Servo Systems’ innovative,
programming PC-based soft motion technology, which has a unique
and open architecture
SMP800 an 8-axis general motion controller with
soft PLC soft function keys tool bar buttons on the bottom
and right sides of the screen in ServoWorks CNC
SMP850 an 8-axis general motion controller with programs
soft PLC and memory mode operation with G-code
like programming Soft Limit Status Indicator the part of the Status
Indicator Area that indicates whether or not each axis
SMP1600 a 16-axis general motion controller with has reached its forward or backward soft limits
soft PLC
soft PLC a PC-based PLC
SMP Console a Windows application that allows
users to set up, tune and run an SMP system (a softCNC a PC-based CNC
memory mode operation is available to program and
run motion programs with a G-code like motion software travel limits limits set by the machine
programming language) integrator; moving an axis past these limits will cause
the controller to stop all axes motion, but will not
SMP Motion Development Kit (MDK) Soft Servo cause an emergency stop; purpose is to prevent the
Systems’ programming package that enables a axes from "hitting" the hard limit and damaging the
programmer to develop customized user interface machine tool
applications for SMP general motion technology
technology on Windows NT/2000/XP/XPe. The
spade terminals a type of screw terminal for a sends to the stepper motor controls the amount of the
breakout box: small screws tightened onto a spade rotation of the motor
lug with a large contact surface area
STM codes spindle, tool and miscellaneous codes
SPC-120 a compact panel PC with a color flat panel
screen STOP button a button which stops the current
motion, but does not shut down the servo drives
spindle the part of the machine tool that rotates
during operation (on a mill, it holds the tool; on a stroke the range in which tools can move, defined
lathe, it holds the part, or workpiece) by stroke limit switches, and other programmed areas
where tools cannot enter
Spindle Mode a sub mode that allows you to start
and stop spindle rotation, and specify the feed mode, stroke limit a special soft limit defining a region
speed, direction and override percentage of the around the spindle in which the tools cannot move
surface feet per minute (SFM) a unit of test data data obtained by sampling (recording)
measurement for constant surface speed motion data to analyze for the purpose of tuning the
system (optimizing the servo loop, servo drive and
SWSDK see “ServoWorks Development Kit” motor parameters to minimize position error)
sync a procedure that coordinates the control with Test Mode a control mode for verifying and tuning
the actual position of the axes by moving each axis to the Soft Servo system, test mode can be used in either
its home position; this procedure is required when Velocity Frequency/Step mode or Position
starting the machine tool Frequency/Step mode. Test mode is mainly used for
setting the parameters of the system in such a way as
synchronous type servomotor an AC servomotor in to optimize the system and balance the opposing
which motor speed is controlled by changing the goals of speed and stability
frequency of the alternating current
time constant synonym for “smoothing constant”
syncing location synonym for "home"
tool the cutting or shaping part in a machine tool
system registry a database used by the operating
system to store configuration information tool change sequence a sequence of commands for
programming a tool change; must identify the tool
number and the tool offset number
tool change station the position where the tool
T code identifies the active tool and activates the changes take place – usually, but not necessarily, the
offsets for the current tool home position
tapping 1) the operation of cutting the threads inside tool changer allows different machining operations
a previously drilled hole using a tap. (The hole must to be performed automatically on one part; the tools
be drilled smaller than the root diameter of the are automatically changed, as specified by the part
thread.) 2) forming an internal screw thread by program
means of a tap
tool compensation mode/ tool offset compensation
tapping depth the specified depth for the length of a mode in which commands are given to shift tools to
full threads (programmer must add the size of the tap the left or right of a part surface; enables the contour
tip height, since the tap tip cannot produce full of the part to be programmed directly without taking
threads) the dimensions of the tool into account
TB36A a 36-pin breakout box with two terminal tool compensation cancel a command that cancels
blocks for spade terminals. The TB36A is an compensation mode, and returns to the
optional hardware component in a VersioBus uncompensated mode
interface system, which is used for making
connections between the I/O devices and the DC-120, tool length offset an offset used to compensate for
and/or the servo drives and the DC-120. tools that differ in length. It allows programming
imaginary tool lengths, because it compensates for
TB36B a 36-pin breakout box with a single terminal the different tool lengths.
block for wire entry screw terminals. The TB36B is
an optional hardware component in a VersioBus tool nose center a point on the "r" distance from the
interface system, and is used for making connections part surface, either for diameter or face cutting
between the I/O devices and the DC-120, and/or the (where "r" is the tool nose radius)
servo drives and the DC-120.
tool nose center programming a type of
TB37AD a 37-pin screw terminal block that is an programming that uses the tool nose center as the
optional hardware component in a Soft Servo system. reference point (instead of the cutting point)
tool number a number that identifies the physical transfer arm the part of the tool changes that moves
tool that must be indexed into position the tool from the transfer car to the spindle (not part
of all machines)
tool offset 1) the difference between the actual tool
position and the theoretical tool position 2) a transfer car the part of the tool changer that moves
dimensional value entered to position the tool cutting the tool between the transfer arm and the drum (not
edge in relation to a programmed point, which may part of some tool changers)
be either the part origin or the part intersection point.
This value compensates to accommodate tool transceiver a device used in a network that sends
differences in length, and automatically adjust the and receives signals from wireless devices
slide movement. There are two types of tool offsets:
a) tool length offsets, and b) geometry offsets. transistor an element of an integrated circuit that
acts as an electronic switch, or gate, that opens or
tool offset compensation see “tool compensation closes the circuit for electronic signals
TTL transistor transistor logic
tool offset number a number that identifies the tool
table offsets for the current tool turning center a machine tool that can best be
described as an advanced lathe
tool radius compensation a technique used by a
programmer where the programmer shifts the tool turret the part of the tool changer on a lathe; holds
center away from the part in order to perform the the tools and rotates to ensure that the correct tool is
cutting by the tool cutting edge (the shift amount lined up with the part
depends on the part geometry and tool radius -- the
tool radius for lathe tools has a smaller or bigger twisted pair a pair of wires that are twisted together
radius on its tip, to make it stronger and more when making a connection (for noise immunity)
velocity feedforward the process of using word address format the most common CNC
calculations to anticipate the likely value of axis format, which consists of one or more words
velocity at some point in the immediate future,
comparing the calculated velocity to the desired work coordinates/work point coordinates/work
velocity, and using that information to influence the coordinate offsets/ workpiece zero offset/fixture
axis velocity offsets multiple part origins in one program; defined
by the operator to tell the controller where the part
Velocity Frequency/Step mode a Test Mode for origins are for multiple identical parts
testing smooth movements and calibrating the system
work shift synonym for "part origin"
Venturcom RTX RT a real-time extension to the
operating system that is included in all Soft Servo workpiece synonym for "part"
Systems’ products
the machine is turned on, or after program execution zero shift synonym for "part origin"
is interrupted.)
zeroing the slides returning to the machine origin