Environmental Students Club: A Guideline TO Students
Environmental Students Club: A Guideline TO Students
Environmental Students Club: A Guideline TO Students
1. PREAMBLE ..............................................................................................................................................................2
2. SHORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT ....................................................................................................................2
3. OBJECTIVES OF THE CLUB .......................................................................................................................................3
4. MEMBERSHIP..........................................................................................................................................................3
5. ADVISOR .................................................................................................................................................................4
6. CLUB RESPONSIBILITIES ..........................................................................................................................................4
7. REGISTRATION ........................................................................................................................................................5
8. OFFICERS OF THE CLUB...........................................................................................................................................6
9. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDENTS CLUB ACTIVITIES .....................................................................................................6
10. CLUB MEETINGS ...................................................................................................................................................7
11. MODIFICATION OF THE GUIDELINES ....................................................................................................................7
ANNEXURE - I ..............................................................................................................................................................8
ANNEXURE - II .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 12
A club is a group of students with a designated purpose who are not
specifically regulated by a department/institution other than Student activities.
Because the management of the club is intended to be a student learning
experience, the day-to-dayactivities of the club are carried out by student
members, although clubs must contract with an advisor.
In this context, VMRF(DU) has several students’ clubs to developing skills of the
students and make them life ready as per the UGC quality mandate. The club
activities play an important role in determining and directing the passion and
interest of students, beyond their academic pursuit. The extracurricular activities
organizing by these clubs teach the students practical factors of life, making
them not only job ready but making them ready to face the uneven path of
survival in the world of cut-throat competition.
The Environmental students club is a voluntary group which open to all students
and promotes the participation of students in learning about, and improving
their environment
Membership is open to all VMRF(DU) students and alumni exclusively.
Currently enrolled students must be allowed to join any recognized club. To
recognize the Environmental students’ clubs at the constituent colleges/schools,
it must have at least 10 student members in the respected campus
The Environmental students club has the following responsibilities to its
faculty advisor:
1. Meets with the advisor on a regular basis and keeps the advisor informed of
The Environmental students club at the institution must be created by the
students. The students interested in starting Environmental students club must
complete the new student club proposal form enclosed as Annexure – I. The
filled form shall be submitted to the Office of the Director (Student’s Welfare)
through their faculty advisor and Head of the Institution.
The advisor of the club will review the constitution to ensure that the document
is complete. If there are any mistakes or missing information, he/she will return
the document to the student to make the appropriate changes. The student will
re-submit any necessary changes to the advisor.
Further the advisor of the institution will discuss the proposal with the Director
(Student’s Welfare) of the university. The proposal will be considered or denied.
If the proposal is approved by the university, the club will be allowed to initiate
the activities as per guidelines of the club. Periodical meeting will be conducted
with university, faculty advisor and officers of the club to review club policies
and procedures.
S. No Designation Responsibilities
1 President Chairperson of the club, oversee and delegate of all
activities organized by the club
2 Vice Cover presidential role in the absence of president
3 Secretary Convenor of the club meetings, communicate to
other on behalf of the club
4 Treasurer Finance related and budgeting
The term of officers shall be two years and eligible for reappointment
1. To implement the central and state government scheme related to the club
objectives such as UGC’s – One Student One Tree etc
2. Collect and distribute indoor plants to improve classroom air quality
3. Write and environmental tips/Quotes in the club notice board to create the
awareness among the students
4. Set up debates on Environmental issues
5. To conduct the activities on the environmental Theme Days (the list is
enclosed in Annexure II)
6. Necessary steps to be taken with the help of the institution to save energy
on campus
One third of the total number of members of the club shall constitute the
Quorum for the meeting of the Environment club
Annexure - I
Copy of the Registration Form
(This form shall be filled, and the copy sent to the Office of Director (Student’s Welfare)
1 President
2 Vice
3 Secretary
4 Treasurer
Annexure - II
Environmental Theme Days
(This form shall be filled, and the copy sent to the Office of Director (Student’s Welfare)