This document provides instructions for basic TCU training, including:
1) Configuring the laptop IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway to connect to the TCU.
2) Downloading and using the freeFTPd and Tera-term programs to transfer software and configure the TCU.
3) Connecting hardware including power, E1 cable from DUG, and LAN cable from NPU to TND.
4) Placing the TCU software and script files on the laptop to upload and run the upgrade procedure on the TCU.
This document provides instructions for basic TCU training, including:
1) Configuring the laptop IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway to connect to the TCU.
2) Downloading and using the freeFTPd and Tera-term programs to transfer software and configure the TCU.
3) Connecting hardware including power, E1 cable from DUG, and LAN cable from NPU to TND.
4) Placing the TCU software and script files on the laptop to upload and run the upgrade procedure on the TCU.
This document provides instructions for basic TCU training, including:
1) Configuring the laptop IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway to connect to the TCU.
2) Downloading and using the freeFTPd and Tera-term programs to transfer software and configure the TCU.
3) Connecting hardware including power, E1 cable from DUG, and LAN cable from NPU to TND.
4) Placing the TCU software and script files on the laptop to upload and run the upgrade procedure on the TCU.
This document provides instructions for basic TCU training, including:
1) Configuring the laptop IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway to connect to the TCU.
2) Downloading and using the freeFTPd and Tera-term programs to transfer software and configure the TCU.
3) Connecting hardware including power, E1 cable from DUG, and LAN cable from NPU to TND.
4) Placing the TCU software and script files on the laptop to upload and run the upgrade procedure on the TCU.
CHANGE IP ADDRESS IN YOUR LAPTOP TO : IP Address ( Subnet mask ( Default gateway ( SOFTWARE NEED :-
1- freeFTPd program for TCU SW transfer .
2-Tera-term for configure TCU .
3-You need site Script and TCU
Power cable
E1 cable from DUG
LAN Cable from NPU
TO TND Connect to TCU through LMT port in TCU Create new folder in “C” name it “TCU” and put TCU SW and SCRIPT INSIDE IT. TCU SW and SCRIPT Open freeftpd program and perform the following steps as print screens . Then select home directory :- Then select SFTP root directory from “C” Now SFTP server is running . Let “free FTPd program running and open Tera –term and change IP and service as shown in print. Tera- term login Tera- term login Tera- term login Now open TCU SW upgrade procedure
Select item and past it in Tera Term
TCU will restart after
this comment copy site script name and past it in TCU SW upgrade procedure This comment according to site script name : After COMPLETE COMMANDS , PING TO (PGW) IP • Call to B.O BSS for halt site • NOW connect to OMT and change transmission parameters as attached print .
Note :- if you have two
DUG you should make new IDB to change transmission parameters in both . Some commands for TCU maintenance :
- “getalarmlist” to check TCU alarms .
-”traceroute” will show you IP route . -”restart” to restart TCU . -”collectDCGInformation” to collect TCU log and go to file and save log . Note 1:-if you want to stop Ping press CTRL+C . Note 2 :- you can past command to tera term by pressing Right click . THANK YOU