H.P. Technical University Hamirpur (HP) : Syllabus (Effective From The Session: 2015-16) Master of Business Administration
H.P. Technical University Hamirpur (HP) : Syllabus (Effective From The Session: 2015-16) Master of Business Administration
H.P. Technical University Hamirpur (HP) : Syllabus (Effective From The Session: 2015-16) Master of Business Administration
[Effective from the Session: 2015-16]
Master of Business Administration
Foundation Course
6 MBA- Computer 1 - 2 2 20 20 40 60 100
106 Applications in
Audit Course
7 AC Human Values 2 - - - 20 20 40 60 100`
and Professional
& Ethics
Total 16 5 2 20 700
Legend: L-lecture
CT-class Test
TA-Teachers Assessment
ESE-End Semester Examination
Legend: L-lecture
CT-class Test
TA-Teachers Assessment
ESE-End Semester Examination
Accounting for Managerial Decisions (MBA-101)
Compulsory Core
Paper Code: MBA-101
L T P Credits Sessional : 40
External : 60
3 1 0 4 Total : 100
Time : 3 hours
The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weight age is
based on the teaching hours as specified.
Objective: The objective of this course is to develop acquaintance with basic techniques of
accountancy. The course attempts to build potential to use appropriate accounting tools and
techniques of financial accounting and management accounting for preparing and analyzing
financial statements.
Accounting and its functions: Concepts and Conventions in Accounting .Accounting Cycle.
Double Entry System. Rules regarding Journal Entries; Recording of Journal Entries; Ledger
Posting; Subsidiary Books, Cash Book, Trial Balance;
Preparation of Final Accounts: Trading Account; Profit& Loss Account; Balance Sheet.
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Management Accounting: Nature; Scope; Objectives; Functions of Management Accounting;
Relationship between Financial and Management Accounting; Tools and Techniques of
Management Accounting; Limitations; Meaning of Financial Statement; Importance and
Limitations of Financial Statement; Meaning and Objectives of Financial Statement Analysis;
Limitation of Financial Analysis.
Ratio Analysis: Meaning, Interpretation, Significance, Limitations of Ratio Analysis;
Classification of Ratio. (L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Fund Flow Analysis: Meaning and Concept of Funds; Meaning of Fund Flow; Meaning of Fund
Flow Statement; Significance; Limitations; Procedure of Preparing Fund Flow Statement.
Cash Flow Analysis: Meaning; Classification of Cash Flow; Comparison between Fund Flow
Statement and Cash Flow Statement; Preparation of Cash Flow Statement (as per AS-3);
Treatment of Adjustments.
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Price Level Accounting: Meaning; Methods or Techniques of Price Level Accounting;
Advantages; Disadvantages.
Social Accounting: Concept of Social Cost Benefit Analysis; Meaning of Social Accounting;
Need; Social Accounting Approaches.
Human Resource Accounting: Meaning; Need; Methods of Human Resource Accounting;
Objections Against Human Resource Accounting; HRA in India.
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Suggested Readings:
1. Horngren, Sunden Elliott and Philbrick: Introduction to Financial Accounting, Pearson
2. Mukherjee, Hanif: Financial Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Horngren, Sunden and Ostratton: Introduction to Management Accounting, Prentice Hall
4. Hilton: Managerial Accounting, McGraw Hill
5. Bhattachaiya : 5.K. andDearden J. : Accounting for Management, Text and cases, New
Delhi,Vikas Publishers.
Marketing Management (MBA-102)
Compulsory Core
Paper Code: MBA-102
L T P Credits Sessional : 40
External : 60
3 1 0 4 Total : 100
Time : 3 hours
The question paper will consist of THREE Sections A,B and C. Section A will contain TEN
Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. In this section, all questions are
COMPULSORY. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks
each, out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Section C will contain FOUR Essay
Type Questions carrying 10 marks each, out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO.
The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weight age is
based on the teaching hours as specified.
Objective: (i) To understand the nature, tasks and the environment under which marketing
operates. (ii)To study the theory, principles and practical aspects of various marketing functions.
(iii) To learn to take marketing decisions.
Nature and scope of Marketing: Corporate orientations towards the market place. The
marketing environment and environment scanning .
Marketing Information System and Marketing Research, Understanding consumer and Industrial
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Market Segmentation: Targeting and Positioning.
Product decisions – product mix, product life cycle, new product development, Branding and
packaging decisions. Pricing methods and strategies.
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Promotion decisions – promotion mix, advertising, sales promotion, publicity and personal
selling. Vertical marketing – Implementation and systems.
Distribution Decisions: Patterns of channels and types of intermediaries, channel design
decisions, Channel conflict, types and functions of wholesalers and retailers, Emerging trends in
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Direct Marketing: Meaning, Benefits and growth of direct marketing, Forms of direct
marketing, Multi level marketing, Meaning, need and importance of multilevel marketing,
Advantages, Criticism of multilevel marketing, Ethical issues in direct & multilevel marketing.
Organizing and implementing marketing in the organization. Evaluation and control of
marketing efforts New issues in marketing – Globalization, Consumerism, Green marketing,
Legal issues.
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Suggested Readings:-
1. Enis, B.M. Marketing Classics : A Selection of Influential Articles. New York,McGraw Hill,
2. Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, G. Principles of Marketing. New Delhi, PrenticeHall of India,
3. Kotler, Philip. Marketing Management : Analysis, Planning, Implementation andControl. New
Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1994.
4. Ramaswamy, V S and Namakumari, S. Marketing Management :Planning,Control. New
Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1994.
5. Ramaswamy, V.S. and Namakumari, S. Marketing Management :Planning,Control. New
Delhi, MacMillan, 1990.
Compulsory Core
Paper Code: MBA-103
L T P Credits Sessional : 40
External : 60
3 1 0 4 Total : 100
Time : 3 hours
The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weight age is
based on the teaching hours as specified.
Objective: The objective of the paper is to make student aware with basic management concepts
and behavioral process in the Organization.
Introduction of OB: Concept, Nature, Characteristics, Conceptual Foundations and Importance,
Models of Organizational Behaviour.
Perception and Attribution: Concept, Nature, Process, Importance. Management and
Behavioural Applications of Perception.
Personality: Concept, Nature, Types and Theories of Personality Shaping, Personality Attitude
and Job Satisfaction.
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Learning: Concept and Theories of Learning.
Conflict: Concept, Sources, Types, Process
Group Dynamics: Definition, Stages of Group Development, Group Cohesiveness, Formal and
Informal Groups, Group Processes and Decision Making, Dysfunctional Groups
Motivation: Theories of Motivation, Leadership : Styles of leadership
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Management: Concept, Nature, Importance; Management : Art and Science, Management Vs.
Administration, Management Skills, Levels of Management. Taylor and Scientific Management,
Fayol’s Administrative Management, Hawthorne Experiments and Human Relations,
Introduction to Functions of Management:
Planning: Nature, Scope, Objectives and Significance, Types of Planning, Process of Planning.
Organizing: Concept, Organisation Theories, Forms of Organisational Structure,
Departmentation, Span of Control, Delegation of Authority, Authority & Responsibility,
Organizational Design.
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Staffing: Concept, System Approach, Manpower Planning, Job Design, Recruitment &
Selection, Training & Development, Performance Appraisal Directing: Concept, Direction and
Supervision, Job Enrichment & Morale Building
Controlling: Concept, Types of Control
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Suggested Reading:
1. Stoner, Freeman & Gilbert Jr - Management (Prentice Hall of India, 6thEdition)
2. Koontz Harold &Weihrich Heinz – Essentials of management (Tata McGraw Hill, 5th Edition
3. Robbins & Coulter - Management (Prentice Hall of India, 9thEdition)
4. Robbins S.P. and Decenzo David A. - Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts
andApplications (Pearson Education, 6th Ed.
5. Weihrich Heinz and Koontz Harold - Management: A Global and Entrepreneurial Perspective
(Mc Graw Hill, 12thEdition 2008)
Business Environment (MBA-104)
Compulsory Core
Paper Code: MBA-104
L T P Credits Sessional : 40
External : 60
2 1 0 3 Total : 100
Time : 3 hours
The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weight age is
based on the teaching hours as specified.
Objective: The objective of the subject is to provide the insight to the students about the changes
that are taking place in the Business Environment, the effect of these changes on business and
the demand placed on managers regarding national and global business environment.
Environmental Scanning: Different Aspects of Business Environment.
Salient features of Economic Systems: Capitalist system/Market economy; Socialist system and
Mixed Economy, Basic Features of Indian Economy, Government Business Relationship. Micro
and Macro Environment.
(L- 3, T-3, L+T=6)
Economic Policy: Monetary and Fiscal Policies in India, India’s Trade Policy, Aspects of
Economic Reforms: Liberalization; Privatization; Globalization and its Implications for India.
EXIM Policy; FEMA(Foreign Exchange Management Act)
(L- 3, T-3, L+T=6)
Social Responsibility of Business: Concept, rationale, dimensions models of social
responsibility and barriers of social responsibility, Ethics and social responsibility of
The Environment Protection Act, 1986.
(L- 3, T-3, L+T=6)
International Economic Environment: Emergence of Globalization, Control of Foreign Direct
Investment, Benefits and Problems from MNCs, WTO-its role and functions, implications for
India; Devaluation of Rupee.
(L- 3, T-3, L+T=6)
Suggested Readings:
1. S.K.Misra&Puri: Indian Economy (Its Development Experience), Himalaya Publishing House
2. R,uddarDatt& K.P.M. Sundaram: Indian Economy, S.Chand& Co.
3. Mungekar,Nachana&ManoharRao: Indian Economy in the New Millenium, Himalaya
PublishingHouse Pvt. Ltd.
4. G.Rama Krishna & A.G. Moss V.Suguna: Economic Reforms in India- Retrospect and
Prospect,Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
5. M.R. Das: WTO Opportunities and Challenges for Indian Banking, Himalaya Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd.
6. R.V. Badi: Indian Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
7. Francis Cherunilam: Global Economy and Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House
8. G.S.Kamat&PulakChakarvarty: Management of Co-operatives, Himalaya Publishing House
9. M.Adhikari: Economic Environment of Business
10. N.K.Sengupta: Government and Business in India
11. K.Ashwathappa: Economic Environment of Business in India
12. Misra&Puri: Economic Environment of Business, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd
Compulsory Core
Paper Code: MBA-105
L T P Credits Sessional : 40
External : 60
2 1 0 3 Total : 100
Time : 3 hours
The question paper will consist of THREE Sections A,B and C. Section A will contain
TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. In this section ,all questions are
COMPULSORY. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5
marks each, out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Section C will contain
FOUR Essay Type Questions carrying 10 marks each, out of which the student has to
answer ANY TWO.
The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weight age is
based on the teaching hours as specified.
Objective: The objective of the paper is to make student aware of the various functions and
importance of the HR department in any organization. It is basically concerned with managing
the human resources, whereby the underlying objective is to attract retain and motivate the
human resources in any organization.
Introduction to Human Resource Management: Growing Importance and functions of Human
Resource management Important Environmental Influences on HRM. Challenges to Personnel
Management, Approaches to Personnel Management, Responsibilities of a Personnel Managers,
Demographic, Societal and Workforce Trends. Personnel Management and Professionalization.
(L- 3, T-3, L+T=6)
Importance of Human Resource Planning, Contemporary Challenges in Human Resource
Planning, Factors affecting HRP, HRP Process, Approaches to HRP, Evaluating Effectiveness of
HRP, Methods of HRP, Recruitment, Selection and Placement, Interview and Promotion
Socializing the new employees. Training, Methods of Training, Evaluating Training
Effectiveness Methods for developing managers, Managerial Development.
(L- 3, T-3, L+T=6)
Performance Appraisal: Meaning, Purpose, Essentials of effective Performance Appraisal
system, Various Components of Performance Appraisal, Methods and techniques of Performance
Managing Compensation: Employee Remuneration: Concept, Objectives, Factors Influencing
Employee Remuneration, Remuneration methods, Challenges of remuneration; Job Evaluation:
Meaning, Process and Methods of Job Evaluation; Incentives: Concept, Importance and Types.
Fringe Benefits – Meaning, Types and administration of Benefits.
(L- 3, T-3, L+T=6)
Maintenance and disciplining the employees. Discipline meaning and importance. Employees’
grievance handling mechanism and procedure. Disciplinary action dismissal and retrenchment,
Various workplace safety and health issues and management of these issues.
Introduction to IHRM, Concept of IHRM, Issues in IHRM, Barriers to effective global HRM;
Cultural & behavioral differences and its relevance and importance in IHRM; IHRM trends,
issues and challenges .
(L- 3, T-3, L+T=6)
Suggested Readings:-
Computer Applications in Business (MBA-106)
Foundation Course
Paper Code: MBA-106
L T P Credits Sessional : 40
External : 60
1 0 2 2 Total : 100
Time : 3 hours
The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weight age is
based on the teaching hours as specified.
Spreadsheets and their uses in business: Excel basics, Rearranging, Worksheets, Excel
formatting techniques, using formulas and functions, chart features and working with graphics in
Power Point: Basics, working with texts and graphics in Power Point, Creating and delivering
(L- 3, P-2, L+P =5)
Computer Networks and Internet: Goals and Objectives of Computer Networks, Topologies,
applications, ISO-OSI Protocol, TCP/IP: Protocol; Local Area Network, Metropolitan Area
Network, Wide Area Network; Internet, E-Mail, search engines and protocols; FTP, HTTP,
Telnet, Lynx.
(L- 3, P-2, L+P =5)
Suggested Readings:
1. P.K.Sinha: Fundamental of Computers BPB
2. ITL Education Solutions Limited: Introduction to Information Technology
3. Leon &Leon : Internet for Everyone Leon Tech World
4. V.Raja Raman Fundamentals of Computers,PHI,New Delhi
5. Leon & leon :Introduction to Computers,Vikas Publishing house,New Delhi
Audit Course
Paper Code: AC
L T P Credits Sessional : 40
External : 60
2 0 0 0 Total : 100
Time : 3 hours
The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weight age is
based on the teaching hours as specified.
Objective: The objective of the paper is to make student understand the moral values that ought
to guide them in the society and it is intended to develop a set of beliefs, attitudes ethics that
students should display concerning morality.
Concept of Values; Types of Values; Human Values in Management; Relevance of Values in
Modern Management; Values for Managers. Leadership and Human Values; Inter-personal
Relations and Human Values; Stress Management and Human Values; Team Building and
(L- 3,T-3, L+T =6)
Value Education: understanding value education, self-exploration as the process of value
education, continuous happiness and prosperity-the basic human aspirations, right understanding
,relationship and physical facilities ,happiness and prosperity –current scenario
(L- 3,T-3, L+T =6)
Harmony in the human being: understanding human being as the co - existence of self (I)and
the body ,Discriminating between the needs of self (I) and the body , Understanding harmony in
the self ,harmony of the self (II) with the body ,program to ensure Sanyam and Swasthya.
(L- 3,T-3, L+T =6)
Harmony in the family and society: harmony in the family –the basic unit of human
interaction, values in human to human relationship, trust –the fundamental values in the
relationship, respect–as the right evaluation, understanding harmony in the society vision for the
universal human order
Harmony in the nature (Existence): Understanding harmony in the nature, interconnectedness,
self regulation
(L- 3,T-3, L+T =6)
Suggested Books
1. Human values and professional ethics- R. R. Gaur, R Sangal, G P Bagaria (excel books)
2. Business Ethics: An Indian Perspective –A.C. Fernando, Prentice Publications
3. Business Ethics and Corporate Governance - A.C. Fernando,Pearsons Publications
4. Professional ethics and Human values- R.S. Nagarazan,New Age International
Business Statistics and Computing Skills (MBA-201)
Compulory Course
Paper Code: MBA-206
L T P Credits Sessional : 40
External : 60
3 1 0 4 Total : 100
Time : 3 hours
The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weight age is
based on the teaching hours as specified.
Objective: The objective of this paper is to train the students to use various statistical methods in
order to understand, analyze and interpret various business, managerial and economic problems.
Classification of data and construction of Frequency Distribution: Graphic Presentation of
Introduction of Descriptive Statistics: Measures of Central Tendency; Measures of Dispersion-
Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, and Standard Deviation, Skewness & Kurtosis.
Index Numbers: Definition and Methods of Construction of Index Numbers; Problems in
Construction, Importance of Index Numbers in Managerial Decision Making.
(L- 3, T-3, L+T =6)
Theory of Probability: Basic concepts, Additive and Multiplicative Rule, Idea of Conditional
Probability, Concept of Random Variable and its mathematical expectation.
Theoretical Distributions: Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distribution.
(L- 3, T-3, L+T =6)
Statistical Inference: Concept of Sampling Distribution, Parameter & Statistics, Standard Error.
Testing of Hypothesis: Large Sample Tests, Small Sample Test (t Test-single sample mean and
difference of means tests; F test-Variance Ratio test; Z test-single proportion, difference of
proportions single sample mean and Difference of Means; (chi square) test-Independence of
Attributes, Goodness of Fit and Test of Homogeneity.
(L- 3, T-3, L+T =6)
Correlation Analysis: Rank Method and Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation and
Properties of Correlation.
Regression Analysis: Simple Linear Regression Model, Specification of the Model,
Assumptions, Least Square Estimates of Parameters and their properties, Coefficient of
Determination and Interpretation of Coefficients.
Time Series Analysis: Components, Measurement of Trend by Least Squares Method, Straight
Line and Importance of Time Series.
(L- 3, T-3, L+T =6)
Suggested Readings:
1. J. K. Sharma: Business Statistics, Pearson Publication, New Delhi.
2. Amir D Aczel & Sounderpandian: Complete Business Statistics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Ltd.
3. Levin &Kapoor: Statistics For Management, Prentice Hall
4. U.K. Srivastava, Shenoy & Sharma: Quantitative Techniques for Management, New Age
International, New Delhi.
5. P.N. Arora& S. Arora: Statistics for Management, S. Chand &Co., New Delhi.
6. M. P. Gupta & S. P. Gupta: Business Statistics, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
7. R. S. Bhardwaj: Business Statistics, Excel Publishers.
8. S. P. Gupta: Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
Financial Management (MBA-202)
Compulsory Core
Paper Code: MBA-202
L T P Credits Sessional : 40
External : 60
3 1 0 4 Total : 100
Time : 3 hours
The question paper will consist of THREE Sections A,B and C. Section A will contain TEN
Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. In this section ,all questions are
COMPULSORY. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks
each, out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Section C will contain FOUR Essay
Type Questions carrying 10 marks each, out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO.
The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weight age is
based on the teaching hours as specified.
Objective: The course has been designed to develop understanding of different concepts and
theories underlying financial management and implications of various financial techniques.
Introduction to Financial Management: Meaning, Scope, Finance Function, Financial Goals,
Sources of Finance: Types- Advantages and Limitations of Equity Shares, Preference Shares,
Debentures, Term-Loans, Right Issue, Venture Capital, Private Equity GDR, ADR.
Cost of Capital: Meaning; Calculation of Cost of Debt Capital; Equity Capital; Preference
Capital; Retained Earnings; Weighted Average Cost of Capital.
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Capital Structure: Meaning, Determinants, Assumptions, Net Income and Operating Income
Approach, Traditional Position, M-M Position, EBIT and EPS Analysis.
Leverage Analysis: Meaning, Types, Estimation of Financial, Operating and Combined
Leverage, Relation of Financial Leverage with Risk and Return.
Management of Working Capital: Meaning of WC; Need of WC Management; Determinants
of WC, Operating Cycle.
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Cash Management: Meaning; Facets of Cash Management; Motives for Holding Cash; Optimal
Cash Balance; Short-Term and Long-Term Cash Forecasting.
Receivable Management: Meaning; Credit Policy Variable; Credit Evaluation; Credit
Decisions; Control of Account Receivable.
Inventory Management: Meaning; Need to hold Inventory; Objective of Inventory
Management; Inventory Investment Analysis; Inventory Control System.
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Capital Budgeting: Meaning; Basic Principles of Costs and Benefits; Investment Criteria; Pay
back Method; Accounting Rate of Return Method; Net Present Value Method; Benefit -Cost
Ratio; Internal Rate of Return; Capital Rationing; Introduction to Basic Techniques of Risk
Analysis in Capital Budgeting.
Dividend Decisions: Meaning and Types of Dividend; Issues in Dividend Policy; Traditional
Model; Walter Model; Gordon Model; Miller and Modigliani Model
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Suggested Readings:
1. I.M. Pandey: Financial Management, Vikash Publishing House
2. Prasanna Chandra: Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Khan and Jain: Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill
4. James C. Van: Financial Management, Pearson Education Horne Policy Asia
5. Brealy and Myres: Principles of Corporate Finance, Tata McGraw Hill
Business Research Methods (MBA-203)
Compulsory Core
Paper Code: MBA-203
L T P Credits Sessional : 40
External : 60
3 1 0 4 Total : 100
Time : 3 hours
The question paper will consist of THREE Sections A,B and C. Section A will contain TEN
Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. In this section ,all questions are
COMPULSORY. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks
each, out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Section C will contain FOUR Essay
Type Questions carrying 10 marks each, out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO.
The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weight age is
based on the teaching hours as specified.
Objective: The object Research Methodology of the course contents is to make the learner aware
of the basic concepts of Research Methodology and prepare them for conducting research
Introduction to Research: Definition, Scope, significance Limitations, and Types.
Objectives of Research. Research Process, literature review.
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Research Designs: Exploratory, Descriptive and Experimental Research Design
Data Collection: Secondary Data, Primary Data and Methods of Collection. Scaling Techniques,
Attitude Measurement Techniques; Motivational Research Techniques.
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Sample Design, Selecting an Appropriate Statistical technique; Field Work and Tabulation,
coding, Editing. Interpretation of Data and Report Writing.
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Testing of Hypothesis, Analysis of Data; Techniques for Data Analysis –ANOVA, Discriminant
Analysis, Factor Analysis, Conjoint Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling and Clustering Methods
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Suggested Readings:-
1. C.R.Kothari ,Research Methodology
2. S.L.Gupta ,Marketing Research, Excel Books
3. J.P.Guilford,Psychometric Methods, New York.
4. Luck,David J and Ronald S.Rubir Marketing Research .Prentice Hall India Ltd.
5. Andrews, F. M. and S. B. Witey Social Indicators of will Being, Plenum Press, NY, 1976.
6. Bemnet, Roger: Management Research, H. O. 1983.
7. Fowler, Floyd J. Jr., Survey Methods, 2nd ed., Sage Pub., 1993.
8. Fox, J. A. and P. E. Tracy: Randomized Response : A method of Sensitive Surveys, Sage
Pub., 1986.
Managerial Economics (MBA-204)
Compulsory Core
Paper Code: MBA-204
L T P Credits Sessional : 40
External : 60
3 1 0 4 Total : 100
Time : 3 hours
The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weight age is
based on the teaching hours as specified.
Production Function: Concept and types, Returns to Factor and Returns to Scale, Law of
Variable Proportions.
Cost concepts and Analysis: Concept of Cost, Short run and Lung-run Cost Curves,
Relationships among various costs, Break-even Analysis.
Revenue Curves: Concept and Types.
Pricing in various markets: Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic, Competition
(L- 3, T-3, L+T =6)
National Income: Conceptual Framework, Measures of National Income, Methods of
Measurement, Limitations of National Income.
Inflation: Meaning, Types, Theories, Causes, Effects and Control.
Balance of Payments Monetary and Fiscal Policies, Investment Multiplier, Credit Multiplier.
(L- 3, T-3, L+T =6)
Suggested Readings:
1. Craig Peterson, Lewis and Jain: Managerial Economics, Pearson Education
2. Mark Hirshey: Managerial Economics, Thomson
3. Dr. V.PandurangaRao: Microeconomics-IBS Publication
4. Keat: Economic Tools for Today’s Decision Makers, Pearson Education
5. William Samuelson and Stephen G. Mark, Managerial Economics, John Wiley & Sons.
6. Managerial Economics Analysis: Problem Cases, 8th Edition, Truett &Truett, Wiley
7. K.K. Dewett: Modern Economic Theory, S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi
8. Mote, Paul Gupta: Managerial Economics, Vikas Publisher, New Delhi
9. R.L. Varshney& K. L. Maheshwari: Managerial Economics, S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi
Production and Operations Management (MBA-205)
Compulsory Core
Paper Code: MBA-205
L T P Credits Sessional : 40
External : 60
3 1 0 4 Total : 100
Time : 3 hours
The question paper will consist of THREE Sections A,B and C. Section A will contain TEN
Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. In this section ,all questions are
COMPULSORY. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5 marks
each, out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Section C will contain FOUR Essay
Type Questions carrying 10 marks each, out of which the student has to answer ANY TWO.
The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weight age is
based on the teaching hours as specified.
Objective: To understand a systems view of operations, to understand the conversion of inputs
into outputs with various technology.
Operations Management: Concepts, Functions.
Product Design & Development: Product Design and its Characteristics, Product Development
Process (Technical), Product Development Techniques.
Process Selection: Project, Job, Batch, Mass & Process types of Production Systems, Product-
Process Mix.
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Facility Location: importance, Factors in Location Analysis, Location Analysis
Techniques. Facility Layout: Objectives, Advantages, Basic Types of Layouts.
Capacity Planning: Concepts, Factors Affective Capacity, Planning, Capacity Planning
Production Planning & Control (PPC): Concepts, Objectives, Functions
Work Study: Productivity, Method Study, Work Measurement.
(L- 10, T-3, L+T=13)
Suggested Readings:
1. Nair: Production & Operation Management, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Adam & Ebert: Production & Operation Management, Prentice Hall India
3. Krajewski & Ritzman: Operations Management, Pearson Education Asia
4. Buffa & Sarin: Modern Production/Operations Management, John Wiley
5. SN Chary: Production & Operations Management, Tata McGraw Hill
Foundation Core
Paper Code: MBA-206
L T P Credits Sessional : 40
External : 60
2 0 0 2 Total : 100
Time : 3 hours
The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weight age is
based on the teaching hours as specified.
Objective: The objective of the paper is to provide students with the knowledge, skills and
motivation to encourage entrepreneurial success and oriented them towards different ways of
realizing opportunities.
Entrepreneurship: Definition of Entrepreneur, Internal and External Factors, Functions of an
Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial motivation and Barriers, Classification of Entrepreneurship,
Theory of Entrepreneurship, Concept of Entrepreneurship, Development of entrepreneurship;
Culture, stages in entrepreneurial process.
(L- 3, T-3, L+T =6)
Creativity and Entrepreneurial Plan: Idea Generation, Screening and Project Identification,
Creative Performance, Feasibility Analysis: Economic, Marketing, Financial and Technical;
Project Planning: Evaluation, Monitoring and Control segmentation. Creative Problem Solving
(L- 3, T-3, L+T =6)
International Entrepreneurship Opportunities: The nature of international entrepreneurship,
Importance of international business to the firm, International versus domestics’
entrepreneurship, Stages of economic development.
Institutional support for new ventures: Supporting Organizations; Incentives and facilities;
Financial Institutions and Small scale Industries, Govt. Policies for SSIs.
(L- 3, T-3, L+T =6)
Family and Non Family Entrepreneur: Role of Professionals, Professionalism vs family
entrepreneurs, Role of Woman entrepreneur.
Venture Capital: Venture capital, Nature and Overview, Venture capital process, locating
venture capitalists.
(L- 3, T-3, L+T =6)
Suggested Readings:
1. Couger, C- Creativity and Innovation (IPP, 1999)
2. Nina Jacob, - Creativity in Organisations (Wheeler, 1998)
3. Jonne&Ceserani - Innovation & Creativity (Crest) 2001.
4. Bridge S et al- Understanding Enterprise: Entrepreneurship and Small Business (Palgrave,
5. Holt - Entrepreneurship : New Venture Creation (Prentice-Hall) 1998.
6. Hunger J D and Wheelen T L - Strategic Management (Addison-Wesley, 1999)
7. Dollinger M J - Entrepreneurship (Prentice-Hall, 1999)
Foundation Course
Paper Code: MBA-207
L T P Credits Sessional : 40
External : 60
2 0 0 2 Total : 100
Time : 3 hours
The question paper will consist of THREE Sections A,B and C. Section A will contain
TEN Short Note Type Questions carrying 2 marks each. In this section ,all questions are
COMPULSORY. Section B will contain SIX Short Answer Type Questions carrying 5
marks each, out of which the student has to answer ANY FOUR. Section C will contain
FOUR Essay Type Questions carrying 10 marks each, out of which the student has to
answer ANY TWO.
The questions should be normally selected from all the chapters of the subject. The weight age is
based on the teaching hours as specified.
Objective: The course is aimed at equipping the students with the necessary techniques and
skills of Communication to inform others inspire them and enlist their activity in the
performance of their jobs.
INTRODUCTION: Role of communication, defining and classifying communication, purpose
of communication, process of communication, importance of communication in management,
communication structure in organization, barriers & gateway in communication, 7 C’s of
EMPLOYMENT COMMUNICATION: Writing CVs, Group discussions, interview, types of
interview, candidates preparation, Interviewers preparation; Impact of Technological
Advancement on Business Communication; Communication networks, Intranet, Internet, e
mails, SMS, teleconferencing, videoconferencing
(L- 3, T-3, L+T =6)
ORAL COMMUNICATION: What is oral Communication, principles of successful oral
communication, two sides of effective oral communication, effective listening, non–verbal
communication, Body language, Paralanguage.
WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: Purpose of writing, clarity in writing, principles of effective
writing, writing technique, electronic writing process.
(L- 3, T-3, L+T =6)
PRESENTATION SKILLS: What is a presentation: elements of presentation, designing a
presentation, Advanced visual support for business presentation, types of visual aid.
GROUP COMMUNICATION: Meetings, Notice, Planning meetings, objectives, participants,
timing, venue of meetings, leading meetings, Minutes of Meeting, Media management, the press
release, press conference, media interviews, Seminars, workshop, conferences, Business
(L- 3, T-3, L+T =6)
Suggested Readings:
1. M. K. Sehgal& V. Khetrapal - Business Communication (Excel Books).
2. Rajendra Pal - Business Communication (Sultanchand & Sons Publication).
3. P.D. Chaturvedi – Busines Communication (Pearson Education, 1st Edition 2006).
4. Lesikar RV & Pettit Jr. JD – Basic Business Communication : Theory & Application (Tata Mc
Grow Hill, 10th Edition).
5. TaylerShinley – Communication for Business (Pearson Education, 4th Edition)