Computer Science (Optional II) Grade 9-10: Micro Syllabus - Academic Year 2069

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Micro Syllabus - Academic Year 2069

Computer Science (Optional II)

Grade 9-10

1. Introduction
Fast development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has made human life easier
and comfortable. A man who lives in one corner of the world can get huge information by clicking
his/her computer mouse and use it for his/her betterment. Due to the development of information and
communication technology the world has changed into a small global village. For better use of ICTs,
computer science is helpful and supportive. It is a vital part of ICT. So computer science is supposed as
an important subject in school education in this modern world. By the study of this subject a student can
be, innovative, productive, self-confident, and self dependent citizen of the nation by using ICTs in
his/her daily life. Keeping this matter in mind curriculum Development Centre (CDC) has given space
to computer science as an optional subject in the secondary school level curriculum. The reviewed
curriculum has included detail components of curriculum. There are general objectives, level wise
objectives, specific objectives, grade wise objectives, content, scope and sequence, weightage,
teaching/learning activities and evaluation procedures.

2. General objectives
On completion of the secondary level computer science students will be able to:
• give a short information about computer technology
• give a short information of operating system, application software and hardware and operate a
computer properly
• give a brief introduction about a basic concept of number system and simple calculation
• design simple web page
• give a short information about database management and use it in their project
• use computer as an educational tool
• design simple programs and use
• participate in software competition.

3. Specific Objectives (Class-9)

On completion of class 9, students will be able to:
• give general introduction of computer technology
• mention the impact of computer in the society
• give a brief introduction about external parts of computer and handle them properly
• describe IT Policy of Nepal
• describe operating system( DOS & GUI) and use it
• give a brief introduction about basic concept of number system and simple binary and
decimal conversion
• give general information (knowledge) about E-Mail and Internet
• design simple webpage using HTML code
• give brief introduction about computer program
• design a simple program using QBASIC.

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Micro Syllabus - Academic Year 2069

4. Specific Objectives (Class-10)

After the completion of class 10, students will be able to:
• give a brief introduction of computer network
• perform binary calculation and number conversions
• give a brief introduction about Internet and Email and use them
• use safety measures to protect computer hardware and software
• give a brief introduction to multimedia
• introduction & design database and system database management
• create simple programs using QBASIC
• introduce the concept of structured programming using C.

5. Course Contents
Grade - IX Wt. Grade-X Wt.
1. Computer Fundamentals 1. Computer Fundamentals
1.1. Introduction 1.1. Networking and
1.2. Types of Computers 25 Telecommunication
1.3. Computer Systems 1.2. Internet and Its Services
1.4. Basic Concept of Number 1.3. Computer Security 22
System 1.4. Computer Virus
1.5. Hardware Concept 1.5. Cyber Law and Ethics
1.6. Software Concept 1.6. Multimedia And Its Applications
1.7. Impact of Computer in Society 1.7. Number System
1.8. IT Policy of Nepal
1.9. Concept of E-Government 2. Database Management Systems
2.1. Introduction
2. Operating Systems 2.2. Creating Database Using MS-
2.1. Introduction of OS Access
2.2. Types of OS 2.3. Entering and Editing Data 32
2.3. Computer Booting 15 2.4. Querying and Editing Data
2.4. Basic Terms of OS 2.5. Creating and Using Forms
2.5. Role of Autoexec.bat and 2.6. Creating and Printing Reports
2.6. DOS Commands 3. Q-BASIC
2.7. GUI Environment (Windows) 3.1. Control Statement (Using with
procedures and file handling)
3. HTML Concepts 3.2. Library Function
3.1. Creating, Opening and 3.3. Function and Sub Procedures 88
Formatting HTML Documents 20 3.4. File Handling
3.2. Setting Marquee 3.5. Project in QBASIC Program
3.3. Creating Links
3.4. Inserting Images 4. Structured Programming
3.5. Working With Tables 4.1. Introduction
4.2. Simple Program Structure in C
4. Computer programming Using 4.3. Comparison of Program
QBASIC Structure of C and QBASIC 8
4.1. General Concept
4.2. Elements of QBasic 90
Programming Language


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Micro Syllabus - Academic Year 2069

6. Teaching/Learning Method
Computer Science is a practical subject. Student should get enough time to play with computer for effective
teaching learning. There is also a theory portion in this subject which needs adequate discussion among
teachers and students. It is better to demonstrate computer while discussing. Following methods are useful
for computer science teaching learning.

• Question, answer and discussion

• Demonstration
• Problem solving
• Practical Exercise
• Project Work
• Field Visit

Project Work in QBASIC

(a) Menu base
(b) Modular concept
(c) File, editing, deleting
(d) At least one Date file should be submitted (Project work should be done under the
guidance of teacher)
(e) Document must include
(i) Algorithm (ii) Flow Chart (iii) Coding (iv) Output

Example of project could be

(i) Mark sheet Preparation
(ii) Result Processing
(iii) Telephone directory preparation
(iv) Billing of library system
(v) Billing of Monthly Schooling Payment
(vi) Payroll
(vii) Banking System etc.

Project book must contain as follows in sequence:

a. Cover page
b. Preface
c. Table of contents with page number
d. Back ground of the project
e. Aims and objectives
f. Need Assessment
g. Analyzing the problem
h. Designing the solution algorithm (Flowchart)
i. Coding the solution
j. Output using Dummy
k. Conclusion

7. Evaluation Assessment
Following procedure is useful for student assessment and evaluation:
• Question Answer
• Observation
• Participation
• Practice/Practical work
• Project work

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Micro Syllabus - Academic Year 2069

Course Title: Computer Science (STANDARD X) Full Marks: 50 + 50

Nature of the Course: Theory + Practical Pass Marks: 20 + 20


 Networking And Telecommunication
 Internet and Its Services
 Number System
 Review of Control Statements
 Review of Library Functions
 Introduction to Modular Programming
QBASIC  Introduction/Concept of Function
 Library Vs. User Defined Functions (Compare And Contrast)
 Programming With SUB PROCEDURES


 Computer Virus
 Cyber Law And Ethics
 Computer Security
 Introduction To Database
 Features Of Access/Purpose
Database  Creating Database Using MS-Access
Management With  Entering and Editing Data
MS-ACCESS  Creating Queries And Editing
 Creating And Using Forms
 Creating And Printing Reports


 Multimedia And Its Application
Sequential File Handling In Q-BASIC
 Open- For OUTPUT (File Creation)
 Close# (Closing A File)
 Write# (Writing On A File)
 Open- For INPUT (File Reading)
 Input# (Reading From A File)
QBASIC  EOF (Checking End Of File)
 Open- For APPEND
Project Work (Platform-QBASIC)
 Introduction To Project
 Project Guidelines
 Project Proposal Preparation/Format Demonstration
 Presentation Guidelines/Demonstration)
 Introduction
 Simple Program Structure In C
Programming  Comparison Of Program Structure of C and QBASIC

Reference Books:
1. Modern Computer Science Book 10, Vidyarthi Prakashan (P) Ltd.
2. Gateway to Computer Science Book 10, Shubharambha Publication Pvt. Ltd.
3. Readmore Computer Wiz Book 10, Readmore Publication Pvt. Ltd.
4. Computer Science For All Book 10, United Publication
5. Jay's Computer Studies Book 10, JBD Publication

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Micro Syllabus - Academic Year 2069

Course Title: Computer Science (STANDARD IX) Full Marks: 50 + 50

Nature of the Course: Theory + Practical Pass Marks: 20 + 20


 Introduction/History/Generation of Computer
Computer Fundamentals  Computer System Architecture
 Basic Concept Of Number System
 Introduction
 Functions Of Operating System
Operating System Concept
OS Concepts

 Relation Between User-OS-Hardware

 Types Of Operating System/Booting Types
 Introduction
 Basic Terminology (File, Directory, Wild Card, etc )
MS-DOS  Control Key Combination
 System Configuration (Autoexec.bat, Config.sys)
 DOS Commands (Internal Commands)
 Stages of PDLC
Program Development Life  Algorithm (Advantage/Disadvantage)
Cycle  Flowchart (Advantage/Disadvantage)
 Types Of Flowchart
 Introduction/Features
Introduction To Qbasic  Q-Basic Interface


Menu Commands
 Introduction To Variable/Constant (Their Types)
Fundamentals of Qbasic  Basic Words (Reserved Vs. User Defined)
 Basic Operators (Its Types Including Truth Tables)
 Commands And Statements (CLS, REM,
Programming in Qbasic  INPUT, PRINT……...)
 Immediate Mode Commands
Control Statements  IF…THEN…. Statement
 SELECT CASE Statement


 Types Of Computer
 Computer Hardware
Computer Fundamentals
 Computer Programming Languages
 Input Output Devices (Peripheral Devices)
MS-DOS  DOS Commands (External Commands)
OS Concepts

 Introduction To Graphic User Interface

 Windows Environment
MS-WINDOWS  Basic Terminology (File, Folder, Desktop,
 Wallpaper, Recycle Bin, etc)
 Features Of Windows Of Different Versions
 Concept of Looping and its practical application

Looping  WHILE…..WEND
 Nested Looping

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Micro Syllabus - Academic Year 2069


 IT Policy Of Nepal
Computer Fundamentals
 Computer Software + Open Source Software
 Introduction/Concept Of Web Page and Web Site
 Components of the Web
 Html Tags (Paired/Unpaired)
Hyper Text Mark Up Language
 Creating, Opening and Formatting HTML
 Documents
 Inserting Images/Setting Marquee/Creating Links
 Revision Tour
 READ….. DATA Statement
Qbasic Statements  PRINT USING Statement


Simple Graphics with QBASIC (Locate, Line,

 Introduction to Functions
 User Defined Vs. Library Functions
Library Functions  Numeric Functions
 Trigonometric Functions
 String Handling Functions


 Concept of E-Governance
Computer Fundamentals
 Societal Impact of Computers
 Working With Tables and Lists
Hyper Text Mark Up Language  Working With Frames
 Project On HTML
 Revision Tour
Qbasic  Practice On Library Functions + Looping
 Introduction to Arrays (Single and Two Dimensional)

Reference Books:
1. Modern Computer Science Book 10, Vidyarthi Prakashan (P) Ltd.
2. Readmore Computer Wiz Book 10, Readmore Publication Pvt. Ltd.
3. Computer Science For All Book 10, United Publication
4. Jay's Computer Studies Book 10, JBD Publication

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