CHAPTER I (Velasco & Luzada)
CHAPTER I (Velasco & Luzada)
CHAPTER I (Velasco & Luzada)
Chapter I
educational reform which aims to provide learners especially the Senior High
track which was developed to equip senior high school students with physical
those who want to venture into the fitness, recreation, and athletics industries.
Naga College Foundation is one of the pioneer schools that offers Senior
High School in our city. It is also one of the schools in the division that offers
sports track which one of the four career tracks under the k to 12 program.
learners about the various factors that affect social, psychological, and cognitive
If you love the adrenaline rush and an avid fan of physical activities,
then the sports track might be the one for you. And the sports track is not really
about dribbling balls, running, or playing. Under the curriculum, there are various
you will have to take which include: Safety and First Aid, Human Movement,
Upon graduating from the sports track, you can already gain a
you with the possible occupation and opportunities to work as a Coach, Fitness
trainer, Referee or Sports and recreation attendant. You can further pursue this
track into a full - blown college degree like Bachelor in Secondary Education
Major in School P.E, Bachelor of P.E and Sports Science, or Bachelor of Science
On the other hand, the great challenge that be faced the educational
much worst for those students who always manifest low interest in the class. In
students. No matter how much potential they have as a teacher, if still they are
There are different factors that affect their chosen TRACK in Senior High.
Respect for family is one of the most influential factors that affects the Senior
students for their career decision. Family factor tend to be superior about
choosing a course for their children to continue the legacy of their family courses
or profession. Economic factors include by means of choosing their strand. Their
status in life can affect the chosen course they want, some of the respondents
will depend on the economic status to get their profession. It may affect also
themselves because not everyone tend to choose what TRACK they afford
because there are lots of option or choice of what they really want. But because
Self-interest is getting what they really want, they will decide on their own
profession where the passion brought them, this will affect their chosen TRACK
because some students are depending to what their parents want them to take.
Sometimes on the aspects of the same job. Students grew up with parents, some
are superior with their guardians but mostly the parents’ dictates what profession
schools graduate, one of the major decisions you have to make is to choose
which track they are going to take for senior high school. In the enchaned basic
there are four available track/ strand students can choose from: Academic
(college preparation), Arts and Design (design and creative industry), Technical-
Vocational- Livelihood (job- ready skills), and the Sports track (Physical education
and recreation).
their sex, occupational of parents and local residence as well as the occupational
Senior High School of Naga College Foundation, Inc., school year 2020- 2021 .
1. What is the composition of the students of sports track in the senior high
A. Sex
B. Occupational of Parents
C. Location of Residence
3. Are there significant differences in the occupational interest of the senior high
A. Sex
B. Occupational of Parents
C. Location of Residence
1. The students have varied occupational interests of sports track senior high
school student which are high and useful and their daily life.
2. Sports track of senior high school is an avenue to gain self confidence and aim
1. The occupational interests of senior high school student sports track has
significant difference.
The results of this study are deemed beneficial to the students, teachers,
for students toward their improved skills and knowledge needed in their possible
students’ occupational interests and their various compositions, they will know as
to how the manifestation of their interests may affect their future career.
P.E Teachers. The teachers will get some insights from the results of
this study which they can use as springboards for coming up with other effective
alternative teaching strategies based on the needs of the students. They may
conduct a deeper study of the students’ home and family background that
influence the student’s interests. Thus, they can have home visitation and
establish cooperative relationship with the parents. They may increase the
their children the supervision and support so that may enhance their knowledge
and skills. Moreover, the parents may support the school’s sports track program
provisions for the enhancement of the students’ growth and along other aspects
useful to the school administration / school heads to give more time and
sports track strand that will enhance the knowledge and skills of the senior high
school students.
Future Researchers. Results of this study may serve as reference for
and limitations of this study may serve as areas for further study.
students in senior high school at Naga College Foundation, Incorporated for the
school year 2020-2021. The following variables were the subject of investigation;
1) The compositions of senior high school students with their sex, occupational
students and their occupational interests. The sample respondents of the study
were the 45 Grade 12 students and the study utilized the descriptive correlational
method of research.
The study was delimited to grade 12 Sport Track class. Other grade levels
Definition of Terms
Terms used in the study were defined for clarity better understanding of
person suffering from either a minor or serious illness or injury, with care
performed by someone with basic medical training. Mental health first aid is an
extension of the concept of first aid to cover mental health, while psychological
first aid is used as early treatment of people who are at risk for developing
ranging field that includes both how the motor control system produces
movements, and how the sensory system perceives these movements itself and
from others. Since both the structure of the body and the strategy for producing
movements are unique, they provide constraints that are potentially important
first phase of the systemic evolutionary coach training and certification program.
The program is directed towards both those who want to begin their training as
professional coaches and all those who want to use the competencies of
with established rules. The quality of sports officiating depends on the official’s
knowledge of the rules of the sport, on his ability to apply the rules while
educational value for athletes and spectators alike. Sports officiating is not a
The official fulfills various functions and duties, depending on the sport and the
the various social factors that influence the participation, performance, and
students attend in the three or four highest grades before college. A high school
where someone is a freshman, sophomore, junior and senior in 9th, 10th, 11th
Sports Track- The Sports Track aims to give you understanding of the
It will also offer you discuss various factors that affect social, psychological, and
are related in this track are fitness trainers, game officials, tournament manager,
features. A career path is a smaller group of jobs within a career cluster that use
animate and inanimate objects and human and non-human resources that a
teacher may use in teaching and learning situations to help achieve desired
interactive. They are tools used in instructional activities, which include active
Bonafide- mean being actually and exactly what is claimed, made with
earnest intent
knowledge of movement and safety, and their ability to use these to perform in a
wide range of activities associated with the development of an active and healthy
lifestyle. It also develops students’ confidence and generic skills, especially those
of collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking and aesthetic
appreciation. These, together with the nurturing of positive values and attitudes
in PE, provide a good foundation for students’ lifelong and life-wide learning.