Aip Indonesia (Vol Ii) Warr Ad 2 - 1
Aip Indonesia (Vol Ii) Warr Ad 2 - 1
Aip Indonesia (Vol Ii) Warr Ad 2 - 1
Repair facilities for visiting aircraft................. O/R and for Minor Repair
Remarks ........................................................ NIL
Designation = Apron B
Surface = Concrete
Strength = PCN 98/R/C/X/T
Designation = Apron C
Surface = Concrete
Strength = PCN 73/R/B/X/T
Designation = TWY N1
Width = 26.5 m
Surface = Asphalt
Strength = PCN 147/F/B/X/T
Designation = TWY N8
Width = 26 m
Surface = Asphalt
Strength = PCN 147/F/B/X/T
Designation = TWY S1
Width = 29 m
Surface = Asphalt
Strength = PCN 94/F/C/X/U
Designation = TWY S2
Width = 32 m
Surface = Asphalt
Strength = PCN 94/F/C/X/U
Designation = TWY S3
Width = 20 m (FM SP1 to SP2 to NAVY Hangar)
= 32 m (FM RWY to SP2)
Surface = Asphalt
Strength = PCN 94/F/C/X/U
Designation = TWY S4
Width = 20 m (FM SP1 to NAVY Hangar)
= 32 m (FM RWY to SP2)
Surface = Asphalt
Strength = PCN 94/F/C/X/U
Designation = TWY S5
Width = 29 m
Surface = Asphalt
Strength = PCN 89/F/C/W/T
Designation = TWY S6
Width = 23 m
Surface = Asphalt
Strength = PCN 94/F/C/X/U
- RWY : Edge, THR, RWY End, REIL for
RWY 28
- TWY : Edge, Guidance
Stop bars ...................................................... NIL
Remarks ........................................................ NIL
In Area 3
OBST ID/ OBST Markings/Type,
OBST type ELEV/HGT Remarks
Designation position colour
a B c D e F
THR Elevation
and Highest
Elevation of Slope of RWY- SWY dimensions CWY
TDZ of SWY (M) dimensions (M)
Precision APP
6 7 8 9 10
123.2 MHz
2 APP Surabaya Director NIL
124.5 MHz (SRY)
118.3 MHz
3 TWR Juanda Tower NIL
118.1 MHz (SRY)
118.9 MHz
4 SMC Juanda Ground NIL
119.15 MHz (SRY)
121.65 MHz
5 Clearance Delivery Juanda Delivery NIL
121.80 MHz (SRY)
4 NIL H24
072226.97S 1124717.19E
Elevation of the
antenna of DME,
of DME/P,
Elevation of
GBAS reference
point, and The
Service volume
Geographical coordinates of the ellipsoid height
radius from the
position of the transmitting of the point. For Remarks
GBAS reference
antenna SBAS, The
ellipsoid height
of the landing
threshold point
(LTP) or The
threshold point
5 6 7 8
“SBR” unusable
areas beyond:
1 NIL NIL 160º-210º
BLW 14 000 ft
BLW 11 000 ft
for RWY 10
2 NIL NIL located 300M
FM end of RWY
10, angle 3º
Coverage range
b) Pilot unable to comply with the speed specified, shold inform ATC as
soon as possible and state preferred speed so that alternative action can
be taken.
i. Arrival Procedure
1) Pilots shall ensure that they have completed an early review and
through briefing of airport and runway layout before starting the
approach, the runway exit pont that will allow minimum runway
occupancy shall be nominated during the approach briefing.
2) ATC will provide additional instruction to exit expeditiously on
Rapid Exit Taxiway upon landing clearance, if there is any doubt
when receiving a clearance or instruction, clarification should be
immediately requested from ATC before the clearance or
instruction is enacted.
3) Upon landing, pilots should use appropriate retardation to exit the
runway without delay.
4) The aim should be to achieve a normal touchdown with progressive
smooth deceleration to exit at a safe speed at the nominated exit
5) To ensure minimum Runway Occupancy Time (ROT) after landed
Pilots required to vacate the RWY 10/28 within 60 second or less
via the first available Rapid Exit Taxiway in compliance with each
aircraft performance/operational requirements or as instructed by
ATC. Target the earliest suitable exit and exit the runway
6) Pilots are reminded that rapid exit from the runway enables ATC to
apply minimum spacing on final approach that will achieve
maximum runway utilization and will minimize th oocurrance of ‘go-
4. Radar Procedure
1) RADAR Separation Minima be provided 5NM within Surabaya CTR and 5NM
within Surabaya TMA.
2) Radar Failure Procedures: In the event of discontinuation of RADAR service
ACFT shall be so informed and non RADAR separation procedures will be
3) Communication Failure Procedure:
a. If any ACFT communication failure, the pilot shall squawk 7600;
b. If any ground communication failure, the ATS units involved will follow
procedures as prescribes on the Letter of Aggreement (LOA).
4) ACFT Transponder Failure Procedure:
a. When an ACFT experiencing transponder failure after departure is
operating or expected to operate in Surabaya TMA East, TMA West and
CTR where the carriage of a functioning transponder with specified
5. Helicopter Procedure
1) General
Incoming outgoing and overflying helicopter to/from and over Juanda Aerodrome
Traffic Zone controlled by Juanda Aerodrome Control Tower, beyond Juanda
ATZ the air traffic control service will be provided by Surabaya director (CTR),
Surabaya West Control and Surabaya East Control (TMA).
a. A Flight Plan shall be submitted prior departure in person or by telephone to
the Air Traffic Service Reporting Office or by radio to the ATS unit designated
to serve as the departure aerodrome.
b. Submitted Flight Plan should be filed completely, containing current routes to
be flown of agreed helicopter operations in the Surabaya Aerodrome Traffic
c. Helicopter operating within Surabaya Control Zone (CTR) and Surabaya
Terminal Control Area (TMA), shall be equipped with a functioning two-way
VHF/HF Radio Communication, and keep listening watch on the appropriate
d. Helicopter Approach and take-off directions to and from aiming point shall be
parallel to the existing runways.
e. Large helicopter are exempted from these procedures and will be regarded
as conventional fixed wing aircraft.
f. Helicopter operating within Surabaya CTR and Surabaya TMA should be
kept the transponder on specified SSR Code Number.
2) Departure Procedure
a. Helicopter Taxi clearance shall be issued to control the movement of
helicopter taxiing on the maneuvering area by Juanda Ground.
b. For take-off, the helicopter will be air taxi away from its parking stand and
move out of the parking area directly to the aiming point.
c. Take-off direction 10 shall be using East Aiming Point and Take-off direction
28 shall be using West Aiming Point.
d. If the traffic permit, for departure helicopter using take-off direction 10 from
West apron area air taxi to West Aiming Point and hold until take-off
clearance issued by Juanda Tower, and for departure helicopter using take-
off direction 28 from East apron area, air taxi to East Aiming Point and hold
until take-off clearance issued by Juanda Tower.
e. Take-off direction 10/28 to the north destination will normally setting course
to destination at position cross wind leg.
f. Take-off direction 10 to the south / south west destination shall be cleared
using point C (Kalang Anyar) for setting course to destination thence proceed
to Sidoarjo (072708.19S 1124257.92E) for joining VFR Route.
g. Take-off direction 28 to the south west bound destination shall be cleared
using point D (Pertigaan Betro) for setting course to destination thence
proceed to Sidoarjo for joining VFR Route.
h. Departure helicopter from Waru destination to Juanda International Airport or
South bound, shall maintain 500 ft or below thence proceed to point A (Dian
Regency Swimming Pool). Pilots shall report to Juanda Tower, Landing or
holding instruction and traffic information will be issued as required.
i. Departure helicopter outside Airport of Juanda, pilot shall contact
immediately to appropriate ATS Unit on specified frequency, if practicable
before departure, nominates point of departure and time, intended altitude,
destinations and estimate time of arrival or estimate time of overhead the
3) Arrival Procedure
a. All approach shall be made in accordance with the helicopter traffic pattern
established for Juanda Airport.
b. As soon as possible before approaching Helicopter Holding Point, pilots shall
report to Juanda Tower, Landing or holding instruction and traffic information
will be issued as required.
c. Arrival helicopter which can not be instructed to join Helicopter Traffic Circuit
due to traffic density, may be instructed to hold over Helicopter Holding point
500 ft or below.
d. Landing direction 10 shall be using West Aiming Point, and Landing direction
28 shall be using East Aiming Point.
e. If the traffic permit for arrival Helicopter using landing direction 10 which has
allocated parking stand on East apron area, spot on East Aiming Point thence
air taxi to parking stand, and for arrival Helicopter using landing direction 28
which has allocated parking stand on West apron area, spot on West Aiming
thence air taxi to parking stand.
f. Due to traffic density for arrival Helicopter using landing direction 10 which
allocated parking stand on East apron area, after landing, the helicopter may
be instructed to hold on West Aiming Point until taxi clearance issued by
Juanda Tower.
g. Due to traffic density, for arrival Helicopter using landing direction 28 which
has allocated parking stand on West apron Area, after landing, the helicopter
may be instructed to hold on East Aiming Point until taxi clearance issued by
Juanda Tower.
h. After landing, arrival helicopter is required to follow instruction either air taxi
via taxiway or direct into its allocated parking stand which will be issued by
Juanda Tower.
4) Local Flight
a. Overflying helicopter from South East and South West Area of Juanda Airport
which flight path will be cross the Final Approach Area or Take Off Area (fly
to the North) shall contact Juanda Tower to report the Altitude and Estimate
time over point C (Kalang Anyar) or Point D (Pertigaan Betro) which shall be
used to cross the Area concerned, the destination and estimate time of arrival
or over the destination.
b. Overflying helicopter from North East and North West Area of Juanda Airport
which flight path will be cross the Final Approach Area or the Take Off Area
b. A T C :
- ( No traffic, no restrictions )
. . . . . . ( acknowledge ) ; . . . . . . ( call sign ) clear to crossing, report over
. . . . . . . (one of 4 point / Holding Point) or crossing . . . . (over area
concerned, etc, as required).
- ( Some restrictions )
*(any doubt, may hold or not over designated Point)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (acknowledge) standby for crossing, will call you again
before Point . . . . . (a point which shall be crossed) (after no hold shall be
required over Point, immediately call the traffic for further instruction).
. . . . . . . . . . (call sign) clear to cross Point . . . report over . . . . . . (point,
or over area etc. as required)
c. P I L O T :
. . . . . . . (acknowledgement of ATC Clearance) . . . . . .
b. Arriving helicopter traffic at Airport of Juanda from North Area, shall followed
Arrival Procedures, proceed to Helicopter Holding Point A (Pool Dian
Regency) 500 ft or below, from South West Area proceed to Helicopter
Holding Point D (Pertigaan Betro) 500 ft or below and from South East Area
proceed to Helicopter Holding Point C (Kalang Anyar) 500 ft or below and
observed traffics at the traffic circuit then join the helicopter traffic pattern and
orbiting, until clearance will be obtained by means of the appropriate light
7) Emergency Procedures
VFR fixed wing or helicopter known or believed to be in state of emergency and
or there is any indication of the occurrence of unlawful interference with an
Helicopter, should be handled in accordance with the procedures contained in
ICAO Doc. 4444 ATM/501 Air Traffic Management.