Eye Module Exam

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Nipple Cones of cornea are seen in:

a. Bitot spots
b. Hyphema
c. Hypopyon
d. Keratoconus
e. Posterior synechaie
f. Punctate keratitis
g. Raccoon eyes
h. Sub conjunctival hemorrhage
i. Tobacco dusting
j. Vitreous hemorrhage
2. Papillae at the palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva are seen in:
a. Chlamydial conjunctivitis
b. Herpes simplex conjunctivitis
c. Kerato conjunctivitis secca
d. Vernal kerato conjunctivitis
3. Vernal Kerato conjunctivitis is mediated by:
a. IgA
b. IgE
c. IgG
d. IgM
4. A young male was hit by a cricket ball. on examination, there was blood in anterior
a. Bitot spots
b. Hyphema
c. Hypopyon
d. Keratoconus
e. Posterior synechaie
f. Punctate keratitis
g. Raccoon eyes
h. Sub conjunctival hemorrhage
i. Tobacco dusting
j. Vitreous hemorrhage
5. Patient with thickened lid margins and trachoma:
a. Chalazion
b. Distichiasis
c. Ectropion
d. Entropion
e. Madarosis
f. Ptosis
g. Ptylosis
h. Stye
i. Symblethrom
j. Trichiasis
6. A leprosy patient with loss of eyelashes:
a. Chalazion
b. Distichiasis
c. Ectropian
d. Entropian
e. Madarosis
f. Ptosis
g. Ptylosis
h. Stye
i. Symblethrom
j. Trichiasis
7. Cyloplegics along with tropical steroids are used in Red eye associated with:
a. Acute Bacterial Keratitis
b. Acute iritis
c. Conjunctivitis
d. Episcleritis
8. Fungal Keratitis is common in:
a. Factory workers
b. Agriculture workers
c. Glass blowers
d. Mine workers
9. Haziness of cornea may be seen in:
a. Congenital cataract
b. Glaucoma
c. Retinoblastoma
d. Retrolental fibroplasias
10. Ophthalmia Nodosa is caused by:
a. House Dust
b. Caterpillar Hairs
c. Dust mites
d. Pollens
11. The commonest refractive error causing strabismus is:
a. Astigmatism
b. Hyper myopia

hypermetropia it is
c. Myopia
d. Presbyopia
12. Diabetes causes:
a. Blindness in young person only
b. Retinal Artery Occlusion
c. Iritis
d. Cataract
13. Chalcosis is caused by retained intraocular Foreign body made up of:
a. Brass
b. Copper
c. Mercury
d. Nickel
14. The commonest malignant tumor of eyelid is:
a. Adeno carcinoma
b. Basal Cell Carcinoma
c. Junctional naevus
d. Squamous cell carcinoma
15. Hypertension can cause following changes in Eye:
a. Cataract
b. Dislocation of lens
c. Iridocyclitis
d. Retinopathy
16. Metamorphosia in central vison is due to:
a. Cataract
b. Glaucoma
c. Macular Degeneration
d. Vitreous Degeneration
17. The safest and clearest vision for a myopic person is:
a. Bandage contact lens
b. Cosmetic lens
c. Femtosecond laser
d. Hard contact lens
e. Intraocular lens implantation
f. Lamellar Keratoplasty
g. LASIK (laser associated in situ keratomileusis)
h. Penetrating keratoplasty
i. Soft contact lens
j. Spectacles
18. Blow out Fracture of the floor of the orbit cause:
a. Enophthalmos
b. Exophthalmos
c. Miosis
d. Ptosis
19. A 60 year old male patient with uncontrolled diabetes presented with Sudden loss of
a. Bitot spots
b. Hyphema
c. Hypopyon
d. Keratoconus
e. Posterior synechaie
f. Punctate keratitis’
g. Raccoon eyes
h. Sub conjunctival hemorrhage
i. Tobacco dusting
j. Vitreous hemorrhage
20. Best Statement regarding buphthalmos is:
a. It does not cause optic disc cupping
b. It is a bilateral condition
c. It is associated with the enlargement of the lens
d. It is associated with presbyopia
21. Most frequent cause of congenital cataract is:
a. Congenital Rubella
b. Corticosteroid use during pregnancy
c. Intrauterine Hypoxia
d. Maternal exposure to radiation
22. Floaters in vision are mainly due to problem in:
a. Cornea
b. Lens
c. Vitreous
d. Retina
23. (THEME: CORNEA) Patient with persistent corneal epithelium defect due to aberrant
a. Bandage contact lens
b. Cosmetic lens
c. Femtosecond laser
d. Hard contact lens
e. Intraocular lens implantation
f. Lamellar Keratoplasty
g. LASIK (laser associated in situ keratomileusis)
h. Penetrating keratoplasty
i. Soft contact lens
j. Spectacles
24. Flashes of light is most commonly due to:
a. Cataract
b. Glaucoma
c. Vitreous Detachment
d. Vitreous Hemorrhage
25. Occlusion of central retinal vein has all the clinical features except:
A. loss of vision
B. Red eye
C. Retinal Hemorrhage
D. Swollen Optic Disc
26. A patient with invert enrolling eyelid margin causing Corneal Ulcer:
a. Chalazion
b. Distichiasis
c. Ectropion
d. Entropion
e. Madarosis
f. Ptosis
g. Ptylosis
h. Stye
i. Symblethron
j. Trichiasis
27. Emergency management of Alkali Burns is:
a. Copious irrigation of eye with water
b. Tropical Antibiotics
c. Tropical Cycloplegics
d. Tropical Pilocarpine Eye drops
28. Dendritic Type of Corneal Ulcer is caused by:
a. Adeno virus
b. Herpes Simplex Virus
c. Herpes Zoster Virus
d. Molluscum Contagius
29. Causes of Gradual Loss of Vision are all except:
a. Cataract
b. Conjunctivitis
c. Macular Degeneration
d. Refractive Errors
30. A young male patient presented with right eye corneal ulcer and collection of pus in
interior chamber:
a. Bitot spots
b. Hyphema
c. Hypopyon
d. Keratoconus
e. Posterior synechaie
f. Punctate keratitis
g. Raccoon eyes
h. Sub conjunctival hemorrhage
i. Tobacco dusting
j. Vitreous hemorrhage
31. A young lady with history of chemical injury presenting with Conjunctival Adhesions:
a. Chalazion
b. Distichiasis
c. Ectropion
d. Entropion
e. Madarosis
f. Ptosis
g. Ptylosis
h. Stye
i. Symblethron
j. Trichiasis
32. The adjunctive treatment for preventing pterygium recurrence is the use of:
a. Antibiotic Drops
b. Cyclosporine
c. Mitomycin C
d. Tear Substitutes
33. Which of the following is not a corneal layer:
a. Stroma
b. Epithelium
c. Descement Membrane
d. Tarsal Layer
34. (THEME: CORNEA) A 20 year old male having history of Ocular Trauma presents with
Corneal scar in pupillary axis:
a. Bandage contact lens
b. Cosmetic lens
c. Femtosecond laser
d. Hard contact lens
e. Intraocular lens implantation
f. Lamellar Keratoplasty
g. LASIK (laser associated in situ keratomileusis)
h. Penetrating keratoplasty
e. Soft contact lens
f. Spectacles
35. If hypermetropia is not corrected for a long time, Eye becomes:
a. Amblyopic
b. Myopic
c. Hypermetropic
d. Astigmatic
36. Complications of Trachoma are all except:
a. Conjunctivitis
b. Dry Eyes
c. Ectropion
d. Optic Neuritis
37. Premature babies kept on high oxygen concentration are associated with:
a. Congenital Cataract
b. Glaucoma
c. Retinoblastoma
d. Retrolental Fibroplasias
38. Life threatening cause of leuckoria is:
a. Congenital Cataract
b. Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous
c. Retinoblastoma
d. Retrolental Fibroplasias
39. Large Keratic precipitates typically occur in:
a. Chronic Anterior Uveitis
b. Chronic Posterior Uveitis
c. Granulomatous Uveitis
d. Non-Granulomatous Uveitis
40. The most common symptom in Congenital Glaucoma is:
a. Epiphora
b. Photophobia
c. Burning
d. Redness
41. The best method of correction of aphakia:
a. Concave Lens
b. High Concave Lens
c. Bandage concave lens
d. Intraocular Lens implantation
42. Pharyngo-conjunctival fever is caused by:
a. Adenovirus
b. Enterovirus
c. Herpes Simplex Virus
d. Herpes Zoster Virus
43. (THEME: CORNEA) A young boy with a frequent spectacle change with irregular
a. Bandage contact lens
b. Cosmetic lens
c. Femtosecond Laser
d. Hard Contact Lens
e. Intraocular lens implantation
f. Lamellar keratoplasty
g. LASIK (laser Associated Insitu Keratomileusis)
h. Penetrating keratoplasty
i. Soft contact lens
j. Spectacles
44. Visual Field loss may occur in following conditions except:
a. Cataract
b. Neurological Diseases
c. Open Angle Glaucoma
d. Pituitary Tumor
45. Episcleritis commonly presents with:
a. Impaired Vision
b. Mild to Moderate discomfort and pain
c. Mucopurulent Discharge
d. Severe Pain
46. (THEME: CORENA) A young Lady with Moderate Myopia wants to get rid of glasses:
a. Bandage contact lens
b. Cosmetic lens
c. Femtosecond laser
d. Hard contact lens
e. Intraocular lens implantation
f. Lamellar Keratoplasty
g. LASIK (laser associated in situ keratomileusis)
h. Penetrating keratoplasty
i. Soft contact lens
j. Spectacles
47. A four year old child with Vitamin A deficiency presented with glistening triangular patches
in conjunctiva:
a. Bitot spots
b. Hyphema
c. Hypopyon
d. Keratoconus
e. Posterior synechaie
f. Punctate keratitis
g. Raccoon eyes
h. Sub conjunctival hemorrhage
i. Tobacco dusting
j. Vitreous hemorrhage
48. A diabetic patient with 3rd Nerve Palsy:
a. Chalazion
b. Distichiasis
c. Ectropion
d. Entropion
e. Madarosis
f. Ptosis
g. Ptylosis
h. Stye
i. Symblethron
j. Trichiasis
49. Distichiasis means:
a. Absent Eyelashes
b. Invert turning of Eyelashes
c. Extra row of Eyelashes
d. Scanty Eyelashes
50. Tonometry is the objective measurement of:
a. Corneal Diameter
b. Corneal Thickness
c. Depth of anterior chamber
d. Intraocular pressure

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