Gen Ed
Gen Ed
Gen Ed
Questions concerning these guidelines can be addressed to for the consideration of the committee. --Pass/Fail grading No course taken for a pass/fail grade will be counted as meeting a general education requirement. --Course Substitutions and Appeals Departments and units must not substitute for a GERapproved course any University of Louisville course not on the GER-approved list. The GECC will not accept any appeal for such consideration. --Restricted Sections of GER Courses in Major Programs Departments or programs with general-education courses also required for particular majors may restrict one or more sections to students in that major, provided that additional sections are open to enrollment by non-majors. Where practical, the open and restricted section(s) should be scheduled at the same or similar times. --CD Credit for Study Abroad Students may petition for Cultural Diversity (CD) credit after participation in a university sanctioned study-abroad program. The petition must include an essay identifying which form of CD credit is requested, describing the program and explaining how the experience met the learning outcomes of the CD competency. Petitions must be submitted to the committee by e-mail to Detailed instructions (including specifications of the essay, criteria for assessment of the essay and limits on the petition period) are available on the General Education website at . --CD Credit for Transfer Courses A student may petition the General Education Curriculum Committee to evaluate transfer courses identified by the Admissions Office as not equivalent to any existing approved CD course. The student requesting the evaluation must provide a catalog course description and a syllabus of the course(s) in question as well as an essay, identifying which form of CD credit is requested and explaining how the transfer course addresses the learning outcomes of the CD general-education requirement. Petitions must be submitted to the committee by e-mail to Detailed instructions (including specifications of the essay criteria for assessment of the essay and limits on the petition period) are available on the General Education website at . --CD Credit for Life Experience A student may petition for Cultural Diversity (CD) credit based on life experience. The petition must include an essay identifying which form of CD credit is requested and describing and explaining how the life experience met the learning outcomes of the CD competency. Petitions must be submitted to the committee by e-mail to Detailed instructions (including specifications of the essay, criteria for assessment of the essay and limits on the petition period) are available at . -- General Education Credit for Fully-certified Transfer Students Transfer students with full general-education certification under the Kentucky block transfer policy have completed all general-education requirements of the University of Louisville. Under that state policy, the university will not require such students to complete the Cultural Diversity competency requirement. -- General Education Requirements for Seconddegree Students For students already holding a baccalaureate degree but in residence to complete a second baccalaureate, the general education requirements shall be waived. Statewide General Education Block Transfer Policy Students who transfer between Kentuckys public institutions of higher education may qualify for a block rather than course-by-course transfer. Beginning in January, 1996, this policy was established as a means of promoting the transfer of lower-division general education requirements from one public institution to another and reducing the probability that credits may be lost or courses repeated due to transfer. Students should request that their transcript from Kentucky public institutions be Gen Ed certified before they are sent to the University of Louisville. The statewide block transfer policy applies to transfer students who have completed all or part of lower-division general
Humanities (6 hours) Includes courses from but not limited to the following: Fine Arts (excluding studio and performance courses) Philosophy Literature History Foreign Literature Cross-Cultural Inter/Multi-Disciplinary
Behavioral/Social Sciences (9 hours) Includes courses
from but not limited to the following listing AND must be represented by a minimum of two disciplines and must be different from those disciplines used to meet the Humanities requirement: Psychology Sociology Economics History Anthropology Geography Political Science Cross-Cultural Inter/Multi-Disciplinary Natural Sciences (6 hours) Includes courses from but not limited to the following disciplines: Biology Chemistry Physics Astronomy Geosciences Mathematics (3 hours) MinimumCollege Algebra Transfer Students and GER
Students who have completed lower-division general education requirements or have an AA/AS degree upon transfer may find that this policy applies to them. Students should request that their transcript from Kentucky public institutions be Gen Ed certified before they are sent to the University of Louisville.