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Environmental Students Club: A Guideline TO Students

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1. PREAMBLE ..............................................................................................................................................................2
2. SHORT TITLE AND COMMENCEMENT ....................................................................................................................2
3. OBJECTIVES OF THE CLUB .......................................................................................................................................3
4. MEMBERSHIP..........................................................................................................................................................3
5. ADVISOR .................................................................................................................................................................4
6. CLUB RESPONSIBILITIES ..........................................................................................................................................4
7. REGISTRATION ........................................................................................................................................................5
8. OFFICERS OF THE CLUB...........................................................................................................................................6
9. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDENTS CLUB ACTIVITIES .....................................................................................................6
10. CLUB MEETINGS ...................................................................................................................................................7
11. MODIFICATION OF THE GUIDELINES ....................................................................................................................7
ANNEXURE - I ..............................................................................................................................................................8
ANNEXURE - II .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 12

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A club is a group of students with a designated purpose who are not
specifically regulated by a department/institution other than Student activities.
Because the management of the club is intended to be a student learning
experience, the day-to-dayactivities of the club are carried out by student
members, although clubs must contract with an advisor.

The purpose of student club at Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation

(Deemed to be University) (VMRF(DU)) is to provide a structure through which
students may exercise their right to freely associate in pursuit of a common
purpose or goal that enhances community at the university and its constituent
units. Recognized student clubs create opportunities for leadership
development, learning, student engagement, and fostering of shared interests.

In this context, VMRF(DU) has several students’ clubs to developing skills of the
students and make them life ready as per the UGC quality mandate. The club
activities play an important role in determining and directing the passion and
interest of students, beyond their academic pursuit. The extracurricular activities
organizing by these clubs teach the students practical factors of life, making
them not only job ready but making them ready to face the uneven path of
survival in the world of cut-throat competition.


This guideline shall be called “The Guidelines of Environmental Students
club (The EVSclub) of the Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation (Deemed to
be University), Salem. The Guidelines shall come into force on and from the date
of approval of the University.

The Environmental students club is a voluntary group which open to all students
and promotes the participation of students in learning about, and improving
their environment

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Environmental students club will empower students to participate and take
up meaningful environmental activities and projects. The Objectives of the
Environmental students’ clubs are defined as follows

Motivate the students to keep the campus green and clean

1. To promote Green initiatives by tree plantation

2. To train and produce qualified students who are more creative and
innovative oriented personnel in agricultural and environmental areas
3. To make students understand about environment and environmental
4. Promote the ethos of conservation of water by minimizing the use of water
5. Motivate students to imbibe responsible habits and lifestyle for minimum
waste generation, source separation of waste and disposing of the waste to
the nearest storage
6. To facilitate students’ participation in decision making in the areas related
environment and development
7. To inculcate the students about the importance of 3R (Reduce, Reuse,

Membership is open to all VMRF(DU) students and alumni exclusively.
Currently enrolled students must be allowed to join any recognized club. To
recognize the Environmental students’ clubs at the constituent colleges/schools,
it must have at least 10 student members in the respected campus

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The EV club require Faculty advisor who is the faculty of the university and
its constituent unit. The faculty advisor has the following responsibilities

1. Act as the College/School’s representative

2. Is the coordinator between the institution and the club
3. Is knowledgeable about the purpose and program of the club
4. Meets at least once a semester with the group to discuss goals, needs, and
5. Ensures that the members of the club are informed of institution policies,
procedures, rules, and regulations
6. Attends at least one meeting of the club per semester
7. Attends at least one activity, program, or event sponsored by the Student
Club orOrganization
8. Ensures that requests for college services or appeals of administrative
decisions areprocessed through the faculty/staff advisor
9. Helps to enrich the co-curricular experience of the members
10.Encourages and supports the group as it conducts an active and significant
activities,and supports the broad educational purpose of the institution
11.Communicate to the Head of the institution and university immediately
when the club is disbanded or becomes inactive.

The Environmental students club has the following responsibilities to its
faculty advisor:

1. Meets with the advisor on a regular basis and keeps the advisor informed of

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the overallactivities of the club
2. Informs the advisor, well in advance, of the schedule (date, time, and venue)
of allmeetings, activities, and events organized by the club
3. Processes requests for college/school/university services throughthe faculty
4. Gives the advisor an opportunity to express an opinion on issues that affect
the welfareof the club and the interest of the institution

The Environmental students club at the institution must be created by the
students. The students interested in starting Environmental students club must
complete the new student club proposal form enclosed as Annexure – I. The
filled form shall be submitted to the Office of the Director (Student’s Welfare)
through their faculty advisor and Head of the Institution.

The advisor of the club will review the constitution to ensure that the document
is complete. If there are any mistakes or missing information, he/she will return
the document to the student to make the appropriate changes. The student will
re-submit any necessary changes to the advisor.

Further the advisor of the institution will discuss the proposal with the Director
(Student’s Welfare) of the university. The proposal will be considered or denied.
If the proposal is approved by the university, the club will be allowed to initiate
the activities as per guidelines of the club. Periodical meeting will be conducted
with university, faculty advisor and officers of the club to review club policies
and procedures.

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The Officers of the club and their responsibilities are as follows

S. No Designation Responsibilities
1 President Chairperson of the club, oversee and delegate of all
activities organized by the club
2 Vice Cover presidential role in the absence of president
3 Secretary Convenor of the club meetings, communicate to
other on behalf of the club
4 Treasurer Finance related and budgeting

The term of officers shall be two years and eligible for reappointment


Environmental students club activities shall be providingthestudents with
the opportunity to learn more about their surrounding and participate in service
projects in the community. The list of few activities of the club as follows

1. To implement the central and state government scheme related to the club
objectives such as UGC’s – One Student One Tree etc
2. Collect and distribute indoor plants to improve classroom air quality
3. Write and environmental tips/Quotes in the club notice board to create the
awareness among the students
4. Set up debates on Environmental issues
5. To conduct the activities on the environmental Theme Days (the list is
enclosed in Annexure II)
6. Necessary steps to be taken with the help of the institution to save energy
on campus

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7. To give the awareness and motivating the students about the importance of
recycling ( conduct Exhibition)
8. Implementation of organic garden in campus with prior of the institution
9. To assist the institution to become Plastic – Free Campus
10.Conducting the cultural activities like, Mime shadow shows, puppet shows
to bring awareness among the public
11.To organize awareness programme environmental conservation
12.Preparation of seed balls, to create a forest to bring good rain fall
13.Conduct a Photojournalism competitions among the students to bring
awareness about the environmental issues like (Water conservation, forest
conservation, etc.,)
14.Celebrating the Eco-Friendly functions/events (e.g., VinayakarChathurti
(preparation of handmade clay Vinayakar by students))
15.Observe the “SILENCE HOUR” receive the benefits of silence hour


The Environmental students club shall meet as meet as often as may be
necessary but not less than one per month. Not less than 7 days’ prior notice
shall be given of a meeting of the club.

One third of the total number of members of the club shall constitute the
Quorum for the meeting of the Environment club


The above guidelines are subject to modifications from time to time as per
as the decisions of the University

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Annexure - I
Copy of the Registration Form
(This form shall be filled, and the copy sent to the Office of Director (Student’s Welfare)

1. Name of the Students club : ______________________

2. Name of the Institution : ______________________
3. Year of registration : ________________
4. Reason for registration
 New Organization
 Renewal
 Officer Change
5. Particulars about the Officers
S. Reg. Batch Name of the Designation in Mobile Email Signature
No No. student the club

1 President
2 Vice
3 Secretary
4 Treasurer

6. Particulars about the Member

S. Reg. Batch Name of the Mobile Email Signature

No No. student
S. Reg. Batch Name of the Mobile Email Signature
No No. student

Recommended by Faculty Advisor

Recommended by Head of the Institution

Approved by Director (SW)


Annexure - II
Environmental Theme Days
(This form shall be filled, and the copy sent to the Office of Director (Student’s Welfare)


January 30th National cleanliness day
February 16th Green audit
March 3rd World wildlife day
March 22nd World water day
April 22nd Earth day
May 17th Endangered species day
May 22nd International day for biological diversity
June 5th World environment day
June 28th World nature conservation day
September 16th World Ozone Day
September 18th Green consumer day
September 26th World river’s day
October 13th International day for natural disaster reduction
October 21st World earthworm day
November 9th to 15th National recycling week
December 2nd National pollution control day
December 5th World soil day
As part of the implementation of DEEKSHARAMBH, a quality mandate
of UGC, a guideline to Environmental Student’s Club (EVS Club) is
prepared by Prof.Dr.R.S.Shanmuga sundaram, Director (Students’
Welfare), VMRF(DU) based on the direction from the University with
the help of Mrs.Brinda Devi, M.Phil.(Environmental Sciences),
Associate Professor, Vinayaka Mission’s College of Physiotherapy,

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