Guide For Cast-in-Place Low-Density Cellular Concrete: ACI 523.1R-06

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ACI 523.1R-06

Guide for Cast-in-Place Low-Density

Cellular Concrete
Reported by ACI Committee 523

Edward M. “Ned” Glysson Ronald E. Barnett

Chair Secretary

Felipe Babbitt Wenyi Hu Frances A. McNeal-Page Konstantin Sobolev

Bill T. Dye Keith Itzler Ali M. Memari Jennifer E. Tanner
Fouad H. Fouad Richard E. Klingner Edgar Nunez Peter T. Yen
Dean M. Golden Leo A. Legatski Caijun Shi Ronald F. Zollo
Werner H. Gumpertz Daniel L. Liotti

This guide provides information on the materials, properties, design, Chapter 3—Physical properties, p. 523.1R-4
proper handling, and applications of cast-in-place low-density cellular 3.1—As-cast density
concretes having oven-dry densities of 50 lb/ft 3 (800 kg/m3) or less. Roof 3.2—Oven-dry density 3.3
deck systems and geotechnical applications often incorporate these low- —Compressive strength 3.4
density cellular concretes.
—Drying shrinkage 3.5—
Keywords: cellular concrete; engineered fill; foaming agent; geotechnical Thermal expansion 3.6—
fill; insulating concrete; insulating concrete roof decks; low-density cellular Walkability 3.7—
concrete; low-density controlled low-strength material (LD-CLSM); Mechanical attachment 3.8
preformed foam. —Thermal conductivity 3.9
—Fire resistance 3.10—
CONTENTS Permeability
Chapter 1—General, p. 523.1R-2
1.1—Definition of cellular concrete 3.11—Freezing-and-thawing resistance
1.2—Definition of low-density, controlled low-strength
material (LD-CLSM) Chapter 4—Proportioning and testing, p. 523.1R-6
4.2—Ingredient compatibility
Chapter 2—Materials, p. 523.1R-2
2.1—Cement 4.3—Cast density 4.4—
2.2—Water 2.3— Physical properties
Preformed foam 2.4—
Aggregates 2.5— Chapter 5—Batching, mixing, placing, finishing,
and curing, p. 523.1R-7
Admixtures 2.6— 5.1—Storage of materials
Nonstandard materials 2.7 5.2—Batching
—Fiber reinforcement 5.3—Mixing
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and 5.6—Curing
Commentaries are intended for guidance in planning,
designing, executing, and inspecting construction. This 5.7—Placement in cold-weather conditions
document is intended for the use of individuals who are 5.8—Placement in hot-weather conditions
competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its
content and recommendations and who will accept
responsibility for the application of the material it contains. Chapter 6—Design considerations for roof decks,
The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and all p. 523.1R-8
responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall not 6.1—Form systems
be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.
Reference to this document shall not be made in contract ACI 523.1R-06 supersedes ACI 523.1R-92 and became effective August 15,
documents. If items found in this document are desired by the 2006. Copyright © 2006, American Concrete Institute.
Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents, All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any
means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or
they shall be restated in mandatory language for mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduction
incorporation by the Architect/Engineer. or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in
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6.2—Roofing readiness 6.3 mixture is preformed foam, it is critical that all admixtures be
—Load-carrying capacity compatible with the preformed foam within the specific
6.4—Expansion and contraction joints
6.5—Relief of vapor pressure 6.6—
Standard roofing details

Chapter 7—Geotechnical applications,

p. 523.1R-10
7.2—Roadway bases 7.3—
Pipeline and culvert fills 7.4
—Void fills
7.5—Tank fills
7.6—Insulation and isolation fills

Chapter 8—References, p. 523.1R-12

8.1—Referenced standards and reports
8.2—Cited references

1.1—Definition of cellular concrete

Low-density cellular concrete (Fig. 1.1) is defined as


concrete made with hydraulic cement, water, and


preformed foam to form a hardened material having


an oven-dry

density of 50 lb/ft3 (800 kg/m3) or less. These mixtures


may `,

include aggregate and other material components including,


but not limited to, fly ash and chemical admixtures.

This guide provides data and techniques pertaining to the
properties and applications of cast-in-place low-density
cellular concrete. Common applications of cast-in-place
low-density cellular concrete are on roof decks and
geotechnical applications. On roof decks, the material
provides roofing base, thermal insulation, and drainage slope
for flat-roofed industrial and commercial buildings (Fig. 1.2).
In geotechnical applications, the material is applied in
thick sections of cellular concrete with low compressive
strengths (Fig. 1.3) for the replacement of poor soils, fills
for abandoned structures (pipelines), and cellular concrete
fills designed, mixed, and placed to meet specific job
conditions and functional requirements.

1.2—Definition of low-density,
controlled low-strength material (LD-
Controlled low-strength material (CLSM) is a cementitious
material that is in a flowable state at the time of placement,
and that has a specified compressive strength of 1200 psi
(8.3 MPa) or less at the age of 28 days. This material is
discussed further in ACI 229R. Low-density CLSM (LD-
CLSM) meets this definition, and has a cast density that is
controllable from 20 to 50 lb/ft3 (320 to 800 kg/m3). The
quantity of preformed foam in the mixture determines the
mixture’s final density.

The basic materials in low-density cellular concrete are
cement, water, and preformed foam. Because the main
ingredient by volume of a low-density cellular concrete
Copyright American Concrete Institute
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Fig. 1.1—Typical cell structure of cellular concrete.

Fig. 1.2—Roof deck application (click on picture to view


Fig. 1.3—Geotechnical application (click on picture to

view video).

mixture. Trial mixture tests are needed to determine

compatibility and the resulting physical properties.
Low- density cellular concrete mixtures may also
include supplementary cementitious materials.

The cement should meet the requirements of ASTM C 150
(portland cement), C 595 (blended cement), or C 1157
(hydraulic cement). Blended cements include cement
containing combinations of portland cement,
pozzolans, slag, other hydraulic cement, or some
combination of these. Blended cement may result in
lower rates of early strength

Copyright American Concrete Institute

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/26/2015 03:34:46 MST

development and should be tested for specific applications.

High-early-strength (Type III or HE) cement produces
cellular concrete with higher rates of early strength

2.2 —Water
Mixing water for concrete should be clean and free from
detrimental amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, organic
materials, or other substances deleterious to concrete or
reinforcement. Any nonpotable water should be tested for
hardness, pH, suspended solids, total salt content, and
other characteristics that might affect the preformed
foam, the setting time, and the strength of the low-density
cellular concrete.

2.3 —Preformed foam applications. Hot water, high-early-strength (Type

Preformed foam is created by diluting a liquid foam III or HE) cement, and chemical accelerators can
concentrate with water in predetermined proportions (Fig. be used singly or in combination
2.1) and passing this mixture through a foam generator. Meter
the preformed foam directly into the cement-water slurry at
the job site (Fig. 2.2). The density of the preformed foam is
between 2.5 and 4.0 lb/ft3 (40 and 65 kg/m3).
The foam concentrate should have a chemical
composition capable of producing and maintaining stable
air cells within the concrete mixture. The air cells should be
able to resist the physical and chemical forces imposed
during mixing, pumping, placing, and setting of the cellular
concrete. If the cellular (air-cell) structure is not stable, it
may break down under these forces, resulting in an
increased concrete density. Most common proprietary
formulations of foam concentrates contain protein
hydrozylates or synthetic surfactants. ASTM C 796
provides a standard method for laboratory measurement of
the performance of a foaming chemical to be used in
producing foam (air cells) for making cellular concrete.
ASTM C 869 is a standard specification that covers
foaming agents specifically formulated for making
preformed foam for use in the production of cellular
concrete. This specification provides the means for evaluating
the performance of a specific foaming agent. Further
information concerning these formulations and the procedures
for using them is available from foam manufacturers.

2.4 —Aggregates
Low-density cellular concrete may include lightweight
aggregates such as vermiculite or perlite meeting the require-
ments of ASTM C 332 Group 1 to lower the slump to
achieve steeper roof slopes, and to maintain moisture in dry
climates. Wilson (1981) provides additional information on
the use of lightweight aggregates used in cellular concrete.
Any proposed aggregates should be tested for physical
properties, pumpability, and compatibility in trial mixtures.

2.5.1 Chemical admixtures—Chemical admixtures, such
as water-reducing admixtures and set accelerators, are used
with cellular concretes. Water-reducing admixtures can
improve compressive strength for special mixtures or
Fig. 2.1—Diluting foam concentrate in water (click on pic- ture to
view video).

Fig. 2.2—Metering preformed foam into cement-water slurry (click on

picture to view video).

to accelerate setting. Accelerators containing chloride ions should

not be used in cellular concrete placed in contact with steel.
Chemical admixtures should conform to ASTM C 494 and be used
at dosages recommended by the manufacturer or determined by
trial mixtures.
Not all chemical admixtures are compatible for use in foamed
cellular concrete. Individual manufacturers of foam concentrate
should be contacted for information about the compatibility of
specific admixtures with their foam concentrates, and trial batches
should be used to determine the resulting mixture characteristics.
2.5.2 Supplementary cementitious materials—In the production
of cellular concrete, supplementary cementitious materials such as
fly ash, silica fume, high reactivity metakaolin, or ground-
granulated blast-furnace slag (slag cement) are included to reduce
bleeding and segregation and to increase strength. Trial batches
should be used to confirm the compatibility of the selected foam
concentrate with other admixtures, and to help determine the
proper admixture dosages and resulting physical properties.
Various mineral admixtures may differ considerably in composition,
fineness, and other properties. The user should review major fly ash
properties—loss on ignition (LOI), cementing activity, and

Fig. 2.3—Typical fiber types.

Fig. 3.1—Measuring as-cast density (click on picture to
view video).

impact resistance, fatigue limit, energy absorption, and

spalling resistance can be enhanced through the use of
fibers that are known to be sufficiently durable under the
expected service conditions. Zollo and Hays (1998) address
the material and engineering properties of fiber-reinforced
Fig. 2.4—Fibers in cellular concrete. cellular concrete. Fibers can also help control plastic
shrinkage cracking (Fig. 2.4).
water demand of the fly ash—before including fly ash in a
low-density cellular concrete mixture. The first of these CHAPTER 3—PHYSICAL PROPERTIES
properties (LOI) is addressed in ASTM C 618. A fly ash 3.1—As-cast density
with a high LOI (carbon content) may adversely affect the The as-cast density at the point of placement should be
preformed foam by causing an increase in density and loss determined by calculating the density of samples using a
of yield. If cementing activity is low, the concrete may set too container of known volume and empty weight, as
slowly, resulting in a lower strength and a higher density. prescribed in applicable sections of ASTM C 796 (Fig.
High water demand may require that the water-cementitious 3.1). Monitoring the as-cast density of the cellular concrete
material ratio (w/cm) be adjusted to achieve the desired is an important job-site quality-assurance tool for
strength. controlling the uniformity and density of the mixture at the
point of placement. Procedures for sampling and testing
2.6 —Nonstandard materials hardened insulating cellular concrete are given in ASTM C
Special cements, supplementary cementitious materials, 513.
and aggregates may be included as nonstandard materials.
Some mine-fill applications may use local materials as 3.2—Oven-dry density
aggregates or fillers in low-density cellular concrete to Oven-dry density, evaluated using ASTM C 796 and C
extend the mixture when transportation of materials to 495, determines the unit weight used to define low-density
remote areas is difficult. The user should pretest cellular concrete, which by definition has a maximum
nonstandard mixtures for proper development of the desired oven-
fill properties. dry density of 50 lb/ft3 (800 kg/m3).

2.7 —Fiber reinforcement 3.3—Compressive strength

Low-density cellular concrete may include commercially The relationship between compressive strength and as-cast
available fibers, such as nylon, polypropylene, polyester, density is an important indicator of the quality of cellular
and alkali-resistant glass, as reinforcing materials (Fig. concrete (Kearsley and Wainwright 2002b). The compressive
2.3). The choice of fiber type depends on performance strength of cellular concrete should be evaluated in
require- ments. Cellular concrete’s flexural and tensile accordance with ASTM C 796 and C 495. Compressive
strength, strength specimens should not be oven-dried. When it is
necessary to determine oven-dry density, it is necessary to
make companion specimens for this test in addition to those
specimens for compressive strength testing. The user
should relate compressive strength to the oven-dry density
of cellular concrete as indicated in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 is a
guideline only, based on Type I cement, no cement
substitution, and using local materials. The user should test
specific local materials to determine these properties.
For geotechnical applications, the cast density of the
material is usually the most significant property and is more
important than bearing capacity (unconfined

Table 3.1—Possible ranges of compressive

strength and modulus of elasticity versus
oven-dry density for cellular concrete in
roof deck applications
Usual range of compressive
Oven-dry density strength at 28 days Modulus of elasticity
lb/ft3 kg/m3 psi MPa 103 psi GPa
20 to 25 320 to 400 70 to 125 0.48 to 0.86 30 to 52 0.21 to 0.36
25 to 30 400 to 480 125 to 225 0.86 to 1.55 52 to 89 0.36 to 0.61
30 to 35 480 to 560 225 to 350 1.55 to 2.41 89 to 135 0.61 to 0.93
35 to 40 560 to 640 350 to 450 2.41 to 3.10 135 to 183 0.93 to 1.26
40 to 50 640 to 800 450 to 750 3.10 to 5.17 183 to 320 1.26 to 2.21

Fig. 3.2—Drying shrinkage versus air-dry shrinkage (1 in.

Table 3.2—Physical properties for geotechnical = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/ft3 = 16.0 kg/m3).
(Engineered Fill 2001)
Maximum Minimum compressive
cast density strength Bearing capacity
lb/ft3 kg/m3 lb/in.2 MPa ton/ft2 MPa
24 385 10 0.07 0.7 0.07
30 480 40 0.28 2.9 0.28
36 575 80 0.55 5.8 0.56
42 675 120 0.83 8.6 0.82
50 800 160 1.10 11.5 1.10

Fig. 3.3—Typical base-sheet nail.

strength). As a result, these densities and compressive 0.30 to 0.60% after 6 months at 50% relative
strengths are lower than those for roof deck applications humidity and 73 °F (23 °C), and increases with
(Table 3.2). If standard materials are used, the density of decreasing density. Some of the effects of drying
the low-density cellular concrete has properties that fall shrinkage can be mitigated by adding
within ranges specified by the manufacturer of the foam
concentrate. If nonstandard materials are used, special test
batches may be required to confirm specific properties. To
define the general relationship between cast density and
compressive strength for specific applications, one
manufacturer has divided the cast density into convenient

Because the need for controlled low-density fill is usually

the main reason for using low-density cellular concrete,
compressive strengths and ultimate bearing capacities
require only minimum values. For specialized low-density
cellular concrete geotechnical applications, other physical

properties may be required.

Cellular concrete with a compressive strength below 70 psi
(0.48 MPa) has proven satisfactory for special applications
such as pipe and wall insulation, tunnel and mine fills,
energy absorption or shock mitigation, and backfills in
sewer and highway construction per ACI SP-29 (ACI
Committees 213 and 523 1971).

3.4—Drying shrinkage
Drying shrinkage is not usually critical in cellular
used for roof deck insulation or geotechnical applications.
The reason for this is that when cellular concrete is used to
insulate roof decks, it is not considered to contribute structur-
ally; and when it is used in geotechnical applications, any
shrinkage cracking that it might undergo does not
significantly reduce bearing capacity. Drying shrinkage
is typically
fibers to the mixture (Section 2.7). Figure 3.2 relates drying
shrinkage at 56 days to the air-dry density of cellular concrete
(ASTM C 157).

3.5—Thermal expansion
The coefficient of thermal expansion for cellular concrete varies
directly with density, and is typically 5.0 to 7.0 × 10–6
per °F (9.0 to 12.6 × 10–6 per °C) as evaluated using a linear
thermal expansion test with strain gauges. The designer should
consider thermal expansion in applications with
significant variation in placing temperatures, operating
temperatures, or both. These conditions could occur in appli-
cations such as roof decks, power plants, ovens, and steam lines.

Walkability, a term developed to describe the ability of low-
density concrete to sustain normal construction foot traffic without
damage, is best judged by examining surface distress. Walkability
improves with increased density. When heavy construction traffic
is expected (such as from wheel- barrows, scaffolds, material
storage, or pathways), the surface of the roof deck should be
protected with wooden boards or by a similar method.

3.7—Mechanical attachment
For roof deck applications, the roofing base sheet should be
mechanically attached to the low-density cellular concrete roof
deck using specifically designed nails or screws (Fig. 3.3).
Fastening within 2 to 7 days of concrete placement is possible if
the fastener can be installed without shattering or spalling the
cellular concrete and if an installed fastener has a minimum
specified withdrawal resistance of 40 lb (180 N), which is
consistent with required wind-uplift resistance and typical nailing
patterns (such as three rows,

Table 3.3—Typical thermal conductivity values for

oven-dry cellular concrete
Oven-dry density Thermal conductivity, K
3 3
lb/ft kg/m BTU × in. (h × ft2 × °F) w/(m × K)
20 320 0.75 0.11
30 480 0.91 0.13
40 640 1.11 0.16
`` 50 800 1.36 0.20

using ASTM E 119.


Fig. 3.4—Thermal conductivity versus oven-dry density

(National Bureau of Standards 1955).

uniformly spaced over the width of each base sheet, and

using a nail spacing of 7-1/2 in. [190 mm] in each row).
Because no consensus standard exists, nailing patterns are
generally qualified by product- and pattern-specific testing,
and are published in evaluation-service reports (ANSI/SPRI
FX-1-2001 2001).

3.8 —Thermal conductivity

The thermal conductivity of cellular concrete should be
measured using the guarded hot plate (ASTM C 177) or the
heat flow meter (ASTM C 518) methods. A full-scale
assembly is measured by a hot box apparatus (ASTM
C 1363). Table 3.3 lists typical thermal conductivity values.
These values follow the curve of Fig. 3.4, originally
produced by the National Bureau of Standards (1955).

3.9 —Fire resistance

The fire resistance of cellular concrete in a building
system is determined by a fire test, during which the
cellular concrete element must support its design load,
remain within the temperature increase specified by the test
standard, and withstand the transmission of flame or hot
gasses per ASTM E 119. Information on the demonstrated
fire resistance of slabs with cellular concrete and charts for
estimating the fire resistance of various two-course roofs is
available (Abrams and Gustaferro 1969; Gustaferro et al.
Fire-resistance tests have been conducted on wall, floor,
and roof assemblies of cellular concrete cast over concrete
(precast or cast-in-place), galvanized steel, and wood
substrates. Some of these assemblies contain expanded
polystyrene insulation board sandwiched within the cellular
concrete. Recognized laboratories, such as Underwriters
Laboratories, Inc., publish construction details for the
tested assemblies, including fire ratings in hours evaluated
3.10 —Permeability
Generally, low-density cellular concrete has a low coefficient
of permeability k that is constant throughout the lower-
density ranges (Kearsley and Wainwright 2001a).
The coefficient of permeability is inversely related to the
effective confining pressure on the sample. Because
low-density cellular concrete is a rigid material rather
than a yielding soil, its permeability is measured using
a modified triaxial-type test including a confining
pressure to prevent direct passage of water (short-
circuiting) along the interface between the specimen
and the confining membrane. A constant head
should be maintained during the test. Reported values
range from 1 × 10–4 to 1 × 10–5 mm/s (4 × 10–6 to 4 ×
10–7 in./s)
(ASTM D 2434).

3.11 —Freezing-and-thawing resistance

Freezing-and-thawing resistance of low-density cellular
concrete is evaluated using Procedure B (rapid freezing
and thawing) of ASTM C 666, with a modified cycling
protocol involving a longer thawing period. This
modification is necessary because the insulating
properties of low-density cellular concrete prevent
rapid lowering and raising of the temperatures at the
interior of the specimen, and thus prevent completion
of a freezing-and-thawing cycle in the originally
prescribed maximum 4-hour time period. * Low-density
cellular concrete intended for exterior exposure should
have a relative dynamic modulus of elasticity E at least
70% of its
original value after 120 cycles when tested according to
Procedure B of the modified ASTM C 666. Because
the freezing-and-thawing resistance of low-density
cellular concrete increases with increasing density,
cellular concrete within 2 to 3 ft (0.6 to 1 m) of a
surface subjected to cycles of freezing and thawing
while exposed to water must have a
density of at least 36 lb/ft 3 (575 kg/m3). MacDonald et
al. (2004) provide an evaluation of the freezing-and-
performance and testing of cellular concrete.


Guidance for mixture proportioning is generally available
from the manufacturer of foam concentrates. The
mixture proportion specifies the range of proportions of
the various ingredients needed to attain the desired
physical properties (density and compressive strength).
The user should test mixture proportions when
nonstandard materials or special applications are
Personal correspondence from E. L. Bidwell, University of Illinois, to Elastizell
Corp. of America, and report, “Freeze Thaw Testing of Low Density,”
Elastizell Lightweight Concrete, Apr. 2, 1975.

4.2—Ingredient compatibility mixing should be avoided, as it may cause changes

Each ingredient that does not meet standard in density and consistency.
specifications for mixture compatibility should have the
cellular concrete physical properties checked in actual
mixtures according to ASTM C 796 and C 869. Cements
may have significant strength variations within standard
specification limits. Mill reports and test batches are useful
for reviewing the product differences between cement and
fly ash sources. Kearsley and Wainwright (2002a)
demonstrate how to optimize fly ash content for strength.

4.3—Cast density
Measuring the cast density at the point of placement is
the simplest and most convenient test for monitoring the
quality of the placed material. Cylinder specimens for
compressive strength tests, usually measuring 3 x 6 in. (76
x 150 mm), should be cast at the same time that periodic
density tests are performed. These samples should be
covered and stored in a protected area for at least 24 hours
before they are trans- ported to the testing laboratory for
testing in accordance with ASTM C 796.

4.4—Physical properties
For standard mixtures made from standard materials, cast
density determines the physical properties of the cellular

concrete. It is not necessary to repeat the specialized tests


of materials for each project. These specialized tests


include permeability and freezing-and-thawing resistance;


they may require up to 3 months to complete. Strength and


density determinations are often sufficient. If unique

applications or nonstandard materials are used, special tests
may be required. A special test is one related to the
performance of the material in the specialized application.
Legatski (1994) provides a detailed review of testing the
properties of cellular concrete.


5.1—Storage of materials
All materials should be stored in a manner to prevent
dete- rioration and contamination by foreign matter.

Materials for low-density cellular concrete are typically
proportioned and batched on site, directly into a specialized
mixer. The cement, fly ash, and other dry materials are
weighed on a calibrated scale, and the mixing water is
metered. The preformed foam is metered into the mixture
through a cali- brated nozzle. The accuracy of each batching
device is critical to the final mixture density and its
subsequent reproducibility. Each batching device (scales,
water meter, foam-generating nozzle) should be calibrated
before starting a project, and during a project if there is a
reason to believe it is necessary.

Mechanically mixing cellular concrete produces a
uniform distribution of materials with a suitable
consistency at the specified as-cast density. Excessive
In batch mixing, the mixer should be charged with mixture water
and dry ingredients, followed by special admixtures and the
preformed foam. The as-cast density should be monitored at the
point of placement every 30 to 60 minutes based on consistency of
results. Allowance should be made for any density changes that
result from placing methods or conditions, such as pumping
distances and extreme weather conditions. Ingredients should be
added in the proper propor- tions and sequence during continuous
mixing operations. This is necessary to ensure reasonable
uniformity and achieve the required as-cast density at the point of
Standard concrete mixing equipment is normally not acceptable
for low-density cellular concrete mixtures because the action of the
mixer does not combine the ingredi- ents with the correct speed and
mixing action. A high-speed paddle mixer is preferable because it
properly combines the ingredients and blends the preformed foam
rapidly and efficiently to produce a uniformly consistent low-
density cellular concrete mixture. Other mixers and processes that
produce uniform mixtures include high-shear mixers.

Cellular concrete should be placed by a progressive-cavity pump
or a peristaltic pump. The pump hose should be large enough in
diameter (usually 2 to 2.5 in. [51 to 64 mm]) to ensure uniform
delivery of cellular concrete at the point of placement without
damage to the structure or substrate. Low-density cellular concrete
can be pumped over long distances (over 1500 ft [460 m]). This is
a major advantage for low-density cellular concrete over other
materials and placing methods, and is important on large,
congested projects with difficult access.

For roof deck applications, cellular concrete should be finished
to the slope and thickness specified on the project drawings. A
minimum slope for proper roof drainage is 2% (equivalent to 1/4
in./ft [21 mm/m]). It is possible to place this material on steeper
slopes. The cellular concrete surface is usually finished with a
darby or screeded to the specified slope (Fig. 5.1). The surface
should be smooth and free from ridges, projections, and
depressions that might adversely affect the roofing membrane.
For geotechnical applications, lift thicknesses ranging from 2 to
4 ft (0.6 to 1.2 m) are typical. The lift thickness is job-specific and
related to the project layout and casting procedure. A greater lift
thickness is acceptable for specific job conditions. The heat of
hydration developed within the mass, the material density, the
cement content, and the ambient temperature also influence the lift
thickness. Thinner castings reduce the heat buildup from hydration
of the cement. It is desirable to cast material in a formed area
within 1 or 2 hours to permit an undisturbed setting. In general,
low-density cellular concrete should be cast to final grade with a
tolerance of 0.1 ft (0.03 m). It is not necessary to scarify
intermediate lift surfaces. A darby finish is acceptable for the final

Fig. 5.1—Typical roof deck cross sections.

5.6—Curing for concrete roof deck fills. The cellular concrete is cast over

Water curing or use of a curing compound is advisable the structural deck system of the building. Typical deck
roof deck applications when rapid drying is anticipated.
Curing compounds should be compatible with the final
roofing system. Traffic should not be permitted on freshly
placed cellular concrete roof decks until adequate
walkability (Section 3.6) is demonstrated. Check with the
manufacturer of foaming agent for specific
recommendations to ensure compatibility with subsequent
roofing membrane material.

5.7 —Placement in cold weather conditions

When ambient temperatures below 32 °F (0 °C) are
predicted within 8 hours after placement, special
precautions should be taken, including the use of Type III
(high early- strength) cement or Type I cement with heated
mixing water to increase the initial internal temperature of
the concrete and accelerate the setting time. Because of the
relatively high cement content and insulation properties of
cellular concrete, these precautions are usually adequate.
Cellular concrete should not be mixed or placed during
freezing weather, rain, or snow, or when standing water,
snow, or ice is present on the deck. The foaming agent
manufacturer should be consulted for specific cold weather
placement recommendations.

5.8 —Placement in hot weather conditions

When expecting ambient temperatures above 100 °F
(38 °C) during casting, the following special precautions
should be considered:
• Casting before dawn will avoid the heat of the day;
• Vermiculite or perlite aggregate may be used as an
additive to maintain moisture in the mixture;
• Fiber reinforcement may be incorporated in the
mixture to minimize plastic-shrinkage cracking;
• The roof deck may be moist-cured by fogging after
casting; and
• The roofing membrane may be installed as soon as the
moisture content is deemed acceptable for the roofing
application. The installation may begin as soon as 2 days
after casting.
The foaming agent manufacturer should be consulted for
specific hot weather application recommendations.


6.1—Form systems
A common application of cellular concrete is as
types include corrugated or fluted steel, structural
concrete, and wood.
6.1.1 Steel—Casting cellular concrete against
permanent, uncoated structural metal formwork is not
good concrete construction practice. Steel embedded in
cellular concrete should be protected from corrosion in
a manner consistent with its service environment (refer
to ACI 222R).
Corrugated or fluted steel deck should be galvanized,
coated, or both to meet the requirements of ASTM A
653. Steel decks are designed for gravity loads by
selecting an appropriate steel gauge and deck profile,
depending on the load and the span. The deck should
be attached to the framing by welds or mechanical
fasteners according to the deck manufacturer’s
recommendations and as required to resist the specified
loadings, as determined by the designer with due
consideration to diaphragm strength, uplift, and other
structural design requirements. The steel sheets should
be vented, with bottom slots having an open area of at
least 0.5% of the plan area (Fig. 6.1). Side-lap
embossments improve bond, which is important under
seismic loading and wind uplift.
6.1.2 Structural concrete—A structural concrete
base for cellular concrete (Fig. 6.2), whether cast-in-
place or precast, may require venting for moisture
relief that can be achieved with unsealed joints between
precast structural concrete elements or by venting
(refer to Fig. 6.3).
6.1.3 Wood—Cellular concrete is cast over
structural wood roof decks to produce the proper slope
for drainage and for thermal insulation (Fig. 6.4). A
waterproof membrane, such as an asphalt-saturated felt,
should be securely fastened to the wooden deck with
the edges sealed before the cellular concrete fill is

6.2—Roofing readiness
A roof membrane can generally be installed 2 to 5
days after a cellular concrete roof deck has been cast if
the mois- ture content is deemed to be acceptable for
roofing membrane application. The surface hardness of
the cellular concrete should be adequate to withstand
foot traffic and other light roofing operations without
damage. The screeded surface of the cellular concrete
should be smooth and free from ridges or depressions
that would adversely affect the integrity of the roofing
membrane. Ridges should be scraped flat. Roofing base
sheets are commonly attached to the roof deck by
nailing. The roofing membrane is commonly attached
to the base sheet by mopping or torch-heating. Other
roofing-attachment systems should be compatible with

Fig. 6.2—EPS insulation board placed in cellular concrete
Fig. 6.1—Casting cellular concrete over vented steel slurry over structural concrete deck.
Fig. 6.3—Typical roofing details for cellular concrete roof decks.


Fig. 7.1—Geotechnical application under a bridge structure

Fig. 6.4—Wood frame roof deck substrate from below. with mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) containment walls.

the cellular concrete and with the substrate (the structure that roof
provides the required wind uplift resistance).

6.3 —Load-carrying capacity

Specific structural design requirements for cellular
concrete depend on the type of substrate used. The most
common substrates are galvanized steel and precast or cast-
in-place concrete. Although cellular concrete is not
designed for composite action with the substrate, it provides
additional stiffness. Designers should obtain information
from substrate manufacturers regarding the ultimate
flexural capacities and in-plane stiffness and strength
characteristics of various systems.

6.4 —Expansion and contraction joints

Cellular concrete exhibits drying shrinkage when placed
in large monolithic placements such as roof decks. Because
shrinkage of cellular concrete is much greater than its thermal
expansion, expansion joints are generally not necessary.
Expansion joints are required, however, in a cellular-concrete
roof deck at expansion joints in the structural system, and at
changes in the direction or type of substrate material.

6.5 —Relief of vapor pressure

Under certain temperature conditions, moisture in
concrete or moisture intruding from external sources may
cause undesirably high vapor pressure under roofing
membranes covering a roof deck system. The vapor
pressure can be reduced by postponing the application of
the roofing membrane until the cellular concrete moisture
content is at an acceptable level. A nailed base sheet,
combined with perimeter venting at the intersection detail
between the edge flashing and the counter-flashing, also
helps reduce the vapor pressure.
The rate of drying of cellular concrete is a function of
placing conditions, density and thickness, substrate,
venting, and environmental conditions. The overall roof
deck system, building use, and climatic conditions should
be evaluated before specific recommendations regarding
venting are made. This evaluation is especially important in
re-roofing applications where dry portions of the existing
Fig. 7.2—Geotechnical application at bridge widening

membrane and insulation can be left in place and the

cellular concrete cast over it.

6.6 —Standard roofing details

For information on generally accepted roofing
details (Fig. 6.3), refer to NRCA Roofing and
Waterproofing Manual (The National Roofing
Contractors Association 2001).


In most applications, the major advantage of cellular
concrete is its low density. Other advantages include
ease of excavation (a requirement in some applications)
and more controllable strength as compared with
standard CLSM.

7.1 —Backfill
Low-density cellular concrete placed around and
next to structures such as bridge abutment and
retaining and building walls significantly reduces the
dead load over poor soils (Fig. 7.1 and 7.2).
Once low-density cellular concrete sets, it does not
exert active lateral pressure against the wall structure,
as does standard granular backfill. Because low-density

concrete is cementitious, it does not require compaction, that are to be abandoned rather than demolished
and because it has low density, settlement is minimal. (Fig. 7.5).
Bridge approach applications may often be from 10 to 40 ft
(3.0 to 12 m) or more in height. A low-density fill that does
not require compaction is often a preferred alternative to
heavy, compacted fill.
Most of the fill thickness of cellular concrete should be
cast at a density of 30 lb/ft3 (480 kg/m3). The top 2 to 3 ft
(610 to 910 mm) is usually 42 lb/ft 3 (675 kg/m3) cellular
concrete, which has excellent resistance to freezing and
thawing and provides a solid base for an approach slab or
pavement structure.

7.2 —Roadway bases

Low-density cellular concrete is often used for a
roadway base over poor soil. The use of the material
becomes even more important when raising or widening
the roadway over poor soil, and added weight and
settlement are concerns for the designer (Fig. 7.3). These
designs often involve load-balancing and buoyancy
calculations. Specific site conditions may require the
development of special drainage details.
When constructing a roadway over poor soil, a geotextile
fabric should be placed after the excavation is complete.
The low-density cellular concrete should be cast directly
onto the geotextile fabric. This fabric acts as a tension skin
and, in conjunction with the low-density cellular concrete,
can span localized settlements up to 3.2 ft (1 m).

7.3 —Pipeline and culvert fills

Low-density cellular concrete is often a supporting fill in
pipeline applications over poor soils or a containment fill
cast around these drainage structures to provide support and
stability. Compaction is not necessary as it would be with a
granular fill.
Culvert applications include concrete box culverts,
segmented or pipe sections, and metal culvert systems
including multi-plate culverts of significant size (Fig. 7.4).
Low-density cellular concrete reduces the dead weight on
the culvert. The cementitious nature of all CLSM mixtures
provides erosion control, which is an advantage over standard
granular fills that erode when subjected to moving water.
These mixtures may need to be evaluated for freezing-and-
thawing resistance.
Placing low-density cellular concrete on both sides of the
culvert simultaneously minimizes eccentric loading. In
addition to supporting the culvert from below, the low-
density cellular concrete cast around these drainage
structures provides lateral support because compaction is
not necessary.

7.4 —Void fills

Low-density cellular concrete is commonly used as a
void fill when the reduction of dead load is critical. It is
also applicable to mass structures where access may be
limited and flowability is important. Void-fill applications
include pipeline abandonment, filling around excavations,
annular space fills between slip-lined pipes, and structures
Fig. 7.3—Geotechnical roadway base at bridge approach.

Fig. 7.4—Geotechnical fill around steel culvert under existing bridge.

Fig. 7.5—Filling abandoned swimming pool with low-density


Because every void-fill application is unique, each one should be

examined for special conditions. To contain the easy-flowing low-
density cellular concrete, the entire fill area should be sealed,
including pipes, drains, and structural discontinuities such as holes
in walls or under footings. Lift heights for void fills may be greater
than normal if the low-

8.1—Referenced standards and reports
The standards and reports listed below were the latest
editions at the time this document was prepared. Since
frequent revisions occur with some of these documents, the
reader is advised to contact the appropriate sponsoring

group for reference to the latest version.

American Concrete Institute
222R Protection of Metals in Concrete Against
229R Controlled Low-Strength Materials
foundations and slabs.

Fig. 7.6—Filling abandoned underground fuel- or oil-storage

tank with cellular concrete (click on picture to view video).

Fig. 7.7—Cellular concrete as wall fill with stay-in-place


density cellular concrete can be reasonably contained by

earth, forms, or a structure.

7.5 —Tank fills

An acceptable abandonment alternative to the excavation
and removal of underground fuel- or oil-storage tanks
required by many agencies is a low-density cellular
concrete tank fill (Fig. 7.6). Federal regulations refer to
low-density cellular concrete fills as an “inert substance.”

7.6 —Insulation and isolation fills

The discrete air-cell structure within the cementitious
matrix of low-density cellular concrete provides thermal-
insulation and physical shock-mitigation properties to this
material for applications such as walls (Fig. 7.7), roofs, and
other similar structures. Giannakou and Jones (2004)
describe the use of cellular concrete to thermally insulate
ASTM International
A 653 Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated
(Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated
(Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process
C 150 Specification for Portland Cement
C 157 Test Method for Length Change of
Hardened Hydraulic-Cement Mortar and
C 177 Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux
Measurements and Thermal Transmission
Prop- erties by Means of the Guarded
Hot-Plate Apparatus
C 332 Specification for Lightweight Aggregates
for Insulating Concrete
C 494 Specification for Chemical Admixtures
for Concrete
C 495 Test Method for Compressive Strength of
Lightweight Insulating Concrete
C 513 Test Method for Securing, Preparing,
Obtaining and Testing Specimens of
Hardened Lightweight Insulating
Concrete for Compres- sive Strength
C 518 Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux
Measurements and Thermal Transmission
Properties by Means of the Heat Flow
Meter Apparatus
C 595 Specification for Blended Hydraulic
Cements C 618 Specification for Coal Fly Ash
and Raw or
Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use in
Concrete C 666 Test Method for Resistance of
Concrete to
Rapid Freezing and Thawing
C 796 Test Method for Foaming Agents for Use
in Producing Cellular Concrete Using
Preformed Foam
C 869 Specification for Foaming Agents Used in
Making Preformed Foam for Cellular
C 989 Specification for Ground Granulated
Blast- Furnace Slag for Use in Concrete
and Mortars
C 1157 Performance Specification for Hydraulic
C 1240 Specification for Silica Fume Used in Cemen-
titious Mixtures
C 1363 Test Method for Thermal Performance of
Building Materials and Envelope
Assemblies by Means of a Hot Box
D 2434 Test Method for Permeability of Granular
Soils (Constant Head)

E 119 Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Kearsley, E. P., and Wainwright, P. J., 2001a, “Porosity
Construction and Materials and Permeability of Foamed Concrete,” Cement and
Concrete Research, V. 31, No. 5, May, pp. 805-812.
The above publications may be obtained from:
Kearsley, E. P., and Wainwright, P. J., 2001b, “The
Effect of High Fly Ash Content on the Compressive
American Concrete Institute
Strength of Foamed Concrete,” Cement and Concrete
38800 Country Club Drive Research, V. 31, No. 1, Jan., pp 105-112.
Farmington Hills, MI 48331
Kearsley, E. P., and Wainwright, P. J., 2002a, “Ash
Content for Optimum Strength of Foamed Concrete,”
Cement and Concrete Research, V. 32, No. 2, Feb., pp.
ASTM International
100 Barr Harbor Drive
Kearsley, E. P., and Wainwright, P. J., 2002b, “The
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959
Effect of Porosity on the Strength of Foamed Concrete,”
Cement and Concrete Research, V. 32, No. 2, Feb., pp.
8.2—Cited references
Abrams, M. S., and Gustaferro, A. H., 1969, “Fire Legatski, L. A., 1994, “Chapter 49—Cellular Concrete,”
Endur- Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete and
ance of Two-Course Floors and Roofs,” ACI JOURNAL, Concrete-Making Materials, ASTM STP 169C, ASTM
Proceedings V. 66, No. 2, Feb., pp. 92-102. International, West Conshohocken, Pa.
ACI Committees 213 and 523, 1971, Lightweight MacDonald, W.; Pospisil, J.; and Tikalsky, P. J., 2004,
Concrete, SP-29, American Concrete Institute, Farmington “A Method for Assessment of the Freeze-Thaw Resistance
Hills, Mich., 321 pp. of Preformed Foam Cellular Concrete,” Cement and
ANSI/SPRI FX-1-2001, 2001, “Standard Field Test Concrete Research, V. 34, No. 5, May, pp. 889-893.
Procedure for Determining the Withdrawal Resistance of National Bureau of Standards, 1955, “Thermal
Roofing Fasteners.” Conductivity Versus Oven-Dry Density,” Technical News,
Engineered Fill, 2001, “Elastizell EF (Engineered Fill) V. 39, Bulletin 39, No. 3, Mar., U. S. Department of
Geotechnical Applications,” Elastizell Corp., 16 pp. Commerce.
Giannakou, A., and Jones, M. R., 2004, “Thermally Insu- National Roofing Contractors Association, 2001, The
lating Foundations and Ground Slabs Using Highly- NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, 5th Edition,
Foamed Concrete,” ASTM Special Technical Publication Rosemont, Ill.
No. 1459, pp. 100-112. Wilson, H. S., 1981, “Lightweight Aggregates—Vermic-
Gustaferro, A. H.; Abrams, M. S.; and Litvin, A., 1970, ulite, Perlite, Pumice—for Insulating Concretes,”
“Fire Resistance of Lightweight Insulating Concretes,” CANMET Report No. 81-15E, Energy Mines and Resources
Research and Development Bulletin No. RD004B, Portland Canada, Ottawa, 28 pp.
Cement Association, Skokie, Ill., 12 pp. Zollo, R. F., and Hays, C. D., 1998, “Engineering
Material Properties of a Fiber-Reinforced Cellular
Concrete,” ACI Materials Journal, V. 95, No. 5, Sept.-Oct.,
pp. 631-635.


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