Finals Personal Study Guide Tax2
Finals Personal Study Guide Tax2
Finals Personal Study Guide Tax2
IN CASE OF DENIAL OF PROTEST OR the taxable quarter or quarters of the succeeding taxable
INACTION, APPEAL TO CTA year; or(d) When the excise tax due on exciseable articles
has not been paid; or(e) When the article locally
A. Scope and Jurisdiction of the CTA/ What is purchased or imported by an exempt person, such as,
Appealable to CTA but not limited to, vehicles, capital equipment,
Sec. 4 2nd Par. machineries and spare parts, has been sold, traded or
transferred to non-exempt persons.
The power to decide disputed assessments, refunds of
internal revenue taxes, fees or other charges, penalties The taxpayers shall be informed in writing of the law and
imposed in relation thereto, or other matters arising the facts on which the assessment is made; otherwise,
under this Code or other laws or portions thereof the assessment shall be void.
administered by the Bureau of Internal Revenue is Within a period to be prescribed by implementing rules
vested in the Commissioner, subject to the exclusive and regulations, the taxpayer shall be required to
appellate jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals. respond to said notice.
NIRRC Sec. 228 If the taxpayer fails to respond, the Commissioner or his
SEC. 228. Protesting of Assessment. - When the duly authorized representative shall issue an assessment
Commissioner or his duly authorized representative based on his findings.
finds that proper taxes should be assessed, he shall first Such assessment may be protested administratively by
notify the taxpayer of his findings: Provided, however, filing a request for reconsideration or reinvestigation
That a preassessment notice shall not be required in the within thirty (30) days from receipt of the assessment in
following cases: such form and manner as may be prescribed by
(a) When the finding for any deficiency tax is the result implementing rules and regulations.
of mathematical error in the computation of the tax as Within sixty (60) days from filing of the protest, all
appearing on the face of the return; or(b) When a relevant supporting documents shall have been
discrepancy has been determined between the tax submitted; otherwise, the assessment shall become final.
withheld and the amount actually remitted by the
withholding agent; or(c) When a taxpayer who opted to
claim a refund or tax credit of excess creditable If the protest is denied in whole or in part, or is not acted
withholding tax for a taxable period was determined to upon within one hundred eighty (180) days from
have carried over and automatically applied the same submission of documents, the taxpayer adversely
amount claimed against the estimated tax liabilities for affected by the decision or inaction may appeal to the
The protest filed by private respondent was not pro Sec.228 (2 last par. NIRC)
forma and was based on strong legal
considerations. It thus had the effect of suspending on
7 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
Such assessment may be protested (30) days from receipt of the assessment in such form
administratively by filing a request for and manner as may be prescribed by implementing rules
reconsideration or reinvestigation within thirty and regulations. Within sixty (60) days from filing
of the protest, all relevant supporting documents shall
have been submitted; otherwise, the assessment shall
become final.
The law clearly stipulates that after paying the tax, the
citizen must submit a claim for refund before
resorting to the courts. The idea probably is, first, to
afford the collector an opportunity to correct the action
of subordinate officers; and second, to notify the
Government that such taxes have been questioned, and
the notice should then be borne in mind in estimating
the revenue available for expenditure. Previous
objections to the tax may not take place of that
claim for refund, because there may be reason to
believe that, in paying, the tax payer has finally come to
realize the validity of assessment. Anyway, strict
compliance with the conditions imposed for the
return of revenue collected is a doctrine
consistently applied here and in the United States.
"In fine, when the tax sought to be refunded is Clearly, San Roque failed to comply with the 120-
illegally or erroneously collected, the period of day waiting period, the time expressly given by
prescription starts from the date the tax was paid; but law to the Commissioner to decide whether to
when the tax is legally collected, the prescriptive grant or deny San Roque's application for tax refund
period commences to run from the date of occurrence of or credit. It is indisputable that compliance with the
the supervening cause which gave rise to the right of 120-day waiting period is mandatory and
jurisdictional. The waiting period, originally fixed at
in the present case the supervening cause from which 60 days only, was part of the provisions of the first VAT
the right to the tax credit applied for arose was the law, Executive Order No. 273, which took effect on 1
issuance of the certificate of tax exemption by January 1988. The waiting period was extended to 120
the Board of Industries on October 5, 1965 and the days effective 1 January 1998 under RA 8424 or the Tax
Central filed its claim for tax credit with the
Reform Act of 1997.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue on the following
November 3, or well within the two-year period, it is
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Failure to comply with the 120-day waiting period the CTA does not acquire jurisdiction over the taxpayers
violates a mandatory provision of law. It violates the petition.
doctrine of exhaustion of administrative
San Roque's failure to comply with the 120-day
remedies and renders the petition premature and
mandatory period renders its petition for review with the
thus without a cause of action, with the effect that
CTA void. San Roque's void petition for review cannot be
legitimized by the CTA or this Court because Article 5 of
the Civil Code states that such void petition cannot
be legitimized except when the law itself
authorizes its validity. There is no law authorizing
the petitions validity.
In short, the law states that the taxpayer may apply with
the Commissioner for a refund or credit within two (2)
years, which means at anytime within two years. Thus,
the application for refund or credit may be filed by the
taxpayer with the Commissioner on the last day
of the two-year prescriptive period and it will still
strictly comply with the law. The two-year prescriptive
period is a grace period in favor of the taxpayer and he
can avail of the full period before his right to apply for a
tax refund or credit is barred by prescription.
Case: FNCB Finance vs. CIR, CTA Case No. 3717 May
10, 1993
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
6. Extraordinary Prescription
For the purpose of safeguarding taxpayers from any - Statutory construction was applied
unreasonable examination, investigation or assessment, - The qualifying words used were “with intent to
our tax law provides a statute of limitations in the evade tax” would apply to both fraudulent
collection of taxes. Thus, the law on prescription, and false returns since both words were not
54 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
separated by a comma. Issue: WON the right of the BIR to assess has
- They should have been written separately if the prescribed.
framers intent to qualify only one word.
Held: Yes. 3 year period shall apply. BIR failed to show
proof of fraud or intent to evade taxes.
RMO 14-2016
a) The Waiver of the Statute of Limitations under Section
222 (b) and (d) shall be executed before the
expiration of the period to assess or to collect
taxes. The date of execution shall be specifically
indicated in the waiver.
First, the parties in this case are in pari delicto or "in equal
The waivers did not state the kind of tax and the amount
of the tax due which is required in the prescribed form.
The waivers failed to state the date of the acceptance by
the Bureau of Internal Revenue. The first waiver was still
unsigned. The petitioner was not furnished copies of the
accomplished waivers.
If said letter be interpreted as a request for further PALANCA vs. CIR 4 SCRA 263
investigation or a new investigation, different and
distinct from the investigation demanded or prayed for Issue:
in Ablaza’s first letter, Exhibit "L", then the period of
prescription would continue to be suspended thereby.
But if the letter in question does not ask for another Under the law, it is not essential that the warrant of
investigation, the result would be just the opposite. distraint and levy be fully executed in order that it
may have the effect of suspending the running of the
statute of limitation upon collection of the tax. It is
In our opinion the letter in question, Exhibit "P", does enough that the proceeding be validly begun or
not ask for another investigation. Its first commenced and that its execution has not been
paragraph quoted above shows that the reinvestigation suspended by reason of the voluntary desistance
then being conducted was by virtue of its request of of the Respondent.
October 16, 1951. All that the letter asks is that the
The warrant was not actually executed or carried
taxpayer be furnished a copy of the computation. The
out with the seizure and sale of any property of the
request may be explained in this manner: As the
deceased, not because of any voluntary desistance on the
reinvestigation was allowed on October 1, 1951 and on
part of respondent, but because of the many
October 16, 1951, the taxpayer supposed or expected that
requests for postponement, reinvestigation,
at that time, March, 1954 the reinvestigation was about
revaluation, or other matters which had the effect
to be finished and he wanted a copy of the re-assessment
of delaying or postponing the execution of said warrant.
in order to be prepared to admit or contest it.
Indeed, if by acceding to the request for postponement
Nowhere does the letter imply a demand or
of a taxpayer the period of prescription would be allowed
request for a different or new and distinct
to run even if there is no voluntary desistance on the part
reinvestigation from that already requested and,
of the tax collector, we would not only countenance the
63 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
commission of an injustice but would place the collection Issue: Did the pendency of the taxpayer's appeal in the
of the tax at the mercy or caprice of the taxpayer to the Court of Tax Appeals and in the Supreme Court have the
prejudice of the Government. Such a theory certainly effect of legally preventing the Commissioner of Internal
cannot be entertained. Revenue from instituting an action in the Court of First
Instance for the collection of the tax?
REPUBLIC vs. KER AND Co. Ltd. 18 SCRA 208 Held: Yes.
From March 1, 1956 when Ker & Co., Ltd. filed a
petition for review in the Court of Tax Appeals
contesting the legality of the assessments in question,
until the termination of its appeal in the Supreme
Court, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue was
prevented from filing an ordinary action in the
Court of First Instance to collect the tax. Besides,
to do so would be to violate the judicial policy of avoiding
multiplicity of suits and the rule on lis pendens.
(a) When the finding for any deficiency tax is the result
of mathematical error in the computation of the tax as
67 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
appearing on the face of the return; or(b) When a withholding agent; or(c) When a taxpayer who opted to
discrepancy has been determined between the tax claim a refund or tax credit of excess creditable
withheld and the amount actually remitted by the withholding tax for a taxable period was determined to
have carried over and automatically applied the same
amount claimed against the estimated tax liabilities for
the taxable quarter or quarters of the succeeding taxable
year; or(d) When the excise tax due on exciseable articles
has not been paid; or(e) When the article locally
purchased or imported by an exempt person, such as,
but not limited to, vehicles, capital equipment,
machineries and spare parts, has been sold, traded or
transferred to non-exempt persons.
71 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
irrespective of whether a claim for the refund of such
taxes filed with the Collector or Internal Revenue is still
pending action of the latter.
Issue: When does the 2 year period commence?
GIBBS vs. CIR 107 Phil. 232 Held: From the date of the payment of the tax or
Issue: WON
There is the need to file a return first before a claim for
Held: refund can prosper inasmuch as the respondent
Commissioner by his own rules and regulations mandates
Authority of the deputy collector of internal revenue to
that the corporate taxpayer opting to ask for a refund
deal on refund case. — Law vest exclusively in the
must show in its final adjustment return the income it
Collector of Internal Revenue the authority to
received from all sources and the amount of withholding
compromise, or to credit or refund taxes
taxes remitted by its withholding agents to the Bureau of
erroneously or illegally received, that is, when the
Internal Revenue.
action, in a manner of speaking, is against the
Government. The purpose is to assure that no improper The rationale in computing the two-year prescriptive
compromise, credit, or refund is made to the prejudice of period with respect to the petitioner corporation's claim for
the Government.
refund from the time it filed its final adjustment
But where the action to be taken is to deny the return is the fact that it was only then that ACCRAIN could
request for refund and demand the payment of ascertain whether it made profits or incurred losses in its
the deficiency tax from the taxpayer, the same is well business operations.
within the authority of the Deputy Collector and
is final and binding unless revoked by the Collector.
CIR vs. TMX SALE Inc. GR No. 83736
F. Period to Prosecute Violations of any Provisions SEC. 281. Prescription for Violations of any Provision of
of NRIC this Code.
this case because the nullity of RMC No. 7-85 was Sec. 129, Local Government Code of 1991 (“LGC”)
declared by respondent courts and not by the Section 129. Power to Create Sources of Revenue. -
Each local government unit shall exercise its power to create
Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Lastly, it must be
its own sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees, and charges
noted that, as repeatedly held by this Court, a claim for subject to the provisions herein, consistent with the basic
refund is in the nature of a claim for exemption and policy of local autonomy. Such taxes, fees, and charges shall
should be construed in strictissimi juris against the accrue exclusively to the local government units.
taxpayer. Case: Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority,
vs. Hon. Ferdinand J. Marcos G.R. No. 120082 September
11, 1996
Is MCIAA exempt from realty taxation?
ABS-CBN vs. CTA 108 SCRA 142
No, MCIAA is not exempt from realty tax by the City of
Issue: Cebu. First, its tax exemption under its charter has
already been withdrawn. Second, while it is true that
LGUs cannot levy tax on property of the Republic of the
Philippines or the National Government (outside Metro
Manila), the beneficial use of property should not be
given to a taxable person. Here, MCIAA is already the
owner of the parcels of land in question. Hence, even the
I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES exemption under the LGC cannot apply.
A. Local Autonomy
Taxation Maybe Exercised by the Local Legislative
What is the basis of the Government to impose taxes?
Bodies. — The power to tax is primarily vested in the
Section 5, Article X of the Constitution. Congress; however, in our jurisdictions, it may be
Section 5. Each local government unit shall have the power exercised by local legislative bodies, no longer merely
to create its own sources of revenues and to levy taxes, fees by virtue of a valid delegation as before, but pursuant to
and charges subject to such guidelines and limitations as the
direct authority conferred by Section 5, Article X of
Congress may provide, consistent with the basic policy of
77 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
the Constitution. Under the latter the exercise of the power Manila International Airport Authority, vs. Court Of
may be subject to such guidelines and limitations as the Appeals, City Of Parañaque, G.R. No. 155650 July
Congress may provide which, however, must be consistent 20, 2006 (SC En Banc)
with the basic policy of local autonomy. The LGC, enacted
pursuant to Section 3, Article X of the Constitution, provides
for the exercise by local government units of their power to
tax, the scope thereof or its limitations, and the exemptions
from taxation. Section 133 of the LGC prescribes the
common limitations on the taxing powers of local
government units.
We rule that MIAA's Airport Lands and Buildings are exempt Ma’am’s Note: This reversed the 1999 decision. 2006 ruling
from real estate tax imposed by local governments. should be followed.
First, MIAA is not a government-owned or controlled MCIAA is vested with corporate powers but is a non-stock
corporation (not exempt from real estate tax) but an corporation which is a necessary condition for a government
instrumentality of the National Government and thus exempt agency or instrumentality to be considered as a GOCC. Unlike
from local taxation. Second, the real properties of MIAA are GOCC’s the government has no reason to tax national
owned by the Republic of the Philippines and thus... exempt instrumentalities that render essential public services.
from real estate tax.
Under Section 2(10) and (13) of the Introductory
There must be express language in the law Provisions of the Administrative Code, MIAA is a
empowering local governments to tax national government instrumentality and not a government-
government instrumentalities (render essential public owned or controlled corporation. Under Section 133(o) of
services). Any doubt whether such power exists is resolved the Local Government Code, MIAA as a government
against local... governments. instrumentality is not a taxable person because it is not
subject to "[t]axes, fees or charges of any kind" by local
The rule is that a tax is never presumed and there governments. The only exception is when MIAA leases
must be clear language in the law imposing the tax. its real property to a "taxable person" as provided in
Another rule is that a tax exemption is strictly construed Section 234(a) of the Local Government Code, in which case
against the taxpayer claiming the exemption. However, when the specific real property leased becomes subject to
Congress grants an exemption to a national government real estate tax. Thus, only portions of the Airport
instrumentality from local taxation, such exemption is Lands and Buildings leased to taxable persons like
construed liberally in favor of the national... government private parties are subject to real estate tax by the City
instrumentality. of Parañaque.
Sec. 133 LGC unless otherwise stated in the Code the LGU As properties of public dominion owned by the Republic,
cannot tax a national government instrumentalities. there is no doubt whatsoever that the Airport Lands and
Buildings are expressly exempt from real estate tax under
Section 234(a) of the Local Government Code.
79 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
The Local Government Code specifically provides for the
withdrawal of such exemptions, privileges," and that "upon
Case: Manila Electric Co. v. Prov. of Laguna, G.R. No. the effectivity of the Local Government Code all
131359, May 5, 1999 exemptions except only as provided therein can no longer
be invoked by MERALCO to disclaim liability for the
Issue: WON the imposition of the franchise tax violates the
local tax."
non-impairment clause of the Constitution.
IS DOUBLE TAXATION PROHIBITED IN THE PHILIPPINES? Issues: Can the LGU impose taxes on certain transactions
No. There is no constitutional prohibition against double taxation. It is
not favored but permissible. (Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. v. City of Butuan, which the National government already has imposed a tax on
1968). ?
KINDS OF DOUBLE TAXATION Held: NIRC levies a tax on all quarry resources, regardless of
(1) Direct Duplicate Taxation / Obnoxious – double taxation in the origin, whether extracted from public or private land. Thus, a
objectionable or prohibited sense. This constitutes a violation of province may not ordinarily impose taxes on stones,
substantive due process.
sand, gravel, earth and other quarry resources, as the same
Elements: are already taxed under the NIRC.
a. the same property or subject matter is taxed twice when it should be
taxed only once. The province can, however, impose a tax on stones, sand,
b. both taxes are levied for the same purpose gravel, earth and other quarry resources extracted from
c. imposed by the same taxing authority
d. within the same jurisdiction public land because it is expressly empowered to do so
e. during the same taxing period under the Local Government Code. As to stones, sand,
f. covering the same kind or character of tax. (Villanueva vs. City of
gravel, earth and other quarry resources extracted from
private land, however, it may not do so, because of the
Case: Phil. Petroleum Corp. v. Mun. of Pililla, G.R. No. We therefore hold that the questioned ordinance imposed
90776 June 3, 1991 tax based on sales and therefore beyond the authority
of the municipality to enact.
Issue: WON they are still liable to pay business tax and
permit when petroleum products are already taxed by the
Held: Yes. Taxes on manufactured articles are distinct from
taxes on business. Mayor cannot waive the payment on
license "since the power to tax includes the power to exempt
thereof which is essentially a legislative prerogative, it follows A. Province
that a municipal mayor who is an executive officer may not Secs. 135-141, LGC
85 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
transferring ownership or title to any real property within
Ma’am’s Note: thirty (30) days from the date of notarization.
C. City
Sec. 151, LGC
Section 151. Scope of Taxing Powers. - Except as otherwise
provided in this Code, the city, may levy the taxes, fees, and charges
which the province or municipality may impose: Provided, however
, That the taxes, fees and charges levied and collected by highly
urbanized and independent component cities shall accrue to them
and distributed in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
The rates of taxes that the city may levy may exceed the maximum
rates allowed for the province or municipality by not more than
A. Public hearing
3. Sales by route trucks or vans Sec. 186, last proviso, LGC Sec. 187, LGC Art. 275,
Art. 243(d), IRR IRR
VEHICLES — Section 186. Power To Levy Other Taxes, Fees or Charges.
(1) For route sales made in a locality where a manufacturer, - Local government units may exercise the power to levy taxes
producer, wholesaler, retailer or dealer has a branch or sales office
or warehouse, the sale are recorded in the branch, sales office or
, fees or charges on any base or subject not otherwise
warehouse and the tax due thereon is paid to the LGU where such specifically enumerated herein or taxed under the provisions
branch, sales office or warehouse is located. of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, or other
(2) For route sales made in a locality where a manufacturer, applicable laws: Provided, That the taxes, fees, or charges
producer, wholesaler, retailer or dealer has no branch, sales office shall not be unjust, excessive, oppressive, confiscatory or
or warehouse the sales are recorded in the branch, sales office or
contrary to declared national policy: Provided, further,
warehouse from where the route trucks withdraw their products for
sale, and the tax due on such sales is paid to the LGU where such That the ordinance levying such taxes, fees or charges
branch, sales office or warehouse is located. shall not be enacted without any prior public hearing
100 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
conducted for the purpose. who shall render a decision within sixty (60) days from the
date of receipt of the appeal provided furthermore that such
*Section 187. Procedure for Approval and Effectivity of appeal shall not have the effect of suspending the effectivity
Tax, Ordinances and Revenue Measures; Mandatory Public of the ordinance and the accrual and payment of the tax, fee,
Hearings. - The procedure for approval of local tax or charge levied therein and provided finally that within
ordinances and revenue measures shall be in accordance with thirty (30) days after receipt of the decision or the lapse of the
the provisions of this Code: Provided, That public hearings sixtyday period without the Secretary of Justice acting upon
shall be conducted for the purpose prior to the enactment the appeal, the aggrieved party may file appropriate
proceedings with a court of competent jurisdiction.
thereof: Provided, further, That any question on the
constitutionality or legality of tax ordinances or revenue All tax ordinances or revenue measures shall be numbered
consecutively throughout the calendar year and continuously
measures may be raised on appeal within thirty (30)
from year to year, using the last two (2) digits of the calendar
days from the effectivity thereof to the Secretary of year in which it is enacted, followed by denominated number.
Justice who shall render a decision within sixty (60) days For example, an ordinance is passed in January, 1992, and it
from the date of receipt of the appeal: Provided, however, is the first ordinance for that year. The ordinance shall be
That such appeal shall not have the effect of denominated and numbered as Tax Ordinance No. 92-001.
suspending the effectivity of the ordinance and the The next shall be Tax Ordinance No. 92-002, Tax Ordinance
accrual and payment of the tax, fee, or charge levied No. 92-003, and so forth.
therein: Provided, finally, That within thirty (30) days
after receipt of the decision or the lapse of the sixty- Case: Figueras v. CA, G.R. No. 119172, March 25, 1999
day period without the Secretary of Justice acting upon the
Both parties failed to show evidence that a public hearing was
appeal, the aggrieved party may file appropriate proceedings
conducted or not conducted. In accordance with the
with a court of competent jurisdiction.*
presumption of validity in favor of an ordinance, their
constitutionality or legality should be upheld in the
ARTICLE 275. Procedure for Approval and Effectivity of absence of evidence showing that the procedure prescribed by
Tax Ordinances and Revenue Measures. — law was not observed in their enactment.
The procedure for approval of local tax ordinances and
revenue measures shall be in accordance with the provisions
of this Rule provided that public hearings shall be
conducted for the purpose prior to the enactment thereof Tuzon v. CA, 212 SCRA 739, 745 (1992)
provided further that any question on the
constitutionality or legality of tax ordinances or
revenue measures may be raised on appeal within thirty (30)
days from the effectivity thereof to the Secretary of Justice
101 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
Enactment Of Tax Ordinance Where Tax Base Or on the other hand, it is to be considered a tax ordinance, then
Subject Not Similar Or Comparable To Any Of Those it must be shown in view of the challenge raised by the private
Enumerated In Local Tax Code; Requirements. — If, respondents to have been enacted in accordance with the
requirements of the Local Tax Code. These would include the
holding of a public hearing on the measure and its
subsequent approval by the Secretary of Finance, in addition
to the usual requisites for publication of ordinances in
B. Publication
Sec. 188, LGC Art. 276, IRR
► Progressive/proportionate in character
EXEMPTIONS FROM REAL PROPERTY TAX (Sec. (d) All real property owned by duly registered
234, LGC) cooperatives as provided for under R.A. No. 6938; and
(a) Real property owned by the Republic of the (e) Machinery and equipment used for pollution
Philippines or any of its political subdivisions except control and environmental protection.
when the beneficial use thereof has been granted, for
consideration or otherwise, to a taxable person; Except as provided herein, any exemption from payment of
real property tax previously granted to, or presently enjoyed
Exception: Where the beneficial use thereof has been by, all persons, whether natural or juridical, including all
granted for consideration to a taxable person government-owned or controlled corporations are hereby
withdrawn upon the effectivity of this Code.
Case: Light Rail Transit Authority v. CBAA, 342 SCRA 692 (
Even granting that the national government indeed owns the LEVIES
carriageways and terminal stations, the exemption would not
apply because their beneficial use has been granted to A. Date of Accrual – January 1st of every year and such
petitioner, a taxable entity. will constitute as a lien superior to any other lien, mortgage
or encumbrance (LGC Sec 246)
(b) Charitable institutions, churches, parsonages
or convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, non- B. Time and Manner of Payment
profit or religious cemeteries and all lands,
buildings, and improvements actually, directly, and
2. Other special levies – governed by ordinance b. Notification of Transfer of Real Property Ownership.
- Any person who shall transfer real property
C. Discount for advance payment – not exceeding 20% ownership to another shall notify the provincial, city or
municipal assessor concerned within sixty (60) days
from the date of such transfer. The notification shall
include the mode of transfer, the description of the
property alienated, the name and address of the
APPRAISAL transferee.
Real property - whether taxable or exempt, shall be 2. Involuntary - Declaration of Real Property by the
appraised at the current and fair market value prevailing in Assessor
the locality where the property is situated
When any person, natural or juridical, by whom real property
Machinery is required to be declared under Section 202 hereof, refuses
or fails for any reason to make such declaration within the
(a) The fair market value of a brand-new machinery shall be time prescribed, the provincial, city or municipal
the acquisition cost. In all other cases, the fair market value assessor shall himself declare the property in the
shall be determined by dividing the remaining economic life name of the defaulting owner
of the machinery by its estimated economic life and
multiplied by the replacement or reproduction cost. Authority of Assessor to Take Evidence. - For the
purpose of obtaining information on which to base the
(b) If the machinery is imported, the acquisition cost includes market value of any real property, the assessor of the province
freight, insurance, bank and other charges, brokerage, , city or municipality or his deputy may summon the owners
arrastre and handling, duties and taxes, plus charges at the of the properties to be affected or persons having legal
present site. The cost in foreign currency of imported interest therein and witnesses, administer oaths, and take
machinery shall be converted to peso cost on the basis of deposition concerning the property, its ownership, amount,
foreign currency exchange rates as fixed by the Central Bank. nature, and value.
1.Voluntary Assessment
2. Levy
3. General revision - every 3 years
I. Administrative
4. Reassessment
A. Protest by:
Rule: All assessments or reassessments made after the first (
1st) day of January of any year shall take effect on the first ( 1. Any owner or person having legal interest in the property
1st) day of January of the succeeding year: who is not satisfied with the action of the provincial, city or
municipal assessor in the assessment of his property (Sec 226
Exception: Reassessment shall take effect at the beginning LGC)
of the quarter next following the reassessment if made due to
: partial or total destruction, or to a major change in its 2. Any owner of real property affected by a special levy or any
person having a legal interest therein (Sec 244 LGC)
actual use, or to any great and sudden inflation or deflation of
real property values, or to the gross illegality of the
assessment when made or to any other abnormal cause. Sec 252 of the LGC requires that the taxpayer first pays the
tax - Payment under protest
112 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
Protest may only be filed within 30 days from payment of the or adjustment. The provincial or city treasurer shall decide
tax with the Local Treasurer (LT). the claim for tax refund or credit within sixty (60) days from
receipt thereof. In case the claim for tax refund or credit is
The protest contemplated under Sec. 252 of R.A. 7160 is denied, the taxpayer may avail of the remedies as provided in
needed where there is a question as to the
Chapter 3, Title II, Book II of this Code.
reasonableness of the amount assessed, not where the
question raised is the very authority and power of the C. Redemption of Real Property
assessor, acting solely and independently, to impose the
assessment and of the treasurer to collect the tax. II. JUDICIAL
*Remedies 1 and 2 are not exclusive; may be pursued - within 60 days from receipt of the notice of assessment
concurrently or simultaneously the LGU concerned
- payment under protest is not necessary
3. Right of Redemption (real property) As to national taxes, NIRC explicitly prohibits courts from
enjoining collection of taxes, with the sole exception of the
- 1 year from date of sale or from the date of forfeiture CTA
- owner shall not be deprived of rentals or other income until
the expiration of the period for redemption
• Assessments
A. Court action
-5 years from the date they became due
1. Taxpayer questions the constitutionality or legality of the
ordinance -10 years from discovery of the fraud or intent to evade
payment of taxes – when there is fraud or intent to evade
- within 30 days after receipt of the decision or lapse of 60 payment
days in case of SOJ’s inaction
• Collection
2. Taxpayer files a protest
- within 5 years from date of assessment by administrative
- within 30 days from receipt when the protest of
or judicial action
assessment is denied or lapse of 60 days in case of local
treasurers inaction Grounds for the suspension of the running of
prescriptive period
115 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
1. Treasurer is legally prevented from the assessment or six (6) and four (4) years, respectively, from the date of
collection of taxes registration;
2. Taxpayer requests for a reinvestigation and executes a (e) Business entity, association, or cooperatives registered
waiver in writing before the expiration of the period to under RA 6810; and
assess or collect
(f) Printer and/or publisher of books or other reading
3. Taxpayer is out of the country or cannot be located materials prescribed by DECS as school texts or references,
insofar as receipts from the printing and/or publishing
Unless otherwise repealed by law, business and economic
• Local government units may, through ordinances duly enterprises operating within export processing zones
approved, grant tax exemptions, incentives or reliefs under administered by the Export Processing Zone Authority shall
such terms and conditions as they may deem necessary. continue to enjoy the tax exemption privileges and tax
incentives granted in PD 66, as amended.
•Withdrawal of Tax Exemption Privileges or
Incentives. — Unless otherwise provided in this Rule,
beginning January 1, 1992, all local tax exemption privileges
or incentives granted to and presently enjoyed by any person,
whether natural or juridical, including GOCCs, are considered
withdrawn, except the following: