Raz Ll07 Tinosaur

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The Tinosaur
A Reading A–Z Level L Leveled Book
Word Count: 558

Written by Stephen Cosgrove 

Illustrated by Carolyn LaPorte

Visit www.readinga-z.com www.readinga-z.com

for thousands of books and materials.
Written by Stephen Cosgrove
Illustrated by Carolyn LaPorte

Once the Earth was nothing more
than one big swamp.

There were no people.

There were no roads and no houses.

The land was filled with dinosaurs,

big and bigger—mostly bigger.
The Tinosaur • Level L 3
There were Supersaurs, Brachiosaurs,
and the Brontosaurus.
Once the Earth was nothing more
than one big swamp. All of them were big—very,
very big.
There were no people.
The biggest of the big were the
There were no roads and no houses.
Ultrasaurs. They were so big that
The land was filled with dinosaurs, the word “big” is not big enough.
big and bigger—mostly bigger. They lived in a big world.
The Tinosaur • Level L 3 4
Life was fairly easy for the
big dinosaurs.

There were big plants to eat, and

big lakes and rivers to drink from.

Life was good for the big dinosaurs.

The Tinosaur • Level L 5

As big as the big dinosaurs were,
Life was fairly easy for the
there were those that were small.
big dinosaurs.
In fact, they were smaller than
There were big plants to eat, and small. They were tiny.
big lakes and rivers to drink from.
These little creatures were
Life was good for the big dinosaurs. called Tinosaurs.
The Tinosaur • Level L 5 6
They would run here and there
looking for food.

The best food was large walnuts.

The walnuts were bigger than even
they were.
The Tinosaur • Level L 7
The Tinosaurs would feast on the
nuts and eat and eat. While they
They would run here and there ate, they would watch out for the
looking for food. Supersaurs.

The best food was large walnuts. For if a Tinosaur were stepped
The walnuts were bigger than even on by the Supersaur, it would be
they were. super sore indeed.
The Tinosaur • Level L 7 8
Things would have stayed this way
for millions and millions of years,
but something scary happened.

It all started one day. A Triceratops

went lumbering by just as scared as
scared could be. “The ice is coming!
The ice is coming!” he cried.
The Tinosaur • Level L 9
Things would have stayed this way
for millions and millions of years,
but something scary happened. “Ice?” asked the Theropod.
“Ice would be nice on a hot
It all started one day. A Triceratops
summer’s day.”
went lumbering by just as scared as
scared could be. “The ice is coming! But ice wasn’t nice. It wasn’t nice at
The ice is coming!” he cried. all. It was the coming of an ice age.
The Tinosaur • Level L 9 10
It wasn’t long before it began to get
cold and colder and colder.

The Theropods could see great

mounds of ice—glaciers—creeping
down from the mountains.

“We must move from here,” said the

Theropods. “We must escape to
someplace warmer.”

And with little thought or planning,

they began moving away from
the ice.
The Tinosaur • Level L 11
It wasn’t long before it began to get
cold and colder and colder.

The Theropods could see great

mounds of ice—glaciers—creeping But the Tinosaurs were too small to
down from the mountains. escape. Their legs were too short and
they could never run far enough.
“We must move from here,” said the
Theropods. “We must escape to “What are we to do?” one Tinosaur
someplace warmer.” asked another. “If we stay here, we
will be covered with ice!”
And with little thought or planning,
they began moving away from They thought and thought. Big plans
the ice. for little creatures.
The Tinosaur • Level L 11 12
“We must find some place to stay
warm,” one finally said to another.

“A place where we can hide from

the ice,” the other said in return.

“I have an idea!” said the first one.

He quickly told them of his plan.
“Follow me!”

With that, he searched about and

found a large walnut shell. The
other Tinosaurs did the same.
The Tinosaur • Level L 13
“We must find some place to stay
warm,” one finally said to another.

“A place where we can hide from

the ice,” the other said in return.

“I have an idea!” said the first one. They ate the meat inside until there
He quickly told them of his plan. were only hollow shells left.
“Follow me!”
Then, one by one, they each climbed
With that, he searched about and inside a shell. They twisted and
found a large walnut shell. The curled themselves inside and then
other Tinosaurs did the same. pulled the top down tight.
The Tinosaur • Level L 13 14
Safe and warm in the hard shells,
they fell fast asleep. They slept as
the earth turned cold. Sadly, all the
other dinosaurs became extinct
during the ice age.

The Tinosaurs slept and slept,

waiting for the ice to melt.
And, in time, it did.
The Tinosaur • Level L 15
After the ice melted and the days
Safe and warm in the hard shells, became warm, all over the world
they fell fast asleep. They slept as Tinosaurs crawled out of their
the earth turned cold. Sadly, all the walnut shells. But to this day,
other dinosaurs became extinct some Tinosaurs remain asleep
during the ice age. in their shells.

The Tinosaurs slept and slept, If you are lucky, some day you may
waiting for the ice to melt. crack open a walnut shell and
And, in time, it did. there find a Tinosaur, fast asleep.
The Tinosaur • Level L 15 16
The Tinosaur
A Reading A–Z Level L Leveled Book
Word Count: 558

Written by Stephen Cosgrove 

Illustrated by Carolyn LaPorte

Visit www.readinga-z.com www.readinga-z.com

for thousands of books and materials.
Written by Stephen Cosgrove The Tinosaur
Level L Leveled Book
Illustrated by Carolyn LaPorte © Learning A–Z Correlation
Written by Stephen Cosgrove LEVEL L
Illustrated by Carolyn LaPorte
Fountas & Pinnell K
All rights reserved. Reading Recovery 18
www.readinga-z.com www.readinga-z.com
DRA 20

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