Nova University of Newcastle Research Online
Nova University of Newcastle Research Online
Nova University of Newcastle Research Online
Salimi Eshkevari, S. N.; Abbo, A. J. "Punching shear coefficients for the design of working
platforms” Published in Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, p.
317-322 (2015).
ABSTRACT: Working platforms provide a safe working environment for the operation of tracked plant on
sites with soft clay subgrades. The ultimate bearing capacity of such platforms is determined considering a
layered soil model and assumes that collapse is governed by a punching shear mode of failure. The contribu-
tion of the platform to the bearing capacity is computed using a coefficient of punching shear which reflects
the mobilised shearing resistance within the granular fill from which the platform is constructed. This paper
investigates the punching shear coefficients using in computing the bearing capacity of layered soils. Finite
Element Limit Analysis is used to obtain upper and lower bounds on the ultimate bearing capacity of layered
soil system. Punching shear coefficients are obtained by back-calculating the ultimate bearing capacity of lay-
ered soils following the punching shear model by Meyerhof. The presented coefficients predict the actual ul-
timate bearing capacity of working platforms for a wide range of design conditions with 5 percent error or
1 INTRODUCTION layer spreads the load and failure in the clay is that
Crawler cranes and other tracked plant are more fre- associated with a wider footing.
quently being utilized in heavy engineering con- The contribution of the sand layer to the bearing
struction and in the development of infrastructure. capacity of the footing is obtained through the re-
Sites with poor subgrades are often incapable of sistance of sand to shearing. Assuming vertical shear
supporting the loads associated with such equipment planes, Meyerhof (1974) incorporated shear re-
and temporary working platforms are required to sistance considering passive earth pressure acting on
provide a safe working environment. The size and the failure planes and the average mobilised angle of
capacity of construction equipment has also grown shearing resistance (δ) along the planes. The mobi-
with advances in technology further emphasizing the lised angle of shearing resistance is a function of rel-
need for reliable working platforms to not only pro- ative strength of the two layers and the peak internal
tect expensive equipment but to mitigate risk associ- friction angle of granular materials (Hanna & Mey-
ated often with critical construction activities. erhof 1980). However, this dependency has been ig-
A good practice guide to the design, construction nored by BR-470 as it adopts a mobilised friction
and maintenance of ground-supported working plat- angle of δ=2/3ϕ following Meyerhof (1974).
form BR-470 has been published by Building Re- This paper presents the results of a parametric
search Establishment (2004) to improve safety on study investigating the punching shear coefficient.
building sites. Although the guide has been success- The parametric study was performed using Finite
ful in providing a reliable and safe method for plat- Element Limit Analysis and considered a range of
form design, some users have reported unnecessarily parameters encountered in the design of working
large platform thicknesses (Corke & Gannon 2010). platforms. The presented coefficients can be used to
In BR-470, the ultimate capacity of the platform predict the actual ultimate bearing capacity of work-
is based upon the punching shear mechanism pro- ing platforms with 5 percent error or less.
posed by Meyerhof (1974) for the bearing capacity
of a sand layer overlying a weak clay subgrade. This
failure mechanism assumes the footing punches ver- 2 BACKGROUND
tically down through the sand to impose a bearing
capacity failure within the clay for a footing of the
2.1 Punching shear failure in layered soils
same width. This is in contrast to the load spread
model of (Terzaghi & Peck 1948) in which the sand Meyerhof (1974) proposed a method to estimate
the ultimate bearing capacity of footings resting on a tion angle of soil (δ) on assumed failure plains. Thus
thin layer of dense sand overlying soft or very soft the relative strength of the two layers qc/qs, average
clay. From the results of experimental tests on lay- confining stress in the sand layer and the peak fric-
ered soils, Meyerhof observed that where the thick- tion angle of the top layer which influence δ can sig-
ness of dense sand is comparable to the width of nificantly affect Ks. Other parameters such as un-
footing, sand mass with an approximately pyramidal drained shear strength of the cohesive layer (cu), the
shape is punched into the soft clay as it is shown in footing width (B), and the unit weight of sand (γ)
Figure1. In the case of general shear failure, the fric- which contribute to the term qc/qs together with the
tion angle of the sand (φ) and the undrained cohe- thickness of the top layer, (H) that controls the aver-
sion of the clay (cu) are mobilised. Meyerhof ap- age confining stress in the sand layer, are important
proximated the actual curved failure plains in the factors that affect Ks.
upper sand layer with a vertical plane through the B
footing edge. It was shown by Meyerhof that the to-
tal passive earth pressure (Pp) inclined at an average Qu
angle δ acting upwards on the vertical shear planes,
well approximate the forces on the actual failure sur-
face in the sand. Under this model, bearing capacity H
δ δ
of the clay is that of a footing of equal width and as Sand
Pp Pp
such, the ultimate bearing capacity of a strip footing
resting on the surface is given as Qc
γ H2
qu cu N c + K
tan δ (1)
B Figure 1. Failure mechanism of strong sand layer underlain by
soft clay after Meyerhof (1974).
where Nc is the bearing capacity factor equal to 5.14;
γ the unit weight of the sand; H the thickness of the
sand layer; B the footing width; Kp the coefficient of 2.2 BR-470 Bearing Capacity
passive earth pressure and δ is the average mobilised The punching shear model of Meyerhof (1974) is
friction angle on the assumed vertical failure plains. used as the basis for design in BR-470 with the ulti-
As a matter of convenience, Meyerhof replaced the mate bearing capacity calculated according to the
term (Kp tanδ) by an equivalent term of (Ks tanϕ) in equation 1. Design values for the term Kp tan δ are
which Ks is known as the Coefficient of Punching specified for given friction angles of platform mate-
Shear. rial for which the average mobilised friction angle
K tan δ = K s tan ϕ (δ) has been assumed to equal 2φ/3 as recommended
p (2)
by Meyerhof. The average value of δ was shown to
Hence, the bearing capacity of the layered system is be between φ/2 to 3φ/4 (Meyerhof 1974). Table 1
given by lists design values of Kp tan δ specified in BR-470
(refer Table A2 and Figure A4).
γ H2 While BR-470 adopted the punching shear model
qu cu N c + K s tan ϕ (3) for bearing capacity, it did not adopt Meyerhof’s co-
B efficient of punching shear in computing the bearing
Hanna & Meyerhof (1980) calculated values of capacity equation, presumably to simplify the design
Ks using limit equilibrium technique for a range of calculations. Table 1 lists equivalent values of the
parameters and provided design charts of Ks as func- coefficient of punching shear (Ks) computed using
tions of δ/φ, cu and φ . The ratio of mobilised friction equation (2).
angle (δ/φ) were in turn modelled as a function of
the ratio of the bearing capacity of the sand and clay Table 1. BR-470 punching shear coefficients
layers (qc/qs); where qc is the ultimate bearing capaci- ϕ Kp tan δ Ks
ty of the footing over uniform clay and qs is the ulti- 35 3.1 4.4
mate bearing capacity of the same footing on a deep 40 5.5 6.6
sand layer. The bearing capacity of a strip footing on 42.5 7.4 8.1
45 10.0 10.0
a sand layer over soft clay, calculated by Equation 1 47.5 14.0 12.8
shows fairly good agreement with the results of 50 20.0 16.8
model tests (Meyerhof 1974). However Equation 1
tends to underestimate the bearing capacity for large
The application of BR-470 design approach is
friction angles.
limited to subgrades with undrained shear strength
The coefficient of punching shear defined by
greater than 20 kPa. The guideline recommends us-
Meyerhof is highly dependent on the mobilised fric-
ing more complex methods for the design of work- ered as providing an accurate estimate of the true
ing platforms over very soft subgrades. bearing capacity with an error of less than 5%.
BR-470, φ= 47.5˚
qu (kPa)
10 BR-470, φ= 45˚
Lower Bound
300 Upper Bound φ=45°
FELA average φ=47.5°
BR-470 φ=50°
100 5
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
cu (kPa) cu (kPa)
Figure 3. Coefficients of punching shear for B= 0.6 m, H= 0.8
b) φ = 50˚ 20
Coefficient of Punching Shear (Ks) B = 0.6m
BR-470 B = 1.8m
qu (kPa)
Lower Bound 10
300 FELA Average 20kPa
Upper Bound
100 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 H (m)
cu (kPa) Figure 4. Coefficients of Punching Shear Ks for φ= 50˚.
Figure 2. Ultimate bearing capacity of platform for a) φ= 47.5˚
b) φ= 50˚ (H= 0.8 m, B= 0.6 m) 30
φ= 55˚
Coefficient of Punching Shear (Ks)
Figure 6. (a) Power dissipation intensity and (b) velocity plot for φ= 50˚, cu/γH= 2.0 (B= 0.6 m, H= 0.8 m, cu= 30 kPa).
Figure 7. (a) Power dissipation intensity and (b) velocity plot φ= 45˚, cu/γH= 7.14 (B= 0.6 m, H= 0.4 m,
cu= 50 kPa).
Figure 5, shows for friction angles of 50˚, 47.5˚ not true for the sand in the top layer. The influence
and 55˚ that the coefficients of punching shear in- of using frictional soils in Limit Analysis on the lim-
crease with increasing cu/γH. In these cases, collapse it loads has been discussed initially by (Davis
of the footing resembles the punching shear mecha- 1968). It was concluded by Davis (1968) that such
nism of Meyerhof (1974) with the block of soil di- influence is not major unless the problem is strongly
rectly beneath the footing moving vertically down- constrained in a kinematic sense. However most ge-
wards. Figure 6 shows the power dissipation otechnical collapse loads are not strongly con-
intensity and the velocities for a footing with φ= 50˚ strained as they involve freely deforming ground
and cu/γH= 2.0 which clearly shows the punching surface and a semi-infinite domain Sloan (2013).
failure mechanism with shear planes extending close This condition also applies to the existing problem.
to vertical below the edges of the footing. For φ= Davis (1968) has concluded that in such cases the
45˚, Figure 5 shows that coefficients of punching Limit bounds can be considered as an acceptable es-
shear do not increase monotonically, instead reach- timation of the true limit loads (Sloan 2013).
ing a maximum value at cu/γH= 5. In this case, the
footing collapse is associated with a punching shear
failure mechanism that involves shear planes that 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
angle back under the footing. This is clearly shown
in Figure 7 for the footing with φ= 45˚ and cu/γH= The ultimate bearing capacity of temporary working
7.14. platforms has been investigated using Finite Element
The results presented in Figure 5 are based on the Limit Analysis. A parametric study was conducted
assumption that the materials used in the model fol- that considered a range of soil parameters and ge-
low the associative flow rule (normality rule) that is ometry typically encountered in the design of work-
ing platforms. Following the punching shear model Davis, E.H. 1968 Theories of plasticity and failure of soil
proposed by Meyerhof (1974) for the bearing ca- masses. In Lee, I.K. (ed.) Soil mechanics: Selected topics.
pacity of layered soils, the coefficient of punching New York, Elsevier
shear was back-calculated from the limit analysis re- Hanna, A.M. & Meyerhof, G.G. 1980 Design charts for
sults. ultimate bearing capacity of foundations on sand overlying
soft clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 17, 300-303.
Results show that for the range of parameters
Krabbenhoft, K., Lyamin, A.V., Hjiaj, M. & Sloan, S.W. 2005
analyzed, the coefficient of punching shear is not A new discontinuous upper bound limit analysis
dependent upon the footing width (B), at least for formulation. International Journal for Numerical Methods
practical purposes, but is instead a function of the in Engineering, 63, 1069-1088.
dimensionless parameter (cu/γH). Most previous Krabbenhøft, K., Lyamin, A.V. & Sloan, S.W. 2007
studies have not recognized this dependency. Burd Formulation and solution of some plasticity problems as
& Frydman (1997) identified that the bearing capac- conic programs. International Journal of Solids and
ity of a layered soil is a function of (cu/γH) in con- Structures, 44, 1533-1549.
sidering a load spread model for bearing capacity of Lyamin, A.V., Kjrabbenhoft, K. & Sloan, S.W. 2013 Adaptive
layered soils. limit analysis using deviatoric fields.
Finite Element Limit Analysis provided rigorous Lyamin, A.V. & Sloan, S.W. 2002 Lower bound limit analysis
bounds that bracketed the true bearing capacity of using non-linear programming. International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Engineering, 55, 573-611.
layered soils to within 5%. Consequently, back-
Meyerhof, G.G. 1974 Ultimate bearing capacity of footings on
calculated values of the coefficient of punching sand layer overlying clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal,
shear can be used to accurately predict bearing ca- 11, 223-229.
pacity with less than 5% error. The results are sum- Salgado, R., Lyamin, A.V., Sloan, S.W. & Yu, H.S. 2004 Two-
marised as a chart plotting the coefficient of punch- and three-dimensional bearing capacity of foundations in
ing shear as a function of friction angle of the sand, clay. Geotechnique, 54, 297-306.
undrained cohesion of the clay and depth of the sand Sloan, S.W. 1988 Lower bound limit analysis using finite
layer. elements and linear programming. International Journal for
The punching shear model of Meyerhof (1974) Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 12,
assumes a simple mechanism in which the footing 61-77.
punches vertically through the sand layer. Results of Sloan, S.W. 2013 Geotechnical stability analysis.
Finite Element Limit Analysis showing the upper Geotechnique, 63, 531-572.
Terzaghi, K. & Peck, R.B. 1948 Soil mechanics in engineering
bound failure mechanisms are not presented in this
practice, New York, Wiley.
paper. However, these show that the shear planes
beneath the footing drift from vertical encroaching
under the footing. Further research to investigate the
mechanisms associated with the bearing capacity of
the layered soils is being conducted.
Finally, the coefficients of punching shear adopt-
ed in the BR-470 guideline for the design of working
platforms do not adequately model the variation of
the coefficient. Results of Finite Element Limit
Analysis showed that BR-470 over-predicts ultimate
bearing capacities for sites with very soft clay sub-
grades. Also due to its simplistic nature, the coeffi-
cients provided in BR-470 may under-estimate the
ultimate bearing capacity in other design conditions
especially in lower sand friction angles and stiffer