Materials Today: Proceedings: G. Dilli Babu, B. Jagadish Babu, K. Bintu Sumanth, K. Sivaji Babu
Materials Today: Proceedings: G. Dilli Babu, B. Jagadish Babu, K. Bintu Sumanth, K. Sivaji Babu
Materials Today: Proceedings: G. Dilli Babu, B. Jagadish Babu, K. Bintu Sumanth, K. Sivaji Babu
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Now a day Nano based Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer (NFRP) composite is important alternative
Received 3 August 2019 material to conventional materials because of its superior characteristics. In general composite products
Accepted 17 September 2019 are manufactured nearer to the required shape, but secondary operations like machining is necessary to
Available online xxxx
obtain the required surface finish. Machining of NFRP composites is different than the machining of
traditional materials. This paper focuses on the behavior and optimization of machining parameters on
Keywords: turning of Nano-Khorasan based Pineapple leaf fiber reinforced composites by using Response Surface
Pineapple leaf fiber
Methodology (RSM) technique. The input factors studied are speed, feed, depth of cut and Nano-
Nano Khorasan powder
Khorasan mixing. The investigated output response was Average Surface Roughness (Ra). A Box-
Response surface methodology Behnken approach was employed to evaluate the optimum parameters to attain the minimum Ra.
Surface roughness Based on this approach, a second order polynomial modal equation was generated for predicting
response Ra. Also the relative effect of parameters on response Ra was studied by using ANOVA. The
experimental result shows some interesting factors in context to the turning of Nano Khorasan based
Pineapple leaf fiber reinforced polymer composites.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International conference
on Materials and Manufacturing Methods.
2214-7853/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International conference on Materials and Manufacturing Methods.
Please cite this article as: G. Dilli Babu, B. Jagadish Babu, K. Bintu Sumanth et al., Experimental investigation on surface roughness of turned Nano-Kho-
rasan based pineapple leaf fiber-reinforced polymer composites using response surface methodology, Materials Today: Proceedings,
2 G. Dilli Babu et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Turning, which is four times harder than Al/Sic composites, and has mens are shown in Fig. 1b. The percentage of volume fraction of
better life period and reduced tool wear. Feed and speed was rec- the composite material is 60% of resin and 40% of fiber. For the
ognized as the major influencing parameters on tool wear. Regres- Nano particulate components 10% of Khorasan powder added of
sion equation is formed for predicting the output response and the resin weight.
RSM approach is implemented to optimize the result. Kumar
et al. [9] conducted the drilling experiments to study the machin- 2.2. Response surface methodology (RSM)
ing performance of Glass fiber reinforced composites. The influence
of drill parameters like drill bit geometry, speed and the feed on RSM is a scientific approach to analyze the connections between
the surface quality of drilled hole was investigated by using design the response and the input parameters. This methodology consists
of experiments and ANOVA analysis. The thrust force recorded for of a statistical design with the aim of obtaining results in a system-
composites made up of with fillers was lower than composites atic way in order to obtain the output response about the perfor-
without fillers. mance of a process. The correlation between the output and the
This investigation mainly focuses on the determination of input is given in the equation (1).
machining parameters and their combination for better surface
N ¼ f ðx1 ; x2 ; x3 . . . . . . ; xn Þ þ e ð1Þ
quality in turning Nano-Khorasan based NFRP composites. This
study uses response surface methodology for carry out experimen- Where N is the output, x1, x2, x3. . .,xn indicates the independent
tation to identify the trend of process parameters and highly influ- process parameters, n is the no. of the independent process vari-
ential parameter. ables and e is error. For the embellishment of experimental design
we used the RSM methodology for three machining variable with
three levels and one categorical factor (Nano-Khorasan mixing).
2. Experimental investigation
The detailed parameters and their assigned levels are presented in
the Table 2.
2.1. Turning specimen preparation
Fig. 1. (a). Pineapple plant and fiber. (b). Nano-Khorasan based Pineapple fiber composites for turning experiments.
Table 1
Mechanical characteristics of composites with and without Khorasan Nano particulates.
Please cite this article as: G. Dilli Babu, B. Jagadish Babu, K. Bintu Sumanth et al., Experimental investigation on surface roughness of turned Nano-Kho-
rasan based pineapple leaf fiber-reinforced polymer composites using response surface methodology, Materials Today: Proceedings,
G. Dilli Babu et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
Fig. 2. (a). Turning of composites on CNC lathe. (b). Surface roughness measurement using stylus surf test.
of Pineapple leaf fiber reinforced polymer composite is shown in To study the interaction behavior of turning parameters on out-
Fig. 2a. put response Ra, 3D graphs for the output responses were drawn
Output response Ra was calculated by standard stylus surf test, based on the regression model equation. Since the model had three
Mitutoyo SJ-210 series instrument. The surface roughness mea- machining parameters, a total of three surface graphs were created
surement setup is shown in Fig. 2b. for the output response (Ra), shown in the Fig. 3a–c. 3D surface
graphs show that, the output response Ra decrease with decrease
in feed and depth of cut. Also it is identified that Ra is decreasing
when the speed approaches to the higher level. So, the machining
3. Experimental results and discussion
parameters for reduced Ra should consist of middle level of depth
of cut, low level feed rate and higher level of speed for turned
The detailed RSM table and the response values are presented in
Pineapple leaf fiber reinforced polymer composite made with addi-
the Table 3. The effect of turning parameters and Nano Khorasan
tion of Nano- Khorasan.
powder mixing on output response Ra of turned Pineapple leaf
ANOVA findings are summarized in Table 4. ANOVA analysis
fiber polymer composite was studied by using regression analysis
provides information regarding influence of input factors (speed,
and ANOVA.
Table 3
RSM design with output response (Ra).
S.No Run Factor (A) Factor (B) Factor (C) Factor (D) Filler Roughness (Ra) in lm
1 34 1000 100 2.50 With 6.1495
2 29 3000 100 2.50 With 3.7025
3 9 1000 500 2.50 With 6.628
4 10 3000 500 2.50 With 4.138
5 26 1000 300 1.00 With 3.4225
6 5 3000 300 1.00 With 6.5515
7 14 1000 300 4.00 With 5.914
8 19 3000 300 4.00 With 4.4235
9 25 2000 100 1.00 With 4.185
10 17 2000 500 1.00 With 3.092
11 31 2000 100 4.00 With 5.1195
12 15 2000 500 4.00 With 3.9725
13 28 2000 300 2.50 With 4.289
14 12 2000 300 2.50 With 4.666
15 2 2000 300 2.50 With 5.089
16 21 2000 300 2.50 With 4.8805
17 18 2000 300 2.50 With 3.815
18 4 1000 100 2.50 Without 3.5455
19 22 3000 100 2.50 Without 3.6625
20 7 1000 500 2.50 Without 3.967
21 11 3000 500 2.50 Without 3.672
22 24 1000 300 1.00 Without 3.0475
23 13 3000 300 1.00 Without 4.6425
24 1 1000 300 4.00 Without 5.986
25 30 3000 300 4.00 Without 4.1585
26 20 2000 100 1.00 Without 4.043
27 6 2000 500 1.00 Without 4.777
28 33 2000 100 4.00 Without 4.431
29 3 2000 500 4.00 Without 2.912
30 8 2000 300 2.50 Without 5.2355
31 23 2000 300 2.50 Without 4.799
32 16 2000 300 2.50 Without 4.9085
33 27 2000 300 2.50 Without 4.553
34 32 2000 300 2.50 Without 3.2105
Please cite this article as: G. Dilli Babu, B. Jagadish Babu, K. Bintu Sumanth et al., Experimental investigation on surface roughness of turned Nano-Kho-
rasan based pineapple leaf fiber-reinforced polymer composites using response surface methodology, Materials Today: Proceedings,
4 G. Dilli Babu et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 3. (a). 3D surface graphs for feed and speed. (b). 3D surface graphs for depth of cut and speed. (c). 3D surface graphs for depth of cut and feed.
Table 4
Detailed ANOVA results with R2 values.
feed, depth of cut and Nano Khorasan addition) on the response Ra. Regression modal equations were generated to relate the corre-
ANOVA table shows contribution of parameters on the output lation among the input parameters on the output response (Ra).
response (Ra). The regression modal values are also performed. The following modal equation representing the relation in between
The present modal R2value is 0.9328 which indicates the modal input parameters verses output response.
is good for analysis.
The present ANOVA modal F-value is 21.37 it shows that the Average surface Roughness ðRaÞ
modal is significant. P-values of this model are less than 0.05 it rep- ¼ þ4:30 0:47 A þ 0:60 B 0:28 C þ 0:55 D
resents that the parameters are highly significant. The result shows
0:062 A B 0:05 A C 0:093 A D 0:016 B
that the machining parameters selected are highly significant at
95% confidence interval. The interactions BD, A2 and C2 are signif- C þ 0:46 B D 0:063 C D 0:3 A2 þ 0:04 B2
icant modal terms that affects the output response Ra because this þ 0:69 C2 ð2Þ
combination has a P-value <0.05. In the ANOVA table, % C repre-
sents the percentage contribution of parameters on the output Where A = Cutting speed in rpm, B = Feed rate in mm/min,
response Ra. The Nano Khorasan mixing (33.19%) is the major C = Depth of cut in mm, D = Nano Khorasan (for categorical factor,
parameter which influences the output response Ra, followed by with Nano Khorasan mixing is 1, without mixing is 0.) Based on
feed (18.36%), speed (11.23%) and depth of cut (4.10%). the Box-Behnken approach the optimum machining conditions for
Table 5
Confirmation test results for predicted verses experimental response Ra.
Please cite this article as: G. Dilli Babu, B. Jagadish Babu, K. Bintu Sumanth et al., Experimental investigation on surface roughness of turned Nano-Kho-
rasan based pineapple leaf fiber-reinforced polymer composites using response surface methodology, Materials Today: Proceedings,
G. Dilli Babu et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5
turning of pineapple leaf fiber reinforced composites were identi- lower than that of composites made without Nano Khorasan
fied. High cutting speed, low feed rate, medium depth of cut and powder.
Nano-Khorasan powder mixing improves the output response (Ra). For both with and without Nano Khorasan powder mixing com-
posites, the parameters speed and feed are highly influencing
4. Confirmation test the roughness (Ra). Therefore, these parameters appear to be
the significant machining parameters to achieve high quality
Confirmation tests were conducted to validate the model equa- surface quality in turning of pineapple leaf fiber composites.
tions generated in this study. Table 5 shows confirmation test The experimental results were verified by conducting the con-
results for predicted and experimental values. Maximum error firmation experiments. The conformational result shows that,
obtained in the confirmation test was below 5%. Thus the model the error related to average surface roughness (Ra) of the turned
equation can be successfully used to predict the output response composites varies by ±5%. It shows good relation between the
(Ra). modal equation results and experimental results. So the modal
equation can be used successfully for finding the Ra.
5. Conclusion
Please cite this article as: G. Dilli Babu, B. Jagadish Babu, K. Bintu Sumanth et al., Experimental investigation on surface roughness of turned Nano-Kho-
rasan based pineapple leaf fiber-reinforced polymer composites using response surface methodology, Materials Today: Proceedings,