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Determinação Do Parâmetro de Crioscopia para Leite UHT

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DOI: 10.5433/1679-0359.


Determination of freezing point standard for UHT milk’

Determinação do parâmetro de crioscopia para leite UHT

Vanerli Beloti1*; Edson Antonio Rios2; Márcia Rocha Silva3; Ronaldo Tamanini4;
Alberto Koji Yamada2; Livia Cavaletti Correa da Silva2

The extended shelf life and undemanding storage requirements of UHT (ultra high temperature) milk
make it the most consumed fluid milk in Brazil. The thermal treatment to which UHT milk is subjected
alters casein micellar structure, leading to protein sedimentation and age gelation. Therefore, the current
legislation allows the addition of up to 0.1% stabilizing salts (sodium citrate and/or sodium phosphates)
in milk. The adding of stabilizing salts hinders the possibility of inclusion of freezing point and density
as quality parameters of UHT milk. Evaluation of freezing point is the main test to detect adulteration
of milk with water; however, addition of stabilizers alters its results. This study aimed to measure the
alterations in freezing point and density caused by stabilizers in samples of pasteurized milk added
with sodium citrate or sodium phosphates, in order to propose standards for freezing point and density
for UHT milk. For this purpose, 16 aliquots of milk were prepared in nine repetitions with different
concentrations (0%, 0.001%, 0.01%, 0.05%, 0.075%, 0.1%, 0.125%, and 0.15%) of sodium citrate
or a commercial mix of sodium mono-, di- and triphosphate. The density and freezing point of all
aliquots were tested. As expected, addition of stabilizers lowered the freezing point of milk. Addition of
0.1% citrate and commercial mix promoted an average reduction of –0.021°H (± 0.001) and –0.017°H
(± 0.002) in freezing point, respectively. However, no significant change in the density of milk was
observed. Given that UHT milk industry usually adds the maximum limit of 0.1% of stabilizers in order
to obtain proper effect, the interval from –0.572°H to –0.545°H can be suggested as the standard for
freezing point to UHT milk. However, as the addition of stabilizers caused no significant change in the
density of UHT milk, the density parameter of raw and pasteurized milk in the range from 1.028 g.mL-1
to 1.034 g.mL-1 could be applied to UHT milk.
Key words: Cryoscopy index, freezing point, milk, stabilizing agents, Quality, UHT

Por apresentar prolongada vida útil e facilidade de estocagem, o leite Ultra Alta Temperatura (UAT)
é o leite fluido mais consumido no Brasil. O processamento térmico ao qual o leite UHT é submetido
provoca alterações na estrutura micelar da caseína favorecendo a precipitação proteica e a gelatinização;
por isso, a legislação vigente autoriza a adição de estabilizantes (citrato e/ou fosfatos de sódio) na
quantidade de até 0,1%. A adição de estabilizantes ao leite UHT é a razão pela qual não se inclui o
índice crioscópico e a densidade como parâmetros de qualidade para o leite UHT. A avaliação do índice
crioscópico é a prova de eleição para detecção de fraudes por adição de água ao leite, no entanto a adição
de estabilizantes interfere nos seus resultados. O presente estudo teve como objetivo aferir as alterações

Profª Drª, Deptº de Medicina Veterinária. Preventiva, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, UEL, Londrina, PR, Brasil. E-mail:
[email protected]
Discentes do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal, UEL, Londrina, PR, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]
Discente do Curso de Residência em Inspeção de Leite e Derivados, UEL, Londrina, PR, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]
Médico Veterinário, Dr., UEL, Londrina, PR, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]
Author for correspondence
Recebido para publicação 22/07/14 Aprovado em 17/07/15
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 36, n. 5, p. 3181-3188, set./out. 2015
Beloti, V. et al.

promovidas por estabilizantes no ponto de congelamento e densidade em amostras de leite pasteurizado

adicionado de citrato de sódio ou fosfatos de sódio, para sugerir padrões de crioscopia e densidade para
o leite UHT. Para avaliar as alterações provocadas pela adição dos estabilizantes no leite, 16 alíquotas
de leite foram preparadas em nove repetições, com diferentes concentrações (0%, 0,001%, 0,01%,
0,05%, 0,075%, 0,1%, 0,125% e 0,15%) de citrato de sódio chamado de substância 1 e da substância
2: um mix comercial de mono, di e tri fosfato de sódio. As alíquotas foram submetidas à prova da
densidade e crioscopia. Como esperado a adição de estabilizantes reduziu o ponto de congelamento do
leite. A concentração de 0,1% de citrato e do mix comercial provocou uma redução média da crioscopia
do leite de –0,021°H (±0,001) e –0,017°H (±0,002), respectivamente. Em relação à densidade, a adição
dos estabilizantes não provocou alterações significativas. Considerando que as indústrias de leite UHT
usualmente adicionam o limite máximo de 0,1% de estabilizantes para obterem o efeito desejado, pode-
se sugerir como índice crioscópico para leite UHT o intervalo entre –0,545 a –0,572°H. Em relação à
densidade, como não houve alteração significativa após a adição de estabilizantes, sugere-se que seja
adotado o mesmo parâmetro estabelecido para os leites cru e pasteurizado, de 1,028 à 1,034 g/mL para
o leite UHT.
Palavras-chave: Estabilizantes, índice crioscópico, leite, ponto de congelamento, qualidade, UHT

Introduction acidity between 0.14 and 0.18 g lactic acid/100 mL

of milk, have milk solids-not-fat (MSNF) contents
UHT (ultra high temperature) milk is the most
of 8.2%, 8.3% or 8.4% for whole, semi-skimmed,
consumed fluid milk in Brazil. Due to its extended
or skimmed milk, respectively, and minimum 3%
shelf life and undemanding storage, at room
fat content for whole milk, 0.6% to 2.9% for semi-
temperatures, UHT milk has excelled in the dairy
skimmed milk, and under 0.5% fat for skimmed milk.
market and has become a preferred choice among
In addition, it has a single microbiological standard
consumers (GOMES et al., 2012; MARTINS et
to maximum mesophilic aerobes of 100 CFU/mL,
al, 1999; VIANA; FERRAS, 2007). The market
which is assessed after package incubation at 35-
share of UHT in Brazilian fluid milk market has
37°C for 7 days. Therefore, the quality control of
increased from 4% in 1990 (EMBRAPA GADO DE
UHT milk is vulnerable, and minor process flaws
LEITE, 2008) to 78% in 2011 (GUERRA, 2012).
are difficult to detect in the absence of a freezing
According to the Brazilian Association of Long Life
point and density standard, counts of indicator
Milk (ABLV), the national production of UHT milk
microorganisms such as coliforms, or research
surpassed 6.0 billion liters in 2012 (MILKPOINT,
of pathogens as Salmonella, which are some of
the standards required for the quality control of
The “Technical Regulation for Identity and pasteurized milk.
Quality of UHT Milk”, established by Brazil’s
The UHT thermal processing of milk, which is
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply
designed to eliminate both pathogenic and spoilage
(MAPA), determines that UHT milk must be
microorganisms from raw milk with minimal
homogenized and subjected to heat treatment in a
physicochemical and organoleptic alteration
continuous flow thermal process at 130°C to 150°C
(RAYNAL-LJUTOVAC et al., 2007), affects casein
for 2 to 4 seconds, followed by immediate cooling
micellar structure, inducing sedimentation and age
below 32°C, and packed under aseptic conditions
gelation (CUNHA, 2001). Age gelation, which
in sterile, hermetically sealed packages (BRASIL,
refers to a progressive increase in the viscosity of
milk up to gel formation, and protein sedimentation
UHT milk has few and flexible standards for during storage are the main factors that limit the
its quality control, as follows: it must be stable to shelf life of UHT milk (DATTA; DEETH, 2001;
ethanol or alizarol 68% (v/v), present titratable HILL, 1988). This process is aggravated during

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 36, n. 5, p. 3181-3188, set./out. 2015
Determination of freezing point standart for UHT milk

milk storage by heat-resistant proteases, frequently The aim of this study was to assess the alterations
resulting in a product unfit for consumption. in freezing point and density of UHT milk after the
addition of different concentrations of stabilizers
In order to minimize the occurrence of
such as sodium citrate and sodium phosphates to
sedimentation and age gelation, the UHT milk
pasteurized milk, in order to suggest standards for
regulation (BRASIL, 1997) allows the addition
freezing point and density for UHT milk.
of up to 0.1% protein stabilizers (sodium citrate
and/or sodium phosphates) to increase the thermal
stability of casein. This effect is mainly attributed
Materials and Methods
to the stabilizers ability to sequester ionic calcium
(SILVA, 2003), thus preventing the aggregation of To evaluate the changes caused by the addition
casein micelles (DATTA; DEETH, 2001). of stabilizers such as sodium citrate and sodium
phosphates to milk, 16 aliquots of homogenized
Since the addition of stabilizing salts to UHT
pasteurized milk of the same brand collected from
milk can alter freezing point and relative density,
different batches were prepared. The first eight
these parameters are not applied to assess the quality
aliquots were added with different concentrations
of UHT milk. While the relative density of milk at
of sodium citrate, while the other eight were added
15ºC is not a very accurate test, since it is influenced
with different concentrations of a commercial mix of
by all major components in milk, freezing point is
mono-, di- and trisodium phosphate. The following
the main test to assess fraudulent addition of water
concentrations of both stabilizers were tested: 0%,
to milk, as it is directly proportional to the number
0.001%, 0.01%, 0, 05%, 0.075%, 0.1%, 0.125%,
of dissolved molecules in solution (FONSECA;
and 0.15%. The concentration of 0% corresponded
SANTOS, 2000). The main substances in solution
to negative control.
in milk are lactose and salts (HARDING, 1999).
Thus, stabilizers added to UHT milk act as solutes The density of the aliquots at 15°C and their
and may directly influence freezing point and milk freezing point (M90/BR-Laktron®) were determined
density. For raw and pasteurized milk, the standard (BRASIL, 2006). Each of the eight concentrations
freezing point ranges from –0.550°H to –0.530°H for both stabilizers was tested in nine replicates,
(BRASIL, 2011). using pasteurized milk from different batches,
totaling 144 measurements for density and 432 for
Furthermore, addition of water is not always
freezing point, since freezing point measurements
deliberate, and may be a result of processing flaws
needed to be performed in triplicate. Data were
such as the remaining of residual water in the heating
analyzed using Microsoft Excel® 2010 program.
equipment and the presence of micro-holes in heat
exchangers, in either heating or cooling sectors. It
will also occur whenever the heat system used is Results and Discussion
direct steam injection, which is the main system
The results of the analyses of pasteurized milk
applied for UHT treatment and requires the removal
samples added with different concentrations of
of steam in a vacuum chamber. Therefore, the
sodium citrate and the mixture of sodium phosphates
nonexistence of this standard in the quality control
stabilizers are presented in Table 1. As expected, the
of UHT milk makes the final product vulnerable to
reduction in freezing point progressively amplified
these problems and to milk adulteration by water.
as the concentrations of the added stabilizers

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 36, n. 5, p. 3181-3188, set./out. 2015
Table 1. Mean alterations and standard deviation in the freezing point (degrees Horvet) of 432 freezing point
measurements and 144 density (g/L) analyses before Beloti, V.(0%)
et al. and after addition of different concentrations of
sodium citrate or a commercial mix of mono-, di-, and triphosphate stabilizers to pasteurized homogenized
Table milk.
1. Mean alterations and standard deviation in the freezing point (degrees Horvet) of 432 freezing point
measurements and 144 density (g/L) analyses before (0%) and after addition of Commercial mix of sodium
different concentrations of sodium
citrate or a Concentration
commercial mix of mono-, di-, Sodium
and citratestabilizers to pasteurized homogenized whole milk.
Aliquot phosphates
Crioscopia (°H) Densidade (g L−1) Crioscopia (°H) Densidade (g L−1)
1 Concentration
0.0 Sodium citrate
-0.535 ±0.020 1.031,8 ±0.60 Commercial mix of sodium
-0.537 ±0.002 phosphates
1.031,6 ±0.32
2 (%)
0.001 Crioscopia (°H)
-0.535 ±0.001 Densidade (g
1.031,4 ±0.52 L−1
) Crioscopia (°H)
-0.537 ±0.000 Densidade (g L−1)
1.031,7 ±0.27
31 0.0
0.01 -0.535 ±0.001
-0.537 ±0.020 1.031,8
1.031,5±0.60±0.56 -0.537 ±0.002
-0.538 ±0.001 1.031,6 ±0.32
1.031,6 ±0.56
4 2 0.001
0.05 -0.535 ±0.001
-0.545 ±0.001 1.031,4 ±0.52
1.031,7 ±0.70 -0.537 ±0.000
-0.545 ±0.001 1.031,7 ±0.27
1.031,6 ±0.53
53 0.01
0.075 -0.537 ±0.001
-0.551 ±0.001 1.031,5
1.031,7±0.56±0.57 -0.538 ±0.001
-0.549 ±0.002 1.031,6 ±0.56
1.031,9 ±0.57
64 0.05
0.1 -0.545 ±0.001
-0.556 ±0.001 1.031,7
1.032,1±0.70±0.54 -0.545 ±0.001
-0.554±0.002 1.031,6 ±0.53
1.031,9 ±0.59
75 0.075
0.125 -0.551 ±0.001
-0.560 ±0.001 1.031,7
1.032,4±0.57±0.57 -0.549 ±0.002
-0.559 ±0.002 1.031,9 ±0.57
1.032,3 ±0.44
8 6 0.1
0.15 -0.556
-0.565 ±0.001
±0.001 1.032,1
1.032,2 ±0.54
±0.55 -0.554±0.002
-0.565 ±0.002 1.031,9 ±0.59
1.032,2 ±0.84
7 0.125 -0.560 ±0.001 1.032,4 ±0.57 -0.559 ±0.002 1.032,3 ±0.44
8 0.15 -0.565 ±0.001 1.032,2 ±0.55 -0.565 ±0.002 1.032,2 ±0.84
UHT milk regulation (BRASIL, 1997) allows the addition of a maximum of 0.1% stabilizers, and
the dairy industry habitually uses the maximum permitted concentration, since lower concentrations may not
UHT milk regulation (BRASIL, 1997) allows the commercial mix of stabilizers altered the
provide sufficient stability to casein micelles. The concentration of 0.1% citrate and the commercial mix of
the addition of a maximum of 0.1% stabilizers, and freezing point of milk at –0.021°H (± 0.001) and
the dairy altered thehabitually
industry freezing point
uses of
themilk at -0.021°H
maximum (± 0.001)
–0.017°H and -0.017°H
(± 0.002), (± 0.002),
respectively. Figurerespectively.
1 shows
Figure concentration,
1 shows since lower concentrations
a linear progression of decreasing in afreezing
linear progression of decreasing
point proportional in freezing
with the increasepoint
in the
may not provide sufficient stability to casein proportional with the increase in the concentration
concentration of stabilizers added to milk.
micelles. The concentration of 0.1% citrate and of stabilizers added to milk.

Figure 1. Average reduction in freezing point (degrees Horvet) in 432 analyses of

Figure 1.pasteurized
Average reduction in freezing
homogenized pointmilk
whole (degrees
additionin of
432 analysesconcentrations
different of pasteurized homogenized
of sodium whole
milk after addition of different concentrations of sodium citrate or a commercial mix of mono-, di-, and triphosphate
citrate or a commercial mix of mono-, di-, and triphosphate stabilizers.

Considering the results of this research and that the legal freezing point interval of -0.550 to -
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 36, n. 5, p. 3181-3188, set./out. 2015
Determination of freezing point standart for UHT milk

Considering the results of this research and point increased from –0.535°H to –0.527°H. There
that the legal freezing point interval of –0.550 was an average increase of 0.008°H in the freezing
to –0.530°H established for raw and pasteurized point after processing, from raw to UHT milk. This
milk with no added stabilizers, it can be proposed increase refers to the inclusion of about 1.5% of
that UHT milk standard for freezing point should water originated from the direct steam injection
lie between –0.572 and –0.545°H. This range process, without considering the alteration induced
was obtained by adding the average reduction of in the freezing point by the addition of stabilizers.
–0.015°H (equivalent to –0.017°H with a standard
The inclusion of water occurs in UHT milk
deviation of ±0.002°H), promoted by the tested
processing when direct steam injection system is
stabilizers in freezing point, to –0.530°H, which is
used. This water must be removed in the subsequent
the maximum freezing point permitted for raw milk.
step, using a vacuum chamber that should be
The same procedure was adopted to establish the
adjusted for proper removal of incorporated water
lower limit, i.e. adding –0.550°H to the maximum
in the milk, otherwise residual water will remain in
variation of –0.021°H, with a standard deviation of
milk. Considering the maximum limit of –0.545°H,
±0.001°H. Thus, the proposed range includes the
suggested by this study, the percentage of residual
extreme possible results observed in this experiment;
water on the data presented by Martins et al. (2008)
it is noteworthy that none of the samples presented
would be even higher, approximately 4.5%. A
results outside of this range.
definite freezing point parameter for UHT milk
The different concentrations of the two stabilizers would assist the industry in evaluating the proper
showed no significant effects on the density of milk removal of water after heat treatment of milk by
tested, and although minor variations were observed, direct steam injection.
the results were all within the range considered
The freezing point temperature is the most
normal for raw and pasteurized milk. This is due to
constant of milk characteristics; consequently,
the fact that density is less specific and is subjected
its determination is considered an accuracy test
to more variables compared to freezing point, hence
(TRONCO, 2008). Hence, the alteration of milk
it is unable to detect the small variations in solute
freezing point by addition of stabilizers demands a
concentrations such as those used in this study.
new approach in the regulatory aspect of UHT milk.
Even though density analysis, as demonstrated, is a
less accurate test, it is still a helpful tool in detecting The determination of a standard freezing point
alterations. Consequently, it can be suggested that for UHT milk is of greatest importance for fraud
the standards established for raw and pasteurized control and for proper restoration of the original
milk of 1.028 to 1.034 g.mL-1 can be adopted for water content in the product after direct steam
UHT milk. injection. Furthermore, it should also be applied
to control the amount of stabilizers added to milk,
Few studies that focus on the freezing point of
which along with freezing point, can also alter the
milk during the phases of UHT processing have
pH of milk and reduce the amount of ionic calcium
been conducted, probably due to the difficulty in
available (TSIOULPAS et al., 2010). Since a rapid
accessing industrial processes. Martins et al. (2008)
and low-cost analysis to quantify the stabilizer
evaluated 60 samples of raw milk and 30 samples
salts added to UHT milk is not yet available, the
of UHT milk from the same industry, in 6 different
establishment of a minimum limit on freezing point
processing stages. Comparing the averages of the
would be an important tool of quality control by
freezing point before and after UHT milk processing
regulatory agencies.
reported by that study, it can be noted that the freezing

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 36, n. 5, p. 3181-3188, set./out. 2015
Beloti, V. et al.

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Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 36, n. 5, p. 3181-3188, set./out. 2015

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