Improvement of Voltage Profile in Power System Network Using Statcom and Upfc

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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

8, Issue 1, 2020 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Improvement of Voltage Profile in Power System Network using

Parth. A. Patel1 Hiren S. Darji2
K. D. Polytechnic, Patan, India
Abstract— With increasing load demand day by day, voltage used to estimate the next solution for given load. The
stability problem increasing. To provide continuous reliable predictor- corrector scheme is as per given fig. 1. in which
power supply to the end consumer it is required to maintain estimated value can be corrected by NR technique employed
voltage level during power transmission. So it is important by CPF method.
to analyze the power system network with respect to voltage CPF method is important as weakest bus can be
stability. This paper covered the how STATCOM and UPFC find by dV/dP ratio, for which bus this ratio is high near the
type facts devices useful to maintain the voltage instability knee of the P-V curve. The flow chart for this is shown in
during overload situation and reduced the power losses. For Fig. 2.
this simulation is carried out using Power System analysis
Toolbox (PSAT) on IEEE 14 bus system to find out the
week bus during different overloading situation. The
continuation Power Flow (CPF) method is used to to find
out weakest bus of the power system network. Based on
simulation the conclusion is derived for which FACTS
device is suitable for overloading situation.
Keywords: Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS),
Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT), Static VAR
Compensator (STATCOM), Unified Power Flow Controller
(UPFC), Continuation Power Flow (CPF), IEEE 14 Bus
Fig. 1: Predictor-Corrector scheme in CPF
In Interconnected power system network, voltage stability is
influenced by voltage limit violation, reactive power limit
violation, rotor angle stability etc. By definition the voltage
stability can be defined as the ability of the power system to
maintain steady acceptable voltage value after having some
disturbances. It is divided in terms of four categories: Two
types based on Large disturbances and Small disturbances,
other two types based on Long term and Short term time
based scale voltage stability. Voltage collapse leads the
voltage instability. The reason behind voltage collapse is:
Load on line increases, reactive power imbalances, long
distance between generation and end users etc. To prevent
voltage collapse and so improve voltage stability some of
the methods are useful: i) Reactive power compensating
devices like synchronous condenser, shunt capacitor ii)
FACTS devices iii) Load shedding to prevent voltage
Once load flow study has been completed, static as
well as dynamic load analysis can be studied by:
 Continuation power flow
 Optimal power flow
 Small signal stability analysis
 Time domain simulations
 Phasor measurement unit (PMU) placement
In this paper, CPF method used to find week bus in
power system network. FACTS devices used to improve the Fig. 2: CPF method flowchart
voltage profile.
II. CONTINUATION POWER FLOW METHOD To provide steady state and transient voltage control,
CPF method can give the load flow solution according the FACTS devices such as STATCOM and UPFC are widely
load scenario. From the base solution, tangent predictor is used. In this paper STATCOM and UPFC has used on week

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Improvement of Voltage Profile in Power System Network using STATCOM and UPFC
(IJSRD/Vol. 8/Issue 1/2020/225)

bus of IEEE 14 bus system when gradually increasing the 6., which is derived from CPF method. From fig. 6. it is
load and examine the P-V curve to identify the effect of found that bus no. 14 is the weakest bus and having
these FACTS devices during overloading condition in power maximum loading point is 4.0003 as a base case.
system network. The Equivalent circuit and working of
STATCOM and UPFC are as per fig. 3. If ES > Et , the
current flows from converter to the AC system, it means it
generates capacitive VAR and if ES < Et , the current flows
from AC system to the converter, it means it absorb the
inductive VAR. Real power control can also be possible by
adjusting the phase shift between converter output voltage
and AC system voltage.

Fig. 5: IEEE 14 bus system

Fig. 3: STATCOM Circuit
The UPFC is series compensation and phase
shifting FACTS device. The dc voltage source provided
between two converter through common capacitor bank as
shown in Fig. 4 . Vpq is injected in series with the line by
series converter which can be varied from 0 to Vpqmax value.
The shunt connected converter can generate or absorb
controllable VAR. It also provide real power demand of
converter 2. UPFC provide higher voltage stability
compared to other FACTS devices.

Fig. 6. P-V curve for Base case

Fig. 7. P-V curve for 10% overloading condition
and maximum loading point for bus 14 is 3.5087

Fig. 4: UPFC Circuit


In PSAT software simulation is performed on IEEE 14 bus
system. The effect of STATCOM and UPFC on weakest bus
is shown in below figure through graph. CPF method is used
to find the weakest bus.
A. Simulation of IEEE 14 Bus system without FACTS
Fig. 5. shows the IEEE 14 bus system simulation in PSAT.
For given situation P-V curve is used as base case as per fig. Fig. 7: P-V curve (10% overloading)

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Improvement of Voltage Profile in Power System Network using STATCOM and UPFC
(IJSRD/Vol. 8/Issue 1/2020/225)

Fig. 8. P-V curve for 10% overloading condition

and maximum loading point for bus 14 is 2.8142.

Fig. 10: P-V curve (10% overloading)

Fig. 10. P-V curve for 10% overloading condition
and maximum loading point for bus 14 is 3.6578.
Fig. 8: P-V curve (25% overloading) Fig. 11. P-V curve for 25% overloading condition
B. Simulation of IEEE 14 Bus system with STATCOM and maximum loading point for bus 14 is 3.1426.
In next simulation of IEEE 14 bus system, STATCOM is
used on weakest bus no. 14 and checked for P-V curve for
10% (Fig. 10.) and 25% (Fig. 11.) overloading situation.
Fig. 9. Shows the simulation for IEEE 14 bus system with
STATCOM on bus no.14.

Fig. 11: P-V curve (25% overloading)

C. Simulation of IEEE 14 Bus system with UPFC
In next simulation of IEEE 14 bus system, UPFC is used on
weakest bus no. 14 and checked for P-V curve for 10%
(Fig. 13.) and 25% (Fig. 14.) and 40% (Fig. 15.) overloading
situation. Fig. 12. Shows the simulation for IEEE 14 bus
system with UPFC on bus no.14.
Fig. 9: IEEE 14 Bus system with STATCOM

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Improvement of Voltage Profile in Power System Network using STATCOM and UPFC
(IJSRD/Vol. 8/Issue 1/2020/225)

Fig. 14: P-V curve (25% overloading)

Fig. 15. P-V curve for 40% overloading condition
and maximum loading point for bus 14 is 2.8758. From all
simulation results it can be seen that, UPFC provide more
maximum loading capacity compared to STATCOM. UPFC
Fig. 12: IEEE 14 Bus system with UPFC also improved loading capacity of Bus no. 9 along with bus
Fig. 13. P-V curve for 10% overloading condition 14.
and maximum loading point for bus 14 is 3.8181.

Fig. 15: P-V curve (40% overloading)

D. Comparison for Voltage control in different loading
Fig. 16. and Fig. 17. Show the comparison of voltage profile
of all buses for 10% overloading and 25% overloading
condition without FACTS device, with STATCOM and with
Fig. 13: P-V curve (10% overloading) UPFC.
Fig. 14. P-V curve for 25% overloading condition
and maximum loading point for bus 14 is 3.1535

Fig. 16: Voltage profile of all buses (10% overloading)

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Improvement of Voltage Profile in Power System Network using STATCOM and UPFC
(IJSRD/Vol. 8/Issue 1/2020/225)

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Fig. 17: Voltage profile of all buses (25% overloading)

From CPF results weakest bus of the IEEE 14 bus system
found from the P-V curve. The bus which has higher rate of
dP/dV is known as weakest bus. Based on this result,
FACTS device can provide to that bus to improve the
voltage stability in power system network. In simulation of
IEEE 14 bus system with STATCOM and UPFC, it is found
that bus voltage profile is improved in different overloading
condition. By comparing the simulation results of
STATCOM and UPFC it is also found that the UPFC can
provide better system’s overloading capacity.

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